The threat of nuclear war is the highest it has been in a generation, with Vladimir Putin using the threat of a nuclear attack as a bully club to get the world to dance to his tune. The problem with that is that eventually someone pushes the person holding that club into a corner and it becomes put up or shut up time. Knowing what we do of Putin, I seriously doubt that shutting up is something he is capable of doing.
The calculus of nuclear war has changed through the years. Back in my youth, both the US and the now-defunct Soviet Union had thousands of nuclear-tipped missiles. That number has been greatly reduced, with each side having only 400 missiles.
While there are also gravity bombs that can be dropped from aircraft, it is the missiles which would make any first strike. We used to think that thousands of missiles would turn the world into a nuclear wasteland.
On the other hand, the hundreds available today make nuclear war survivable… at least for some of us.
The old rule of thumb was that we would have 30 minutes’ notice for a nuclear attack. That probably hasn’t changed much, as the next-generation technology that would negate that warning is still in development.
⇒ The Only Way to Communicate After a Nuke
When hypersonic missiles come online, then we would be lucky to have five minutes’ notice.
Thirty minutes may not seem like much time, but when I was a teen, it was enough time for me to get out of town and to a place of safety. At that time, I lived just a couple of miles uphill of the Federal Center in Denver, a known nuclear target.
But where I lived was on the front slope of the first ridge of the Rocky Mountains. I could get in my car and drive to the back side of that ridge in 20 minutes, putting me out of danger of a blast just a few miles from my home.
The Actual Danger Caused by a Nuclear Explosion
In order to understand how to survive it, we need to understand just what it is that we’re surviving.
There’s a myth that nuclear bombs are all-powerful devices that will sweep life off the planet. While it may seem that way at ground zero, the reality is far from it.
Even the largest of nuclear explosives is limited in its power and the range at which it can cause damage.
This damage is caused by four things:
• Fireball – This is the burning of the explosive contained I the bomb.
It would reach out several hundred meters, burning at a temperature to rival the sun and incinerating anything within it.
• Blast – The explosive blast from the bomb will create an enormous pressure wave, causing winds of several hundred miles per hour. Within a two kilometer radius, all buildings would be flattened and the people inside them killed.
Related: The Best Way to Prepare Your Home for A Nuclear Attack
As the shockwave moves out from there, buildings would survive with various degrees of damage, based upon the distance and construction of those buildings.
• Heat – While the fireball may be limited to a relatively small area, the heat from the explosion will be enough to ignite wood-frame buildings (homes) for several kilometers.
At 11 km, that heat will be enough to cause third-degree burns. Closer to the blast, clothing will ignite spontaneously from the heat.
• Radiation – A nuclear explosion emits several different types of radiation, amongst the most dangerous of which is gamma radiation.
This is fast enough and strong enough to pass through almost any material and will continue moving in a straight line out beyond the horizon.
Radiation kills more slowly, through a breakdown of the body’s organs, often referred to as radiation sickness.
It is clear that anyone who is within the fireball will be killed instantly. Going out from there, about half of the people between there and 11 km would be killed. Many of those people will die of radiation sickness over the week following the blast.
There is something else to be concerned about with the radiation; that’s fallout.
The signature mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion is caused by the wind from the blast, first moving out away from the epicenter of the explosion and then collapsing back on the low pressure area created by the blast wave.
Dust, created by the explosion is picked up in the air and carried up to the upper atmosphere.
Radioactive material from the bomb (little of which is actually lost in the explosion) becomes attached to that dust and is also carried up into the upper atmosphere, where it eventually falls back to earth.
Nuclear fallout can ultimately kill more people than the explosion of the warhead. Winds can blow that cloud of dust far downrange, where it can cover a much larger area.
Related: The First Thing You Should Do After a Nuclear Attack
As this dust is difficult to detect and most people don’t have the capability to detect radiation, it becomes the silent killer, giving people radiation sickness over the next month to six weeks.
Surviving the Nuclear Explosion
To a large part, the number one defense against any nuclear explosion is distance.
The farther one is from ground zero, the less of a chance of being directly affected by any part of the explosion.
Of course, fallout can reach us anywhere, as the wind can carry that dust for hundreds of miles.
Before anything, take a good look at a nuclear targeting map.
This will show those places in the country which are considered to be targets for nuclear attack.
Those targets fall into just a few categories:
- Government installations that provide command and control
- Military bases and installations, including our missile fields
- Nuclear power plants (as an effort to blow up the plants, multiplying the effect of the warhead)
- Major population centers
If you don’t live within 11 km of one of these targets, you’re likely to be at least somewhat safe from the direct effects of a nuclear explosion.
To be sure, I’d double that and say 22 km. If I lived within that distance, I’d be looking for how to protect myself and my family.
Related: Nuclear Protection Supplies You Need To Have Ready
So how do we do that?
The first option is to move farther away from any potential target. That fits in with most of our survival strategy anyway, so don’t dismiss that option out of hand.
If you have the ability to move even a short distance out of town, it can make a big difference in your potential for survival.
I live in a small town, 34 miles from the nearest city. That’s far enough to protect us, but still close enough that my wife drives to work in the city every day.
As an alternative to that, consider the possibility of whether or not you can get out of town quickly, in the event of a nuclear attack.
Keeping in mind that you’ll have 30 minutes or less, is there someplace you could get to, which would put you far enough away to be out of the blast zone, keeping in mind that lots of other people will probably be trying to do the same thing?
Where to Hide
Since it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get out of town fast enough to avoid the nuclear explosion, your time will probably be better spent getting to a place of safety to ride out the nuclear attack and the fallout period to follow.
So just what are these locations?
Bomb Shelter
To start with, the best possible place to go is an actual bunker or bomb shelter. Being below ground will protect you from the wind and heat, as well as doing a good job of blocking radiation.
If the shelter is properly stocked to hold out for weeks, it could keep your family safe through the fallout period as well.
During the Cold War, many people built bomb shelters under their homes or in their backyards. These were made of concrete, making them much more solid than most of the bunkers that preppers build.
Other than that, they were very similar, stocked to allow a family to survive a nuclear war.
If a bomb shelter isn’t available, the next best thing is to get underground someplace. If your home has a basement, it will offer that possibility. The home above you might be blown away; but you’ll still be protected.
It’s actually fairly easy to build a bunker in the basement, constructing it out of solid cement blocks in a corner on the side closest to a potential nuclear explosion. The hard part is making the concrete roof.
⇒ How To Build A Cheap Bunker In Your Backyard
To do that, you’d need to make a temporary support out of corrugated steel roofing or plywood, supported by 2”x 4”s. Be sure to put in sufficient rebar or remesh, then pour the concrete. The 2”x 4”s and plywood can be removed after the concrete sets.
Either way, stock your basement with everything your family will need to stay safe for six weeks or more. Add a chemical toilet, so that you don’t have to go outside.
Make sure you have materials on hand to make a ceiling over your heads, if the existing structure blows away.
Concrete Building
While not as good as getting underground, any building made of precast concrete or concrete block will probably provide good protection if you are outside the immediate blast zone.
These buildings are made of materials that will withstand strong winds and the materials also withstand heat well.
The only problem might be if the building has windows in it, especially if they are facing the direction of the blast.
Retaining Wall
In a pinch, if the bomb is going off and you don’ have anyplace to go, drop to the ground behind anything solid that will give you protection from the blast.
By something solid, I mean something like a concrete retaining wall; don’t count on wood buildings or cars. It has to be strong enough to withstand the blast and heat, providing you with shelter from the direction of the blast.
Obviously, anything that would be ignited by the heat or blown down by the wind won’t work.
If you take shelter from the blast in such a place, you will need to move once it is over and find something that can be used as fallout shelter.
Fallout will begin immediately, so you will need to move quickly to get to safety. Even so, if you don’t have food and water, you’ll probably need to take time to get them, exposing yourself for that time.
What Else Do You Need to do to Survive?
If you survive the explosion, then the biggest danger you’re going to face is the radiation. That’s what a fallout shelter is there to protect you from.
But there’s a good chance that you might get some fallout on your clothing before you get into the shelter, if you don’t manage to get into the shelter before the blast goes off.
To mitigate that risk, remove your clothing and bathe, washing your hair. Then put on clean clothing, setting your potentially contaminated clothing outside your shelter.
If you can, buy a radiation dosimeter and/or Geiger counter to have on-hand for any nuclear emergency.
These two tools, which can sometimes be found in one combined instrument, will tell you how much radiation there is in the area, help pinpoint that radiation, and give you an idea of how much radiation you have absorbed over time.
About 500 rem of radiation will kill most people.
Keeping clean is an important part of avoiding radiation sickness; but so is regular monitoring of how much radiation you are being exposed to. Fallout is usually in the form of dust, so it is possible that it could blow into your shelter.
The ability to monitor how much radiation you are receiving, as well as to locate the source of that radiation is essential to your survival.
Related: How To Build Your Nuclear War Survival Kit
Since the fallout is in the form of dust, avoid scratching your skin as much as possible. Scratching opens the pores of the skin, offering an entryway to radioactive dust. While the risk is low, it still exists.
It is necessary to stay in the fallout shelter until competent authority says that it is safe to come out. They will base that on having cleared the area and determined that the radiation levels are low enough to be survivable.
But will those teams be available after a nuclear attack? That’s something we don’t know and why it is important to have a Geiger counter in your shelter.
Finally, make sure that you have potassium iodide on hand. This should only be taken when directed by your local health department.
Its purpose is to prevent radiation sickness by blocking the iodine receptors in the thyroid gland. That way, radioactive iodine can’t take up residence in your body, poisoning you.
The problem is, it really isn’t healthy to take potassium iodide if you don’t need it. The equipment for determining whether it is necessary is very expensive and is not available openly for purchase by private individuals. So we have to trust the government on this one.
Should the order to take potassium iodide go out, only take one dose. One dose is sufficient for 24 hours and the risk should pass by then. If it doesn’t then the health department will give notice that a second dose is needed. Taking extra doesn’t help.
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man i knew this was going to be a Rich article without evening having ot check the author…
Putin’s bullying the world ? i dunno the Ukraine deal seems to be from Mostly Western NGO soros bullshit on our end and putting missle’s all around a russian border when we had a panic attack over cuba having the same thing.
As far nuclear survial while its doable and i think the truth is why are you a prepper and living anywhere near a city.. .. Seem’s a bit dumb to be considered a prepper when you live in a congested toxic city only to be overwelhmed by the millions of zombies that live in one.
Wanna survive get the hell out of…. keep going to the point you can’t even get a pizza delievered to your address then go a little further.
There’s billions of people and several dictators on earth.
No one sane wants war or nuke war. So just eliminate the badman and their loyal generals worldwide. Stop shaking in our boots. Take care of the problem now.
Use the MOAB if several feet down.
We don’t need the ridiculous cold war, tell the school kids to hide under their desk mode.
We are done with the stupid propaganda, eliminate with extremer prejudice, period.
So you going to eliimiate the entire leadership and gov of every single country ?
The United States is one of those. Sorry but the truth is right in front of us
Not every prepper prepares for EOTW or a nuclear war. It’s OK if preppers prep for supply chain shortages or surviving the next weather event. To each their own.
The key Dale is to get started and take it as far as you’re comfortable. As I tell my family and friends… It is irresponsible to not prepare for emergencies / the unforeseen side the anticipated. You can hardly consider yourself a responsible adult if you don’t take care of they family.
Prepare for whatever disaster you think is in your future. Tornados, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, including power outages are the easiest to prepare for. Next hardest might be mobs attacking your home in their desperate hunt for food, or your heavily-armed government may come by to confiscate all your food, water, weapons and any other resource they can find–for which you spent maybe tens of thousands of dollars of your own money–in order for FEMA to feed idiots who kept maxed-out credit cards and no food in their homes because home delivery of their meals was “more convenient”–at least until deliveries stop FOREVER. Preparing for a nuke is a quantum leap above any other prepping, and usually involves underground living, underground gardening/hydroponics, highly-filtered air supplies and a lot of square feet, the costs for which is far beyond all but the top 10% of income earners. Easiest way to prep for nukes is to move away from ground zero and stay upwind of fallout. How you accomplish that is a judgement call–because no one knows what will get hit or where the fallout will go.
Dale, that’s how I started, keep a well-stocked pantry, plenty of bottled water, candles, flashlights, batteries, and extra fuel for cooking to make it through weather events that knocked out the utilities. Then we got hit by a volcano, and that showed how fast our supplies got used up, especially the cooking fuel, so we re-evaluated what we should have on hand and adjusted our inventory, which we were satisfied with for many years.
Then just a few years ago the social/political situations in the USA drastically changed for the worse, so we revaluated our defenses/offenses/communications, adjusted our supplies, and took much more serious interest in learning a lot more, and practice, learn more, and practice even more, such as taking the wife shooting a lot more, growing fruits and vegetables, basic health and medical skills, foraging and herbal knowledge, bushcraft like making snares, making fires without matches or lighters by using whatever you can find, and creating my own seed bank as part of my “grab-n-go” items if we ever bugout.
JPup, RLABruce, dz,
All great posts and along the same lines. preparedness is a journey. Once someone is satisfied that they have achieved their planned state of readiness it is time to reset the goal. I continuously find gaps in my base plan so I’m always improving on that and I also evaluate raising the standard for additional threats.
Often times, it’s not even identifying a gap in the plan; it’s just taking the plan to the next level. For instance, last week I bought a bunch of dry bags for packing our emergency bags. For instance, a day’s change of clothes will be in a separate dry bag; toiletries in a dry bag, toilet paper in a dry bag, etc. It would suck to need clothes, and have clothes, and they’re all wet.
Before last week we’ve had our emergency bags for 47 years – long before there were things like dry bags. so dry bags weren’t exactly a gap, they’re an opportunity.
Spot on. Putin has no interest in using nukes, all he is doing is trying to prevent the ethnic cleansing of eastern Ukrainians by the west Ukrainian n*z*s such as the Azov battalion – and yes, it was front page headlines in the European press till Feb ’22, then the censorship set in. Not to mention the closing in of the NATO n*z*s.
Putin also has a dislike of communism. I get the impression, going by his recent interview with Tucker Carlson, that he admires the strength of the Russian “empire” and its people to have survived the last thousand years or more against invasion and other threats and merely wants to build on that strength. All he is interested in is having Russia and its people reaching its full potential. Much like the US in its heyday when it was 95% self employed – until it was stabbed in the back with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank – and it was all downhill from there.
No doubt the people of Europe support Putin and the Russians – they have been getting along great for several decades now. The problem is NATO and the Woke politicians in each country.
Currently Europe is on the verge of civil war as farmers, fishing fleets, etc, are fighting the EU leadership from shutting down agriculture and food production. The UN, WHO, WEF, NATO is were the problem lies; no doubt all financed by the international bankers – the same ones that established the US Federal Reserve Bank.
Do we see a pattern there?
putin has satellite missiles for nuclear attack in our ozone for a emp so i’m sure the real one is there too just sayin were doomed if his tyrinacial raid is left up to his own brain his is far worse than hitler ever was…..
Raven not everyone on here is a YouTuber with almost a thousand followers or a homesteader they had to live in the cities. But even living outside the city is still a danger zone from the nuclear fallout that will spread for hundreds of miles
and irradiate the soil.
i do agree but the reality is nuclear war / anything like that unless we are far enough away is just a slow death if you survive….
now if its limitmed strike with what they call tactical nukes….. then maybe but…. i am hoping its something we can avoid but in the end i know where my family is going so lets be that light and get more in.
In the above post of your reply question; ‘So your going to eliminate the entire leadership and Gov.of every country?’
We leave that to the survivors of the nuke aftermath. Or those people who live in those dictator countries can rise up and take their own jerks out or continue to suffer. That is on them which way they wish to live.
You see the Canadian truckers and their people tired of dictator leadership. We see the Ukrainians fighting back a huge dictator. Who kills not only military but also innocent civilians.
People who have been in the military, even in law enforce don’t go looking for war. So a suggestion is to take out that dictator out. Not the whole leadership as you have described. The survivors will do surgical strikes on the instigator. So you are not taking the whole leadership out as you thought. We are discussing hypothetical in this nuke survival aftermath article.
Don’t get your pick ax out, no one has bombed America yet ,
Most people don’t have the stomach to do so anyway. But people do change their thought patterns about what they should have done after the fact.
You have to ask your self why didn’t the WWII victims take out Hitler when they had the chance? In history why didn’t the people take out the evil people in their life? Like Genghis Khan, those type of people. Not taking everyone in leadership out, that would be ridiculous. Now does that make it clear?
if it is Putin sending the strikes, I am pretty sure he is not going to aim for civilians just to kill civilians lol, he is going to aim for the fools in DC who call to have him assassinated!! or the ones who arm his opponent…. just my humble opinion
You’re right; the expected outcome of global nuclear war should be that you die. But if you live, it would sure be a shame to not have the things you need to continue life. That is why I prepare to live. It would be very sad to survive a nuclear attack only to die of starvation or cold or other simple-to-solve problems.
JoannaA_WA, I’m sure the Ukrainians thought the same thing, that Putin wouldn’t target children, pregnant women, humanitarian convoys, churches, libraries, etc. How’d that work out for them?
Look up rule of 7. Radiation decays at a predictable rate that can help increase your chance of survival.
Let’s be honest here. In an all out nuclear exchange the only ones that will survive areal the politicians in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and of course the great super genius Raven.
Thank you Illini Warrior for a excellent link.
With so many “Arm Chair” Heroes for Ukraine flapping their lips and keyboards we may yet see War inside the USA. The first since the American Civil War.
Praying that I am wrong and God’s grace will overcome the feckless leadership of our country.
More correct, each side has about 1500 warheads deployed on 700 launchers such as land based missiles, submarine launched missiles, aircraft launched missiles, good old gravity bombs. 400 is the number of land based missiles, each with a single warhead.
“Single warhead” may be technically correct. But each “warhead” may contain 8-16 nuclear bombs, each with its own target. The reason is during the decades of Cold War arms reduction talks, Russia and the US agreed on the number of permitted “warheads”–but both sides designed multiple bombs into a single “warhead.” So the picture isn’t even as rosy as you describe, grim though it is. There’s no telling what China has, nor do we know whether Russia cheated on how many they have, even though they have cheated in every single arms agreement we’ve ever made with them. Suffice to say, if most known nukes go off, it will be an extinction event, and no prepping is needed but to take Christ as your Savior; everything else will be GONE.
Putin said he had 6000 nuclear warheads. So do we believe him now or do we believe him when he said he was reducing to 1500? I believe him now.
Even in the boondocks you might be closer to a target than you think. Check to see if you’re near a military base or a strategic target like a hydropower or nuclear plant or a refinery – those would be a better target than a small city.
I read that if you can’t reinforce your basement with concrete that an alternative is a wading pool of water directly overhead. I’ll try to get the reference for you.
I’m in the UP of Michigan. The only place on that map, free and clear of anything. The only military base we had was closed many years ago. But, I’m still going to prepare!
jmc2000, which map are you referring to? if it’s this one from a link in the article there are a lot of areas that are “free and clear”.
and please don’t be fooled into believing anywhere will be “free and clear”, fallout will be distributed worldwide, the reals questions will be “how much?”, and “for how long?”
I have seen some different maps showing completely different targets. LOL The problem is there is secret locations the public does not know about and the targets the writers think are targets may not be a target, but you can bet your bottom dollar the enemy does. For example, do you really think they will waste missiles or bombs on the smaller cities when they know the people there will die anyway due to radioactivity.
I know of two that has not been listed on any map. I cannot say where because of an oath I took. But in my humble opinion there will be many more that is not known so do not think because you are in a zone on some map that does not show a target that you’re not in a target zone.
For example, I am in a zone in Mississippi that shows targets of 100 of at least miles away in every direction lol, but I believe there are targets closer than that. Why because there is a bunch of decommissioned missile silos around and they still fall under control of the military. Some of these can be visited and others you’re not allowed too (it may be because of some dangerous chemicals that have not been cleaned up or some other reason that would make them a target). Also, who knows how old the enemy’s maps of targets are? If they are from the 1960-1980 then you could be a target because of a decommissioned site.
Dale how much does it really matter is its 6000 or 1500 either is total destruction, right.
As we have already discussed prep developes in stages and serious prep for nuclear was is the highest level of prep. As for Me, I’m not going that far. As far as I’m concerned a true nuclear exchange is not survivable long term…. but that’s me and to each his own.?
So, what to do if you have no basement??? There are LOTS of places that have no basement. In Oregon, there are few homes that do. I have lived in about 10 houses over the years, and not one has had a basement. Now, I live in a very high water table area, and there is certainly no room for a basement.
Even If I had one, it would be flooded most of the year.
So, what advice for those of us who have no basement??? Screwed?
Hi Carol …To start with I think you should bye a Geiger counter and learn how to use it. Then go from there…good luck
Final option: If you believe there is a God, start praying to Him. Maybe He will finally listen and put a stop to the continuing destruction of His creation and His image.
@ Dan
O’ !!!! There’s a GOD
There’s NO maybe, “GOD hears” you and everyone else on earth.
It’s the people that will not listen…
Don’t think for one minute He is doing all this destruction. Man has FREE WILL here. SO Man and the devil are the one’s causing all this HELL, here on earth, NOT GOD…
This has to happen. In order for HIS HEAVEN to be put in place, here on His New Earth.
Feather more GOD loves his creation that HE made in HIS Image. That’s why HE gave us JESUS…
Amen, trying to survive a madman’s revenge by nukes is disgusting. If the local hospital is blown away or crowded, med supplies will be eliminated in a short time.
Make your peace with GOD. Have in your BOB some very good pain pills to take.
Check the survivor stories of WWII Japan what they did. Not a pretty sight, in America, no one is coming to save us. NATO will be useless to help.
China is the real threat, a dog in the fight to kill people. That is who we should be vigilant against. Hell how many terrorist have come into America by the open Southern Border?
China is in Canada and Mexico and South America.
It is amazing how much pain and suffering people will fight through to keep on living.
bingo! China would take that opportunity to come on in with military power…. The invaders already here will be a small obstacle! Thank God we have more guns in the hands of civilians than most countries military does…
not the stupid myth of the blades of grass bull***t.
90 percent of gun owners don’t have enough ammo to go on a deer hunt…… and no the majoirty suck and can’t walk a aflight of stairs without passing out.
When I was going deer hunting every year, I normally carried five rounds in the magazine and maybe three to five rounds in my pocket, and never ran out of ammo. Head shots are very real and you either hit or miss, and I never had to track down a headshot deer, nor wasted any meat because of it, although I did track down a few for other crap-ass hunters that gut-shot a deer and they didn’t know how to track through very brushy hills and mountains. You remind me of them.
oh look red doesn’t understand the content.
The Million man hunters army is pathetic … How many do you see every single year panicked because they take a entire box to zero a rifle when they don’t know the how to properly do it in the first place. They only have a few boxes of ammo on the back closet shelf and get upset when they see people like be buy it all and stock it up deep. That’s the avg gun owner in the USA a guy who had a rifle he shoots once a year without much ammo in stock.
the smaller group is the tactical and prepper groups who have stocked up deep and train on a regular basics with team tactics and non stagnate targets. They are training to fight and shoot accurately and work as a team.
Sorry the blades of grass was a lie… from the useless NRA (one of the worst groups in the world) they sold you out for the last 100 years.
Get off your couch and train. Get a plate carrier or a vest that holds your mags and train like your life depends on it.
oh as far deer hunting goes, With the 300 blackout its whatever the mag holds 15 or so. The 50 beowolf holds 10 so thats what i typically hunt with. Plus i carry my EDC glock 20 with a spare mag and a spare mag for the rifle.
Maybe He will finally listen? Really? I tend to violate the “judge not that ye be not judged” command often but I don’t judge God. He’s listening even if you don’t like his answer.
OUTSTANDING article. Thank you!
For communism religion must be destroyed. That is why the churches are under so much stress now. Teach from pre-K to post PhD that religion is bunk. Read the writing of Marx and Lenin to see the war plan to spread communism all over the world. t
Knowing communism, Putin is still communistic. He was well trained and once he was trained, he won’t lose it. He has more up his sleeve. I think there is more than just nuclear weapons to think about. Economics are a huge part of the communistic mindset. With what I see and hear, we can be concerned about getting life needs met before a nuclear attack. Just some thoughts. I have many Russian friends and even Chinese friends. They would tell you this too. Ukraine is just a distraction to help us not see the economical disaster that is coming.
Economics won’t be the first thing on peoples minds after a strike.
The big questions about surviving a nuke bomb aftermath is all things come to an end. No more TV, internet, smartphones, no pizza delivery. It’s all gone. Forget economics, it will take years to reconnect anything resembling small business, the barter system among the survivors.
Who the survivors are must take bats and go after those evil jerks that started the nuke attack. Then think about survival on a daily routine. Will people around the world really want to help each other to survive? We see these Holyweed movies of BS survivors after a nuke attack, is it based on fact or fantasy?
We do know the CIA and the Chinese have a say in what the American public gets to watch from their scripted movies. The movie directors don’t always have free will to decide.
How many of those people in other countries will come to help rebuild America in our need? We helped other countries rebuild after a war, will we get the same treatment?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were repopulated in just a few years after the attacks. Surviving a nuclear attack, for those outside the immediate zone, is probably more likely than what the pessimists believe and less likely than the optimists believe.
What you have said is true to an extent. But I believe a little different then you.
What I believe is the communist tried to install a socialist government here in the USA and they did get their puppets in but then they saw the writing on the wall that the people of the USA are not going to allow them to stay in. So, Russia uses the claim about NATO being to close etc. to start a war with Ukraine with the objective to get China on their side and into another full World War. It also would drain more from the world banking system and people thus causing an economic problem in the process.
Now then their puppets have no choice but to put those sanctions and send arms due to NATO and knew what would happen here if they did not. Those puppets here still think they have a chance and the longer they are in power the more damage they can do to the USA.
At first, I thought maybe it was just the democrats wanting a lot of stuff for free then I started reading articles. You cannot go by what those articles say but by what they don’t say will tell you what is actually happening.
As to nuclear war lol. Russa has built a dooms day warhead that will take out the world. They have an automated system that if warheads are launched toward them, it will automatically set off this dooms day weapon. They believe that if they cannot survive then none should.
So the chances of survival are very slim. Just maybe 1% of the population would survive. and you can bet it will be those evil leaders.
Putin is not a communist. The Soviet Union was not communist. There has never been a communist nation in the history of the world and will never be. Dictators and thugs create, by force, governments that they claim are communist and for the people but they never are that; they’re dictatorships, no more, no less. In effect, Kings. Government with the power to behead, to imprison for speaking, to order an army into any nation it chooses.
That is true but even true communism is not ever going to be what everyone wants it to be. The reason is the people in charge will always become corrupt if they are allowed to stay in office long enough. You can never have everyone equal and having the same things because it is human nature to want more.
So, communism has become control of the populace by propaganda, brain washing, greed and killing.
The big difference between communism (not speaking about true communism but about what is called communism today) and dictators, is the dictators don’t even try to use propaganda they just use force.
What good will surviving the blast and radiation do when your garden soil becomes so toxic that no plants will grow? Fallout will sterilize your soil, killing earthworms, grubs and all other creatures that make the soil fertile for growing gardens. Better have two YEARS of food stored: First year to eat while the soil is sterile and contaminated with radiation and won’t grow a garden; second year to eat until your crops are ready to harvest. Check your soil for living earthworms and other life in the soil; when they’re alive, you can plant your garden.
Good thinking about the soil to grow plants outdoors. Even with 2 years of food stored, will that be enough? Maybe 5 years of stored food.
How long will it take to make the soil grow-able. The first or second crops may still have enough toxic radiation to make us sick. How many earthworms can we store to make the soil viable again?
Not only stored food, what about seeds, compost soil, water, tools. In reality we don’t have the storage for all that, unless we live in a rural area. Even then it’s still a guess.
The armchair experts are guessing on nuke survival. Yes world governments did nuke tests, done during the cold war era on inanimate objects. The only true subjects were the WWII Japanese survivors.
How much of the classified reports have been put out to the public on true nuke survival?
To the public we are still guessing about the aftermath effects of nuke war, yes?
How many of those book authors have real experience dealing in nuke war to know?
@ bob: interesting. I wonder if there were any books written by survivors of H & N that tell what happened and how they survived? Would be interesting to search and find/read their stories.
Might give important information from someone who went through it and how they did it.
There are a few things that can be done such as an enclosed area. The fallout would not reach the ground in an enclosed area so you could still grow.
Where I live there is no targets within 100 miles of me so what I would have to worry about is fall out. But even then, survival is just for a limited time. You would not be able to go outside because every step you take would stir up the radiation. It will take years and years for this radiation to become safe enough for life.
As to water all of it would be contaminated even the deep underground water.
Dreaded, this might be why Elon Musk is so determined to colonize Mars and move there himself.
Sources that underground water would also be contaminated?
The article is based on the ground burst effects of a weapon – no size mentioned – other references provide additional details. This is one
other publications are available for further reference
in reference to the nuke survival.
Interesting history article.
Do civilians in today’s world have the mindset to follow those instructions.
How many Men & Women know how to cook simple meals anymore. Make dinner from scratch, not the microwave type food.
Today a city dweller smartphones a delivery service for food.
The great grand mother knew basic life skills, sewing, baking and so. The University students are not in touch with life. The basic skills of life are lost to them. They are basically taught to be community activist.
Everyone wants to work in the computer world. What about learning a trade?
A plumber, ditch digger can’t perform physical work on the computer to fix a leaking pipe. A worker has to be on location to do the job. Just some things think about.
The nuke article brings up real questions of livability.
Ask the people, family members, relatives in your country what the cold war scare was like.
In America the school system followed the CD agency suggestions. One was that school kids hide under their desks. What a ridiculous idea. The sheer weight of a collapsed building falling on top of a desk would crush it and the kid. If close to the attack zone.
The old Civil Defense system had people panic enough to buy fallout shelters. How long could you stay cramped up in a tiny space. Family members crying. Food stored would run out fast. What if someone had diarrhea, the water stored would run out. The human waste would pile up. and it would be dangerous to throw the waste outside. Estimated radiation levels would remain high for days. The protective suits were limited and expensive. You can imagine not everyone with a shelter was properly prepared.
Then what about the neighbors trying smash into the fallout shelter for protection.
The cold war if it really happened back then millions would not survive. Today there are too many people sucked up on smartphones, social media and the internet. Probably just as many today will not survive if it did happen.
Don’t plan on a shelter, too expensive. Have enough trouble paying for high gas prices and food in 2022.
Would it really be worth surviving a real world nuke aftermath?
Definitely make peace with GOD first.
What would you do?
Although you make some good points, Bob, you’re wrong about duck and cover. The only people who survived the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts ducked and covered. It is actually extremely good at protecting people from flying glass and debris from a nuclear blast.
I would do the best I could and survive as long as I could be it a week or years. The thing is to make amends with your maker. Then if he wills it, you will survive else you will die and be with him. Thing people will not do is accept that they might die at any time.
I am 70 years old and the cold war scare did not really bother us because we believed in the lord. Most people did not allow their lives to be changed by some imagine threat that might or might not happen. During the Cuba missile crises when they said the chances were very high the majority of the people did not got to a shelter. A lot of authors out there used this to get publication attention. But it did not effect everyday life.
Unfortunately, this article is providing a false sense of security to everyone.
First off, the author never states what size nuclear weapon he used to calculate his stats or the type of burst. My best guess is that he uses stats from a Minute Man 1, 1MT (megaton) air burst. That’s the closest I found.
He stated that he was in the Denver area. Well, the Chinese have at least a 5MT whose Thermal radiation radius is about 24.5km (15 miles). The Russians have at least a 100MT whose thermal radiation radius is 73.7km (45 miles). These stats are of an air burst. Even with a full 30-minute notice, you would not have time to get out of Denver and to the mountains and escape the thermal radiation of the blast. That’s just not realistic.
Sorry folks if you’re not at least 45 miles away from a target and up wind, you will most likely not survive the initial blast or fall out. And that presumption is based on them only dropping one nuke not 3 or 4 on a target like Denver.
Those of you who don’t believe me go to the interactive map at and explode all you want over different cities and see the results. If you select a ground burst, it will show the probable fall out areas based on the dominant wind directions of the selected city.
My advice is to have a well-stocked fallout shelter or move to the center of a large city and accept it’s out of your hands.
(COS a solution to a lot of problems.)
Right on.
Believe in survival and prepper stuff in conventional situations.
We can deal with that, we have historical info on the American Civil War to study.
The nuke surviving is still new to expert people. Thank GOD that is limited in history.
The experts are not all on the same page, anymore then on Climate Change stuff.
Until the fireworks happens as the saying of the military say, well made plans go up in smoke. As the first shot changes the paper plans, they say. Plans of mice and men are not always true to purpose.
You can do all the research and it comes down to what you discern is true for you.
Now hang on. If memory serves all it would take is going to the nearest school room and getting under a small desk and covering your head. Granted it has been about 60 years but that’s how I remember it. ?
JPup, no need to go to a school room, just grab a cooler full of your favorite adult beverages, plenty of ice, finger foods, a comfy pillow and blanket, and a good book or tablet then park under your kitchen table and indulge until you pass out. ?????????????????? ? ? ???
Dz I like your way better. I think that’s my new plan.
upon thinking this through more, another option is to take your “supplies”, add in a sleeping mat or air mattress, and park in your favorite bathroom so you don’t have to be exposed by moving around when it’s time for “relief”. I think that would be even better. ??? ? ? ? ?
Yet another idea to ponder and add to the plan.. Thanks dz
Well, with our knowledgebase,
there are many things we are able to prepare for.
The Unknown unknowns are out of our hands.
See you on the other side.
I read decades ago that farmers would have to scrape away the top six inches of topsoil to plant crops in uncontaminated soil. I still don’t know if that effort would work or not; in some areas topsoil doesn’t go that deep.
it all depends on what types and numbers of nuclear detonations occur. one of the links in the article takes you to this interactive Nuke map, play around with it, see what it shows. I don’t know how accurate it is.
what is not really covered is what happens during the aftermath, with possibilities for up to several years of “nuclear winter” that really will cause significant damage to the Earth as a whole, including possible extinction for much of the life currently in residence, including humans.
you want to stay out of the jet stream… good luck though because it travels from west to east in an almost unpredictable pattern. A bomb shelter would be great, if you have the money. I’m wondering if a deep cave system would work if it didn’t collapse on you. Well let’s just hope that it doesn’t come to this, (this time)
Good luck growing your food in a cave. And without electricity that cave will be DARK.
To start with the cave would give protection against radiation if it had a curve or L shape at the entrance. Our ancestors used caves and they had no electricity. They used fire for light and cooking. Did not need light during the day because they were out hunting gathering.
Do you know how a shelter was designed back in the 60’s and 70’s? Well, it was underground with an entrance that made an L turn coming in. Why because radiation travels in a straight line. Then the door was inside the L. Then you had to have it at least 6 ft deep for the top so the soil and concrete would stop the radioactivity from coming down through the roof. It had to be sufficient size to store 3 years of food and water. Usually, it was 3 rooms. Living area, bedroom and storage. You were supposed to have a radiation detector, radio for news and iodine tablets.
Now this was from memory so the roof might have been different than what I am remembering. But that was the basics.
Now I once saw a show made by the government about what happens during and after a nuclear attack. It showed some surviving and others dying. The ones surviving stayed inside for a year or longer until the radiation levels dropped. Then came out but came out covered from head to toe and with at least a cloth over their face. But it showed them getting help from the government lmao which you know will not happen. The ones that died it showed at first their hair falling out, cancerous sores on their arms and legs and being so sick they could barely walk. Nothing could be done for them. Then the nuclear winter with everything gray outside, temperatures dropped well below freezing and animals freezing to death.
So yes, you could survive but have you got 1/2 million dollars to build and outfit a shelter. Then you got to ask what happens afterward. This is where the real difficult part comes in. Food will not grow; Water is bad and the whole world is like this. So, survival after the fact is just not going to happen if it is an all-out nuclear war. A limited strike might be different. his 6-inch removal of soil is crap because what happens when it rains or you water the planted seeds? You contaminate them because the water is contaminated. Are do you think you can store enough water for that too?
A few years back some of the Islanders from one of the Pacific Atolls where we tested H bombs wanted to go home and resume farming. The GOV tested the soil and said it was still too contaminated with Cesium. I suspect this was our Nanny State at work, Aunt Sam won’t allow any amount of contamination, harmless or not. The initial radiation after a nuke strike kills short term, the long term exposure to lesser amounts won’t shorten lives, poor sanitation, dirty water, poor nutrition and diseases like staph and strep will take us back to the day when the average lifespan was 50 years. You won’t live long enough to die of leukemia, haha.
Most native North American earthworms died out during the last glacial period, the majority of them now are invasive species from Europe. They don’t play the important role in soil fertility most people imagine. Funny fact, low doses of radiation cause earthworms to give up asexual reproduction and start having sex.
There is a lot more natural diversity inside the Chenobyl Exclusion Zone than when people lived there. People are more damaging to nature than radiation.
Nuclear Winter is one of the original big Leftist Lies.
Earthworms are vital to the creation of fertile soil and have been in soil for eons. The soil of Chernobyl is still contaminated but the half-life of nuclear power plants is much longer than nuclear bombs, so we can’t compare the two. Best is to learn from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They were uninhabitable for only a year or two.
Judge, during the Earth’s history there have been “winters” from atmospheric contamination caused by both super volcanic eruptions and strikes by huge meteors, things mankind cannot control, just like the climate that is driven by solar activity. Believe what you will but if enough Nukes are detonated, they will cause worldwide atmospheric contamination of both dust and radiation – both can be devastating, and please remember, eventually it all ends up in our water.
Ragweed removes heavy metals from the soil. I don’t know how long it would take, just don’t compost them or put them back in the soil. I don’t think I would burn them either.
Didn’t know about ragweed. I read an article that sunflowers did the same then had to be treated as radio active waste.
There are two elements that are required to make a micro chip.
Palladium and Neon.Forty percent of the world supply of Palladium is in Russia.Seventy percent of the world supply of Neon is in Ukraine.It is likely that the chip shortage will worsen.
Michael Snyder is the source.The information is correct even though his detractors will grind their teeth and howl.
Right Judge?
You are correct on the impact to chip manufacturing.
The estimates could be debatable but that’s splitting hairs.
Suffice to say that the situation would get infinitely worse if those two supply chains get compromised for the long term.
That is an indisputable fact.
Shielding/ Distance/ Time: 1 ft wood (fire wood OK), soil (if not frozen), Water (2.5 gallon jugs staked around you), steel, lead, concrete, etc.
7/10 rule: every factor of 7 hours the radiation goes down to 1/10th, ie. 1000 rem to 100 rem first 7 hr, 7×7 or next 49 hours 100 to 10 rem, etc. Hunker down 72 hours then quick trips out OK.
Thrifty Prepper
Get real unless you have a shelter away from a Strick zone then you are toast you will need a least a years supply of food and water ,after that could you grow your own food ,even if that is possible forget about living off of the land Just take a close look at the map ask yourself in the event of a attack you will not have any real warning, so how are you going to get to your fallout location , do you really believe that there will be any kind of health service afterwards, If you survive, it will not be like the make-believe movies there will be no supply chains , I could go on and on , no you would only die a slow death One thing for sure it would help with the UN Agenda 2030 depopulation, and if you believe that Putin is back into a corner thank again , Why would he want to we are destroy ourselves fast enough all i need is to read the word of God to understand what is happing and it speaks about all this taking place
Mark 13:7 Context
4Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? 5And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: 6For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 7And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. 8For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows. 9But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them. 10And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
“Should the order to take potassium iodide go out, only take one dose. One dose is sufficient for 24 hours and the risk should pass by then. If it doesn’t then the health department will give notice that a second dose is needed.” Really?
Just how will that information be broadcast or even received by anyone after an EMP attack takes place? Conventional nuclear defense strategy holds that the first wave of a major nuclear attack will be an EMP strike in order to remove an opponent’s communications.
Survivormann99, I agree, I will not be dependent on any “broadcast” notices from the government. If we think we need to take our potassium iodide tablets, I will follow the directions on the bottle and dose per weight every day until we determine the risk has subsided. I would rather take too much Kio3 for too long than do nothing to protect from radiation, especially fallout.
So basically, from what I can see now, the chances of surviving is nil. There really is no way to survive sufficiently enough to even think about building a shelter. If you do not die from the initial bombing, the after effects will kill you anyway, but in a much slower way. True? Of course, unless you are independently wealthy and can have a shelter to survive in for years to come.
Too many of the comments here are by people that “I herd, or was told”, not by education. Everyone should research 1/2 life of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, as well as screening from them. Where are the potential targets in relation to the prevailing winds in your area? Stop confusing readers with dooms day for everyone when some or many, most will survive, but to a different wrld.
We now live in a supply-chain economy; almost NOBODY grows and makes everything they need to survive. In addition, we are dependent on electricity and oil (diesel and gas) for the delivery of our food supply. Granted that most people will survive the initial blast and consequent radiation from fallout, very few of those survivors will be able to learn the skills to keep on surviving. There will be anarchy and large groups of displaced city-dwellers who will kill farmers for a can of beans–because that is how THEY will survive, by stealing food from anyone that has some. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did have survivors who had a brick wall between them and the blast. Images of people were burned into the blast sides of walls, while people survived on the other side. Also, the survivors were given medical care, food, water and shelter after the blast. There was still an existing government to organize relief efforts. Plus, that was just ONE BOMB. Do you really think our enemies will stop at just one? Do you really think there will still exist a government to provide food, water and shelter to survivors? Our government will be the primary target of the bombs! If, say, 60% of our civilian population survives the bombs, I would guess fewer than 1% of those are equipped to survive as long as a year on their own without outside help. The REAL doomsday scenario isn’t getting nuked. It’s surviving its aftermath.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NIV
“Charlie Foxtrot”, I certainly hope someday you mature enough to evaluate and modify how you present yourself. About 99% of the time, you’re a whiney little brat spouting lies and berating others, but for that 1% when you actually post valid useful real-world information, I can tell you have some valuable knowledge worth sharing, but your problem is your attitude and your presentation which ruins your credibility. Work on those two faults, stop all the BS whiner-baby BS, and treat everyone on every blog as if they are a student that you really cared about. The failure with your attitude and presentation are yours to correct, are you man enough to do it? Time is getting short, stop wasting it.
Some days he takes his meds and some days he doesn’t.
It’s not hard to tell which is which.I have reoccurring nightmares
that he lives next door.
Just stay watchful, be friendly and socialize with him when he allows it. This will not only help him but also help you understand him more.
Being friendly is a plus because if he does become violent then this just might be why he leaves you alone.
You want to know the truth. The truth is there is no way for a regular person that is not in the government security circle to know where safe locations are and even then, there is a chance for error.
There is this, each country that has warheads that might attack another country will have its own theory to which targets to attack. This means if you are attacked say by Korea then Washington and the military bases might be targets whereas Russia might target not only military but cities too. This all depends on what a country wants to achieve as to what targets are attacked.
The if anyone thinks that if there is a nuclear war there will not be a nuclear winter then they are in for a surprise because all the dust and debris will go into the atmosphere and cause the sun to be block out and it will not take very many to do this.
As to surviving the only way for anyone to survive is to just hope you’re in the right place at the right time.
We cannot live our lives in a bunker afraid of everything. If you do, then you will not have lived a life at all. People go of the grid for many reasons and if they enjoy that lifestyle great. If they go off the grid because of fear, then they will have very little life.
A fearful person will die 1000 deaths, but a brave will die but once. This is the truest thing ever said.
so true brother, so true: “A fearful person will die 1000 deaths, but a brave will die but once.”
I would rather live and die free and honorable than live a life of misery and subjugation to tyranny.
yet you donate to the nra
Dale, I’m no expert however, weren’t Hiroshima and Nagasaki single bombs and weren’t they baby nukes by today’s standards? They had a relatively intact world to draw from to rebuild.
I don’t think the outcome would be the same but I ha e been wrong before.
JPup, I think that modern weapons would have a different result in time and distance but there will still be many areas where the time and distance match a year at Hiroshima. I certainly don’t know what the numbers would be, how far and how long to equal Hiroshima radiation but those places will exist.
Radiation poisoning might be a terrible way to die – probably is – but is it worth a few more days, weeks, months, with your grandchildren? Can a young person create a new life while the disease is weak and still forming in his or her body? Can the offspring of that survive to adulthood, themselves, and procreate again?
I don’t fear death but I have hope for life. I believe that I can help build a new bit of civilization after whatever might destroy it – probably not on a national or global scale but for my family and for a few neighbors, I can help make a difference.
I used to wish for a nuclear target painted on my forehead so I would not have to deal with a post-nuclear world. Now I believe that was selfish and naive. And it might also be fantasy that I can help afterwards. If something happens to end the world as we know it, I’ll do what I can to help in a new world.
Very good points Dale. I wish the best for all good people who prepare to take care of family and friends.
I happen to be going it alone and therefore my plans will certainly differ from those with family.
Although I spent most of my working life in emergency management I am not an expert on nuclear weapons and likely know less about nukes than many of the people on this site.
Anyway I do appreciate your comments.?
How to survive the radiation from a Nuclear Bomb? Seaweed Soup “Miso” for Radiation Poisoning/Cancer. The late Dr. Akizuki, a medical doctor in Nagasaki, Japan at the time of the atomic bombing, survived and served to help the injured. He observed that these survivors had a common diet practice, which was a traditional Japanese diet enriched with Miso. Dr. Akizuki unfortunately passed away in 2005, but I was able to interview Mrs. Akizuki, as well as other atomic bomb survivors, a total of 30 people, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in the summer of 2006. Utilizing the interview data, this study will examine atomic bomb survivors’ dietary history for the purpose of qualitatively discussing the relationship between traditional Japanese food enriched with Miso and their health conditions after exposure to the atomic bomb.
Here is a map put out by FEMA for a full scall nuclear attack if you’re interested. It is has a lot of differences shown and also has the effects and times need to stay in a shelter etc.
There’s a civilian target right over my house. I guess the Russians are still mad at me over the cold war.
Hypersonic missiles are SLOWER than the ballistic missiles we used to “duck and cover” from when we were kids. About half the speed. Don’t be fooled by the cool name. The speed of sound is about 760mph. A hypersonic missile travels at between five and ten times the speed of sound. Between 3700 and 7600mph. There aren’t any of these cool-sounding new missiles in eastern Russia, so they won’t be nuking Seattle. Even if there were, you have less warning when under attack by a ballistic missile from a sub or a silo (or a mobile carrier).
Note: The cool-sounding missiles have a range of a few hundred miles. You’re worried about the wrong thing, mate. Five minutes? At mach ten (“hypersonic” speed) that’s 635 miles. But these missiles have a range of about half that.
Any links to support any of those statements, Bill? Just wondering.
Yeah primarily targets for hypersonic missiles isn’t the local Dennys family restaurant but the super carrier,. They would have a a hard time hitting them all
I don’t know what’s changed in the last 40 years since I left the Navy but I can tell you for certain that, in the past, aircraft carriers would all disappear in the first hours of an all-out war with the then USSR.
I’m losing respect for the Russian military quickly but I expect the Chinese to do much better today than China would have done in 1982 and what Russia would do today. I really expect the outcome for aircraft carriers to be the same. There is no American aircraft carrier that doesn’t have at least one submarine ready to fire on it at all times.
Well the idea isn’t to use nuclear weapons and hypersonics get around the treaties bans… . The US lacks the will to do anything smart or even build equipment that we actually need. Or build anything of quality that can last beyond the first few mins of use.
Its amazing that 100 plus years we are still using the same M2 and finally got smart enough to put a quick change barrel on it that doesn’t require head spacing or timing .
The navy is dismal shape with everything broken and nothing works . That and the morale of the entire military is dead. Thanks to the covid vaccine they pushed out all the critical thinkers out.
i give the russians credit …. fighting a war without doing much over kill in the cities is pretty decent of them.
Well yeah but don’t you fully support Russia anyway or are you more of a China guy… ?
says the guy using his chinese built smart phone.
Your phone is also made in China, as is all the electronic devices you use to be able to read these words.
That’s a fact… if it’s electric or electronic it’s made in China or made of Chinese parts.
NOT invading another country and NOT fighting a war would have been decent of Russia; what they’re doing to Ukraine is not only indecent; it is downright evil, and also contrary to international law and the ethics of “decent” countries.
Meh Nato’s bulls**t of putting missles on the border’s of Russia is pretty evil and forcing the hand. What a shocking idea… we got upset over cuba and they want to defend themselves as well.
A lot of eastern Ukraine wants to be with Russian and the Nazi western side is disgusting. Ukraine is a corrupt evil place and Russia s*cks too but let them take each other out. Not our problem.
Raven Lunatic,
Ukraine was NEVER going to join NATO; they were offered membership if they severed ties with Russia–and turned it DOWN. Russia KNEW this, yet “invaded” Ukraine anyway. If you think Ukraine was a no-missile buffer between Russia and NATO and therefore Russia was protecting their buffer, what do you think will happen when the war is won and Ukraine is part of Russia? It will be RUSSIAN missiles in the Ukraine and closer to NATO borders, instead of NATO missiles being closer to Russian borders–which was never going to happen anyway! So how do you think the Russia “invasion” helps the US? It can only harm us! Putin is playing chess against you (and your idiot president), while you are playing tic-tac-toe. Bet you didn’t see Russia’s border-missile advantage coming, did you? Putin’s icing on the cake is the intact germ warfare labs the US created in Ukraine–which Zelenski never saw fit to destroy to keep out of Russian hands! Putin and Zelenski are playing bad cop/worse cop to gullible world leaders–both of them are on the same side to achieve their JOINT goals.
So wait your ok with the US building bio weapons….. with a known group of nazi’s…
No i am ok with Russians taking on Ukraine. Its NOT My country not my war not my fight. if you feel the need to go align with the nazi’s and fight the russians go for it. They have a pretty straight forward way to get you in. The Ukraine Embassy will get you on a flight to the fight.
Sorry Ukraine isn’t a proud nation of good honest people. Its a shitty dark nation with agenda to join anyone with power.
I merely said the bioweapon labs were THERE, NOT that I supported them. You need to talk to the Bidens about how they got there, why they were created, and all the money they got for them. Talk to Fauci about his decision to build them in the first place and who decided that US bioweapons labs should be in a foreign country–especially one with ties to Russia. The Ukraine is Russia-by-proxy, and those from the US who placed them in Ukraine should be tried, convicted and hanged for treason. By now there is NO action the US can take that will help our country or make it any safer, nor to even defuse a situation that can start a nuclear WWIII–something that will indeed make it your war. Biden is giving Ukraine (Russia-by-proxy) a BILLION dollars in “war relief”–presumably to be used to help them move Russia’s missiles closer to the NATO border.
This Charlie-Foxtrot is ALWAYS what we get when Dems are in charge, but it seems more dire this time than I’ve ever seen it–and I’ve achieved geezerhood.
you need a little help in criitical thinking…. buddy
Russia has every reason and right to defend its borders… meanwhile your leadership you voted in has a open door policy and letting anyone with a heartbeat into this country. Why don’t get all fired up and worry about your own country before you start a war with someone elses.
oh and those bioweapons have been there during the “trump administration and don’t pretend he didn’t know about it either. just the us playing dirty stupid games and destroying everything it touches like normal.
I’m not the one needing help; you need to learn the geopolitical facts of life as well as critical thinking skills. Try attributing to your fellow travelers the same traits you assign to Conservatives; you’ll be closer to right, at least.
First, IT’S NOT “RUSSIA’S BORDER”; it’s the Ukraine’s border, and it was RUSSIA who invaded a sovereign nation.
Second, you don’t know if Trump knew Ukraine had bioweapon labs, because Dems and RINOs kept him in the dark–but guaranteed the Biden Crime Family knew, because that’s what they were getting bribes for! Why didn’t Biden shut them down, since there’s proof HE knew about them? He could have scored political points as well, telling us that he removed the labs that Trump knew about–except Trump was probably kept in the dark about all the Dems’ dirty laundry, including biolabs.
Third, I AM worried about our own borders. Once again it is DEMS destroying the US. It is DEMS playing dirty, stupid games against the will of most Americans; even Dems are getting red-pilled and saying they will support ANY Republican president over Biden in 2024.
Fourth, it is NOT “normal” for the US to “destroy everything it touches”; in generations past we’ve done FAR more good than harm. No other country has ever been as powerful as the US and misused that power so seldom. Nowadays the ones who misuse power, once again, are the Dems. They are prepping the entire world for the New World Order tyranny, and they are destroying the US because we’re the only country with an armed citizenry that is standing in their way. Which other country in the world is such an icon of virtue that YOU think it will fight against the coming world tyranny? When the US was fighting tyranny (under Trump), we were the Lone Ranger, and our allies at best just paid lip service to our efforts; there was NO help, from NATO or any other ally, and they were all making energy deals with Russia behind Trump’s back, undermining any possible NATO coalition. Now, under Biden, we are a laughingstock, and he is pushing hard to get that NWO crap established–but it certainly is NOT what the citizens want! They’re waking up to the ongoing war to take our freedoms from us. Watch for firearms to be outlawed by the simple expedient of declaring anyone who has or wants a firearm to be clinically insane–and therefore NOBODY can own a firearm.
I’m tired of your simplistic, unthinking lies and tirades against the US, with absolutely NO suggestions as to how YOU want it to be. So let’s hear YOUR solution to the world’s problems! But of course you have no solutions, just lies and name calling. In any event, I will delete your future posts for the garbage they are. Dismissed!
I have to agree with you RLABruce. From everything I have read in not only conservative but the democratic controlled news services it all points to Russia as being the nasty here. As to missiles being to close, hell that is not even worth considering the reason is the NATO nations are so close to the Russian border that one more country would not matter.
The truth is Putin wants the old Russia back and he thought he could get it by forcing old territories back into his control.
I do not think it will end the way he wants or for that matter the way anyone wants it. This may be the end to all wars for there may not be anyone left after it is over.
so your saying trump was so incompentent at running the country he had no idea where his military projects where. yeah ok…. like they didn’t send the reports directly to him……
Name something outside of ww2 that the usa didn’t screw up.
Ok Mr Raven Prepper Expert, you’ve done your little dance…. You got everyone’s attention, just like the children at a grammar school recital. Now please go back to your room. The adults are having a conversation.
No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is no matter what Trump knew or did not know he did better than what we have now. At least the prices of everything were not going so high you can’t afford them. You are most likely not on a fixed income. You did not lose all your retirement 401k back when Obama was in office, so I guess you think it was good what they are trying to do getting a one world order in. For take a look at the facts.
One they are trying to do away with our guns completely.
Two they are trying to circumvent the constitution.
Three they are trying to get socialism in which is the first step in getting communism in.
Last but not least is ask yourself what it will take to get One World Order?
People fully dependent on the government in all countries, so the government can control the people and the government with the only weapons.
As to Biden his group was the ones that put labs there if they are there. I do not know they are because there have been so many lies from the dam media.
dread …. while i agree with the prices under trump where decent… however h was no friend to the 2nd amendment… his bumpstock ban is now the route they are attacking the force triggers.
I was completely a Never-Trumper during the primary season in 2016 but, once he won the nomination, I had to support him. Once he was in office, I realized that he was actually a great president and I supported, and still support, him very strongly. But Raven is right; Trump was completely anti-gun, even though his rich sons had lots of guns. It was only after deciding to run for president that Donald Trump read the writing on the Conservative wall and became a supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
I like to think his early positions were just typical emotion but that he hadn’t really thought it through and that, after giving it thought, his conversion was heart-felt and deeply held.
They will use anything they can find if you want to know the truth the bump stock was really not useable is suppressive fire in my opinion because it allowed the weapon to move around too much. As to him making it illegal he was trying to appease some of the anti-gun people so he could get something put through we really needed. It was the lesser of two evils. Sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil. I believe that was one of those times.
Now as to the bump stick take a good look at the laws from past presidents about automatic weapons and that is where you will find people that were not friends of the second amendment.
Do you really think people don’t have other ways to make the AR platform auto? I know of a couple of ways myself though I have not and will not need a full auto. I can fire my AR fast enough without a bump stock and still maintain accuracy.
I am going to ask you which presidents in the past was actually for the people?
The list is a short one.
I do wish I had a 3 shot mode though lol. Now that is something helpful and doesn’t waste ammo.
method I use is one shot from a bench at 20 yards to put a hole in the paper. Adjust cross hairs to center of that shot. Now shoot at bull on target. If you hit you are good. If you want to adjust for over 100 yards look up ballistics on your gun and ammo, and set it to shoot XX inches above the one hundred range hole. I keep it zeroed at 100 and and adjust with my eye when I shoot over that range.
the problem with a 20 yard zero is you don’t verify if the scope is working correctly or not. the 100 yard actual zero will verify if the scope is working correctly or not. a poorly mounted scope can make a 20 yard shot no big deal but take it out to 100 or more and its off by a lot.
So he surrendered a little liberty to get something he (and maybe you) thought was more valuable? And then, when you and Trump compromised with the gun controllers on the left, did they stop trying to take our guns? How many compromises do you think it will take before they stop?
Of course there is no such number of compromises. Every single compromise simply leads to the demand for yet another compromise.
What you appeasers fail to recognize is that we started with everything: the God (or choose your creator) given right to life and the right to keep and bear arms that allows us to protect that right and we started with the constitutional protections of the 2nd Amendment forbidding the government from infringing on that right to keep and bear arms. So what, exactly, was it that the anti-gunners brought to the table in that very first compromise? What could those who come with nothing offer those who had it all, regarding the right to keep and bear arms?
Yet, there are those who compromised our liberty for promises from the left to not take more liberty – a promise they broke immediately after making it. And every compromise since has been the same: give us some of your liberty or we’ll take more of your liberty. They’re going to take more anyway. Never, ever, acknowledge their right to do it. Never, ever, surrender or accept it.
Amen Dale.
I don’t care for Trump’s ways or how he came across, but he is a human first and president second as is all of our officials. Before he became president, I knew very little about him. The reason I voted for him is because the other candidates in my opinion were 100% against the constitution from just what they said while running. To me it does not matter what color or gender they are as long as they are for our constitution and our way of life.
For I am a veteran and took an oath which can never be removed. I will honor that oath. But remember when we took that oath, we took it knowing the constitution, what it stands for and a new or changed constitution does not come under that oath (would be an attack on the constitution). So, there you have it. That is the way I believe all or at least most Vets view the oath.
I look at it this way. Trump is about as unpresidential as a guy could get however, he was the right man at the time we needed him. I didn’t like a lot of things about him but I liked what he did (mostly), tryed to do, what he said and what he claimed to believe. I don’t worship the man but I would certainly vote for him again over any leftist scum.
I agree 100% dreaded, on the oath. But even if I weren’t a vet still bound by an oath from which I was never released, I would still defend my country and the Constitution.
I would have preferred that Trump was a bit more dignified but I’d trade his lack of it for his honesty any day. What’s a few mean tweets compared to what Biden has done to our country? I’ll take mean tweets any day.
I don’t disagree with you about tradeoffs. I reread what I said and after your comment I think it came across wrong. I was trying to state what I think happened. As to my personal opinion on bump stocks is I don’t need one or want one (I am not going to try and use heavy fire to suppress their fire I will use cocktails lol), but I know they went against the constitution when they banned them. But it may have just been Trump not wanting Bump stocks too.
With all the dishonesty in reporting going on it is hard to know what is true or false. I have seen both sides twist the reports to the way they want it seen not just stating the facts.
No offense but, the more you post the more I see we think alike. But what would you expect from two guys who started life in a TV shop, served in the military, became experts in electronics (though different specialties), and love liberty.
I think banning bump stocks was an unconstitutional and useless move. But I have no use for them; I have a good job but ammunition has always been too expensive to waste just to hear it go bang. They make firecrackers for that.
The problem for me is that I find all violations of the Constitution offensive, regardless of which president does it or which side of the aisle in Congress. I find them offensive regardless of whether it reduces crime or increases crime, helps or hurts me personally, helps or hurts anyone else personally. Every violation, in the end, hurts me personally because it empowers and gives comfort to tyrants when they want to do it again.
That is the method I use too but I set mine for 200 Yards because around here it is mostly between 100- and 250-yard shots for deer hunting.
A 3 shot mode (1 squeeze of the trigger puts 3 rounds down range) if you are a decent shooter puts 3 rounds into a target. If you are in defensive mode, then one squeeze and forget, then next target. See in that mode you do not have to fire 3 times to make sure of a kill. Most of the time one shot will not get the kill and if your being attacked by multiple people you want to make sure that one you shot doesn’t come back on you.
Raven Prepper expert . Ben working for me for about 70years. To each his own.
Neat funds are funny
What I don’t think Raven understands is on a 20-yard (I use 25 yards) target is you can see exactly where your shot hit without having to have a powerful rangefinder scope. If you understand the ballistics of you ammo/gun, then there is no issue. Where ammo and cost have to be held as low as possible. If for some reason (such as the scope was bumped, or the guns was dropped) I will fire 3 rounds to check and reset my scope at 25 yards that is all it takes. Then I will set up a target at 150 and use my own windage for my scope setting and check the scope with a couple shots. I always check my scope for tightness beforehand. This has worked for me for last 50 years. I am only 70 years old. This not only works for scopes but for any sight I have ever adjusted. I am too old to change now.
Yes tightness is important….. but the scope can be canted or the scope has failed and causing drifts… none of which you will see on paper at 25 yards.
25 meter zeros i love for on paper and for m4/m16s they work due to optics and the way the irons work. So they do have a place for it but i would strongly recommend veryfiing at 100 and 200 to see how the grouping has shifted
a true 9 shot zero or group is a true sign of accurancy of the rifle.
You really are for the Russians. For a while I thought maybe you you were just horsing around. Now I think you are. There is no way you can know for sure the Ukrainians are or have NAZI inclinations. Just because they used a symbol that could have been used by the Nazis and was used in history for other things does not mean they are Nazis.
I am 100% against Russia for several reasons first they started this damn war and second, they do not care about life at all. All you have to do is look at the numbers of deaths of civilians.
Dreaded, both Ukraine and Russia have people that support Nazi agendas, but that also happens here in the USA, just like the Socialist/Communist manifesto has supporters worldwide, such as BLM and the DNC here in the USA. That does not excuse the invasion by Russia, or the despicable actions they are committing. In my opinion, the world would be better off if Putin is killed, which would result in one less Highly Skilled prior KGB Operator as a Dictator causing problems.
Dreaded, He is like all children that use the F word all the tome to show how grown up they are. He uses the N word to show how grown up he is. Just ignore him. He is not worth the effort to respond to.
“Charlie Foxtrot” X-spurt, you should stop looking into your Libtard crystal ball trying to justify stroking your demented ego, at least you seem to have gotten over your fetish with “deez nuts”. How does your wife feel about your fascination with another man’s nuts? Are deviant fetishes part of your Elohim Cult?
Covid is not over, it’s just a flu virus, but the bogus propaganda campaign for power and profit has lost a lot of its ignorant support.
Back to Fox. I haven’t watched Fox since that hack Brett Bear spouted a blatant lie “Hydro-chloroquine will kill you!” I prefer OAN and Newsmax for TV, and also check other online sources for information.
so trump alllowed the bioweapons to contiune that’s one more thing he could of shut down. its no wonder why the US is the laughing joke of the World. Nothing but failures and whatelse… oh if we don’t like your gov…. we might just start a revoultion in your nation and topple the goverment.. Seriously its a good thing we have two massive oceans that keep people from attacking us directly.
Every country and people have a right to believe as they want as long as that belief causes no harm to anyone else. This is not a government given right. This is a god given right. As to the Ukrainians I have not seen any news where the Ukrainians have done anything to harm another country or people before this attack from Russia. It seems the people of Ukraine are 100% behind their government. This indicates their government is not a bad government whereas the Russian government forces its people to conform to what the leaderships wants. Do you honestly think the Russian people would fight as hard as the Ukrainians?
But I have seen Russia do harm to many other countries and people. Not only people outside the Russian territory but inside also.
Any symbol ever made can mean one thing to one people and something else to another group.
so why does our country install the leadership they want….. Strange isn’t it how we got the current admristation in and jacked up there elections. Oh please tell me how we didnt get inovlved with the Ukraine goverment either and help over thrown them in the early 2010’s.
Oh now your telilng me MAGA trump was so clueless that he cant even be held responsible for things that went on during his 4 years….. Come on now at least say he screwed up and should of done something about it…… OR …… maybe he knew and agreed with it.. he was pretty busy backing the vaccine and gun control too so who knows. This country is s*****d and won’t even exist in 15 years
Well if the country doesn’t exist in 15 years you should finally be happy. As for what Trump knew and didn’t know we will all have to rely on your amazing ability to know what everyone is thinking and of course your secret inside sources.
sad isn’t you act like the left… when there guy cant be held accountable….
Lets face it trump was neat for the economny bad for guns….. and couldn’t drain the swamp or you people still waiting for the Q code that puts hiliary in jail stilll lol…. (TRUST THE PLAN lol) dumbasses
Its over our country is falling like Rome did….. . Maybe if VoTe HeRdeR !!!
nobody is coming to save you….. you’re on your own
Leftists in intelligence, the military, Trump’s cabinet, Congress, the FBI and his advisors all were keeping secrets from Trump, isolating him from ALL information and trying to run the government themselves behind his back! What makes you think they told him about the germ factories? Especially when THEY THEMSELVES were the ones in trouble if it was ever learned what they were doing? Why would they cut their own throats?
lol yeah ok or he made a profit off it and supported it like he supports vaccines…..
So YOU hold BIDEN responsible? Or is everything he does to be blamed on Trump and what he did or didn’t do, or said or didn’t say, or what he knew or didn’t know? Would you rather have Biden or Trump for president? Can you point to a single thing Biden has done that is GOOD for the US?
I can’t point to one thing Biden has done good for this nation on the other hand I can point to many bad things he has done.
That’s A Fact…
of we hold biden to whats going on ….
The one good thing that Biden was show how corrupt and and impossible it is to vote this country back into the way it should be. Its so corrupt that its impossible to win or get a fair election and the fool actually think we have a chance at winning anything back are demented. Whats going happen you get a few republicans back in lol….. wooopie doo… Either Rhinos or futures rhinos
So what do you think should we just give up on the system without a fight? Of course that would be your answer so your Democrat Fascist buddies can continue the takeover without opposition.
How about we keep working the existing system while we try to figure what else can be done.
the system is dead but sure keep trying to fix that problem with voting. Nothing short of restarting over is going to make a diffference
From all your comments you are not all there, and Raven is not the name for you. A raven is much much smarter.
Do I think the the elections was corrupt? Yes, to an extend they were. But at the same time do I think that we can beat that corruption? Yes, if we all pull together.
But let’s say we can’t get a fair election. What will happen if we revolt?
That is simple the USA will cease to exist. Do you honestly think any leader capable of defeating the cronies they have in place would actually restore the constitution? No, he would state that because of all the unrest and corruption “I am forced to take charge until this is over”. That is the way dictators start.
But there are a few other things that have to be considered during this revolt.
1. What will other countries be doing during this revolution?
2. Where will the fuel, food and utilities we depend on come from because the war will end that for us.
3. We will not have the NATO to send us food etc. Why because most of Nato is from what we supply.
4. It has been said by leaders that are no longer in office that if we have anything that causes our power system to go down for more than a month that up to 90% of the population will die. People say that is not true because they chose to believe that the government has food stores etc. put back for emergencies. They do for themselves not for the public. People will die because medical facilities will be down in a week, utilities will stop, sewage, garbage will back up and fuel will stop coming. This will lead to disease going out of control.
5. Ask yourself what targets the revolutionist would have to hit to take the government down. Electrical power grids, government offices, military installations etc.
If a revolt, economic crash, or nuclear holocaust happens then kiss our way of life by.
It is illogical to rush this by not at least trying to change our corrupt government first.
That is what the others on here are saying but this puts it in terms maybe even you can understand.
Don’t rush it. What is coming because of the way things are going will come sooner than any moral person wants.
Btw I do think that some event will bring us down and the way it looks it will be sooner then we want. At that point we will be put in a survival mode.
Sorry i dont listen to British loyalist…… oh wait i mean our founders faced the same people like you its ok . you’re really more of a quitter type anyways.
people will die and i dont think our country will hold together and perhaps we sperate and become terroritys.
the divide is to great …. i mean even Rural vs City living … People like us living in the country have nothing in common with those in the city . Nor do want the same things. We rather be left alone and not pay for your shit.
Dreaded, you’re right about revolt; I’ve been making that argument for years. There are no provisions in the Constitution to put out a government by force or to install another one. No government established by revolt or revolution can possibly be a constitutional government. There would need to be a new ratification process. It would end the United States. This is why I would fight on the side of the government against the right or the left. I’d fight for Biden’s government as much as I would have fought for Trump’s government.
There are no Franklins, Adams, Jeffersons, and so on in America or in the world today. There are no conservatives or liberals who have read and understand the writings of the great political philosophers of the past 1000 years. I, for one, am not following the owner of Joe’s Radiator and Cell Phone shop into battle or the future.
The last election was the first fraudulent one. But there’s still a slim chance that we can recover and maintain the Constitution. Voting while we can is more critical than ever. We’ll all have to decide for ourselves when we believe the government is no longer legitimate and when voting would not, could not, restore a legitimate, constitutional, government. I’m not there yet.
Ok Raven let’s say your right, which in itself is a real stretch. What in hell does it hurt to continue to vote while we wait for you to start the revolution? Well I’ll tell you what it will hurt.. if we vote it means your side has to work harder to fake a landslide.
JPup, why do you bother engaging with someone who is not grounded? This is not a Banana Republic. Sitting on your hands and waiting for the whole thing to implode – so it can be rebuilt is naive and foolish. You have to choose the lesser of the evils and press forward. Believe me, what some people are wishing for (total collapse and rebuild) is a suckers bet.
Not voting because you don’t like the choices, thinking you will get back in the game once everything collapses, is a head in the sand approach. Besides, these so called “Experts” have no idea what would happen if their “scorched earth” theories ever became a reality.
lol Elohim did say people would be blind to the truth in the coming days.
DO YOU THINK YOU CAN REALLY KEEP UP THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS SPEECH… YOU STILL END UP WITH EVIL. this is a banna republic and a total joke.. NOBODY has fixed the voting elections process soooooo…… Keep pretending that vote matters dumbass…
Let me guess maga mini god trump is coming because the Q people said he would drain the swamp and arrest the elites lol…. news flash he was part of epsteins island banging minors .. Before the maga worshipers claim its a lie… lets face it trump has a weakness with young women. so don’t even try to cover that up.
If a revolt happens The USA will not be rebuilt using the constitution (too many states want to many different things to come together). So, rebuilding is another pipe dream of those few people who think it can be done. History has shown only one time where a country was made a fully democratic republic and that was the USA (there were at that time only 13 colonies which all wanted basically the same thing).
I agree with you, most of the scorched earthers don’t have a clue and not voting just advances their cause.
I do have a clue and that is what has me concerned. See I have a invalid wife. She has to have airconditioning/heating, medications and proper medical aid to live and without it she would not last but a few weeks or a month. I am not in favor of any war. I will fight only if I have to because I took an oath many years ago. Mostly it will be in defense of my family, friends and neighbors but I am old now and war is not where I could do my best and survive any lenght of time.
The clue I have comes from a ex-national homeland defence executive who wrote an article about what would happen if the US mainland power grid went down for a 30 day or longer period. The government knows more about what would happen in all the most common senerios that are possible then they are saying.
Ask yoursel this question what would be the effects of a US power grid failure?
Now take into consideration that none of the US mainland would have power. So just where/how would cities get food, fuel, dispose of garbage and sewage?
The instance in Texas when their power grid went down help came from places that had power.
That article said that 90% of the populations of the cities would die of disease, fighting over food or leaving the city and trying to take from urban or country people.
Any war would disable our outdated power grid and that is because the main 4 or 5 substaions were special built in China (there are no backups for them and if China were to build replacements it would take possibly a year). That is when hell would begin.
I just cannot see our power grid surving during a revolt. The reason is not only the people revolting but it would open doors to terrorist, and other eniemies of the US.
This is the main reason a revolt or war on US turf has me concerned.
the power grid is going to fail anyways… .why as a prepper won’t you prepare for that event. Seems simple enough and millions will die with out the meds they live on and millions will die because they can’t heat a home or millions will die from sickness and the fact they tied themselfs to goverment and a system that they sold themselves into slavery.
So keep voting and wondering why they tax you out of your house…. they regulate you out of a job and force you into a reeducation camp.. Its not like you would of been willling to do anyting. I am sure many like you will ride on the coat tails of the victory of the patriots of our nation as well.
Comment to Dale: You said, “No government established by revolt or revolution can possibly be a constitutional government.” How do you think the US was established? Hint: We revolted against King George’s government of England! Also, you need to read “The Federalist Papers.” It’s been awhile, but I remember something in there predicting the crisis we have today, that our government eventually WILL (not maybe) violate the US Constitution. The solution is to dissolve any such government and replace it with one that obeys the Constitution, and to continue replacing our government until it DOES follows the Constitution. Unfortunately, our Founders didn’t describe in detail how to go about it–but keep in mind, they were rebels risking by their revolt “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor,” so they wouldn’t rule out a revolt if they were alive today. When/if the British caught up with them, they would have been hanged for treason. Nathan Hale WAS hanged for treason, and other Founders lost families, lives, property and everything they held dear. If we aren’t willing to fight for our freedoms, we deserve to lose them!
its why we are losing them… People are sad losers who want to die in there sleep under the safety of giving up all our freedoms
Dreaded, truly sorry for your troubles. You are correct, an all in or massive power grid collapse will cause untold devastation and unfortunately loss of life. I can tell you this though, amid the chaos, confusion and destruction, there will be people who have a solid core of responsibility, people who will do their best and put their lives on the line to help those who cannot help themselves. A collapse like you are alluding to will be a slow burn and in those times, there will be those who are often referred to as the quiet ones. Those people will consider it an obligation, a duty and an honor to help those who cannot help themselves. You may be surprised to find that those people exist. You don’t always see them or know them but they are there. And there are more of us than you think. Hang tough.
Yes there is a lot who will help others but I am sad to say there is many more that is only for themselves. I am a christian and will help where I am able. But that does not mean I will sit back an allow them to kill, rape and rob. If I see it then I will have to take action. Because I beleive that for the lord to help you you must try to help. Some call this Karma. Which I have found works.
I am not so sure about it being a slow burn and that is where the problem is. The problem is with in a week the medical ficilaties, utilites and fuel will go down or run out because that is what they have in backup(During this time yes people will help others). When this happens people will not have running water. Food they might have for a week or two but water they will not. Most people will realize pretty quick what is happening and will start leaving the cities and that is when the killing will start.
If the people who are responcible see 100 or 500 people coming to them there will be no way they can help (no matter how much they want to) that many so they will be forced to turn them away and that will lead to the ones in the group that are bad to attack.
If it was truly a slow burn (over months) then yes there will be people helping.
There is only one way the government can be overturned and the constitution restored without the populace dieing out and that is by a coup by the military and that is only if the leader of the military does not want to be a dictator.
Now I would not fight for Bidens governement. Becasue it is against what I swore an oath too. So I would have to fight to end it just in case the leadership did want the constitution. But What I said is true about the end of the USA.
Do not get me wrong a revolt will end the USA and what comes after is up to us. The reason is the people can and should kick out any who has dreams of being a dictator. See there may not be just 1 revolt it may be that revolt will follow revolts until a good leadership is put in. The thing about this is as a first step we would have to get the present government out.
As I said I am not for any revolution if there is another way.
I am not responding anymore about the garbage of your responce to the solar junk. Why becuase it is as useless trying to show the TRUTH to you.
But in responce to a statement made Raven I am ging to respond. I qoute
“Raven Prepper expert 4 days ago
the power grid is going to fail anyways… .why as a prepper won’t you prepare for that event. Seems simple enough and millions will die with out the meds they live on and millions will die because they can’t heat a home or millions will die from sickness and the fact they tied themselfs to goverment and a system that they sold themselves into slavery.
So keep voting and wondering why they tax you out of your house…. they regulate you out of a job and force you into a reeducation camp.. Its not like you would of been willling to do anyting. I am sure many like you will ride on the coat tails of the victory of the patriots of our nation as well.”
The problem you don’t have because you are most likely wealthy by everything you have said is you have the funds to go off the grid with back up power. Where the majority of people do not have those funds. So the only choice they have is to try and repair a broken system.
Now most Preppers do not have the funds to fully prepare for a power grid failure with a back up power system which cost 10s of thousands to actualy build a sustainable working system. Those systems that cost less are only sustainable if you dublicate the system so you would have relacement parts and so will cost about twice as much.
As to the power grid failure yes we all know the probability of it eventually failing and the results of what that will be.
So what do the Preppers do when they do not have the funds? They prepare by doing the things they can. That does not include actually going off the grid. Why because to actually go off the grid means most of them like me have to have medications, medical treatment and special setups for family members. They know if they were to go off the grid those family members would die. So they choose to stay on the grid and try to repair a bad system.
That does not mean we have not prepared the best we can.
The reason for us trying to repair the system is because we want our family members to live as long as they can.
You don’t see that there is a possibility though I agree that possibility is not great that the system can be fixed. I was always taught where there is a will there is a way.
In prepping that will can only goes as far as the extra funds you have.
Excellent response Dreaded. Right on the nuts.
Well you need to be honest on what setup you want. Having Solar panels and making power during the daylight hours is the cheapest but you have zero back up and maybe thats the only way you can get away with using automotive batteries. ( You seriously can’t deep cycle automotive batteries ) Most non lithium processional setups can’t go past 50 percent of battery voltage . Its a quick way to kill the most expensive part of your setup.
Now if you want the cheapest setup…. you just won’t have storage backup if you do it.
However doing it right will give you backup power during no sunlight or dark days.
Solar isn’t cheap but its something i think everyone should get. Its also something you need to plan to build as a system you can’t really just add more panels or batteries to the system. Everything is balanced out for a quality system.
Considering you’re spending money on auto batteries why not go with 6 volt golf cart batteries…. DESIGNED For deep charges… plus you get the benefit of 6volt batteries.
Perfect reply to Raven. I can give you some information about portable solar power systems that costs far less than “tens of thousands of dollars.” has portable solar power generators as low as $500, and fancier ones (for bigger loads) from $2,500-3,500. They are a reputable company and give good quality for the money. They may offer payment plans on your credit card as well. Check them out!
lol ok well enjoy something that won’t run a freezer ….. considering that the standard is just on solar panel is a dollar a watt…. That lithium batteries are up 40 percent as well.
You solar generator is a neato camping tool that can maybe run a RV Fridge and charge up a few flashlights
yeah the other flip side is those gymic ones don’t last long term. Because again they are not designed around the idea of off setting your power. But hey what would we know about it all ..
Raven Lunatic,
I ran a 40-year-old freezer on a solar power generator for six hours and it was still 40% charged. If you leave the solar panels attached to charge it during use, it would certainly last 12 hours. Performance would be MUCH better on newer freezers with higher efficiency ratings. But what I had in mind for their use is for vital medical equipment and to run that RV fridge you sneer at to keep life-saving meds refrigerated. No, it won’t provide the same electricity you get from your utility company, but some power is better than no power at all. So you go and build your fire in your living room by rubbing a few dry words together; the rest of us will make a slower transition to the 1800’s–and live in more comfort than you when your Mommy and Daddy can’t give you the ice cream cake you’re whining for on your birthday. I doubt you have the equipment and skills to even last a month; your mouth has already killed you, since brainless braggarts like you have told too many people what you have, and are already marked for the kill by your neighbors when they get hungry enough.
And you ran it for how long of a period of time…. not hours but days months years ?
There is a reason why solar costs a small fortune and those generators are for “oops your power went out for a day or two types. The difference between long term preparness and only thinking you could lose power for a a few days types.
Yes we do have a fire in our living room its a wood cook stove… keeps the house at 70 to 75 all winter long.
I HAVE checked them out, and found better and cheaper items they sell from Amazon.
Check out the Jackery line of solar generators. I have, at different times, purchased the 160 (for my Jeep) 300, 2 x 1000 and a 2000. Some were on sale. Yeah, the solar panels are a bit more expensive, but I buy other brands. You can use other brands, just make sure they are the same if hooking up together.
Better quality and less expensive than the 4 patriots.
Meh ok fudd …. silly boomers who destroyed this country
I prep but I know something that raven does not seem to know, most preppers already know this.
You can survive without any power. Using the old ways. Back in my early years we did not have a freezer. We had 1 light bulb per room (a candle could be used), 1 fire place in the living room and a stove in the kitchen. The bedrooms were not heated. All we had was an old fridge that had an ice box to make ice in ice trays, a pressure cooker to can goods with, Cast iron pots/pans, an old house that had cracks in the walls and an outhouse.
My farther at that time was a share cropper. He raised some hogs, hunted and mom took care of a garden, children, house and that is what we lived off of. He raised crops for the owner of the land and shared in the profits or what there was left. With that he bought what the family had to have to survive.
The only reason I need power is for my family members that could not survive without it. I will fight any way I can to prevent the power going down. If that is by voting then I will vote, if it means fighting then I will fight but it is illogical to just do nothing to try and fix the government like Raven.
Thanks for the life history lesson. The problem is there are many, many thousands of people who would have to survive the way you describe–and there isn’t enough farm land for that many to start a subsistence farm. There also aren’t that many out of those thousands who have the skills to start a farm from scratch, then to survive until it produces any food. I’ve seen stats saying 95-98% of the US residents would die within the first year after a widespread nuclear attack; I think those figures are too optimistic.
This person called Raven, in all seriousness, is either a paid Leftist troll, or a person with serious emotional issues. Either way someone needs to get him some real help. I’m not trying to be a jerk, this guy is sick and dangerous.
The world is full of google Experts. Combine that with an uncontrollable urge to be relevant and an overwhelming desire for attention and that is the result you get. As I have said before those who have “been there and done that” can spot a wannabe a mile away. It is statistically impossible to be an Expert on every imaginable subject. Unless of course you are Cliff Calvin from the sitcom “Cheers.”
At least he was entertaining.
Clavin that should read
I think your are correct about the high numbers of people that would not survive not only nuclear attack but any failure that caused a wide spread power failure. In 2021, 331.9 million people lived in the United States according to USA Facts. That means that at 90% only 35 million would survive. But there is more than that that live in the country. So the numbers could be more that survive. The majority would die in the first month.
The thing is the death rate depends on when this occures if they survive a year or not. See if it occurs during the fall or winter then the death rate will be a lot higher (even for preppers that had only a few months food put back) than if it happens in the spring. It also depends on the weather, the location and if they are willing to work with those who have the knowledge.
Where I live would not be as great a problem as far as farming/hunting is concerned because it is mostly wooded and farm land.
Dreaded, I agree that those statistics are just probability guesses at best, especially since no one will really know until after the SHTF what is happening. Except of course our fanatical cultist “Charlie Foxtrot” who pretends he sees all & knows all about everyone and everything.
Those that live in remote areas AND are self-sufficient will be the most likely to survive, such as the Amish communities, but there are many who currently live in suburban areas that also have knowledge, experience, and attitudes that will be useful for them to survive. How it all works out for each person is unknown, the best thing everyone can do for now is to prepare in advance as best they can within their means, learning and practicing skills, and acquiring tools and supplies to help them survive if needed.
Where to hide if a serious bioweapon is released? The answer, as proven by the orchestrated COVID Scam-demic designed for power and profit is: Nowhere.
“Our nation is being threatened from within. That is really the only way America can fall. We have one party that demands we embrace full-blown communism and another party that doesn’t seem to have the guts to stop them. Too many have forgotten that we are a nation that has a government of the people, by the people, for the people and we are allowing a few self-appointed elites to take away our rights and freedoms ‘for the good of the nation’. Once these rights are forfeited, we will never get them back. You can vote in communism but you have to shoot your way out of it.
I, for one, will not stand still and let a handful of elites take my country. Seventy members of the Democrats in Congress belong to the Democrat Socialists of America. You can see what they have been allowed to do. Senator Joseph McCarthy was mocked for trying to identify communists with our society. You see what has happened when they are allowed into positions of authority. Where’s the McCarthy’s today? They’ve self-identified themselves so all we have to do is vote them out. If we don’t, we’ll be another Venezuela.”
I urge everyone to read a book by Jonathan Cahn called Harbinger. His theme is that 9-11 was a punishment from God for our country turning away from Him–and that we will get progressively more severe punishments until we do turn back to God. 9-11 was pretty bad, killing 3,000 and destroying the health of many first responders and others years later due to the toxic clouds from the destruction, and it also shook our faith in our government. Our response? Instead of going to God for comfort and a closer relationship with Him, we set out to punish those responsible, and arrogantly swore to build back even bigger and stronger than before; no one in our government even mentioned God or suggested a return to God. Cahn quotes little-known Bible verses and events from 9-11 that seem to support the idea that we WERE being punished–and he wrote his book back in 2011, long before Biden OR Trump considered becoming President! Now Biden and the Leftist-Communists, with their evil, unconstitutional, authoritarian rule and freedom-stealing policies, are certainly a progressively worse punishment than 9-11. They have killed MILLIONS with toxic shots, lockdowns and mask dictates while hiding and even criminalizing existing cures such as HCQ and Ivermectin, and some people ARE turning back to God, since they see no way we can turn our country around on our own in the face of stolen elections and illegal mandates. But have we AS A COUNTRY turned back to God and leading a Godly life? Just look at the “entertainment” schedule on TV for your answer.
My only question now is: Is it too late to turn back to God as a country before we receive a final, nuclear punishment?
I do not believe this Jonathan Cahn because no one can know what the lord does or is going to do. Could this 911 be punishment yes could it be, just as it could be something that happened that is not punishment from God.
Can man know the future no. Only God Knows the future so saying we are being punished by God and will continue to be punished is him saying he knows what God is going to do.
Believe what you will. I believe we should not try to know what God is doing or try to know why. I beleive we should just believe in Jesus Christ and he knows what is best. What happens with the world is really not our concern. What is our concern is what we do in life, to try to convert nonbelievers to Christianity for their sake.
Dreaded, I agree that we can’t know the mind of God. What we can do is read what Jesus Christ did in the Bible. He involved himself in the government and secular concerns when he threw the money changers out of the temple. Do you think he would want us to passively accept the evils that now rule our world, or should we fight it with every ounce of strength we can muster?
I did not say we should do nothing to fight evil that is done in this world. What I meant to say is that what happens in this world is not our main concern. That our main concern is what we as individuals do in life.
Oh if I see and evil happening such as a woman being attacked then I will put a stop to it. The evil that governments do can only be stoped by all the people pulling together. I can not pull together on the side of socialism because of my belief in freedom. So I have to be on the conservative side. The democats left me no choice by what their agenda is.
So much like the current church is now…. Bury your head in the sand and Ignore the world around you. Only preach a bland peace , love and grace message and wonder the church is dead.
Sorry i totally disagree with you on all of it. You have a duty to study the word and put it to the test of whats going on. You are to be in the world but not part of it. Meaning you should be taking note of whats going on.
Yes Elohim took his hand of pertection away from this country. We like the hebrews went after the baal worship. Yet nobody repents for it either
Trump was on par with out spending obama and yes biden is out spending trump. None of it really matters beause its all going to collaspe and nothing you can do or vote in will save it.
DZ your are 100% correct but there is many that will not even try to vote them out. Why because they think it can not be done because the system is broken.
Last election we saw things that should not have happened such as republicans not allowed to veiw the process in certain places, the mail in voting fraud, and other things like overnight it going from Trump leading to him losing by way to many votes.
If we the people go vote and the democrats win again there will be a war. The reason is a lot of democratic voters have changed their views and say they will not vote democrat again because of all that has happened since Biden got in (notice I did not say won). The inflation and all the things done for our economy that he stopped only because he hated Trump. A lot of the People are tired of this and there are groups that will start it.
We are at a catch 22 point. If our voting system is broken (as many believe) and we can not remove the Democrats Then we can not stop what is happening through peacefull means. The second part of catch 22 is if war happens in the USA then the constitution will not be restored because of the division of the people, the leaders will have to take full control bypassing the constitution until things settle but once they have that power they will not give it up so another war and on and on. In our war for independence The people were not divided and so the constitution was written and ratified but the people are now divided by too many issues.
WAR lol. Now to many fat couch sitting cable TV news i****s. Eating gmo food who won’t be bothered by a fraudulent election. They are blinded weak pathetic sheep.
I’m not sure if it’s worth hiding in the event of a full-scale nuclear war, when I googled this information, I found that due to a nuclear winter, the planet would simply run out of food.
I learned how to survive those nasty bombs in grammar school: Get under your desk!
There are more comment on this subject, Then any subject that has been ever talked a bout.
On prepper’s .com
But I think there all vary good ,
They all have a point about what is going on,
We might not always agree with each other on the subject.
But I respect every ones opinion .
And the right to speak freely .
Thank you preppers,
While serving at sea on a destroyer (“57 thru 60) we were trained ,in case of a nuclear detonation, to squat on the deck, place our head between our legs and kiss our ass goodbye. I think that is the only answer today.
While serving at sea on a destroyer (“57 thru 60) we were trained ,in case of a nuclear
detonation, to squat on the deck, place our head between our legs and kiss our ass goodby.
I think that is the only answer today.
Hi Robert… I think our subs. will have the last laugh……don’t you ?
I agree with you ,
I think your right a bout what your saying here.
Looking at what is going on at the boarder .
And now they plan on releasing 4 to 6 thousand they have locked up
into our country,
Its not hard to see what the Dems have been planning all a long,.
Why do they need to nuke us,
They have already done it,
Started on the inside of our county so they can land troops on
our shores, Keeping us busy ,
I feel this is what’s been planed all a long,
Who needs to hide? Buy an old school desk to get under. That’s where they told us to go when I was a kid.
Ya….when the alarm went off it filled me with terror…even though the teacher said its a drill….I’ll never be the same…..then all of our leaders started getting assassinated…no wonder the Beatles were so popular.