Fellow preppers,
You can throw away your water supplies!
No matter how much water you store, you’ll never have enough. Plus, you’ll make a lot of room in your storehouse for other things.
The newly invented H2O Dynamo occupies a small space and produces an unlimited supply of fresh, clean water, every day! NOT by filtering or desalinizing water that you already have… but PRODUCING water from air!
Pretty Awesome! Here’s how it works:
This innovative technology is inspired from the Israeli Army, who uses it to make water in the desert. This device is based on a simple condensation principle:
It takes the humidity out of the air and transforms it into water… It then filters it and there you go: your unlimited water source.
The device used by the Israeli Army (made by Water-Gen) produces around 50 gallons/day of fresh water.
Chairmen and co-CEO at Water-Gen, Arye Kohavi, says that:
“water transportation is one of the most common reasons for the departure of convoys. These convoys are attacked and have casualties (…) if we can produce the water to the exact point where it is consumed, we spare the need to transport water and reduce the risk and expenses.”
And you know what? He’s right! When the SHTF or in a crisis, I don’t want to have to get out of my house, my hideout or my bag out location to find fresh water. Without food I can last for a few weeks (4-7), but water is something I have to constantly search for.
H2O Dynamo – A Device for Preppers

First of all, the H2O Dynamo is something most of us can afford (to simply make at home) … compared to the technology used by the Israeli Army which costs a few thousand dollars.
Second, the H2O Dynamo is adapted for home and emergency usage. It occupies only a small space of your room, and it truly gives you (and your family) water independency!
More so, economically, it is really good investment! You can use the H2O Dynamo to produce your daily fresh water, if you want. Just think about the amount of money you spend on water now… The average American drinks 180 gallons of bottled water per year… so most of us spend a few hundred dollars (per year) only on drinkable water.
The H2O Dynamo produces up to 10 gallons of fresh, pure and clean water per day, enough for 3-4 families. So, if you want… you can associate with your neighbor, a friend or another prepper to buy or make one.
Water is THE most important thing I worry about even though I live only 4 miles to a lake. Making my own is going to be a big sense of security.
How are you going to use this in the aftertime if the air quality is filled with debree
The H2O Dynamo also has a filter
I would think to carbon filter it with charcoal and fine sand.
They work indoors also
Can you please me more information I am very interested in this device. Tx
Oh those Jews. Everybody with half a brain knows that a basic dehumidifier does this. I haven’t watched the video, but that is the basic idea. “Invented” by Israelis. Ha!
Hate Israelis much, so many inventions have been made by them do yourself a favour then, STOP buying anything from Israel, moron
What an intelligent comment that was Yoda
Start with throwing away your cellphone and computer all Intel microchips came from Israel and most medical innovations so if you’re gonna boycott their goods don’t pick and choose
Oh those Jews
is there something wrong with being of Jewish decent
Its the others now who are causing trouble the jews have to survive like they could nyt at Auswitch ..
reason because others dont like their ability to be creative they are not all meanies
and have a right to live or is that they were were originally the creators favoured nation ?
Jealously of the blessing of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and GOD’s Devine love for them who love him with all of their heart soul and strength and obey him
Yeah not pure potable water and what if you have no access to electricity a dehumidifier is worthless
Yes, a dehumidier does this but the water if a dehumidifier most likely has lead in it.
i want to order the book, on h20 dynamo, on how to turn air into water, but i want a real book would you email me and let me know where i can get the real book on air into water, also their phone number so i can call them thanks dick bottcher
i want to order the book, on h20 dynamo, on how to turn air into water, but i want a real book would you email me and let me know where i can get the real book on air into water, also their phone number so i can call them thanks dick bottcher
dick bottcher and guy Did you try to contact the company itself on information about their product at http://www.water-gen.com/ I agree with the person who said it is the same as a de-humidifier. And when it comes to having water a person would set up power sources to get the water if that is how you want to purify it there are many ways to purify water just be sure it is in a clean zone that you collect your items. I personally carry a straw when I go camping much smaller device for short term. I also feel the Lord made water to come down to earth in the manner He created that way the trees and everything get the water. If we suck the water content out of the air how is that going to help our natural trees and habitat.
I need one too
Have you checked Instructables? There is a plan for one there under this title “DIY Atmospheric Water Generator”
Drinking distilled water is not good for you. Drinking distilled water to survive is one thing, drinking it on a daily basis is another. Avoid.
Don’t know where you get your information but every single ship on the planet produces distilled water for human consumption! I drank it for 5 years when I was in the Navy (And I drank a lot of it because I worked in the engine rooms!) I’m still here!!!
Distilled water is called dead water because when it is distilled all minerals and nutrients are cooked out of it so if you drink distilled water on a regular basis you would need supplements to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs to survive
It’s nothing distilled.
It’s water from air (humidity)… just like rainwater… The filter makes the water drinkable… nothing distilled
There are no minerals in water vapor. Condensing the vapor to form liquid water is essentially the same as distilled water in the end – you have water which is devoid of minerals too.
I understand how you might feel this way as were taught to drink water with minerals and all the other `natural` parts water holds but this s actually a fallacy. Distilled water is extremely healthy and almost all the things you commonly get in water are either useless to your body or harmful. Its a massive topic with a lot of interesting points, but i`m not a clever enough person maybe to give you them. Look it up a little. Be sure though if you are buying distilled water that it is drinking quality and stored in human friendly containers, preferably glass. Buy your own distiller or make one from readily available plans online.
Silvermasheen you are horribly and dangerously WRONG. You need to not spread that fabrication you just stated. Distilled water is NOT meant for consumption because it has zero nutritional value. Drinking distilled water will cause you to flush out what little minerals and electrolytes you have in your system keeping you alive. So if you are in a survival situation, flushing out what little you are relying on is a sure-fire way to ensure that you die within about a week or so. You will literally die of dehydration from drinking distilled water because there is nothing to absorb. If you are unsure about a thing… Do not speak on it. You could get somebody killed if they took your advice. I’ve seen people hospitalized by drinking the stuff. DON’T. TELL. PEOPLE. TO. DRINK. DISTILLED. WATER.
As soon as the pure distilled water hits your stomach acid, it is no longer distilled water. There is nothing wrong with distilled water. You get your minerals from your food. In fact, minerals from food are the most absorbable anyway. Colloidal minerals are sold as a supplement in liquid form. They contain plant matter that has the minerals embedded to make the minerals more absorbable. Mineral water is a hoax to sell us dirty water. I still drink it though. In another note, be careful if you buy a humidifier for this purpose. Some humidifiers are difficult to clean mold out of them. Buy one that is easy to clean and contains no toxic run off from the filters.
gromit, I have been drinking distilled water for about 20 years. I have had kidney stones ever since I was 25 (I am now 68) and have had surgery once and lithotripsy 8 times to remove and blast stones as large as quarters so I could pass the gravel. The water where I live is very hard with lots of minerals in it and distilled is the only way for me to reduce the production of stones. I have one right now the size of a dime, even though I drink distilled water. So, it may not have any minerals in it, or fluoride for my teeth, but I still have to drink it. I take vitamins for my health.
Add Lemon oil to your drinking water and it will start dissolving the stones, I used to have stones and I thought I was going to die and I never wanted to get one again,
I use Young Living Lemon oil, three drops of oil in an eight ounce glass of water, every morning
Well, that’s what they like to say, but you ought to be getting enough of your minerals from your food, nothing wrong with distilled water.
my doctor as well as scientists have found out that we get most of our minerals from fruits and vegetables that we eat not from water so distilled water is OK to drink daily.
If it’s so dangerous then why they say only use distilled water to make baby formula to feed babies? If babies can live off distilled water for 1st 3 years of life adults can 2. It’s a myth and they want you to drink the contaminated tap water to control population. You will get all the minerals and things you need from food and distilled water is just PURE water without additives. I’ve been drinking distilled water over 2 years and finally got rid of my kidney stones and feel more energetic and less allergies etc. My blood work is cleaner now and more balanced. No more kidney problems or liver issues. Don’t believe everything govt tell you.
Drinking distilled water will actually cause you to die of dehydration. As weird as that sounds. The body does not absorb it. It has zero minerals in it. And it will also wash out all your electrolytes. There is a reason that you’re only supposed to use distilled water for engines and batteries. It won’t cause rust and electricity flows through it with ease. Don’t drink it. It won’t aid you at all. It won’t quench your thirst… It will only make it worse. And eventually your body will just shut down.
There is a show on tv they made on that does the same thing and they used a dehidimfier
I ordered what I thought was a book , instead I got stuff to download, My money was returned, But I see that others also want the book just as I do. A dvd an a book, I will pay for it, if it is available.
Can i buy one or do i have to make it myself?
What happens if you live in a very dry place like Nevada? Where is the moisture going to come from then?
Israeli desert is also a dry place. Just because it feels dry doesn’tmean ththaththat there is no moisture in the air atalll
This is good only if you have electricity… what if you dont have any…
Is water collected by a dehumidifier safe to drink?
No. That’s why it has an automatic filter.
If water was collected from a dehumidifier, boiled and filtered through a Sawyer filter, would it be safe to drink?
Know what is interesting…if you google this product/concept all you find are obvious shills touting how its NOT a scam. You also find there are NO negative reviews. NO product has zero negative reviews…someone always hates something about it and yet, nothing. Interestingly enough you also find NOTHING about what it might actually be.
I am truly curious how this can be. I mean, what does it cost to buy off google to this level?
I purchased this H2O dynamo and have the receipt for my purchase to prove it. However I was not given the access to download the book nor do I know if a book is being shipped to me. How do I contact the person who designed this H2O dynamo or someone so I can get the book I paid for whether it is an actual book or a downloadable access to the book.
Did you actually receive the machine? Did it work? Or is it a sham? I mean anyone can modify a humidifier. Also can modify a small air conditioner to step up the game and benefit from the cooler air. All it is temp differential. It naturally occurs when you have a iced drink in a glass. Basic chemistry 101. I was just curious on the application and performance of this machine offered. Thanks
I’m interested.
how do i get your info to build this hydro filter
how, when, where,$$ and do I learn more?
I’m just curious if this a sham, I’m sure there are products of this nature all over the market. I would be wary of the tactics of the producers in what perception they use to get you swayed in buy it. It seems like it’s a pull on your fear strings tactics both with environmentally poisoned water sources or when a looming SHTF scenario of a not if but when probability occurrence is neigh. I would trust a standard “hey our product is better than any other product out there” tactic of similar as seen on TV pitch. But the use of Israeli source is yet another suspicious tactic. I would assume because it hard to get any solid information from a country around the world that intentionally isolates itself from mainstream commercialism like most of the other 1st world countries like US, UK, or EU. I would imagine they make use of the propaganda on a prepper media site such as this to propagate likely consumers. All I can say is do your homework. Be creative, don’t let laxity of will override the determination to innovate. These things are good tests of resolve to be a true prepper. I try approach each prep as though it’s already a apocolyptic scenario. See if I can build it off grid and or from salvaged (As much as one possibly could) components. So when I am faced with it, I don’t have to “Trial and Error” it so much. Experience, knowledge a will to overcome is the true key in my experience to be a happy overcomer!!
The information in this presentation are fictional. California had a 5-year drought which ended in 1989. It’s a normal cycle, but is exasperated by the local & federal goverments. Due to the 2016/2017 extreme winter storms, California is no longer in a drought situation. If this state’s government will use the water wisely, there should not be further problems. However, rice & almonds are 2 water-intensive crops. The government needs to consider other crops which can be grown extensively without the exorbitant use of the water required for rice & almonds. There are also 3 major reservoirs that are federal/ state projects. The next time these reservoirs are depleted the federal government needs to accept help from other states (like Alaska) which have offered to help.
Just leave the gov out of all this stuff. They have screwed up every thing. We are the ginnee pigs for there shit… Re member, We The People. Not we the Gov…. Its our last hope for life and freedom from a sorry bunch of free loaders sucking up all that they can from the hard working man and women. They only give a little bit to make it look like they care. See how much they care when it gets bad. To late were screwed Suckers. Don’t be live me, just stop paying money to them and yes you will be delt with very harshly or just a bum living of them like so many know.
Would really like to know if this device (if it is real?) could be powered by batteries. If it uses the small amt. of power mentioned. ???
I’ve been using water from my dehumidifier (DH) for years. We have hard water so we use the “distilled” water from DH in filling electric iron (which used to get clogged with tap-water minerals); I also keep a few gallons on hand if I need “pure” water for any application (e.g. topping up car radiator in a pinch). It can be boiled and run through a Brita filter if we want drinking water.
BUT, if there’s no electricity, we have no DH and no well pump, so a standby generator would be nice (but expensive); we may save to get one.
I’d like to have solar with a means to store electrical energy but that’s going to another level, and expense. There are many passive DIYs to save on water and air heating by using homemade supplies (check out the used beer cans, painted black, run in series through a frame with small air pump to circulate and bring warmed air into home, or work shed…pretty cool)
I think the sales schpiel on this H2O device is pretty over-the-top and you can figure out how to collect and filter water from your home DH all by yourself!!!
does this moisture squeezer need to be plugged into 110volts 60cycle powersource? if yes , I would prefer to pressure cook moisture out of trees,plants, mud ot whateveryou find with water in it, then filter further if necessary. It should come out distilled and clean, just don’t use poison vegetation
Drink distilled or you’ll be drinking toxins. People believe and say all kinds of loony things about it.
A DIY device is any HOT PIPE slowly sucking from a BIG hot box (black in the sun) which will suck moisture from surrounding air like a sponge. A small computer fan can blow that hot air to a cool basement and it will drip out of a hose into a jug. If you filter your water before drinking you’re fine. If you have a smoker in the house your water may contain some of that particulate matter or if there’s a lot of dust in your basement and your jug isn’t sealed