My dad is living with me and my family. He just had his 80th birthday, but he’s very sick and bedbound. To top it all off, he also needs dialysis three times a week and because he cannot just go to a hospital, we have an at-home dialysis device. I can’t afford to have this device broken by the effects of the EMP.
So over the last years, I’ve searched, tested, and tried a lot of EMP protection devices. In my research, I stumbled upon dozens of gadgets and inventions. I spent a lot of time and a lot more money trying some of them.
But I’m happy to say I found something that works and I want to share my discovery with you. One day, a close friend sent me the link for something called an EMP Cloth. He was convinced it was what I was looking for. I clicked on it but was not very hopeful. And…it was something that looked like a blanket.
So I ordered ”the blanket” and to my surprise, it was delivered very fast right to my doorstep. Now my job was to test it to see what’s the deal with it. The return policy was quite generous, so I wasn’t in a hurry, but at that point, I was intrigued.
It said it was developed by American scientists and it was supposed to work just like a Faraday Cage and it even stops anybody from tracking your phone. It’s supposed to provide 98% military-grade protection against electromagnetic waves.To test it I used a radio and an old mobile phone. I turned on the radio and wrapped both in the EMP Cloth, making sure nothing was exposed. And as soon as I was done, the music coming from the radio stopped. This means it has no signal inside because no electromagnetic waves are passing through. So, this thin piece of material was working.
But I also had to check with the phone and I made a call to my old phone wrapped in the cloth. Nothing. Complete silence. This meant it worked. Eureka!It’s probably the simplest method I found to protect my dad’s precious dialysis machine and all the other appliances me and my family will need in the event of an EMP or CME.
The cloth it’s also big enough to fully cover any type of electric generator, diesel, solar, gasoline, etc. and you can even cut it to fit smaller objects, like laptops, walkie-talkies, radios, phones, and anything else you need to keep protected from the devastating effects of an EMP.
The only thing is that although it’s quite big, 15 feet long and 3.5 feet wide, just not big enough for a car. But I already ordered my second one. It should be on its way and as soon as it gets here, the plan is to sow the two together and have it ready to wrap my car.
Hopefully, you won’t have to deal with this sort of problem I have and you just want to keep all your electronics safe and functional. That’s why I recommend the EMP Cloth and if you want to test it yourself, you can find it at this link.
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You see the earth bound God awful, liberal , Demoncrat , insensitive , Baloney.
God has a plan for all of us , the deceivers on earth are not part of God’s plan.
If god , Jesus and the Holy Spirit is about love , why must we all have to go through all these life experiences on earth ?
Why must we suffer for the sins of the story of Adam and Eve?
Believe the organized religions of the world are only to control mankind to the purpose of global elitism. Not to be confused with the true teachings of the authentic universal God of truth.
The simple belief in God should be that simple. Then going to one of the organized earth religion churches to be indoctrinated.
We are the children of God being deceived on earth.
Why must we suffer in life’s experiences ? Is this a prerequisite to a warrior life in the next journey of our soul or spirit to be in heaven?
What are we defending in the next life , war or peace ?
I agree, when you read the cover to cover we get one meaning. When we read or cherry pick certain parts of the bible we get many different meanings. Skipping around is where the priest, minister, preacher comes into play to weave a warm story for the Sunday worshipers to digest. The Sunday word of the gospel, but what does it really mean to the average church goer on Sunday or Saturday?
A normal Western book is read from left to right. Other manuscripts maybe read in opposite directions to read their texts.
The bible readers once or if they ever did read cover to cover, tend to focus on verses that are taken out of the full contents of the full meaning of the story. that is why people get upset with the so called bible thumpers that tend to focus on one minor script verse. That loose the meaning of the book, chapter and verse in what the whole story meaning was all about.
Interesting how the church, specifically jump from one part of the bible in verses to the next to create a story to their Sunday preaching sermon. To the average church goer, it is confusing to see the skipping around the bible to make sense of a preaching lesson.
It keeps the clergy in power and money to continue. When you actually look at it all a simple believe in GOD is all you need.
So going through the weekly church services, reading the bible get the average believer any closer to haven than a person that does not go to church services or read the bible?
We must see there is a lot of clutter between God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and the average man and woman. The organized religions tend to guide the populations at time in selfish reasons then teach the true God principles of love.
Organized world religions mix in politics that tend to divide us around the world and cause emotions to erupt into centuries of wars.
What is God all about away from these organized religions tend to confuse us to the truth?
Or in other words. organized religion gets in the way of true faith. Going to church is fine but it should be tempered with our own reading and research.
Remember, God does not take attendance and the church is not a ticket to heaven.
Jesus suffered for us, when he died on the cross. His word says, we will suffer, as he suffered, because of him. If you love Jesus, then the devil hates you. He will do everything in his power to steal, kill and destroy you. The blessing in all this is Jesus, he walks you right through the fiery furnace of adversity. Trust in him, he loves you with all of his heart.
An awful lot of people who believe this also follow a leader who has more documented political lies than any other American by far He advocates for Christianity but holds a Bible upside down He often does not pay his vendors He is notorious for not tipping He will often stiff paying contractors and businesses he hires All of his decisions are based on how it will help him as opposed to how it will help the country
It always sad but inevitable the problem sees the solution as the problem. Isaiah 5:20.
A reader named “Mohammed” …or “Israel” may more understandably have such an opposition to the Complete True Faith ….because he would have had no real exposure to the lifestyle of devout Christians.
However, for someone given the name Christopher – most likely through Baptism – to have a negative attitude towards the fact that Christ Himself prayed:
“that they may all be one (in and through HIM)” is very sad, very tragic.
God willing, Guardian Angels …and intercessory prayers of sincerely pious individuals on earth and in Heaven….may be favorably heard by Heaven to gain additional grace and peace for your life.
There are many zealots on both sides of the religion coin, heads tails you win or looses, depending on what the person says.
There are many indoctrinated from childhood that have never talked to other people in different religions. So many have a close mind to what God is all about.
There was one religion in the beginning, as humans were and are woke and not, started many splinter sects of the one religion. Humans always have opinions and differences to what they perceive is religion and who God is. God is perfect, humans are not, unless you are in heaven with GOD right now.
You people who fight over religion views are just like what is going on in Israel and Gaza and the innocent are in the crossfire of religion.
Be kind to your fellow man and woman.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”
words can and do kill..
Good questions! Yes, the majority of the churches are fake – just as Jesus said at Matthew 13 in the illustration of the wheat and the weeds – he gives the illustration and also the interpretation in this chapter. The reason we are suffering now as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin, is because of the big question mark that resulted from the issue Satan raised. He implied that Adam and Eve were better off deciding for themselves what was right and wrong – that God was withholding something from them that they had a right to have, that God did not have the right to give them the boundaries in which to live. This is what the tree of knowledge of good and bad was all about. Why didn’t God just destroy the 3 rebels? Because now that question was raised in the minds of all the billions of angels looking on. They were also intelligent creatures with free will. Did God have the right, as universal sovereign and their creator, to set the boundaries of good and bad? To be fair to all, God has allowed time for the answer to that question to be worked out once and for all. Six thousand years of human history has showed us the answer. Why so much time? It may seem like a lot of time to us, but to God a thousand years is as one day (2 Peter 3:8), so to him it has been less than a week. Revelation 11:18 tells us that he has an appointed time (see Greek Interlinear and some other translations – the KJV just translates “appointed time” in the Greek as “the time”) to bring to ruin those who are ruining the earth. Jesus gave us the signs to know when this would occur, and we are seeing all those signs being fulfilled today. At Luke 21:28 he said “as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.” Once God brings the destruction of Satan and all evil forces, he will accomplish his original purpose for the earth (and for humans). Look at Genesis 1:27,28 to see what that is. Jesus also said “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). That truth is there in the scriptures. It is quite simple. Jesus said one of the signs of the end would be that “the good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). This Kingdom is the one that Jesus taught us to pray for the in the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9,10). There is only one group on earth today who is doing this preaching work. Find them and you will find the truth.
Once you understand that it is NOT about you, but ALL about God, His plan, and His purpose, then everything will make better sense to you. I understand your frustrations; believe me I do, but place your trust in God and know that He is in control and everything will work out fine if you’re justified through Christ Jesus.
The EMP cloth may or may not protect us from the military grade EMP Pulse of the attack. We are not given the full story as some techniques are classified from the public. “Is it real or is it Memorex?”
Another topic;
Phase 2; the takeover,
The Chinese nationals are here to conduct operations beginning in the secret bioweapons labs located around the USA. Next the farmlands owned by the military bases will be base ops for assaults. The illegals and terrorist cells will conduct the actions as they are being transported by bus and air ops.
The other illegals trafficked by the Mexican drug mafia are used in clean up ops. These illegals will be used to bury the dying Americans during the new Covid virus plandemic ops. These lethal ops are built the results occurred from the original Covid tests.
Once the bioweapons take a major portion of the American population the mop up ops progress.
The Chinese owned seaports will be part of the shock troops of the recent cargo ships docked for an attack on major utilities and certain choke points.
The open southern border will be the major access points for the heavy lethal military equipment to enter. The Trojan Horse ops are coordinated by the Democratic stronghold of governors and mayors that have been bought off through previous agreements. The red and blue blue states will have been under mined by what we call turncoats, liberals, to save their lives and their family members.
And the plans continues to evolve in America.
The American Border Patrol on the southern border have confiscated EID’s, what else is coming across besides fentanyl?
There are terrorist cells are part of the Biden Trojan Horse tactic to take down America.
The recent Afghan Withdrawal leaving mass weapons of mass destruction in the hands of religious thugs. Many of these weapons are spread around to groups in the middle east that end up in the hands of Iran proxy terror groups killing Israel citizens.
The corrupt Bidenomics administration tells Israel to cool their jets, not to eliminate the Gaza Iran backed terror fighters.
At the same time Biden’s Pentagon tells Israel to ply by the rules the terrorist didn’t do. Biden does the same playbook with Israel as Ukraine giving aid to both sides. Example aid to Israel and Gaza.
Gaza takes the money to Iran to regroup for weapon supplies and kill more innocents.
The same thing will happen on American soil with another fours of Biden, Harris administration. Or continue with CA gov Newsom, Michelle Obama or other liberals in charge. While Obama the original divider in chief pulls the puppet strings behind the scenes, we have currently.
When is our next Pearl Harbor, 911 or October 7th surprise coming?
So true. An EMP wave is very different from a cell signal.
In my church we read verse by verse and word by word. Some times it takes a year to read one chapter! I have read the whole bible 15-17 ( I have lost count) times and am still reading it, because each time I do I learn something new! There is so much more to understand in the Word!!
Is the bible truth or fantasy created and written by the elites?
Is the bible the whole truth or another distraction to our future goal to leave earth to our home with God?
More wars have been started by friction of the many organized religions on earth than any other conflicts man can conceive on earth.
Is reading the bible a prerequisite to going to heaven or a manufactured creation by the elitist for power and control?
In the beginning man did not have a complete bible nor many language interpretations and versions of a completely selected books added or deleted to the modern bible. Which bible is the true word of God?
Who is still alive that can verify all the contents of the bible is the truth of reality or stories we must learn to live by before the Second Coming?
Unwavering faith in God is your verification. As the Bible was translated it is possible that a mistake could have been made. If you truly believe in God any mistake that might have influenced your understanding will not be held against you. Faith in God will guarantee you eternal life.
To answer all of the questions you present here you first need to evaluate your own personal faith because to ask these questions something is missing as a true believer in Christ would not have to challange the Bible’s authentisity the way you have done in your post.
The Catholic church has moved, transferred pedophile priests around for many decades than casting those evil ones out of the Catholic church.
Recently this pope is letting homosexuals have unions under the Catholic. The pope won’t allow recognized marriages yet. Only a matter of time the pope lets the gays and lesbians openly marry. In the future the churches will go against their parishioners as said in REVELATIONS.
Yes all organized religions have their pros and cons for the sinners of the world to decide which cult to worship at.
Blanch, you sound like a sincere person. I will ask you a question: What if the Word of God was the Word that was in the beginning… before human bodies, before language, before lips, before pen and paper? What if the Kingdom of God truly is within you, as Jesus said, and that God lives in His kingdom within you? What if the Word of God is not words, but some words in the bible point at the Word? What do we do then? What if we simply follow the directions Jesus gave: LOVE (he did not say “believe in God”, but “Love the Lord Thy God.” And there is a clue in Jeremiah 29:13 –
“…ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jesus urges, “SEEK and you WILL find; ASK and you WILL receive…” As Jesus said, “The Kingdom is within you.” It is. And it is exquisitely beautiful and fulfilling. Pray for protection and be committed to knowing God and don’t let anything come between you and that Knowledge. Pray to Know God. Read the bible; ask for clarity and insight. Ask questions of the Holy Spirit and request very clear answers. Don’t let your preconceived notions stand in your way. Those who clung to the synagogue teachings 2000 years ago, missed the Messiah when he came. Yet the Messiah and God the Father are not synonymous. Let Jesus be Jesus and Let God be God. Jesus led people to God. Let God take you into the Sacred Knowledge of Himself. God IS Love; God IS Light. God IS Spirit (not “a’ spirit but Spirit.) Don’t let anyone’s interpretation of the bible interfere with what you know in your heart to be true. Study Matthew 13 and John 3:1-3. You are blessed. You are loved. Your prayers to know God are answered… Let him from your heart of hearts.
millions upon millions of people have been killed and murdered in the name of religion in one form or another. look at history and do your own research. it’s all about control over others.
i believe in god but not in the false prophets on this earth.
The Bible is alive. Always new revelations.
I use Mylar bags of which this cloth uses for the same materials.
Mylar bags are NOT EMP proof
Even ones that computer mother boards are shipped in to stop static electrical damage
Do you have a method of sewing it that would not defeat the cloths coverage? Very interested in making some covers for items.
Amazon has “Faraday tape” that might be something to consider.
Wow your response was pretty harsh. My son had a kidney transplant four years ago and my biggest fear. When shit hits the fan, he won’t be able to get his anti-rejection drugs, I would like to have a at home dialysis machine for him and would gladly wrap it in this cloth! my son is young , but who to say this man father should just go! is l And who says his dad doesn’t want to live, we never know what life is going to hand us lemons or strawberries! Don’t be so negative. Life is good if you make it.
Kathy, praying for your son. Hopefully it never hits the fan.
Hi Kathy,
I know a woman that had a liver transplant.. She slowly weaned herself off the anti rejection drugs.. That was many years ago and she is still doing fine at 74 years old.. So maybe that could save his life.. Don’t know if it’s the same for kidneys or not.. Just letting you know there may be a way.
Kathy, Jesus was the healer. He did not rely on drugs. Start now to affirm perfect health for your son – made in the image and likeness of God. In God’s perfect design, there is only radiant health, no dis-ease, no weakness at all. Affirm it even if it doesn’t look to be true, for it will become true, as God wants us all to come beck to our original perfect design – as He made us. You may also want to say “vamoose” to any ‘demons’ that might be harbored in that surgery site, for they do not belong in your son’s vicinity. “I do NOT consent…” or “I demand…” We are here to take our power back, as Jesus did and as he said others would do – even more than he. Thank God for answering your upcoming prayer… “I thank you Father…” That is how Jesus prayed.
How is his dialysis machine going to work if the grid is down?
The ONLY comment of truth in this entire post-article conversation! Kudos! You beat me to it!
Everyone else is blinded/distracted by tertiary things.
This prepper site has gone woke, a sad state of affairs.
Solar generator?
We were alive before the grid was formed. The grid is not life. We can align with Life and be free of man’s technology.
Good question… how will anything work if the grid is down? Faraday clothes, cages, etc. will be useless if the grid is down, there won’t be any electricity going anywhere, so basically buying all these Faraday items is a waste of money. The only time these would work would be if you produce your own electricity.
Some of these comments are the worst opinions on faith that I have ever read. Don’t trust anyone who teaches in a church. Keep it simple, God is God, and there is nothing more to say about him. the fact is that people who at least examine what has been written and said about God at least have something to think about, whether they agree with certain ideas or not. But to say that anyone who has anything to teach is either an air head or a deceiver is nothing but corrupt, and to make matters worse, the real deceivers here give people very little to think about or to know.
“Better than a Faraday Cage” … is *actually* a faraday cage.
This cloth works OK, you need to get the right one for the frequency range you’re trying to block (shop around).
Double up on the seams if you’re sewing (or use glue).
P.S. There is no God, he won’t save you (especially when SHTF). The bible is not the Truth, it was written by man … you wanna go looking for conspiracies and agendas … look into the history of religion.
The Vatican , pope and the priest of the world war 2 vintage did help the Nazi’s escape to south America. The Catholic church went on a binge with the The “Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition , commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition , was established in 1478 by the Catholic Monarchs , King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile.”
The Muslims are just as guilty in their religion , beheading the no-Muslims , even if those people did convert.
All organized religions are corrupt , even in Jesus Christ lifetime. He set the religious organized religions upside down of the pharisees controlled.
Yes bible thumpers , do check the real world history of religions of man , not of the true GOD we love!
Snorkers, you are right that God is not a guy. God is pure and perfect Energy. It looks like Light; freels like Love, sounds like… uh… Sound or Music of the Spheres… tastes like “living waters, nectar, wine, ambrosia…” And it is conscious, so it does work through us and speak to us when we want to hear what it has to say. Try it. Test it. It’s pretty cool.
We are never alone.
All these religious people on this article are missing the boat of the questions proposed in questioning some parts of our religious beliefs we have today.
Many have seen the religious leaders lie to people who are trying to understand the truth of God.
Many of you here are taking these questions to heart, then help explain what these people are seeking answers for.
People should show a little humility towards those seeking answers in a world that is the devil’s playground to deceive us all.
Have some compassion to those seeking God’s truth!
I hope you will read my responses, above. There is a book that might be helpful too: “Knowledge, the Essence of World Scriptures”. It describes the thing we think of as “God” from viewpoints of many people who experienced the pure energy that IS God, throughout history. It is always in us, with us, surrounds us… We are never alone.
Enough religion, our homeless vets and seniors are getting screwed!
Screw the green energy that is killing our economy.
While you all debate the religious views, the FBI is setting out a warning of possible terrorist attacks in America.
Yes these terrorists here are likely Muslim related and a religious jihad on America.
Those who voted for Biden, shame on all of you.
The open border, Bidenomics, no oil drilling and all electric everything is destroying America. The illegals are bankrupting our finance system with a bunch of freeloaders.
Keep religion to yourselves, we have real world problems going on in our nation. We can not keep this unsustainable flow of illegals into our nation.
Us seniors can not afford anymore increase in taxes to house, feed, cloth illegals and our own homeless people including the USA veterans getting a raw deal.
The VA medical system is sending our VA healthcare to illegals than caring for veterans funded by our taxpayers in the USA.
Roger, hats off to you and your strength. Thanks to all of our Vet’s that that served, gave their life and limb to protect our freedoms. The war pigs are at it all of the time. This country was founded under god and I do not have a problem with using our Omni present awareness of god which brought us together on this forum. We all seem to know something
Biden has told federal employees to take and ride anything electric, mostly E vehicles than a gas vehicle for climate change as these government workers go to work and on vacation.
CA gov Newsome will replace Biden, if Biden gets elected as his term in office maybe shortened by too much dementia. Newsome will slip into the presidency and make an even bigger mess.
Obama running for his fourth term…
Religion divides us truly.
I have lived in Gaza and escaped to Egypt recently.
Religion to me can be very cruel, both sides believe God is on their sides.
I wish Israel eliminates every Hamas fighter in Gaza, praise be God.
You Americans are so lucky to discuss your religion differences in public. We cannot in public without being found out, in some cases be put to death.
Well said Monic!
I have some of the RF blocking fabric that you talk about, I wrapped my phone in one layer of the material and went into my car, the radio in the car was still able to connect to my phone.
I then wrapped the phone in two layers of the fabric and the car radio was still able to connect to my phone, I wrapped my phone in three layers and the car radio could not connect to my phone.
It takes three layers of this fabric to block a signal connection to a phone but will three layers block an EMP? Would I need more than three layers of this fabric to block an EMP?
Unfortunately I have no way to test this fabric against an EMP.
Some people make an RF free bedroom in their house by removing all the plaster board then stapling this fabric to the studs and ceiling joists then re drywalling the room.
Based on my test I would use three layers of this fabric behind the plasterboard in the bedroom.
They also glue this fabric to a pull down window shade to block RF from coming in through the window glass.
This RF cloth is only good for the electrical component (e field) of an electromagnetic wave. And as you concluded, it takes multiple layers to be effective.
The reason it took three layers for the receiver to loose the signal is due to the attenuation factor of the cloth’s weave density and the receiver’s sensitivity threshold. Not to mention the wavelength (lamba). Different results may occur based on what receiver brand/model is used.
This cloth will NOT work on the magnetic component (h field) of the EMP…. Mu-metal or ferrous type metals will be necessary to redirect the magnetic fields. It will also depend on the distance and Flux density of the EMP source.
This whole article and conversation is irrelevant.
Love all you religious, self righteous trolls you send me.
Religion is the greatest divider to man, next to politics and the great divider in chief at the white house of shame in the district of Columbia.
The Roman Catholic church allows blessings to same sex couples, what?
James 4:4
To the guy saying “let your dad die with dignity, just let him pass already”. I bet if it were you with the kidney issues, the tables were turned, you were in the Dad’s shoes, you wouldn’t say that. Everyone talks a lot until it’s them. Especially democrats!
Because democrat = hypocrisy. Exact same thing.
Scout hit the nail on the head, it is better to learn to live without the grid. I put more emphasis on learning the different variations of wood stoves, having a wood pile for my fireplace, preparing food for storage (canning, freeze drying,smoking) and insuring a water supply. Most of us preppers will get by that way. But if I needing dialysis or other hi tec to stay alive I would search further and plan on spending more than the cost of this over hyped blue tarp.
I bought the tape, cloth, bags, large and small
as growing up as a boyscout and then trained military , we alway plan, prepare, test long before incident occurrs
yes , they are coming
yes , they plan on take over and control
yes the judas traitors have sold yu and our countries out for Money, Mamom, wealth, luxury
yes there is a coming world war
yes there will be more , much suffering
yes there will be a great falling away
yes much deception , and yes only those who truly trust, believe, and follow jesus will be saved , not flesh , but spiritual
you see God is NOT dead, our out , He is patient, loving, waiting , forgiving , untill the last moment of time
we dont know when , but we read, teach, train, search out like mining for gold, silver or precious items worth much
To who much is forgiven is much appreciated , you must see , you have sinned , all have sinned , all fall short , failed
and Jesus Christ the way , the Truth , the life has died for all who would follow, believe , trust in him .
john 14:6 and further in the study it says my sheep hear my voice and they follow
the world cannot see him or understand him or even get a grasp on his way because
The World has Chosen Sin, perversions, Lust, Idolatry, other foreign Fake , False Gods instead of God s Truth
God is Just , Patient , waiting for the very last soul to make that choice to confess sin, repent , turn from the lust, perversion , stealing, adultery’s and fleshly desires that take YOUR heart from God and not let you See truth
Sin Separates Mankind from a relationship with a forgiving God
TRUTH : if you want to see you will do anything, everything , and no matter what the cost to find truth , see God, and Find Peace
There is no one who can work or pay thier way to heaven
be not decieved God is not mocked , you reap what you Sow
Well said Monic!
Ben, this blog went woke a couple years ago when they started censoring, and not in an equitable fashion.
Ben, this blog went woke a couple years ago when they started censoring, and not in an equitable fashion.
What good will any of these faraday items do if the grid is down, there won’t be any electricity going anywhere unless you are producing your own.
These will be a waste of money.
Questions of confusion!
If Faraday cages work only if completely covered with solid material – why was Tesla not hurt? Why are some devices claimed protected when 1/4″ open wire is used to protect like your electrical meter to your house?
If EMP is a electrical wave does it travel in a straight line as an example throwing a stone into the water? Or does it bounce around? How does it bounce around and with a lid on a garbage bounce to go up and under the lip to ruin electronic devices? Why does it have to be sealed tight?
Do EMP waves penetrate ground? If so how deep? I know some radio wave bounce, but does the EMP bounce when hit with and object?
Are electrical devices under ground protected? Not ones attached to above ground services, but strictly isolated underground.E.g. A buried plastic garbage can with items in it?