When hiking, camping, or just getting through daily life, there are always times when you need to clean up yourself, your kids, or your space. Most of us keep a package of baby wipes or disinfectant wipes in the house and car for these times. But even a small pack of wipes can be a lot to carry when you’re trying to reduce your daily carry space and weight. These compressed wipe pills are perfect for those times.
Compressed wipes are hypoallergenic, biodegradable, soft on tender skin, safe for children, and reusable. Because they are hypoallergenic, free of preservatives, perfumes, and added chemicals they are great for sensitive skin.
After first using them for a day hike, I have begun carrying a few in my daily carry for those times when I encounter a poorly stocked restroom or an emergency situation.
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Uses of Toilet Paper Pills
Because these wipes are advertised as compressed toilet paper, we tend to think of them for that use only. Instead, think of them as compressed wipes or towels and you begin to realize the usefulness of these wipes.
These are perfect when traveling, or anytime when you just need a little cleanup. Use them for:
- Cleaning of all types;
- A non-sterile emergency bandage;
- Baby wipes;
- Feminine hygiene;
- Sponge bath in the woods or public restroom where no paper towels are available;
- Hydrate with hydrogen peroxide instead of water for an anti-bacterial wipe;
Washing and drying dishes;
- Pre-filter for water;
- Coffee filter and filter for other uses;
- A good alternative to pre-moistened towelettes;
- Recycle used wipes for fire starting;
- Alternative for paper towel or facial;
- Cleaning your pet;
- Off grid uses.
Toilet Paper Pills Are Re-Useable
These compressed towel pills are strong enough to be reused several times. I rinse them with water, wring them out, and hang them to dry. They dry very quickly. I would not recommend machine washing them.
They are surprisingly thick and some brands are textured to give them more body. They easily stand up to multiple uses.
Information About the Wysi Wipe Company
Wysi wipes have been around for a while and began sales online in 2006. They were the first brand that I am aware of. However, these compressed wipes have really caught on and you can now find many different brands and sizes available.
You can buy them at Amazon, through many online retailers, and at some preparedness and outdoor stores. They are popular among hikers and campers because of the small size, light carrying weight, and their versatility.
How to Use Toilet Paper Pills
Some of the larger compressed towel pills can be pulled apart dry, but this is not ideal. The best way to use them is to wet them slightly with a small amount of water. You can pour a few drops of water onto the pill from your water bottle and that is enough to start expanding the pill. You then unwrap and unfold it. Once it is unfolded, use it like you would use a wet wipe, washcloth, or a paper towel.
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Why Bother with Toilet Paper Pills
Have you ever needed to wash your face and the local restroom had no paper towels? At home, it is easiest and cheapest to use paper towels, toilet paper, or wash cloths. But away from home, you may find yourself in an understocked restroom or an emergency situation where these compressed towels are the perfect solution.
Even carrying a small package of wet wipes is messy and bulky. I also don’t like the lotion and chemicals they tend to soak them in. A small container of these compressed towels will last forever in my everyday carry and I rehydrate them with plain water—no chemicals. Fortunately, I can easily have them available for those unexpected moments when I need something.
They Unfold into a Generous Towel
That compressed pill looks awful small, is it big enough? I think so.
Sizes vary depending on the brand you buy, but the regular size pill unfolds into a 9-inch square wipe. There are also larger sizes, up to “beach towel” size (which is pretty big, but not really a beach towel).
How to Carry Toilet Paper Pills
Since sizes do vary depending on the brand, you will need to check your pill diameter. However, the ones I use stack into a waterproof match container. This case easily slips into a pocket for everyday carry.
Some brands come with carrying cases, which is convenient for carrying multiple unwrapped pills. Other brands individually wrap the compressed pills for single use. These wrapped pills would be easy to carry for single use and would stay clean until used. Which ones you choose is up to you and how you plan to carry them.
I always carry water with me, so that is no problem for me. However, if you are worried about not being able to find water, I have noticed that the larger size pills can be unfolded without water. It just takes a little more work.
Related: How To Make Waterproof Matches At Home In 5 Minutes
Are They Flushable?
I do not recommend flushing these. The manufacturer lists them as biodegradable and compostable but avoids the question of flushing.
What Is the Cost?
The cost varies with brand and depends on how many you purchase at a time. You can get a package of 500 for about $34 on Amazon, which comes to 6.8 cents each.
That is more than I would want to pay for everyday home use, but not too expensive as an emergency backup and convenience item.
Advantages of Pills
I find the compressed size and light weight to be the main advantage of these towels, but there are others. They are soft, strong, reusable and biodegradable. The strength is similar to a baby wipe or a paper shop towel so you can use them in many different ways. They may even prove to be a great bartering item for when SHTF.
I like having these compressed wipes in my daily carry and use them regularly. In a bug out situation, I think they would be valuable because of their light weight and versatility. What are your thoughts on these toilet paper pills? Did you ever try them?
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I can see that there would be multiple applications for these. For personal hygiene in transit, I would suggest that you have a small spray bottle of vinegar and water to moisten the wipes, and a larger bottle for “home” use.
I wonder how well they wash out, and how many times they can be reused.
For economy, I would suggest that if you use them for a wet nap to clean your face/hands, save them and rinse out and dry for potty use.
I found these several years ago and they are great for my EDC bag. I carry some in my truck and BOB as well. I have used them several times as emergency TP and towels in public restrooms when nothing else was available. They come in several sizes too. Highly recommend them.
They are not flushable so using it as toilet paper is a no. Who wants to wash out the crap because you don’twant to wash it out in the sink do you? What do you do with it? Garbage? Emergency purposes is fine but daily for bathroom use? Great idea but needs tweaking.
Even though the article states I did not know this particular item existed, I have to say I actually did know it existed. With that said it would be wise to get some of these for they are great for “going” while on the go.
6.8 cents per sheet. Would be good to buy one box of 500 then leave them alone and use rarely. Only problem is water. Don’t always have water near by when the urge hits. Especially in the woods, a roll of toilet paper or few paper towels always get me out of a pinch. Still, a good idea. Would have to plan for controlled bowel movements though.
There’s always good ol human spit that will loosen it.
Working on years supply of toilet paper. Up to about six months right now. I will gladly pay you Tuesday with toilet paper for a hamburger today. Sorry, having a bad week and humor helps.
The Lord has your back! Remember that always! Will say a prayer for you!!! Good luck 👍🍀
Cool, Canadian prepper has good videos despite being Canadian.
Thanks a lot, won up. 🙂 If you’re going to trash someone why don’t you trash someone that deserves it. Like that retard in your whitehouse. Otherwise it must be your sense of “humour” coming through. Must have been a REALLY bad week. LOL! We’re more alike than unalike. Don’t trash your cousins, please. And don’t take your bad humour out on Canadians. Ok?
Perhaps you don’t get news where you are; but, the retard in our White House, (Obama) has been gone for more than 3 years.
Obviously a Trump fan. Feel bad for you. 😉 I do agree, however, with his wall. He just hasn’t taken it far enough as far as I’m concerned. Over a million illegal immigrants per year through your southern border. That’s a LOT! We also have problems with a porous border. Particularly in Manitoba and New Brunswick. How the hell do we know who they are without documentation? Legitimate refugee or terrorist? No way to tell. No documents. No entry. Plain and simple. But the Liberals have neither the political will nor the courage to do the proper thing. You want to come into our country you better be willing to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who the hell you really are. And bloody well have marketable skills so that you can contribute to the growth of our country. If you can’t/don’t then bloody well turn around and go back to where you came from. The last thing we need in Canada are Muslim terrorist cells. Sleeper cells? In the meantime they’re put up at a fancy hotel at taxpayer’s expense. Thanks to the policies of the effing retarded Liberals. As regards Trump’s Wall, I would have gone a step further and put in a strip just like they had between east and west Germany. A no man’s land. Mined. Dogs. Guard towers. Orders to shoot on sight. It would have helped with US unemployment and I bet you dollars to donuts it would also have helped to stem the tide of illegal immigration into the United States. By now the border patrol is probably quite aware where most of the illegal crossings take place. Fortify those areas and pair that with a strip of land strewn with sensors and land mines. Even these harsh measures would not stop ALL the illegal immigration but most. Even when they used this particularly harsh model in Germany there were still a few that managed to make it across to the West. Not many, though. The comments I made in the previous post were meant to be taken as somewhat “tongue-in-cheek”. That’s why I put the “LOL” in there. It was a gentle chiding. I’ve communicated with Wannabe many times and I have great respect for that person. But I stand corrected nonetheless. What I meant to say was, the psycho, in your Whitehouse. The dysfunctional, narcissistic, immature, insecure, ego-driven, misogynistic, next-dictator-in-waiting psycho as the current POTUS where regularly declaring bankruptcy is a normal part of his business plan. A very devious, mentally-ill, dangerous individual. I know America likes its bad boys but if this is someone that you admire then I feel very sorry for you indeed. It’s unfortunate that in your last federal election the choice was between Clinton and Trump. Two sides of the same coin. No “good”. Just the bad and the ugly. Could almost be considered a Hobson’s choice as Clinton had her own sordid history. So there may not have been a real choice offered. Would she have been better? Now we’ll never know. A so-called businessman with delusions of grandeur and a god-complex who had no political experience whatsoever should never have been allowed to become president in the first place but apparently what the banks want the banks get. It’s like putting an accountant in as CEO of a company. The bottom line MAY improve but the collateral damage will be unsustainable over the long term. His communist connections were also probably helpful in helping him to ascend to the throne. That alone should have been enough to bar him from becoming potentate of the most militarily-powerful nation on the planet. A kid playing with matches and gasoline. He may get burned and accidently burn his own house down but he’ll take us with him. What he does have in abundance is a lot of gall. Probably his greatest asset. Not chutzpah but just plain damn gall. To have chutzpah takes class. He has none. What seems to be happening these days is that no politician seems to be able to govern effectively. Up here in the GWN we just very recently had our own version of a federal election. And the damn Liberals were voted back into office in spite of their abysmal track record. Albeit with a minority government so now they’re going to have to learn to play nice with at least one other party if not more. Trudeau said no coalition. History may say otherwise. Hopefully it will help to keep their reckless spending at least somewhat under control. And again, at least part of the reason, that jackass was voted back into office is that even up here there are too many brain-dead people whose two most important activities are texting while driving and watching the damn TV. And also, the choices we were given. Between Mr. Photo Op who likes to jet around the world at taxpayer’s expense and get down on his knees before world leaders apologizing to them for god-knows-what. He certainly has the lips for it. LOL! The Conservative candidate who was an unknown that no one trusted. Our far-left socialist party known as the NDP headed up by a friggin’ towel head. They like to be thought of as progressive. Bullshit. More than likely anachronistic. Then some “special-interest” groups may have ended up receiving more of the money and privileges. Do we really want to end up another Sweden with a Muslim twist? Not I. Sounds like a drink. LOL! Then the minor parties. The frogs known as the Bloc Quebecois who would just LOVE nothing better than to be voted into power. Then all the perks and money would start to flow into Quebec. No thanks. The tree huggers? Don’t think so. The so-called People’s Party of Canada. Neo Nazis in the making? Hard to say. Another wild card. And then the certified whack jobs. The communist part of Canada, et al. All very difficult choices. So with those choices available to the Canadian public it was little wonder that Mr. Potato Head with the good hair was voted back in again. Personally I would have loved to see a Conservative minority government in power. Then THEY would have been balanced by the Liberals. A Conservative fiscal policy would have been much better for the country. Instead of a fiasco. The next four years may be more wishy-washy than anything else until one of the other parties tables a non-confidence vote. The dog and pony show becomes more entertaining each year. Always something to eagerly look forward to.
Well, Armin, you Canucks have your share of idiot politicians too. No country has a lock on brains-dead pols. Rather than spending time venting on another country’s perceived brain-dead pol, wouldn’t your time be better spent trying to improve the quality of your own?
Perhaps after a sort. I didn’t vote for him in the primary; but, had no real choice in the general, since Clinton is as corrupt as they come.
He’s trying; but, the damn Dems seem hell bent to have open borders and I suspect when they let those illegal’s in to vote, they will become a natural constituency or so they hope.
I agree; but, you forgot human trafficker and drug smuggler.
And of course there’s that separation of families, even though adults with children once vetted end up not being at all related; but, used as a shield or being trafficked.
The liberals in our case are not lacking in courage or will; but, are complicit in allowing the inflow of people they hope will be a natural constituency.
Same here; but, until some big liberal gets directly impacted, they don’t seem to care about the common man
There was discussion of just that kind of thing; but, the left is doing it’s best to stop even the meager sections being build today.
They are and are constructing or repairing walls and sensors; but, no land mines for the moment.
And I repeat myself. Obama is long gone.
Trump has his faults; but, there is no doubt he’s there for the good of the country and not to enrich himself as most other pols do.
He works for $1.00 per year, returning the $400,000 salary back to the treasury and I think his biggest real problem was underestimating the size, depth, and magnitude of the DC swamp, whose denizens are still not accepting the outcome of the last election.
True; but, you play the hand you’re dealt, and so far it’s working out much better than I suspected it would and still better than the traitor he ran against.
Of course we know and she was soundly rejected by people who have watched her and her self important ilk for decades, with her corrupt, for sale, foundation, that has stopped getting donations now that she’s no longer in power.
Coincidence? I think not.
Never allowed? Perhaps your monarchy is showing through.
As for no experience, we have too many with experience on how to game the system and were finally tired of it.
And now the banks are involved? Perhaps if they control the majority and the Electoral College; but, using them as a scapegoat is typical tripe when you have no other ideas or answers.
Communist connections? Perhaps you Canadians watch too much CNN or MSNBC, since the real communist connections were donating to the Clinton Foundation. Perhaps you didn’t see the ”Reset” button.
If you think the border is porous because “liberals” don’t have the courage to secure it, you should check the number of migrant workers, both legal and illegal, who keep Big Business, especially, Big Ag, up and running.
If you think the GOP is actually going to do anything that will make those people lose money, you’re not paying attention.
Did you see where the King of Getting Rid of the Migrants just “fired” a few more illegals working at Eric Trump’s vineyard last week?
Conveniently, they held off “firing” them until after the harvest was in lololol.
Sure, sure, it’s a “liberal” problem. Bwahahaha!
We are not communist…..
The use of “retard” is incredibly hurtful. Why not say ‘idiot’ or ‘moron’? Surely you have a large enough vocabulary to express yourself without the use of inappropriate terms.
The retard left the White House. We now have a great American and Christian running the country who does not give us away.
My take on this statement was that it was said tongue in cheek. As in ha-ha aren’t I funny. Not as a launching pad for a political debate. Get a grip people!
That’s very cool. I had never seen these. Awesome!
Thank you, Silvercoal, for turning this comment section back to the subject go the article!!!
Great fire starters too. The plastic wrapped ones are waterproof. Shred them with your knife. Nice dry burning fire starter.
Add them to your emergency kit in your boat, put a few in your saddlebag on your motorcycle. I found them quite by accident and they are very handy.
WOW!!! I had never even IMAGINED anything like this, let alone heard of them! This is like an uber magnum GREAT idea! Checking these out on Amazon! I had taken the roll out of TP and folded them up and put in a baggie to go in my purse for (emergencies)! This will be much smaller. I call Nobel prize for whoever came up with THESE!
Thanks for mentioning the brand with no chemicals! Have been to Amazon and ordered some with the little case! Great little invention. Should be really good for first aid kits, too!
Oh yes, I have known about them for years and have many in my permanent pack and BOB. They store easily in waterproof match canisters so you can imagine the decrease in weight and bulk compared to toilet tissue rolls.
When Diane said she rinses them and reuses them, I hope she was referring to some use other than their named use.
Some preppier novels have discussed reusing rags that have been used for that purpose. Hope not to ever reach that extreme.
One can also buy travel toilet paper. It is standard tp that comes in a plastic case about the size of the cardboard roll for tp. We started using them on bike rides because the porta-potties got such heavy use that they frequently were out.
In addition to putting peroxide on them for antibacterial purposes, 70% isopropyl alcohol can be used on them for the same purpose. I like ipa as it doesn’t lose it anti-bacterial properties over time. You just have to make sure it is 70% or stronger. One can also use it to start fires or with cotton in a can, ipa can be used for cooking as an alcohol stove.
If you eat the correct type of diet, 1 sheet will do and even then it is barely soiled. If you eat processed junk you will need many sheets. Humans no longer eat the type of diet that is healthy for the body, even if it is totally delicious. Just ask someone who has just eaten chipotle.
What a ridiculous over simplification. There is a huge range of normal BMs and many take more than 1 sheet. Someone can eat a proper diet full of healthy food and still struggle with digestive issues. I’m an RN BTW.
Saliva&sweat works for me.
Great idea.
Keeping a small bottle with water with them would ensure a supply of water.
I use a prescription bottle for carrying water and put both in a ziplok and carry in my purse and have these in both cars.
Great idea, thanks
Actually I found these a year ago. I use a plastic test tube type container that also accepts a small eye drop type squeeze bottle to keep everything together. No fumbling for diffferent items. I also use 91% isopropyl alcohol because it doesn’t lose it’s anti-bacterial properties over time.
Diane, I had no idea that something like this even existed. Thank you for making us aware of them. Just goes to show you’re never to old to learn something new. Another item on my list. But again, if push comes to shove and we do run out of toilet paper and beaver pelts or back bacon (LOL!) then just make sure you have something like a dozen bar rags on you, per person, and once toilet paper runs out use the bar wipes in lieu of toilet paper and leaves. LOL! Use. Clean. Hang to dry. Reuse. Eesy peesy. I have my brand new bar rags ready to go. Just in case. That reminds me about soap. Everytime I go to Walmart I pick up 6 or so packs of soap. 6 bars per pack. Still relatively inexpensive.
Not long after I was toilet trained I was taught proper technique for relieving myself out of doors, along with basic back country hygiene. Before hiking or camping I always unroll a bit of TP, wrapping a sufficient amount around four fingers and my palm (and always bring extra for your friends!). This takes up no space and adds no weight and honestly, when I assume the position, I don’t want to mess around unpacking a TP pill with my old nerve damaged fingers. And how did the world ever get along w/o wet wipes? I think it is Studs Terkel in his book The Good War who tells the story of a couple of fng British troopers being introduced to the realities of combat by a supply officer who says, while giving them their sanitary ration of 3 squares of TP, “One up, one down, one polish.”
Supply officers during WWII in the British Army were amazed at the large supply per day per man of toilet paper the U.S. Army provided. Apparently the Brits got by with significantly less per man. Don’t know how that worked. Not inclined to spend a lot of time researching the phenomenon. There are some scatological comments I could make, but inasmuch as this is a family website, I will pass.
Interesting. My guess is that the toilet paper itself uses a bit different materials in WWII UK vs US. I do still remember those folded essentially wax paper toilet papers that some commercial establishments provided a few decades ago. Didn’t seem to take as much off, but you didn’t have to worry about your fingers going through them 🙂
Most people have no idea what is coming this way soon. Ask A Prepper has some good ideas and here’s one of mine. Instead of toilet paper pills or toilet paper because you will run out just use a part of a sponge or wash cloth (cloth diaper days?). Of course you will need a source for water… that’s a given whether to drink or for hygiene. A sponge or wash cloth in a plastic bag is reusable many times over. Just wash out and disinfect. Here is the bad news. This day is coming. Daniel 7:4….. the wings of the Eagle will be ripped off. May the Lord keep you safe.
I’ve said the same thing a number of times, AMB, as regards the toilet paper issue. I have both bar rags and sponges on hand. Have already started “practising”. Super easy to keep clean. No more skid marks. Just don’t seem to be able to find “regular” sponges anymore. Those scrubbing strips are darn hard on the butt. LOL!
Don’t forget the Bidet; a device used many places that can also be made portable with a simple squirt bottle.
We keep a several year supply of TP on hand along with cloths and sponges and the simple ability to shower.
Alaska Mountain Boy,
That’s probably true for most people; but, anyone who is a student of history or simply aware of current events knows that life is full of upsetting events and the smart ones try and prepare for them.
Considering that although the Chinese used a paper like material for cleaning in the 2nd through 6th century CE, modern TP wasn’t invented until 1857 as flat Aloe medicated single sheets and not in widespread use until around 1897; but, real TP as we know it now was not in widespread use until around 1942.
My whole point is that from the dawn of humanity until the 1940’s, we all figured out how to clean up. Ancient Romans used sponges on sticks stored in vinegar so we’ll figure it out when required.
I don’t know why we need the plastic bag unless you’re going portable; but, any clean cloth will do the job.
I don’t think we need some kind of prophecy to see that the world is and always has been full of uncertainties, and we would all be wise to prepare for them.
We always carry some wet wipes from the Dollar Tree along with some of the TP salvaged from MRE’s; but, if you take a roll of TP, squish it rather flat and vacuum seal with a food saver, it fits the BOB or EDC quite nicely. We always have at least 250 rolls of TP on hand @ home, so vacuum packing only takes a few minutes when you need it.
Thank you. there’s always something new on Preppers. niio
Those are nice. I’ve been using the Cotton Buds camping toilet paper. It’s a smaller roll of decent quality toilet paper, but with no tube and with a plastic cover/dispenser to keep it dry in inclement weather. I’ll have to try these out.
Too worried about hydrating the “pills”? Just follow the advice of Arthur from Aquaman…… “I could have just peed on it” !!
I put them in the long mini M&M tubes and give them away as Christmas presents. They are great for carrying around in your BOB.
Yes I found these maybe 10 years ago and wouldn’t be without them now. I infact mentioned them here maybe 6-7 years ago. I prefer them to wet wipes and even keep them in my EDC. THE BEST THING IS: Little kids your magic when the first see them work.?
since I didn’t know these existed, I wonder how those packages of compressed TP ended up on my storage shelves? ?
seriously, if you are packing these in a bag or vehicle, please include packing at minimum a 1-liter bottle of water, a little for drinking, and a little for cleaning. Personally, I keep a 1-gallon bottle, and a couple smaller bottles of water in my vehicles, along with other items I may need.
It has been mentioned that one could hydrate them with hydrogen peroxide for disinfectant towels. I wonder if betadine could be used in that way as part of a first aid kit?.