Unlike other major disasters, a civil war is unlikely to occur without any warning. There will be a build-up of tensions and hostilities long before bullets start flying.
If we pay attention to what is happening around us, there should be ample time to get our preps and plans in order.
However, even if we are well prepared and we have been paying attention to our surroundings, the actual shooting war may take us by surprise. Much like other disasters, there will be definite first steps that we need to take.
Although, when we are faced with a civil war, there is no one thing we should do first; instead, a few steps make up our immediate actions.
Secure Your Family
When the bullets start flying, the priority will be your security and safety; after that, you must ensure your family is safe and secure. We should all have a contingency plan in the event of any disaster that results in our family being separated without communication.
Everyone needs to know what to do and where to go. The critical aspect of this is that everyone adheres to the plan verbatim and doesn’t deviate from it unless absolutely necessary.
One crucial part of this is that we should always have a good idea of the whereabouts of each family member. For example, suppose we know where our spouse and children are at any given time. In that case, we can more easily estimate how long it will take them to get home based on the situation in our area.
Once your family is safe and secure, you can focus on securing other aspects of your situation, such as your supplies, comms plan, and bug-out plan.
Supply Security
Our food, water, and other supplies should already be secure, but you must ensure they are also well hidden during a civil war. One universal aspect of war is that armies march on their stomachs.
Therefore, all factions fighting against each other will need food, water, medical supplies, and ammo.
All of these items will be held by preppers and survivalists nationwide.
Therefore, it is a certainty that if you are discovered to be hoarding stockpiles of supplies, you will face armed groups who will want to liberate them for their cause.
There are numerous ways to hide your preps, from hidden rooms to buried caches; you’ll need to find a method that suits your space and your situation.
⇒ Why You Should Never Hide Your Stockpile In Your Basement
You might want to consider leaving some of your supplies out so that anyone who decides to liberate your stockpiles will have something to take without looking too deeply.
At the start of a civil war, many items will be restricted or banned by governments of factions that have gained control over your area. Some examples of these items are:
- Weapons and ammunition
- Tactical gear
- Radios and other communications gear
- Fuel
- Items that are the ingredients for explosive or incendiary devices
- Alcohol
These items must be concealed immediately upon realizing you are in a civil war. If you encounter soldiers going door to door, having these items in your possession could result in you being jailed, having all your possessions taken, or even executed on the spot. Therefore, it’s best to not put yourself in such a situation.
Comms Security
One of the first things that become illegal during a civil war or other armed conflict is radio communications, including amateur radio. Even possessing a shortwave receiver could be illegal. The unfortunate thing is that effective communication will be essential during a civil war, and preppers will need to be ready to use amateur radio covertly.
Related: 7 Prepping Items FEMA Will Confiscate When SHTF
Well before the start of a civil war, we should have some experience setting up and using covert antennas. We also need to have a plan for how we will communicate with family and other groups during the conflict.
One of the aspects we need to be prepared for is direction-finding and jamming equipment by either the government or other factions. It doesn’t take much for someone to triangulate your position and tell you they found you by sending artillery rounds your way.
Our comms plan aims to keep apprised of the changing situation as civil war intensifies and we face threats from multiple angles.
In addition, a good comms plan will allow us to maintain effective two-way communication with other preppers so that if the front lines of battle start moving too close, we can bug out long before the shooting war reaches us.
Even though listening to shortwave radio broadcasts, we can gain a good overall picture of where the fighting is, where safe zones are, and even get news from outside the country.
The first casualty of war is truth. By drawing in independent information from various sources and abroad, we can combat the disinformation we will likely be subjected to.
Bug Out Plan
The last thing any of us want to do is to be smack dab in the middle of an all-out shooting war. So it becomes imperative to bug out when the warring factions start closing in on each other with us in the middle.
Bugging out after a natural disaster is difficult enough, but in the fog and chaos of war, it will be far more complex. It’s not one bug-out plan we need; it is several unique and independent routes and methods to escape the conflict.
Our plan needs to consider that we will probably not be able to use the mode of transportation we would like. So have a plan to drive out of the danger zone but also to walk, especially to move out of the area tactically while being sought out by fighters on either side of the conflict.
Despite what many people like to claim, the possibility of a civil war is exceptionally low. Civil wars don’t happen suddenly, and there will be plenty of time to ramp up your preps and plans to get ready for finding yourself in the middle of one.
The actions I have listed above, I believe, should be taken immediately during the start of a civil war to increase our chances of surviving to see the end of the conflict.
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#1 concern is going to in regard with the current Biden Gulags locking up troublesome people – with martial law you’ll be seeing wholesale roundups of people across the country ….
FED computers are loaded with compiled lists of citizens that will be considered Resistance and jeopardy to a GOV seizure of the complete country >>> entire Red state governments would be targeted for detainment – if not elimination – could even see FED attack strikes on the state capitols ….
If you are on a membership list of anything from the Boy Scouts to a Reagan 1980s campaign contributor – you could be a target >>> cross checking of FED lists will determine priority – multi-list memberships could raise your priority ranking to an immediate detainment status ….
If there’s a possibility of being a priority target – better be ready to go dark – initially the roundups will be under the guise of FBI type arrest warrants – the local law enforcement will be cooperating – High Priority will be getting the SWAT treatment >>> post 911 there were 1,000s of detainments – rounded up and disappeared with no Civil Rights – don’t expect anything less – guarantee if martial law is declared …..
“a member of an elite paramilitary organization, Eagle Scouts.”
-Red Dawn
Damn, I’m on a list then, who would have thought that being a over achiever would have such implications! SMH God help us!
I’m glad you are concerned about the post 9/11 detainments, please send your address so we can empty Gitmo into your neighborhood.
Where you been? – between Obammy & Biden the prison got emptied years ago – Obammy even tried closing the base and turning it over to Cuba ….
Funny how you avoid admitting Biden Gulags – we got another queer commie trolling here?
While I have no trouble believing that any Federal agency would side with the Fed in trying to take complete control of a situation, I seriously doubt that local law enforcement would be a part of it; at least here in Texas. Our law enforcement folks live in our communities and often times refuse to work with Federal direction (despite what you may see on TV). Of course, each state is different and each town and neighborhood has it’s own issues.
I’d like to be able to check and see which “lists” I may be on, but have no idea how to do that so if anyone has any information about that, I’d like to hear about it with genuine thanks.
You are right and it has been published that various gangs are going to be used to target police & political leaders and others for assassinations. Through in all the other groups of useful idiots and it becomes even more disturbing. Remember, it is the Zionist marxist Jews behind it all. The same people who started the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, ww1 & ww2, Korean War, Vietnam War & our current wars of aggression for land and resources, all proxy wars for Israel who the central bankers have created, in fact they were behind all wars since the Napoleonic era. Bankers have always financed war going back to ancient times. It is these wars or military escapades that bankrupted and led to the downfall of all nations, going back as far as you like. They have us fighting one another instead of them. Do not confuse this as being an indictment of all Jews, as it is not
Only around 15% are Talmudic, cabalistic Jews also known as Zionists Marxists. If they belong to a Synagogue they belong to the above group. Do your research and you will see this for yourself.
Has anyone ever wondered why Hitler and Germany are demonized, but the red terror they never talk about ? Why did we back the soviets when they were our mortal enemies ? Because the Zionists marxist bankers choose too, they controlled it all from the beginning because they are one of them. Why do you think our government fawns so much over Israel, when they are our worst enemies & have been throughout history?
So, cross checking fed lists? But not going to share how to go about that?
Biden & Company is trying to find 80,000 that can pass the FED employment qualifications to carry a gun for the IRS >>> think they are looking for tax cheats?
The only threats I have been receiving are from those people(?) who have sold out their country for a red hat. There are extremists from both sides to be sure. But there’s one group of people everyone should be wary of. They are called Evangelicals. If you don’t bow down to their Dominionist Authortariaan rhetoric, they will kill you as look at you and say that it was “God’s Will”
Biden Gulags?
Where do you guys get this stuff?
I’ll be one of the first they come and get when martial law is declared. From being a Boy Scout as a kid, my father was one of the scout leaders, and he had a Top Secret DOD clearance then, to me holding a secret clearance in the 80’s, and me being an FFL also in the 80’s, then having an A&P certification (aircraft mechanic) since the late 80’s, and after 9/11 having to be background checked for access to the ramp areas at the airports I worked at every time I changed jobs up until 2021 when I got laid off due to Covid. Now I’m disabled and can barely walk, so I won’t be much of a fight, but I’m sure I will be close to the top of the list of people to round up.
I never received not one dam book from you guys and you took my money. My bank flagged you guys so take my name off your list. And give me my money back .
I also got my books in about a week or maybe a couple days past that.
I’ve ordered every book they’ve offered and received them all, albeit slowly. each one took 2-3 weeks, maybe a day or three longer. For the cost of S/H they should be sent 1st class but they’re not, they send them media rate which is very slow but they do put a tracker on them. One of mine was lost in transit and I was able to easily locate it at a postal hub in Indiana somewhere where it stalled. After 10 days there I contacted the email on my order confirmation receipt and they sent a replacement pronto. It still took another 2 weeks for the replacement but it did arrive (again, it did have a tracking number). Contact them via email, it worked for me. I’m assuming they work out of a garage or small distribution center so be patient the books are very good additions to any homesteading / prepping library, honest.
P.S. ‘Dam’ is a wall that holds water back, DAMN! is the word you were looking for…jus’sayin. lol
I got my books… pretty damn fast too. 🙂
I have Ham & CB but minimal experience on them. Would appreciate info on a covert antenna. Obviously a mobile antenna would suffice for CB but I would think more would be necessary for a Ham outfit.
Smitty, the Amateur Radio Antenna book has everything you need. You can find copies of different ones with an internet search.
Don’t bother with getting a ham license just go enjoy the radio
An attic dipole or longwire is one option, also the Greyline flagpole verticals.
A 80meter one is 120 feet long
Ukraine is a classic civil war, pro-Russian Ukrainians backed by Russia fighting anti-Russian Ukrainians backed by the U.S. Same as Russia backing an Afghan government against the Islamic Radical Mujahedeen and bin Laden backed by the U.S.. Or North Vietnam and the Russians vs. us and the South Vietnamese. I don’t see a 2nd Civil War here because only the Conservative side has an army, the Liberals won’t put up much fight with AFSCME and the teacher’s unions as an army.
Civil war is a disaster for civilians, you can’t hide from an army, can’t fight an army, can’t reason with anybody on either side. It’s weird and frightening the videos from Sudan, seeing all the stone age warriors and their Technicals and also see each side zooming by in high performance jets destroying everything. Amazing to me our Government is able to keep all the fighting in U off the TV and internet.
I agree brother, we have no idea.
Well the US started the Sudan Civil war
High on FEMAs list will be those posting on YouTube how to preserve food (or any other prepping site) as you see in the background how many jars of food they’ve preserved… Good for helping others to learn , bad for themselves by making themselves a known target for the government.
Maybe ?
Maybe?/Our skills will “then” be “really needed”.
Top Grade Sniper lives out back – Too much to tell.
Wife x-Combat Nurse(Vietnam). Too much to tell.
“I” am probably on every list they/Gov have 🙂
We Live Outer Edge of town but have several Bug-Out Locations(Friends)
more out in the country. Cattle, goats, horses, deer, turkeys, etal – if we can get there. 5mi.
Combat Readiness:
Me – Close Combat Tactical Trainer. (State and DHS Certified.)
Pistol/Rifle – CQB & XCQB
I still train weekly “Combat”. And train others.
Many yrs. now.
They may get Us – but it will cost them.
Come and “Get Some”.
“Hand-made” Frags – Looking for Mil Grade.
Of course we have No Weapons stored here.
Nor do we “want” to have to shoot “Anyone”.
Maybe – Best just “leave us alone” ?
Probably come here 1st ?
Neighbors know our skills but NOT preps – Stores etc.
ie They do know it gets Ear Muff-Loud Here at times-out back 🙂
Our chances better than most? Worse ? Changes to status needed ?
Yes top grade
The first thing you need to do during a civil war is to pick a side.
“One of the first things that become illegal during a civil war … is radio communications…”
Do we really have sufficient civil war experience in the age of radio waves to determine this? Hyperbole is a form of conspiracy theorism, and that’s the kind of extremist thinking this statement encourages.
Not big on WWII history, are you?
it was a World War for the US and the rest of the world but for most of Europe it was a civil war with bogus puppet governments answering to the NAZIs >>> the various Resistance groups spent over 6 years playing espionage tag with the Gestapo ….
Well, I am your everyday average poor working fool, not much for prepping- can’t afford too. However, when SHTF, my old veteran butt has enough to give back whatever comes my way, thanks too good old uncle Reagan… So should I have a need, I’m sure someone near me will be willing to exchange my services for a little bit of thiers… If not, oh well, life will go on, even if I don’t… One should not live life in the fear of what if’s… you should live as well as you can and give back what you can, only when can….. We all should be kind to each other inspite of our differences……. That’s my 3 cents worth
If only more people thought as you, the world as a whole would be better off
1st foremost
Start Praying , Reading of the events forcast in the bible , Look intensely to see if your left behind
when it start s , Koas like never seen , massive murder, suicide, Retalliation , vengence
People with out HOPE are less likely to act peacefully
God is at YOUR door , NOW is the time to plan your future , not during war
YOU will be forced to comply with the evil madness in charge
like history repeats itself over and over again
Mankind when left to self , seeks out Self fulfilment not Godness , Not the best for all
If you dont believe me , then Spend the time researching while you can ( Dark Ages )
Look at the book of enoch , see how Mankind never changed ( except when Accountable and belief in Holy , Just , Good , Father ( God) and accountable to and for actions )
1st Step , Ask Forgiveness, then forgive others and past , self for your actions
2nd Step Ask God to open your eyes so you can see the TRUTH
3rd Ask Jesus Christ to Fill you with his Spirit , so the others leave
Remember there can only ever be one in charge of your life at a time : God, Jesus Christ , or
The others and there are Many False, Fake , Liars, Cheets, Decievers
When YOU understand the real , whole picture , you will see , All have Freewill to choose
2chronicles 7 13 you have to choose for your self under free will
If you follow these steps, one of the things your eyes will be opened to is T the anti-Christ election denier currently running for US President (again). Real Christians (and real practicers of many other religions for that matter) can’t support that guy or anyone else like him without contradicting commitment to God’s truth. Luke 16:13, Matthew 6:24
After all the death threats I have received from Xtians, I know what to look for. The biggest red flags are Bibles, a crucifix, and the absolute belief in one’s so-called righteousness.
In the event of, be forewarned – and BE somewhere else
Oh dear,
with the domestic war ALREADY raging against citizens
by the medical establishment
(notice that illegal migrants are not required to get bio Injections),
by power mad Central Bankers
by industrial farming poohbahs….
this little old lady is less afraid of
violence by local thieves…..who may only want my whatever property
(Food, cash, perhaps my very life)
yet not
the eternal damage of my individual soul…
Just sayin’
please maintain your Situation Awareness at all times, prepare as best you can within your means – both in materials goods, and knowledge and experience, and also prepare yourself mentally to be able to do what you need to do to protect and provide for those you care about.
I would not be surprised if another civil war happens in the USA, I just do not know when.
Civil War,eh? No. It will be mostly confined to major cities,in both red and blue states. Might be some spillover into rural areas,but they will be taken care quickly. There will be be problems in rural areas since supplies are trucked from city to outlier areas. Experienced this since during the pandemic. Other than that, since I work in a city,I expect to stay home for awhile.