As most preppers know, stockpiling foods with a decent shelf life can be a challenge, as well as redundant. Not all foods do well long term, such as bread. So, the thought of having any kind of bread is not always considered.
However, there are types of bread that will survive for a long time and require very little effort when making it. Matzoh bread is one of those and has been around for centuries.
What is Matzo Bread?
Matzoh, aka matzo or matzah, is an unleavened bread with the main ingredients being water and flour. If you purchase it at a store, it often resembles light brown crackers. Homemade matzoh can vary in size, shape, and even the texture. The flavor is often on the bland side, and slightly more chewy than a cracker, and is commonly served with jam or honey.
As a staple in the Jewish circle, it is commonly served during Passover. Most other traditional types of bread require time to let it rise before baking. However, it is said that when many Jews left Egypt, they did so in a hurry. Those who were making bread decided to bake the dough as is, rather than take the time to let it rise. Since then, matzoh became a tradition for many people at Passover time.
And, it is a very durable product. Store-bought packages of matzoh bread have been stored for years without spoiling. However, when you make your own, it allows you to know just how fresh each ingredient is that goes into it.
Related: How to Tell When Your Canned Foods Become Spoiled?
How to Make Matzo Bread
It’s not a long drawn-out process to make Matzoh bread, as it can be with many other types of bread. It can typically be made in under 20 minutes. That’s important for a prepper, especially if a situation demands that you work quickly to get it made. And with just a few popular ingredients, everything you need to make it is most likely already in your home.
Here is what you will need:
- 2 Cups of all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt
- ¾ cup of water
And, the instructions are also minimal. Follow these simple instructions, and you will have a fresh batch of matzoh that will stay good for at least 2 years, if stored properly…which I will address later in the article.
#1. Preheat the oven to 400 F.#2. Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. And mix well.
#3. Sprinkle a light dusting of flour to your workspace, place the mixed dough on top of it, and knead it thoroughly.
#4. Divide the dough mix into 4 (or more) equal-sized portions to make it easier to work with.
#5. Roll the dough, either with a heavy rolling pin or heavy jar dusted with flour. The shape does not matter. Roll it until it is very thin, but not transparent.
#6. Poke several holes in the dough with a fork, to help prevent it from puffing while baking.
#7. Bake for 2 minutes, then flip over to bake the other side for another 2 minutes.
#8. Once they are out of the oven, let it cool before eating or prepare for storage.
How to Store Matzoh for Long-term
This part is also easy. Just take the following steps to keep Matzoh bread good for at least 2 years:
#1. Store any uneaten Matzoh in an air-tight container, which will prevent it from getting stale and protect it from critters and insects.#2. Place the container in a dry and cool place, making sure moisture does not reach it.
#3. If it does get stale, place the matzoh in the oven for no longer than 5 minutes.
Matzoh can also be made out in the wilderness with flour, water, and fire. As in the above directions, the cooking time will be quick. So, keep an eye on it.
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How is this different from hard tack?
It’s thinner and not baked for as long. Mazto is a flatbread and still has a lot of water in it. Hardtack is baked as dry as possible. Matzo needs to be stored in an airtight container, as the article says, but I’ve eaten hardtack that was just stored in a linen bag to keep insects out; after two years it was fine. My personal opinion is hardtack is a better survival food for long term storage, but matzo is a lot easier to eat.
Thank you.
Doesn’t appear to be to me either…
I keep two unopened boxes of Matzo bread behind the seat of my pickup truck, along with a couple of bottles of water and two cans of pressurized cheese. Sometimes,we get caught on a job, and the boss wants to finish up and take a late lunch( like 2:00-3:00 pm) So, having matzo and squeeze cheese stalls off the hunger.
And the supermarket usually puts matzo on sale after the Jewish holidays are over. I’ve gotten it as . much as 90% off, and if you get a Jewish cookbook, you can use the crackers, crushed, to make cakes and other things. It’s basically hardtack made thin enough to chew.
It’s always a pleasure Claude. I hope that you and your family can enjoy a really GREAT CHRISTMAS and a Happy New year.
Thanks so much for this. I intend to try it right away. One question though, can this be stored vacuum sealed or in mylar with a cc absorber? Thanks again.
Do not forget that you can experiment and add spices to it like cinnamon, and whatever else that is dry.
Can you vacuum seal it?
Like anything crispy and subject to breakage, the matzo might break into smaller pieces with vacuum sealing. How much it would break depends on your skill level as a vacuum sealer and a whole host of other variables.
As far as preserving the matzo, notice the article stressed sealing it from bugs and moisture, Vacuum sealing would certainly do both of those and might be better than sealing it in a mayonnaise jar and storing it on Funk and Wagnall’s back porch.
On the other hand, I prefer mayonnaise jars for storing my version of light tack and matzo. I dry bread crusts cut into 3/4″ squares over the toaster when I am making my morning toast and when they are sufficiently dry, I store them in a mayonnaise jar but in my food storeroom as opposed to Funk & Wagnall’s back porch.
If you didn’t stay up late and watch the Johnny Carson show, the reference to F&W’s back porch will mean nothing to you. If you have to ask “Who is Johnny Carson?” there is nothing I can do. Sorry, you are a lost cause.
If, after the end of the world you come to my front door begging for food for your starving little ones and have nothing of value to trade for real food, I will treat your little ones to my version of light tack soaked in bacon grease which will give them energy and some staying power and send you on your way with a warning not to come back or suffer dire consequences. The free gravy train will have a train wreck when the end of the world arrives.
having trouble ordering books ; two of LOST WAYS AND
Hi, Bob! Thank you so much for your interest in my work. I sent you an email with more details on how to order the books you’re interested in.
God bless, Claude
Matzo is actually more than just traditional for Passover – it’s required.
As part of Passover preparations, all leavening agents (yeast, sourdough starter) and leavened/ fermented foods and drinks must be cleared out of the house, as well as everything made with grain. Matzo that is kosher for Passover is specifically prepared under strict supervision and is certified by a rabbi who specializes in the laws of kashrut, (kosher food preparation).
This is done to symbolize a fresh start, as when the Israelites had to flee Egypt. It also ensures that old products were cleaned out on a regular basis, which not only ensured better and healthier food, but also that bugs which would hatch with the warmer and more humid spring weather would be cleared out and not contaminate the new wheat that would be coming available from the winter wheat harvest.
Matzo is also traditionally eaten at the Passover Seder, where it not only represents the unleavened bread cooked by the Israelites before the Exodus, but it also represents the bricks Israelites slaves used to build Egyptian buildings. Served with a paste made from apples, walnuts and wine sweetened with honey called charoses, (which symbolizes the mortar used,) the two foods are a reminder of Israelite bondage, their rescue by God, and the sweetness of hope and faith.
It is available year round, but the best time to buy prepared matzo is right after Passover when it goes on sale.
Making your own is easy enough, but it can burn quickly, so watch it carefully if you choose to make your own.
Kosher cookbooks have a section on how to use matzo and matzo crumbs to prepare cakes, dumplings and other items. If you want to try matzo as a prep item, I would check out some of these recipes so you can use it for other dishes. Some of these recipes might also work for hardtack, but don’t forget that hardtack is much denser and will require more processing to make the fine crumbs required for the recipes. Probably pounding it with a hammer, for a start:).
Isn’t this like making tortillas? I make homemade tortillas with flour, salt and vegetable shortening and a little water. I roll them out and cook on the flat iron a couple of minutes on each side.
Why a thumbs down? I tend to agree with Tina. Most societies have an unleavened flatbread. Tortillas, Maan (I think that is how the Indian flat bread is spelled) Matzo, I am sure there are several more that I am not aware of or that just don’t come to memory — oh, yes, let’s not forget hardtack which is flat bread in biscuit form. I think the American Indians had a kind of flat bread too. I think thee is also a flatbread from the middle east. Many of the meat dishes that are rolled in bread are rolled in a type of flat bread.
Can gluten free flour be used to make flatbreads? Several members of my family have gluten allergies.
My wife is gluten intolerant. I have made hard tack with gluten free flour. So far, seems okay.
Im going through the garage pantry trying to clear it out. I came across Yehudi brand Matzo crackers from Passover 2013 and had them ready for the garbage. Out of curiosity I opened a pack and they are still good 9 years later. Maybe just a slight metallic taste?. Yes I bought them post Passover sale.
“Matzo bread”?
Oh boy.