8 Myths That Make Preppers Look “Crazy”
Being a prepper can be hard work. You have skills to learn, tools and supplies to collect and maintain, a...
Being a prepper can be hard work. You have skills to learn, tools and supplies to collect and maintain, a...
We try to be prepared to survive any situation we find ourselves in, and for most of us one of...
Getting to your bug out location on foot is slow and strenuous, but it’s reliable. If an EMP has disabled...
Chile has struggled to become a thriving democracy. Once a dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet, the country has gone through considerable...
With its clear message on the dangers of government over-reach, Ayn Rand’s epic novel Atlas Shrugged has been an inspiration...
Watching the Democratic debates over the last couple of months, it’s amazing how all the candidates are talking about having...
We all have our own ideas about how to find a safe refuge after the SHTF. Staying at home –...
A few weeks ago I wrote an article on knots. I’ve tied a few knots in my time, and I...
Unless you enjoy the 19th century lifestyle the chances are fuel plays a big role in your prepping. After the...
Tomorrow, as you go through your day, try to keep count of how many fasteners you use. All of them...
One of the tricks that makes prepping easier is to stockpile things that have more than one use. Duct tape...
Editor’s Note: This article was inspired by an idea left in a comment by Left Coast Chuck, one of our...
Take a look at what our pioneer ancestors ate and the chances are you’re not going to envy them very...
Prepping can get expensive. Almost all of us need to invest some money in equipment and supplies, and that can...
A lot of people think being a prepper is all about stocking up on supplies. True enough, you can’t be...
Most prepper sites – including ours – have plenty articles on building up an emergency food reserve. The reason is...
Traditionally this is a time for optimism, and we all have dreams and ambitions for what we’d like to see...
I guess every generation has had plenty to say – not much of it good – about the ones that...
I love prepping. I love being self-sufficient enough to produce most of what I need on a daily basis, and...
A lot of preppers are worried that, in the event we’re ever attacked with EMP weapons, most of our vehicles...
Looking at the state of the world today, with all its threats to our society and way of life, it’s...
For most Americans, retirement is one of the biggest worries they have. Giving yourself enough of an income when you...
I’m not in my 20s or 30s anymore. I’m well into my 60s now, and I might have 20 years...
So you’ve taken all the precautions you can think of against intruders. You’ve cleared away cover around your home, fitted...
Thanks to modern food processing technology, building up a stock of survival rations is easier than it’s ever been. From...
Talk to a soldier or veteran about their field rations and you’re probably going to hear a lot of complaints....
Freezing food is a great way of preserving it. If you can keep food at 0°F or lower you can...
GPS is one of the miracles of the information age. In 25 years it’s gone from being an expensive technology...
Surviving is all about prioritizing your needs. There are a lot of things you need to stay alive and healthy,...
Meat – rich in protein, fats, iron, energy and other essential nutrients – is a useful and tasty addition to...
Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or just starting your preparedness journey, Ask a Prepper offers practical advice, time-tested skills, and expert insights to keep you and your family safe. Learn how to thrive in any situation with proven techniques for food preservation, homesteading, defense, and more.
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