10 Survival Crops You Can Grow Without Irrigation
We can only store so much food for a SHTF situation, and what we do manage to store won’t last...
We can only store so much food for a SHTF situation, and what we do manage to store won’t last...
While you may be prepared for many types of medical emergency, it’s common to forget about making sure you are...
Some people tend to think of survival as a modern thing, made possible by modern tools, equipment and techniques. However,...
Back before we had a really good grip on what goes on in the human body some remedies were a...
The Native Americans loved the pawpaw. It was readily available to them and it had many uses. However, despite the...
We often get caught up in getting rid of the weeds in our yards so that it’s perfect. It’s an...
There are tons of superfoods out there that claim to have all kinds of health benefits, and though some of...
Ahh, bread. There’s a reason that we, and by “we” I mean almost the entirety of the human race, have...
It may be difficult to comprehend, but in many states, harvesting rain water, whatever the method, is highly regulated. It...
As we work to build up our food stores, the most important things I can put back are foods that...
Once upon a time, early American settlers who were willing to move west were given the opportunity to scoop up...
First off, you’re probably wondering what in the world portable soup is. It’s essentially a broth that has been dried...
Once upon a time, heading on down to the grocery store to fill the pantry whenever you needed to was...
The original purpose of cheesecloth was, as you may have guessed from the name, cheese making. It was used to...
Canned goods are not only a great way to stock up on food in case of an emergency, but also...
Chances are, you’ve got a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet or first aid kit, or maybe even...
During the Great War, trench cakes, like the one I’ll show you how to make, were made from a family’s...
What happens when you’ve put back enough water to get your family through an emergency and it sits for a...
Maybe you’ve heard about old timey uses for wood ash. It’s a remarkably useful substance even today, though. There are...
Food preservation in the days of the ol’ West wasn’t even close to what it is today. Commercially preserved food...
One of the biggest issues people run into with their preparedness food storage is a lack of space. They simply...
In the event that the world as we know it crumbles, the ability to forage for edible flora and fauna...
There’s a reason preppers and even just people who like a well-stocked pantry purchase canned goods. They hold up for...
While everyone hopes that they’ll never need to break out a first aid kit, an event will inevitably arise that...
One of the oldest ways to put meat up for later is through smoking. Smoking meat helps to preserve it...
If you’ve never done it before, making bread can seem a bit daunting, prone to disaster at every turn. It’s...
Can you imagine eating an entire tree? Probably not. We don’t tend to think of the majority of trees being...
If you needed one more reason to lay off spraying herbicides in an effort to eliminate all the weeds in...
Mullein, formally known as verbascum thapsus, is often times called velvet plant or elephant’s ear due to the hairy leaves...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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