War in Ukraine: How It Could Affect the U.S.
More than 125,000 Russian soldiers are now stationed on Ukraine’s doorstep. Another 15,000 Russian separatists are waiting to join their...
More than 125,000 Russian soldiers are now stationed on Ukraine’s doorstep. Another 15,000 Russian separatists are waiting to join their...
In October 2021 prices went through the roof, with an unprecedented jump not seen in decades. Actually, what happened was...
Nailing down the most dangerous zones within the U.S. can be kind of tricky. Typically one has a pretty standard...
We are living in unprecedented times with worldwide inflation, supply chain disruptions, an uptick in natural disasters, cyberattacks on critical...
Ask just about anyone, and they’ll tell you that 2020 was a year of disasters. Many of those people will...
If an armed society is a polite society, then the state government in Texas has just made a very deferential...
We do a lot of talking about electrical power in the prepping and survival community: specifically, how we can survive...
We spend a lot of time in the prepping and survival community talking about TEOTWAWKI events. There’s some good reason...
The year 2020 has been declared by many to be “the worst year in history.” But that name has been...
Editor's note: This article was written by one of our most respected readers and opinion leader, Left Coast Chuck. Event:...
In the midst of a global pandemic, riots that have caused over two billion dollars worth of damage and a...
The first reported case of the deadly Coronavirus that started in China has been reported in the United States. A...
Winter can be a tough season; right now, across the USA, millions of people are dealing with low temperatures and...
Something a lot of preppers worry about is the thought of having their carefully accumulated supplies confiscated by the government...
It’s hard enough to explain to modern kids that, just a few years ago, all a cellphone could do was...
Electromagnetic pulse attacks are one of the most alarming threats facing the western world. There are two reasons for that:...
By John Claxton It’s official: scientists warn that we now are facing a pandemic SHTF. The deadly, frozen pathogens that...
Remember the high hopes for the “Arab Spring” in 2011? It’s almost forgotten now, apart from one grim legacy –...
Editor’s Note: After an EMP or CME (Corronal Mass Ejection) the world will go dark and silent. However, if you...
In any major disaster or SHTF situation, there will always be two critical forces that respond: the government and you....
Mention a dystopia to most people and they’ll probably think of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Thought Police and Big Brother. That’s...
Prepping has an image. It’s not very fair, but it is persistent. When the average person thinks of a prepper...
Allergies can be a real hassle, and they can negatively impact your everyday life. There are many types of prescription...
When going through your food stockpile, you may observe that some foods are past their expiration date even though you have...
Editor’s Note:This article is written by James W. and does not necessarily reflect this website’s options and beliefs, but it...
Editor's Note: Just to make one thing clear: I hate thieves just as much as you do! But I do...
Hammer axe outdoor pocket tool –You make everyone happy with this gift. With a lifetime warrantee and 12 functions, this...
Economics is a rigorous subject. Not because it is an arcane discipline with indecipherable mathematical formulas but because so many...
Disease comes in many forms. It is not only bacteria and viruses that cause disease. Cancer, as we all know...
In an emergency situation you might have to leave your house and retreat as quickly as possible to a safe...
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