If you watch the news on any given day, it doesn’t take long to realize there is an opioid addiction epidemic around the world. The use of it is on the rise, as well as the abuse from those using, prescribing, or those stealing and selling them.
However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t real pain among the people using prescription drugs, in turn creating a real need for something to help relieve that pain. But, does that need mean that a person must succumb to the addictive characteristics of prescription narcotics?
No. There many other natural alternatives to relieving pain. And, you can even make your own pain pills.
Turmeric is gaining in popularity. Yes, it is more known as a natural seasoning for cooking many dishes. But, it also has healthy benefits such as reducing inflammation and relieving pain.
A Little Background on Turmeric
As a member of the ginger family, turmeric is native to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. It is often used in Asian and Indian cuisine for flavor and color, such as curry dishes. The flavoring has a bitter, yet earthy warm, peppery, and mustard-like edge to it.
However, turmeric also has the power to heal through curcumin, which is its active ingredient. As an antioxidant, curcumin can lower levels of 2 enzymes known to produce inflammation in the body. It also can help to protect our bodies from free radical molecules which could actively damage our cells and tissue.
Turmeric can be taken in pill form or added to a beverage or food. Many people are taking it and digesting it in some form to help alleviate pain and treat various conditions such as arthritis.
But, cooking with turmeric every day can be a bit monotonous after a while. And, how do you know which turmeric supplement to buy? Well, you don’t have to worry about either, if you make your own.
And, it’s easy!
Related: How to Make Ginger Oil To Counter Prostate, Ovarian and Colon Cancer
Making All-Natural Pain Pills with Turmeric
Before we start with the “how to”, a word of caution: Turmeric leaves a mark, a hue of orange on most anything it encounters. So, when working with substantial amounts of it, it would be in your best interest to use gloves, unless you like orange fingers! Also, work with an old towel or paper towels under your work area. You will be thankful in the end!
Now, what do you need to make turmeric pain pills? Not much, to be honest. But, each of the ingredients are important. Some of the ingredients, which will be addressed below, can be omitted in the actual pill, but will still have to be consumed for the pills to be the most effective. So, it only makes sense to add it to the pill, rather than your meals each time you eat.
You will need the following:
- Turmeric powder
- Coconut oil powder
- Black peppercorn
- Capsule maker
- Empty capsules size 00
In addition to the above, you will need a mixing bowl and spoon.The ingredients are simple and few, but important. As mentioned, some people choose to just use straight turmeric in their capsules, which is fine. But, the coconut oil powder (a healthy fat) and black peppercorn serve their purpose in aiding with absorption, allowing the turmeric to be more effective in relieving pain. If you don’t add it to the pill, you should find a way to digest it each time you take a pill, which could be tedious, and not taste all that great on its own.
So, on to the directions:
Step 1 – Mix the following ingredients in a bowl (will make approximately 100 capsules):
- 3 tablespoons turmeric
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil powder
- 2 teaspoons freshly ground peppercorn
Step 2 – Next, prepare the capsule maker by removing the short end of the empty capsule and placing the longer end into the capsule maker.
Step 3 – Once all the ingredients are blended well and the capsules are placed in the holes, pour the turmeric mix on top of the capsule maker.
Step 4 – Slowly scrape the mix over the holes to start filling the empty capsules, careful not to spill over the edge.Step 5 – Using the tamper included with the capsule maker, slowly press down the mix in the capsules. Each capsule maker might have varying directions and appearance. But, the technique should be the same. This step will assure each capsule will hold the maximum amount of the turmeric mix.
Step 6 – After the first tampering, pour more mix over the holes it made, and repeat steps 4 and 5 as many times as it takes for the capsules to fill.
Step 7 – Once the capsules are full, place the caps on each capsule, making sure they are on securely to avoid coming loose and the content spilling out. This step is probably the most tedious and messy of them all. But, still well worth it to have your own homemade turmeric pain pills on hand.
And, for the best news…that’s all there is to it! A simple, quick, and healthy alternative to what is found on pharmacy and health store shelves. And, no additives or chemicals getting the way of easing your pain.
Tips and Tricks to Remember
When making your own pain pills with turmeric, there are a few things to remember in obtaining optimum results.
- For best results, use size 00 capsules. That will allow you to get a decent dose in one pill. If they are smaller, you will have to take more than one, and larger would be more difficult to swallow.
- Black peppercorn and coconut oil powder is essential in aiding in absorption. So, if you opt to not add it to your capsules, make sure you fit it in your diet with each dose.
- Use a decent quality turmeric.
- A daily dose of turmeric for pain is 1 teaspoon. So, considering it’s mixed with 2 other ingredients, taking up to 3 capsules a day (one at each meal) should be equivalent.
- The shelf life of turmeric is high, but not necessarily the capsules. So, don’t make too many ahead of time. About a month’s worth is ideal.
Also, as mentioned earlier, this recipe above makes about 100 capsules.
Great information, thanks but where do you get the pill caddy and empty pills?
I saved the plastic pellets from chicklets gum,
I melt coconut oil, mix in the tumeric,
and put in the freezer to solidify.
Then I pop them out, put them into a
small container, (or a sandwich bag), and
keep them in the refrigerator (on the door is
most conveinent for me).
You can order on ebay i got a 25 cap. Unit & 250 cap. For bout $35 they were geliton caps …. they tend to expand with humidity so when i orderedore caps i ordered vegitain caps they cost a lil more i got 1000 for about $20 i try to get seperated it just saves a step cause you dont need to seperate them ……. OO caps are 1/7thof a teaspoon … or it takes 7 00 caps to fill teaspoon . …. i got it for baking soda to raise my ph 2 in morning for me but also help relieve indagestion
What is the address for the caps you get?
Tracy, Try this site: https://www.herbaffair.com/ They also sell some herbs. They sell two types of capsules; one plant (cellulose) based and the other animal based (gelatin). If you scroll down to the bottom of the page for capsule supplies they even define the different sizes of capsules. I hope this helps.
Ive been making turmeric capsules this way for a few years. Started adding black pepper last year for that extra bioavailability , but did not know about coconut oil. Thanks so much! As well as how much to take and length of shelf life. New info , very important! Love all your work!
I’ll give this a try. I suffer from acute Neuropathy . It started in my feet and now it’s also moved in to my hand’s.
There’s no cure, just med’s to hold the shooting pain back until the the next round. I’m willing to try anything new. Smoking some weed from time to time help’s allot. Anyway, thanks for the head’s up..
Wild lettuce is also supposed to be good to relieve pain … per this web sight …. it grows wild through out the U S put i didnt see any here but i did order. Seeds & plan on making some tower gardening units but not ready yet i am watching for a free hot tub with piping intact for a fish tank & if piping is intact baby fish can hide from big fish so not only are you growing plants you also get the fish to put plant food in water and get to eat the fish when they get big enough
Did I read your comment correctly that you are going to grow wild lettuce? I am not able to go looking for it as I’m in a wheelchair so can’t exactly go in fields of weeds etc. do you get seeds to grow it you say? I’d like to do the same, can you tell me where you got them? I can tell you how to make the concoction from the wild lettuce in exchange.
I would truly love to have some tried & true family medicinal recipes, & tinctures.
You can also ease or reduce the symptoms with vitamin b complex. My Darling was an adult Diabetic that suffered from this. The complex eased the pain and the tingling that he suffered from.. Pls. Of course run this by your Doctor as both vitamin and Tumeriac are being used as a med. Pls make sure you list these as Drugs on your pharmacy/doctor info sheets.
I’m gonna try it for the same reason. the 2 things that help my neuropathy is oxy, Tylenol if i catch it early , and Xanax. not all at the same time. best of luck its bad to deal with i wind up crying
Have you tried Alpha Lipoic Acid? I use that with. Super B complex, magnesium and zinc. My neuropathy is so so much better. My diabetic doctor even helped me adjust the milligrams. So cool!
Are you on Methyl B-12 yet? I have reversed much of my neuropathy as well as restless legs. I started out on 5000mcg/day for a month now approx 2 days per week. I was so severe it woke me at night.
Mikie52, A More Excellent Way by Dr. Henry W. Wright in Thomaston, GA. Henry and the Lord worked together. He found what was “hiding behind” the pain in people’s lives. The book tells a lot. The book is
A More Excellent Way, Be in Health: Spiritual Roots of Disease Pathways to Wholeness (w/DVD). About the Author Henry W. Wright is the president and founder of Be in Health Global. Wright is also the pastor of Hope of the Generations Church in Thomaston, Georgia.
The Lord told him what caused MCS/EI in a guy years ago. The Lord said he had been wounded when he was younger. Pastor Henry cast the wounded spirit out and the man was healed of “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness” That was all he needed.
Hope of The Generations Church in Thomaston, Ga
visit one of our services, our times are: Sunday Morning at 10:00 am Friday Night at 7:00 pm. Hope of the Generations Church 4178 Crest Hwy, Thomaston, GA 30286 If you are looking for the ” For My Life Program” by Be in Health go to hopeofthegenerations.com or call.
been doing this for about 2 years. A little bit of a hassle but well worth it.
You can order on ebay i got a 25 cap. Unit & 250 cap. For bout $35 they were geliton caps …. they tend to expand with humidity so when i orderedore caps i ordered vegitain caps they cost a lil more i got 1000 for about $20 i try to get seperated it just saves a step cause you dont need to seperate them ……. OO caps are 1/7thof a teaspoon … or it takes 7 00 caps to fill teaspoon . …. i got it for baking soda to raise my ph 2 in morning for me but also help relieve indagestion
How long is the shelf life? Because when SHTF we will not be able to order more.
If you jse the vegan capsules it will also help with absorbtion; the gelitan capsules put a coating around your stomach that causes the absorbtion to take longer.
Absorption is in your small intestine, no stomach
Other recipes on line say to use equal parts of the same 3 ingredients. I wonder what difference it makes when this recipe calls for much less peppercorn.
I’m very fortunate that I don’t have any aches and pains, but I was just thinking, if one could come up with enough recipes that the ingredients could just be put into your meals? If the dose is so small, why not put it into a salad, or morning oatmeal. Heck, I don’t know, just thinking about going through the process of making the pills. Seems to me it’d be easier to incorporate it into your daily diet.
You’ll get pretty tired of every meal tasting of turmeric. It might be a small quantity, but it doesn’t take a lot. With the capsules, you can just swallow them and get the benefit of the turmeric without having to taste it every time.
I can’t eat any pepper at all so for me I’d have to make the caps. My mouth would just burn out with the tiny bit of pepper in it. Turmeric if spicy at all would do the same thing. So there are those of us that do need more than just the ability to eat something.
I have made suppositories from coconut oil. I would think you could make a more potent dose this way and avoid inflaming your stomach. Molds are available on Amazon. Generally you solidify them in the freezer but coconut oil begins to harden under 74̊, so I think you could find a way to cool them in many instances.
what is the brand name of that capsule maker?
This is a good recipe but be careful. I started with 3 capsules a day and increased to 6 capsules to get better chronic pain relief but soon found out it decreased my blood pressure to the point that I didn’t feel good. Researched on the web to determine that it is a blood pressure reducer.
What are the ingredients for lowering blood pressure. I’m taking a high blood pressure RX-Losartin and I want to do something herbally. Txs
You can get empty gelatin caps at most health food stores. And buy your tumeric at an Indian or Asian grocery store, it’s waaaaaaay cheaper than at a regular store & will last for years as long as you keep it in an airtight jar.
As for the person that said “for such a small dose, just sprinkle it in your food”, a teaspoon of tumeric is ALOT. I use just a 1/4 teaspoon for an entire Indian style entree for the family at dinner time…
I was filling my capsule one by one until i came across your page.
I purchased this capsule maker, it is quite easy to fill up 100 capsules at a time! Took me about 20 minutes for 100 capsules. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GJQQ8MM
Where do you find coconut oil powder?
My mother was in the hospital and she had Dementia. There was a doctor from India and he told me that they don’t have Dementia in his country because they eat so much curry (Turmeric).
Question how do u get coconut oil powder? Never heard of it. Can u make it?
Amazon sells it in various weights.