End-of-the-World Movies Every Prepper Should Watch
Post-apocalyptic movies and dystopia shows have been very popular in recent years. Some are pure fantasy and designed to merely...
Post-apocalyptic movies and dystopia shows have been very popular in recent years. Some are pure fantasy and designed to merely...
Being a cowboy in the Old West was a hard life, with few luxuries. A cattle drive could easily take...
If there is only one disaster that you believe you prepare yourself and your family for, what should it be?...
There are few situations more dangerous to an infantryman than urban combat, especially in dense residential areas against well-armed opponents....
Bushcraft is the knowledge and practice of using almost entirely non-man made resources to survive and thrive in a natural...
These days prepper communities and survivalist groups are growing throughout North America and the world. Even if you don’t consider...
Not many people realize how easily their water stockpile can put them and their family at risk in a crisis....
Being able to keep your family fed for less than $10 in a crisis can be tricky. Even if you...
One of the most important preparations you can have as a prepper is the ability to replenish your water storage...
Being prepared means being ready for anything – and that includes medical problems. Without access to the modern healthcare system,...
In a SHTF situation or a prolonged disaster, knowing the places to avoid is a critical component of any safety...
As a homesteader, I find joy in being self-sufficient and growing my own produce in a small garden. While I...
In a prolonged SHTF scenario, even the most prepared people will eventually need some form of currency to purchase the...
Keeping your livestock safe when SHTF is a critical component of maintaining food sustainability beyond what your prepper supplies provide....
I wasn’t too worried when the lights flickered. It happens, sometimes. It was a stormy night, with the temperature hovering...
Survival homesteading and prepping can be accomplished while living under HOA rules - you just have to be a little...
One of the most talked about concepts in prepping circles is the idea of having a BOB, or bug out...
There are many reasons our nation could be thrust into some form of Civil chaos over the next 6 months....
The world has become so interconnected that it is nearly impossible to keep our information private. We valued privacy only...
When you think of newspapers, your mind probably conjures up images of your dad reading the Sunday paper groaning about...
It was not that long ago when opponents faced each other in night combat with nothing but moonlight, starlight, and...
As preppers are well aware, preparing your home and family for long-term crises and emergencies involves accumulating a substantial food...
If you are serious about prepping for any disaster, you must have off-grid communications squared away. The only way to...
My current property is like something right out of a Shell Silverstein poem. The city limits line ends at my...
Aside from shelter, water is the most critical component for maintaining human life in a survival situation. On average, a...
Until that day comes, and it will come, it is almost impossible for us to wrap our head around the...
Chickens are some of the best introductory animals to homesteading available in today's market. You can find them on hundreds...
When disaster strikes or a minor recession turns into a full-blown financial crisis, money is going to get tight for...
It’s a lifestyle that survived thousands of years before the onslaught of electricity. Then, when Edison invented the lightbulb, humanity...
A lot of preppers are quick to stock up on critical supplies like food rations, water purification, outdoor equipment and...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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