Amish Friendship Cinnamon Bread
Many preppers believe that we are on the cusp of the next economic collapse. This collapse would likely lead to...
Many preppers believe that we are on the cusp of the next economic collapse. This collapse would likely lead to...
The dreaded M word...Mold. Many areas that you inhabit daily can have mold. Millions of small spores clump together and...
Editor’s note: This article was written by Maybell Nieves, a professional physician from Venezuela. Dealing with this subject has been...
Most people see a dandelion growing and immediately reach for the weed killer, but I am hoping to change a...
A few weeks ago I wrote an article on knots. I’ve tied a few knots in my time, and I...
Unless you enjoy the 19th century lifestyle the chances are fuel plays a big role in your prepping. After the...
Like many things in life, there are ideal tools to accomplish certain tasks. Traps are another example of just that....
The God of Fungi, also known as Reishi mushrooms, boasts a bounty of nutrient-rich compounds and takes up an extremely...
As more and more people travel the world so to do the problems and diseases of the world. The greatest...
Going off grid is a dream for many. It has become the ultimate symbol of freedom; living your own life,...
Even though pepper spray has been around for a long time, I have never bought any. One of the reasons...
A moth can wreak havoc on about anything. Have you ever noticed an infestation in your grains? They are notorious...
Learning how to grow your own vegetables is one of the smartest choices you can make. Not only is it...
Prepping can take on many different styles. Some preppers focus on bugging in, while others focus on bugging out. There...
Knowing how to make a rope is one of the basic skills that everyone needs to survive in the wilderness...
Most batteries in cars, trucks, motorcycles, and boats, as well as solar electric back-up systems, continue to be the lead-acid...
Bees have been in the media spotlight recently due to their declining populations and the huge implication that their dwindling...
Bed bugs are a tiny insect that is about the size of an apple seed. They are reddish-brown in color...
Are you a fan of Spam? No, not the junk email kind…the meaty canned mix that’s been around since WW2,...
I recently suffered debilitating headaches and brain fog to the effect that I was unable to work. Trips to the...
Editor's note: This article was written by Maybell Nieves, a professional physician from Venezuela. As a professional physician having always...
It seems like one of the favorite “fun” subjects for people to talk about in the prepping community is bug...
Chemical weapons and chemical warfare have been banned indefinitely under the 1925 Geneva Protocol which should infer that we have...
Food: it seems to be the one constant in prepping. We start out buying food and many of us are...
Dressing a whole chicken from start to finish is an essential skill that any prepper should possess. You may not...
If you find poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) on your property, you need to act quickly, but with caution. If you...
Common mallows are annual plants, and sometimes it seems they can be found anywhere, while on other days, they’re nowhere...
Have you ever wondered what the structure of your garden soil is? It would help when making decisions on what...
Here at Ask A Prepper, we like to focus on things like the lost ways and ancient knowledge. The forgotten...
I am a firm believer in growing your own medicinal herbs and I have quite a few in my garden....
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