A combination of laws passed by Congress and executive orders signed by various presidents has given FEMA an enormous amount of authority.
Of all the alphabet agencies, they are the only one who is authorized to declare martial law and confiscate emergency supplies. That authority doesn’t require any further presidential orders, but can be carried out based on the opinion of FEMA’s leadership.
We all saw the supply chain problems that the pandemic caused.
Considering the high probability of supply chain problems and shortages that would be associated with a major disaster, it is highly likely that FEMA would have to use that authority in the wake of pretty much any major disaster; especially a major disaster that strikes quickly.
Although the pandemic messed up the supply chain royally, the impact on us was slower than it would be for something like a loss of the power grid and subsequent loss of communications.
There has been much speculation about FEMA confiscating food stockpiles during a major crisis. That authority, which was granted to them by presidential order, was probably drafted with the intent that it would be used to take over the stocks of wholesale food warehouses, not the food that we have in our pantries.
Nevertheless, there are a lot of preppers who have pushed the idea that the same authority gives FEMA the ability to raid us preppers, taking over our food stockpiles.
Confiscating Meds to Save Lives?
But food isn’t the only thing that FEMA has the authority to take. Their authority extends far beyond food, covering all basic necessities.
Related: Knock Knock! It’s FEMA, We Need Your Stockpile
One of the more critical of those necessities is medicines.
In a time of crisis, when food, medicine and every other necessity is hard to come by, it only makes sense that FEMA would be trying to round up all the medicines they could, in an effort to save lives.
While saving lives is a noble pursuit, we have to ask ourselves what saving those lives will cost. Just like giving our food stockpile away and having our own children starve, allowing FEMA or someone else to take our emergency medicines, in order to save lives, may very well carry the cost of watching our own family members die, when there aren’t medications available for them.
The first question for us becomes, just what sorts of medications is FEMA going to be concerned about rounding up?
There are countless medications that people take regularly for chronic conditions, like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, mental issues and a host of other medical problems.
In some cases, those people can survive without their medications, controlling the problem through a combination of diet, exercise and positive thinking. But there are many more who will die without their daily medications, whether that be in a matter of days or months.
It is highly unlikely that FEMA will be concerned about people’s chronic health problems. They have much bigger fish to catch, than someone’s high blood pressure.
While they may be pressured to try and find blood pressure medications for some government big-shots, they don’t have the time or manpower to search house to house, in order to steal people’s blood pressure medicine.
On the other hand, I’m sure that FEMA, with the cooperation of local law-enforcement officers, will be looking for informants to tell them about people who have stockpiled medicines.
That would be an almost sure way of getting a getting a visit by government agents looking to “redistribute” your supply.
But again, that’s not what FEMA is really going to be interested in. All that those drugs can do is to prevent pre-existing conditions from becoming serious enough that people become sick or die. Those who are taking such drugs will only survive as long as the supply of drugs lasts. Once it is gone, they will die.
⇒ Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller That Grows In Your Backyard
Considering that 66 percent of all adults in the United States are on some sort of medications for chronic life-threatening conditions, it would be impossible for FEMA to gather up enough drugs to keep all those people alive for even one month, let alone longer.
FEMA’s focus is going to have to be on saving the lives of people who are injured or who have a curable illness. This means that they’re going to be looking for life-saving drugs, rather than life-sustaining drugs.
They’re not going to be interested in the kind of life-saving drugs that allow people who have chronic conditions to keep living a care-free life; but the kind of life-saving drugs that will allow doctors and hospitals to save the lives of people who become injured or ill and who can be put back to work with minimal care.
It’s Really About Antibiotics
That means the biggest thing they’ll be looking for is antibiotics. They’ll probably look for Epinephrine as well; but few people have more than two epi-pens, due to their high cost.
Oh, they’ll look for other life-saving drugs as well; but not drugs that you and I are likely to have in our stash.
Those are drugs which are kept under lock and key in hospitals, because of the danger in their use.
Related: The At-Home Test That Can Tell You How Healthy Your Heart Is
Things like Flecainide, Dofetilide, Amiodarone and Ibutilide, all of which are used to restart a heart that has stopped beating. Those aren’t the kinds of drugs that preppers bother to stockpile.
Most preppers at least try to stockpile antibiotics, something that’s commonly known. Therefore, it makes sense that FEMA will try to search out the preppers in a community, in an effort to confiscate their stocks of antibiotics in the case of emergency. Fortunately for us, it doesn’t take a lot of space to hide a sizeable stockpile of antibiotics.
Be Ready for Them
I’d recommend keeping some antibiotics out, in the medicine cabinet or with your stockpile of other survival supplies.
They’re unlikely to believe that you don’t have any, so if there’s nothing for them to find, they’ll just keep digging. A few courses of antibiotics, stored in normal pill bottles, will work as a good decoy, should they ever search your home.
At the same time, you want to have a lot more antibiotics stashed somewhere where they aren’t easy to find, like in the walls of your home. Those are what you want to hide, keeping FEMA from finding them.
While all medications have an expiration date on them, that date doesn’t really indicate that the medications are no good anymore. Some meds, like those which require refrigeration, do actually go bad.
But anything that is in pill or capsule form probably won’t. They’ll be good for at least a few years after that date. We really don’t know how long they will last after that point. If they do start going bad, it would be a gradual process, as they lose their potency.
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I feel like I am 5 years behind in managing many important areas in my life. However, I am so happy to have folks like you identifying, in part, some of these areas.
Thank you for what you do out of the love of humanity and purpose. God bless.
God will take care of your ills by using natural medicines, forget big pharma pills. They lied to us by mandating the Covid vaccine that has high rate of heart issues after the shot.
Folks, to be honest I don’t get out much, so forgive me for asking if anyone out there knows of this actually happening in the USA? Actually having meds confiscated by the USG? Any bonafides would be appreciated Thanks!
They are saying it CAN happen.
That they already have the authority to do this greatly increases the likelihood that they will.
The things that happened during Covid were *supposed to be* things only those who wear tin foil hats would dream up, yet they were definitely our reality for years.
Isn’t that alone enough proof?
Confiscation of critical items is part of the logistics in the North American Defense Act and past presidential executive orders. It is all part of COG, Continuity Of Government. Bank records are kept on all plastic card purchases. Critical items should be paid for in cash whenever you have the opportunity and information of kept quiet.
From my days employed by large banks, i learned that COG refers to:
The provision & sustenance of daily life of the most powerful people…(. NOT most of the people….)
I depend on vitamins and natural foods and medicinal plants. I rarely ever have a prescription for anything. But I do keep suture kits, forceps, and scalpels. Also alcohol and peroxide ect. I could sew up an injury or deliver a baby. Experience is a good teacher of older country folks. I’ve even set my own broken arm. I don’t recommend that if you can do something better but knowing it can be done if necessity dictates is a good thing. Old nursing and medical textbooks books are interesting collectibles here. Yes I’ve had bacterial pneumonia and needed antibiotics to kick that out of my lungs. So not totally against them but there are natural sources. Usnia, lichens, and even blue molds on cheeses or breads…. They all do have some value. Many mushrooms are medicinal and to our joy many are also edible. Learn. Learn. Learn.
That is so right. People need to UN-LEARN that doctors and the government will protect and save us. Learn as much as you can when you can. Take free classes offered by the Red Cross, on First Aid, and Basic Life-saving, study a bit about plants and animals and how they can and will help us survive. So YES learn learn learn..
This is totally rediculous. Fema is not going to raid your pantry and get your spam and peanut butter. They are not going to get your Medimusal or your aspirin from your medicine cabinet so they can give it to someone else. They might seize the food in walmart or some pharmacies, but the individuals will not be bothered. Stop trying to scare people with this nonsense.
And you know this, how? You’d be a fool to trust anyone, especially in the current administration who is dragging us into Communism & third world status.
Actually, the current administration is trying very hard to preserve democracy ( something the Republicans have said out loud does not work) . Also, the former president and leading Republican candidate is echoing Hitler in his recent speeches.
B, we are not a democracy. The US was set up to be a constitutional republic.
XI came to San Fransicko to activate their secret labs in California and other States to start another plandemic.
I am a retired military Emergency Services and Security professional, and a statutory Civil Defense Worker. I am here to tell you that ANYTHING can happen… and MORE likely to happen in these very perilous times is the WORST scenario, which is NOT being planned fo you. The Russians have a plan, and can completely protect their (especially urban) population from Nuke Attack. Besides, if my uncle had not sent a certain letter ‘up chain” in 1962, you would never have been born.. at least not without having a tail, or been a cyclops or some such shit. Best YOU listen to smarter more experience people, with perspectives you could never imagine, and just stop procrastinating and get with the program. Learn to use essential oils for healing. Jesus did. So did Solon.
Another way of hiding your antibiotics is by growing herbs used for antibiotics…..Oregon Grape Root, Thyme, Garlic, Yarrow, Rosemary, etc. Also some spices that you have in your cupboards can be used as antibiotics too…..Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove and Honey. There are many other herbs and spices that can be used as well as essential oils.
Chris: I am not sure you really know if they will confiscate antibiotics or other prescriptions, like you think you do. The information listed here is not nonsense, though I do agree with you about not spreading “fear porn” all over the place. We should look at Venezuela and what actually happened to their citizens when their communist government went crazy and left people to starve and without medicines for the most part. They are a great example of what Bidenomics is about and where the D.S. is trying to take this country!! HOWEVER: BUT GOD! God has spoken many times through his prophets and stated that though America will be shaken to the core before this is over, God will intervene and rescue us if we get on our knees and repent. Chris, on the other hand, if you truly cannot spell words that you are posting, you might try using “spell check” on your computer. It would make your messages so much easier to read and take seriously, if they were spelled at least SORT OF correctly!!
You clearly have no idea regarding the Biden economic plan. Stop getting your “news from FOX and Newsmax.
And what makes you think you would be so special and exempt? You’re just a useful idiot, a cog in their machinery.
Bonnie, stop listening to PBS – BS and NPR garbage.
He DID correctly spell Francisco and Pandemic. You just missed the emphasis he put in it. Sorry Jes, Chris is correct.
I would not worry about fema taking your medications , they want you stoned, and out of your mind so your easily controlled and docile , like a slug
The real issue will be , you will not be able to get a hold of or buy with out proper authentication or acceptance of thier new statures of control and manipulation
Remember it is about the needs of the planet and the chosen , not you
so those who will take, steal , rob you will be thugs, gangs, those who take what they want in the name of the good cause
Theft with out conscience , no God, No Accountability , Just Doing what they or the Gang of thieves seems in thier best interest
That is why , you have to develope a course of action when it fails and falls apart
always have 3-6 mths on hand with an alternative for emergencys
The Plan is Control , Coorsian , manipulation so you will worship the beast , his system , the idol and the ways of mankind , planet earth , mother earth , and finally the BEAST
system for control
Worship God only , FEAR God only , Seek Truth only , and Call out the lies when you see them , STAND YOUR Ground , Speak your mind , and have a real mind of your own
All good. Even better with the addition of body protection and freedom dispensers.
You are the religious fear mongering troll.
You speak in spiritual terms of BS.
Take your bible thumping to a religious website that cares, fear monger.
Under the header of stashing items in various hard ti find places, we’ll, that’s just common sense. Think of not putting all your eggs in one basket.
To the question of whether the government would treat their constituents as unwilling suppliers of goods, I’d ask you to look at various medical experiments conducted on American citizens without consent or knowledge.
Mk-ultra, the old and new Cold War caused by Bidenomics, the agencies don’t care what happens to us.
Positive thoughts? And all of the time the VA said it was brain chemistry.
One thing is for sure, if the mental health meds run out, we will see some interesting things. I may or may not have enough meds for my PTSD related issues to last and come off of. I will be hard to get along with but by that point it could be viewed as a good thing.
I like the idea of a decoy. I also like to say that they can’t take or look for what they don’t know you have.
I also have PTSD and if I don”t take Zoloft everyday I get physically ill. If you only have your monthly supply like me make sure you SLOWLY reduce the amounts you take. That is how the doctor told me to do it.
So what happened was, you got convinced that you needed Zoloft, after taking it your body started becoming dependent on the drug it therefore making you sick if you don’t take it, works the same as heroin, if a user stops using heroin they get sick, that’s why they become dependent on heroin because they don’t wanna feel sick, you should really research zoloft and it’s side effects, it will put your mind in a different perspective….btw way your sickness that you get wont last long after you stop using it, your body needs to fast and purge it out…..whoever told you zoloft is your friend doesn’t care about you like they care about your wallet and insurance….God has plenty of natural remedies for you.
Former military vets of past wars say PTSD is a new way to keep vets pacified.
The doctors pump the vets full of psychiatric drugs then repairing the true underlying issues.
Pharmaceutical drugs are pretty easy to track. They can see who is getting what drug and how often. Especially if you are on an automatic delivery schedule. Many states have gone to having all your medical info online. The thought is that if you need medical help anywhere at least in your state if not country, medical staff can access your medical info. On the one hand, this CAN help the patient, but on the other, it would be very easy to see who’s been prescribed what and how often.
Now, do I think FEMA will go door to door shaking everyone down for whatever meds they might have? Doubtful. But, if they have access to the medical info to see who likely has drugs they want, then would they stop by? Maybe. If the area is in some kind of disarray, it would be easy enough for them to stop by under the guise of a wellness check.
I keep thinking back to Hurricane Katrina and all the FEMA foul-ups.
As mentioned in the comments already, if I want to buy something and not have an electronic record of it, it helps if I pay cash for it.
It also helps to know of substitutes if an Rx is not easily obtainable. I realize for some conditions there are likely few substitutions that are as efficacious, but honestly idk you depend upon an Rx to get you through the dsy, i think it incumbent upon you to see what tge alternatives are.
Hide from the government but keep in plain site for the Lord is coming.
I think there is a Communist among you.
I remember my mother telling us kids how the Nazis went door to door, in Holland during the WWII, looking for people (Jews, young men to work in their factories, people to execute for information, etc), so it is common practice for totalitarian regimes to carry out such exercises, even if it is only to terrorize the populace. If not for food, or medicines, or fuels, or weapons, or tools, it will be for those individuals who may stir up trouble or a possible resistance such as the intellectuals, artists, priests, or other free and alternative thinkers. Some people also loose their ability to think rationally, sort of a reverse survival mode of treason against their own; though for others it can bring out the best. Reading a copy of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago will go a long way to explain what the planned totalitarian technocracy can do to people and it has been compulsory reading in Russian schools under Putin’s leadership.
Civil war baby, civil war.
You really don’t want a civil war
If you let FEMA take whatever supplies you have, then you deserve to be ruled by an iron fist, meds are bullshit from big pharma to hook line and sinker you into thinking you need these meds, then to be followed by another drug to counteract those ailments and it just snoballs from there, it baffels me that here we are on this website that has information on natural remedies put out there by God to cure your ailments but yet here I read there is still a handfull that believers in big pharmas drugs are the cure all, WAKE UP people that these last few years should’ve made it transparent even for the dumbest of humans to fugure out hey something ain’t right and we’ve been lied to longer than any of us have been alive. first you need to get yourself some firearms, which is what you use to fight tyrants, if you don’t have a firearm by now go get one or you might as well give up your freedom, and if you’re not willing to fight and die for your freedom then why do you exist ? we haven’t even scratched the surface to the worse part that is yet to happen, I still see sleepers in the crowd….I’m gonna tell you right now if you don’t stand up for yourself, you’re gonna die and there no way around it because you’re gonna die, don’t set yourself up for failure, because you’ll be dead or somebodys bitch, whichever comes first, am I clear on this ??? too many are worried about what the tyrants are gonna take from them and the least worried about how YOU are going to STOP them, we’re the majority we’re the ones they fear, Not the other way around, when are people gonna figure this out ? does anyone know what a malitia is ? I’ll just leve that right there and stir up the algorithms in the process….
Wait till the Chinese farms by the US bases mount their assaults on our American soil.
Biden is helping the Gaza terrorists resupply during the temporary cease fire.
He gave terrorist weapons away in the Afghan Withdrawal, globalist jerk.
The best way to stock pile your drugs is to find out the date you can ask for a refill. It is usually several days before the due date. Then do that every month & you can slowly build a stock pile. It takes a while so start now & be vigilant to order as early as possible, each month. Also if you tell them your moving a long distance sometimes they will give you 3 month supply, so you don’t run out while relocating & finding a new provider. But then you’d have to switch Dr’s & pharmacies! Or you can then change your mind &decide not to move!
You can also get the same antibiotics for animals at pet stores WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION!!!! Hope that helps someone!
@KHB: Another way is if you have your Rx changed to a higher dosage: ask your doctor to leave the old dosage Rx and just add the new one and stockpile the old dosage and use it…just remember that you’ll need 2 of them to make the new amount.
Also, IF you can afford it, buy a 1 month supply without insurance. Some Rx’s aren’t that expensive. (but some ARE!)
Also, for those saying that all medicine is just unnecessary and that we have been led to become dependent on it and don’t really need it: Well, not so for all medicines!!! Diabetes medicine is necessary. Not everyone can just eat right and “re-set” their bodies to not need those meds!
Pain meds, well, I might agree with you…my daughter has had severe body pain issues for decades now, but she got herself off of morphine at a dose that they give to vehicle accidents who have sustained body parts being gone, and oxycodone…She now is on herbals similar to CBD which has helped her to be able to survive a day of pain that is always at least a 6, even on the herbals.
So, please don’t judge whether a person can or can’t go without medications. You can’t know that they “don’t need it”.
If FEMA ever gets to the point of “searching your home,” which means you allow them to do it, you might as well just kiss yours and your loved ones lives goodbye because once the fox is in the henhouse, they will strip you of anything and everything that is life sustaining, life protecting or of value. If society has collapsed to this point it will be every man for themselves and FEMA will only be thinking of using their “authority” to steal from you for themselves. I see no point in the writer trying to paint a noble picture of FEMA taking from you for the betterment of society by confiscating immediate lifesaving supplies. Okay, open your door and put yourselves at the mercy of strangers who are there to take from you, not to help you. Don’t believe me, then make a list of what FEMA did for the people of Lahaina, Maui. You had better have another operational plan and be prepared to put it into effect. Oh, did I mention that, of course, they will arrive with armed and armored LEO who will first take your weapons, to never be seen again, and leave you to die and rot unprotected in your home with nothing to sustain your lives . . . and FEMA is only one of many Federal agencies who will have armed thugs ready to kick in your door and this has happened repeatedly since J6, for little or no reason except they have power to do it.
Maui will be resurrected into having 15 minute cities experiment, before going to the mainland cities.
The same cops that pull over people in Loveland Colorado and arrest them for DUI even after they pass breathalyzer and blood tests just so that they can get Federal grant money or throw a 72 year old grandmother to the ground and break her arm because she is walking her grandson without an ID on a vacant street and not on the sidewalk are the ones that will be working for FEMA to confiscate all they think they can steal and shoot anyone who refuses.
Biden’s economic plan so far yields higher prices and more national borrowing. It doesn’t matter what letter designation is behind a candidates name, you’re not invited to a BBQ party unless you pay the bribes; I mean, make a campaign contribution. 40% of incoming taxpayer dollars go to making just the interest payments on the national debt. That is unsustainable with more borrowing (counterfeiting). Economic plan? Just more of the same.
Lol what a great article written by a fool.
They won’t take your meds from your house. They will just take it from the pharmacy and you got nothing.
I swear this community is one single brain cell.
Doxycycline is the only antibiotic I know of that has an expiration date you should abide by. From what I recall it does some kind of crystallization of organs if it’s old… or has the potential to.
Conspiracy theories are now to be called plot spoilers
About 20yrs ago the military was looking for a way to save on costs of medicine so they had a study done to see how long most meds ACTUALLY remained good after the expiration date. Turns out most prescription and OTC meds were good FAR past their expiration dates up to 25yrs or more without losing efficacy. Liquids and some antibiotics only lasted a little while past expiration dates. But as I recall very few if any became toxic or should not be used past that date. The study was done at Ft Dietrich in Md so that’s where to start as it’s public knowledge. Things like injectable diabetes meds may slowly go bad but I have some more than 2yrs old that still work with no problem. You just have to remember to rotate the stock. First in first used. And even if it starts losing efficacy I would rather have SOME that worked a little than none at all. Getting a doctor to prescribe antibiotics is practically impossible I have found. Even fish/pet antibiotics are now regulated by da gubmint and you now have to get a doctor to sign off on a prescription if you try to use pet antibiotics which are usually cheaper than the human kind. Even though they are identical and made in the same factory as human meds.Seems the gubmint found the loophole many used for acquiring pet meds and have put a stop to it. Gee I wonder why? Could they want US dependent on THEM for some reason? Curious. BTW if anyone on here knows of a vet or doctor who WILL prescribe antibiotics for stockpiling please let the rest of us know. You CAN still obtain Potassium on line with no prescription for keeping your thyroid safe after a nuke strike. Not expensive for now either but I feel like that too will get regulated by da gubmint in the not too distant future. And they last for decades if stored properly.