Updated on March 7th 2025!
From injury to disease, pain is a very common ailment or symptom that can take down the toughest of the tough. It’s so prevalent that we are seeing a major epidemic with opiate dependency. And wild lettuce might be the natural painkiller to help you deal with it.
Unfortunately, with so many needing to find relief, it’s leading to a large portion of our population becoming dependent on a chemical bandage, often just masking the problem, rather than fixing the cause.
It’s getting so widespread that the medical field view many of those in real need as “seekers”.
So, instead of getting relief from tangible pain, people are being turned away. As a result, they are finding it illegally, and pain clinics and rehabs are popping up all over, trying to combat the addiction.
Wild Lettuce as a Healthy Alternative

Lactuca Virosa is the scientific term for wild lettuce, and many people have used it in place of addictive prescription pain medicine. It’s a leafy and tall plant, with small yellow buds, and could be grown right out your door. More commonly found in North America and England, it’s a cousin to the lettuce we typically see at the grocery store. It’s also referred to as bitter lettuce, or more appropriately for the purpose discussed here, opium lettuce.
The reason it’s referred to as opium lettuce, is due to the pain relieving and sedative effects that it has been known to produce through a white substance found in the stem and leaves.

This milky substance is called lactucarium. And, while it doesn’t contain any opiates, it has similar side effects when used – it acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to lessen the feeling of pain, just like morphine.
Even though it seems to be the best kept secret, it has a history of being used as an alternative to pain relief.
Related: How To Make Pemmican, The Ultimate Survival Food (Video Tutorial)
Historical Use of Wild Lettuce
Back in the 19th century, wild lettuce was already being used by some as a substitute to opium. But, it was in the 70’s that it started to gain significant popularity by those wanting a more natural remedy. Individuals were starting to use it for both pain relief, as well as recreational purpose.
In the earlier days, people using wild lettuce prepared it a couple different ways. One way was to cook the plant in a pan of water and sugar mix, until it reduced to a thick syrup-like consistency. While this was an effective form, it was quite bitter even with the sugar added. The most common form however, was drying the stem and leaves to use as an herbal tea.
The tea remains popular today. But, it’s also being dried for smoking, or vaporizing. If you don’t care to grow it yourself, it can also be purchased as a dried herb, extract, or resin substance.
How to Identify, Harvest, and Prepare Your Own Natural Painkiller
1. Identification:
- Learn to recognize the plant by its distinctive leaf patterns and flower structure. Consult local botanical guides and use high-quality images or diagrams to ensure correct identification.
2. Harvesting:
- Harvest during the optimal season—typically early in the morning when the plant’s active compounds are most potent.
- Use clean, sharp tools and wear gloves to protect both the plant and yourself.
3. Preparation:
- Drying: Spread the harvested leaves and flowers in a shaded, well-ventilated area until completely dry.
- Extraction: Grind the dried plant material and use a standardized method such as steeping in hot water or alcohol extraction to create a safe and measurable dose.
- Dosage & Safety: Begin with a small dosage and maintain a log to monitor effects. If uncertain, consult with an herbalist or medical professional to determine proper usage.
Comparing Wild Lettuce with Other Natural Painkillers
Willow Bark:
- Traditionally used for its salicin content (a natural precursor to aspirin). Effective for mild pain and inflammation but may cause stomach irritation.
- Known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Helps reduce pain in chronic conditions; however, its absorption is enhanced when paired with black pepper.
Backyard Natural Painkiller:
- Unlike willow bark or turmeric, this plant’s compounds mimic the potent effects of morphine, potentially offering stronger pain relief. Its increased potency demands careful attention to dosage and preparation.
Harnessing nature’s remedies can offer powerful alternatives for pain management. With proper identification, preparation, and understanding of how it compares to other natural options, you can make an informed decision about incorporating this natural painkiller into your wellness regimen.
Other Benefits of Wild Lettuce
Here are the more popular reasons people are gravitating towards this natural pain killer and medicinal plant:
- Migraines – People who use it for this purpose claim that they experience fewer migraines than they did prior to starting the herb.
- Insomnia – A frequent use of wild lettuce is by people who have trouble sleeping. It produces a relaxed and euphoric feeling, helping a person fall asleep easier, without the addictive qualities of commonly prescribed sleeping aids.
- Anxiety – Wild lettuce can act as a mild sedative, allowing people with anxiety to find a reprieve from the stress it causes.
- Asthma and Cough – Wild lettuce has antitussive properties, which alleviates or suppresses a cough. Also, asthmatic patients who have used opiates notice more episodes if they go through opiate withdrawal. So, the use of wild lettuce instead of prescription opiates, could be a better option for them.
In addition to the above benefits, wild lettuce produces a euphoric state, similar to opiates, even though it does not contain any actual opiate… so it’s perfectly legal.
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Wow… I’ve got loads of that stuff growing on my property. I had no idea it was beneficial!
Wrong! It doesn’t even look like Milkweed. Don’t talk about things you know nothing about.
Don’t be mean to seekers. They are trying to dispel their own ignorance. Cruelty to seekers is counter-productive.
Does it have addictive properties like opiates? We don’t need a new drug epidemic of people addicted to a new type of pain medication.
Congratulations on the stupidest post of the day!
Not trying to sound like a know it all but if ud reread or look at the 2pics they are of 2 different plants and YES ONE IS MILKWEED
You had better get your eyes checked because there are actually 4 pictures and they are all of wild lettuce. We grow milkweed and wild lettuce both on our property. The wild lettuce grows wild along our fence rows and at the edges of our garden, but we actually dug up wild milkweed out of pastures and ditches to plant in milkweed gardens for monarch butterflies. I’m not sure which picture you think is milkweed but they all are of wild lettuce if you look closer.
All pain relievers are addictive. The pain relief feels good.
It amazes me that people are so ignorant about drugs, and still would rather have a dogmatic negative opinion about a plant because someone told them that was the thing to do to be “right”. Did you know your body MAKES opiates, and NEEDS them daily. We have a propaganda addiction. Opiates aren’t a problem. The people who misinform about painkillers are a true blight, far more so than opiates. I’m so sick of ignorant people with agendas to enslave others with misery and pain and harsh unkind even hateful judgement. Do you think you actually bring GOOD into the world when you act like that, or can you just not help your addiction to JUDGING what you have no clue about. Take a chemistry/bio/botany class PLEASE before jumping on the demonize pain meds band wagon. Unlike other painkillers opiates ARE the SAFEST to the kidneys liver heart and mind as far as side effects when used appropriately, which 99% of medicinal use of opioids happens to be. It saved more lives than it has killed, but stories about how sickle cell crisis was averted due to the use of opioids isn’t a sensational story, so people just ignore this. The idiotic hype about an opioid epidemic we are facing is that opioids aren’t being given where appropriate because it causes drama to watch sick people writhe in pain when they could have a decent quality of life and SAFE medication used for THOUSANDS of years. This latex is likely NOT anywhere near what MJ would be, but people like to talk, and get their hopes up when they need pain meds, and bitter lettuce does have a mild anesthetic effect to help stomach issues, but that’s about all. So if you drank the koolaid about the EVIL opiates killing us all via addiction that happens after 1 dose, not to worry. This is a wild edible with likely some nutrition benefits so long as it is not in anyway harmful. I used to feed this to my rabbits, and they never OD’ed or even got a little high off of it. It’s just lettuce weed. Simple. Hope that clears anything up.
Very well said!
Wow! Some of these people are just straight up mean. Yeah I wish some people had a little more patience and understanding of others along with empathy as well. Some people don’t post things because they want to help them
Manners! Be nice.
So nobody that I seen has said if this becomes addictive like a narcotic. I’ve been on fentanyl for more than 10 years and wondered if it would help with withdrawals if I tried to get off the fentanyl? Because I’ve heard withdrawals from fentanyl are the worst kind or is there some medication that can be prescribed to help get off the fentanyl?
Wild Lettuce does not have any addictive properties. It works by shutting off the signals in the central nervous system that tells the brain there is pain. It’s safe to take, unless you have a latex allergy.
We’ve been using Wild Lettuce for many years and my grandparents also used it in their day.
All pain relievers are addictive. The pain relief feels good.
Kratom is helpful to get off fentanyl. It can be purchased legally online in most areas. Kratom is slightly addictive like coffee. It is also related to coffee.
I used Kratom a few years ago and THAT is exactly what should be used to help ppl get off other meds. I dropped an antidepressant I’d been on for 6 years over the course of a month. Then I stopped taking xanax, buspar, Gabapentin, and Tramadol. All I had to do was take Kratom once a day. But i live in Alabama and the stupid ex-governor made it illegal to have here. So I went back to most of the crap that will eventually kill me.
The hardest part of quitting fentanyl is not letting you’re brain talk you out of it …you must say out loud at least 10 times a day that you have quit taking fentanyl..you’re subconscious will do what you tell it to ..it wants to do what you tell it.this does not cost anything but you must be serious about it and it may take a month or two before you notice results …Rome was not built in a day ..nor did it fall in a day…and don’t you think if it was addictive that it would hardly be growing wildly without some price tag on it and regulated to hell ..that is if it were not made illegal?.It is like the jimpson pods…well not really but they grow in fields in north America ..and they will get you high …higher than you want to be because it is not an enjoyable high..but ultimately it is up to you if you want to stop you just must understand what is actually happening to you’re body as you are coming down . certain individuals use valium to sleep off the bad feelings but somewhere down the line as with any physically addicting drugs you will go through withdrawls ..stay strong and let the feeling go ..ultimately you will thank yourself because that is the only one who can really help the best ..
Yes fentanyl will be torture to get off of without help. I was on morphine for 20+ yrs and I was labeled. Dr. Death gave me minimal meds to wean me off since he would not wean me down. I don’t know what I did. I had a stellar pharmacy record and only used that pharmacy. Go figure. Anyway do NOT try doing it alone as far as meds go. To dangerous in every way. I’m not trying to scare you only saying use common sense. Please.
No is not addictive!
Research the Dr.Wallick of Dead Doctors don’t Die. just about how or what got him to thinking about how he got his health back as a kid. While the Doctors of that time were mystified about doing anything for getting his health back!
Not trying to sound like a know it all but if ud reread or look at the 2pics they are of 2 different plants and YES ONE IS MILKWEED
You had better get your eyes checked because there are actually 4 pictures and they are all of wild lettuce. We grow milkweed and wild lettuce both on our property. The wild lettuce grows wild along our fence rows and at the edges of our garden, but we actually dug up wild milkweed out of pastures and ditches to plant in milkweed gardens for monarch butterflies. I’m not sure which picture you think is milkweed but they all are of wild lettuce if you look closer.
I think Lindy means the on in the ad about not stepping on this plant. That certainly looks like a Milkweed seedling, but it’s it’s leaves are not pointed on the end like a Milkweed seedling. But I can see where one might get confused.
Unless she’s talking about the Stem, that’s a wild lettuce stem.
You had better get your eyes checked because there are actually 4 pictures and they are all of wild lettuce. We grow milkweed and wild lettuce both on our property. The wild lettuce grows wild along our fence rows and at the edges of our garden, but we actually dug up wild milkweed out of pastures and ditches to plant in milkweed gardens for monarch butterflies. I’m not sure which picture you think is milkweed but they all are of wild lettuce if you look closer.
From which tree ?do we get morphine?
Guri: Asian poppy, a perennial. Better is wild lettuce which is supposed to be non-addictive. https://www.ediblewildfood.com/prickly-lettuce.aspx
He didn’t say it looked like milkweed. Go back and read it again!
I think what they mean is that the white milky sap on the in side is the same but I do believe that if you try this on that milkweed plant your probably going to die.
Narcissist! I’m sure you have been told this numerous times.
I’ve always known this as milkweed. What is the differences between the two?
Who said anything about milkweed? You’re smoking too much of something.
This is not Milk Weed.
No Sow thistle
Sow thistle is sonchus not Lactuca Virosa.
Manners! Be nice!
Need some
So nobody that I seen has said if this becomes addictive like a narcotic. I’ve been on fentanyl for more than 10 years and wondered if it would help with withdrawals if I tried to get off the fentanyl? Because I’ve heard withdrawals from fentanyl are the worst kind or is there some medication that can be prescribed to help get off the fentanyl?
It is not addictive. Safe to use.
No it is not milk weed. Milk weed is poisonous. Please see what real wild lettuce looks like before you use it. It is also not Summac as it is also poisonous and has milk in it’s stalk.
milkweed is not poisonous pods and leaves can be eaten when cooked.
kendrao: Not ours in Arizona. In Penna, the half-grown pods were boiled and used instead of cream cheese. Ours are considered toxic.
You’re the dumbass! Is your caps lock stuck?
I am ignorant to the home remedies but i am seeking answers. Can u help me?
Twink: No, she drank mike from a cow that ate snakeweed. Some milkweed is toxic, but swamp milkweed isn’t. People have boiled the young pods for centuries. They taste like cream cheese and are used as a replacement by dairy intolerant people. All it takes is now-to identify, and then the Latin name. I like purslane, but at least one type is high in alkaloids. Not the rest.
Milk weed is not what killed Abraham Lincoln’s mother. The plant responsible for that is White Snakeroot. She received it second hand from cows milk. Whaite Snakeroot is very poisonous, 10% of body weight is a lethal dose and as far as I know there is no antidote.
Summa is not poisonous you can actually make jelly out of some of the berries that grow on poison summac it may be called that but it is not poisonous
Buck: Poison sumac likes a lot of water and heat. The red sumac is good! niio
There are two types of sumac, one has no red berries clustered at the end of the branch. The other without these red berries is called poison sumac and will kill you if you used any part of that tree. The red berries are soaked in water, the whole cluster and will taste like lemonade. If you pull apart the berries sometimes the inner parts will have worms in it. So you need to strain the water through a cloth towel or folded up cheesecloth, you dont want any of the nasty stuff or it will taste like crap.
I don’t know how people got from the lettuce to sumac and milkweed, it wasn’t the topic and will just confuse people. Thanks a lot.
WHO ever told you milkweed is poisonous? We have an acre of milkweed and harvest many parts of it. We sell it, can it for the Winter Months and just love it for the Spring tonic it is. Please don’t comment on things you have no clue about!
There are dozens of kinds of milkweed but only a few are eatable. We ate swamp milkweed pods (steamed, taste great) in the east, but Arizona milkweed is high in alkaloids.
You say eatable, I say edible…
It looks like dandelions. Is that what it is??
Summa is not poisonous you can actually make jelly out of some of the berries that grow on poison summac it may be called that but it is not poisonous
So can it be used to help with the withdraws that opiates produce when coming off of them
I was eating a leaf or two everytime I found a plant on the side of the road a couple times a day and never put two and two together that I had just been taken off Cold Turkey 4-6mgs of Xanax a day. I had very little withdrawal symptoms until I was no longer walking daily. It was then that I had difficulties and a couple days ago was out and about and saw the plant again. It was then that it dawned on me the correlation between the absence of withdrawal symptoms while eating it. Back to harvesting the leaves and eating them. The muscle pain associated with withdrawal symptoms is horrific. More that I’m back to using the plant I’m no longer in extreme pain and it has diminished to a very bearable level.
Thanks for that info! Benzo withdrawl can be deadly. As can opiate withdrawl. Well, it’s not the withdrawl but the symptoms (if not properly treated). Benzo withdrawl is more dangerous though. My husband has been on benzos for over a decade. He’s down to 1 quarter of a pill /night. He only takes that to stave off withdrawl.Knowing that this plant can help Is such a relief!
It’s been a life saver. Also he might ask his doctor about Vraylar. Non-addictive and immediately stemmed the benzo physiology symptoms, but haven’t even taken that today. Just eating three to four of the leaves about every 3-4 hours and just ordered Zazzee Wild Lettuce from Amazon. Amazing reviews and 4x the potency and extremely affordable.
I really hope this helps. I was given benzos 15 yrs ago to counteract my RLS medication and it’s symptoms. Between Wild Lettuce and CBD oil and joint and muscle creams and paste really feel very hopeful now for a bright future, where a week ago thought I was at the end of the road.
Thanks again for sharing! I’m glad you found something that helps! It’s funny how things work sometimes. I think sometimes we must reach the ‘end of the road’ before we can begin anew. I’ve been there many times.
Good luck in the future!
Btw, he’s already using CBD oil & loves it.
Kratom is best for opiate withdrawal. Bkb herbal or bkb Kratom is where you order it. Get a scale and take only 4 grams of the powder mixed with 4 oz grapefruit juice adjust dosage slowly as even a gram too much will make you nauseated or puking
No not milkweed!
Exactly what i was thinking. Is milk weed the same thing
Bronxnitehikermike, look up
*lactuca canadensis. It shows the best detailed pictures and descriptions that I’ve come across in all my research. (aka wild lettuce. Can also find it under *lactuca virosa – both are wild “opium” lettuce).
Hope this helps and best of luck with your foraging!
I would love to know more about the herbs and healing plants. I’m from KY as well.
ladydi, what helps me come off pain meds when I run out is cherrytussin codiene syrup. Old country pharmacies will sell you over the counter 4 oz a month. 2 tsp is 20 mg codiene. I know its opiate but if you make it last, only one dose in am or one in am and one at night, you ween off slower and don’t go thru the “sickness”so intense. Its hard to find, chain drug stores do not sell it without prescription. Old independants “the pharmacist” prescribes it. Hope this helps!
What do you know about mountain tea.and other KY herbs I am out around flat gap
Hahaha….. ? ? ? ?
They’re just severely O C D and probably don’t even know it.
Pappicus, not sure if you’ll see this but if so could you email me I’d love to learn a little from you. I’m a 33yo female Air Force veteran with chronic pain and some mental stuff. My hubby as well, and we’re really wanting to heal ourselves naturally without Western medicine as all they’ve done is made us much worse. If you don’t mind emailing me, or anyone who is knowledgeable in natural medicine and herbs please feel free as well, stroongflower@gmail.com. looking for any guidance, info, or direction:) we’re getting back to our native roots, hopefully absorb as much as we can before our dear ones pass with their knowledge of nature and the land as I see others in this string have gone through. Bless you all and thank you for the needed laugh ?
Thank you. Hadnt heard of wild lettuce.
You are obviously a frustrated wally have a lovely day moron
Haven’t heard the term “Wally” since leaving the U.K.
It’s one term that’s so descriptive instead of using lots of other words!
My American spouse has also started using the term amongst her friends and gets lots of laughs!
Plz give me you are i fo id like to buy
What is the normal dosage of the wild lettuce
You may just eat it. I knew it was wil lettuce and for pain but I didn’t know about any limits. So for Passover we used it fir the bitter herbs and we ate a lot of it and funny but both my husband and I who have pains from accidents we have had. Felt no pain that evening.
YaHu: Yo, thanks. I’ll remember that. 🙂 I can hardly wait to see what my next blood work will say 🙂 niio
Cbd ok oil don’t work I have three bottles of it that I ordered off line and used one whole bottle it didn’t help the pain at all…
U have to have the thc in the CBS oil …50/50 for pain relief. CBS oil alone does not do anything for pain.
It’s CBD, not CBS!
I came off of both xanax and morphine with the help of cbd. I use the tincture, edibles, vape and salve, depending on my cash flow if you understand. I’m still on long acting klonopin and hydrocodone for breakthrough pain and would love to find a natural alternative until med marijuana is okayed in TN. Don’t give up on it, and make sure you get it from a reliable source!!!!
Kratom is legal and pretty easy to get in TN. I have used it for two years and it has been life changing for me.
Be careful though! Using Kratum too long (like longer than 2-3wks.) can be come addicting like everything else.
I’ve used it for years. Can stop, resume. No issues. Yes some people experience physical withdrawal symptoms, I haven’t. Some people get “addicted” but those people have addictive personality, they know they are easily addicted to everything & should be careful with everything! I prefer kratom to pain pills. I preferred codeine over hydrocodone but prefer kratom over both. I don’t experience all the other things people talk about, euphoria, talkative moods, energy etc but I’m not depressed, am happy going & have a blessed life with pain. Kratom makes it bearable without any downsides to me personally.
There is a lot of misinformation about it & I’ve read crazy stories of people trying to get high on it. They throw up before getting high. It keeps people behaving normally, others find a way to abuse it. They found it while abusing themselves & every thing they could find them do the same with nature. It’s not the daily of the plant.
I really do not believe this is any form of milkweed. Early in the article, it mentions Lactuca Virosa which is not milkweed. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the botanical name for milkweed right now.
Asclepies is the milkweed famjly
Its not milkweed. The stalk on this wild lettuce is bigger than milkweed. About as big around as bigger celery stalk. Its kind of crunchy like a celery. The flowers look like dandelions. They grow in the southeastern part of the US. They are usually just growing among weeds. They are about 10-12 inches high.
Kratom is what I use.
I google everything!! I have been trying to learn more natural ways also!! Good luck!!
I have it wild all over my farm I can send you some FREE
I would like to know how to use the dried raw product of the Wild Lettuce that I buy from my herb supplier, also how to identify it as a growing plant.
Is there a way to save the juice and use it later. Like having it for winter
Another name that is used for it is milk thistle.
It is not milk thistle!!!
Milk thistle has purple flowers!!!
I have had excellent results with kratom. I did a lot of research before trying it. I use it conservatively, I have no desire to “get high” I only want pain relief. I found a kratom supplier that has lab testing on each batch she gets in, so I am pretty confident I am not getting a contaminated product. I started with small doses, to be assured how I would react. I take a variety of strains to lower chances of addiction or building a tolerance. I find it lasts longer than opiods. I stopped taking opiods for about a month before I tried the kratom, I had heard that since both kratom and opiods work on the same receptors in the body there is no benefit to combining and may be possibility of overdosing be taking together. I am a fan of kratom. It takes some research to figure out which strain helps for your condition. Some strains are more sedating, some stimulating, some help with depression or anxiety. There are combinations that help with several symptoms. I suggest asking people what results they have had, purchase some kratom, start with small doses, I would suggest no more than 2 grams at one dose. One gram would be safer if after a couple hours you have no negative reaction then take another gram. It seems for most people a dose lasts 5-6 hours. A dose of about 5 grams is considered mild to moderate. Do not start that high. Those who run into issues and are using “recreationally” take half an ounce or even a full ounce. It takes awful. People have very creative ways of getting it down. I put mine in capsules, but it takes a lot of capsules. Look up The Kratom User’s Guide, it is available free on internet.
I’ve just started researching Kratom, thank you for the feedback
Amen. Enough.
Hi u have lupus too would like to talk about natural remedies for our pain.
What is: Permisian ? I looked on the internet and found nothing! I have Lambs Quarter growing in my garden, (I planted one and the wind did the rest!) I harvest it daily and use it in my recipies. I also have Mallow and in winter, use stinging nettle, these are also very nutritious wild plants. While I have your attention I know of 4 nightshade vegs that people with pain should not eat, they are: tomatoes and any tomato product, white potatoes, I now eat sweet pots, they are not in the same family as white pots. Also, all peppers and eggplant. Another product that is helping me tremendously is:a good quality Turmeric powder along with freshly ground pepper and coQ. (these help the Turmeric get into the cells) I use these daily for Rheumatoid Arthritis and take no prescription pain meds. I hope this info is of help to someone.
I would like to connect and learn from you Pappicus
If you are serious, I would compensate you for some seeds.
No, different plants. Different leaves, flowers; milkweed is toxic (except Monarch butterflies live solely on it, so let it grow). Check images for both wild lettuce & milkweed, to see the difference.
you are an asshole…..and you cant spell…
We really try to avoid comments like yours, angf117. I haven’t seen you post before so don’t know if this is a new pseudonym for some past poster on this site or if you are new to the site. Your type of comment adds nothing to the discourse of the people who come here to seek knowledge about topics in which they are interested. If you have nothing better to add than such a rude comment, please go to some other website where the posters use such abusive language.
angf: Cant, to tip to one side. Can’t, cannot. Leave off the liberal hate speech, mine little anal de burro.
No it is not!
No, it is Lactuca virosa….NOT milkweed.
These are both wonderful resources!!
Milkweed is in no way the same thing as wild lettuce.
Milkweed is what we always called it on our farm but we never used it for anything!
Dandelion is a totally different plant than wild lettuce. Dandelions are harvested when they are in the bud stage to make salads with the leaves and buds with bacon bits and vinegar and mayo dressing and are not bitter when harvested at that stage. They also don’t have the prickly spines on the leaves like wild lettuce and the flowers look totally different. We have dandelion, wild lettuce and wild milkweed, as well as butterfly weed, which is a part of the milkweed family growing in our yard, and grow wild herbs and wildflowers, so please Google “dandelion, wild lettuce and wild milkweed” before misleading others into thinking they are the same thing.
Yes entertaining!!
Jojo, you can literally just chew on leaves, or boil them to cook, or even dry them and make a tea. Keep in mind that the milky substance in the stem and leaves is where the medicinal properties comes from. Also, it is in the lettuce family therefore you can absolutely just pick and eat it… However it has a very bitter flavor.
Amen!! To Moonglow, took the word’s right outta my mouth! Its really easy to be a bully on line I guess…these folks are twisted and obviouly unhappy. VERY. ?
Back in the covered wagon days, moms taught us “If u have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!” And we respected elders.
People today have no idea….run over the top of you and DONT CARE. Pray for them, send them the white light, who cares about spellng and grammer while in horrible pain!
FOR PAIN…ALSO WATCH NETFLIX about an herb called kratom!!
I just learned about this, UNBELIEVQBLE RESULTS FOR THOUSANDS , So theyre trying to make it illeagal!!
Also, what the fda is doing to americans is unbelievable.
I could hardly believe it!
THANKS TO ALL for the comments❤❤❤
Dont get me started with all the things they’re doing to us. They will all see judgement day. Thank you all for the knowledge, it’s very helpful. God bless!!!
Joy…Dont get me started with all the things they’re doing to us. They will all see judgement day. Thank you all for the knowledge, it’s very helpful. God bless!!!
When you boil something,pretty much anything, it destroys everything good in it
This is a good place for seeds, also. The Amish at Bakers Creek Rare Seeds sent me to them for Self Heal seeds.
They think they are sounding intelligent. Or enjoy picking on people because it makes them feel powerful. Insecurity is a terrible thing.
Don’t be ugly.
Is there a recipe for that? I always heard Milkweed was poison. I am always interested in recipes for grow- your- own- food plants.
Amen, I too am a disabled veteran and you are so right with everything you have stated. The VA doesn’t give damn about us.
I to am a Disabled Vet, started going to a private Doctor with in 20 minutes she told me more than the VA told me in a year now I am on the right track to getting my health back
If Making fun of people makes you feel smart and great inside you are doing an amazing job. If you have nothing to say about the subject go else where!
This stuff does NOT relieve pain. Don’t believe any of this bullshit from these illiterate people.
Bill: There is always the placebo effect. Its effect is a proven time and again 30%, so for some folks, chewing on the leaf of a plant they believe will relieve something as elusive as pain, will in fact, relieve those symptoms for some period of time. For others it will have no effect. If you have tried these plants to no avail, it may be that you fall outside the 30%. It may also be that for you that particular plant does not work. There are some patients for whom drugs, while highly efficacious for 99 out of 100 people, just do not work for that one person, so to categorize these comments as specious is to make a leap that is not warranted.
Further, blanket statements without supporting data really add nothing to the bank of knowledge we seek here. If you have some datum that supports your comment, it would be far more helpful if you posted it. A blanket statement, “That doesn’t work” adds nothing to our base of knowledge and is a waste of your time and space on this site. Try to make intelligent posts rather than inane posits.
left coast chuck, you need to shut the hell up.
Arny: Blame ME, because I and most of us respect the man because he gives a damn about us AND everything he says is verifiable. Go harass liberals.
I would be interested. Can I get some info from you??
Can I get some info from you??
I’m originally from the hills of WV ! Hillbilly & Native American roots. I’ve passed a lot on to people I know. But I’m interested in foraging for my own stuff now. I was comfortable with it until my husband & daughter brought home flowers . They were pretty. We put them in water. Later, my MIL texted us from work around 12am. “POISON HEMLOCK ….”
She was freaking out. It WASNT hemlock, but it’s cousin. I knew it looked familiar lol. I felt like it was a warning though- to be careful. Just because it’s in the back yard doesn’t mean you are safe to invest, ya know? You mentioned being a forest witch (or something along those lines). Would you be interested in sharing info on herbal remedies?
I would like to connect and learn from you
I believe part of the problem here in identifying the plant is the fact that the common names for plants vary from region to region. I know of 3 totally different ( unrelated ) plants that are called “milkweed” in different parts of the country. Before you ingest ANY medicinal plant, be sure you know and can recognize what you are taking and how to prepare it properly. No, this is NOT dandelion and it is not asclepais. Look carefully at the pictures and pull up additional pictures of the SAME plant until you are SURE. Remember, both medicines and poisons are produced by plants. Also, even medicinal plants, when taken incorrectly, may kill you. Think of digoxin (lanoxin, digitoxin) which comes from the foxglove plant. Too little does no good, the correct dose changes and regulates your heart rate, too much kills you.
BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING. BE SAFE. If you aren’t sure, do some more research or don’t take it at all.
Definitely good advice.
Definately not milkweed
Try kratom or take a trip to mexico tobuy your pills.
Just try kratom!
No its not milk weed. Milk weed is a vine with heart shaped leaves.
Amen sister!!
Would LOVE to talk with you about being a wood witch;) also i have family in ky.
What part of the country do you live? I’m in Pennsylvania and would like to know where I can get some of the WILD LETTUCE, I’m going to try making some of this medicine. I don’t believe in prescription drugs.
You can order it online. It comes in a lot of different forms. I use Lotus Extracts and other herbal remedy sites.
This plant is not milkweed. Milkweed has broad thick leaves and is bitter tasting.
You are right it’s not milkweed, milkweed is asclepsia, it’s what the monarch butterflies use. Wild lettuce is very different.
Please be very careful when trying native herbs. There are things like wild Hemlock that is very poisonous! Research carefully!
I suffer from chronic pain also. This thread is very interesting and I’m going to look into wild lettuce.
Blessings to all who suffer from chronic pain it can ruin your. I do believe Mother Earth has cures for everything. It’s a lost knowledge. MK
Not nice but KIND!
LOL “you don’t retain what you read?” I thought that but you said it. Have you ever tried this wild lettuce? If so does it do what the article claims?
Brilliant – U likely have bright light all around u!
No one else even thought of harmful GMO’s!…Thank you for reminding us!!
Hi Ann: I live in Canada and would love to find out how to deliver this to you. I think it would be illegal for us to mail seeds or plants to you. However, this plant grows wild up in the northern country and probably in the states just below the Canadian border as well. Hope you can make contact with someone there.
If you watch the video it’s explained from “picking about fifty leaves” to “pour in a jar and keep in medicine cabinet until needed”.
Kratom is a miracle plant as well. Search Reddit for information.
There is a type of info on Pinterest concerning foraging, herbalism, home apothecary along with various prepper topics!
Kratom is a miracle plant as well. Search Reddit for information. There is even a group for people coming off opioids, heroin, methadone & subboxin (sp?). People have written up instructions of getting ready to quit, how to time it, types of kratom to purchase, good to eat, exercise & shower schedules.
Lots of newbies to the regular group would ask. Then someone typed up the how to list, then a dedicated sub (Reddit sub: akin to a Facebook group or page) was formed.
Best of luck!!
Pinterest has loads of information on wild lettuce including images.
There’s an app you can download that you take a pic of plant and it identifies plant…might be useful to educate one’s self on plants around you to help be prepared before emergency or crisis.
You are showing 2 different plants as the natural painkiller. One is wild lettuce. The other plant shown in video is not the same plant. Close: but one has thorns on the stalk. The other does not.
is this a good re.edy for back pain?
It’s NOT beneficial. You’ve been fooled.
I have them too here in the pacific and am sure going to use them …so grateful to know..will come so handy when troublous time comes…thank you
Please post a clearer picture of the plant. It kinda looks like dandilion in this picture
Thank you Sandy. I’ve just added a new illustration.
Sweet clover is not poisonous..it is hollow and does not dry well with the other grasses and since it doesn’t dry well it molds and the mold is what makes some cows sick
This stuff is all sorts of BAD. Poison. Heck of a bad way to die.
How is it used? Do you just eat it? I keep all of the extra pain killers from my doctor in the freezer to try and keep them good in case of emergencies. That’s one big problem with being prepared. There is no legal way to secure opiates and antibiotics and even when you can they have a relatively short shelf life. More information like this please.
The antibiotics used for veterinary purpose are in-fact the same drug prescribed for humans. It is a matter of dosage that commands prudence. I buy tetracycline without question at local feed store. I also have a copy of “Physician”s Desk Reference”. NO-I don’t consider using these versions of anti-biotic except in emergency.
Animal antibiotics are available to the public. Due dilegence internet research will show you the way. Opiates…eh, not so much.
You bet-yes I think people are going to experience real problems ahead if wounded or injured. Opiates were legal in the 19th century across counter in the form of laudanum and paragoric. Hopefully in a national/societal breakdown Americans can protect medical infra-structure.
Where can one buy the seeds?
Inject-able Penicillin is also available at farm supply stores. Some vet type medicines actually must meet higher standards that medicines designed for human use, from what I have heard and read in the past.
Your so right.I have had horses all my life so heres some facts I know.Horses skin is very very sensitive, you cant use any kind of human products on them. Horse shampoo and conditioner is the best you can buy for humans, theres not all the crap you dont need in it.Dont buy salt from store, everything good in it is taken out. Buy Himalayian pink salt, in rock form from feed store, it is as it came out of mountain and has everything you need in it, just shave it off as you need it.Hundreds of other things for horses good for humans
Other Metals are only a problem in CS if the electrodes used are not PURE 99.99% Silver.
Sterling Silver for example, can be toxic if used to make CS.
Putting drugs in the freezer actually decreases their shelf life. Most room temperature drugs are only stable between 36-78 degrees Fahrenheit. Extreme temperatures makes them less effective.
My grandmother gave paragoric to me for colic in 1968 and I’m 49 now with a basically healthy digestive system.
As late as at least the early 1960s one could still buy tincture of paregoric over the counter in any drug store. It was only with the dog and pony show called the war on drugs that paregoric became a proscribed medicine. We used it on our kids when they were teething which is how I know one could buy it over the counter. I had seen my mother use it on my brothers when I was young which is how I knew about it. We would moisten our little finger with it by just tipping the bottle against the pad of our little finger and rub it on the gums of the infant. It relieved teething symptoms almost immediately giving relief to the infant and to us also.
Bismuth and paregoric mixture was the standard cure for diarrhea in the military service during the 50s. When I had what is now know as salmonellosis that was what was prescribed for me until they finally decided I had something other than just plain old trots and sent me off to the hospital for ten days. B&P came in a 4 oz bottle and was prescribed as one tablespoon after each BM until cured — or sent to the hospital.
Sounds like a miracle solution to me. I’m going to get
I am finding that, more and more, we need to get back to “the old ways.” Our forefathers knew a lot about what plants treated certain conditions. Needless to say, their knowledge was probably from indigenous people who depended on local plants for whatever was wrong with them. The old ways with plants were the best when they can be used in place of modern medications. In some cases this isn’t possible, not because there isn’t a “plant for that”, but because we don’t know enough about plant medication.
You are absolutely right , got into a big hurry killing off the indigenous natives and laughing about their medicine bag and was so much fun calling them uncivilized
I have found Arnica cream to be very good for speeding up the healing of bruises but have not found it helpful for muscle ache as claimed.
Arnica has blessed my family for 18 years. Homeopathic tabs and liquid from Pure Herbs only. All other creams, lotions junk.
Very interesting post! I use arnica as a pain killer and it does relieve headache and arthritis pain. So-if wild lettuce has the same kind of properties it is well worth investigating. Many people, myself included, have experienced nasty side-effects from pharma/pain killers.
Where can you buy the dried to use as a tea the wild lettuce
The article mentions that wild lettuce induces a mild euphoria, but it fails to mention if the plant is physically addictive like opium and methadone.
IS the plant physically addicting, causing withdrawal symptoms when discontinued? Can it be used to help the transition to sobriety for opium addicts?
I really don’t know, but the FDA says it’s legal to grow, purchase and own without prescription or license.
I prepared years back. It is not very effective. Read about it, Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Great Lakes.
I would really like to know the answer to your question if so could you please let me know
Wild Lettuce is not addictive, it’s quite safe to use unless you have a latex allergy. My family has been using it for years and my grandparents before us.
Eating the young plant is fine also, but eating it in excess can cause explosive diarrhea. All the average person needs is one Size 00 capsule full of the extract for about 6-12 hours of pain relief; this is of course dependent on your personal tolerance.
The extract can be dried and then ground up when needed in a coffee grinder. You want to keep it in sheets if possible, the more one breaks it down the more it oxidizes. Powder is good for about 4-6 months. Sheets last about 12-16 months. Keep it in a cool dark place away from the sun. Instructions for making the extract can be found on Youtube quite easily. If you can boil water and strain veggies you can make the extract.
I think we always referred to it as milk weed.King snakes would sunk the juice out when bitten by a poisonous snake as remedy.If it’s good enough for a snake it’s good enough for me.
Scroll up to see that someone posted that milkweed is poisonous
I don’t even know about the milky stuff but the leaves of milkweed are at the least toxic to birds. It IS THE REASON that Monarch butterfly larva (aka caterpillars) ONLY eat milkweed. The predator kingdom has learned to stay away from the larvae infused with the toxins.
There are many plants called milkweed because of their milky sap but, only a few are true milkweeds.
Glad you made the comment to spare me the time. The things people say and believe are true. Mind boggling. The idea of a snake, a 100% carnivorous animal sucking on a pplant. Sheesh.
Hello, you mentioned drying for tea and boiling to prep for use, would there be a way to use it if you were out camping/picnicking and a need arose for immediate use of a pain reliever?
Thank you,
I use a Willow bark and Wild Lettuce combination for pain. Liquid Herbs only for me.
We called this milkweed as a child and it is quite bitter.
If you wever go to Fort Macon in the North end of Atlantic beach, NC there is a Toothache tree on the right just b4 the gate. there used to be a sign but they took it down as the many tourists (including me) would break off a peice to chew on, the tree was severely mutilated. Supposed to be what the indians used for toothaches!
it’s still legal until the government steps in when they find out people are using it, then they will make it illegal and throw you in jail for having it.
March 22, 20:56
The plant in the picture is L. virosa, milkweed looks quite different. I know, because I took the picture :D. This particular specimen was one of a few I found growing in the Shenandoah valley in the west of Virginia. Visit http://www.wildlettuce.com for information and extracts! It’s my life’s work and I’m working on getting more products and a blog on there. I’m happy that there is so much interest!
I pick up wild lettuce extract from a health food store in Ava, MO. It is made by a local gentleman. Calls his products Teeter Creek Herbs Rt 5 Ava, MO. But I do wish to find it growing around me here in SW Ohio. Thank you so much for all the info.
Catnip is a wild plant. Just nibbling on a leaf spaces me out. In only a minute it hits me hard. The effect lasts for 20 minutes.
Yep, it grows to be much higher than dandelion, up to 6 feet.
Keep these coming studied natural medicine abroad and we need to educate all
I have never seen wild lettuce grow to 4-6 ft. tall. That is the milkweed plant. Milkweed grows that tall but not wild lettuce. Wild lettuce hovers on the ground and grows 6-10 inches tall and about that big around similar to dandelion. it does secrete a very small milky substance but nothing or not nearly as profuse as the milkweed plant.
Wild lettuce is a biennial plant. In the first season you only get a rosette. In the second season it bolts and can shoot up nine feet, believe it or not. The person who wrote this did their homework because they did get it right. The plants photographed are L. virosa, not milkweed. I know, because I took one of those pictures. Find products and more at http://www.wildlettuce.com !
I wish you had given better directions for proper ethical foraging rather than whack it all down and use it for tea.
If you only take a few leaves at a time you leave some for the rest of us. Taking the entire plant to dry doesnt just take the plant but also disrupts a very prolific seeding cycle. Better really to collect seeds and grow it yourself in the backyard.
Getting relief from pain us not getting high…
Is this also what farmers consider thistle?
Here in the Ozarks, thistle grows tall, yes, but is a much denser plant, leaves and stems, and the flowering top is purple. And yes, farmers hate it.
last year had a full on love affair with Lactuca Seriola
Eattheweeds.com gives extremely good info on wild edable plants, and their use!
I wonder how it would work on me..morphine makes me throw up, but it’s always been given by needle. Think I will try some anyway. Alot of my family have chronic pain like I do.
So can it be used to help with the withdraws that opiates produce when coming off of them
I would suggest instead you look at kratom for opiate addiction. Find a couple online groups for withdrawl support.
looks more like hog weed witch is a really big problem in western ny
wild lettuce is NOT dandelion or milkweed. it is taller than dandelion & has different shaped leaves. It looks nothing like milkweed except it is green. People look at the picture!
Can’t afford a herbal book go to the library, or goggle it.
If you wever go to Fort Macon in the North end of Atlantic beach, NC there is a Toothache tree on the right just b4 the gate. there used to be a sign but they took it down as the many tourists (including me) would break off a peice to chew on, the tree was severely mutilated. Supposed to be what the indians used for toothaches!
You might try the toothache plant. I grow it every year in a pot. I get my seeds from Bakers Creek Rare seeds Mansfield, MO. Their seeds are heirloom run by some lovely Amish people. My mom lives nearby and I visit there every time I go to see my mom.
So I can eat the leaves but do not eat the milk from the stems or the stems? And eat leaves fresh? Thanks for the info.
I was diagnosed with Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and put on Prednisolone on december 29th, 2017. I followed it 100% for a month and could not help me the way am expecting. Finally i began to panic and called my doctor, he told me to get used to it. He said I would be on Prednisolone my whole life. At that point my life messed up and began to do a lot of research. Then I found Seth COPD story (google ” How I reversed my copd with herbal remedies” ) I read that article from end to end because everything Seth was saying made absolute sense. I started using the COPD herbal remedy february this year, product of BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE. There was no diet involved, no side effect which was extremely marvelous. After the first 4 weeks of usage, my shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough disappeared completely. My COPD was totally reversed after 6 weeks of usage. Now am living COPD FREE. Please folks get off drugs and help yourself by trying natural methods..To know more about BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE visit w ww .besthealthherbalcentre. co m Thanks..
@ slick papaver somniferum is a poppy plant not wild lettuce! @ nemesis it is also not a dandelion. The scientific name for a dandelion is taraxacum. Scientific name for wild lettuce is lactuca canadensis, and doesn’t even look like a dandelion. Just because the flowers look similar does not mean it is a dandelion.
Come on people you should not speak on something if you don’t know what you are talking about. Please…… Make sure you do your own research, make sure you are informed, and do not ever just trust the word of someone you don’t know…..especially when it comes to stuff like this. Slick is up here trying to give you an actual opioid that will show up on drug screenings, and nemesis is trying to potentially hurt you. While dandelions can be used for herbal remedies when prepared properly in small amounts only, the leaves are know to cause damage to the body and the stems can kill a child if injested.
Again always do your own research, on the internet from “multiple” sources not just one, always consult a professional there are sites online you can go ask a profession about plants they will even identify plants for you if you submit photos. Go to your local nursery if they have info on a certain plant or flower (even if trying to protect your pets, because kilts and a few others are toxic to animals.) As long as they have the info you are looking for they will be willing to give it to you.
Joann is also trying to hurt you, you people are not putting any supporting info on here for what you are saying, you know how many people will read this and think they can just go pick milk weed and eat it. Milk weed can be consumed only if cooked and it has to be done a certain way, it is yet another toxic plant. Please please please people do research before trying ANYTHING.
Please please please do your research people from multiple sources not just one. I’m not trying to say herbal remedies are bad or not to do them but you seriously need to do research before trying any herbal remedy. Never just listen to what another person is on here telling you. Slick is on here saying it is papaver somniferum, that is a poppy planting contains actual opioid that you can od on and will show up in a drug screening. Nemesis is saying it is a dandelion……no it isn’t the scientific name for a dandelion is taraxacum, they can be used for herbal remedies in small amounts if done correctly, some parts of the plant are dangerous. The scientific name for wild lettuce is lactic canadensis……..so not the same there nemesis. And Joann and a few others are talking it eating milkweed……yes it can be eaten but only in small amounts, only if cooked and only if cooked properly. Milk weed is toxic………..please please please do your research!!!!!!!
Thank you for stressing the importance of researching before doing anything.
Wild Lettuce Leaf (Lactuca Virosa)
I buy mine in powder form on Ebay and it’s cheap
no it’s not the same as dandelions what dandelions grow up to 7 feet. so many morons in this world now
I am an embasador for products that help naturally. I use them, all my friends and family use them . They are non chemical, or drugs. All are natural and help for many things such as: diabetes, cholesterol, fatigue, and the biggest is cancer.
Send me an email and I would be happy to send information regarding the products.
This year May I was told I had mild emphysema-Copd. I was shocked, I had only had minor breathing problems at times. However I had smoked for 17 years when I was very young and had quit over 38 years ago, when I developed asthma. I always heard your lungs were cleared 5 years after you quit smoking, but they don’t tell you the damage is already done! Mild is not mild, I am on oxygen all the time.my son purchased herbal remedy for emphysema from solution health herbal clinic ,which i used for 6 weeks and am totally Emphysema free ,all thanks to solution health herbal clinic, solution health herbal clinic also cure all type of disease in humans life..please Stop smoking! It will kill you. Contact solution health herbal clinic details E-mail: (solutionsherbalclinic@gmail.com)
You lie.
This is not a helpful comment.
What is the dosage? Max dose?
Is here an over dose?
I am very Hesitant on this. Reading some of the other “names” called for wild lettuce is my concern. Specifically “milkweed”. from what I am reading, they are one and same. BUT this concerns me. common Milkweed is poisonous. In the plant kingdom, normally bitterness is taken as a warning that its poisonous. Also some plants are only edible when they are “young”. PLEASE Use with extreme caution. There are so many plants that look alike; some may be edible and others very toxic. One home guide websites states: “Milkweed species in the genus Asclepias contain cardiac glycosides that are poisonous to humans, …. Humans can eat milkweed, but its toxicity depends on its species, age, how it is prepared and how much is eaten.” Common milkweed in its Latin name is Asclepias syriaca, Wild Lettuce is Lactuca virosa. Even tho some places are calling it “milk weed”, Wild Lettuce shown is NOT common Milkweed. If you order seeds.. Please.. please order from a known source and use the Latin name.
Wild lettuce, milkweed and dandelions are totally different plants. They don’t even look alike. Dandelions only grow about 6 to 10 inches tall, have yellow flowers and are used in salads, not for pain control. Wild milkweed grows up to 7 feet tall, has oval shaped leaves and is very poisonous. Wild lettuce grows up to 3 or 4 feet tall, has jagged thorny leaves and white flowers. They are more like a thistle than a dandelion or milkweed. Too many people are trying to act like they know what they are talking about, but I have all 3 growing in my yard and can say from 69 years of experience that I know the difference between them. I also had an aunt that had an medicinal herb garden that taught me all about identifying medicinal herbs that grow in the wild. Here is an article from Web MD that tells all the uses for wild lettuce:
Adenosine? Like that used when having a nuclear stress test? The stuff that makes your heart race and feel as if you are having a heart attack? Did anyone else read that?
Wild lettuce grows much taller than 3 or 4 feet. I have plants that are averaging 8 feet! I am drying some leaves for tea tomorrow.
This thread has gotten too hard to follow. Unfortunately, I haven’t the time to weed through all of the banter & other comments. I can’t even find my original comment. I believe it was for the wood witch in KY.
Everyone is talking about the difference in these plants. I’ve been at this naturopathy thing a while. Wanted to go to school for it, but couldn’t find one back then.
I know what dandelion is. That’s what confused me. I have 2 different plants in the yard that look like lettuce. One of which has really taken over the yard. I tried googling, but you see conflicting pictures & info. I just want to talk to someone who actually knows the difference.
Aside of wanting to Learn about this stuff, we have a lot of pain to deal w in this house. My husband and I can not take (& do not want to) opiates of any kind. I just want something that works & wont have 100 awful side affects that require even more medication to deal with! Please help!
You can contact me on twitter : peacelovencandi
Or jlcfusion
OR Pinterest :jlcfusion
Or on Instagram jlcfusion
I’d rather not put my email on a public forum , but will give it over once contacted. Thanks!
It’s a moot point. This plant does nothing to alleviate pain.
I have asked before and received no answer or een an acknowledge my question……..
How much makes a dose? One can easily overdose on any drug …even aspirin….even water, though water is a bit difficult to do but it can happen…….
This is the main problem I have with wild plants and herbs….. used for medicine or medicinal purposes…. especially when one ingests it………Poultices are not really an issue though………
The various disagreements about which plant is which is also another problem with 100%…….
What Defines a single dose?
How often in between doses? Example every 4-6 hours?
What defines a maximum dose NOT to be exceeded?
Obviously making a tea or boiling the leaves in liquid form would be the easiest form I suppose or just eating the leaves raw. Also boiling the leaves would leech out the pain killer and other items
The next obvious question as a painkiller does it also cause muscle relaxer or sleepiness? Helping the person get some proper rest…….I know that pain being gone alone does help one get proper and much needed.
Can this plant be abused like other painkillers?
I mean how hard these questions to answer?
Thank You in Advance for your Help and Time!
Can you snort it lmao?!
Candie, The “doctor” was arrested for trading prescriptions for sex. Lost his license and basically threw away his entire life all for a quickie just stupid But on a brighter note I was accepted for treatment at a pain clinic in Wisc that actually tries to find and fix the cause of the pain rather than just mask it with drugs so I am very hopeful and like you now that I am off all those drugs I don’t wanna go back
Very interesting article.
Allot of you suffering from chronic pain would see improvements from cleaning up your diets. I removed all dairy, legumes and sweeteners from my diet and most of my joint pain faded away. It’s hard at first, as most of us don’t realize how much of the food that we are being supplied has all of those ingredients in them, as well as grains. Our bodies don’t need such massive amounts of these ingredients and they are poisoning us with them as they are fillers as well as addictive ( like sugar ). Legumes Rot in your gut instead of digesting and therefore cause bloating and swelling in our joints. Wheat contains a narcotic of which slows down our matabolism and dairy actually blocks our bodies ability to up take calcium naturally.
I would very much like to SEE a picture of this plants roots. So I could be sure which of the two plants growing in my yard that look very similar to this. One has roots almost as large and long as a carrot. The other has been referred to as dandelions which I knew the English eat as greens.
I am interested to know the details and analyse it further.
Is this safe for pregnant women and children? What about toddlers?
I would appreciate to know about the mode of use(external / internal) of the wild lettuce.
Wild lettuce has roughly 65-75 different plants in it’s family tree depending on who you ask and what you read. Some cross with other wild lettuce, most do not. It grows all over the world, and carries with it the same medicinal properties, albeit there may be some variation in strength.
In Colorado there is the Serriolla, Canadensis, Virosa, and less common the Tatarica which is the only one that differs in flower color, it’s purple rather than yellow like the others. No doubt there are more here, but I’m most familiar with the ones listed. All of which are in the Lactuca (Lettuce) family. You could say they are the great grandparents of the lettuce we have today; as the article suggests.
Some like the Serriolla can be confused with a thistle due to it’s spines under leaf; a good test is to pull a leaf or prick the stem. If you see the lactucarium, I.e. the white latex or milk you most likely have a wild lettuce. Some other species of plants do in fact produce a milk like substance, such as the dandelion and the milkweed, however they look different save for the former, but the dandelion is also edible and quite the hard worker in the body.
If you have a latex allergy DO NOT USE THIS PLANT! If your unsure, the best practice is to leave it alone. However rubbing a small amount of the milk on your skin can often give you an indication of allergies within usually 24 hours. If after sufficient time has passed and your fine, try a small amount on your tongue. Again wait 24 hours. Itching and rash are sure signs of an allergic reaction, however when the plant or the extracted milk is smoked, it can cause a tingle on the tongue for some people even if no allergy is present. Be careful and go slow if you are not sure, but my best advice is to get an allergy test or just move on.
The best time to harvest the plant is when it’s flowering. That’s when it’s at it’s most bitter point, because it’s protecting itself. Please always allow some flowers to seed and go in the wind. Those seeds have a purpose and your gonna want meds for next year right? So do I, so let it seed please. Your not loosing anything by doing so. You can also place them on the ground, but don’t burry them; or you can keep some in the fridge for next year.
The young shoots can be eaten before they are too bitter, but be warned they can cause uncontrollable diarrhea if you eat too many. Wild Lettuce can also cause hallucinations at high doses, often in combination with the before mentioned diarrhea. The average person would need to consume quite a bit and this symptom is uncommon.
What’s a normal dose for me may be too high or too little for you. If your not familiar with working with wild plants it’s best to buy a ready made (commercial product) extract and cut the suggested dose in half and start from there. If money is tight, there are lots of good videos about wild lettuce online explaining how to make the extract in various forms. I suggest starting with a a teaspoon and wait at least 6 hours and see how you feel. Take note of of you feel beforehand, some effects might be rather subtle at lower doses.
Never cook wild lettuce above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll kill off the medicine. Some plants need high heat for extraction, Wild lettuce does not, which brings me to my final point.
Always identify the plant your working with and do your research. Try many different sources of information before consuming it, or in some cases, before you touch it. Some plants like sweet yellow (and white) clover are edible unless they’ve been infested with mold. At which point they become a toxic anticoagulant and can cause your blood to become too thin, thus killing you. Be safe, be kind, excuse the typo’s.
The stalk on this wild lettuce is bigger than milkweed. About as big around as bigger celery stalk. Its kind of crunchy like a celery. The flowers look like dandelions. They grow in the southeastern part of the US. They are usually just growing among weeds. They are about 8-12 inches high.
Have known about this plant for a few years and it readily grows all over my property along with several other very useful wild plants. I did enjoy the video. Thank You.
Don’t know what that is for sure, but I did want to mention that many people call a plant by what they think it looks like, or what their family called it, without any solid knowledge of what it actually is. I discovered this studying about folk medicine. So a plant might have five or six common names for it–beware!
It makes a good mulch, when it grows wall to wall as it does in Arizona. 🙂 My sisters would gasp if they saw it and tear it out. niio
Why do we compare herbs to pharmaceuticals? They are so wildly different.
I’ve actually had both morphine and wild lettuce, the effects on the body are nothing alike.
Is there a reason we are comparing herbs to pharmaceuticals? They are so wildly different.
I’ve actually had both morphine and wild lettuce, the effects on the body are nothing alike.
Most pharm came from extracts of plants. There are people who still make milk of poppy and poppy butter.A lot of us would like to buy coco leaves; not to make coke of crack, but because it’s one of the best herbals for asthma. niio
After reading all this now I am really fu*ked up about what s and is not poison and look a likes…
that’s because you’re intelligent. Grow your own from what you know. Deal only with licenced herbalists. Look at your garden. How much nightshade do you grow? Tomatoes are good, but the plants are toxic. Potatoes are good, but the plants are toxic, especially the fruit. Peppers are good fruit but the rest not. It’s the same with herbals. You can take classes online in herbals. It helps to recognize the botanical name but isn’t vital. niio
Potato fruit is toxic? Are you a moron?
bill: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/what_are_those_fruit_growing_on_my_potato_plants
Why is everyone claiming that this is Milk Weed…?
The article states right in it that this is Lettuce Opium which is a completely different plant…!
It’s not even in the same family as Milk Weed…!
It looks to me like either the people who are reading this and are calling this Milk Weed have no comprehension of what they are reading or they are making comments without reading the article…
Thank you everyone that has attempted to educate these people that this is not Milk Weed…!
Tstuts: I know the difference. I think most do, but in a lot of places, wild lettuce is called milkweed, and so are other plants. some types of real milkweed are toxic, some OK if cooked. niio
I did not find any in the area in AZ. where I reside that I felt comfortable with trying. Bought some at a health food store, 500mg. and have as of yet not found any pain relief or help with sleep. Certainly the do it yourself method if you are knowledgeable is the way to go.
Old Guy: I live in the upper San Pedro river valley, 40+ miles north of Tucson. There’s so much of it I use a shovel to undercut it. I use it on cactus scratches, itchy spots, and so on. For me it works, but when they say prickly, they mean it 🙂 niio
If you need help making your own extraction I can help guide you. If you can make soup you can make wild lettuce extract.
It’s not the ideal time of year to harvest wild lettuce, the best time is August/September when they are in bloom. At that point they are producing the largest and strongest amount of lacticarium (the white substance). Of course always it spread some seeds first if there are only a few, and perhaps scatter some around your yard. They are light germinated, so place them on the surface and next year you’ll have tons.
I cannot vouge for store bought capsules personally, I’ve always made my own. But I can tell you that there’s not a lot of information availble and only a handful of studies have been done. So I would imagine most companies are not harvesting and or not using ideal methods for their products, but more jumping on a slowly expanding possible investment.
I can however vouge for it’s effectivness if harvested at the correct time.
My mother has bought some extract from wildlettuce.com (I hope links are okay) for her migraines and it works well for her. But she also could have gotten lucky. They seem to know their stuff though.
Stay away from areas close to streets and highways, you don’t want to ingest anything that grows there. If you’re worried about finding the correct plant, I suggest watching “TNWoman TANya Neill” on youtube. She’s a source of reliable information, including identification and various ways of making tinctures and extracts.
The Lactuca genus is generally a mild sedative, if you need sleep I’d suggest valarian root (Valeriana officinalis). It’s it’s used in making Valium, only there’s no addiction issues. Loose herb for teas, and capsules and extracts can be readily found. I suggest not following the dosage on the extract bottles however. For most people the suggested dosage will put them to sleep for a few days for other people it’s just right. If you don’t know your own general tolerance level I suggest taking a 1/4 of the suggested dose and see how that works first and work your way up from there.
Would have been nice is the recipe for extract was given in text. A lot of folks don’t want to sit through a video.
this has written instruction, niio
It’s really easy. If you have one, you want to use a food processor, I personally use a Ninja food processor as it chops even the stems. If not chop it up as best you can, leaves flowers and stems. Leave out any woody bits like the bottom stems.
Add a bit of water, just enough to cover the lettuce.
Put all that into a pot, cook it on LOW for about 3-4 hours. Strain and continue to cook on low until the water has evaporated and you have a brown paste. That’s the medicine.
Put it in to a jar and take as need, or spread it out on parchment paper and let it dry. I put mine in a dehydrator at 128 degrees F for 8 hours.
If you cook it on too high a temp you’ll just kill it. Keep the temps low, no boiling. If it boils it’s not over, just lower the temps and keep going.
One Size 00 capsule is what I use when needed.
Keep in a cool dark place, no sunlight.
I just processed 40 plants over the weekend and have about 2 1/2 lbs of medicine. Enough for me and the entire neighborhood for the winter. 🙂
I have been burned several times by Internet pain relief products that I was reluctant to try Wild Lettuce. It worked and allowed me to quit a narcotic that I was using on a daily basis. I do not need to use this even daily, but when pain surfaces it seems to work to calm it down.
This weed has a lot of names. The names may not match what you use for it, but that’s local. Internationally, it is wild lettuce, horse thistle, wild opium (tho not related to the poppy), and far more. Let’s stop acting like a bunch of suspicious girly-boys and DO YOUR RESEARCH.
Sorry, it’s 4:45 AM, a quiet, beautiful morning and I’m happy so sum-buddy gotta suffer. Have a good day and please, stay safe and healthy. niio
Awesome post.
How can I tell for sure whether I have milkweed or wild lettuce?
Without eating it.
I have never seen milkweed with lobed or deeply toothed leaves like wild lettuce. Chicory may look similar to wild lettuce and it also has sap but it won’t hurt you. If you are going to use wild plants, get a good wildflower field guide like Newsome’s or Peterson’s… better yet, both. Also good to have a book on poisonous plants so you know what to avoid.
Its not a true opioid it hits the same receptors and blocks the pain it is natural and non addictive. The only thing that is addictive is the relief of the pain a person has had to deal with.
Big pharm started this problem – when they made meth illegal they changed one item in the mix and named it oxy in the 90s big pharm promoted oxy as good for u and non addictive!! Pharm reps gave bonuses to drs that prescribed it. The higher the dose the bigger the bonus. Whats not to stop the drs from eating that up. They gave promotional items to promote oxy cd “swinging to the oldies” to show how much better SRs would feel if they took it along with mouse pads with OXYcodone on them golf balls stuffed blue pills with a banner saying oxycodone across it. Coffee cup pens, calendars almost anything to get it promoted. I saw this with my own eyes. They stressed it was non addictive and now look and big pharm is acting like they have no idea how this epidemic happened!
So if I’m allergic to latex I should not use wild lettuce
do a skin test. I put a drop on the skin to see how it works. No problems for me to date. niio
That is correct, unless it’s very mild and your using it topically. Ingesting something your allergic to can have a larger effect on your health then just a miner skin rash. Internal reactions can be deadly, even if external ones are not.
In addition, there are other plants that produce latex, such as dandelions. You should do lots of research and back that up by cross referencing before ingesting anything. Wild lettuce is good for for pain, but there are alternatives depending on your personal issue. Such as cannabis, Devil’s Claw (Proboscidea louisianica), Boswellia (Pineapple extract), white willow bark, etc. Grounding, or Earthing as it’s called today is also a good way to help manage pain as well, and worth looking to. I suggest contacting a local herbalist and inquiring further with them. Not all information on the internet is helpful, and while this forum is generally filled with people who have good intentions, their intentions won’t save your life if you consume something based on inaccurate advice. Further, an herbalist can help you treat the issue from different angles which is important, because there may be more than one contributing factor.
Wild lettuce is a great alternative for pain management, but it’s not the cure all people wish it was. It shuts off the signals to the brain that pain is occurring, it does this via the central nervous system instead of directly affecting the brain as with opiates. It does not, however, cure the issue, it simply puts it on the ignore list. Other treatments, be that natural, spiritual, or medical are most certainly needed for long term care and or healing of the issue. The immediate goal should be relief, but the long term goal should be healing and non-dependence on herbs or otherwise.
According to the side effects of using Wild Lettuce, mild skin irritations can occur with people who have latex allergies. I guess it is a matter of weighing the mild skin irritation against pain relief.
Also, topical relief like Benedryl ointment will overcome the skin irritation so you can have so pain relief.
But there is no pain relief with wild lettuce. It’s all a big scam.
I wouldn’t recommend ingesting the latex from wild lettuce if you have a latex allergy but you possibly could use it topically
If it is such a “big scam” then why are there so many articles on its pain-relieving capabilities from major medical publications? Quit spreading false information. I can definitely say firsthand that it does relieve pain as well as has many other medicinal properties.
It is much safer to use than opioids and isn’t addicting like prescription painkillers.
Yes, it’s very safe to use because it has no effect whatsoever. If you’re looking for pain relief, you won’t find it with wild lettuce. It would only be a placebo.
bill: If it is, then by gum send more placeboes! all of have meds that don’t work on us, or work too well and try to kill us. If wild lettuce didn’t work for you, that might be why. I know it works for me and always has. niio
I can tell you have never used it to relieve pain. You are totally clueless!
bill, why don’t you go to another article and comment on something you actually know about, rather than troll this article which is very factual? Even WebMD lists one of the benefits of wild lettuce as pain relief. Having used it since a child for pain relief, you show that your comments aren’t based on fact or knowledge of the subject, but to troll the comment section. I learned a lot about herbs and “weeds” the pioneers used and grew that worked well for many medicinal uses from my great aunt who was an herbologist and grew a medicinal herb garden and could tell anyone the uses for each thing she grew. Every one of those naturally growing plants was as effective as prescription drugs without the severe side effects.
Tylenol 3 works much better than wild lettuce.
Tylenol 3 does nothing for my back pain. Wild lettuce works much better, as well as other natural plant remedies.
Roger: Agreed, and I note that as I get older, older remedies, more natural ones, are being prescribed by doctors. One of the most expensive, yet powerful antibacterial creams on the market contains silver and sulfur. I had to have it to kill MRSA eating on a bone in my leg. An older brother lost his rib cage to it before they used sufla on him. I understand they’re researching an extract from mare’s milk because people who drink it do not get polio. As an agronomist said, what was old, is new. niio
I’ve never drank mare’s milk in my life and I never got polio. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.
Hey Red; I think you sent me something about Kudzu. Hello. you mentioned silver and sulfur for your leg. Are you talking about silver sulfadine? I was prescribed it for 3rd degree burns I got on my leg from hot tea. In no time at all my burn was gone and had very little scarring. When I was younger, I got my foot caught under a concave tractor cart wheel and had a big abrasion on my ankle. Well, the doctor put Flowers of Sulfur on it and the same thing that happened with my burn later on happened then too. As I’ve gotten older, I seen the little scarring I had from the incident totally disappear. I wholeheartedly believe in the powers of sulfur and what it does for those big booboos. And on a lighter note; from what I’ve read from Rogers comments: He’s a lunatic and has no common sense. I sure hope he reads this. Thanks. I’m sure we’ll talk again.
It also could be because you had your polio vaccine when you were young like all children did?
after getting a response concerning Kudzu, I decided to check out your website; mostly about seeing a plant with a white substance coming out of it. See I take a lot of Ibuprophen for the pain I suffer with and can’t get anything stronger because I also smoke marijuana for my anxiety problem. Because I smoke marijuana I’m considered an addiction risk, they think
I’ll want more or take what I have inappropriately. Not the case, I’ve quit doing a lot of drugs of my own accord, including Cocaine. Anyway, I digress. I read in your post about being able to buy it in a few forms, would love to grow some myself, but my landlord just had the backyard fixed so not much will grow back there. Is it possible to grow wild lettuce in a bucket and where would I get some to grow. Not much of a chance where I live to find some, I live in a big city where yards are pretty much in good condition, and wooded areas are quite a ways off. I’d like to be able to use this and get rid of the Ibuprophen all together. Thanks for any advice or information you send me.
Seeds can be had online for various prices, however, I suggest looking someplace were you can check the feedback from buyers. Planting wild lettuce is rather easy, just rub the seeds on the surface of the ground and keep moist. They can be grown indoors under lights as well.
Most species of wild lettuce do fine in pots, but be mindful they can get rather tall. Currently in my garden mine have reached 9 feet and beyond. They are very sensitive to blight, so you’ll want to strip the bottom leaves off, as it grows taller, you’ll want to keep the bottom foot or so leaf free to avoid blight issues.
And of course you’ll want to harvest them when they are in flower for best results. They go to flower in Mid-Late July through August here in Colorado.
Please ignore the trolls making comments. I don’t think this site is very well maintained.
Don’t bother, I know the difference, but don’t waste my time obsessing over it if I accidentally use the incorrect word. But feel free to get an ego boost via whatever works for you.
Pamela: Sorry, but your post didn’t show up. wild lettuce is a tough plant. Yes, a 5 gallon bucket of good soil means a lot of it. Where I live once the seeds start to drift, it comes up all over. Last winter, one came up in a pot with a chili in it when I brought them in the house for a few nights. It survived quite a while, tho we cut it back a few times. If one comes up this year, only the leaves will be taken. check alleys behind your home. Most people do not take good care of those areas, and there’s a lot less pollution there.
How big a city? I used to stay with family in Brooklyn, NY when working down there. Any crack in the road (alleys) held plants like wild lettuce. It’s very adaptable but a sun lover.
I do not use pain killers except for natural (so-called) aspirin, and not a lot of that. with the humidity up high, for here (35%) with the monsoons coming in, I get sinus headaches and use medicated Scotch snuff (peppermint oil and Vicks). that usually knocks out them and allergic asthma attacks. niio
A few things:
First, love the information here as it is 100% informative (I’ve been taking Herb courses for 12 years and wild lettuce does indeed do everything that was mentioned here and more. You can find all its uses in several books, but the one I recommend is “The Herb Book” by John Lust.)
Second, I would exchange 2 of the 3 photos posted as they are actually different plants than wild lettuce, and with the epidemic of idiocy, would likely cause many to misidentify plants, which is not this article writers responsibility, but can be avoided. Individuals should research any form of health treatment in full before executing treatment.
Third, while the article is very informative about the plant, there doesn’t seem to be any direction on how to use it. Is it best taken as a tea, infusion, decoction, tincture, or extract? For those of us that are not familiar with the difference between these or the processes that achieves them, where is the direction?
Just my two cents!
Oh and a note to all those in the comments: if you don’t like what you see, build your own website and share what you would like to see. Otherwise, stop projecting your beliefs that have nothing to do with the information provided on anyone that disagrees with you. And remember; a belief is only concrete evidence of what you do not know.
John Lust also said one could juice garden lettuce and it’s safer. I will get on here when I can answer your questions and put the answers on my page at https://altnature.com/gallery/wild-lettuce-herb-use.htm .
My honest opinion, it was worth using when it was cheap to buy organic in bulk. Not at current prices as you build tolerance and it takes a lot of herb to make a good extract. I’ve had blight on all the plants I let grow around me.
To get a strong extract, the stem is scraped, and sap that oozes is harvested and dried or applied to herbal material for smoking. Like how opium is harvested is harvested from seed pods, do the same thing to lettuce stem.
Since Biden took over as dictator, prices for organic and everything else have skyrocketed. Gas prices are their highest in 7 years and still climbing. Inflation is at its highest in 40 years.
Wow, funniest post ever!
Over the previous few years, human beings have realised that a excessive isn’t all this plant can do, as hemp and CBD oil were feasible utility-pushed and medial options for years together. That’s why the use of CBD oil to deal with scientific illnesses has come into exercise off late, buy cannabis medicine and cbd hemp, sanan ayurvedic hemp churan, cannabryl Raw vijaya extract however how wholesome is that this exercise?
Is the use of CBD oil felony on your country?
Let’s understand.
For greater Visit
The 4th image is *not* Lactuca Virosa. You’d think after all the comments and 5 years they’d have removed it.
Valerie, I am not sure which photo you are referring to, but all the photos in the article are of wild lettuce. If you are referring to the photo of what the plant looks like when it first pokes out of the ground, I can assure you that it is exactly what it looks like when it first comes up. We have hundreds of wild lettuce plants in our yard every year. My great aunt was an herbal medicine expert and grew a garden strictly of plants used for medicinal purposes. I learned a lot from her about how to identify different native herbs and weeds used by the settlers and Native Americans for medicinal purposes. All 4 photos are definitely of wild lettuce plants, as well as the lithograph image.
No, I think She’s referring to the Ad, which looks sort of like a Plantain. It trips a lot of people up and really should be removed or at least moved someplace else. It’s not even a valid ad anymore, just leads to a video that’s it.
I can assure you they don’t read these comments unless someone directs them to it. I had to complain directly to them about some troll making comments awhile back and they had no idea until I told them.
Here’s something you can believe. This stuff doesn’t kill pain. It’s a placebo. I’ll take real morphine any day! Morphine really DOES kill pain and isn’t addictive.
bill: And morphine depends on if you believe it works. It all does; it depends on what you want. I don’t touch the stuff because there are times it doesn’t work and it’s the choice of ways to commit suicide today. Learn hypnosis and especially self-hypnosis because in the end, drugs fail. niio
Where do you get the idea that morphine isn’t addictive? Morphine is not only very addictive, but it also compromises your respiratory system and will cause death if taken for long enough periods of time, to the point it will cause death because the patient either has to have help breathing using oxygen because they are no longer able to breathe on their own. I know because that is how my late wife died.
Roger? Who said that?
Cindy: I got 3 words of advice before graduating. Research. Research. Then go back and Research again.
We have an unprecedented blessing, unlike previous generations, we have the world at our fingertips. Research should be on any to-do list, and be loved and respected. niio
I had two cracked ribs and was in extreme pain. Went to ER, they gave me a shot of morphine in my right butt cheek and a shot of Toradol in my left butt cheek. The pain disappeared and it was NOT my imagination. It was 3 am and I drove 10 miles there and back home in a blinding rainstorm with a sheriff deputy following me. Another time, my elderly mother had a broken wrist from falling. She was in extreme pain. A shot of morphine did the trick. It wasn’t her imagination.
And? I broke an ankle in a fight. I turned off the pain. After the operation, they were giving me morphine and it barely touched it, but I turned that off, as well. In fact, stabbings, beatings, playful horses and angry cattle, and so on, and it barely helped. My son tried wild lettuce for pain and it worked. My point is, what works for you may not work for someone else, but at least wild lettuce isn’t addictive.
The person who commented that morphine isn’t addicting was Bill, yesterday. He sure doesn’t know much about morphine.
Hi Red, High All!!
It has been a long While!.
It has been a while since I have been able to post as I was not getting updates at all! I have no idea why.
Suddenly I started getting posts and can respond!
I do Hope and Pray and Trust that all is well with Y’all!
Anyone that thinks or says Morphine is NOT Addictive Clearly is either trying to be a Troll and start something.. Or Knows NOTHING about Opium or Heroin or Morphine, or History of Smoking Dens or Quack/Snake Oil Medicine here in the US and Elsewhere…. Or about Poppies.. War Lords grow the Poppies in Afghanistan, (and elsewhere) former USSR Troops had a serious issue with the Addiction to Heroin while in Afghanistan… some US Troops in SEA also had issues with it.
Morphine is derived from Heroin/Poppies. There is no question of it being Addictive.
The Jury is in and found Poppies, Heroin and Morphine and other derivatives are Addictive!
The one question I do have about the plant in here being such a great pain reliever is, How much makes a dose and how much would be an Overdose? How often can it be administered?
I’ve had a shot of morphine once and my elderly mother had it once. It relieved severe pain both times and neither of us became addicted. I felt nothing but pain relief. No buzz whatsoever.
Yosemite: Hey-lo, Angelo 🙂 Have you noticed libs stopped trying to outlaw over the counter vitamins and herbal supplements? Something is up. I refuse to take opioids because they are so addicting. If I wanted, AZ allows us to raise Oriental poppies. niio
I’ve been prescribed opioids off and on all my life for dental visits or other pain. Whenever I finished off a bottle, I never took them again until maybe years later when prescribed again. I never became addicted. I really think the whole opioid crisis is fake. People who have addictive personalities can get addicted to ANYTHING. Why single out opioids?
Red, No I have not been following that at all….But I am not surprised at all!
Can you or someone please tell me what makes one single dose or how much a person should take at a time?
I would greatly appreciate the info on how much and how often it can be taken or administered, do there is not an overdose.
Thank you mi hermano!
Yosemite: How goes it, Apache? A dose would depend on body size, percentage of fat (which can absorb medicine, sort of how a pig neutralizes snake venom), health and so on. You need to experiment so you can make judgment on what you need as well as what someone you know would. Away back when opium was either homemade or bought over the counter, people prefered wild lettuce. I also like self-hypnosis for control over things like heating freezing toes and fingers (mind that, people have caused spontaneous combustion to themselves), pain control, and so on. It’s meditation. niio
I might also add that my late father was shot three times in the Korean War and he told me that when he got shot, an Army medic immediately gave him a morphine shot and stopped the pain. My father never became addicted.
bill: wild lettuce. I’ll leave the rest up to medical professionals in the family.
Did you take the opioids as prescribed? If so, you would never become addicted. You really don’t know anything about opioid addictions, do you? Opioid addictions are caused by higher dose opioids like morphine and drugs like oxycontin or abusing the lower doses by taking double the amount prescribed or taking them for months at 3 times per day, not by taking them as prescribed. As I said, I have seen opioid addiction firsthand and it is very real. My son-in-law is addicted to opioid painkillers right now and is going through a divorce because of what he has done to get more money to get more drugs. You are totally clueless on the subject. Please go to an addiction center and learn firsthand about the subject.
and there are those who are easily addicted. It barely touches me, but I don’t like how it wrecks the gut. The problem is, doctors like stronger, worse opioids. the subject here is wild lettuce.
The opioid “crisis” is highly overrated. There’s a lot more crises that are real.
bob, it’s the drug of choice around the world now for suicide. How much is brought here via chicom military?
Greetings and Salutations My Brothers and Friends, Red and Roger
I have heard Fentanyl is up there in those numbers of deaths and it comes directly
from China.
Just touching it can kill and the amounts being sent over can easily kill Tens of Thousands and Higher Astronomical Numbers of people. They add it or cut it with drugs that have killed and will kill unknown numbers in the future.
Biden has opened the Border allowing Ungodly number of people that have not been properly Vetted and be flooded with Deadly Drugs..
He has WE THE PEOPLE paying $5 MILLION a Day for materials and a Job to build the Wall, simply because he canceled the job!
He wants to give ILLEGAL Individuals $450,000 USD,,,,, Maybe we could go down there and claim we are illegals and get such a check! LOL
Unfortunately the Socialist POSs want to destroy America and OUR Constitution. They are doing a great job so far…Not to mention The Wuhan Flu/ China Bug and people injected are dying from the bug blaming those that have not been inoculated or don’t wear masks. Interesting that they keep forcing or making it mandatory to take the Vaccine. Many of the people have walked off their jobs because of such Mandatory. Such as Police, First Responders, Nurses, Sanitation workers, The list goes on and on…….
As for Non Addictive/Addictive drugs,….Many of our current pharmaceuticals come from plants some weeds, some flowers, herbs, Etc!
Anyone that dismisses such weeds and other plants and herbs Etc. being Extremely useful medicines and cures for various illnesses and sickness, whatever, is an IDIOT and beyond Help!
Yosemite: Virginia won a new governor, and I pray God that’s a good sign. What we need badly is people who will slam on the brakes and take us back to original intent. The Constitution was put in place to control government, to keep us safe from government and the wealthy, who are often socialistic/totalitarian. I couldn’t say how many times I’ve had to teach teens and 20-somethings why we should consider the Constitution as written in stone.
Black conservatives are shouting that because abortion isn’t keeping down the black population enough, dems invite in things like drugs and corona. They’re using the dems’ own words against them, shouting that the dnc is nazism, and people are listening.
Something cool is back! I saw a roadside farm stand advertising he had ammo for sale. Life is getting back to normal for Arizona 🙂 niio
Virginia getting a new REPUBLICAN Governor is a Message that WE THE PEOPLE have had enough of the Biden/Socialist BS .
POSSIBLY as it is looking like New Jersey may be getting a new Republican Governor as well!!!
We can only HOPE and PRAY that more states will continue to shut the Vermin DOWN without Violence!
NOW the New Governor of VA is going to have to deal with the Socialist VA Legislators .
PERHAPS the New Governor can undo the ANTI 2 CRAPPOLA passed by the
Left Wing Legislation that was passed by the Socialist/Left Wing Vermin and their turning a former Blue State into a Red State.
He must RetireBlack Conservatives have a Problem being accepted by the Black Community and are often called “Uncle Tom” and Race Traitors or some such and other insults.
Their was a Black Conservative named Ken Hamblin AKA “The Black Avenger”.. He also wrote a couple of Books. One book was titled “Pick A Better Country”. I cannot recall the name of his Second Book at the moment!
He is/was A GREAT GUY!!!!
There are MANY Black Conservatives out there that the MSM BLATANTLY Ignore as they do most everything related to Conservative views along with People LEGALLY using firearms for Self Defense or Protection of Themselves or others!
All the best of Good Things be with you!
It isn’t a bit “overrated” if you knew the cost of it to you as a taxpayer, consumer, or business owner. it raises the cost of everything you buy because of theft to get money to buy it on the street, The costs of medical services are higher because of the costs to treat overdoses, our morgues are fuller from victims of addicts, and law enforcement has to devote special units just to handle the opioid crisis. It is far from “overrated if you have seen it firsthand as I have.
Roger: True! niio
Red, it is refreshing to see someone who knows something about the subject at hand, and not the others who are trying to deflect the fact that wild lettuce also kills pain without being addictive. I was a caregiver for my late wife who was totally bedbound for12 years and experienced opioid addictions and the side effects of long-term opioid use. She eventually died because opioids caused her respiratory system to totally shut down. She was talked into being put on Hospice and they kept increasing the dosages of her pain medicine until she had to be on the maximum setting of oxygen to even breathe. I had to be nearby in case she stopped breathing to administer atropine to get her oxygen level up to where it would register again on her oximeter. Some people are clueless about the seriousness of opioid addiction. She was on morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, and other opioid pain medicines at various times and was prescribed dosages high enough to ensure she was addicted to them. I take opioids for pain also, but only take one tablet a day of 7.5 mg hydrocodone and could never get addicted at that dosage either. That doesn’t make opioids nonaddictive. LMAO!
Roger: God bless. It all points back to dozens of things big pharm and the dnc refuse to investigate or allow. Money talks and liberals laugh all the way to the bank. niio
The BIG PHARMA , is spending BILLIONS of $$$$ on advertising on TV and in Magazines and other Published Sources, THEN we have them placing Ads all over the internet. Such advertising should be eliminated. Such Elimination
would GREATLY REDUCE the price of the medications.
Seriously I do not see the justification of advertising of such drugs/Meds.
The drugs/ Meds Should be between the Doctor and the Patient.
I detest the Big Pharma Mini-Infomercials on TV that go on forever!
Unfortunately those Info-Infomercials and ads in Magazines and Online must be working and paying off for them or they would not waste their $$$$ on them.
USUALLY they have an offer to buy them or give people help that need them…
I have asked numerous times what is the proper amount to take or give and BE SAFE so there is no overdose or cause other complications..
I understand that the Strength can and will vary depending on the plant and where it may grow.
I have not seen anywhere on how to dose or administer the meds made from the plant safely to anyone in such pain and needs it.
WITHOUT such Information the plant is useless UNLESS one wants to risk killing the person that is in need of pain relief!
Vaya Con Dios, Mi Hermano and ALL The Best of Good Things Be With You, niio!
Red, I agree with you 100%!
Biden is on the fast track in turning America into Venezuela.
Yeah, the political term is Weimar Republic, which did everything to set up Germany to take Hitler. niio
Socialism has NEVER WORKED!! The Socialist keep saying and believing they will make it work this time!
A couple or so Bumper Stickers I have seen:
and One More:
Socialist and Insurrection are the the main reason (other than catastrophic weather or Virulent Disease EMP, Nuclear attack, Etc.
We as Preppers as Preppers are Prepping for any possible Worst Case situations and Scenarios as best as we can!
There is Nothing Civil about War!
There are an estimated 20-25 MILLION AR Platform owners in the US. This DOES NOT include AK-47s or other AK Platforms, or M-1A or M-1 Garands, FA/FLNS,, or SKSs, or other so called Weapons of War or so called “Assault Rifles”OR The MILLIONS OF VETERANS OUT THERE!
Even if such a Ban were to take place, not enough Law Enforcement or Military Personnel to enforce such an Anti Constitutional RIGHT!
Even if 20% of said owners complies with such a ban and does as the Ban wants…Still leaves at least 18 MILLION AR Rifles out there….Again Not including other such type weapons or the MILLIONS of VETERANS ou there.
No doubt there could/WILL be Raids on individuals to intimidate every owner of such type Rifles or Carbines….But when word gets out of such Raids on people that do not comply with the Ban…Things will only run Downhill from there..
The only way such a Ban could possibly enforced is for Biden to bring in UN or other Foreign Troops…Perhaps Chinese or other members of the UN…..
IF that were to Happen “GAME ON”!
That is one thing you said that I can agree with 100%
Bill, that is one thing you said that I can agree with you 100%.
Yosemite, The Virginia governor’s race wasn’t the only race the Republicans won. They won several other races in the state of Virginia, in the state legislature in New Jersey, and in special elections in Texas.
True Dat! The Governor race in New Jersey has not been called and is Extremely Close!
One that really gives me a Big Belly Laugh is that the First Black Female was elected to The Lt. Governor Position in Va.
She and her Family Immigrated (THE LEGAL Way) from Jamaica. She is a Former MARINE! She has clearly stated she would die for America!
Better yet…There is a picture of her holding an AR-15
Meanwhile the Left Wing Socialists Scum are claiming The Election of Republicans are Racist and doing “Dog Whistles” whatever that means.
Anyway The Left Wing Socialist Vermin are stunned and shocked. HOPEFULLY We can have enough Republicans Elected to slow down ,If Not Stop the damage they are doing to America.
All The Best of Good Things Be with You and Yours!
Yosemite, You can bet the “assault weapons” ban in Virginia will be overturned now.
For the record …Lincoln’s mother was not killed by Milkweed … She was killed by snakeroot via drinking tainted milk after ingested by a cow !!!
Grandma always said: “Busy hands have no time for tears!”…….So, get busy…do something with your hands to take your mind off it………………IT HELPS!
The videos are nothing but click bait and a waste of time watching, they are all just money grabbing exploits that promise to tell you about this or that then after waiting patiently for the info to appear you are told ‘just send me X amount of cash and I’ll send you the details.’ Not to mention the time wasted watching what they claim to be a FIVE (that’s 5) minute video that last for over half an hour of them rambling on about how desperately you need their product. I have no objections to people making money from their ideas, in fact I applaud it, but I extremely dislike being told one thing and receiving another. If they simply told you it was an add for the product they were selling that would be fine, the people that needed or wanted it would watch the vid leaving the others to get on with their life.
As a sufferer of chronic pain, very few doctors or people in general don’t understand the daily struggles of being dependent on opioids. I’m treated like a dope fiend and to add insult, I have severe anxiety issues that require another, so called narcotic. I’ve had a broken back, femur neck, multiple ribs, shoulder, the list goes on. Surviving cancer twice, severe head injuries, screws and rods holding my bones together cause daily pain that even strong pain medication. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. With it, I can walk and have some quality of life.
Say what you want about me, it’s all that barely, sometimes doesn’t, control the pain. The government has made it difficult to maintain prescriptions without a monthly doctor’s visit. I’m willing to try anything to not be a slave to narcotics. I am fortunate to have a doctor that understands my situation and that’s difficult to find.
Best of luck to anyone out there that has similar experiences with this as I, and I send God’s Blessings to you.
Hi JWC…I too suffer from chronic pain but mine is due to a doctor’s mistake without wanting to correct it, and rather, called me an addict drug seeker. I TOTALLY understand everything you wrote and agree with it all. I have to meet with a doctor monthly and almost have to beg to get pain meds. Thank you for your honesty, add it helps me to see there are others who suffer as i do. Good bless YOU! May you find peace in Him daily as you walk with Him.
I use the milk from this plant on warts. And it works. They disappeared after applying it again and again over a short period of time. FYI