How To Identify Poison Ivy Growing In Your Backyard
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a very common plant in the United States and it is very persistent. Poison ivy...
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a very common plant in the United States and it is very persistent. Poison ivy...
Yeast has long inhabited the planet Earth, a simple organism that is hundreds of millions of years old. It plays a...
CB radios are inexpensive, rugged, mobile, and widely available, making them well-suited to use as a SHTF communication system. However,...
Once upon a time, root cellars were the only way people had to preserve their food. These wonderful cold-storage areas...
There are several OTC antiseptic ointments to choose from at the local market, which are normally applied directly to the...
We have enjoyed a period of time on this planet that has been relatively calm and habitable. I guess we...
There are few things more rewarding than watching your orchard full of fruit trees and berries grow. Keeping an orchard...
A prepper’s way of life is to plan for any type of situation that might occur throughout life. One area...
While retail shelves and online retailers have stock that is full of designer hiking and camping foods, there are those...
The average meal for two in a typical NYC restaurant is $102.60. I wondered how much food I could buy...
If you watch the news on any given day, it doesn’t take long to realize there is an opioid addiction...
Chicken is one of the most commonly eaten meats in the world, even though it technically isn’t a meat, but...
This post was gladly contributed by Danny Major from Alpha Survivalist. There isn't much any of us can do to stop...
Preserving a glut of fruit is easy compared with other foods – who doesn’t love jam? But there’s another delicious...
Oils and fats have different storage times depending on the type of oil and storage conditions. Under normal storage conditions,...
Ahh, bread. There’s a reason that we, and by “we” I mean almost the entirety of the human race, have...
If you want to get the benefits of dried fruit without spending a lot of money at the grocery store,...
Claude's note: This is the second part of article written by one of our most respected readers and opinion leader,...
Whether you’re storing food to save money, prepare for a major disaster or simply enjoy the art of food preservation,...
A home-made wind turbine is a great addition to anyone’s home. It’s a simple build that also gives you electricity....
Claude's Note: I decided to introduce a new section called Myth or Fact. We will confirm or debunk common survival...
First off, you’re probably wondering what in the world portable soup is. It’s essentially a broth that has been dried...
You’re ready to survive an EMP attack. Your well-stocked backyard root cellar is designed to double as a bunker if there’s...
In a survival situation there are dozens of ways to cook outdoors without power. Solar ovens, clay ovens and open...
EMPs are potentially one of the most destructive weapons that could be used against today’s society. Just a single nuclear...
This article was written by Mystic Orb. I never ever can get shoes that fit me right, that feel good......
Carrying a handgun for self-defense (where lawful) is one of the most basic steps of being a prepared person. The...
This article has first appeared on Smoking Meat Forums. No weighing,no calculator, just a simple recipe that works quite well,...
During the Great War, trench cakes, like the one I’ll show you how to make, were made from a family’s...
Making yourself a solar stove is an easy way to save money on your electricity bill. It uses the heat...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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