The threat of an EMP or CME is always present, and many preppers are taking matters into their own hands to prepare for these events.
The basic building blocks of our EMP survival stockpiles are well known and are the first things we acquire.
When you have all the water, food, backup power, and everything else you think you’ll need, there are probably a few more items you have not considered.
I have compiled a short list of some items that you may be missing from your stockpile.
Hand Operated Tools
We rely on many power tools when building projects around the home. After the grid goes down, there will still be many things that need repairing or building for which you’ll need tools.
Most of us probably have a supply of battery-operated power tools and the backup power to charge those batteries. What happens if the EMP takes out your backup power source or destroys your power tools?
Related: EMP Prevention Plan: Why Our Government Has Done Nothing
For every power tool, you should try to have a manual equivalent.
There may not be a good manual option for larger tools like table saws, router tables, radial arm saws, or bench grinders. That being said, there are a lot of basic hand tools that you should include in your stockpile.
- Hand saws of various sizes and tooth patterns
- Hand drills and drill bits
- Hand planes
- Hammer and nails
- Screwdrivers
One good way to find out what you might need to add to your preps is to look at all the tools you own that require power and look for a manual equivalent.
EMP Cloth
The EMP Cloth is a specialized material engineered to effectively shield against all forms of electromagnetic waves.
When you wrap any object with it, it provides protection against the destructive impact of an EMP, offering the most straightforward safeguarding solution I’ve encountered for crucial electronic devices.
The EMP Cloth safeguards your electronics from the E1, E2, and E3 waves of an EMP, as well as shielding them from a CME, also known as a solar EMP, which our planet is presently overdue for.
Manual Generators
Gas and solar generators are a staple in the preparedness space.
We should all have these items in case the grid fails.
These backup power sources may be disabled by an EMP or CME and unavailable when you need them most.
Many human-powered generators are on the market today that would be a great addition to any EMP kit. These won’t do much to power your home, but they can keep batteries topped up while giving you some exercise.
You can also build wind turbines or water wheels that will offer a source of off-grid power. Often you can make these with easily obtained parts for a low cost. You don’t need to construct the devices now; you can set the components aside in case you need them.
Hard Copies
The problem with an online world is that too much important information is trapped on hard drives or the cloud. All your important documents need to have a hard copy or two printed and stored somewhere safe.
This should also include things that you may not have thought much about.
Recipes are something that many of us go online for. Gone are the days of cookbooks; we can simply use Google to tell us how to make dinner. Printing all your favorite family recipes is worthwhile so you can continue to cook decent food after the grid fails.
If you want a book filled with recipes for long-lasting survival foods, consider getting The Lost Super Foods. Everything in this book is explained in a clear, precise, step-by-step fashion, accompanied by colored pictures and easy-to-follow instructions.
Contact lists are another thing you should make a hard copy of. An EMP may not mean that the grid is down forever, and having a list of your family contacts will make things a little easier when re-establishing communication.
Passwords and account details are also essential to have a hard copy for when the grid returns online.
Manual Coffee Maker
I love my Nespresso and Keurig coffee machines, but they will not be particularly useful when the grid goes down.
A way to make a cup of coffee without plugging a machine in will mean that you can still get your morning caffeine fix even during the apocalypse.
There are many survival books and other valuable reference books on the market. You should have a library of as many reference books as you can.
Think about what information you would want to use the internet to find after SHTF and pick up a book containing that information. A few examples of the types of books and manuals you should stockpile are:
- First aid and other medical reference books
- DIY books for construction, electrical, and plumbing.
- Books on welding, fabrication, or mechanical trades
- Manuals for all your equipment and appliances
- Repair manuals for vehicles, equipment, and appliances
- Books on primitive skills
- Military field manuals
We should all be preparing for an EMP, but there has not been a case where an EMP has been used on a population that we can learn from.
The best way to get your stockpiles built up enough to keep your family safe and secure after the grid goes down is to take the time now to carefully consider each aspect of it and ask yourself what can be improved or what may be missing.
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“What are you missing?” Guns!, Yes guns, everything else is second to your 2A freedom rights.
The new California Gun Tax is being voted on in Sacramento and by CA gov. Newsom. Why you should know this?
CA gov Newsom as Biden’s replacement and potential Michelle Obama will be in the mix. This 2024 presidential election is our last gasp for American gun owners.
It is not what happens in Las Vegas, stays in Vegas. In California what happens there goes to other Blue Democrat run States. If they can get the Sheeple there convinced, their plots go to other Sheeple States.
We dont have elections , we have theft , crime familys and extortion with so much over the politicians head s , they have to go along
Cheeter machines, and liars networks
there is a way that seems right to thieves, criminals and the end is Final Death , that is right
the just suffer with the unjust , because of free will , God will Judge the nation for not speaking out , stopping this crime against humanity and accepting the leaven that has destroyed DC
Money and Corruption that s the Game
and by the way , michelle is really MICHAEL
Barrach is really gay and a pervert
Do the reasearch and you too will see the truth
dont trust the gov. liars networks and cheeter fake checkers
Please fix your comma placement. That makes it hard to read your postings, thank you:).
We like religious trolls to go away too! Go away troll please?
The best way to shake up the political world is to unregister your vote.
Unregister for the rest of this year and watch the heads start turning.
There is no such thing as libertarian free will in the Bible, God made vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy.. The vessels of wrath are used to shape the vessels of mercy.. And no you don’t choose God, nor is one saved by what they do or say.. God chose his sheep before the foundation of the world.. Each will be born again by his power, at his time.. Man has nothing whatsoever to do with his/her salvation.. God is sovereign in all things.
Nothing better than a like-minded awake Patriot!
Well Buzzsaw, here it is a year later and Trump is the President elect! His cabinet picks are totally amazing and soon, hopefully, we’ll see a slimming down of the wastefulness that is our government!
This is a good refresher for the regular preppers on this website. Looks more geared to what we might have as home bug ins. This might be changed some on of the line items for bug outs. This collection of equipment would probably need to be done into two piles one for the home and one modified for the outdoor travel. As weight will be a limiting factor carrying the stuff, depending on our physical fitness. Otherwise a decent article.
Well , Stock up , list up , make sure you are equipped with a good arsonal of Guns, ammo , and barracades
Lots of covert items for hiding, cover , and ananimity
you will have to hide , conceal , and cover as the crime networks will come after you and what you have so they can live good after they destroy your s
That is right , the good of the many outweigh the good of the few
Take , Steal , do as they see fit JUST as the bible predicts
Everyone will do what is right in thier own eyes , that s right Feels Good , Seems Good , must be ok , join the mass and while they sink the ship , all who follow will go down with it
Read the bible , study to see truth , look for it like you really care and want to see it
Go to the pleasure centers , fulfill the lust of your flesh and see what happens when it is over
There is a consequence and reward for those who choose to hate, God, Follow Evil , choose money , and follow Flesh
Rememeber Flesh and Blood cannot , cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven , God cannot dwell with sinful mankind ,
So the payment is thru Jesus Christ , the payment for sin, all sin , yuour sin
Trust , believe, commit to follow Jesus christ an you will be saved from the coming judgement when God who is holy, just , loving , patient will remove his hand from holding back satan and his evil , and those who choose evil
People who keep exposing religion in every sentence has some type psychological mental thought process of a nervous breakdown.
Maybe PTSD is in the mix. Paranoia is a factor of low self esteem.
We are obliged to WARN. There is no obligation to CONVINCE. It isn’t paranoia. It isn’t some type of psychological mental thought process. It’s just an obligation, happily performed in service to the King.
Which king do you refer to?
God will not need any introduction to planet earthlings. They either believe or not believe. Religion and prepper when did that become a combo?
We need a separation of religion and government here too. Prepping and religion are not exclusive in the mindset of Bible thumpers. Even Claude, the website owner would agree. There are many people who are not Bible thumpers or Christians that are preppers too.
Keep your Bible thumping to a simmer here.
The rest of us preppers are using this website to learn about prepper and survival related subjects.
Sundays or the Sabbath are days for God and a day of rest for the real Christians.
Modern society has many religious people in name only. Trying to one up people with their ‘Hoity-toity’ superior attitudes. We get it, now keep your religious activist nagging to a low roar, please!
The future past is calling on 2030, to return back to 2030’s Dark future warnings. 2035 is the real future of America. Gas & oil is being drilled on American soil once again. The economy is so bright, we need sunglasses to see.
The Southern Border Wall is completed, the sex trade cartels are kicked out of America. Illegal drugs are almost nonexistent. Homelessness is gone from major cities. Corrupt politicians are in prison.
2035 welcomes Christian America back again, being strong and supple to fight against evil.
It use to be women were literal minded and men were logical minded.
Today’s world men have become soft, they too take things literal too much.
We are seeing our country being feminized in all directions.
Our country is being driven into the mud wrestling arena of division by religion and politics. By our modern day Pharisees and Sadducee’s.
I use an old analog coffee pot on my gas stove for coffee, only need fresh ground coffee, that is it. 7th heaven simple to use.
Prepare to live like it’s 1850 and you’ll do just fine. I would also suggest having the material to build an outhouse as well as an outdoor cooking station. Basically, no electricity= no water in the pipes. Your electric range and refrigerator/freezer racks can be repurposed to dry food on when placed in your hot, non running vehicle; no electricity= no fuel.
Why should we the people, for some we the sheeple have live in the 1800’s anyway?
There are more us then there are of those elected few in politics.
It is the dumb down public that can’t understand what is happening to their America.
Perfect examples are all the Democrat Blue States are awash in human homeless feces on the sidewalks and parks.
Until we get a grip on reality to clean house, we will be living in the stone age instead.
I think we are better than that for 2024.
Good point – the vermin in “power” that are the cause of the potential need for us to live like it’s 1850, won’t be… You better believe they have every intention of continuing their comfortable lifestyle – there are no rules in their domain.
I hate to say it, but their “removal” by cleaning house will take more than a few elections, I’m afraid…
The same old story of we got to go back to 1800 something is ridiculous. This is 2023, unless a large asteroid hits us or Biden gets elected again. We are not going back in time.
Who started this prepper myth of an 1800 era period we are going to live in?
We have some responsibility as to what happens in our future.
Many sound like they have given up to big government beast of these modern times.
Buck up Bucko, we are not liked yet!
Typo error: Buck up Bucko, we are not licked yet!
We definitely need an edit button to correct the spelling!!
Found the LA Times online article my friend Nora has tried to post here, being erased by the website monitor. The new California Gun Tax Sacramento is implementing this year. This is coming to your States soon too.
Did you call the AC repair guy? You might be smelling yourself. Ha, Ha!
to all making fun of the believers. you have the right of free speech and so do they. plus what if they’re right? let them have their beliefs. you have the right to your beliefs. our freedom is on the line. if the lefties gain control, we will loose that freedom if they have their way. newsum’s evil will spread like wild fire and burn us all. woke is a disease.
Thou who speak God’s truths in such a way as to separate the people from the church. Must be told Bible verse lecturing on websites such as this one here. Are doing injustice to the word of God. This is not a religious website to expound one’s own religious narrow views on other people’s religious faiths.
We believe those who continue a constant drum beat of their faith. May not be the sameness of other people’s religious view. Of which those people are trying to hijack a website for their personal handout.
“you can ˌtake/ˌlead a horse to ˌwater, but you ˌcan’t make it ˈdrink” ( saying) you can give somebody the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to See. Can I get an “AMEN!”
PLEASE no nasty criticism Just MY opinion.
Since we ALL still have the freedom of speech , (in “my opinion” not much longer) We should be respectful of others.
I personally like this site. I find valuable information often, not agreeing with it all, or every opinion.
Being a Christian, I PERSONALLY believe in the WHOLE BIBLE.. MY CHOICE. Times are getting worse & will continue.
We need to worry about our own welfare. Putting to use, if it fits our needs. I don’t see where being critical / nasty of others posts benefits anyone.
Let’s accept what this site is set up for & if you don’t agree, pass it.
Modern Christians believe in the New Testament part of the Bible. That is where the rub is. There is too much end of days fear mongering. Faith is in the eyes of the beholder.
We don’t have to except the treehuggers for what they are. Why should we except supposed Christians using verses into every posting here. Whether we agree or not, freedom of speech is not freedom of religious verses that are not part of other pepper’s religious choices. Or how they practice their faith in God.
It is a two way street, not a one way street as some here think it is.
There is a silent majority here that lives in fear of telling Bible thumpers off.
Please, oh please think before you post. Perhaps try reading it a couple time before you post.
The entire Bible is important and it’s first writings and second.
For all those who are launching personal attacks, please stop. This is a serious subject. Not only is the sun nearing solar maximum and full of sunspots but chinese are pouring across the southern border by the thousands. I’m sure most of them are looking for freedom and work but anyone who thinks the CCP isn’t mixing agents in with them is deluded. It is well known that a small group armed with rifles can bring down the us power grid for years. I truly believe that a Chinese attack on Taiwan will not start with a mass missile attack but an attack on us infrastructure instead. That would force the us to recall us military forces from overseas to provide relief and security. Taiwan knows without its us protector it will lose and will surrender without a shot.
The question posed by this article is are you ready. You will be on your own. Can you supply everything you need for years without power or any electronics. Can you obtain safe water. Grow food. Keep dry and warm. Provide sanitation. Maintain necessary health and first aid. Provide for security. Cook without gas or electricity. Preserve food. If the answer is no to any of the above then you are not ready and you are at risk of dying if the power goes out and stays out. If your plan is to grab your go bag and live off the land, forget it. A 100 million city dwellers will try the same thing. You really think there are that many deer out there? There’s a reason studies estimate a 90% death rate if the power goes out nationwide.
We the people got soft on who we vote in to be president. Very evident about who is in the White House. The pouring in of military age Chinese is another example of the dumb down voters. Trump warned all this was going to happen and yet we all let it happen to us.
Don’t care if the sun goes belly up, God is still in charge, whether you like it or not. He decides on the final ending not us mere fearmongering mortals of earth!
Trump is anti gun with no chance of winning a election
I read some of the comments and have a few thoughts:
Not an 1850’s life….we do not have the tools, knowledge, manufacturing ability available they had then…steam engines, hand presses, etc. Almost Everything now is computerized, automated, centralized….so grid down = useless. That means water, sewage treatment, most cars, gas pumps, your lights, furnace and even blowers on many wood stoves…certainly combines, tractors etc would cease to work.
Look up Venezuela…at end of 1990’s was one of world’s leading economies….now many scavenge to eat and often go without necessities, yet the rest of the world goes on.
If a total world depression or even just a solor flare or EMP in U.S. there is NO ONE coming to our rescue…only maybe to invade.
Our schools are so bad, many kids do not have reading comprehension upon graduation much less know history or self-reliance skills.
All our modern “2023” skills/knowledge are useless for most if lost in the woods…imagine a month, a year, decades…. Battery cars do not last or work in floods, harsh winters or without replacement. Phones need satellites and new batteries and cell towers…components that will not be available or replaced.
People are on medication, health aids that would be gone.
Just dealing with severe cold, no heat and frozen pipes, much less lack of modern toilets and running water…daunting!
Then there are the wildfires and severe storms, but no NEWS or warnings to prepare you.
Read…the information is out there. Without teaching even the memory of what we have now would be lost in a generation.
I do not feel hopeless, but it will be HARD and I may not be one of the few who make it….but doing what I can for my kids and grandkids. That is what prepping is about…
Absolutely correct and you are correct that we don’t have 1850s knowledge or technology. Most will lack the necessary skills and will be desperate and armed. It will be a blood bath and I’m afraid people will resort to cannibalism.
The flame barely flickers. Want it darker? Put out the flame.
Read “One Second After”. That book will change how u look at things after an EMP.
The book bleakly describes the dying that happens after the modern world is destroyed. We won’t b able to save those on fancy medicines or those with implanted medical devices. They will all die. Then those w/o support groups. Think nursing homes & hospitals. Staff will go home to help their own families.
Then if u r lucky enough to b part of an organized group in the country side, food gets rationed & the weak die, but the strong survive & help the ones they can. If they r altruistic.
If not, heaven help us all.
God will provide but I believe we must do our part to keep our family as safe as possible
Fun fact: Humans can live without coffee.