It’s very simple to use a GPS tracker. Anybody can do it. But I’m pretty sure you’ll find here some useful information you’ve never thought about. Life is far easier nowadays than ten years ago. We live in the technological age where the availability of data is just a button away. Everything is monitored and tracked with the assistance of spyware, tracking systems and GPS systems. Whilst the resultant privacy issues are a major talking point, it is also true that these technological advances have definite advantages in our everyday lives. There are so many systems and devices on the market to choose from and anybody can afford them. In addition, the exact application of these systems is chosen and you need to decide what exactly you want to use a GPS tracker for. I am going to expose some original ideas about how to use a GPS tracker that someday (maybe now) may help you.
How Does It Work
Firstly, how does a basic GPS tracker work? Well, Global Positioning System (GPS) rely on 24 satellites that transmit signals to ground units or receivers. The receivers interpret these signals and track the exact location based on both real time and historical data. It uses the Global Navigation Satellite System network (GNSS) to record exact locations. The system provides critical capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the world. It is developed and maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver. The Russian surrogate of GPS is GLONASS and it is the only alternative navigational system operating with global coverage and comparable precision. The Chinese and the EU are also building their own tracking systems: BDS and Galileo.
A GPS receiver it’s pretty hard to do it yourself but if you have some knowledge over electronic circuits and platforms you can follow this tutorial. Use your GPS receiver for anything you want to track.
Use a GPS Tracker To Trace a Car
The most common use of GPS tracking is for cars and fleets. You can trace your personal car and find it in case it had been stolen. Not to mention the joy that your hijackers will probably be caught. Or you can use a GPS tracker on your car to easily find it in a mall parking lot. Don’t tell me you’ve never search for your car in a parking lot!
You can also use a GPS tracker to trace another’s car. But to use a GPS tracker to trace another citizen’s car is legally debatable. Generally speaking, it’s legal to use a GPS device to monitor another person’s car if the GPS device is place on the outside of the car (such as underneath a bumper) and if you place the device in a public space (not on his property – like his private garage). I don’t advise you to do so unless you’re pretty sure he’s up to something really wrong. In fact, the reason why I’m telling you this is because you might be the victim. Here is a quick to tutorial to check your car for a GPS tracker.
The delivery companies also use a GPS tracker to trace their delivery vans and thus ensuring real time and in time deliveries. The use of a GPS tracker provides this extra protection and peace of mind. Many insurers also offer a discounted rate where these systems are installed. Where extremely valuable cargo is carried, motor vehicle tracking systems ensure the safe delivery of the cargo. Car and fleet GPS tracking are mostly “live” systems where one can follow routes on a “real-time” basis. It tracks speed, time, route and GPS co-ordinates. You can even track driver performance with the vehicle by including reports on harsh braking or turning, speeding offences and visiting a specific geo-zone, which is out-of-bounds.
The installation of these units is done by experts and usually “hidden” so that not even the owner knows where on the vehicle it is installed. Here’s a 10 min tutorial to help you install the tracking device on your car.
Use a GPS Tracker In Case Of TEOTWAWKI
In case of TEOTWAWKI it’s likely that the satellites will still work, still transmitting signals. Probably long after the phones will stop working, after the power grid will collapse and so on. However, the quality of the almanac will degrade quickly over time. You can also use GLONASS, the Russian alternative to the US Global Positioning System (GPS) and the only alternative navigational system in operation with global coverage and of comparable precision.
There are numerous debates whether you should take cover in a bunker or you should travel after or during a major SHTF. The truth is that all depends on the circumstances. A deadly virus, a nuclear war, a cosmic apocalypse will ground you in your house or your bunker if you have any. To use a GPS tracker is nonsense. But at some point one or some people will have to get outside and explore the emerging world. In order to expose as few people as possible to the new threats you can monitor their trace with the GPS tracker. This way you’ll know if/when it is safe for all the people to get outside and start a new life.
There are some hypothesis that TEOTWAWKI will happen after a major food crisis caused by a continuously desertification – sustained by the increasing Global Temperature. After having finished your food reserves you’ll have to travel a lot to find food. It’s likely you’ll use a GPS tracker to find your exact position or to find your companionship in case you split.
Use a GPS Tracker To Trace Your Pets
Use a GPS tracker to find your lost dog/cat or simply see where they are going. In recent times, pet GPS trackers are quite popular. Pets love to wander around and slip out like naughty kids. Instead of them getting new owners or get lost, many owners install pet GPS devices on their pets. This comes in the form of a neck system or a chip implant. The chip implant is more secure as pets can get rid of their necklace .A great story is the one of Rommel the German shepherd. After wandering outside his tag zone, the owners were alerted and after looking for him, found him in a frozen pond where he fell into a hole. His TAGG system saved his life.
Use a GPS Tracker To Trace Your Child
Having your child not return home when expected, or sending him on a camp with the possibility of being abducted is every parent’s nightmare. There are many ways of keeping track of your child. Common ways are amber alerts, pocket finder and GPS tracking.
GPS tracking systems are usually incorporated via mobile phones. You can track your child’s movement from your own mobile or Internet. This will give you up-to-date locations as well as historical movement. There are numerous cases of parents finding their kidnapped child via phone like this child rescued from the hands of his aggressors. Maybe most of know the application Find My iPhone, just remember to have it registered as soon as you can.
Use a GPS Tracker To Trace The Elderly
One reads so often about elderly people getting lost. It takes time to find a family member or an old age home where this person wandered from. Use a GPS tracker to assist you where a senior citizen suffers from dementia or other mental problems. There are systems that can warn you through a text message or e-mail when an elderly person wanders outside the generated “safe zone”. It will indicate the exact position and the speed they are travelling. A panic button can relay an emergency message immediately where potential danger exists. The use of a GPS tracker can save them from harm.
Use a GPS Tracker In Emergency Situations
If you are hiking or camping and you are not close to any town, a GPS system for emergency scenarios is more than handy. Installed in your phone or as a separate GPS system, these systems can save lives. A hiker was hiking and chased by a Grizzly. As he fled, he got so lost and had to depend on his GPS tracker company to assist him. Always have a GPS tracking device in your bug-out bag. There are hundreds of stories of people being rescued after having used a GPS device.
Use a GPS Tracker To Catch a Cheating Spouse
Is he or she working late very often, but when you call the office or the mobile you cannot get in touch with them? Is the mobile always on silent or do you hear whisper in the middle of the night only to hear bad excuses? Does your spouse scream another’s name when having sex?
You can use a GPS tracker either to put your mind at ease or to catch them in the act. There are active and passive systems, which tracks vehicle movement as mentioned above, how long they were at a specific location and the location itself. You can install a GPS tracker on their phone to monitor where they are at any moment.
Always be prepared for the results and ensure you can deal with what you find.
Use a GPS Tracker When Sending Valuable Goods Or In Your Airplane Baggage
Use a GPS tracker when you are sending a valuable package via a courier company and you really do not want it to get lost. Just place a GPS tracker device inside the package. As soon as the package moves outside the vehicle, it can be followed and pinpoint the exact location. Frequent problems arise from the mix-up of airplane luggage especially for international flights. You won’t need to worry about that.
The best part is that you don’t need 8 GPS devices. You can only use a GPS tracker for all this. One that can easily be adapt or place wherever you want. I personally use the Amzdeal GSM GPRS GPS Tracker but any other GPS tracker is useful.
If you can use a GPS tracker against others, they can use it against you.
Placing a tracker on someone else’s vehicle is trespassing. It is also an invasion of privacy.
Good way to get shot is to get caught placing a tracker on someone’s vehicle.
Also, if you discover a tracker on your vehicle, locate an interstate truck headed far away.
Place it on that. Gives the criminal something to ponder.