$100 Prepper Walgreens Medicine Run
Prepping is a never-ending challenge. Building a stockpile that will see us safely through any emergency we might face is...
Prepping is a never-ending challenge. Building a stockpile that will see us safely through any emergency we might face is...
If you keep your own flock of chickens, you already know how beneficial these little workers can be. They provide...
Well-organized stockpiles of food are our safety net during uncertain times. With an impending depression looming, it’s time to take...
When we talk about off-grid power or emergency electrical power, most preppers are talking about solar panels or possibly a...
In some cases, military gear can be an exceptional choice for prepping or survival and often, this gear is not...
Hmmm…refrigerate, to be or not to be? If you have ever wondered if a certain food item should be kept...
Is the USA going to collapse? Nobody can say. There are a few things that could cause a collapse, but...
When there is a societal breakdown, be it localized rioting or a nationwide crisis, looting becomes a major concern that...
I have studied survival and prepping most of my life, and I have learned quite a bit. There have been...
One of the big problems in dealing with any potential disaster is knowledge. Can you imagine living in Florida in...
Over the last decade or more, FEMA has become one more federal agency that everyone loves to hate. I wouldn’t...
World War Two was a total war, and the Allies had to mobilize their whole economies to produce the weapons...
Self-defense in this nation is a narrative that is hidden beneath the pressure of the cultural revolution. I can explain...
Chances are you already know that cattails are a survivalist’s godsend. In addition to providing water, food, shelter, and fuel,...
One of the biggest problems that a prepper faces is finding the space to store the food, water, medical gear,...
Back in 1949 the world was still recovering from World War II. The Korean War wouldn’t start for another year,...
Being a prepper can be hard work. You have skills to learn, tools and supplies to collect and maintain, a...
For thousands of years man has used the bow and arrow for hunting and for war. Many indigenous tribes around...
Ever since the “Great Recession” of 2008/2009, financial gurus of all stripes have been predicting another great depression, perhaps one...
There are numerous occasions when we need a rope to be pulled very tight and secured while not losing any...
There’s no question that another economic crisis is coming. The only real question is when. One economic guru after another...
The US is facing a severe ammunition shortage. After an uncertain and chaotic year, the demand for weapons has toppled...
There are so many benefits to cooking with cast iron - especially if you’re a prepper or homesteader. No matter...
Well, we survived 2020 and now we face the hope of a new America in 2021. We will be faced...
Back when I was in the Army, we didn’t have MREs available to us; we were still eating C-Rations, the...
The average steel bunker, base design, is going to run you over $20,000 for installation. I think that most preppers...
On October 29, 1929, the US Stock Market crashed, surging the country into what we know as the Great Depression....
In a previous article, I wrote about how to harden one’s home against intruders, which detailed how to make a...
The year 2020 has been declared by many to be “the worst year in history.” But that name has been...
We all have our food storage for when SHTF. Some of us can live on our supply for years without...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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