Avoid These 5 Signs On Your Property
We Americans are an expressive lot. We like to tell the world how we feel to the world around us....
James Walton is a prominent figure in the preparedness and survival community, best known as the owner and "Intrepid Commander" of the Prepper Broadcasting Network (PBN). He is a freelance writer, speaker, and podcaster with a focus on disaster preparedness, self-reliance, family, and outdoor adventure.
We Americans are an expressive lot. We like to tell the world how we feel to the world around us....
There has never been a time where prepping for emergency was on the mind of so many Americans. In fact,...
There is an ancient burial site in Germany called Bonn-Oberkassel. This site dates back 14,000 years and is home to...
You could argue that we are already 6 months into a shattered economy. Towards the end of March nearly half...
Emergency water storage is essential to any preparedness system. Your ability to access and clean water sources will assure you...
There have been over 300 victims of shootings in NYC in a month’s time. This is up 3-fold from the...
The face of downtown Richmond Virginia has changed radically. There was a point in my life where I crossed Monument...
Each year we head West on I-64 to Carter Mountain Orchard. This is a special trip because our oldest son’s...
Shelf stable nutrition is a big part of creating a sound food storage program. Nutritional diversity should be something you...
We do our best to prepare for the foreseeable future. Sometimes we even consider a future that is shrouded by...
The big M word in the survivalist and prepper world, Martial Law, is a very disturbing concept and one we...
After one month of lockdown, here in the United States, COVID-19 has radically changed the way we live our lives....
We will never forget COVID-19. The year 2020 still has a powerful hurricane season, an economic vacuum and a presidential...
How long will the pandemic last? This question has caused more panic than any other, since the beginning of the...
Bread has been a staple of almost every human civilization. The grinding of seeds or nuts into a flour and...
Growing food and raising meats is becoming much more difficult for producers around the world. Between radical changing weather patterns...
Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2017. This is an updated version of the article, given the recent Coronavirus...
Trapping is one of the most overlooked and underutilized skills in the prepping and survival world. Apart from being mostly...
Imagine some 2000 years ago a Pharaoh was buried in the great pyramids and adorned in gold and riches. Radical...
Cooking is a survival skill. Its one of the most overlooked but for the longest time it was prioritized. That...
If you grew up in the south, you might have looked warily at the overtaking kudzu that swallowed up whole...
There may be no better group than us preppers to understand the importance of giving thanks. We understand what could...
Can you see the sun breaking the horizon? The fire is already going, and you see others in camp stirring...
My mother sat me down on her bed and her eyes were already red from tears. I was around 15...
In 1861, following a riot and the destruction of the transportation system Abraham Lincoln enacted Martial Law in Maryland. 12...
The pioneering lifestyle didn’t really lend itself to long leisurely lengths over the stove. If you weren’t married and, on...
When you think of potted meat you probably think of Armor. Ritz cracks and that weird gelatin on top might...
Many preppers believe that we are on the cusp of the next economic collapse. This collapse would likely lead to...
As more and more people travel the world so to do the problems and diseases of the world. The greatest...
Here at Ask A Prepper, we like to focus on things like the lost ways and ancient knowledge. The forgotten...
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