As preppers, we accumulate and stockpile stuff. In fact it’s what we’re most famous for – the public perception of preppers is people with an arsenal of guns and a basement full of canned beans. In fact a lot of prepping is about acquiring skills and knowledge, but collecting and storing items is important, too. Without food, water and tools it gets pretty difficult to survive any sort of real crisis,
Not everything preppers like to stockpile is equally valuable, though. Have you ever read a discussion or article and wondered exactly why people are so focused on making sure they have enough mousetraps to last until Judgment Day? I certainly have. So, just to provoke some thoughts and maybe start some helpful discussions, I’ve made a list of the top ten prepping items I think are massively over-rated. Here we go:
OK, let’s get the controversial one out of the way first: You don’t need a bunch of guns!
One of my first introductions to preparedness and survival was reading Jerry Ahern’s “Survivalist” novels back when I was a teenager. The protagonist, John Rourke, routinely carried five guns on him. Many years later – including 15 as a professional soldier – I just have to laugh at that. Carrying two rifles and three handguns is certainly possible, but it’s also pretty uncomfortable and completely unnecessary. Honestly, even owning five guns is unnecessary from a prepping point of view. If you enjoy shooting and collecting them that’s great, but if your main interest in guns is how they’ll help you stay alive after TEOTWAWKI don’t go down that road.
Related: 6 Mistakes You Are Probably Making When Buying Your Guns
What you need is one good gun, and the first choice has to be an AR15-style rifle. It’s ideal for self-defense, and you can also hunt small and medium game with it. Get one chambered for 5.56mm, because there are billions of rounds of that caliber in the US (plus a lot of .223 that will work in it too). If you have the budget and inclination you can get a good high-capacity 9mm handgun too (for the same reason – it’s the easiest ammo to find), but remember, for every handgun you carry you could have two extra rifle magazines instead (sorry, John Rourke). If you don’t fancy a rifle, go for a pump shotgun with a 20” slug barrel. Then, instead of buying more guns, buy more ammo for the one you have. You can never have enough ammo. You can definitely have enough guns.
I’ll qualify this and say I don’t mean all multitools here. A good Leatherman is a really handy thing to have. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for all the multitools that masquerade as bracelets, credit cards, snowflakes and other unlikely objects stamped out of finest Chineseium by the million and sold online for $9.95. Either get a Leatherman or carry a good, solid pocket knife with a locking blade; either will be a lot more useful than a gadget that tries to squeeze usable tools into something that fits a credit card slot in your wallet.
Emergency Food Buckets
We’ve all seen them advertised: Those big plastic buckets that promise 60 or 80 or 120 meals. They’re not cheap, but they look like a good idea: For just $430 you can get 120 servings of freeze-dried food with a 25-year shelf life.
Well, the food’s usually OK, and it can definitely be stored safely for years, but when you see the actual serving size they base their claims on you might not be so impressed. If you go with the recommended serving sizes you’re going to be hungry – and after a few days of hard work in an emergency situation, you’re going to be tired and weak. I just looked at a 60-serving bucket that contains 22,240 calories. That’s 370 calories per serving. If you eat three entrees a day you’ll be on a grand total of 1,110 calories. That’s starvation level. And this bucket claims its serving sizes are “1.5 to 2 times larger than competing packages”.
The truth is you only need a few foods that you HAVE to stockpile for a potential SHTF event. And Joel Lambert does a great job at showing exactly how to build a long-lasting stockpile that needs no refrigeration. You start (as you should) with building a complete stockpile that you can eat from morning, lunch, and dinner for three months. Then, you move on to one for 6 months and one for one year.
The Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide shows you where to buy these foods and you get a day-by-day and meal-by-meal rationing plan (pictured above) to give you around 2,200 calories a day, including all the vital protein, fat, and all other nutrients you need for staying healthy.
The guide is available in digital and physical formats. Grab your copy with a 60 days money back guarantee here!
Body Armor
Body armor is great at reducing fatalities from small arms fire, fragmentation and terrorist Improvised Explosive Devices.
It’s also expensive, heavy, hot, uncomfortable, awkward if you’re trying to do physical work, and of limited use in a survival situation. Body armor won’t do anything if you’re hit in the limbs or head, and it’s really only proof against rifle fire if the bullet hits the chest or back plates. Most of your torso is not covered by the plates. Rifle bullets will rip right through almost all soft body armor, and you’ll still end up with a wound that needs urgent medical attention that, when the SHTF, you’re not going to get. For a soldier in combat it makes sense. For a prepper, it just doesn’t.
I’ve heard a lot of people say you should buy wheat instead of flour because it lasts longer. That’s true; it does, and it’s cheaper too. On the other hand it takes a lot of work to turn your wheat stockpile into flour when you actually need it. Is it worth it? I don’t think so. Just bake your own bread and rotate your flour stockpile. Honestly, the chances of you stockpiling so much flour that it seriously deteriorates before you’ve used it all are pretty remote anyway.
You are much better off getting some seeds that you can plant in your background to grow medicinal plants. These would help you deal with various medical emergencies and can be more important than whether or not you have flour to make some bread. Use the flour and gain time by avoiding the processing of wheat into a useable form.
A good option to consider if you are interested in a medicinal garden kit is this one by Nicole Apelian, Ph.D. You receive seeds for 10 herbs with strong medicinal properties:
- Chamomile
- Calendula
- Chicory
- Marshmallow
- California poppy
- Evening primrose
- Yarrow
- Lavender
- Echinacea
- Feverfew
All seeds are packaged in the US and you will learn about all their properties and uses in a free Herbal Medicinal Guide.
Get your medicinal garden kit HERE before it goes out of stock!
Baby Wipes
Unless these are individually sealed they dry out. They’re also expensive for what they are, and seem to be better at spreading dirt around than actually removing it. A cloth, some water – hot if possible, but it doesn’t have to be – and a bar of good old-fashioned soap will do a much better job.
Gold/Precious Metals
Imagine the scene: Refugees from the nearby city are streaming past your home. One of them is carrying a can of 5.56mm ammo, and you’d like to barter with him for a couple of hundred rounds – after all, you can never have too much ammo for your gun, right? So you talk to him, pull a small bar of gold from your pocket and offer to trade it for some ammunition.
There’s just one problem; he’s hungry, and he can’t eat gold. What he wants is food. He wouldn’t barter ammo without needing something very important, like food.
Related: Better Than Gold
Unless you plan to spend the years after the apocalypse running an electronics factory, gold is basically useless. It might come into its own after a few years when a real economy starts rebuilding himself, and it certainly has a role to play in protecting your wealth from a currency collapse, but for barter in a SHTF scenario it’s a waste of time. When people are focused on staying alive today, they have no use for gold or other precious metals.
Button Compasses
I keep seeing tiny compasses included in those survival bracelets woven out of 550 cord, or embedded in the pommels of survival knives – because of course the best place to keep a small, unbalanced compass is right next to a pound of steel. Unless you’re a shot-down aviator trying to escape from enemy troops, through a forest, at night and in a blizzard, they’re not really much of a navigational aid. Learn how to find north using your watch and the sun; that’s more accurate and reliable.
OK, I admit it, I keep a lot of prepared meals in the freezer. None of that plays any role in my survival planning, though, because I just can’t guarantee that I can keep the freezer running in a crisis. I think I can, but I’m not sure. So I won’t be relying on it for my next meal.
Sure, there are different things you can do to increase the chances that you will have running electricity for a long time. A great example of that is building a Modular Backyard Power Plant that relies on solar power, not on gas. You can get plans to build one for long-term use, to cover a one-week blackout, or a 3-day blackout here.
But, most people will not put in the effort. They rely on generators that will run out of gas eventually. Everything you have inside the freezer will be thrown away if there is no electricity for a long time.
Extra tip: To not leave you hanging though since food is so important in a survival scenario, learn how the Amish do it. The so-called Amish Fridge is incredibly simple to build and you already have all you need around the house.
Tactical Knives
A good knife is an essential survival tool – but why does it have to be “tactical”? Actual soldiers don’t carry tactical knives; they like strong, simple blades that can hold an edge and pry open crates without breaking. What you want in a knife is a sturdy blade, four to seven inches long, that’s made of good steel and is suitable for processing a deer, cutting string and being batoned through a small log. A good hunting or bushcraft knife, or something like a USMC combat knife, is just fine. “Tactical” implies combat, and if knife fighting plays any part in your survival plans I have some bad news for you – you’re not going to survive.
Final Considerations
As I hope I made clear, I’m not saying all these things are useless. Most of them have at least some uses, and in general you’re better having them than not having them. However, I just don’t think they’re as important as many preppers seem to think. I’m sure a lot of readers are going to disagree with me, though, so don’t be shy about making your feelings known!
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great article , but what ever you have can be stolen , taken , used aging you
The real enemy today is social media , AI , and Information from your past
A clear understanding and back ground on you , your habits , your way of thinking and your past purchases
We like to think of tangible items , but the info age is more dangerous and at risk
when you have taken the Thoughts, consequences, and standards out of a society and accepted their fake, false, religious views of Im ok , Your ok theology and made science your god , or money your god , or fake things you worship with attitude , and let the science king run your organization or politics with the view that all is OK
this is what will happen .
Real enemy is self , narcistic ideology of selfism and the many ways to heaven , all ok , all accepted , any way which satisfys you
But God , True God will always Judge mankind
and the Thoughts, intentions, reasonings , and actions
True Enemy is close weapons of destruction or large scale weapons of MD
again NO restraint because thier self god, selfish vengence fake , false god says it is ok
God has established, and put in place order , commandments, structure and HE GOD does not violate
Back in 2020 when the lockdown happened I was “Cool we have all of these ready made meals from the survival food store “. Well I could eat them being retired military (yes I had MREs as well) but my wife and family were a little leery of them. But they loved the cans of veggies, fruits and meat. It was the meals they had problems with. They took the freeze dried components and made meals. So I started stocking individual sections of say a can of corn or a can of hamburger i stead.
I really like what you said about guns. Yes you hit the nail on the head. You probably could have 5 guns, but you have to remember that you will also have to hump your ammo as well. So stick to the ones that you really really need. I can think of 5 guns that you can stick to. A pistol (9mm) a .22 for small game (a brick of ammo is pretty light), an AR-15 for versatility and in 5.56 for uniformity, a long gun for larger game (I like .308/7.62 NATO) and shotgun (12 gauge). The thing to remember is that orphan calibers run out quicker and your gun becomes a club. So choose calibers that are popular.
And lastly I tell people all of the time that gold is practically worthless post SHTF. For the same reason you listed. Yes 2-3 years post SHTF it will be more useful. But in a barter economy, your common day everyman will want something they can immediately use. That brick of .22 will be more useful than a pocket full of gold.
When it comes to guns “two is one, one is none “
Things break or are stolen
I’m a fan of ‘the Judge, a revolver that takes six .410 shotgun shells or .45 caliber bullets. It’s handy, and I don’t have to be a terric shot. Just point it in the right direction and pull the trigger. Easily carried, concealed or otherwise, without drawing too much attention.
I have a judge also….I heard it’s the number 1 hand gun in Alaska….take down a grisly let alone a car jacker.
I had a judge, test fired it on a whole chicken from Walmart, it had on exit wound. Penetration is poor . Hope you don’t have to use it on a bear
Hi RD….As long as it scares it off…I’ll use jingle bells if i have to…..☮ Those morons i do believe are releasing grissly in Wa. State…..but i can’t get a air gun shipped to me in my county….safety first…right ?