How To Make Bulletproof Body Armor Plate
In a way, I’ve always had a fascination with “bulletproof vests” ever since I first heard of them as a...
In a way, I’ve always had a fascination with “bulletproof vests” ever since I first heard of them as a...
A walk down the aisles at your local warehouse big box store will raise the eyebrows and pique the interest...
Has Monsanto been sneaking into your garden and onto your dinner plate? Keeping the biotech giant and its competitors out...
There are many ways to trap pigeons or birds, but this is the most efficient and ingenious way to do...
If you want to get a debate going amongst survival types, all you have to do is say, “The best...
The media is dying. Read about it in the media. Facebook is pumping $300 million into the media. And that’s...
During WWI and WWII, nearly every home had a vegetable garden. In fact, it was almost unpatriotic not to have...
How many times have you gone to the freezer to grab something for dinner later that night or the next...
I became a ham and prepper about 20 years ago. I had always been interested in amateur radio, but the...
It seems as if the beginning and ending of prepping is stockpiling food. I say that because that’s how almost...
Communism hit center stage with the Russian revolution, as first Vladimir Lenin and then Joseph Stalin remade Russia into the...
Companion planting can not only help your growing plants thrive, but deter pest infestations that can greatly diminish your harvest...
Following the tragic school shooting early last year at Parkland and an unprecedented wave of public activism, we have seen...
The best state for homesteading depends on many things and may not be the same for everyone. Every state has...
Nobody likes to be bugged; at least, nobody I know likes to be. Yet we live in a world where...
It’s easy to focus on the major needs when talking about survival. Food, water, fire and a few other things...
We’ve all heard the news stories about seeds found in ancient tombs that germinated when planted; yet the seeds you...
Perennial plants either live through the winter and produce again the next year, or they can die each winter and...
My husband, Chuck, and I have always wanted to start homesteading. After thinking about it for a while, we decided...
If you make bacon, especially in large amounts, you might have grown tired of dumping all the grease that comes...
I enclose you a list of the killed, wounded, and captives of the enemy from the commencement of hostilities at...
When you’re in for some turbulent weather, do you head to the store with a list entitled, “Food for Power...
The threat of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) hasn’t gone away, just because President Trump managed to get North Korea to the...
A good many of you probably took one look at my title and said “What?’ You’re probably sure you read...
Prepping can be expensive. I get it. I’ve been at this a long time and have had just as many...
Much has been said and written about the benefits of the moringa tree, especially its leaves. Whether the leaves are...
How good is your home security? Would it stand up to the tests of widespread civil unrest, burgeoning crime rates,...
The current government shutdown is the longest on record, having surpassed the 21-day shutdown of 1995-1996, during Bill Clinton’s presidency....
There are many reasons why certain plants should not be planted together. Sometimes it is a matter of height. For...
Would you know how to diagnose an EMP strike within five minutes of the event? Do you know the steps...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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