How To Build Your Own Panic Room
What would you do if a major natural disaster, such as a tornado or a hurricane, swept through your town...
What would you do if a major natural disaster, such as a tornado or a hurricane, swept through your town...
In this day and age, it's easy to take modern conveniences for granted. We've become so accustomed to power technology...
There is no denying just how important gasoline is in today’s age. Even after you go off-grid, you will find...
When I was younger, I never gave much thought to the availability of running water. Never once did I have...
Food storage is a subject that can cause a lot of thought and sometimes even a lot of stress. Without...
Before times of refrigeration and the year-long availability of fresh vegetables, people had to find a way to store these...
The Great Depression was one of the toughest times in United States history. Following a historic collapse of the stock...
For a homesteader, it is important to be prepared for any situation, including how to continue your day-to-day functions in...
The cost of living in the United States is now a hot subject. With everything from rent to groceries on...
We have all seen a rise in energy prices over the past year. Gasoline prices have skyrocketed, which has resulted...
We all agree there are life-threatening situations that can catch us off guard. However, preparing for disaster in advance will...
Flour is a staple of the kitchen and something that should always be on hand. However, for many people, that...
It is no secret that our society would have a hard time operating without some type of fuel source. Whether...
The inflation reports landed with a resulting rip to the consumer’s pockets as it rose to 8.3%. The hikes in...
Self defense is important because it's your legal right and your life or someone else's could depend on it. In...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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