A catastrophic event has just hit America. Through an executive order, your rights as a United States citizen have been suspended indefinitely. FEMA’s in charge and now they’re at your door!
“Sir, I’m an agent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. For your safety, we’re here to relocate you and your family. All firearms will have to be handed over and any food you may have stockpiled on your property will be allocated for redistribution.”
What Does FEMA Have in Store For You and Your Family? Where Will They ‘Relocate’ You When SHTF?
Enacted in 1979 by President Carter, the Federal Emergency Management Agency was designed to coordinate a nationwide response to a crisis and ensure the continuance of the Federal Government.
The United States would be divided into ten separate regions, each implementing a distinct emergency measure for its citizens according to ‘threat level’, geography and population density. Although this sounds benign in nature – even necessary in a time of crisis – the real truth is much more sinister.
From its very beginning, the majority of FEMA’s funding and a third of its workforce was hidden in the Federal Government’s black budget program. In fact, much about the agency’s early infrastructure was known to only a handful of elected members of Congress. That’s a lot of money and manpower going unaccounted for decades. What was it used for?
Related: What Happens When the Government Becomes Your Worst Enemy
In a stunning act of bravery, Miami Herald journalist Alfonso Chardy exposed a top-secret scenario called Rex 84. He detailed how the Federal Government initiated a simulation/drill where large numbers of American citizens deemed “national security threats” would be relocated and detained in a state of national emergency. It also authorized the military to direct the movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels.
But move them where exactly?
Perhaps to one of the 800 secret death camps FEMA has scattered throughout the territory of the United States. Some, like the one located just outside Fairbanks, Alaska are large enough to house up to 2 million people. But Alaska has less than 800.000 residents. So, who do they plan on taking there?
These facilities are fully functional and ready to accept detainees at a minute’s notice; and yet, they remain eerily empty as if they’re waiting for something. That something is an SHTF event and that someone is probably you, and millions like you.
So, According to FEMA, Who Is Considered a “National Security Threat”?
As of 2003, not long after the attacks that shook the nation on that dreadful day in September, FEMA was absorbed under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security.
By now we’re all fully aware of the Federal Government’s pivot towards labeling responsible gun-owning patriots, not unlike yourself probably, as “domestic terrorists”. Why is this important you may ask yourself? Well, it just so happens that in two recent studies funded by the DHS, Christians are listed as “perpetrators of domestic terrorism”.
You heard it right folks! The Feds earmarked approximately $16 million in funding toward a program conducted by the University of Maryland in order to identify and monitor potential “domestic terrorist” threats while giving lawmakers special powers in developing “prevention efforts”.
This is not without precedent; Between 1942 and 1946, over 125,000 Japanese/Americans were held against their will in as many as 75 designated internment camps. The architect of the program, Colonel Karl Bendetsen, went so far as to say that anyone with “one drop of Japanese blood” was to be apprehended and held indefinitely in the custody of the Federal Government.
You see – it doesn’t take much for them to turn on their own citizens, many of whom were combat patriots having served in WW1 and in the European front.
What Other Factors Will Determine Your FEMA Internment?
So now that you know the Feds may consider you a high-level “threat” for taking all the appropriate precautions like protecting your family and preparing for the next crisis, we can presume that when SHTF, you would be one of the first to be singled out.
In addition, we know that preppers will be targeted for their stockpiles of food and ammunition.
⇒ Why You Should Never Hide Your Stockpile In Your Basement
Don’t assume for one second that FEMA will provide for you and yours once you are detained. FEMA’s so-called Crisis Relocation Plan would see to it that 65 percent of the US population would be “evacuated” and placed under FEMA’s custody in as little as three days.
It’s compelling that the larger facilities, like the one in Alaska, seem to be located in largely rural and inaccessible areas – this would suggest a massive-scale effort to round up, detain and finally move folks to their final internment destinations.
This would necessitate the demand for an effective tracking system that would give the Feds the operational capability to complete their sinister Crisis Relocation Plan when SHTF.
The main idea to take away from this – just because you may live in a larger city, far from anything that might resemble a fenced enclosure like the camps you see on the internet, it certainly doesn’t mean that the Federal Govt. is incapable of transporting you to one.
Conversely, you may be mistaken in thinking that your remote location and off-the-grid lifestyle will guarantee that you’re not being tracked right now, or that a FEMA death camp isn’t hidden nearby waiting for you.
The majority of these camps are located on federal land and are inaccessible to civilians and the media. Ideally, they would be positioned with a railroad system nearby or enough clear terrain to be able to construct a makeshift runway.
Some of these facilities like the one located in Millard County, Utah and the one in Lewisburg, West Virginia make use of pre-existing infrastructure. These camps were originally conceived to house German POWs and Japanese-American citizens during WW2.
Even offshore American military bases and black sites, like the infamous Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba, can be repurposed as FEMA detention centers. Without a doubt, many of these camps are either hidden from sight or disguised as civilian structures.
Related: Classified FEMA Report Confirms Preppers’ Worst Fears
In one mysterious case, while rabbit hunting in southwestern Utah, a father and his son accidentally stumbled upon the Skull Valley site. This particular location was built into a deserted US Govt. bombing range.
FEMA has done its best to keep this massive camp building program as hush-hush as possible and for its enormous scale, they’ve actually done a pretty good job; aside from the occasional, but quickly suppressed leak.
But don’t for one-second think that just because you don’t hear about this in the mainstream media, FEMA’s death camps aren’t there waiting for that day when they will be activated, detaining unsuspecting millions.
Whether these death camps exist or not is not really the question.
They clearly do.
The real question is what you and your family can do to not end up in one.
Once a large-scale disaster is underway, things will move at breakneck speed. As martial law becomes the “law of the land”, FEMA alongside the US military will quickly move to round up all the “undesirables”.
Remember Bill, the prepper from the third episode of HBO’s hit TV show: The Last of Us? When FEDRA (a fictional government agency similar to FEMA) evacuates everyone from Bill’s town only to massacre them shortly after. He hunkered down/bugged-in in his fully-equipped root-cellar, managing to thrive through the zombie-filled apocalypse.
So, if you can avoid FEMA for the first few days you might have a chance. Simply ignoring the knock on your front door will not be enough. They’ll just kick it in and drag you and your family out.
What you need is a safe space, completely hidden from sight. One that no FEMA agent or drone equipped with infrared sensors can detect.
I’m talking about a secret root-cellar, buried a few feet down in your own backyard. There you’ll be able to take shelter with all the supplies you need to survive, not just for a few days…but for a few months should it come to that.
The design I’m about to share with you is based on our great-grandparent’s root-cellars, but it has been so much improved that now it’s closer to a military bunker – a bunker anyone can afford. It costs under $400 to build in less than a week, working on your own.
I have one… feet away from my house, ready to jump inside once riots break out and martial law is declared. If you want to stay out of a FEMA death camp come SHTF you probably need one too.
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Psalm 27:1
“The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Let’s just say, I would not want that job.
we are here to steal your food and your guns and kill you and your family and all your livestock…
we are FEMA… we are here to help.
could you imagine what is going to happen when they say that to “a real Man”. HULK SMASH…
Better stand together or you to will be DEAD…
Your friends and your neighbors and your town and your city and your state and most of all, the .g.o.v. and your family too, are coming for YOU…
Remember, TRUST means LIFE…
better, stay sharp
buy silver.
Betty, is this you?
Can’t eat silver.
I plan to barter with my silver, not eat it.
But you can sure trade it it for food. When a prepper wants $30 for a can of chicken noodle soup… You will see what we mean.
I don’t think for one second that you are just going to “take it” from him or her. Food is not the only thing that they will be ready with.
If it really hits the fan, gems and metals will have very little value to anyone and soon. Whatever you’re going to do with those, ya best do early on. I AGREE it would be useful to barter with, certainly, YES…… but not in a prolonged SHTF situ. Nope.
Hahaha, True. You can’t eat it but it can keep your stored water drinkable. It can prevent and cure infection. When the doctors couldn’t stop an infection in my leg they informed me that it would have to be amputated to save my life. They tried oral and intravenous antibiotics every day for weeks. Nothing worked. I got the hell out of there. I didn’t agree to that and cured it myself using colloidal silver and oil of Oregano. I have a huge scar but still have a working leg. Do some research and get about two ounces. About 60 or 70 bucks for two ounces last time I looked. (long time ago.) It will last you for years. My own brother put his faith in the doctors and basically told me to shove it. He lost his foot because they couldn’t stop the infection. Get Silver. lol.
You can make colloidal silver though.
Has to be 99.99% pure.
The more off – grid capabilities are very important! Gold and silver are fine, but you can’t eat them! Bullets and weapons will be worth more than gold or silver!
Funny, I have everything else. There is nothing to prep other than silver, not gold.
It is for short term only. I figured that every prepper would have none that.
stay sharp
Hi Mr. Garcia
Those who have studied the sequence of events of societies having been attacked by their own govt, or other govts, agree with you. Gems and precious metals ARE an excellent bartering tool EARLY ON, before people sense what’s happened to them is going to be around for the long haul. Then, history shows those bartering tools are laughed at, and an ounce of gold would happily be traded for 3 gallons of water to the parent who watches their children begin to hallucinate from dehydration or becoming very ill from a lack of sustenance.
Those who believe metals are good LONG TERM bartering tools, are mistaken. Food, water, medicines and ammo are king. Don’t forget your pets must eat and drink too. My two large dogs consume 1.5 gallons of water PER DAY by themselves.
Plus, the govt KNOWS THIS. Did not the US Govt DEMAND at one point in our history, all those possessing precious metals TURN THEM IN? There is NO way today, anyone buying metals isn’t completely known to this current NWO cabal in power, today.
we were at wal mart and the ladie that worked there said they would close soon due to the fact that feema were buying walmarts every where i wonder if this adds up
Final preparations for the govt to turn on patriots are almost complete. Before it turns cold again, American Christians and patriots will be under attack by our own govt. One way this could unfold is large scale false flags, allowing Obozo to declare martial law, and then our now mostly patriot PURGED military will be in your city. A list of high priority people to pick up OR terminate downloaded right into their MWRAP or Humvee right next to the Google map to your home. They already have your address, know where your bug out place is cause you took your cell phone there, your photo, what weapons you likely own, what you’ve bought with ANY card, and more.
Preparations for this began in earnest the day Obozo was planted into our govt by the NWO. Loretta Fuddy, the lady in HI who created his fake birth cert, was terminated on a planned and practiced hard landing in 5 feet of water. After she died, her family found a mysterious $150,000 deposit. A rare loose end they didn’t clean up.
I can trade alcohol for supplies. What can you do with silver if there is nothing to buy with it.
You can still use your silver to purify water to drink. Silver is not a bad commodity to own.
Read the chapter The Final Warning, GC. Page 656. And do not be surprised.
The government must abide the the Constitution of USA. Otherwise government becomes despotic and same as communist Russia or China. Government powerplay would result in civil war against the government.
You also need to talk about the amendments to the WHO health treaty that if we do not say NO to them by Nov. we will lose our constitution and be under international law.
“we are “too weak” as a nation”, TO SAY NO!!!, to the WHO.
Hell, just look around at the sick and perverted way our nation has turned out.
shameful, it truly is.
GOD keep your hand over the little children, for they are the last generation.
Patriots have nearly totally lost their spines, this is a sad fact. I shudder to think what our forefathers would be doing, were they here now. They would spit on us for being cowards.
They sacrificed and endured and died…………… for what? As we let it all go.
Or you could depend on our Creator and his promises… Examine the Lord’s Prayer…you are really praying for God’s Kingdom , here on earth….No more of what we experience today….See Matthew 6,7,24th chapters, 2 Timothy 3:1-6/ What we are going thru has all been for told….How to survive it is to do what God wants us to do now. Remember Sheep & the goats. The wide road Off into destruction or the narrow path to life…..Face it we are at that junction, we have to decide which direction , we individually will choose. Psalms 37:10,11,29 gives us the answers as to who will be left over. Preparing physically is good, but preparing & obeying the True God ( Psalms 83:18 , Deuteronomy 6:4 ) and his son , Christ Jesus Now, is the only true hope for survival thru this war ( Armageddon ) and into the kingdom many of you have prayed for but never understood. I wish all of you well.
Hi Lance
God isn’t saving anyone from this cabal in power. I love that for warm and fuzzy thinking, but……..
He gave us the ability to think and plan. Plus, this govt has PROVEN if you believe in Christianity, you are a THREAT to them. Isn’t that nice?
And Christians……………… do, say, NOTHING to preserve their religion.
Interesting that you can be a groomer, pedo, Wiccan, Satanist, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, … whatever, and that’s FINE. But NWO Obozo and Biden have directed our Jewish AG to formally consider Christians a threat and this has come out over the last 3 months with the AG sending attack dogs to the parents challenging our totally evil education system forcing gay this, alphabet that, groomers BROUGHT INTO the schools that you are NOT allowed to even discuss.
If people would GET OFF TV news, they would know so much more. TV news is there to deceive you!!! Everyone should be checking The Gateway Pundit or Liberty Beacon regularly. Dems have tried to shut the GP down several times, and that tells you all you need to know.
Christians roll over and take their beating and will eat zee bugs as NWO Klaus demands.
Follow the Torah
HI miss vulcan
This Christin will not just roll over, you must be thinking of yourself, to so easily roll over, as you say…
You sound like a lefty, by criticizing Christan’s…
God will save whom HE sees fit, I am sure he does not listen to your advice.
Unfortunately, this comment displays the classic “faith or works” conflict. This leaves us with dead faith and dead works. Instead, we need faith that works. God is the source of all our abilities, and He requires us to use His gifts.
Building root cellars is totally normal and within the parameters of agricultural tradition and reality.
My little beef with the article, is the idea that you can actually hide that cellar effectively against an intense search. It never hurts to try, but you might need a back door on it, and sentries outside. However, if it can escape that initial raid as they scoop up 2/3 of the population in 72 hours, that would be nice. And yes, 65% is foretold in the Bible–see Zechariah 13:8.
We hear a lot about “self-defence,” but the real concept hidden in the minds of patriots is that of maintaining civil order by preventing violence and wanton destruction, while helping the needy. Otherwise, the most selfish will destroy all the efforts of the altruists.
We have been lied to about the Names….and everything else in the Word “they” call “the Bible.”
Seek and you will find! You shall know the Truth and it shall set you free!
NO, YOU don’t understand. THEY can play all the ownership games THEY want to. I does not affect me or anyone I know. WE AGREED TO NOTHING!! So you go ahead and accept what Brain-dead and the Hyena do! They only have two choices as far as I am concerned. Kill me or leave me alone.
Can anyone share this plan he was supposed to “share”?
This is where it takes you it’s an advertisement for a series called The Lost Ways:
It is in a video that is long and drawn.out as usual. Takes too much time to sit and listen to that long of a video. Maybe one of these days who ever wants to actually help, will actually post a video that gets straight to the point. Smh.
Build a root cellar he said, and he said why.
OMG, not the ignorant FEMA conspiracy rant again! 50,000 pudgy bureaucrats on the loose!
Oh, they won’t be FEMA agents and they won’t be pudgy. And orders not followed immediately under Martial Law may well result in your extermination on the spot in front of your kids as an “incentive” to those watching or hearing about it.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you. What you say is a fact of life.
They didn’t do a real good job of hiding them in the Carolinas. One near Ft Bragg, one outside Charlotte, one near Camp Lejuene, one in Asheville in NC. One in Spartanburg and near Columbia in SC. Friend snuck into the one in Spartanburg. They had train cars parked behind the building with shackles hanging on the walls and on the floor, I used to have the pics he took on my fb page but I got permentantly banned 2 years ago. I’m sure there are more of them, I just haven’t been out looking lately.
Send them to me. Kirk at bianchi design dot com
Every time that i’ve inquired to someone that claims there are large #s of FEMA camps scattered around, as this article does with it’s claim of 800, i never get much of a response as to where they are. Are they simply counting every single military base in the country, as all those have excess housing to one degree or another, or are there actually 800 specific sites for that purpose? While this article mentions about a dozen, including some locations mentioned by a poster on here, where are the other 788 locations? Surely SOMEBODY has a list with EXACT geographic locations. Near XX town doesn’t cut it. Near is like many, it doesn’t tell you anything. How many camps are there-A bunch! How many people can the average facility hold-a lot! How close are they to my home-Real Close! What sort of detainment facilities exactly do they have-Bad Ones! All that wonderful fearmongering info tells you exactly nothing. ASSUMING that IF and WHEN a full-scale FEMA emergency manifests itself, me and mine would very likely be taken to the closest facility or facilities to me. Within the state maybe??? So i would very much like a list, state by state, with a specific address, or longitude & latitude coordinates, of said FEMA camps. With drones and various satellite mapping services readily available to everyone, and Google Earth, there should be no big problem with finding out just who owns what large piece of property with a fence around it.
I assure you, that’s one tidbit of data a govt about to turn on you would not want you to know for several reasons. Google blocks out whatever the gubmint orders them too, so that’s little help on matters such as this. One can run all the web searches, including the dark web, and find precious little accurate data on FEMA camps, by design.
If people knew which train tracks ran to a FEMA camp, after they come for us, would it not be handy to disable said tracks? Sure.
There was a list that circulated for a bit but it’s a bit hard to find…. I would tell u to do some hunting on Google Earth….. It may sound strange but you can actually see different facilities that look a little odd and zoom in and sometimes get the street view depending on where it’s at but you can obviously see what type of facilities they are and they’re kind of unmistakable
They exist and it’s how camp cropper in Iraq was built doesn’t take long to do so.
You don’t know do you that satellite & drones images can be altered before you see them?! There’s a TV show called “What On Earth” where they investigate images that appears on satellites & see what’s really going on! But, when the satellites goes over certain gov. sites, whether US or China or whatever country, they will get a distorted image or a white out image so no one can see what’s really in that location! The average drones we can buy will not have the capabilities to fly very far from us unless we’re following it in a car! There’s a limit of distance they can travel before they get disconnected to our frequency & drops! So do you think you can send a drone out from the edge of Area 51 & have it fly far enough from you & still be operational?! ???. And also, there’s no REAL TIME transmission of the images! You might think it’s real time unless you’re Superman & can fly above the spot & verify that what your drone is showing is really what’s taking place in REAL TIME! ?. Nope! Every image can be altered! Even the military drones we used on the Gulf wars still have a few seconds of lag time, NOT 100% real time! We are at the age of Super Computers, they can scan an image AND alter it in a matter of milliseconds! Trust me, you won’t see what they don’t want you to see! Ever noticed when you see a James Bond movie, w/ in 5-10 years you’ll see whatever weapons they’re sporting?! I remember one of them showcased a rubberized tank w/ jet engines where it can go from water to land w/ out stopping! Now you can buy a boat like that! Then, there’s the one where they wore a body suit that opens up to wings to jump off of airplanes & move up & down & forward w/ the winds & undetectable, unlike the clumsy giant parachutes! Now that’s a sport! ?. If you ever want know what the military next weapons are, watch James Bond! ?. Maybe that’s why they quit making it?! It’s letting out too much military secrets! So, what this video says about the upcoming Hologram Alien Invasions, makes sense! I mean, it’s not like you’re going to be able to touch it & see that it’s just a hologram! Does it make you wonder why all of a sudden the gov. & military is so willing to share UFO experiences?! ?. Yah they’re just hyping us out so we’ll all believe there are aliens out in the universe! I’m not saying there aren’t real aliens but the ones coming in our near future won’t be the real ones! If you can’t touch it, it ain’t real! ?. And we’d all be expecting the gov. to protect us, so this FEMA plan can be executed that way too IF the MAGA Civil war falls through! ?. Who knows, if you believe in Aliens & if we’re lucky, the REAL ALIENS might come & free us from all these lies! I mean if all those Aliens fans are right about us being their creations, they’d be pretty pissed if the Elite Cabal wants to kill us all except for the few that will sustained them! Just think of your dogs/cats, when one of them wants to be the boss & fight w/ the others, what do we do, we step in & separate them out & scold the one instigators! But, I believe in God & HE WILL step down & free us! I mean prepping & being ready for the end time is all good, but if it’s going to drag on for years in increased misery, hey take me dude! I’m ready to go to heaven any day!?
Where in Charlotte? If I can see this one; I’ll believe all of this stuff.
They don’t want you believing in it. They WANT you to doubt our current govt is anything BUT full of love, compassion, concern for patriots! That’s why, I suppose as they were destroying 9 MILLION jobs by Biden/Obozo FORCING deadly covid non-vaccines on citizens – they ALSO at the same time………….. brought in 40,000 Vax EXEMPT illegals PER WEEK ————- who were THEN FLOWN ALL OVER the country. (Search it but do not use Google, use Duckduckgo.)
Doesn’t that just scream, we love Americans and want to protect them? ha ha
Folks, whites are really not part of the NWO/WEF world view, and if you would LISTEN to them speak, you’d know this. TURN OFF your worthless TV news “programming”. They are keeping people stupid, unaware and easy prey.
Wyoming, N Dakota, Montana, etc. All major detention cam…………….. er un, FEMA camps have train tracks running in/out of them for ease of movement. Did you KNOW, the History channel ran an hour show on Jade Helm, and had VIDEO of the actual exercises AND some of the officers who were actually running those exercises after they retired to talk about it……… and they concluded Jade Helm was a REAL exercise, not as much for the practice of dragging the volunteers out of their homes and onto white school buses with no windows….. to take them to the stainless human train cars with platform seats and cuffs, BUT to distribute just about all the same gear our Marine or Army has, across the nation.
I went back to record that show. Gone. I went online and did massive searches for one molecule, one byte of data about that show…………… GONE. Who has the power to make something revealing disappear like that? You know. Storm coming. Much of our current govt has in fact turned against us. Most conservatives “get it”, but liberals are pretty hopeless.
So, we needed filler this week because you didn’t have anything actually helpful to send out?
This kind of nonsense helps no one. In fact, no conspiracy “theory” has ever done any good. Only damage.
Sir, almost every so-called “conspiracy” originating about Obama or Biden have in time, been proven completely or mostly very very accurate.
Anyone today watching TV news, CNN or MSLSD, including much of what controlled opposition FOX has to say, is simply watching Pravda-like news. SIX corporations own 95% of ALL news outlets, including TV, digital, radio, etc. Find out what “group” those 6 parent groups belong to for illumination.
I’d also suggest some searches on Blackrock and Vanguard.
Really? You mean JFK was killed by the one bullet that magically appeared in his cot? You mean the vaccines are safe? You mean no one would ever mandate the vaccine for anything? You mean ivermectin will not kill COVID? You mean that the USA did not have any biolabs in Ukraine? You mean that Fauci told the truth? You mean that the CDD, FDA and WHO told the truth? You mean that there is zero credible evidence that there was election fraud in the 2020 election? You mean that Obama did not weaponize the DBI and DOJ and IRS against his political dissenters? You mean that there was no censorship on Twitter, Fakebook and the rest of big tech? You mean that CNN NBC ABC CVS NYT and WaPo are unbiased media outlets. Dude, either you are the stupidest dolt to ever suck air or you are getting paid by S0r0$ to shill for America”s enemies. And it is pretty obvious which of those two possibilities it is because NOBODY can be that wilfully ignorant.
Relax. I did get people thinking about where FEMA really is today, and their actual intentions, and it has nothing to do with “saving us”.
Dear Over It ……………
Bravo Sierra.
I have been hearing these conspiracies since I was a teen and there are many things about them that have a thin layer of legitimacy. The more prepared we are, the less likely we are to need help from FEMA or anyone else. If you don’t need their help, they will be too busy with those who do need it to mess with you.
The bottom line is to be prepared so you don’t need government “not so free” handouts.
Lol. They will not be looking for those who need help. They have a plan and purpose. Help, is simply the guise.
FEMA today is and has been planning mass incarcerations of political dissidents. So today, that might mean anti-vaxxers who don’t want that poison in their bodies, or patriots who clearly and correctly see America’s current Admin turning into the same enemies we fought against in days of yore. I realize some do not see, or don’t want to see, or AGREE with the oppressive policies of THIS CURRENT Admin led by NWO/WEF Obama in term #3. No one lucid believes Biden is in charge of anything. Our constitution is being ripped to shreds and bogus laws are being passed to circumvent our constitution.
None of this is by accident nor are they going to stop until we are all under their thumb, like living in Germany under Hitler, where families had to whisper when speaking the truth.
I don’t think you understand. FEMA has no interest in IF you NEED THEM or not. What may be coming with relation to moving YOU to a FEMA camp will have NOTHING to do with “what you need”.
It WILL have everything to do with what they want to do TO you and yours, and those who threaten them in some way. Start doing searches on the NWO/WEF, and read up on Agenda 30. It started out as Agenda 21, which Bush II actually SIGNED!!! This is not conspiracy junk.
They WANT YOU to think it’s conspiracy stuff for the same reasons they always do, to throw those catching on off track, or humiliate them so they cease seeking the truth. Because learning the truth can lead to resistance, and Obama and his NWO wants minimal resistance. This is also why they want us disarmed. Has NOTHING to do with public safety, I assure you.
Gosh, at least if sane people prevail, there will be a place to re educate the “wokes” of our world. There is no need for “final” solution. The Chinese did it 50 years ago-it worked for them and may finally bring sanity to this country…..although it is a VERY sad contemplation.
Hi Eyes Open…
Sane people, who are mostly Christians OR conservatives……………… are the ones slated for removal. And I mean removal, so that they can never threaten this turncoat Obozo NWO/WEF controlled govt again. It’s all about the one world govt.
Off to the camps, violent and drug induced interrogations, then disposal if you meet their criteria.
If people would only get OFF TV news, and go online and LISTEN to what Klaus and others representing the NWO/WEF are actually telling us, they’d know more. THATS why Obozo and Biden are adding more and more people to stomp out any fact sharing, photos of what has transpired, photos of what is being built to use against you, and so much more. They call it destroying “disinformation”. Problem is, it’s THEM who is deciding what that entails.
Everyone check out (the common sense show.tv) 2.99 a month for real truth and one lady celestial worked for fema over 20yr she shows a lot.its so much if you’re not familiar with it for years like some have been you won’t or won’t want to believe them
This scenario sounds like a movie, but would be so difficult to accomplish. My question is why would the government or FEMA or anyone with any common sense want to put so many of us in a “death camp”? Not only would a lot of folks like us fight to our last breath, I seriously doubt the military or local law enforcement would even consider this type of situation. Why kill off so many at great expense when there are so many better ways to select those to dispose of? Putting us all together in one place would surely be a bad decision as we “terrorists” would bond together and truly overthrow any organization or oppressive government.
I worked for FEMA in 2001-2003 (and went to the place that used to be classified), but the whole idea FEMA is to help out in disasters when the local assets couldn’t handle things, the state has to request the assistance and the Fed has to allocate the resources to deploy. I’ve seen the FEMA trailers used after Katrina for folks to live in when their homes were uninhabitable. They do collect these trailers later and store them in some rural spots and some are resold. Others are so bad they are just junked.
Yes, I truly fear and distrust our government, but support and defend the Constitution. We need to fix those errors that Carter and other presidents have added to the power of the Executive Branch in the “Emergency Powers” that exist in written form but have never been successful in implementing.
This is why Obozo and Biden REMOVED as many patriots, conservatives and Trump voters as the NSA could ID for them. Search it. Plus, look at Biden. Why couldn’t he ask the UN and China to help?
This is the worst time in USA history to allow ourselves to be disarmed. In fact, something of this magnitude is exactly why our founders armed us!
When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
– Thomas Jefferson
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.
Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force.
Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”
— Patrick Henry
It is literally incomprehensible to me that the current FBI and Admin in power considers patriots trying to SAVE AMERICA from NWO control – are considered………… TRAITORS and a disease they must neutralize, silence or destroy – and they are doing so with impunity and almost zero REAL pushback from the GOP. The GOP today is all hat and no cattle.
Dang it, the doorbell rang as I was typing the above and I didn’t complete a sentence, an important one. It is WELL KNOWN (search it) that Obama and Biden BOTH removed as many conservative, Trump voters OUT of our MILITARY as the NSA could ID for them.
That would sure make declaring Martial law go great for the CURRENT admin in place, with Joey being the deflection dummy at the podium and Obama in term #3, answering to his NWO/WEF masters.
Surreal to me many are oblivious to the FACT this current govt has turned on patriots, the same people who basically built this country. They need to STOP watching news on TV. That’s not news, … that’s programming.
Why would Trump voters be of any threat? Anti gun Trump pro vaccine and all his jazz are just what the elites want
TEN STAGES OF GENOCIDE Obozo, NWO and Biden are bringing us….. and we allow them.
1) Classification: People are divided into “us and them.”
2) Symbolization: People are forced to identify themselves.
3) Discrimination: People begin to face systematic discrimination.
4) Dehumanization: People equated with animals, vermin, or diseases.
5) Organization: The government creates specific groups (police/military) to enforce the policies.
6) Polarization: The government broadcasts propaganda to turn the populace against the group. (Right now, anti-vax, anti-NWO, white armed patriots are their primary fodder to neutralize.)
7) Preparation: Official action to remove/relocate people.
8) Persecution: Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres.
9) Extermination: Wholesale elimination of the group. It is “extermination” and not murder because the people are not considered human.
10) Denial: The government denies that it has committed any crime.
Does this sound like what is transpiring, step by step? Why yes, ……. yes it does. And short of the Trump years, it’s been getting worse since Obama was planted here by his NWO and filled every department 10 deep with loyal acolytes.
Under Obama’s third term, right now, making up for 4 lost years when vote cheating wasn’t perfected and Hillary was supposed to win but Trump did, it’s clear they are accelerating the implementation of Agenda 2030 at lightning speed to get back on schedule….. their schedule.
Yet somehow in BIZARRO world, if it hits the fan liberals REALLY believe they will be immune from the fallout – if they are even aware danger grows and is impending. Clear the GOP is mostly bought off or compromised, too. We’re pretty much on our own.
The final major goal Obama has to complete for his NWO bosses is to disarm us, as ALL NWO controlled NATO countries were, prior to the NWO takeover of their country via their proxy leaders. Likely the false flag blamed on Putin route, then Martial Law.
Most are “getting it” that today, the UN and NATO is simply the enforcement arms of the NWO/WEF. White patriots aren’t part of their future plans for the world. Hard to comprehend that for once in our lives, Putin is the good guy vs NWO Ukraine.
Politics make strange bedfellows is a truism indeed. While you espouse some oversimplifications, there IS a large amount of truth in what you say. Fox news people are kept on a short leash and just don’t touch certain subjects, except maybe to brush them off in a dismissive manner. Murdoch and Co keep a tight leash on certain aspects of the program. Newsmax is far better nowadays and getting bigger every day. I’ve done some studying and have determined that it’s no longer possible to freely move from state to state. It may LOOK like you can, but with the advent of LPRs, you no longer have TRUE untracked freedom of mobility. Most all vehicles made after 2010 “ping” or so i believe and would love to hear different from someone with facts. When you’re plate is scanned as you’re traveling down the highway, unbeknownst to you, it’s been recorded in a vast database. Lets just say that you have an older “non-ping” vehicle, left yer cell phone home on the charger, and decide to go to an NRA convention in a neighboring state. Unless you do a lot of very careful backroading it’s a certain as night follows day that your plate and pic has been recorded multiple times along the way. While there are certain things that you can do to minimize that type of tracking, it’s really tough to eliminate it completely, especially if the destination is in a large urban area. Big Brother is very much alive and well and more insidious than ever in history, thanks to modern technology. Every package and letter you send or receive is carefully recorded by Uncle Sam. Been that way for a long time now. Well over a decade. Various government agencies can turn on you cellphones microphone and listen in on you w/o any way for you to tell it’s going on. They were forced to admit that in a mob related case many years ago. Behind the scenes they’ve been perfecting facial recognition technology for years now. Massive possibility for abuse. And that’s already happening. Jan 6 “suspects” are being hung out to dry in a public way. Not an error at all. Uncle Sam WANTS us to fear gathering together to dispute any government action. And yes, all is not as it seems in the Ukraine war.
And doesn’t it seem odd to anyone that every single time that some nutjob shoots a bunch of people, his Facebook posts, emails, texts, etc seem to available to the powers that be within minutes of the newsflash sometimes. Probably all buried in the “terms of service” of all our programs on our wonderful devices. My local grocery store knows exactly what i buy, or search for on their app, pretty darn quick. Another interesting thing i’ve noticed. Let’s say u get pulled over for a light out on your vehicle. They always want to see your drivers license. Why? Once they visually see that you look pretty much like the pic on the license that oughta be it, right? Nope they scan the barcode on the license and it tells them a WHOLE LOT more info about you. Known associates, previous addresses, employers, phone numbers, etc. No Privacy left all.
Yes Sir, and that’s why they want digital drivers licenses, so that you are REQUIRED to take that along every time you leave home to TRACK your every move, 24/7 via your tracking device, the cell phone……. the same cell phone you don’t really need to take with you and that many don’t.
When digital slavery, er uh, digital currency comes about and you can buy NOTHING without your ONE govt (cabal WEF) digital bank debit/credit card – that TOO will have a tracking emitter in it, microscopic as they are today.
Of course it was over-simplified, so as not to run pages long.
We wouldn’t be facing what’s coming if people had longer interest levels and attention spans. Millions of us knew a year ago the hoax vaccine kills, doesn’t prevent diddly. In fact in England they now know fully 70% of those dead from covid…. wink wink (flu) were FULLY vaxxed and boosted!!
“The vaccine was not brought in for COVID.
COVID was brought in for the vaccine.
Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.”
~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Mr. Williams, so right you are.
When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that your society is doomed
– Ayn Rand
The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.
– Ayn Rand
Evil requires the sanction of the victim.
– Ayn Rand
Do not keep silent when your own ideas and values are being attacked. If a dictatorship ever comes to this country, it will be by the fault of those who keep silent. We are still free enough to speak. Do we have time? No one can tell.
– Ayn Rand
Defiance, not obedience, is the American’s answer to overbearing authority.
– Ayn Rand
To discuss evil in a manner implying neutrality, is to sanction it.
– Ayn Rand
There is fear hanging in the air of the sleeping halls, and the air of the streets. Fear walks through the city, fear without name, without shape. All men feel it and none dare speak.
– Ayn Rand
Hmmm. Sounds like we have the perfect Holocaust American style set up and ready to function. Not the Jews this time, but true American patriots and Christians…the only ones left in American that can function without the government intervention. Wow, those must be the ones that scare our lil ole gov’ment right down to its crooked roots. Hmmm.
The tables have in fact, turned 180.
Well considering their is no pre trib rapture it makes sense
video would have been better if he would cut to the chase and SHUT UP
FEMA has 10,000s – 100,000s – locations earmarked for emergency shelters and detention centers >>> mostly private property that will be FED seized in an emergency ….
our local fairgrounds administrator had a FEMA visit – the grounds & convention building were already locally tabbed for emergencies – a trailer full of collapsible cots was stored on the grounds ….
the FEMA guy was offering $$$$ for upgrades – a backup CAT generator among other things – kicker was the “security” – wanted to add a barb wire topper to the existing 8-10ft cyclone fencing that surrounded the grounds – beef up the entrance gates into more vehicle barrier ….
the administrator told the guy they were interested in some of the freebies but barb wire wasn’t allowed by code – grounds were town incorporated and not open county acreage – FEMA guy lost interest not being able to do any prison type changes …..
You get it. It’s been planned by the same NWO/WEF Obozo works for and has been. And, … it’s coming. The GOP today is nutless and paid off, and will do nothing.
Try it and find out
They have and you did nothing
Hi, I just purchased the EASY CELLAR
But I did not notice it was a Digital Edition.
PLEASE tell me what I need to do to get that in PAPER
(for when the electricity goes out
Thank you
Hi Jorge
And it will go out. All utilities will be turned off. This will kill off the elderly in the heat, destroy all frozen foods, make live extremely difficult in order to get millions to commit suicide, and they will. Most people today have zero fight or spine in them.
In the military, the above is called “Forced Redirection of Energies”. In other words, MUCH more of people’s attention will go to just surviving (food/water) to the next day, versus fighting whatever forces are killing us or carting us off to some FEMA camp for interrogation and subsequent termination.
In world history, people’s OWN GOVTS have killed over half a BILLION people. Mao, Kim, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler ……… and more, ……… and soon added to the list, the NWO controlled govt of Obozo and Biden. They removed as many patriots of ANY race out of our military for a reason folks. I understand over 1,400 conservative officers, just for starters. That number could be far higher by now. 10’s of thousands of patriot non-officers were removed and the covid death juice, or gay military — killed or ran off even more. This is why they can’t even recruit any more. And yes, our own NSA did the fact discovery for them.
This…………….. is what Obozo built. Loyal NWO and loyal to him key people 10 power seats deep in EVERY govt department, office, branch, function. Every………………. one.
And to think we thought all he did was golf.
Just replay email them on your in once they sent you and tell them what happened and that you want the paper copy. They are good about working with you. I several of their books and made the same mistake the first time ordering, they corrected right away.
Reply not replay. Love auto correct. Lol
Just reply email them on your invoice they sent you and tell them what happened and that you want the paper copy. They are good about working with you. I have several of their books and made the same mistake the first time ordering, they corrected right away.
This is an interesting article – but curious about something. After Hurricane Katrina – FEMA put thousands of crappy little trailers down in the New Orleans area to house people that were wiped out due to the flood. After a year or so – these trailers were gathered and moved up to a piece of land in Baton Rouge. There is a tall wall about them – and it looks like 50 acres of them. (I mean it – Huge piece of land – covered in little crappy white trailers.) Anyway – most are ruined and full of black mold. The cost of these being destroyed and burned due to the black mold spores is very high – SO – our tax money is used to pay some land owner for the space… which we have done for coming on about 17 years so far. POINT BEING – the suggestion that the camps shown in your article – are you sure they are what you describe?
By the time FEMA knocks on your door, you should be mikes away. Listen to that small still voice. Stay sharp, always be aware of your surroundings; always carry devices for defense.
I think that there are enough guns in this country that FEMA would think twice to messing with the American people. I think there would be bands of people declaring war on FEMA There is no way this country will give up there freedoms or there guns , There would be a full blown civil war. . and we would rather fight and die free then ever let them but us in there death camps. How many would agree on that, United we stand, Home of the brave and the free, We would be burring all FEMA CAMPS down. and freeing any being heal captive in them , Don.t mess with the American , You will get a war you will regret
Yeah I wonder if this isn’t a part of the 2nd Seal fulfillment? Still just a birth pang, but if it happens (including nation against nation, ethnic group against ethnic group too) I’ll be CONVINCED covid/theVx was the 1st Seal.
1. Goes out conquering and to conquer (for the purpose of conquest).
2. Carries a bow (Greek word for bow is “Toxon” which developed into our word Toxin in about 3/4’s of the world languages (biggest variation being “Toxina” in Spanish). Not arbitrary that it developed into our word toxin (they used to put poison on the arrow tips back in late BC/earlyAD).
3. Given a crown (a handful of “Doctors” given control of the whole year. Of course it’s really the powers behind those doctors). And Corona means crown.
No aspect of the first seal doesn’t FIT. Not the Antichrist yet–but the official beginning of birth pangs that will bring him into power.
Everyone is depending on others to do it.
Larry, I certainly hope you are right that enough Patriots will defend themselves and our Constitutional Republic from the internal infiltration, corruption, and overthrow being promulgated from within our government. Even so, I am skeptical about conspiracy theories being presented in a manner that seem to promote hysteria such as this article is trying to present. I am retired military, currently a Federal Employee (DoD), and even though our current military has been seriously harmed by the Liberal Woke agenda, I highly doubt FEMA and the military combined have enough resources and willing manpower to perform even a fraction of what is proposed in this article. If the idiots in government actually tried, I would expect that in a very short time, a very bloody civil war will erupt, and who do you think would prevail?
I recommend that people maintain their situational awareness, practice OPSEC about everything, prepare as best as they can manage in both supplies and knowledge, be a “gray man”, and be mentally prepared to do what needs to be done when the time comes.
That comment was replying to Larry Grenie
Fix typo above-
A handful of doctors given control of the whole world (not year)
They will need good shoes.Walkiing on hot brass is painful.
Your pellet gun doesn’t scare people chuck
This I do not know about, and I do not think anyone except the high ranking knows. If all this were true, then some high-ranking official would make the mistake of letting it out in some way. This has not happened. There is no such thing as a secret this big without the soviets knowing about it and they would use it for propaganda. So, I think most of what is said is not true. Some of it is such as FEMA having the power to take your food etc. and martial law is true. But death camps I do not think so but as I said I do not know and neither does anyone else that is on here.
The Jews did not think there were no death camps, until they were there.
Wake up, it’s in your face…
Dreaded, there is legislation and executive orders that do allow FEMA the powers as described, but in reality they would never be able to maintain Martial Law, round up masses of people, nor confiscate supplies and other property from private citizens on such a large scale – they just do not have the resources and manpower to accomplish it on a nationwide level – they would encounter too much resistance, and very fast, and most would be killed for making the attempt.
Then we have civil war, so a question that everyone should ask themselves is: What are you willing and prepared to do to defend yourselves, your loved ones, your property, your Rights, and our Constitutional Republic?
Great comments and input form everyone. This may have been the plan but the problem is so many are jabbed and it’s getting rid of the enforcement arm. The big thing to me is why don’t they release a super bio weapon while they hide in their bunker for a year. They don’t need FEEMA or anything else. Most of the population from the weapon then no food, water , fuel and electricity would get rid of more. It does away with potential exposure and it could be ” naturally or accidentally ” done. The government comes out a year later with fuel and seeds and says let’s rebuild. They don’t need to put anyone in a camp they can use the survivors to farm and rebuild. They blame another country for it and if 10-30 million survive that’s fine. They can leave the Constitution alone including the 2nd. They can just truck in from where ever stuff we need and we truck out what we harvested or made.
FEMA does not have death camps. STOP trying to invoke fear into people. FEMA has helped millions after natural disasters. Jezuz christ, stop already.
Under what authority of Article I, Section 8 does FEMA exist at all?
There are 18 clauses in Art. I, Sec. 8.
The first enables Congress to tax imports and purchases to pay forthe common defense and general well-being provided such taxes are “uiniform throughout the United States” (no graduated taxes!). This is a limiting overall clause, not one that grants any power other than raising taxes under limited conditions.
The last clause enables Congress to write laws to execute provisions of the other 17.
The 2nd through 17th powers granted Congress can generally be categorized as:
Funding/monetary: 2nd, 4th, 5th & 6th.
Foreign relations: 3rd & 10th.
Citizenship: 4th.
Post office & postal roads: 7th.
Patent & copyright protections: 8th.
Federal Courts: 9th.
Defense & Insurrection: 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th.
Governing District of Columbia: 17th.
Nowhere is there a “national emergency” power nor is there any power of the federal government to provide aid to anyone as a result of a national disaster. Indeed, many times Presidents who observed their oath of office and followed our Constitution had to refuse requests for federal aid for a natural disaster.
It isn’t about what might seem like a good thing to do… it’s all about what the fundamental law of our nation allows Congress to do! FEMA is just another unconstitutional bureaucracy, and to allow it to continue is a violation of our Constitution. Just as is the Dept. of Education, the Depts. of Energy, Housing, Health, etc., ad nauseam.
We have a choice… we can accept “feel good” governance and the unlimited power over the People that provides, or we can obey our Constitution and demand the federal government do the same.
Which will it be?
So, when the put all of us, either in the ground, or in camps, from whom will the be getting tax money, who will build the military equipment, who will grow the food? I think you are stretching the point beyond absurdity. I agree with your concept, just not the magnitude of it
In 1942; the U.S. Army formed the 442 DIV. . It ‘s officers were all white. The rest of the unit was made up of all JAPANESE AMERICAN. Many of their families were in those interment camps. The 442nd fought in Europe. It was the most HIGHLY decorated army division in Europe.
The best commodities to have for trading/bartering are alcohol and drugs. Worth more than gold, silver, gemstone etc when SHTF happens.
Why didn’t trump use them to house all the illegal aliens that came here during his term of office?
why do you thank the border is wide open? they don’t take an oath to the constitution? who will they be loyal to?
What makes you think that FEMA camps will be Extermination camps? Do you expect the Gas chambers and crematories to be underground?
trump has said that he’d like to be a dictator the day after he’s sworn in. If he does it; how long do you think it’ll take to round up all of his “ENEMIES”? It took the Nazis several years to build and set up their camps. Plus kill all the people they killed.
Fema is to lazy to get out of there little warm trailers . they are afraid to get their boots dirty.There orders ….only help border crossers….and demacrates….which in a way is kind of scary but expected. They now should be worried about losing their gravy job.