Prepping is not for the weak. There’s no clear blueprint to do it the right way, and it’s hard for anyone not to make some errors in the process. The problem is, some of these mistakes could turn out deadly in the next crisis.
When I started out prepping a few years back, I was naïve. I thought I would just get myself the cheapest cans of food out there, store a good amount of water in blue barrels, buy some ammo and a few guns, and be done with it in one month. Ha! I know now I was fooling myself.
After some serious research and getting to talk with experienced preppers later down the road, I realized what I was doing back then was worse than not preparing at all. I was telling neighbors about my stockpile and my plans. I was giving away a ton of my hard-earned money on “lifesaving devices” just because I had bought into the deceptive marketing. I was taking advice from the wrong people: “influencers” with many followers but no real-life experience in a crisis that were merely self-proclaimed know-it-alls giving bogus advice just because it sounded good on YouTube. Not to mention I was exposed to the fake news that spreads like wildfire on TV and social media.
I made the mistake of listening to all these people. This cost me a lot, so now I want to share my experience with you to make sure you avoid my mistakes.
No One Will Take You Seriously Until They Really Need You
We all know that person that will mock you but will turn back to you whenever it’s convenient. And when you’re a prepper, this only gets worse.
Your closest friends will doubt you when you tell them you want to get ready for the upcoming crisis. They will even doubt your sanity. You’ll slowly get isolated as they stop calling you and forget to check up on you.
Even your family members might turn their backs on you after they find out you’re “one of them.”
The problem is, when things get serious, they’ll all come begging for food, shelter, and, medicine. So my advice is to not tell anyone—and I mean anyone—other than those closest to you.
You’ll Need Money—a Lot of Money
These days, everything is so expensive, and prepping’s no exception! Many rather shady advertisers, both online and offline, will try to get you to pay thousands of dollars for a food supply that will not last you more than a few weeks.
Related: Money Saving Tips From Real Survivors of the Great Depression
On the other hand, some self-proclaimed Internet “gurus” say you can buy a one-month food supply for only $30. Good luck with that! If you look at inflation rates, not even Walmart will remain a good place to get your food stockpile.
Plus, if you want to make sure you’ll be covered for when the grid goes down, you’ll need to pay around three thousand bucks for a generator that can produce enough energy to sustain your essentials in a long-term blackout.
And don’t even get me started on water reserves. Storing enough water can be a pain in the neck, especially if you don’t have enough space on your property. Plus, to store enough water to get you through a crisis, you’ll need more than a couple of barrels. And if you don’t treat or store it correctly, it can become unsafe to drink within a matter of weeks. It will develop coliform bacteria, which can be deadly to humans. So you’ll have to invest in chemicals and filters. And by investing, I mean paying the corporate bastards hundreds of dollars for stuff that you can also make at home, for much less.
I live on a small property, so I have limited resources.
I’ve never had much space for a large stockpile or for storing water, so I had to look for alternatives.
After many failed attempts, I bumped into this guide that has a section dedicated to water projects.
The one that stood out to me is one that teaches you how to make water out of thin air. I realize this sounds crazy, but this is how you do it.
Once You’re a Prepper, You’ll Be on Their Radar
FEMA will be the first to knock on your door. They’ll claim to be there to help you, but you and I both know that’s actually BS. They just want to confiscate your most valuable goods: food, ammo, water, and medicine. Count yourself lucky if they don’t try to relocate you to one of their camps.
There are also three-letter agencies like the NSA, DIA, CIA, and IRS. They are already watching you.
And don’t forget about burglars and looters. It’s very possible they already know what you’re up to. They could be waiting for the perfect moment to strike. So once you start prepping, you should also start making a detailed plan for protecting your property and stockpiles. Using deterrents is a great way to outsmart the bad guys. One thing that always works is having hidden traps outside your house. You can use fake cameras that light up when someone is passing by, or you can also install loud alarms that sound like a police siren. You can buy these alarms from the store at a minimal cost, or you can make them yourself using a trip wire.
Otherwise, not only are you prepping in vain but you are also gambling with your own safety.
My advice for you is to keep doing what you’re doing.
But to do it all in silence, and don’t let anyone know what you’re actually up to!
Real Medicine Is FREE
Looted and empty—this is how every single drugstore in the country will look in the next crisis. You won’t be able to get yourself a single aspirin let alone antibiotics or other vital meds. Hospitals will be overcrowded with injured and sick people, so it will be hard for you to reach a doctor—any doctor—and you will probably have to wait for days until someone even notices you standing in line.
What you need is a safe, secure source of medicine that you can access when you’re in need that will prove especially useful when SHTF. That’s something you can’t buy.
I always believed God had already provided us with everything we needed. He has given us both food and medicine, and it’s all out there in nature—for FREE.
This is why I now rely almost entirely on my emergency medicinal garden, which provides me with everything I need to make my own very effective natural remedies.
Not Having a Plan B Can Cost You Your Life
Picture this: A civil war has just begun, and soon martial law is put in place around the country. Everything you once knew has turned upside down; your rights are suspended indefinitely. You don’t feel safe anywhere, not even in your own home. And even though bugging in is the key to staying safe when things go south, focusing too much on this scenario might not be the smartest thing to do. At one point, you might even be forced to go into the wild, so you should learn how to survive out there before it’s too late.
I was looking for the perfect guidance for this, and I bumped into a book that taught me exactly what to do to become self-reliant and make the wild my second home. It also taught me how to find and purify water, how to build a long-term shelter, what do to if I ever bump into a wild animal, and so many more useful skills.
I am sure the information found in this practical guide will prove to be vital one day, so click here to check it out if you’re interested in that kind of knowledge as well.
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Well here we are again, don’t study history you do tend to repeat the cycle over. We are in a mild depression not the great depression but a Bidenomics destruction of America.
Influencers of the woke cultist who are sensitive freaks of helicopter parents who spoiled their children to be indoctrinated American haters of false history lessons. Kids and liberal Scaredy Cats wearing spandex shorts and bike helmets. Instead of getting a couple bruises in life’s adventures.
Now we got useful idiots of the LGBT types cheering on the Gaza Islamic’s who would throw them off a building in Gaza.
We got middle eastern countries funding the old traditional Ivy League universities, peddling influence.
The adversaries are funding our destruction through the great Trojan Horse of China Iran Joe Biden playing both sides of the wars and conflicts he started to cover up his crime family’s wealth of high crimes and misdemeanor’s.
Jimmy Carter’s inflation is here again, the US dollar is becoming worthless without the gold standard resumed soon.
Are we happier than we were 4 years ago?
Is Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel better off then they were 4 years ago?
The reckoning is coming until we change our ways soon.
The musical chairs are changing on Biden’s Titanic rudderless ship of fools powered by outside influencers, foriegn and domestic agencies and activists.
Pray to God for your source of stability in this chaotic world.
God we need your blessings to give us strength to do the right things.
It just goes to show you how much of a business academia is… If you have enough money, we don’t care who or what you are or what you represent, we will take it just like any business. This is what greed instead of morals causes, and it is seen throughout government and society, and not only ours here in the USA.
The civil war maybe the real Americans versus not skin color as preached. But the open border illegals of Chinese nationals, terrorist sleeper cells, the Islamist nutjobs. We will be fighting with sticks and stones as the Biden-Obama influencer thugs have made several gun control laws in place.
Currently Biden has pulled ammo shipments to Israel to put down Biden’s Gaza Islamic friends.
Is your life better or worse than they were 5 years ago?
It’s the economy stupid!
Drill for oil and close the open border, build the wall!
We still have the border wall taxpayer materials paid for ready to be installed.
Are we closer to a nuke war with Biden then with Trump?
Kick the Chinese CCP out of the American farmlands sold to the enemy by treasonous traitors of America.
I read that Biden sold most of the uninstalled border wall material (metal) for pennies on the dollar.
Take the profits mad, back from the people who profited from the sale of the border wall materials. Every politician who went from being poor to being wealthy and by insider trading to live in gated armed communities.
The Ukraine war donations and spending bills be reversed to build the border wall first, give the ammo to Israel first. Ukraine is Biden’s war not ours. George Soros needs to be at Guantanamo Prison water boarded.
Thanks for that info, Becky. I figured he just gave it away like he does OUR HARD EARNED money. Biden needs to go! And take that FAKE DOCTOR Jill, too!
The sale was stopped . As it was brought to the attention of the public that it is federal property like it or not and even the auctioneers were told if they sold it, it would be a federal offense and federal prison time.
Agreed 100%
Why in 2008 did we bail out the banks that were too big to fail in Obama’s presidency of the chief divider of Americans through Marxism.
Too big to fail politicians say, but they did fail, that’s why they were bailed out of their bad decision’s costing the working taxpayer trillions not the reported billions. The kicker is, we the taxpayer who actually work for a living and pay the taxes get nothing when we need it except being walked all over. Look at all the funding of foreign proxy wars for Israel and the war machines, but what have we the people gotten over the years when we need something… Nothing except get a job or vote for me, ECT.
In the near future a majority of patriotic Americans and the
Oath Keepers will have had enough and do whatever it
takes to save our country and way of life.
All of the restrictions on guns will do nothing to stop what is
We will show no forgiveness or mercy.They will cry and plead to no avail.
That is what it must be.
America does not need to be destroyed. Only the fools who are in current occupation in the state and federal positions. Unelected and elected must be purged by this 2024 vital presidential election coming closer and closer.
Thumbs down are the woke snowflakes, who cheer the Islamist to ruin.
Well I know I am doing a lot better than 4 years ago. Mostly because I understand how economics works. Thats the problem we have in the US. The dumbing down of our population that start to believe the propaganda being spewed. Four years ago we were afraid to leave our homes because selfish people decided that they couldn’t wear a mask or get vaccinated. Yes selfish. You see you don’t have to believe in what others are doing. But when you interact with people there is a certain responsibility. If you know that people don’t like certain things you do, you don’t do it around them. Its called being civil. Who cares if you consider it “my right “. You can be civil or you can be an asshole. You can want civilized behavior or asshole behavior. You can take steps to improve society or you can retreat to being an asshole. But understand that there are consequences for acting like an asshole. For one, no one will want to help you. And we all want or desire help occasionally. So be more civil. Peace!
Taking a vaccine which is new and not tested properly is NOT “being civil”. It is going along with the crowd of misinformed citizens which are in fact lemmings or sheep with no ability to critically and diligently create their own ideas and plans of action. Label that “being an asshole” if it makes you feel better about yourself but individualism in America is what made us great. Communism will be our downfall. I care about “My Rights”!
“Civil” James Gregg calls everybody assholes because…. he’s so civil, I guess. Then he talks about our society being dumbed down by propaganda, causing “selfish” people not to wear masks or get vaccinated! Who fell for propaganda, Civil James? You? Because, those with the wisdom to spot a globalist pandemic scam now have been vindicated in avoiding masks whenever possible, and deciding not to get vaccinated. The masks showed how submissive many were and are now proven to be ineffective. The MRNA “vaccines” may be weakening or killing many more than they ever helped….
Obviously you still have the misguided notion…masks work. Study after study has debunked that. Countries that did not push vax , force masking or close schools actually faired better than we did…not even considering the damage done to education, small children learning to speak, infections from too long in masks AND the fact most masks were inadequate or worn improperly.
I caught covid (while masked) from a subject (also masked)….so also have real life experience.
This so-called civil behavior was not extended to my choice to not vax or mask…my job was threatened, I couldn’t travel, attend public functions and had to listen to threats, comments etc.
I have a daughter that has suffered vax injury as well as several friends who died.
I feel such anger when I hear the fact of the cover up of remedies that were denied us because if there was a working therapy …emergency authorization could not be given….that is a fact even the drug companies admit. I was hospitalized with Covid…even before shots were available (which I have not taken) and lost a family member.
IF we are being civil you can wear your mask and vax (although I suggest some deeper research) and I can choose to not…no threats, no name calling.
I for one think Fauci et al should be held criminally liable!
Wake up snowflake! You must one of those 1% elitists, obviously part of the problem. You are one of those you speak of who are working to turn this country into a totalitarian regime of global elitists; “you will own nothing and you will be happy!”, yea, like China and North Korea. The ultra-liberal far left, the dumocrats, the progressives, the globalists, who have shut the door on compromise, it’s their way or no way!
Everything you espoused proves it is individuals like you which they rely on to spread their malicious propaganda because you swallow their line of BS; you are part of the problem, by not standing up against these despots. The WEF/UN, masterminds of world destruction, has already declared 8 billion people must be eradicated to fulfill their lunacy! Statistically, when the SHTF 90% of the U.S. population will be expunged, and in all probability, you are going to be part of that 90%; simply because you are too dumb to see the true objectives cretins like BiDUMB, and the rest of the dumocrats are doing to eliminate OUR country. Of course your “doing a lot better that four years ago”, your part of the problem and you haven’t a clue what to do about it.
Since you don’t haven’t any big boy pants to put on, go back to reading your dumocrat handbook of U.S. domination and kiss the ass of those who will destroy you and leave the real thinking and problem solving to us adults.
I know how economics work. And if people around you are going to wear masks and you don’t want to be sticking out like a sore thumb then adopt the grey man theory. But that’s just the way I am and have always been. If I want to scout someone or something even someplace out, I’m going to blend in. Plus 26 years of military experience has taught me a lot. And I have a few family members who are in very similar situations right now so if I want to know something like say about the guy who blew up the Tesla cybertruck I can and actually did ask.
Wow! Are you a Jesuit? Or are you depressed and suicidal? Are the ten “like” voters of your post and opinion Jesuits or Jesuit trained? Suicidal? If not, where do you come up with this stuff?
You should first learn the difference between “legal” and “lawful”, and the language of each. I’m not sure you know what you just wrote.
Completely off base this entire article. You cannot survive by yourself, period. It requires a community of people with the same ideologies living and working together and they DON’T HAVE TO LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!
Also, a well with a source of electricity to pump it is the best water option, not having that water can be stored literally forever with proper disinfection techniques like what can be found here.
Humans are social creatures and they require community to survive. Living by yourself does nothing to help mankind as a whole, it just delays your completely uneventful demise.
As a dedicated student of Bible prophecy I can tell you that the bottom line of all this is, get your life right with the LORD because no matter how much planning prepping sweating and fretting anyone does it will not be adequate because we are CLEARLY IN THE, long prophesied, last days! If you really want to know what to prepare for, and you are not a Christian presently, simply read Revelation 6:1-8. The Bible has never been wrong!!!!
How did it come about that: John, Danny, Becky, Dianne, Ginine, Chuck, Bart, Adam, and Greg DID NOT FOCUS ON PLAN B (nor plan A, C, D, and E)? I would caution any new wannabe’s to stay away from these folks–because they will easily become desperate–their mind does not focus on what can be done; and only upon who cheated them from an easier life.
On the one hand, I don’t mind that people choose to focus on their version of the problem; but that does not help the reader to develop a plan A. B. C. or D.. So, I am 72y/o and could kick anybody’s F’n ass. . I have met or known, plenty of clueless bitchers; but it didn’t help me at all, when I needed to understand what is going on. I thought this column was about self-sufficiency, even in the worst of times. If you need to start doing something and you are not sure what it is you need to do, Just say so–someone will chime in.
We are so close to total impoverishment, DON’T LISTEN TO COMPLAINERS who seemingly have no solutions pertaining to self-sufficiency.
Five years ago I developed a Plan-A. I bought 40-lb buckets (1 each) of rice, oats, red wheat, white wheat and lentils as part of my PLAN-A. Now, because I have not opened them (partly from laziness) they are part of my PLAN-B, because I am afraid to open them–If I decide they are ‘not so good”, then I got to figure out what to do with them and I don’t have a preconceived idea about what to do about that). So, now I have found a new way to feed myself (living in a state bordering on Canada with “too cold for me” long 5-month winters). I will literally “can” dandelions, and purslane, and ten other edible weeds that grow in my yard that I DO NOT POISON..
So here is my point. When I was a “wannabe” I created for myself a Plan A and bought things. Along the way (and across 3 years of time) I created a Plan B, which was “growing my own stuff”. SO, my Plan B is now my Plan A; and my original Plan A (that is supposed to last 25-years max, is my Plan B).
SO I WANT TO ASK THE QUESTION, WHEN DID YOU FIRST HEAR ANYBODY TALK ABOUT HOW THEY HAD A PLAN-A, THAT THEY SHIFTED TO A PLAN-B, because they got smarter (or at least “fresher” in what they were stockpiling). Now, I am what in my day was called “A DIP-SHIT” (meaning I had no historical knowledge about what I was doing), BUT I kept at it, and learning more (though my learning is not yet completed and done). But I have made progress. How do I know? My 1999 Plan-A is now my Plan-B.
Do you have a plan-A? Do you have a Plan-B? Have you changed your Plan A into a plan-B because you have learned new things along the way? If not, Why Not? I can get enraged by as many things as you. However, I choose not to eat my rage, and take revenge upon whomever is more prepaRed than me. If you do not know what I am talking about, you do not know anything about Preparedness. So, start at the beginning with your plan-A; even as I suggested it may well become a plan-B after you have accomplished Plan A.
Just ignore bitchers, because the times do appear to be getting short. Focus on solution orientated people AND ESPECIALLY when they describe what climate they live in: forest, desert, hot./cold, whatever. And for all the first name people I listed…MOVE IT FORWARD. STOP BITCHING and start preparing. I REALLY DO ACCEPT YOUR BITCHING; but I will be hungry on my part, and you will be thirsty and thieving on your part, if you don’t get down to basic survival in your area). You know what this means, don’t you? I do! What it means that when you come along to wherever I am, I know to ditch you as fast as possible, because you are an angry dependent–who won’t do what you need to do for you, for those with you (whom ever they may be). And frankly, when I am tried and hungry I won’t care, at all, that you, in your bitching are also tired and hungry.
The days are over, and have been for quite awhile. I mean WTF. Russia fired an EMP floating above USA ABLE TO KNOCK OUT MOST OF USA electricity. WW-3 (at least in planning) has already begun among about 30 countries. If you are still Bitching and not scared to death, you are not even worth the piss-in-your-pants that you suggest of yourselves.
It really is OK to bitch; but it is not OK to bitch with no concept of Plan A, nor B, nor C, nor D. Get to it. Get started so that you have something that can buy you time (and I won’t finish this sentence as to why you should start now, instead of bitching. You can figure out why I won’t finish this sentence.)
I have been canning leftovers. The next day usually. I just hot canned 1/2 gallon jar of dry beans. You don’t have to purposely buy extra. I will save a serving for this days meal and can the rest. This doesn’t have to be a chore, just a habit. Before you throw anything out look at it. What can I do with this? Then, do it. Make it. Burn it… Construction dumpsters are the best for primitive weapons.
I have done some similar things to radar. I saw it more like different levels rather than Plan A or Plan B. My preparations were like concentric circles where each one encompasses a little more.
For instance, looking at food, FEMA suggests three days or two weeks depending on what you’re reading. Starting with nothing, I focused first on three days, then two weeks, then longer. The 25-year food has a place, but it’s not the be all and end all. During that 25- year period, I am learning to grow more edible items, forage edible items, and preserve food in different ways. Some of the food I preserve might not have a 25- year shelf life, but it may be good several years. That is still useful and provides sustenance in the off-season such as during winter, or if it’s a foodstuff with heavy and light fruiting years.
The skills build on themselves. Keeping with the food example learning the different preservation methods offers flexibility. If I have a successful hunt with more quarry than I can consume before it goes bad, I can consider preserving the excess by making jerky, canning, salting ,larding, or just putting it in the freezer.
Some of those preserving processes require heat, so learning to make cookfires as well as using modern day ranges adds another option.
Being able to start a fire is handy for keeping warm as well as cooking. So the skills learned in one area help in another.
It does also depend on what kind of emergency one plans for. Most of mine that have occurred to date have been weather related. They have each taught me something about how well I have prepared.
Well said , I live in the deep south and yes I did the same and bought stuff at first, but a oil refinery injury retired me early and gave me a lot of time I’ve put into preparing, most these people probably don’t even have water stores up to par if you are a newbie at this I suggest getting your water stores as near to perfect as possible and from more than one source. That’s all the advice I’m going to give and the most obvious the same people calling you crazy today will be the same person you have to end up shooting over them trying to steal your stores and as far as the bitchin and whining if you’re doing that and not preparing your already Dead ….KEV down south
As deep down the rabbit hole as this writer is, he’s still missing what’s going on. We’re not preparing to withstand a temporary difficulty, we’re preparing to transition to complete independence. The infrastrucure is being systematically disassembled on all levels–physically, physiologically, socially and psychologically. That’s not a storm to weather, that’s removal of all support systems. This is being hidden by mass distractions such as the election, which outcomes are predetermined as long as corrupt people are still in power (have you ever heard of a top federal govt official being jailed for their corruption? Neither have I. That tells us what the current state of affairs is…)
That is a perspective I have believed for some time…
Those stupid FEMA “have 3 days of food” yada yada…are not helpful to new preppers and those who have experienced disasters know to do more.
Prepare for the worst…rejoice if it’s not as bad.
There is no “too prepared”, nature or people can always throw a curve.
The challenge is to survive (thus preps to get thru) and then skills to continue that survival w/o access to more.
I have heard no more than 3 months supplies…I consider that a joke. What about an event in the Fall? You live anywhere in the North…no crops or gleaning for at least 9 months…longer for crops that take longer season and warm weather. Hard to forage with deep snow, just keeping warm will be a challenge. Doing things the old way…takes a tremendous amount of time and energy….so backups to get you thru that and insurance for a bad crop, rainy or too hot season.
Life will be different…those that whine they can’t live w/o air-conditioning or some such thing and would rather die…well that shows a weak constitution and will to live. Hopefully not in my camp…I’m too busy.
People will die more from infection, difficult births, bad water, fire etc….but less from heart disease, car accidents, plane crashes etc
Just different…
Spot on. Complete community-like, self sufficiency in every regard = a great chance to survive, maybe thrive! Spread the chores and responsibilities amongst many like-minded family members and/or friends.
O Have contingencies.
O Have redundancy built into all your efforts.
O Think like it’s 1880 and you don’t have modern technology (or issues).
O Think long term, like things won’t ever get back to “normal”. I don’t think they will. (The current state of the world could be the beginnings of the “end times”. Seriously. None of us know if it’s not. If that is true, we just need to try to save all the souls we can from the ruler of this world, and all other bets are off.)
Real wake up and scare – read the new book out called the attack. A fiction story, but oh so possible.
Most are already screwed and don’t realize it yet.
Actually it’s simple. Eat what you find, when you find it … then sleep, pee, poop … and fight, when and if you need to … and you’ll survive … or you will not.
Live as though you will pay for what you do and are accountable to a Great God who Judges the Truth, Heart, Actions acordingly and as a standard that does not change for any of mankind
Today , as though your trust is in God , Not Man , Fear God and Keep his laws, statues, commands, and ways .
Dont Trust Mankind or evil leaders who seek favor, followers, blind obedience and mass submission
God is Holy, Just , Disciplined , Structured
not kaotic ,
God Give s Clear direction, Guidence , and law to those who choose to obey him, follow him , do what he says in his lawbook the bible , ot and nt
as is written : if you seek after God, thru Jesus Christ you will see clearly and find the truth according to God , NOT Mankind , Fake leadership, Fake churchs, fake religeons which violate everything God says to achieve thier praise, money, success, followers
Remember this key Fact : God is Spirit , Truth , does not change for mankind
Also what you sow you will reap , to the 4th generation , what ever that is .
There is a way that seems right to mankind , and that way is eternal death , distruction , eternal separation from GOD .
The Choice is Yours , Choose this Day whom you will Follow , Serve , obey
yep, just another dumb Biden move
I don’t understand how anyone can support the genocide that is happening to the Pakistani people; mainly women and children. Those of you that support Israel’s slaughter should educate yourself on what’s really going on and the reasons behind the slaughter. Read about the huge maritime natural gas field that is off the coast of Gaza. Read about the “Greater Israel” plan. Read about how the state of Israel came about in 1948 and prior to 1948 see how much land the Palestinian people had before their land was taken from them. The whole October 7th “attack” was a black flag event.
Concerned: You need to get your facts straight. First and foremost the Jews are the original Palestinians. The current people who say they are Palestinian are just Arabs. Jordan which was about 80% of the area called Palestine was created and given to them, the Arabs. Israel was created out of the rest. The Arabs did not like this and attacked the new state of Israel and lost. Boohoo Arabs deal with it. Wars have consequences. Look at the Bible. It talks about Israel 2000+ years ago. And what, the Koran talks about Israel referenced over 30 times, as well being for the Jews and not one word on any land called Palestine. Do some history investigation. This area has a long one 3000 plus years. Its history did not start in1948. Talk to any Muslim about this and they get very mad as it completely destroys their narrative.
Courageous: I agree with the context of your reply. Israel existed in biblical times. I shouldn’t have mentioned the modern day establishment of Israel’s boarders (in 1948); it clouded my actual point. My point in my original comment is in regard to the blatant genocide that is happening before our eyes and the fact that the war is not for the reasons that are being told to us but for other nafarious reasons. The October 7th “attack” was a false flag event. In closing, the covenant with Israel in the Old Testament is an important theme that is fulfilled in Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The covenant is NOT just about a specific nation or lineage, but about God’s promises being fulfilled through Jesus Christ and offered to ALL people who believe in him.
The best preparation is the one you make within yourself. If you are not mentally prepared to survive, you won’t last a week no matter how much stuff you buy, hoard, grow, or steal.
Learn advanced First Aid and Trauma care. Learn how to garden. Go camping in the wild and hone your skills to be able to stay hidden in the wild for an indefinite period. Practice with your firearms, bow and arrow, and knife. Prepare to be able to take a human life without hesitation.
And if you are planning on bugging in, plan and practice retaking your home in the event that you are overrun. Prepare range cards from vantage points around your house. Watch your home at night to see where shadows come from so that you can place a shot through the wall if need be.
Learn skills, train on how to use them and then practice. No other preparation is more important than the mental preparation you will need to get through the events certainly coming our way.