What Is the Best Canned Meat?
Every prepper’s pantry has canned food in it. It’s the first line of defense against starvation in a disaster scenario....
James Walton is a prominent figure in the preparedness and survival community, best known as the owner and "Intrepid Commander" of the Prepper Broadcasting Network (PBN). He is a freelance writer, speaker, and podcaster with a focus on disaster preparedness, self-reliance, family, and outdoor adventure.
Every prepper’s pantry has canned food in it. It’s the first line of defense against starvation in a disaster scenario....
As far back as 2014 the country of Venezuela was experiencing political and social violence and scarcity of food and...
Forward thinkers are always ostracized. It has been that way throughout history. Preppers are no different. We just ought to...
Who really has their pulse on the conditions of the market and the economy? Every day we get “flash signs”...
Do you remember what brought you here? Do you remember first thinking about preparedness and survival? Some people are born...
While Chapstick might be one of the most common items on the market, it can be co opted for a...
Do you ever get the feeling that someone is peering over your shoulder? It could be at the ATM or...
A walk down the aisles at your local warehouse big box store will raise the eyebrows and pique the interest...
I enclose you a list of the killed, wounded, and captives of the enemy from the commencement of hostilities at...
Would you know how to diagnose an EMP strike within five minutes of the event? Do you know the steps...
The “yellow jackets” are rioting in France. God only knows what is coming for us in 2020. America seems to...
Are you familiar with the term "starving spring"? How about "the hungry gap"? Well, these were two terms that represented...
Waterborne illness is the number one killer on the planet. That is happening right now. While we are nestled in...
Yeast has long inhabited the planet Earth, a simple organism that is hundreds of millions of years old. It plays a...
When you think of herbal remedies and medicinal herbs modern natural healing may come to mind. Using wild medicine is...
Food preservation may be one of the most elusive parts of the prepping process. It seems like, just when you...
We have enjoyed a period of time on this planet that has been relatively calm and habitable. I guess we...
Suicides exploded during the great depression. The stats are pretty alarming. They state that in 1928 22 people per 100,000...
While retail shelves and online retailers have stock that is full of designer hiking and camping foods, there are those...
There are a number of powders and potions that preppers hold dear. You may not look at them this way...
The Journey across the Atlantic to the New World has vastly changed over time. It was once a necessity to...
Having broadcasted in the prepping market for 7 years and written in it for nearly 5 it is clear to...
As a neophyte in the prepping world you probably find that you have a lot to think about. For me...
What are the disaster recovery limits of the US government? What is the nation truly capable of recovering from? I...
Claude's Note: I decided to introduce a new section called Myth or Fact. We will confirm or debunk common survival...
To get the most out of an article about expiration I think we need to first discuss expiration. It’s a...
There are many phases in a total collapse of society. In the earliest stages you will find that people are...
80% of Americans are under the thumb of some sort of debt. Saving rates are abysmal, and it seems that...
The Preppers Crypto Conundrum A completely digital currency that is kept in a digital wallet; a currency that is completely...
Our modern food system relies on trucks. It relies on shipping and the ability to get trailer loads of product...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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