Making and Using Thermite for Survival
Long ago I came to the conclusion that no matter how much I stockpile, it won’t be enough. That’s why...
Long ago I came to the conclusion that no matter how much I stockpile, it won’t be enough. That’s why...
Getting to your bug out location on foot is slow and strenuous, but it’s reliable. If an EMP has disabled...
Preparing to survive in a post-SHTF world is challenging. More than anything, we have to realize that we’re preparing blind....
There are several herbs and spices that can be used effectively for controlling blood sugar. Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, turmeric, marjoram,...
Trapping is one of the most overlooked and underutilized skills in the prepping and survival world. Apart from being mostly...
Building a survival stockpile is a never-ending task. No matter how much you have, it always seems there’s something more...
Many survivalists I know are voracious readers. Whether we read online or we read actual books, we love to read....
The CDC says we should all stop pondering the possibility of entering a post-antibiotic era. The Centers for Disease Control...
Medicine cabinets are interesting things. While useful for the storage of medicines and other things that we need, many seem...
Everyone in the prepping community gets around to talking about bug out bags at one time or another. I’ve done...
Imagine some 2000 years ago a Pharaoh was buried in the great pyramids and adorned in gold and riches. Radical...
Our bodies need cholesterol to function correctly. It is necessary for the brain, nervous system, cell walls, and to produce...
During the years that former President Obama was in office, I heard a constant string of warnings about the pending...
Anyone who has even thought about prepping quickly came to realize that it’s not a hobby for the faint of...
Cooking is a survival skill. Its one of the most overlooked but for the longest time it was prioritized. That...
Inexperienced foragers might have trouble distinguishing between the healthy American Ginseng plant and the poisonous Virginia Creeper. The two plants...
On the night of September 20th 2017, a Category 5 hurricane slammed ashore the Puerto Rican islands. A torrent of...
Jerusalem Artichokes are not actually an artichoke at all, but these nutrient-rich tubers should be a part of every preppers...
Harvesting your potatoes in bags is not only a good way to grow them in small spaces, but it can...
A Swedish couple have taken a novel approach to keeping their property in Stockholm warm all year round. Marie Granmar...
The smartphone has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Since 1983, when the world’s first cell phone was...
Off-grid living is something that many of us aspire to. Not only does it provide for excellent self-sufficiency and sustainability...
Food poisoning is serious business; nothing to be trifled with. According to estimates by the Center for Disease Control and...
Bark pealing was a traditional practice amongst the Sami people of northern Scandinavia and of many different indigenous tribes of...
Building a survival stockpile is a challenge on many levels. Trying to afford it is one challenge. Trying to ensure...
Chile has struggled to become a thriving democracy. Once a dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet, the country has gone through considerable...
Jug line fishing is an easy method that has been around for a long time. First timers and seasonal fishermen...
Food preservation is one of the most essential topics for preppers to be familiar with. In this article, we’re going...
A common weed growing in the cracks of driveways across the country is capable of relieving pain, calming inflammation and...
If you grew up in the south, you might have looked warily at the overtaking kudzu that swallowed up whole...
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