The inflation reports landed with a resulting rip to the consumer’s pockets as it rose to 8.3%. The hikes in grocery prices are unlike any American has experienced since the seventies, with goods clawing at double-digit prices.
Gas prices escalated to five dollars per gallon. Eggs, fish, meat, and poultry saw an increase of 14.2 percent within twelve months. Milk and milk products leaped over 11.8% over the same period.
It is speculated that the causes of these rises could be attributed to any of these three things:
- The war in Ukraine caused gasoline prices to surge and costs of other goods like food to also grow more than experts had initially predicted.
- People are eager to get out after the lockdown. This led to a notable increase in the service sector as people scrambled out to experience life again. Restaurants and hotel bills, airplane tickets, and rent prices skyrocketed because of the pressured sector, hard pressed for their services and often shorthanded to provide.
- There are very few goods to purchase or go around to everybody, especially after the pandemic’s frenzied shopping. In response, companies charge more without the threat of losing buyers.
With this in mind, it has become imperative for consumers to prepare for the worst before it’s too late to do anything.
Preppers are encouraged to take it in stride and appropriate a few measures that’d keep their money intact and basic needs consistently met. These are ten points to consider before it’s too late.
Know Where Your Money Goes
Evaluation of your earnings and cash flow is pertinent because inflation makes it practically hard to stay within usual budgets.
Related: Prepping on a Budget – How To Get Survival Supplies When You Have Almost No Money
Whip out your little black book, record every expense you remember. You don’t necessarily have to calculate the total, just see the physical trails of your spending.
Not only will this aid your saving habit, it will curb your spending. It will help you prioritize.
Haggle Like Your Pocket Depends On It, Because It Does
At first, it may seem embarrassing to always ask for lower prices or available discounts.
However 70% of customers who do receive some form of deduction and their money is considerably saved. At the same price, you will get more value for your money.
Avoid Unnecessary Debt Like The Plague
The monthly payments for loans, despite low interest rate can weigh on an already tight budget.
However, considering the 0.5 increase in interest rates by the bank, preppers can make predictable payments by combining high interest credit card bills into personal loans.
Related: 9 Prepping Items That Have Dramatically Soared In Price Lately
If there is a sudden increase, you would have already evaded it. No matter how tempting or lucrative it seems, don’t get a loan at this period.
Big Buys Should Be Postponed
At retirement, you probably had plans of purchasing expensive generators or the choicest fishing rods however at this peak of inflation, it is best postponed.
Buy only items that are necessary for survival, especially in the event of an SHTF. For big buys, it’s best to wait for the economy to stabilize.
Look For Sales
Most, if not all stores, run sales every month.
It might ease your pocket if you hunted down those ones offering products at discounted sales prices. The bargaining and consequent reduced rates aid preppers in obtaining quality products for lesser fees.
⇒ How To Get 295 Pounds Of Extra Food For Just $5 A Week
Also, you might want to dust out the coupons and take them along for the next grocery shopping.
Make Only Critical Repairs
You might be tempted to keep your equipment and tools at a tiptop condition so as not to be caught off guard. While this is great behavior, it is strongly recommended to put off those repairs that are not critical currently.
You might find that each unnecessary repair cost will be a bottomless money pit, further throwing you financially off track during this inflation. Unless it is absolutely important, postpone that huge repair until prices are stable and your pocket, safer.
Cut Costs On Transportation
Due to the surge in gasoline prices, expenses are accrued even by simple errands. Before your budget gets eaten too deep, your driving should be limited.
Taking public transportations, carpooling, short walks and running errands in batches may save more money than you can imagine.
Car insurance premiums can be lowered if you are qualified for it. This is dependent on your driving history and of course, credit score. Check with your company to know if you qualify and save money.
Ask your local pump station for available discounts. Some offer gas rewards credit cards (for cash back and points on gasoline) and/or a discount for text message sign up.
Patronize Cheaper Brands
The major goal is to save your money and possibly reinvest. Using expensive brands will erode that goal while prices continue to double. But this doesn’t apply to your medications of course.
⇒ 10 Medical Supplies You Need To Stockpile Before It’s Too Late
Find stores that are not as expensive or brands that basically have the same product but are less expensive.
Also, buying in bulk saves more that it spends. It is advisable to purchase necessary products in large quantity and save the few extra bucks, probably switch it to gas money.
Safely Store Gasoline
As gasoline surges in price, you might want to consider storage.
This requires careful handling as it is very volatile.
For a long term storage, use a metal container and remember to add an additive to slow the gas’s degradation period.
Related: The Best Places Where You Can Store Fuels Safely In An Emergency
Do not store gasoline any where near a flammable material and it shouldn’t be under the sun. A shed or a barn is appropriate. A garage is good only if the car is moved to another area.
Food And Household Items Storage
This doesn’t resemble a transitional inflation in the slightest. Judging by the double digit rise in products, it is important to stock up on items that are necessary for survival.
Stock up on everything you need, as the prices could drastically change next time you choose to visit a store. You won’t be saving money, you’d have taken a large hit instead.
Finally, before you get swarmed in the by the inflation, remember to apply some if not all of these measures. It might appear brutal but they are essential in these times, to help you stay above boards and even thrive.
Do not put off paying off a debt, save and always plan for the future. You will get through this in the end.
You will get thru this in the end.?
What’s @ the end.?
End of what.?
End of time.?
End of life.?
End of the.?
This is why we prep. So, we as good people trying to just have a decent life, and raise a family are now caught up in a world gone BAD.
If you do not take advantage of the time that you have to get all that you will need to survive the coming MELT DOWN, or as they call it, new world order or great reset or build back better, Is the biggest bunch of Texas bull shit that I ever heard of. May as well call it what it is. A DAM takeover of the whole planet.
There coming and it will not stop until the END. End of What.?
Read this article and use this time that we still have, to get ready for the big show.
This is no Bull Shit fellow preppers and new preppers. Better get ready.
One more thing. If you are going along with this crap, they will come after you and yours after they are thru with us… NO One is safe anymore… It’s HERE.
stay sharp
PS: and people are the ones that caused all of this, we call it GREED in my house…
This really isn’t the end of anything red ant. After we go through a bit of hardship and discomfort it will be a new beginning. Although it might not be better but it will certainly be different. The reason we prep is so that we can make it through the dark times ahead fairly unscathed. For those that still think that everything is fine and that haven’t been prepping there won’t be much hope for them. I have no sympathy for them. There have been enough warnings about the times ahead. With the right spices and a big pot they WILL make excellent dog food though. LOL!
Those people may all be jabbed. I don’t want to feed my dogs spiked protein.
My brother, Man how are you doing. So good to hear from you. I have been in prayer for you and missed the last time you posted. So how are you doing.
I see you are ready for the collapse.
You are very right about this really isn’t the end of anything Armin. This is a time that you will have to one day make a choice, soon and I for one hope and pray that everyone makes the right choice.
But The Creator of everything that is good, will have the last word.
Don’t give up on GOD or Jesus, I know some one that is in heaven praying that someone will see the light before the end comes. These are some tough times, but it will get so much tougher and harder, so much that you or anyone else, will not be able to stand it.
You can only say so much and then you will have to let the cards fall where they fall. You just might have to go at this by yourself Armin and if you are there by yourself, you just remember that there is someone who is praying for you and many others.
My prayers list was small but now has grown in to quite a long one. Just had to group everyone together.
Armin Just keep the faith that was once so strong in your presents, it has never left, just covered up with time. Now it is time to get ready for the coming of Christ. Call me crazy but you can’t say that I’m not a true friend; brother… remember our meeting place, that’s where we need to meet, in the clouds…
And no one would make good food. Bad taste left afterwards.
Many will fall like a house of cards.
stay sharp
Beautifully said.. only the woke see it for what it really is. Very unfortunate
I’ve been getting ready, although slowly. At work we are getting together a group of people who believe what’s ahead and the need to prepare. I wish everyone the best of luck and I am doing my best to spread the word. Christmas gifts for my adult children have been prepper inspired.
We all do what we can to get ready, Arlene. You are VERY lucky to have found a group of like minded people at work. Better to be part of a MAG then not. Improves your chances for survival. I wish you and yours the very best. Head on a swivel.
So good to hear from you again my dear friend in the lone star state. So sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Let’s just say I’m having an interesting time and leave it at that.
LOL! We are the watchers on the wall and it’s our duty to try and warn as many as we can. We don’t waste our time on those that refuse to listen.

Yes, uncle Ben, definitely ready for the collapse. Still have some few small items to get including the last of my food supplies (running out of room) but for the most part have everything I need. I definitely know that you and your family are ready.
You need not worry about me, red ant. One way or the other I’m ready. Doesn’t it say somewhere in the bible something like that times will become so difficult that men’s hearts will fail them? I won’t allow mine to fail. I have the heart of a turtle.
People have been warned over and over again in the last few years but some just failed to heed the warnings and just refuse to see. For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Those will be the ones that have the best chance to survive.
I see that the populist movement is gaining momentum worldwide and that for the most part people are starting to reject the globalist agenda and the far left Democrat madness. I just hope that there isn’t an overcorrection to the far, far right. It’s those kinds of conditions that in the past have led to people like Hitler and Mussolini being able to come into power with all the attendant problems of neo-Nazism and fascism. What’s happening in Italy right will bear watching. The Italians have just voted in the most far right and first female prime minister in history. Giorgia Meloni is quite vocal and strident about her political ambitions. The world is starting to turn away from Liberalism and the far left en masse. Your midterms are going to be……”interesting”. The Democrats realize big time they’re going to lose and will do anything and everything to hang onto power. Get ready for the most crooked and corrupt midterms in history. Perhaps even the most violent.
Faith and hope are keeping me going, RA. We definitely can be compared to Noah building an ark in the desert that hasn’t seen any rain for a very long time. The people thought HE was insane until it started to rain which turned into a deluge. In these times the lack of rain could be a metaphor for a global dearth of spiritual values, In these times all manner of wickedness and evil and lack of morality are rampant upon the earth. It’s time for a good housecleaning. The latter stages of the collapse of the Roman empire all over again.
Once I leave the body it WOULD be nice to see all my friends (including you) and relatives again in the next higher dimension adjacent to this one.
You may be right about the food thing, RA. As farmer mentioned it might be cruel to feed dogs spiked protein.
I wish you and everyone that’s part of this community nothing but the best. Those that are supposed to make it through the coming times of trouble will. Those that aren’t won’t. Everyone is where they’re suppose to be. I’ve thought of getting a bug out location together far away from my present location but I don’t have enough money or time to make it happen. So here is where I make my stand. None of us can escape our fate.
As you say, RA, stay sharp. Stay informed. Keep your head on a swivel. Have good situational awareness.
Even up here in Canada violence is slowly starting to become more apparent and frequent. What’s happening worldwide is much more than just an economic phenomenon. It’s a global spiritual awakening and with that awakening comes some pain and loss. We’ll come out the other side much stronger and also much more sober and grounded. The Schwabs of the world know they have very little time left so that makes them very desperate. In the end they’re nothing but paper tigers. There is only one true power in the universe and that power is within US! We just have to realize it at the deepest parts of our being and own that power. Then NOTHING can harm us!
Always a pleasure to hear from you my dear friend.
Stay well.
Very well said my friend. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best. I feel ya.
Red ant,
Last couple of months I have been busy with life and have not responded to these articles much. This is because a lot of the articles will get people hurt if they believe them but this article is mostly true.
The reason I have not been on much is I lost my wife july 20. I lost a lot of my will power. I still have not fully come to grips with it.
There is a lot of truth in tracking where you are spending will increase your funds. I have been doing this for years but the last couple months I have not kept up the tracking. I almost just gave up.
But time is healing me and I am slowly getting back on track.
I just found a SKS 7.62X39 for a good price this is one good hunting/defense rifle because of two major reasons the first is ammo there is a lot of people have these and have ammo for them and the second is the bullet size is big enough to take down big game and small enough so you can carry a lot with you. Oh I have a fair collection of guns and ammo. But not Like a lot of preppers that has 1000s of rounds. You don’t need that much if you know how to hit what you shoot at. But Guns and ammo even though it is good to have it is not the top of the list for survival.
The main thing is a Knowledge then a good knife, fire making system, hatchet, and food. With that you might not be in a comfort zone but you can survive long enough to get more food by hunting/gathering and growing.
The main problem for everyone is going to be getting clean water.
@Dreaded I’ve never replied to you dreaded but I do know what you’re going through. I am so very sorry for your loss and my most sincere condolences. I went through the same thing with my dear mother. For the latter part of her life I was her primary caregiver. One of the toughest jobs I’ve ever had to do but I did my best because of my love for her. It finally came down to me being forced to have her moved to a nursing home. Another extremely difficult decision to which this day I still beat myself up over. In less than half a year she passed away in that nursing home. I was with her the last 4 hours of her life. Holding her hand. Stroking her hair. Talking to her. Singing to her and letting her know that it was ok for her to let go and that I would be ok. I was holding her hand as I watched her die. One of the most horrific experiences I’ve ever had to go through. The feeling of helplessness is beyond words. I was a complete mess for at least half a year afterwards. I’ve learned to live with it but it doesn’t look as if I’ll ever get over it. Even just talking to a stranger like this and I’m starting to tear up again. It will take you a while to heal and the process can’t be hurried. Just know that it does get easier and have faith that over time you too will learn to live with it. Remember all the joyous times you had with her and that will make it easier. Stay busy. Focus on life not death. Don’t push your friends away. Make an extra effort to stay in touch with them. I know it’s difficult but do your best to immerse yourself in life. Even if it’s just going to the local coffee shop twice a week. Don’t become a hermit. I know you’re experiencing a pain so terrible that you think there’s no point in going on but there is. You WILL get better. You WILL heal. It’ll just take time. Trust in the process and trust in life. If you have kids lean on them for support just as they depend on you for support. Together the journey will be easier. God bless.
Hello, yes, this article is a good one and does bring some truth with it. I really like these articles because it gets everyone thinking and that’s a good thing. the post are super great to read and sometime go life info from some fellow preppers.
I to have a 7.62×39 ranch rifle, good for HOGS. Cheap ammo but has some punch to it.
It can also bring down a dear at 100yrds. Going to be getting ready to go deer hunting, but the cost is a big Wack in the wallet. Processing is not cheap anymore. could do it myself but so much going on.
Funny, I can just see someone trying to bug out and leaving behind 1000’s of rounds of ammo, and food and water and who knows what else. I think this might be a lot of us in that predicament, if it comes down to it. O’ well if it can help someone else down the way and I am not there anymore then so be it. It’s fair game, no one there to stop you. I’m gone…
Hey so sorry to hear you lost your wife, my Heart ways heavy for you, BUT hey we are here and now you have to put up with ME and Adimn and He is a good talker, his post are good to read and also can find out how thangs are going for them in there life and respond with a gentle post to just say everything will be alright, don’t give up.
So, keep posting and I will respond back when I see your post AND we can talk about anything you want to.
This web site is also my escape from the rat race of life. Dreaded stay strong in the Lord and all will be okay.
stay sharp
PS: may take a bit, but I will respond back. keep checking back…
Thank you, Armin
dont forget to be proactive as you prepare! VOTE VOTE VOTE and get your friends and family to vote for the America 1st candidates!! We must overwhelm the cheating and make sure we take control of both houses in November!! contact your local Republican party (call multiple) to find out who is who if you do not already know and advise your friends and family! We MUST do our part to stop the socialist takeover to minimize the hard times coming!! MOST importantly, make sure your local sheriff is a constitutionalist!!! Otherwise all the prepping in the world is not going to help you when the brown shirts come!!
public transportation lol….whats that (its a prepping site and most people should live in the rural areas …..)
Caster Troy
Not fair to say that, because we all have to live wherever we are living and it might not be the best place to live, but it’s the only place we can live at now.
We all would love to have a place that would be the ultra-bug out location, but as I see, we are where we need to be at that time in our lives as for where we are right now.
Just be happy that we have what we have.
stay sharp.
Thank you for NOT politicizing the causes of inflation. Everyone in the world is suffering from inflation, not just the U.S..
you mean the endless wars and over spending…. from both sides
the corrupt republicans are being ousted along with the democrats!! We are praying for a RED WAVE this November!!
Lol did q tell you that
Waiting for the Federal Reserve to devalue our money. Too bad we do not have the courage to stop paying our enemies who have already declared war on the US…too bad we will not stop borrowing money from them.
Just to add a little to what you’ve said, Blake. What many fail to realize is that the Federal Reserve Note is coming to the end of its currency cycle. It was inevitable from the time the FED was created in 1913 and the current debt based system was deliberately designed to fail approx. a hundred years in the future which is now. The main cause of high inflation is the massive money printing that’s been going on since 2008. Buckle in and get ready to enjoy the ride.
and it has all been designed to be a global issue so that no one country stood out… But Trump ruined bidens cover lol and we can all see it, if biden had left everything alone we would be thriving right now, not sinking!!
Do you not recall the GEF in 2018 (i believe) where they all parroted the same statement? “It is time for the NEW WORLD ORDER”
you list reasons for inflation and can’t gather the balls to even mention Bidenflation?
it wasn’t politicians that coined that title – it was the economists – and you must have taken the end of 2020 off to celebrate The Cheat – the US economy was FLYING in the latter half of 2020 – the envy & jealous target of the entire World – picking up and running from the Covid Con like nobody’s biz …..
plenty of knowable & credible $$$$$ people all agree that a Trump Economy wouldn’t be looking like the Biden 2022 Depression …..
I agree and totally disagree with her point number 1. Gas, oil and natural gas were increasing long before the Ukraine debacle. And that was due to biden ceremoniously undoing everything Trump had done to bring us to energy independence and a net exporter of oil. Biden canceled the pipelines, halted drilling and added burdensome regulations that stifled investment.
who is “her”???
your reply doesn’t fit under my posting at all
This article was not only outdated, it was fairly useless. Sort of seemed like someone hired an offshore blogger to write about “double-digit prices” — the increase might be a double-digit percentage, but as a reference to prices it is meaningless. Author has no clue what it is or how to deal with it.
I have to disagree with some of the recommendations. I don’t think anyone should defer important items until later. They may not be available later, or ever again in some cases. Plus, your money is worth as much as it ever will be right now. Inflation isn’t going away, and soon will accelerate into a full blown depression. Money in the bank will be long gone before this is all over. A financial collapse is inevitable at this point; the way things have been teetering on the edge of failure I’m amazed we’ve mad it this far.
Agreed. Pump your septic tank, replace your worn tires, repair the well…all things that could be “put off” but with potentially disastrous results.
inflation was ramping up before the invasion !
ok right now we would be 30 cents cheaper a gallon…….with out invasion
we have crooks and morons running this country for the last 75 years.
if we were energy independent now we could help Europe .
Waddyamean help Europe? US made covid, US runs proxy war in Ukraine – help the world by destroying the mafia running US (and other western powers) would be a start.
Nothing to do with the endless money printing then ??
Not according to biden…but then. I wouldn’t take his advice on how to polish my shoes.
“The war in Ukraine caused gasoline prices to surge and costs of other goods like food to also grow more than experts had initially predicted.“ Are you kidding? It’s the Biden regime that caused the prices to escalate, NOT Ukraine! This is what the Marxists want you to think. Remember this in November!
sooooooooooo freaking obvious about the Covid Con – not only did the restrictions across the country end the day after Putin gave Biden & Company their war >>> absolutely everything negative began to be blamed on Putin and the Ukraine War ….
Day One of Biden’s Cheat Ascension to the Crime Office he began the absolute destruction the domestic energy production – current & future – and Biden actually thinks someone should be stupid enough to believe the BS – the US became an exporter of fuel for the first time in decades under Prez Trump – 3 months later the US is rattling their beggar cup to buy oil ….
pretend like voting matters ?
it does matter! IF we turn out to vote! The system can not handle a massive turn out, it limits their ability to cheat!!! There is no excuse for not voting, and make sure you take 10 friends/family!! I am from WA and just a 50% turn out screwed up the cheaters! Imagine if we had 80-90% It would make their heads explode!!
Stop blaming others on all the things that are going wrong. None of us have been perfect in decisions we have made.
The only answer is to ask God forgiveness of our selfish ways. No one can make all this go away except God and Jesus.
I prep not because i think ill be one of those that will succeed during this horrible time, but because i might be able to help others. I truly believe that our situation is all our faults. Prayer IS the only answer!
God helps those who help themselves!! Do not sit on the sidelines and expect God to do the heavy lifting, you must also do your part! God bless and be safe
Our situation is only the fault of our current administration. We weren’t teetering on the edge of oblivion from 2016-2020. Remember the people that told you to stay home, get a jab or be fired, and taking your freedoms when Nov comes. Remember the people that left our people to die in Afghanistan and gave millions of dollars of munitions to the Taliban come 2024… If our elections are even credible anymore. Stay frosty y’all, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.. ??????
Regarding inflation; the war in Ukraine had virtually nothing to do with the rising prices because prices started rising before Russia invaded. The beginning of the rise in inflation was caused by Biden’s war on fossil fuels – on his first day in office. Making the price of oil higher, as he wanted to happen, also increased the cost of most other goods. Following that, he has been increasing regulations (that Trump had been reducing) which adds to the cost of production, further increasing prices. He has also been spending money that cannot be supported by our tax base, which further increases prices by increasing the money supply. Yes, Trump increased spending too, but he simultaneously increased our productivity by doing the opposite of Biden, which gave us an inflation rate near 2%.
Skipping pages more, the bottom line is; inflation, the border crises, high crime, more regulation, falling GDP, continued vaccine & mask mandates, censorship of anything that does not fit the mold of the Democrats or Pharma, killing our 1st Amendment rights, along with other Rights, is all caused by Biden and the Democrats. All these issues are manmade! And all these issues are being done intentionally!!!
The picture that is being painted is to pit the citizens of our country against each other with lies, increased crime and open borders, to reduce our economy and standards of living in order to pave the way for a One World government to take over – essentially to put us under a Communist type of rule. If they succeed, it will be the end of our country as we know it, life will become very difficult, and I will not be able to safely write these things about our future.
I am hearing a lot about inflation. In 2008 Obama got in office (Demoncrat) everything went to pot for 8 years then in 3 months Trump turned it around and we had it pretty good for those 4 years and then Biden got in and DEMONCRATS again tossed us to the wolves. I think it is time we tossed those demoncrats to the wolves.
But heck I am just and old man who knows very little about politics. I only know what I have seen happen when demoncrats get in office.
Trump out spent Obama
guy – Obammy was the quintessential “black man” when he took office – without a doubt the laziest “welfare” sucking store-front conman preacher the ghetto could spit up ….
great for Us – his work ethic didn’t get anything accomplished the entire 8 years – positive or negative >>> he left HUNDREDS of judgeships unfilled that allowed Prez Trump change the face of the US judiciary >>> NOW our saving grace in the combat against Biden’s Darkside …..
in regard to “outspending” >>> Obammy is still the “most expensive” prez on record – especially considering he’s still leaching “vacations” from the World’s slime pot …
i am not your guy friend
obama 1st term to trumps… trump out spent him and was rather anti gun passing more laws then obama did.
Neither party cares about you or i and they just want to take it all from us .
The good of trump was he bought us some time to get ready but most took it as a “savior thing” and went off and did dumb shit like buy a fishing boat
A shout to leah-George- Nelson. I think you have a GREAT t- shirt slogan. I ‘d like to see a t-shirt that says “I’m Woke”
Sale is my word for shopping, but I do spend on American made. It’s almost always worth the price. Same when buying plants, no sale items! Pay a bigger price for better quality or lose them. niio