Just before the Pandemic, FEMA was doing a little research on their good friends, the Preppers. It is almost like they knew something crazy was getting ready to happen.
Well, the party doing the research was actually, Dr. Chris Ellis. He was a US Army Strategic Planning and Policy Program Fellow working with Cornell University to better understand the “state of preparedness in America.”
Dr. Ellis had been spending lots of time researching years of FEMA data and getting a better understanding of the preparedness level of our nation.
So, what was the data that FEMA had on preppers?
Resilient Citizens
A 2018 FEMA study was done on 5000 households across the nation.
From this study it became very clear that FEMA was trying to understand how many people are prepared, what demographic, and how long were they prepared to be on their own.
They identified these “prepared” citizens as people who can survive 31 days on their own. Dr. Ellis called these people Resilient Citizens.
Are you a resilient citizen? I think it is a great goal to be prepared for one month or more.
Dr. Ellis took a stab at categorizing the 5 types of resilient citizens based off of his research and the research in the FEMA prepper report.
FEMA Does Not Have Enough Food Either!
We have all seen FEMA in action on the national stage and we are now going to see FEMA stretch far beyond its limits.
Related: Find Out What Areas Would Be Targeted by FEMA When SHTF (they’ll take your supplies)
They do not even come close to having enough food to help 1 major US city out of a crisis, let alone a nation that is going to be hit with extreme food prices, staggering inflation, and scarcity of resources that will give way to radical levels of civil unrest.
FEMA and the US Government at large knows that civil unrest is coming. They also know that there is virtually nothing they can do to stop it.
If we do experience even a whiff of food scarcity in this nation people will go bonkers.
FEMA and other government agencies will be tasked with seeking out every last resource to be redistributed.
FEMA Is Collecting Valuable Data
Dr. Ellis farmed this study for some incredible information and the study shows that FEMA is busy gathering data about preppers.
There are some incredible statistics about demographics.
While 13% of the US is Black, around 6.5% of preppers are Black. However, when correcting for income, education, and where people live, racial differences are muted.
Two groups that do report prepping more than average are Pacific peoples and those with disabilities.
Related: If You Know Someone Who is New to Prepping, Send This to Them
Women make up 31% of the prepper ranks and the number is growing.
FEMA also compiling information about the growth of prepping and preppers in the nation over time.
3.8% of households were counted as a Resilient Citizen (RC) in 2017.
That grew to 4.5% in 2018, then 5.2% in 2019. The most interesting stat that FEMA gleaned from this study was that of the people surveyed there was no political or educational commonality.
In other words, the preppers involved in the study did not skew one way or another.
A pool of 5,000 people who purport to be preppers is not a bad study size. Of course, the bulk of serious preppers aren’t answering questions in a survey about prepping, but this is a sign of hope that this movement is not skewing in any one direction.
The Importance Of OPSEC
These issues with government agencies that inherit radical levels of power in times of a crisis should be a further motivation to pay close attention to OPSEC.
You should not be giving over information about your preps to some person who is at your door or on your phone doing a survey. That is just asking for trouble.
You do not have to hide everything you do from everyone around you. If you take that route, then you will fall victim to the lone wolf fate.
To be a modern prepper simply requires some tact. As more and more people get prepared in urban and suburban areas, we have to be able to both prep behind closed doors but also reach out to those around us who are interested in getting started in prepping or are already preppers looking to build tribe, MAG, or some other form of group.
You need numbers if you are going to do things like run security, grow lots of food, run a community in austere times.
I cannot help myself but wonder about this study that was done by FEMA. Why? Why track down the preppers and find out how many “resilient citizens” there are in this country?
We know for a fact that they have no ability to fill the gap that exists between the preppers and the rest of the unprepared. Isn’t that, right?
So, could they be trying to figure out how many people are “hoarding” food that can repurposed to hand out to the unprepared? FEMA will continue to study prepared communities like our own and they will map these homesteads and prepper homes as resources.
This is why they are doing the research and tracking down preppers.
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Well I wonder what agency will enforce this..,., oh wait the thin blue line. Yep local police won’t have a a problem stealing from you for the greater good.
Most of the readers here will have to obey. The cops are doing their jobs and good law abiding citizens don’t question law enforcement. Because they are all on the republican pro gun freedom sides.
I sure as sheet wouldn’t want to be part of THAT “research”. The data will only determine who gets nailed to spread the wealth first. Yep, I can hear it now- FEMA:”in case of food shortage, go to (raven tactical residence for food and other necessary survival supplies that you didn’t bother to buy yourself”. See, hunger crisis adverted…thanks all you paranoid f*ckers!!!
If the SHTF Law enforcement goes home. So what if you have a paying job if the money you make is worthless? In fact the 1st week 90% of the unprepared will die. Those who would seek to take by force whether they be the government or not. Will have a rude awakening to the fact people are not going to tolerate people. The government can send in whatever weapons they wish. By the time they access the area they themselves will have gone scorched earth on the very items that they wanted to redistribute
people will obey cops….and turn in guns give up food… people are 90 percent sheep.
In fact the 1st week 90% of the unprepared will die…
Not necessarily. Most of the people in the USA are obese and can live a long time without food.
Water is going to be the big issue.
Dual you have some serious problems, all of your commits are negative, cannot go thru life being down on everything, cheer up there is hope in Jesus.
Cop in my area just got life for being a chomo. That’s just TODAY’S story. I trust the local Crips more than local PDs.
Raven and the other big talking tough guys will be the first to give up and bend over…. bank on it.
Yes, that would be completely legal as GUARANTEED in the Constitution and its Bill of RIGHTS! Hmm where did you go astray?
They will take your preps and save their own, as well as fighting to see who will be the next warlord.
The police and military ultimately do what they’re told by the people who sign their checks. Make sure those people are Conservatives, because we’ve already seen what the left will do.
don’t worry about the FEDs or the State or even the County when it comes to property searches and seizure >>> it’s your local GOV that’s the threat – pure miracle if anyone from the Mayor on down the ranks is anything but a sheeple >>> what they do have is power and authority – backed up by badges that have equally unprepared families ….
if you have crap OPSEC – you can probably expect a posse kicking on the door sooner than anyone else – snitches will be getting their part of the booty ….
That is the truth man.
Those backing the thin blue line will really have a fun time with that one. Its funny they are blinded by thinking the cops and military are heroes.
It just a job that people get paid for and they don’t join out of “protecting your stuff” They join for a paycheck and benefits like everyone else works for a living . They won’t risk their paycheck to save you or your family. When it comes time to round up guns or food.
not looking to bash either PDs or the military – it’s just logical thinking that they will be doing their job thinking FEMA will be riding over hill at any time >>> only thing they’ll have to feed their families is the local civilian posse leadership and some local decree granting “official” authority to seize resources ….
What’s really funny is that the big mouth know-it-alls that brag about how prepared they are that will be the first to fall.
That’s the truth. Remember what the mayor – police chief did in Louisiana using national guard, police to confiscate all firearms in a time of need? remember them kicking in doors for no crime, just to confiscate guns? So much for the 2nd + 4th. amendment.
My city council saw fit to spend over 3m bucks on a soccer field that’ll get used by maybe 200 people in a city of 55,000. Not trustworthy in peacetime, so absolutely not trustworthy in a crisis of any kind.
Russia circa 1917. Just like in “Doctor Zhivago”, where they just didn’t come and take stuff to give it away, they forced folks out of their homes.
I have to wonder how the survey of 5,000 people was conducted. Did they telephone or conduct a mail based survey. Or did they just check credit and debit card purchase receipts? The article mentions gathering data, that would indicate to me that they used credit and debit card receipt records. Dotgov is not your friend.
Thanks for this article James. I was most happy to see that the study says preppers have “no political or educational commonality”. You wouldn’t know that from most prepper articles. Many if not most slant toward very conservative Republican ideals and often put politics in their articles. I have been Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, and now finally a confirmed independent as I have lost faith in each political party. I know preppers in all political realms. Republican would be autocrats scare me as much as liberal Democratic socialist. President George Washington warned the nation of the influence of political parties in his farewell speech as he tried to mediate between the parties Thomas Jefferson (his Secretary of State) and Alexander Hamilton (his Secretary of Treasury) helped create. I am a gun owner, avid gardener, and prepper but I learn as much from a good prepping liberal Democrat as I do from a conservative Republican. I wish more writers on prepping would leave out the political stuff and just help us prepare with good advice. I was a local elected official for ten years and had to take National Incident Management Systems training by FEMA. FEMA clearly lets local rural officials know that they cannot expect help from FEMA or state agencies for a minimum of two weeks and if its a regional or national emergency it may be months since they will have to concentrate on cities. But they are grossly unprepared as most people are. The recent shortages of baby formula, problems with shipping, manufacturing, war by Russia should all be wake up calls for people to start preparing. But unfortunately most will not do it. I’m retired now and I try encouraging my family to prepare. As a city official it took several years to convince our city to put in generators to run our river water pump and water and waste water treatment plants but we finally got it accomplished so we could keep those systems running without power at least for a short period of time. Thanks for sharing the info on the study. I plan to find the study to read more. Dennis
It’s sad to see so many anti cop posts but I can understand SOME of the feelings there. Some things you should do (or should have been doing all along) is NOT buy in bulk unless you can with cash. It was obvious to me that the “research ” being done was using credit card data. And don’t think they don’t use it. If you buy bulk ammo use cash and buy SMALL amounts of bulk at a time not pallets worth. And for God’s sake KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ABOUT YOUR PREPS. The only ones you should discuss it with is those in your “group ” if you have one or immediate family who are your group.
I disagree that the cops will be hunting down preppers to get their food. They will be too busy with other stuff like riots. As a retired cop with 27 yrs I never attended or even heard any info about this subject or what we would do if a SHTF event happened. I also don’t know a single cop now on the job or retired who would comply with such orders. Most would not even stay on the job but would go home to protect their families. Not necessarily all at once but at some point even they are going to realize the government is NOT going to do the right thing whether it’s local, state or federal.
My biggest frustration is people I talk to about buying extra food who smile at me and Nod in agreement but you can tell they either think you are nuts or they have tuned you out. Especially family members who I am just trying to help. My favorite response is “If it happens I’m coming to stay with you”. Their faces change when I say “No you aren’t. I warned you and you thought I was nuts and NOW you wake to feed,shelter and pryou? IF I let you in you better be prepared to work your ass off for your keep.” And NEVER talk to strangers about your preps. It could kill you.
I don’t remember how we got on the topic, but I have had one cop tell me that he didnt need to prep. He had all the preps he needed as he patted his sidearm.
Now I know that one cop doesn’t speak for every cop, but if one thinks that way, I would suspect there are a couple more lurking here and there who entertain similar thoughts.
LCC, I know a few LE and military that are also preppers. If SHTF they will assess the situation, help if they can but also be ready to head home at anytime to protect their families, and will not comply with unlawful orders to go raiding the civilian population to confiscate anything. I’m not saying there won’t be any willing participants, but for anyone who thinks they are going to use their uniform or service weapons to take from others, they will soon learn there are many that will defend themselves against all enemies, both Foreign AND Domestic.
I have a close neighbor who is a cop. I wonder if he thinks the same way as that one.
Having lived next door to a big city cop for over 40 years, believe me when I say, they think in terms of us cops & then there is “you”. There are some great cops but most will “cover” for their own. That’s their “code”.
I hear that ! Regarding family members especially one’s children who think you are nuts. Hey they have been advised. They have been informed. Adult children make their own decisions. A potential bad decision would be to assume that the adult kids can come over and get what they need or even more humorous that they could just take what they wanted without any consequence….If they did NOTHING to minimally prepare then they have NOTHING coming. Zero……When the S truly hits the F all bets will be off…..We have not experienced the coming chaos in our history. Nothing will compare to what is likely to come. Drastic measures will be necessary for survival. That is if one determines that surviving such a world is worth it. Rough road ahead.
Any adult who lives in an area that has experienced severe weather has been duly warned. Since that is almost every adult on Earth, what can you really say to them that they’ll hear? If they’re not prepared for what their immediate surroundings will throw at them, they’re not going to be interested in preparing for anything political, economic, or societal. They just don’t care. They want their Saturday 8-Ball and their TV.
road pirates ? Sorry i don’t trust the thin blue line to do anything useful. Some are good but most will follow orders. History show’s that to be true with every turn. Katrina showed how the police and military rounded up guns and left people unarmed with looters all around. Why deal with the rioters when you can be legally looting for the “greater good”
A friend of mine just had their entire flocks killed by the USDA without any evidence of bird flu. They threatened them with the sheriff department as well.
but hey just vote harder right get those right people in office
Hey Raven meatball we are all very aware that voting does not get us exactly what we want. Your alternative of not voting at all would work out very well for your Leftist, Liberal buddies.
Not going to work Libertard.
how’s voting working out for the right…. oh wait 2000 mules and nothing happens lol right
raven: Your responsibility is to vote. Next, to keep an eye on things to keep it honest. All you do is support your spiritual father, biden.
Being a retired military cop of 22 years, then 18 more years of Boston cop I agree most will be ok and some are preppers of course there are those (usually local good old boys) that would try.
My neighbor is a cop and I’ve been warning him for a couple of years to prep for his family. He and his wife were over for a bonfire over a year ago and they told me they would just come over here. My response, “The FUCK you will!” A few days ago, I had that say talk with him. Again he said they would just come over here. I told him point blank that I have calculated for MY family and I WILL NOT put them in jeopardy to help someone who refuses to help themselves. After a bit more back and forth, I think I got him convinced to at least start stocking. But either way, he knows not to come here. He may be a cop, but my husband, myself and my brother in law are fully locked and loaded. Our state is said to be the first hit by the diesel shortages but we are as ready as we can be.
yep but he will come with the boys in blue and take it by force and backed by the law.
Wonder if the large prepared food companies have been checked also.
I was wondering the same thing??
The email list from Prepper sites like this one is how they will find you! The email list from websites that sell Prepper food and supplies is another way!
So, I just checked out Dr. Ellis – he has an active Twitter account. He seems to be on the side of preparedness just based on the info he presents. He actually had some info on there that I would think that someone who was after your rice and beans wouldn’t be posting on social media (his post on Germany’s long view budget plan for one). I don’t think He is the boogeyman in this… It seems as if he is trying to get more Americans to become self sufficient. FEMA on the other hand……
I took most of the FEMA courses for Destructive Weather Management, as being the Destructive Weather Response Manager was one of the hats I wore when still in the mil. The one thing that always struck me odd was that every time I had a class going on my computer at work, with my huge Ops Chief computer monitor, and older folks walked by, they would always comment on FEMA, and always in the negative. Now these are GS 12 and higher, all retired mil people, and typically had attained the rank of COL or higher, with a few Sr Enlisted guys thrown in the mix. It was always a negative comment about FEMA.
On Dr. Ellis – I just scrolled down about two pages worth of his Tweets – initial assessment: well, he is about as popular as I am on Twitter… and I don’t have a Twitter account. Most of his posts are about prepping/homesteading or art or God. Pretty sure he’s an actual prepper too.
Again, FEMA is mostly evil.
Hey Raven Tactical Moron please quit posting. Honestly you are far to stupid to understand even the simplest concepts. You prove your ignorance everytime you write.
What’s wrong dude, 2000 mules and you still you can win by voting.. I almost wonder if every socialist nation has people just like you. VOTE HARDER WE CAN WIN THIS TIME and beat the corruption.
People are sheep and this country is falling apart like every other empire. The truth is nothing will be saving it because we the people won’t be doing that. The only one who can is YHWH our Elohim but i have a feeling his hand of protection is long gone and we are facing the wrath.
Yes the country is falling apart and part of the reason for that is all the weasels like you. You hide in your basement pounding your chest, tell everyone how big and bad you are, criticizing anyone who trys to keep things together and doing nothing yourself to improve the situation. You puke nonsense and do not possess an ounce of common sense, a useful idiot of the Liberals and I shall not waste anymore time on you.
X-spurt, that’s because you pissed him off too, so he has abandoned you and all other cultists like you.
So, what, were you the stupid cop?
So you don’t like Raven’s messages. Don’t read them. It is easy to skip over them. Suggesting that he doesn’t have the right to post here or thst he should stop posting here makes those who express those opinion exactly the same as those liberals at colleges who refuse to allow conservatives to express their views on campus or supposed access sites who ban posters who post comments that question the effects of global warming or question the wearing of masks or shut downs.
In my opinion this site is unique in that it makes no attempt to edit or ban any comments no matter how vacuous or from how far in left field. Let Raven rantvon no matter how insufferable his rant may be. He sometimes hits the nail on the head.
You’re right of course. I have a very difficult time tolerating stupid and need to learn to overlook it.
Troll on Raven.
LCC, there is some editing that occurs on the Ask-A-Prepper blogs. There has been a lot of SPAM “advertisement” posts about buying things online that I receive “new comment” notices in my email but have been removed from the Ask-A-Prepper blogs.
Yeah, give Raven a break, shoot, an article on FEMA is blood and chum to the sharks of political discussion but it stays pretty civilized here.
I’ve dealt with some cops I truly love but don’t trust them overall, but the county sheriff in our area is a force for good.
FEMA is last to a disaster and shows up with the least. Just another over funded overstaffed beauracracy.
We have a few good guy cops in my area, but we’ve also got quite a few “I’m only following orders” types around here.
It’s very smart to learn before the crisis which are which.
Don’t kid yourself. Unless you’ve managed to disappear off the grid, every single soul subscribed to email lists like Ask a Prepper or any other prepping or homesteading site will be the targets of bad guys, whether our own government or criminal gangs with a computer whiz among their ranks.
Single family preppers near population centers will be looted quickly. Those that have managed to form a mutual protection militia may last a little longer, perhaps even until the bad guys starve.
@Roga: So, what is a 70 Y.O. Woman living alone with children at least 250 miles away supposed to do?
I have no living relatives nearby, and I am so ‘afraid’ to let anyone know I prep because of OPSEC.
Being an only child, making friends was always a chore for me, and being different was as well.
So, I guess I can just kiss my a** goodby because I have no prepper friends and a gang of them with me, I’m doomed to die quickly?
So tell me, what to do?
Not for nothing, but the “cops” all (2) million total in America will be greatly out gunned if crap goes REAL bad. Most likely even a few will be on OUR side next to us. Example: My town has under (10) total cops for about a 3200 population…..LMAO IF they EVER thought about trying anything, them AND their families would be in deep crap…..
I’m a Christian man and as such have prepared accordingly. I have a life after this one. Do you?
Psalms 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? KJV
have you seen Bear Independents podcast on youtube over revelations ? Check it out a very good dude who is an excellent prepper and torah observant .
You’re right very good information presented well and not offensive.?
this Bear Independent video about the current world situation is better
Michael: His strength and peace be on you. niio
I think all of this is very disturbing! Of all the people I know, none are prepared for a food or water shortage. I’m old, 70 plus, my best option is to depend on Jehovah, I just can’t see myself shooting people, I hate to hit an animal on the road, it makes me kinda sick feeling. I mostly tell my kids, seek the Lord God while there’s time, but God has to call you to begin with. It’s a terrible mess that this country has been headed to for at least 5 decades, crooked elites think in decades, not years. I’ve seen footage on the Maui fire, it is said that it was done on purpose, this is some barbaric crapola, I believe those people were murdered, for the beautiful shores of Maui that have been coveted for decades, the locals refused to sell, now they are told they can’t rebuild, because of climate warming, no one is out protesting this stuff, the country is divided, started with Obama, and of course Obama is still in office, they are all corrupt, and I don’t trust anyone, most people are extremely wicked, it’s just hid well, if you don’t have Jesus in your heart, your wicked, and self survival trumps all! I pray to bow to Gods will and not be afraid, we all gotta die sometime, better to die with Jesus on your side. I never thought I would ever see this wickedness in USA, but here it is, only God can stop this, and it’s questionable as to will he or not.
It seems like everywhere I turn there’s an LEO, but it’s not a big town, just happens to to between Pittsburg and DC and next to Baltisore…the drug triangle. I make it a point to approach cops for a positive experience m and usually can ask them where they stand on “following orders”. Most say “don’t worry about most of us” or something to that point. They know me, a couple arrested me back in the day, and they all know where I stand. If it ever gets bad, knowing they might have remembered our conversation, which may be the tipping factor that convinces them to “leave this guy alone, he’s no threat”. Some say that’s too much effort, others say I think too much. I say it’s planting a seed for my survival…I hope.
Survey? Let’s see, you suppose FEMA has complete and total access to computer data bases all over the USA? Yeah? well then let’s run a scan of data bases for people subscribed to prepper sites? Hmmmm…. now that’s a survey!
Preppers data source: sales/delivery records of every and all companies in the dried foods industry, just for starters. 7
I wanted to buy The Lost Ways book but I do not have the patience to listen to the whole presentation. There should be an option to bypass.
Agreed ?
Get the hard copy of both books! Unless you have made it possible to keep your laptop/phone possible to keep a charge quietly the digital copy becomes useless.
do both, hard copy and digital
Try Amazon. I saw one of the other “lost” books there today.
Deborah: Go to the bottom of the page. niio
It’s not worth the money! You can find it all free on utube! I just bought one, got half my money back, they wanted me to pay shipping back to them, plus pay for their shipping to me, or,,, I could keep book for 25$, I opted to keep the book, I think I came out better, better to buy that lady’s book who shows you how to forage for foods and how to make medicines and various other things. That info can be found on utube free as well, but to much work!
All the government needs to do is get the names and addresses of customers from the companies like 4 Patriots who sell freeze dried meals, if they plan to raid “Preppers” food.
They don’t need to do a study, if thats what they are preparing for.
Hide your food in multiple locations on your property if possible, I’ll be damned if i will be one of those people in one of FEMA’s camps after they took all my food. I’m totally into also having several places to hide out in either on the property or close by, Bugging out isn’t a really good thing i can do as i am 75 and disabled. But I know how to prepare, how to hide and will do so.
If you think your local cops are there to serve and protect, just look at how they served and protected those poor children recently in Texas. When I was young I worked 2nd shift at a plant in a rural area and traveled 30 miles to and from work. I would be traveling at 1 am in the morning on back roads. Cops were the worst at pulling me over and trying to coerce me to put out. Little did they know how close they came to dying because I had my gun cocked, finger on the trigger and if they had made one move to touch me I’d have promptly deposited 2 or 3 bullets in them and driven off. The days before cameras. I’m not a lawless person, nor am I advocating for violence against police, but a women has the right to protect herself against assault no matter who the perpetrator. Women who are afraid of firearms and are anti-guns are fools as firearms are the great equalizers. One more thing about your local cops. Think they are one of you. Not. Think Australia. Video after video of local police bullying, trampling, body slamming citizens who would not wear a face panty or a shop owner who had the gonads to keep his shop open during the useless lockdowns. One cops answer when asked by one of the citizens as to how could he do this to a fellow citizen and he answered “I have to feed my family”, so you see it comes down to them looking out for themselves and their fellow cops. You are delusional if you think they are anything more than a paramilitary group who will do the bidding of whoever has the authority to issue a pay check.
Dead on the nuts about cops. Contrary to popular opinion the majority are not good cops with a few bad ones. Truth is most are bullies that want a license to act like a tough guy.
Most in my area are preppers. They support guns in the hands of citizens and do not get involved in family fights unless a crime’s being committed. But then, this is a highly conservative area. Years ago, when Babbitt (D) was governor he ran Arizona like a personal fife but thanks to that, the state booted out liberals. they’re creeping back in, but a cleansing is coming this year.
Uvalde’s chief of police is a dem.
Can You Trust the Government to Protect You and Your Family?
^i’ll just say that some people say preppers….. and i often wonder what that means to the majority of people.
A question i would ask them is if they seen a “machine gun in a civilian hands ” Would they just leave the guy alone or would they bother the guy. I know its a job for most of them and at times a power trip for others. 2022 will just see the end of the democracy as we seen the end of the republic in the 1900s
I’m not surprised at all. Glad that Broward keeps getting mentioned, like in that article. Look up former sheriff Ken Jenne.
Why would they want to
They have the UN to back them. ANY sign of unrest and they can invoke a number of things and take complete control. Why do you think they love terrorists so much? niio
Why is FEMA tracking down preppers? This is how they prepare for a food crisis. hypocrites!
The Goal : Conquest of the Rebellion
Getting Rid of those who wont comply and follow the agenda
Control of YOU and YOUR family , Your assetts , Your positions , your life
Goal , Total Control
socialism to communism , then worship of the fake , false, final world leader supreme
The bible predicts this and it will happen
Yes, this is so minutely told in Bible prophecy, Bible being the only book to have 100% of the prophecies come to pass, the One World Government is near, the Man of Perdition must be exposed, he may well be a Pope, if people don’t take the mark, which the mark is worshipping the Beast, the Beast is the One World Government with the one man who says he can cure all our problems, contrary to popular belief, the mark is not something they put on you, it’s whom do you serve, Jehovah or Man of Perdition. I don’t know how soon, no one does, but things are surely pointing to tribulations, and Gods people will be here for that as well, a lie is floating around, it started in 1835-36, by J. N. Darby, he brought it back from England area, a young girl stood up in the church after having been very I’ll, said God told her that his people will be taken before the tribulations, not true, we will, Jesus suffered a very bad death, as well the prophets and apostles, are we of a special class that we won’t? I pray God gives us strength to stand on the promises Jesus gave us.
They know it because they have instigated it! They purposely divided the nation, stupid people fell for it, hate is at an all time high. Politicians are so crooked you can’t believe any of them, for me, it’s just an upgrade in the Mafia days, oh me, this place is doomed, I hate violence, but seems it’s coming.
The government stepping in and taking your goods to hand out has been in effect since the 1950’s. It is and has been a law. The gov. doesn’t care what you have
unless there is a emergency. Then they call it hoarding. The problem I see is all the Braggers on the Social Media sites. They seem to think that they are helping people, all they are doing is putting their followers at the head of the line to get visited, When people say nobody is going to get what they have are they wanting a New Waco incident? Don’t these people realize they are going to lose? What is wrong with peoples’ intelligence?
The U.S. is 249 years old.What is the worst nation wide disater we’ve ever faced? There’s never been one so severe that would justify opening FEMA camps.
If you DISCRETELY buy stuff; how will FEMA learn that you’re a prepper?
Few Americans practice being a “grey man”. They enjoy showing off stuff to other people.
During Marshal Law the armed forces will comedown upon preppers to take there stores for their own. There wont be any law and order and courts to fall upon. Either you follow or get a 556 in your forehead