If you’re going to adequately prepare for the end of the world you should build a bunker, right?
For many people, a bunker of some sort is what first comes to mind when the phrase “doomsday prepper” or something similar comes to mind.
This is because fictional apocalyptic movies and reality TV shows alike almost relentlessly show preppers (whether real or imaginary) having a concrete underground bunker on their property fully-loaded with supplies and ready to outlast anyone in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
So without a bunker, the chances of you surviving a major grid-down disaster must be remote, correct?
Not necessarily. In fact, building a bunker could actually reduce your odds of survival by distracting you from focusing on your real priorities.
Here are a few reasons why you should NOT build a bunker:
Bunkers Are Expensive…Very Expensive
Most people who think about building a survival bunker neglect to think about what the total of the bunker will be.
The cost of building a custom-built survival bunker can vary significantly, but it’s mostly never cheap.
Related: 10 Abandoned Bunkers Across America
On the low end, you can expect to pay between $30,000 and $60,000 for a basic but complete bunker that will provide you with decent living and storage space, and protection against the outside world.
On the high end, you can pay up into the millions for a custom-made bunker that comes with virtually every kind of luxury you can imagine.
This includes multiple rooms and levels, air ventilation, plenty of water, entertainment, complete bathrooms, bedrooms, etc.
Regardless, a bunker is going to be a sizable investment that is beyond affordable for most people.
But let’s say that budget is not an issue for you. Building a bunker may still not be a good idea because…
It Could All Be For Nothing
Let’s say that you do have the budget and time to get a proper bunker built and invest even more into ensuring that the bunker is properly stockpiled with food, water, medicine, and everything else you and your family would need to outlast a grid down disaster.
It could still all be for nothing.
What if you are forced to bug out of your area when disaster strikes? If it becomes too dangerous to stay in your area or you won’t have much of a choice.
And just like that, the thousands (or millions) of dollars that you invested into your bunker would have been all for nothing.
Virtually any survival scenario that requires or forces you to bug out away from the location of your bunker will effectively ruin the entire purpose of having the bunker in the first place.
There Are Alternative Options To Protecting Yourself
For more scenarios than not, building a bunker is probably not even necessary in the first place.
The main reason why people consider investing in a bunker as part of their preparations is for protection. But there are other ways of protecting yourself for an STHF scenario as well.
Here are some alternatives to building a bunker to ensure that you and your family are kept safe and well-fed.
Fortify Your House
A far cheaper and possibly even more effective way to protect yourself
Most homes are very easy to break into, but there are steps you can take to make your home a nearly impenetrable fortress, that won’t even make building a bunker necessary.
Replace all of your doors leading outside with heavy duty metal doors, that cannot be beaten down with axes or sledgehammers. Replace all of the hinges with heavy duty hinges, and replace all of your windows with acrylic glass windows, which a far more durable and cannot be broken into so easily.
⇒ This “Quick Fix” Is More Effective In Keeping Out Looters Than A Solid Steel Door
These measures are simple and yet will be highly effective at deterring and resisting home invaders. Burglars and marauders will always look for the easiest homes to break into.
When they encounter any real resistance at breaking in most will have second thoughts and move onto the next home.
Install A Safe Room In Your House
A safe room is a hidden room in your home that you and your family can retreat to in the event of an emergency.
Also known as panic rooms, safe rooms should meet the following criteria:
They should be hidden and not easily discoverable.
- The entrance should be fortified.
- They should have enough space that your entire family can sleep in.
- They should have communications equipment so you can get in-touch with the outside world.
- They should be stocked with self-defense weapons in the event anybody breaks through the entrance.
- They should have at least a seven days supply of food, water, and prescription medications.
Safe rooms may not provide the same level of protection that a bunker offers, but they are a far cheaper solution to staying safe.
In the event that your outer home defenses as described before are broken through, you can retreat to your safe room as a last resort.
Have A Bug Out Location And Survival Cache
As discussed previously, you may be forced to bug out from your home depending on your circumstances. In the event of this scenario, the last position you want to be in is to have nowhere to go.
This is why having a bug out location is so important and arguably a better alternative to building a bunker at home.
And while an entire book could be written about how to find and set up an effective bug out location, you’ll want to make sure the following criteria are met at the bare minimum:
Be on land that you own (or that is owned by a friend or family member who is okay with you using the land with them as a bug out location when SHTF)
- Located a ways away from an urban area and the ‘danger zone’, while still within driving distance.
- Hidden from view by anyone
- Have abundant natural resources or nearby natural resources (land to grow crops, natural water source, edible plants for foraging, wildlife for hunting/trapping, etc.)
- Stockpiled with more food, water, medicine, and other supplies
Of course, if you decide to end up building a bunker, you could just as easily, if not more easily, build your bunker at your bug out location. Depending on your circumstances, it may be wiser to do this anyway.
A survival cache is simply a secret stash of survival items that you have hidden or buried away from your home.
The idea is that if you are forced to abandon your home and stockpile of supplies there, you have a backup option that you can resupply yourself with. The cache can either be located at your bug out location or en route to the location (or both).
Having a bunker for an end-of-the-world scenario will not guarantee that you survive when such a disaster occurs.
On the contrary, building a bunker could actually distract you from real priorities. The money that you invest into a bunker, for instance, could be invested into food, water, home defense fortifications, supplies, or buying land away from your town or city to use a bug out location.
It’s also worth mentioning that there are potential advantages to having a bunker. If built properly, there’s no denying that a bunker is a highly secure location you can retreat to. And as extreme as it may sound, you’ll likely be safer inside a bunker than outside in the event of a nuclear war or similar catastrophe.
There is another option, however. It’s a secret root-cellar, an ingenious bunker configuration that’s buried just a few feet down in your backyard. There you’ll be able to take shelter with all the supplies you need to survive, not just for a few days… but for a few months should it come to that.
This is a design that’s based on our great-grandparent’s root-cellars, but it’s been improvised so that now it’s closer to a military bunker. What makes this bunker truly unique, is that it’s less than $400 and takes less than a week to build.
Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself if building a bunker is the right action to take to prepare for a grid down disaster. The point of this article is just to tell you that it’s not always a wise move, and that there are cheaper alternatives you can take to protect your family.
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Poorly titled article. Don’t build a bunker, build a root cellar, or safe room ??? or build a cabin far away ? The article had good points, but didn’t make the case that the title indicated, leaving much room for confusion. The purpose of these options is to fly under the radar, whether long or short term, and only the individual can assess the best plan for them.
If the article had a detailed assessment list that the prepper could use to determine their situation vs. options, that would have been a greater help to the reader.
I purchased the root cellar information for year round food storage, not necessarily for bugging out. After reviewing it, I found it’s too involved for me and perhaps the average person to build, especially those living in regular neighborhoods with neighbors in a close proximity. The neighbor’s close proximity, would defeat the purpose of having a secret cache of food stowed away in the event of, God forbid, a national emergency. If your neighbor’s were unprepared themselves, they’d be your first in asking for handouts, that you may not have enough of or they’d be your first looters, I’m afraid. So to me, the only practical way for a real root cellar to beneficial is for someone who owns any amount of land, without neighbors close by and then for the person to have the ability to actually make one. I do not have that expertise. It sounded good in theory, but not in practical application. You could hire someone perhaps with a backhoe to build you one, but then, there goes the expense and your anonymity.
Well said. I too purchased the root cellar information and while a single patient person of reasonable health could possibly dig just such a cellar in their backyard, by hand, over a period of a month or more, it can’t work that way in my area. In Iowa dirt, where rocks are NOT the highest percentage of the soil-YES. In my area of MO, soil is rocks with dirt between them, NOT dirt with rocks in it. A good strong man with a pick and a shovel, if he picks his spot well and/or luckily can dig a hole big enough to bury a medium sized dog in an hour or so of moderately hard labor. OR fire up a backhoe, dozer, skid-steer, etc. I also note that the safe room, that is mentioned as a good idea, has to meet many of the same requirements as a small bunker. It’s main advantage is it’s right there inside your home. Another thing about a remote area bug out location stocked with yer favorite rifle, ammo, MRE’S, canned goods, other supplies in some out of the way location. IT’S EMPTY!! What! You mean that i stored several thousand dollars worth of supplies in a remote location that i only check up on a few times a year and somebody came and stole my entire supply!!! Annnnd they may have burned the cabin too to cover their tracks or if it was a trailer/camper of some sort, just stolen the entire shebang! For those unfamiliar with human nature, you can’t just put something like that together in the bush and just leave it and expect it to be untouched. If there’s a road, path, trail goin to it people will trespass to follow that road and see what’s at the end of it. The more remote the better. That way they can stay as long as they want overcoming whatever locks are in their way unobserved by anybody. With a few notable exceptions, it’s very difficult to prep a bug out location and not have it looted or occupied or both when you get there. Gates, signs and padlocks keep honest people honest and that’s about it. The VERY BEST way to bug out, if need be as in a city dwelling type emergency, is to have a spot reserved for you and yours at a country relatives home in case of an emergency. I do like the article because it highlights key points of concern that need to be addressed, but it fails to mention many of the key advantages of a real bunker. Can double as a storm shelter during times of extreme weather, well dug-in bunkers are pretty fire resistant, bunkers can be far more defensible than MOST houses, bunkers can be shelter from nuclear events far better than most houses, etc. YES, you can spend a ton of money on them if you want to. In a true breakdown of society, and you are in you safe room and the bad guys can’t dig you out, one of 3 scenarios will play out. They will just leave after a few days, or less. They will camp out there and wait you out. They will light your house on fire. Grim, but the truth. If yer lucky, they’ll just leave and head for easier pickings. I’m building a house now, and it has a small concrete safe room in the basement. I’ve thought a lot about certain things related to it and built some uncommon features into it’s design. Great article, makes ya think!
The CD or Civil Defense was a liberal pipe-dream to make the public feel safe.
The first Cold War was never for civilians to survive. Neither the infantry out on the battlefield.
All those dark projects were made for political elite to survive in a nightmare they created.
The school nuke drills a joke, where were the masks, gas mask and PPE for the kids. The naive public trusted their govt big time back then.
Bugout location would be noticed by the rural folk along with the ne’er-do-well’s.
Even today what we prepping for? The bugout preps could be compromised either by outdated expired food dates or looters.
A bunker is another liberal pipe-dream for most civilians unless they can afford the real thing. A well built CD structure is beyond most of our budgets these days.
Now a root cellar is the best suggestion people have brought up. If you live in Tornado Alley, a cellar serves many purposes.
If you have a basement build a root cellar out from your house. Many older homes that were built in the early 1900’s have root cellars that can be accessed from inside the house through the basement, either a portion of the basement is cornered off and turned into a root cellar or one is constructed under a porch that can be accessed through a door in the basement.
I thought the same. Dude you sell an underground bunker/root cellar? Now you say it’s a no no? Also, How in the world…in any place where you can see your neighbors…are you going to build this thing in secret?
When/if the time comes. Do your best with the skills you have learned. GOD will watch over his own. If you don’t survive…that is GOD calling you home. NO MORE WORRIES.
You can live in fear or in faith…NOT IN BOTH.
It seems we are getting closer every day to Nuclear exchange, It might be prudent to plan a little extra dirt and concrete for your family. Please check out The American Civil Defense Association. They offer free professional planning and information. This is very survivable.
Our government has no effective civil defense program. You may want to prepare before there is a need, physically and spiritually.
There was mass hysteria, paranoia of the Cold War. The teachers told students during drills to hide under their desks. Well heavy roofing materials will crush, squeeze the kids and a direct hit won’t matter.
The old Civil Defense fallout shelters for civilians were not really proven to work.
The shelters for the political elite were and are made to survive a direct hit.
The DC Swamp that is currently in charge, don’t care if they survive. Their fallout shelters will protect them while the citizens will basically fry, vaporize and die from radiation burns.
China mainly has destroyed it’s farmlands with manufacture of toxic chemicals to produce modern living. Like computers, EV’s, chemical spills, toxic battery chemicals.
More than likely not the CCP would nuke the USA. CCP has bought too American farmlands to destroy us. The fentanyl crisis and Chinese national terror cells is more of our destruction. The Biden Open Southern Border is our Achilles Heal for destruction.
The CCP won’t nuke, they will invade us. They have beach head China towns in major USA cities.
The 3rd rail of possible nuke would be Russia, NK, Iran, even so they have plans for our country. Nuke would be the last resort. Nuke is a show peace in propaganda since the WWII Japan bombing happened. Nuke are a chess piece to bargain with.
Now NK and Iran would try. May succeed with the Open Southern Border from the DC Swamp and the Biden Crime Family deviates we have.
We have more scary things happening than a bunker casket to worry about.
Let’s not forget, if you have seen the original movie “The Manchurian Candidate.”
How many times has the Biden Crime Family been to China rubbing elbows with the CCP?
What did the CCP do to Biden?
Trump is being indicted on Trumped up charges. While Biden as VP to Obummer had classified docs all over the place. Especially classified docs at a university office that the CCP paid for. Many classified docs were viable to CCP and others.
You are wrong about China. They have cleaned up most of the pollution, just like America and Japan did. Proof? Chinese now outlive Americans and get less cancer. Your Armageddon fantasies of America being invaded are just masturbation materials for a warmonger. A spychiatrist would say you are projecting. You believe that other people are guilty of what you really like and want. Get a life.
If we were going after a jerk neighbor or a liberal their bunker will become a deathtrap.
No matter how prepared they are, like Punxsutawney Phil, they will eventually need to resurface.
It’s a good concept on paper but in practicality it’s not that perfect. Depending on materials used. Even a connex or shipping container can collapse under the weight of soil.
Finite storage of food, water and waste products. Bunkers need ventilation or CO2 builds up among other gases.
There is usually one entrance and exit, if blocked by a cave-in your stuck like Chuck.
This concept is carried on from the old Civil Defense bunker Cold War days.
Do the current young generations know of the Cuban Nuke Crisis? It was Russia with nukes in Castro-land against the USA.
Updated version, no nuke yet in Cuba. The CCP has colluded with Cuba govt to have listening post there. To spy on USA communications, it’s the Cuban crisis all over again. Like it was with JFK while he pumping several mistresses like Marilyn Monroe.
Demoncrats seem to get us into war conflicts to hide their evil doings.
Just like Biden’s CCP bribery, hiding it with a detraction of the Ukrainian war.
“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.”
A safe room makes me laugh. All it would take is when they couldn’t get to you they would light a match a fry you and your family.
In a shtf situation things are going to change very quickly.
My family and I live in the country and when the people in the big cities and the roving gangs start looting you on your own. There is going to be nobody to come to your defense. Police will be non existent.
Be armed and prepared to protect yourself and family with everything you have. If not just rollover and you and your family are going to die.
I don’t want to hurt no one and I know others don’t want to either. But be prepared to do so and don’t let it get you down. In that situation it would be to me the same as cutting the head off a poisonous snake that is fixing to bite you .
Prepare but prepare to protect yourself and loved ones
A safe room WITHOUT an exit amounts to the same thing as a bunker – A TRAP!!!!! This after that remark I quit reading!!!!
Over pressure of six pounds will flatten reenforced concrete block buildings. Storm winds, tornados, and flash/sonic explosions are the why underground shelter is necessary. Emergency shelter is good. That said death and taxes are sure to happen. If you leave a legacy of life, liberty, and shelter you’ve done well. Drugs are destroying our world. Survival may be more of a challenge than your preparing to experience.
Well, six pounds of over pressure is massive to say the least. For comparison, an EF-5 tornado with 300 MPH winds puts out 404 pounds of force per square FOOT of over pressure which equals 2.8 PSI, or just UNDER THREE POUNDS of over pressure per square INCH, and look at the damage that causes to structures…..now DOUBLE that to 6 PSI and let your imagination run wild with damage.
I’ve built many Monolithic dome homes and I’ve also built three domes underground for bunkers. These, due to being a dome, are engineered to withstand 2,000 pounds of force per square FOOT or almost 14 PSI of over pressure, plus the full force of anything pushing against the dome can never be fully realized because of the curve, so it just slips and goes over and around the dome since there’s nothing to grab.
Unlike a flat wall on a house where the wind hits the wall, builds up under the eave, tears the roof off and then all structural integrity is lost, and the walls fold in on themselves. The roof is ALWAYS the first to go in a storm.
Another thing that this article didn’t address is the cost to maintain any sort of bunker. A bunker that is just a section of pipe with the ends welded shut and put in the ground, will require maintenance.
The reason being is it will be much cooler inside that pipe underground, and when it’s cooler, you have vapor drive, and moisture will condensate on the walls…..then you’ll have mold. This is why basements in homes often have a musty smell to them. The basement walls are against the cooler ground, and moisture in the warmer upstairs air, is attracted to the cooler basement walls, and condensate and you have mold and a musty smell, or it collects on your cooler canned food in a bunker, and cans start rusting.
Just like when you take a shower, the moisture in the air condensates on the cooler surface of the mirror and fogs it up or any metal surface that’s cooler. There’s no magic here, and no “SECRET” to stop this, short of insulating the walls with at least one inch of a three pound density foam. Not all spray foam is equal either.
This is also a factor that will quickly come into play when you’re forced to live inside an uninsulated bunker for any amount of time. Take four or five people breathing 24/7 for a few weeks, and you’ll see just how much moisture a human body can put into the air, plus showering and cooking. Yes, you have moving air, but you’ll also have moisture sticking to the walls, and everything else before it ever gets to the other end of the bunker and dumped outside.
You have a vent fan in your bathroom that you turn on when you shower, but I bet your mirror STILL fogs up even with the fan roaring in the ceiling. Vapor drive can only be fully defeated by not giving it a cooler surface to be attracted to, and that means quality closed cell foam insulation.
Bunkers are cool to have, but can also be a maintenance nightmare of costs, but if built right, those costs can be reduced to some degree.
I have never had plans to construct a bunker. Oh, it’s a romantic idea but has its definite drawbacks. Unless it is well hidden it could be compromised by plugging the ventilation system or injecting some sort of gas into it. On the other hand, if I were a younger man I would construct a nice root cellar. It would serve multiple purposes.
Fortify Your House? You do realize that all you have to do with most homes built today is to have a razor knife to cut thru the siding, sheet insulation board and sheet rock. so unless your home is brick, concrete, block or logs and make sure you have a metal roof. and metal covers for the windows that can be retracted.
Everyone want to live forever, have an abundance , survive
But living in a can, box, coffin or closed container is not a solution , but a hiding place
no where to hide except deep
as proven in the current wars
Deep bombs , multiple levels of impact , and maximum levels of kill zones
if you do your research , Nukes have a zone of impact and as you get away the power or impact minimizes , but the end result is NO LIFE , survives
Do you want really want to live after this occurs
There is no fear in death , when you know the maker, creator, and final authority
yu know the truth , not the lies of society and those who lie , cheet , steal , kill
If yu really want to live , live for your eternity , not for the pleasure of today or the lust from ones desire , or the thrill of each event which leads to final death
God has a Way, Truth , Life , and it is not living in a can to hide from evil consequence from actions of evil let loose
Jesus Christ Died to give life and so no one who believes, trust , follows would perish but have everlasting life
Jesus is The Way , The Truth , The life , The I am , The only way , as the sacrafice lamb for all who accept , believe, Trust , obey his word , follow his word .
Door is open , he will come in to all who open
FREEWILL , make the choice
Could have been a better article, but Interesting info. If it is not completely hidden, it will be useless.
Building a true long-term survival bunker takes a whole lot of money, as in several millions of dollars.
– Needs to be far enough away to stay hidden;
– Needs a source of water (pond);
– Needs to have numerous highly technical systems for air, power, aquaponics for food, etc;
– needs to be large enough (several thousand square feet) to house several families with a central area for food, medical, R&R, and other critical areas of concern;
– needs to have multiple hidden points of access;
– Get creative…Completely hidden is the KEY POINT.
In other words, if you want to survive a world wide apocalypse, you need to build something that would work on Mars…good luck with that.
The best option is to get located within or next to a small town of 10,000 people 60 miles from the nearest major city.
Acquire agriculture, medical, and gunsmith skills. Get connected with the local government disaster recovery response program. Get right with God.
Don’t wait…the future is coming non-stop, and all the signs show it will eventually become quite ugly.
Can I share it?
A very downer article in overall tone. And the replies even more so. Real problems were pointed out about the old, conventional designs of MILITARY bunkers. They are in no way what a prepper home (or remote, for that matter) shelter needs to be and can easily be, if the siting, design, construction, equipping, and stocking are done with all the problems in mind, AND THEIR SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED!
Bunkers have been used for centuries and many things have been learned. Just the thought process for a prepper home is highly different than that of a conventional stick-built tract home, and even most million-dollar homes are not prepper friendly at all. Lots of gold-plated faucets, imported tile for the floors and countertops, fancy molding, and dozens of other high-cost options. That money could all go to building the home with prepping in mind and still have a home that is beautiful, highly livable, functional, and modern.
If the shelter is the house, almost anyone can watch it being built and not have a clue to the shelter features. Even a separate bunker can be built within view of neighbors, as long as the houses are not 20 feet apart. You do need some room. There are some localities that require the erection of curtains to hid the construction from the street and the neighbors and to keep people from accessing it and being injured. You can always do that whether or not it is required, and just say you cannot afford the liability of someone getting hurt. And even if someone is curious enough to put a drone in the air, believe me, there are ways to prevent them from getting viable pictures. Now, a government satellite circling the planet in space, if someone has enough pull to get it diverted over the place might get some good pictures, but who is so concerned with ordinary people to do something like that?
Even building a root cellar (and there is no way any root cellar can be built for $400 and be big enough and well enough equipped to hold four or five people and enough food and supplies to get them through months of sheltering) with nearby neighbors can be done as long as you can keep them from serious trespassing activity. All one needs to do, as long as heavy equipment is not required and no HOA rules prevent putting up a teepee for several weeks.
Erect the teepee, without a floor, and do the entrance to the root cellar under the cover of it, moving dirt and such out with a few buckets every so often. Or a wheelbarrow. Or a garden cart, using some to build some raised beds for light gardening. When people are not around, of course. At night, during holidays when the neighbors or gone. Or when they are all at Jr’s ballgame or whatever.
Multiple airshafts, some dummies, some alternatives, some primary, most hidden in creative ways, and all the working ones with a sump in the line to divert anything poured into it and a shutoff value to close it off from gasses, exhaust, hot air, poisons, etc.
Entrances/exits the same way. Definitely more than one, with a couple that lead only a short way that you can actually drop a blocking door over the entrance to trap the people inside.
Things like horizontal doors, through-water access, through-the-roof access, through a building access, and many other methods of hiding or camouflaging an entrance are possible.
Sanitation can be done the same way, as can power generation with highly effective means of quieting generators available. Even daylight can be brought in with the repurposing of an old satellite dish to gather sunlight, bring it down to a moderate size point, and pipe that inside the shelter with a ceiling fixture to then redistribute the light.
With multiple ways out, at least a few of them set up so you can get out behind anyone that might be trying to break in, or most likely just looking for something that might give something away if they are not sure about you having anything, you can attack from the rear and will almost always win with little or no losses. If you have family or friends in the area you might just be able to sit tight, play Yahtzee, and wait for those that you notified that you might have a situation. When they get there, in force, weapons at the ready or firing, you wait for the all clear and go out and have a BBQ.
Antennas are easy to make that look nothing like antennas so you can have good communication with very little risk of it being discovered. Amateur Radio operators living in HOA guided developments do it all the time and get away with it from the noisiest, most interfering people in the world.
A person can build what I call a ‘remote hunting cabin’ with concrete block, earthbag construction, and other means appropriate to location, earth berm it if necessary, but make it more than suitable for a nuclear shelter, out in some remote place. However, no place is ever totally beyond someone finding it.
So, the door (the main one and possibly a back door) is removed and cached somewhere close. A piece of old canvas is the door. Any windows, too. An all-steel, the heavy stuff, picnic table with heavy perforated metal top and bolted benches bolted deep into the floor. Same way with a couple of side benches. Or concrete benches with difficult to figure out how to open steel covers for some minor storage. A stainless-steel countertop on a steel frame. Any drains are simply plain pipes through wall or floor. All the plumbing items are cached. And if someone is able to damage the exposed pipes there are always those that terminate inside the wall that are exposed with a couple of judicious hits with a hammer to hook up things.
If someone has taken up residence and a nice request from a safe place for them to leave and they say they will not, you just go to the slightly underground box, move a bit of dirt, and lift the lid to expose any one (or more) ways to drive the people holed up inside out into the open, where you have them under your guns when they cannot see you or hear you because you have sent harmless smoke into the house with some gagging gas in the mix and there is a high output siren sounding, and a strobe light flashing at that special rate that the police use to make rioters upchuck their last meal.
Capture or something more compelling can be done, quite safely for the real owner. The perimeter security alarms are set, some of the caches are opened, and real doors and small windows are installed. The solar panels are put on the roof. The power systems is set up, as is the plumbing. Some cached wood is brought in to burn in the Rumford fireplace, and you are in a secure, very safe place to ride out something temporary, or to give you time to decide what your next move is.
More than $400, yes, but certainly not millions.
I have many other ideas, but I hope this might indicate to some that ‘bunker’ quality safety is not only doable for a reasonable amount of money, but if one thinks outside the box a bit, looks for some useful items that are now available, one can have a whole house that is an excellent shelter for no more than any good house, and have two or three places to get to if one does have to leave.
Just my opinion.
The title is very misleading! As others have stated, this is nothing more than an ad to sell his concrete bunkers. Again others have stated, he does make some points. As an Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Defense Officer in the US Army, if a Strategic Nuclear strike occurs, we can all kiss our butts goodbye.as it’ll radiated for 100+ years before anyone can go outside. Nuclear weapons are far different now than they were in the 50s & 60s. Use the recommendations, don’t buy his product.