What the Amish Ate During the Great Depression
The Amish people, known for their resourcefulness and ability to make the most out of what they have, showed true...
The Amish people, known for their resourcefulness and ability to make the most out of what they have, showed true...
Have you ever wondered where everyone (or at least most people) will flee to when a major SHTF disaster strikes...
With winter coming on soon, it’s important to be prepared. The cold winter months are always among the most challenging...
Most preppers plan on using wood for heating and cooking, in the event that the power goes out. That makes...
There’s an old saying that in desperate times, people will do desperate things. If the power grid goes down or...
One of the scariest survival scenarios we face today is a potential loss of the electric grid, brought about by...
Plastic blue barrels are popular with preppers and survivalists for one very big reason: they are one of the most...
If you think about weapons for self-defense, the chances are the first thing that comes to mind is a gun....
A combination of laws passed by Congress and executive orders signed by various presidents has given FEMA an enormous amount...
One thing that is absolutely certain during any kind of unexpected SHTF disaster is that it will be unpredictable. This...
Growing a survival garden has become a staple of prepping. When we realize that any long-term or TEOTWAWKI event that...
When the grid goes down you will find that there are a plethora of items that we take for granted...
Gas and diesel generators have a shared and massive flaw. They are extremely loud. When times are good, and you're...
It’s been a bumpy couple of years for the US economy. In 2020 we had the pandemic and all the...
The first snow flurries of winter are just around the corner. For some, living high enough up in the mountains,...
Stockpiling food for over the long term is an essential aspect of preparing for any grid down disaster. The best...
Our government declaring martial law is one of the scarier scenarios that we might be faced with. There’s no saying...
There are two kinds of preppers in the world. The first is the type who take their craft seriously. These...
Unless you’ve totally tuned out from any news, you’re probably aware of what recently happened in Israel. As dawn broke...
Keeping chickens is a rewarding venture and a gateway to a world of feathered delight and self-sufficiency. The clucking of...
As the leaves change colors and the air turns crisp, fall brings a bountiful harvest of fresh fruits and vegetables....
Even though it happened three years ago, the Covid-19 pandemic is still fresh on everyone’s minds. This is not only...
According to an old saying, “the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.” The meaning is simple – don’t be...
Food is one of the most essential ingredients to sustain human life. It took spending six-plus years as a culinary...
If the SHTF and society collapses, most of the services you’re used to having around will disappear. You’ll be on...
There’s a new term that has been birthed by politicians and pundits; that of the “food desert.” This is an...
It’s fun to enjoy small luxuries in life such as watching streaming services or eating out to restaurants we enjoy....
As a prepper, ensuring the long-term shelf stability of your food supplies is a paramount concern. One essential protein source...
It’s a sad fact that, anytime you leave your home, there’s a chance someone will pay an unwanted visit while...
One of the most critical survival skills you can develop is learning how to take random items around the home...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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