The short answer is YES.
Preppers are intent on mitigating the effects of both beginnings and endings. This is largely our goal in storing supplies, practicing skills, building communities, and staying up to date on everything from local threats to geopolitical ones.
Prepping is either your lifestyle or your part time job, depending on how you look at it. I prefer the lifestyle angle.
The End of What?
From my point of view, we are witnessing a very serious end. It has been framed a number of ways. In fact, I have never seen so many people simply throw the towel in. The apocalypse could very well be on the horizon and for the most part it seems that some of the most influential people are content to just watch it all burn.
You know, it’s one thing to surrender to the fact that hard times are coming, and we better prepare for them. What has surprised me most, watching doom hit the major headlines, is how many people are just throwing their hands up and saying, “It’s a wrap and there is nothing we can do about it!”
What I see rapidly ending before our eyes is the end of DISTRACTION from the true problems of our day. In Roman terms, the bread has gone moldy, and the circuses are no longer exciting.
Since 2020 masses of people have been waking up and its changing things in a very big way.
The mask is slowly being lifted and as more and more people realize this, they are going to react to it. It’s a revolutionary time and we will see revolutions. It is a chaotic time, and we will see chaos.
It is the end of stability like that of the late 20th century.
The Lost Ways and Forgotten Skills
In many ways, we have overshot the goal. Our ancestors wanted nothing more than to create a system that didn’t require things like periods of starvation, indentured servitude, and rampant child mortality. Never forget those things were the norm for most of human history.
We have overshot that goal and abandoned the ways that made us human. We have forgotten the skills that not only helped us survive but also gave us fulfillment.
I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of this CHEAP and EASY period in history. Not only are things getting more expensive, but we are more depressed than ever because we realize that cheap and easy doesn’t really fill your soul.
It’s true we have an economic crisis, a wartime crisis, a food crisis, and various others.
We also have a crisis of meaning in our world. A serious mental health crisis that comes from a life of hollow pursuits.
Living off the land, getting back to The Lost Ways is what more and more people are aspiring to. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the age of cheap trinkets.
What About the END OF IT ALL?
Here at Ask a Prepper it is hard not to write an article without talking about the collapse of all things. It is hard to deny the fact that the Doomsday clock is closer now to midnight than it has ever been before.
If that metric doesn’t jive with you then you should consider what Vladimir Putin is dealing with at the moment. The Ukrainians have invaded Russia. It’s a small incursion but it has happened, nonetheless. The big question we all have is whether Russia decides to go nuclear.
Such a red line exists. Russia didn’t build thousands of nukes to overthrown by their neighbors. It’s not as if the Russians will let Ukrainian soldiers just waltz their way to Moscow.
What happens when Russia uses that first tactical battlefield nuke?
What does the US do? How does Russia respond to that? What if none of it happens with Russia and the US?
⇒ The First States That Will Go Down in a Crisis. Do You Live in the Red Zone?
I think the nation closest to using a nuke is Israel. If the prospect for Israel is to be overrun by the Houthis, Hezbollah, what remains of Hamas, and anyone else who can slip through the borders during the chaos, we know the choice Israel will make.
They will not allow another October 7th to occur across the land. Which is exactly what their enemies would like.
If a succession of nukes starts popping across the globe, well, that could be the end of it all. To say this is the beginning of that potentially happening seems kind of silly. I think we are at least 50% down the road that leads to all out nuclear war.
How to Survive
There is one skill, above all, that will help you survive endings of all sorts. You need to learn to be adaptable. You need to study a broad range of skills and focus on things that seem to be your strengths.
Related: 18th Century Skills That Will Become Life-Saving When SHTF
The world is changing and only those who adapt to that change will thrive. That means to only know the old ways is not enough. Knowing only the new ways is not enough either.
I think the best way to become adaptable is to take total ownership of things like food production and preparation in your life. Grow more of your own food and cook it each day.
I rely on this guide to learn how to preserve my own food and create survival meals that truly last. With over 100 recipes designed for long-term storage without refrigeration, it became my go-to resource for making real, nourishing food to sustain me when it matters most.
Taking ownership of your fitness and health is another great example of staying adaptable.
Of course, your financial well-being allows you a lot of adaptability. If you have money, then you can make big decisions and make them quick. Still, any prepper knows that you cannot buy your way to self-sufficiency.
Truth is all our basic preps add adaptability to our lives. Having things like backup food, water, and power gives us choices in emergencies rather than having it be chaos.
We are moving through an age where there will be many different endings. It is quite possible that one of those could be the end of Mankind. This could come through disaster or even integrations with robotics and artificial intelligence.
Along the way, we are going to see some WILD stuff. I think the single most important move people can make to prepare for all of this is to focus on self-reliance. It is time to build a life of self-sufficiency, to the best of your ability, so you are prepared to deal with all these changes.
Buy less and produce more. Not only will you be better prepared to weather the storms of the future, but you will also become very valuable for your skills and knowledge. Don’t waste your time fearing the end when you could be changing your lifestyle and preparing for it.
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You say, “Buy less and produce more.” This has been my philosophy since the 1970s. I have never made much more than minimum wage, but I see myself as thriving. I don’t have a car payment or a mortgage. I had a garden this year and a year’s worth of food stored. I have personal and cleaning supplies. Our heat comes from wood and where I live, a dump truck load is enough to last us most winters. If not, we have the means to cut more. We have a gas generator and a few ways of collecting solar energy. We have several ways to cook food (both indoors and out) should our primary means become unavailable. We don’t own many acres of land, but we have more than just a backyard and we are located well off the main roads. Most of our neighbors are like-minded. We have foraging skills that we use regularly as well. I am trying to teach the younger generations what I know because I know I won’t live forever. (although I probably will live another 20-30 years.
Many preppers for years have dreamed of the white picket fenced home in a small town setting and bugging out to something like that.
In reality many preppers are living not so much in the city but likely in suburbs to the edges of small towns.
Because of the Democraps open borders and illegals midnight plane flights into the interiors of America, our safe bug out places have been compromised.
Just like the American Dream has dissolved for legal citizens, the American Dream is for the taxpayer funded illegals freeloading on unsustainable Harris economy.
See prepping was based on the politics of the day back when we had a commonsense public with basic education theory, not so today.
Will the average American fight, fight, fight for their God given American land or BOHICA. Give the land to the elites, Chinese nationals who own American farmlands, terrorist groups who are taking over cities, isn’t it time to take back America?
There are no other countries for Americans to run and hide, why do you think the world is flooding our open borders?
Stand up and vote for MAGA, there’s not a lot of open land to flee to in America, private owned land is less then the land the United States government owns in comparison.
Freedom and land is not free, someone paid for it in sweat and blood here in America.
Please go and vote for America’s freedom November 5th!
well worded and accurate.
Fearmongering, prepper fantasy’s abound as we see this election will cement all those who have an agenda on both sides of the coin. Politically we are doomed with replacement illegal American voters, that may over whelm our votes. Many sanctuary states, cities, Democraps the run cities and states that give motor voter voter ID drivers license and mail in ballot harvesting, particularly of California and New York.
The electoral college vote system and the supreme court are in danger of a Marxist Harris, Walz administration of what could happen. You think it is bad now, you don’t want them, the first and second amendments will be gone for sure.
Aurora Colorado is just the beginning of chaotic rule by Harris-Walz their illegals taking over cities with military grade weapons, funded by unknown foreign NGO’s.
California’s governor Newscum veto a voter ID to make the illegals vote against American voters as the illegals have been voting in elections for years there. The liberals and the leftist news media tell the public it ain’t so. We are at the last tipping point before we implode by taxpayers who can’t afford their taxed homes to fund freeloader illegals.
You Americans who stay home and not vote will regret it, you might dislike Trump, but look at the opposition. Just because Harris, god forbid becomes the first Indian, Marxist, SLAVE OWNER family, now a black skin politics president, is doom.
Many radical white university educated female are brainwashed into Marxism, DEI, CRT and so on, are stupid enough to vote for a commie.
God bless the Americans to vote MAGA than for exposed Marxism seen today.
Please learn how to construct a sentence that makes sense and then learn how to proofread before posting. Usually you are a liberal troll, but now you appear to have crossed over to the conservative side of the street. Unfortunately, I still can’t tell exactly what you were trying to say.
I was baffled by her post. I was expecting the typical left coast BS.
As I don’t think that particular troll suddenly saw the writing on the wall, my guess is someone else just posted using her name. A few of the more prolific illiterate folks that frequently comment come to mind.
Maybe you should reread it a couple of times, typical female logic used. Why not think like a man does, you would understand a bit better.
In the movie – As Good as It Gets (1997) – Quote;
What did that movie character Melvin Udall say?: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.
That link don’t work.
Are you selling books too?
…worked just fine for me, but I already have the information…
I keep hearing this line about “apocalypse” & “end of the world” to the point that I start taking my business elsewhere. All it seems to be anymore is click bait. Unless I want to hear some political propaganda BS (coming soon from some of the posters here).
I just try to be ready for emergencies, is all.
Were you one of the people the FBI questioned in the third attempt on Trump?
It is a shame trolls have to pitch their two cents into the comments here.
I bought one of those vacuum sealers for canning jars. Works great. Bought a large box of half pint canning jars, some smaller, and will be filling them up with cheap liquor and loose tobacco. That’ll be my bartering cash when dollars no longer work. FYI. I use used lids and save my new ones for food canning. Rat traps screwed to a tree will provide you with grey squirrels.
how do you propose to barter without getting robbed? Or being followed home and *really* robbed?
Those are the tough questions.
Well armed and travelling in a group
What kind of prepper are you?
Barter will be a popular way to trade, you just need to carry hog-leg, a pew-pew or a piece, as a backup for trouble.
I work to have enough, but enough eventually ebbs away. Liquor and tobacco aren’t important to me but it is to many others. Cash will be worth it’s weight in BTU’s, so I want to be prepared to have something of value to trade to stay alive. Yes, there are risks. Yes, I’m willing to protect myself and my family. Yes, trading opens the possibility of violence, but that’s a chance that’ll have to be carefully considered, and as a last option. Be mindful that liquor and tobacco will last for years vacuum sealed. Thanks for the warning. In the multitude of many counsellors is great WISDOM.
It pays to prepare. It also pays to have an understanding of the bigger picture.
BibleGateway Daniel 2:40-44
I remember an old sign that was in my grandfather’s store, Uncle San pointing at a coyote above the fence that represented our southern border, the coyote was Mexico that was in convulsions, our country was a place worth living in, On the other hand, the desert and poverty! Now I wonder when we let the coyote transform our country into a desert?
I am 74 years old. I am the oldest living male member of my family for at least 7 generations. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the end of the 20th Century, and the beginning of the 21st, I have lived a simple life … not rich, not poor, easy and carefree. I have clung to ways of life prior to my time … (not fanatically, but clinging to) … so I can garden, hunt, build a shelter, etc. I have prepped, but more importantly I have taught my son to prep. (whether he uses it, and seriously preps … is up to him. My grand daughters have pew pews, and know how to use them. At 74 I haven’t the health to pull out of the outskirts of a big city to fend for myself any longer … so will be bugging in, offer my help to my off spring … and be content in the knowledge that they know how to survive … without me. I am going to put up a good fight, for as long as I last, defending the country, I love, and vowed to serve.
All I can say is vote Trump, .
The Dems want are country geared to go in to full reverse.
Every thing it should not be.
The truth is pure English.
Its the worse shape in my life time to see my country
in shush a mess,
It is good to be prepared for as many possible emergencies as one can. The apocalyptists and the MAGAT’s are just hilariously ignorant.
I have been a prepper for 50+ years. Just common sense tells a person they need to have some stored food and a water source or supply just for the simplest of emergencies! However as a Christian who knows believes in the rapture, knows prophecy fairly well and who has a pretty good grasp of the times, I see clearly this that is coming soon is not going to be some need for a mer survival stash for a period of time because yes we are ABSOLUTELY in the long prophesied “end times”. The first importance is where will you spend eternity, and how will you protect what you do have for as long as you need it.
If by “rapture” you mean the changing in the twinkle of an eye from the corruptable to the incorruptable body, then I agree there is a change coming. If you are saying you are escaping the times to come by a rapture, then I disagree. Satan arrives and decieves the whole world (except those who have the seal of God in their fore heads) into believing he is the Christ at the sixth trump, the so called “rapture” happens for all to see at the seventh trump when the true Christ arrives. Then the shame will hit those who worshipped the false one…Sad day for some and a glorious day for others.