A massive disaster strikes that results in widespread devastation. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) responds and the local authorities shut the area down. Martial law is declared as the government shuts off exit routes.
The objective of the authorities is now to control the local population and start to take control over the supply of food, water, and other natural resources so that people will be dependent on the government to stay alive.
While FEMA first responders will work to get the situation under control, they may also alert the police and military units whenever they detect someone who has any items of value that could instead be confiscated by the government.
That’s why it’s very important to keep certain items hidden so you can remain as self-reliant on yourself as possible.
Here are ten items that will get you on FEMA’s radar:
Firearms and Ammunition
This is the big one. While it’s legal to own firearms for personal protection and hunting (at least in the United States), showing your firearm and ammunition stockpile out in the open will always draw attention in a natural disaster.
Related: US Natural Disasters Map. What Calamity Do You Need to Prepare For?
Look no further than what happened during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, in which law enforcement and military units went around confiscating firearms from people, leaving those same people almost defenseless against looters and raiders.
Large Quantities of Food and Water
Accumulating a substantial amount of non-perishable food and water is a cornerstone of prepping.
However, excessively large stockpiles, especially when combined with other unusual items, will attract scrutiny.
In an extended disaster scenario where martial law is declared, the government will seek to confiscate as much food and water as possible so that people come to them in long lines for their food and water instead.
Think carefully about how you can hide your stockpile food and water if it’s at all possible. But it’s not just about hiding your stockpile, but also about knowing the areas most at risk during such times.
Certain states are likely to be among the first to experience the harsh realities of martial law. If you live in one of these red zones, your preparation needs to be even more discreet and strategic.
Gas Masks and Chemical Protection Gear
Gas masks and protective gear are in certain emergency situations, such as in the aftermath of a nuclear accident or during a chemical spill.
However, obtaining military-grade equipment or amassing such items will raise concerns with the average first responder.
Remember that the government wants to keep you under control when disaster strikes, and having gas masks and other protective gear out in the open will only get them confiscated.
Communications Interception Devices
Radio scanners and interception devices can be useful for staying informed during emergencies.
However, owning equipment that could intercept communication signals, especially without a valid reason, is a surefire way to attract attention from FEMA first responders who will then alert law enforcement.
If you’re serious about staying connected in a crisis without attracting any attention, learn here how you can legally transform your CB car radio into a powerful transmitter capable of emitting and receiving communications from hundreds of miles away.
Surveillance Equipment
Surveillance cameras and drones have become common tools for home security, often used to deter burglars and monitor property.
However, in the midst of a disaster, deploying this kind of surveillance equipment out in the open can do more harm than good.
While the intention might be to protect your home, such visible measures are likely to attract unnecessary attention from not just potential looters, but also government agencies.
Keeping a low profile with your security measures is crucial during times of chaos, as it helps you avoid becoming a target, whether from opportunistic criminals or government entities looking to enforce control.
Large Amounts of Cash
While it’s smart to have some cash on hand for emergencies, especially in situations where credit or debit cards might not work, stockpiling excessively large amounts can raise suspicions.
It’s important to not only keep your money hidden but also to separate it into smaller, more discreet stashes.
Make it a rule to never keep more than $500 in any single location, as spreading it out reduces the risk of losing everything at once.
Related: How to Keep Your Money Safe for When SHTF
This approach not only keeps you off the radar but also ensures that if one stash is discovered, the rest remains secure. Again, concealment is key—your cash should be out of sight, out of mind.
Hidden Shelter Structures
Building underground bunkers or fortifications is within your right as a property owner, at least for now. Just like how the authorities will gladly confiscate firearms despite 2nd Amendment rights like they did in Hurricane Katrina, they’ll also gladly take a close look at any bunkers or fortifications regardless of your rights as a property owner.
That’s because they’re first thought when seeing a bunker will be that you have guns, foods, and other essentials set aside too. To avoid drawing unwanted attention, it’s crucial to be discreet. Learn here how to stealthily build a low-cost, invisible bunker right in your backyard.
Explosive or Hazardous Materials
Restricted Medications
Medications are another item that local authorities will seek to hoard in a disaster, just as they would with food and water.
While stockpiling common over-the-counter medications for personal use is reasonable and wise, obtaining more critical or specialized medications can be difficult.
In particular, securing essential drugs like antibiotics poses a challenge, especially since they aren’t typically available over the counter. To help you prepare, here is an ingenious way to stockpile antibiotics without a prescription, before it’s too late.
Unregistered or Heavily Modified Vehicles
While modifying vehicles for off-grid living or emergency situations is common among preppers, any vehicles that are unregistered with the state will draw attention.
Furthermore, any vehicles that have been modified excessively to look like a ‘bug out vehicle’ with big tires and gas cans and containers secured to the top and back is another way of simply announcing to the rest of the world that you are a prepper.
First responders will wonder why you have such a vehicle and come asking you questions about the rest of your preparations.
A big part of prepping is stockpiling provisions, but another big part is keeping those provisions a secret. You don’t want your neighbors knowing that you have a stockpile because they’ll be the ones who come demanding food and other supplies when disaster strikes.
Likewise, if emergency first responders find out you have a stockpile of the above items, they may send law enforcement to your door knocking too. That’s why a major part of your preparations need to involve keeping your stockpile and other preparations as hidden as possible. This could very well be what ends up keeping you alive.
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Good grief!! How paranoid are we? There are way to many
people that have the listed items for FEMA to keep track
Agreed, but don’t be so naïve that you think enforcement of new rules will be fair or consistently enforced across the board. The idea here ( and I agree completely) is be the grey man, fly under the radar, use lots of discretion in what you allow to be visible. I have said before that not even my brother-in-law that lives two blocks away has seen the extent of my deep pantry.
Should be,
Domeliving, the gray man is obsolete as the Chinese facial identification system already here. Has your digital DNA. Any time we fly, TSA has the info, so does your state DMV, driver license photo and so on.
Good luck hiding in the bush with govt teams using extreme digital surveillance technology to hunt us.
I think it is too late. purchasing any of these things may already have logged any and all. to be assessed, detained, targeted. is almost a lost cause by now, baring natures miracle.
Maybe your brother in law doesn’t but now FEMA knows about it. WTF if you’re prepping for fema or any of the other agencies you might as well just kiss your ass goodbye. The people in Waco were prepared and in the end the government burnt them and 93 children alive with white phosphorus and blamed it on the people inside. Only a complete idiot would believe that narrative, fathers and mothers would never do that to their children.
I have all of them
Fact of the matter is FEMA is looking for gold, cash,weapons,ammo, and killing the people that they are suppose to be helping! Jst ask the white hat alliance, There are several of them at gitmo now!!!
BTW Has anyone here seen the warehouse stash of cash IN LARGE cardboard box’s that RED-CROSS has that is/was suppose to be for the victims?
Trust me, they’re keeping track, but they don’t “go active” in pursuit of “persons of interest” until something initiates an investigation. Our data, purchases, etc., IS KNOWN, but generally not accessed until someone is targeted (rightly or wrongly by some gov’t. “agency”).
ALSO, a sure way to be tracked is to subscribe to informative lists like this one!
Since the internet, google, smart phones, social media we have been tracked of all the thing mentioned. The internet was invented by the 3 letter agencies to track us like the old social security number first did in the analog days.
We are now living in the digital age, with ring doorbell cameras and simply safe inside video cameras. Who is watching the watchers?
Why is this information being stored in government server farms around the world if we have noting to hide?
Just now people are waking up to panic of big brother?
Where were you all when the last few elections were manipulated?
We had if you want to go wayback to Jimmy Carter days that started this modern mess.
In current revisionist history, the Clinton’s, the Bush’s, the Obama’s, The Biden’s, now the Harris-Walz Marxist ticket will be the ultimate excuse for all that will happen from the above posted article.
God help us make America MAGA, God bless us this November 5th.
And don’t forget yer TV better known as TEL-LIE-VISION and S.M.A.R.T meters or smart anything, When you find out what S.M.A.R.T. stands for you jst might thin-oh-shhhhsuff!
Ever since America transitioned physically and electronically from analog technology to digital technology, yes our countermeasures must change also. We must go beyond the grey man mindset to change with the possible outcome coming soon.
Many people are now realizing that AI has been added to many shopping sites by many names of the same technology like Alexia. This added AI will be the ultimate tracker of person information the world has yet seen since the leaking of the Chinese social credit system tracking the Chinese inside and outside of their homes.
Are you Demoncrats happy now, it is here in America too?
A lesson that I’ve learned over the years of watching the government tell us their plans, it doesn’t matter how prepared or stocked up you are. You never know where you are going to be when s**t hit the fan. You can spend years preparing for a doom’s day-like event, but who’s to say that you’ll get to use it.
Be prepared. Eat. Drink clean water. Live to fight another day.
deathocrats suck..
Hahahah, oh man how I love reading all these comments… pure entertainment… Most of you know and comment about each other… like I said… a comedic dramatization… I must thank each and every one of you for the amusing comments that truly contain no vital information about anything… Reminds me of just how socialistic communism works, using your friends and neighbors to rat you out… they don’t need AI anything,,, they’ve got you guys…lol
Who in the world thinks that FEMA would be involved in all this BS. Have you any idea how busy FEMA really is during an emergency / disaster. They are not the branch of government to watch out for. Yes, I know that FEMA hired security folks during the Katrina disaster, to secure the Astrodome from the local gang guys who were preying on the victims inside. FEMA did not try to confiscate firearms; that was the local police. I was there and personally witnessed this and it wasn’t FEMA that was the cause of problems, but they did bring in a lot of money, construction contractors and helped the now homeless get shelter. All this fantasy about FEMA being the bad guys is BS. There are several other Federal agencies that would surely be involved. The ATF is probably the most obtrusive and invasive on a local level and the NSA has all the information about you that any Fed may want. I have no doubt that the FBI and IRS have been weaponized to do their master’s bidding and I wouldn’t be surprised if any agency in the Homeland Security wasn’t already trying to prepare for the scenario discussed, but when you point a finger and say this is going to happen or that is going to be a hot item; at least have some knowledge and not just fantasies from a video game.
The best thing anyone can do is to vote this November for the man who won’t let this kind of thing happen in our country. There is only ONE person running who is not in favor of communism or big government. and he had better win. If not, then the scenario you are prepping for will most certainly come.
No, he is in favour of nazi style fascism and extreme religious fundamentalism instead. If you are stupid enough to vote for Trump better practice your goose stepping and straight arm salut. Your prepping days are over as your new dictatorship won’t tolerate your unpatriotic BS for long.
I think with the technologies we have today
Records are king , past , present
What you have said, done, and have been doing
Collectively using massive storage and data centers to create profiles on you and your past
and even suppose what you will be like and do in future
called flagging
as long as you dont create the above the radar scenario , you wont be suspect
Slow To Speak , Slow To act , Slow to react
Choose your words carefully
With the current AI , the computer will assess you , figure out who, what , why you are
so That being said Stay off the social media networks
Tik Tok , Fake Book , sites like this that they use to keep track of you
your always being watched
so , Dont worry
When it happens, you will not be surprised
As God Says in his word , the bible KJV, NiV , NAS etc
Thinking Themselves to be wise , they became fools and turned to false, fake , imitation idolotry or gods , Replacing God who is Truth and cannot Lie with immitation s , yogie, religeon , men who look good, feel good, make them feel good
word s to please , instead of convict or cause change for the better
Watch , look , listen and be self controlled