Probably the ultimate dream for many of us preppers is to have that cabin in the woods for our survival retreat.
Many of us would take that a step farther and just move into the cabin permanently, forgetting the city and living off-grid. I’ve wanted that for years, but I’d also want my patch of woods to be close enough to the city, that I could go into town for groceries, restaurants, movies, and trips to the hardware store, without it taking all day.
As our population grows, finding that ideal place to buy such a property is becoming harder and harder. It’s not that there isn’t any land out there, but rather, the land that’s either exorbitantly priced or not so desirable. Still, there is land available, if you know where to look.
Related: Where Free Land Can Be Found in the USA
Of course, that land may not be all that convenient to get to. That’s something else to take into consideration.
If you live in New York and buy land for a prepper getaway, otherwise known as a survival shelter, in Kentucky, will you be able to get there in a time of crisis? Probably not. But you could move to Kentucky and find a job there or find a way to telecommute from your new prepper property in Kentucky.
Before we look at some potential states to buy your dream property in, let’s take a moment to look at some criteria that you need to consider:
- Remote Location – Ideally, any prepper property would be in a remote location; somewhere where you don’t have to worry about neighbors or roving gangs coming to get your supplies. If you can have it remote enough that I’m someplace where nobody is going to find it, so much the better.
- Ease of Resupply – While we want our survival shelters to be far enough out in the boondocks to make them hard to find, we also need to consider the ease of getting into town for resupply, especially if we plan on living there, rather than just using it for a survival retreat. Besides, we’ll need to get materials and supplies in there to build it.
- Availability of Water – A prepping property probably isn’t going to come with city water; nor are we likely to find a property with a stream or river on it. But it’s essential to have water, either from rainwater or from a well.
- Electrical Power? – While we all would love to go off-grid, generating enough electrical power to live like we’re accustomed to that way is a real challenge. You either need lots of solar panels or to change your lifestyle considerably. The other option is to buy a property where electric power is available to use, while you build up your off-grid capability.
- Natural Resources – Regardless of what you buy and how much you stockpile, you’re eventually going to need to use the resources that nature provides you with, specifically hunting for food and wood for the fire.
- Natural Disasters – As much as possible, you want to have your prepping property located somewhere where there is a low probability of natural disasters. California earthquake country or anything on the Gulf Coast that’s subject to hurricanes probably won’t make an ideal place for a survival shelter.
With that in mind, here are the top states I can find for building a prepping property in. Some actually have widespread communities of people who are all preppers or properties which are sold just for preppers.
Related: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly For Preppers Living In A HOA (Home Owners Association)
If you can afford it, the Colorado Rockies has to be the ideal place for a prepping paradise.
Maybe I’m a bit prejudiced because I grew up there and my first experiences in survival training were there, but I tend to think of the mountains of Colorado when I think of survival retreats.
But then, they have everything you might need, including good rainfall (or snowfall), lots of trees and lots of game.
Idaho & Montana
Idaho and the Western part of Montana are rapidly becoming a prepper paradise, with lots of people buying property there.
The population is lower than that in Colorado, there’s good rainfall and plenty of game; maybe more than in Colorado.
The one drawback to this area is the high latitude, which means you’ll have a short growing season and a long winter to deal with.
Tennessee is probably the state with the most land being sold specifically for prepping homesteads.
The rolling hills and mountains of the state make for a beautiful setting; one with lots of trees and plentiful game.
There’s lots of rain too. It’s also in the east, which is an advantage for a lot of people.
Yet, even though it’s in the east, there are parts of the state which have low population densities, especially in the western part of the state. While not ideal, if I had to pick a state east of the Mississippi, this is the first one I’d think of.
West Virginia
Another good state, east of the Mississippi, is West Virginia.
The first thing that brought this state to my attention as a survival destination was that it was the last state to have a coronavirus case show up.
While I have no idea of why that’s so, it speaks well of the isolation that you can find in the West Virginia mountains.
The “land of a thousand lakes” has a lot to offer, especially in the northern part of the state.
Not only will you never have to worry about having enough water to drink, but there’s lots of wild county up there, which isn’t widely settled.
At the same time, the rivers that go with all those lakes make for a good means of transportation, if you need it. Watch out for the politics though; this is a blue state.
For a state on the West Coast, I’d pick Oregon, even if it is a blue state.
Of the three states making up our west coast, Oregon is the least populated.
Like northern California, there are a lot of conservative people there, especially once you get out of the cities. Being on the west coast also means a lot of rain, so water isn’t going to be an issue. Having been there, I can assure you, the land is very fertile.
One Place I’d Avoid
One place I feel constrained to mention, even though it is thought of as a good place for survival properties, is West Texas.
There’s a good reason for that, there’s almost no ground water and it doesn’t rain a lot. So if you want water, you’re going to have to drill for it; and you’re going to have to drill deep. While that may not be an issue for some; it’s a cost you must consider.
On the other hand, if you can find some land in the Texas Hill Country, I’d definitely consider it. While you’ll still have to drill ways to find water, it won’t be anywhere near as bad. Being that far south, you can get in three growing seasons, with a break for the heat of summer. Besides, it’s Texas.
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I have160 acres for sale in SE Oregon. One mile X 1/4 mile, gentle south facing slope. Adaptable for runway. BLM to north. 1/4 mile west to Refuge. Irrigation to east. Big open views. Sandy loam soils. Shallow water. Fenced. Two miles to county road. Isolated, but not.
I would like more information about this. Could you contact me? jan at nospam hoelterling dot com. Please remove the obvious 🙂
Eastern Oregon is notorious for low water…in other words, there isn’t any. Depending on how FAR south you are, there may be more.
Not sure I’d rec. Oregon. I live here: the cost of property is one of the highest, and since no sales tax, they make up for it by HIGH property taxes. So, you never really own property.
Right now, Willamette Valley area is in it’s 8th year of drought. Low snowpacks and mountains go green in summer, something I NEVER saw as a child…they were always covered in snow.
It is beautiful, though. Born and raised here.
Your blog sounds very interesting,we would like more info of where it’s located and what you are asking for the property….
We would like more info on this property, where it’s located and what is your asking price…
How much is the land your selling per acre.
OK I will be the bad guy on the chain. Why are you selling it if it is so perfect? Our land has been in the family since 1949 and I am third generation on it. It is so perfect we will never sell it and have kept it even when we had to move to other states for careers or income.
Hello, I am interested in finding out more about your land for sale. Please send me information! Thank you
I have a 1 acre lot located about 6 to 7 miles west of Pagosa Springs, CO. just about 1 mile south of US 160. It is mostly level, with a gentle slope to the south. My health has prevented me from enjoying it like I had originally planned. It is surrounded by Indian lands and National forest. I might let it go for the right price. They aren’t making any more land.
The address is: 669 Crooked Rd., Pagosa Springs, CO
I’d like more details. Please reach out to discuss.
Email me your email address and we can discuss your interest. My email is: Have you Googled the address?
What about Wyoming? Least populated state in the union and most conservative. Lots of snow in the winter for water. Land is fairly inexpensive. In every corner of the state and in-between, small towns offer Walmart, movie theater(s), hardware/lumber stores, etc. For an international airport and items you need to go to a big city for: Within an hour or so of access to large Colorado towns in the SE part of the state (Cheyenne also has a pretty good sized airport). Within an hour or so of access to large Utah towns in the SW part of the state. Same distance to Idaho Falls and Pocatello, ID in the NW part of the state. Within an hour of so of access to Rapid City, South Dakota in NE part of the state.
Please do NOT advertise Wyoming. We got enough foreignersgtrying to change us as it is.
Love your reply! My daughter married a man from Wyoming and lives there. I fly our plane into Cheyenne when we visit and love the FBO there. We take off from home, climb to 7000 feet and fly level all the way to Cheyenne while watching the ground come up and get closer every mile. By the time we reach the airport we are at pattern altitude (still at 7000 feet) and land! ;-D
Yes, I’m sure and some New Yorkers too! Some of us are well seasoned, well travelled, highly skilled and can readily go with the flow. Others, I’m afraid will do their very best to make sure Wyoming becomes the next NYC! Here we call it gentrification. Just a fancy word for making oneself at home in the manner to which they are accustomed! They will start demanding all sorts of public services and amenities that they are used to here. They will cause an awful lot of trouble if they don’t get it too! Did a lot of damage out on LI, NY. We would be very happy to get rid of them so don’t think we’d do anything to hold them back! Heck, Cuomo is pushing them out the door!
Same for Texas. Until we can establish a Texas Anti-Alien Special Law Enforcement” we do not need another single person moving into our State. If and when we clear out the illegals then under the right circumstances we can welcome more “citizens” with open arm.
I agree,Wyoming would make a fantastic state for this,and is my destination soon.
If you like wind and to be blown off the prairie constantly then Wyoming is your state! I live in NE Colorado very close to Wyoming and have driven up into it many times. Of course Jackson Hole and the Tetons are beautiful if you can afford to live there. We are looking for land and to move as well. We had thought about Casper once visited it and the wind blows all the time! Nice town but I can’t handle the wind every day it would literally drive me nuts!
Sounds like a good place for wind turbine to solve power problems ,down here we have no wind or tooo much wind,tornadoes and wind storms are too common .lower Alabama.
I am really sorry but I just have a hard time agreeing with the top places for survival on this list because of one MAJOR factor. Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Oregon are not going to be good retreats for surviving in event to one of the absolute biggest threats that will potentially bring this country to it’s knees and that is an eruption at Yellowstone. These are all places that you do not want to be if that happens. I’m thinking Kentucky, Tennessee, Western Georgia, Arkansas or Southern Missouri as all better options overall than any of the top places on this list. Longer growing seasons, away from the major coasts, sure there is still threat of earthquakes, but there is plenty of freshwater and natural resources and they are areas that livestock can easily be raised and can easily survive the seasons.
Used to live in NW Georgia; love it but the heat and humidity are terrible inbthe summer, plus the growth of Atlanta is attracting all the wrong kinds of folks. We moved to western Montana; but Montana is full now, we don’t have any room…
but we hear the Dakotas are nice.
I no longer consider Colorado to be a good retreat location, not even up in the high country. The politics of the state have taken a distinct turn toward the liberal side and water is getting scarcer all the time, which means wildfire danger is a year-round issue these days. Also, the growing season is very short. We were on the Front Range, at 8400′ above sea level and saw snow in our yard every month of the year except August. The higher you go, the fewer growing days you have. And don’t count on wild game keeping you fed. Once the weather tuns cold, they head for the lower elevations, which means that winter can be pretty lean.
We are now in West Texas. While clean water can be an issue, it is available by drilling a well, which you need to do in Colorado, too. The gun laws are friendlier than they are becoming in Colorado, the growing season is much longer, game out in the rural areas is plentiful and lots of neighbors have cattle that they might be willing to sell or trade when TSHTF. There is plenty of land available, if you know where to look or find a realtor who does and you will find plenty of like-minded folks around. Plus the people here are friendlier than the folks in Colorado. Good ole’ Southern hospitality is alive and well out here!
Plus, lower property taxes and no state income tax. And I think we have most of the Left Coast Liberals scared to show up, whereas they have invaded Colorado in growing numbers over the past 20 years that we were there.
you are correct to much influx of illegals gangs and californians
I live in Ms. on a 5 acre family homestead that has been in my family since the 1800’s. I will die here as did my father and grandfather.
Where can you live, anywhere on this planet, where the threat of a natural disaster can’t threaten you?
The very definition of being a prepper is preparing for whatever may befall you.
Find a place where you are happy and enjoy your life. Preparing for tomorrow will not do you any good if it doesn’t relieve a lifetime of worrying about a future you have no control over anyway.
Men plan, God laughs!
Be happy.
Could I ask where in west Texas? I’m in the SA area and I’ve been trying to get out for two years….money issues. It’s just too crowded here and the traffic is horrendous. I’m a senior, I want my last years to be peaceful, it’s not peaceful here anymore. I’m just looking for 1-2 acres to live on, never thought about west Texas to be honest. If there’s any place I could settle there I would love it!
Miss Helen, would you be any relation to Barbera and Jimmy Fisher?
West Texas actually gets a fair amount of precipitation, mostly in the form of thunderstorms and Pacific/Mexico typhoon carryovers. A rainwater containment system would do the trick. Plus land out there is “dirt” cheap. Its just so damn hot in July/August.
I started to say I was almost offended by the WTx comment BUT… go ahead. Move to the Hill Country before it is gone to Relocated California people. I’ll stay in WTx and live out my life. Grew up here, so.. please move to Hill Country . LOL
Try Florida its always hot and humid I’ve been to texas alot {military} I’m looking at the ozarks
I agree with you on the fact nobody’s considering Yellowstone blowing up number two what about all the nuclear reactors the only place I found compared to everything involved to make it as suitable survival piece of land would be Idaho. Remember if the pole shift happens how many degrees they will move and put that state somewhere else Michigan’s going to be in the Arctic everything is going to spin around and be shifted. People are not considering that the old saying united we stand divided we fall no one is choosing to survive together everybody thinks they’re going to run and do it on the realm I’ve never known any one man to win a war. Just my opinion for what it’s worth might be something you’d want to consider and what I’ve said.
Hello Rex
I live in northern Va. West Virginia seems to be the closest state where I can find a property that could meet a preppers needs. I have looked myself but don’t know how to find a suitable place. Can you help me locate properties in West Virginia that would be good for preppers?
May be difficult to get land in WV, the land there seldom is put up for sale and most is obtained via family lines. My daughter-in-law’s land has been in the family for over 150 years. Best option to seek is via the land specialist realtors like Mossy Oak or Whitetail.
What about North Carolina?
You get all four seasons, there are mountains, ocean, lots of woods, and no crazy gun laws.
20 acres in Northern WA state. Okanogan Co. a LOT of state and natl. forest land. Well, septic in. Game is plentiful. Leave your Blue state tendencies home. In my neck of the woods having a Biden sign on your fence is not a good thing. Go to the Seattle megapolis for that. Land is fertile. Land prices are still very reasonable. LOL gun fire is the sound of a social event for us!
I live in oroville, where i okanogan Co is this located and how much is the asking price?
Not selling
Aeneas valley
Retiring in less than 3 years and moving there. 2 more republican voters…..
My wife is a travelling nurse and we spent about 2 months in Colville and I fell in love with the NE corner of WA.
What about the State of Georgia ?
I’m sorry. You failed to mention the geological hazard associated with many of your recomendations. They are very real and activating roght now. In addition Lone Wolf preppers are sitting ducks. It will take a community to protect your assets.
Long Time prepper, you’re right. Besides the huge Cascadia subduction zone ready to go, there’s the dozens of volcanoes that will go off in succession. The geologists talk about this behind closed doors, but not publicly. They’re actively watching this area currently.
Arizona is a good place. Good gun laws and if you have a rain gathering plan,plenty will fall during monsoons.
AZ is nothing but “East LA” now (2023). We were a red state, now it’s almost totally blue. Gun laws were great and then came the Californians… HOA’s are everywhere, water is critical and definitely does not have the required 100 year water supply. It’s probably more like a 5 year water supply. Industry is booming but with ample employment opportunities comes wall to wall humanity. Natural born Arizonans are being forced out. So if you have at least half a million dollars to buy a $175,000 house with a tiny yard (if any yard) and where you can lean out a window and shake the next door neighbor’s hand, buy elsewhere. Winters are mild but spring, summer and fall are brutally hot. Summer temperatures are between 110 and 120 degrees. Night time lows are in the 90s. Why there’s such a massive influx here is anyone’s guess. We have major felonies every day (murders, officer involved shootings, armed robbery, rapes, drugs/drug running and more illegal alien traffic then can’t even remotely be accounted for. The one thing Arizona has that all these relocating people can’t change (right now) are the beautiful sunsets. But then with the high increase in pollution, those sunsets may change also.
yea, you guys stay north where you belong. DO NOT GO SOUTH! you would not like it and we would not like you. really, trust me on this
I’ve lived and worked down south and I was always greeted with friendly and warm Southern Hospitality! Wouldn’t want to live there permanently though because there is no place like home! That said, years ago now, NY Newsday , a local paper here, reported on mass migration to the south, particularly to the Atlanta Area by people of color who migrated north during the 1950s. According to the article, these people now realize that there no longer was any need for them to stay in the northern states, they had means and they could return to their southern roots for a better quality of life. That’s still going on. Seems almost every family is fed up with the big city and looking to move south. They do not welcome the Middle Eastern foreigners coming into their neighborhoods.
While certain areas of Oregon are conservative, unfortunately the equity fugitives from Kallyforniya have kalifornikated the western portion of Oregon. From Grants Pass in the southern end through Eugene which is more liberal than some parts of coastal Kallyforniya if that is possible, through Portland and its environs, Oregon has been changed from the state it used to be. Well, Kallyforniya has changed from the state it used to be also.
While most people do not realize it, there are areas of Kallyfornia where conservatism still predominates. Unfortunately, however, the socialist population far outnumbers the conservative value population and that controls how the state is run. Oregon and Washington have the same problem. The eastern halves are conservative but are far outnumbered by the western socialist portions number wise. Too many kalifornikators cashed in their home equity and left kallyforniya for “better” states and immediately set about changing them into ersatz kallyforniyas. At one time Oregonians had bumper stickers that read, “Welcome to Oregon. Now go back home.”
I remember in the mid 70s the ” Don’t Californicate Oregon” bumperstickers.
I disagree with every state in this story but one. Look at what actually occurred for this pandemic and pick a good state with that data. The best state for prepping is also the number one state for retirement in 2020, Arkansas. All the states the author “picked” are cold or have radical state governments except Tennessee. Arkansas did not need “Stay at home orders” and instead issued a “Stay away order”! For bugout people this was applied to “commercial rentals” such as hotels. Out of state people with second homes or lots to park their RV on were never hassled nor restricted. All our restaurants have been open with creative take-out solutions. Every business has remained open for the duration of this pandemic except for spas, salons, and tattoo places. Our life in Northwest Arkansas has been 95% normal for the duration. I would also like to congratulate the state government, local government and the population of Arkansas for an intelligent and well managed response to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Ozark – Is there any good realtors in the Arkansas ozarks?
I’m so red, I stick out like a sore thumb in NJ. The liberal SOB that runs this state is constantly trying to come up with ways to take my guns..
AVOID GEORGIA Libtards from all over the country moving here. Its so bad I am moving to Wyoming. 11 million people here, but there are six aging nuke plants on the north GA, Tenn, and Carolina boarder…. FUKASHIMA anyone!!!!!!!!
My family has owned land in Eastern Washington since the 1800’s. Having purchased land 50 years ago above a beautiful sparsely populated lake when property prices were reasonable I’m able to enjoy a quiet life as long as I stay home. Due to an influx of 206′ ers who are attempting to escape the pressures of the ‘big city” l avoid going down town at all costs. They forgot to leave their culture on the coast. Our beautiful land is being stained by massive homes ..frequently built for 2 people.. ticky tacky housing developments .. think that song “little houses on the hillside”. Only these babies cost a minimum of 500k.
Which are affordable for people from the coast ..the western side of the state because prices for houses is so high they can sell their house for an enormous amount and pay rediculous amounts of $ to be stuffed next to and in the middle of a hundred look alikes.
Once upon a time we had the slow paced friendly town these people yearned for but their very presence ,their snooty attitude and their entitled behavior has irretrievably destroyed it.
I used to go downtown , take a leisurely stroll ,shop and chat with shop owners that I’ve known for years. Now most of the stores are owned by transplants and I’ve adopted the same go in and get out quick strategy that I apply to a trip to the city..
So moral of story..don’t open Pandoras Box by letting them take over in the first place.
Don’t be seduced by fists full of $ to buy the land your family worked hard to own. Be a part of local government and pass laws governing land use so that it retains the beauty we all love.
Just saying.
Enjoy it while it lasts! Here on the east coast, they’d tax you out by increasing real estate taxes every year to the point where you can no longer afford to live there. If that doesn’t work there’s eminent domain and they’ll take it by force for the better good. After all they need more room for socialist public housing and government office buildings
I have a 1 acre lot located about 6 to 7 miles west of Pagosa Springs, CO. just about 1 mile south of US 160. It is mostly level, with a gentle slope to the south. My health has prevented me from enjoying it like I had originally planned. It is surrounded by Indian lands and National forest. I might let it go for the right price. They aren’t making any more land.
there allready was an article on this called the beste places to be in shtf or something like that.
lots of good ideas in the comment section. Here’s my take as a long time realtor, and a devoted prepper. Community will be important, even when you find your cabin in the woods, so, find a small town, grow your own food(use passive solar if you can build it), collect water, or drill if you have to, keep your food preps up, your guns close by, but remember that day to day life can be good no matter where you go. The key is to avoid big cities, where there are too many dependent, broke people jammed into apartments. When the TSHTF, and it will, these people will become hungry and desperate, so base your land search on the following: rural areas, near national forests, reasonable climates and growing seasons. Buy the latest copy of Strategic relocation, 4th edition.
Why did North Carolina not make the list or Kentucky? Those have always been my two choice spots.
Moscow on the Mississippi has been the capital cities names of Minnesota. The outright voter fraud, the ultra leftwing mindsets and government takes this right if the list. I’m looking to leave asap
If I had property for sale in Washington state, where would you recommend to post it for preppers to see.
Thank you
I have 56.64 acres in WA coming up for sale. Double steel entry gate, 8′ high game fenced surrounding interion, timber buffer around entire property, approx. 1/2 mile of no flood creek frontage, paved roads, 12,000 gallon underground diesel storage tank and diesel pump station, all buildings with concrete foundation, 4 grain silos, pro quality shooting shack and gun range, 3 200-amp electrical services, 10′ concrete wall (reinforced concrete) approx. 5,000 sq. ft. underground house, 1150 sq. ft. farm house, a large shop with two apartments, several additional buildings, 28,000 sq. ft. well organized garden area with automatic watering system, an amazing orchard, have water rights, well is 360 ft. deep (20 GPM) with several water tanks for storage. There is so much more this property offers.
Too bad it’s in a commie state.
Wow is this still available? Can you send info? mnweightloss(gmail)
I am new to this whole prepping thing, but when I sink my teeth in to something I get pretty hard core, absorbing and learning as much as I possibly can. Forgive me if I am misinformed in my points. I am currently looking to establish a legitimate shtf bug out property. I currently live in what used to be the country sorta in South Texas and over the course of the past twenty years has become extremely densely populated. I am good here for six months in a total shut down scenario, no food no water no power no medical facilities. I’m tight. I have everything I can think of for six months for a family of four. I can fortify and protect this place in a moments notice. But after 6 months, the food will be gone, the 55 gallon water barrels will be dry, all the sanitary stuff like toilet paper and the stock pile of tampons for my girls… gone. Sewage will back up here, trash will be everywhere, people will be breaking into each other’s homes. It is NOT realistic to consider this location as sustainable. No access to game ( I am a hunter) not much rain for gardening and people will see I have food growing. No access to fresh water. I have to move eventually. Ideally I could be proactive enough to be at a bug out location before SHTF, or it could be extremely problematic to travel afterwards. Perhaps months after I would be able to move. Close around here where I could get to quickly and be away from people which is my number one priority. I’ve seen first hand what people will do to each other to survive. It can get very bloody very quick. There are challenges I foresee here in Texas. If you have a well, great… if not, hardly rains. But here is one of the biggest problems that I see about Texas. Over 93 percent of Texas is privately owned. The land where game is, is owned by someone. Hunting and tracking game realistically is gonna put you on someone’s land, unless you can afford several hundred acres at some point for food you may need to venture of your property. I don’t know about you but in a serious SHTF deal I will defend my property to the death, I can only assume others feel the same. I have looked and researched every state and more listed on this blog and in the comments. The best place I can think of that’s reasonably close would be Colorado, it offers what I need for game. I know Colorado I grew up in Colorado I’ve killed a lot of animals in Colorado. The issue with Colorado, and this is very extreme thinking I know, it is a priority target in the event of Nuclear strikes. NORAD would be pounded. Northern Colorado would be pounded for the ICBM silos that are there. Fallout would blanket a large part of the State with the exception of a small part in south west, the wind projection maps show that area safe from fallout. Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska and North Dakota although fantastic prepped areas will be absolutely slammed in a war. And by design. They are nuclear sponge targets, by design to absorb large amounts of first strike weapons. This is because of the high concentration of silos we have in these areas. Because of the depth and design of the silos they would need to be targeted with multiple weapons each. This is intended it is not a byproduct. In fact billions are currently being spent to make them more of a sponge than they already are. The thought process is these areas are sparsely populated so have them absorb the first volley. This is not something I’m just making up, I fully support you to look it up. These areas, simply put, in my view are not viable in my opinion for my needs to be an absolute survival location. Oregon is actually a VERY good location. It is not really a target and wind patterns show it is mostly safe from fall out. It has water, game, fishing both salt and fresh, rain for crops and sparsely populated and tons of public land. If I can homestead there, out of every state I’ve looked at, Oregon is it. I welcome criticism and instruction.
yea, but those earthquakes and volcanoes
I’ve come to the same conclusion, based on the nuclear fallout and prevailing winds maps, where the nukes and military targets are, and where the nuclear reactors are. If there’s a war or a prolonged grid down and no one to maintain the reactors, they could create more radiation than the bombs themselves. Oregon and the extreme north of CA are the only areas that don’t get radiation.
Strategic relocation author joel Skousen spoke highly of Oregon and then decided on Utah, but I believe he is Mormon and has strong family ties to Utah. For me it’s Oregon.
yeah, but those earthquakes and volcanoes
WOW! Did not know this had turned into a real estate selling site.
i have for sale, 20 acres, well on property, 650 sq ft house, 30 miles from town 18 on gravel. i’m selling every thing, tractor, equipment, chain saws, table saw tools and the list goes on. i have septic, rain water storage, the house is about 60 percent finished, and what is not i have a lot of the materials
Yeah, where??? A location would’ve been awesome ?
I’m moving to Arkansas for this reason. Buying a second property for acreage and to put out entire family on.
Save some land for me. It will be another 2 years before I can get there
Some other tings to factor into the criteria:
Cost of land
Property, Income, Sales
Gubment involvement in lives:
gun control and registration, water catchment, off grid living, limited use of land, game laws. Etc.
Natural weather:
snow? torrential rain? hurricanes? flooding? lack of water? earthquakes? severe wind issues? volcanoes? tornadoes? Etc.
Distance to any nuclear facilities, gubment or power plants
Distance to any military sites of any kind
Although almost any place is going to have natural weather issues, figure on one you can live with…personally, I’d forgo any hurricane prone, tornado prone area, but that’s just me.
So, IMHO, the author didn’t go far enough or use enough criteria to name the top places to buy prepping property.
Some here have mentioned issues with states that they are familiar with. I guess you just have to do a pro/con list …. and do your own research.
Minnesota??? Oregon???? “Commie”rado????? Montana???? These are all LEFTIST states which means ANTI-SELF-DEFENSE which means ANTI-GUN and ANTI-FREEDOM!!!!! Montana is TAX and PERMIT CRAZY in the major counties and ALL of the cities!!!!! I used to live in these states that you mentioned and you are TOTALLY out of it!!!!!
I have 20 acres in northern Minnesota I may be selling. It’s located one mile from Lake Superior. Very private location with power, deep well and internet. Access to vast areas of wild land.
sorry but Colorado and Minnesota are no go due to the massive number of libs. Same goes for western Oregon. Many of these, to me, are no go because of length and severity of winter weather. Some snow is one thing 6+ months is no go
I have 40 ac in Sonoma Co CA…Healdsburg area.
Electrical pole on property, but solar and wind are perfect. Septic and wellhead intact, accessible with dirt road, and huge flat for build and trailer. Rain catchment would also work great. Hunting, plenty of room to even host retreats etc.
Solid 250K$ cash. Looking to sell before end of Summer Season.
email journalgrrl at the google mail
About West Texas…you are wrong. I live in San Angelo..plenty if water. Ialsi drill water wells. Central Texas over expansion is killing their aquafer. Central Texas reign of being lush is over unless they can stop the expansion. While drilling a water well in Liberty Hill 5 subdivisions were started, same town had terrible cell signal because they outgrew the cell infrastructure and the house we lived in had 2 zip codes….terrible aroumd austin, which is almost dry. West Texas on the other hand, we have learned to be tight with water. My other house is in Santa Fe New Mexico, also tight with water, but in abundance.