Lost Life Skills
The world is in a dangerous state right now. Hostile states are using their economic power to harm US interests....
The world is in a dangerous state right now. Hostile states are using their economic power to harm US interests....
The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic representation made by atomic scientists to show how close the world is to man-made...
As preppers, we’re all used to buying a few things most people don’t bother with. Water purification systems, for example....
It’s probably safe to say most preppers own at least one gun. It’s hard to think of any single item...
Fresh meat is one of those things it’s basically impossible to keep in your food stockpile. That’s unfortunate, because it’s...
Without water, it doesn’t matter much what other preparations you’ve made – you’re only going to survive for a matter...
When Europeans first arrived in North America they often struggled to survive in the unfamiliar wilderness they encountered. For many...
Being a cowboy in the Old West was a hard life, with few luxuries. A cattle drive could easily take...
Being prepared means being ready for anything – and that includes medical problems. Without access to the modern healthcare system,...
I wasn’t too worried when the lights flickered. It happens, sometimes. It was a stormy night, with the temperature hovering...
Look around the house sometime, and think about the value of all the stuff you have. Not how much money...
Life is dangerous. It always has been and it always will be. That’s why we’re preppers; we know things can...
In a long-term survival scenario, livestock can be one of your most valuable assets. Even a few chickens can give...
As preppers, we accumulate and stockpile stuff. In fact it’s what we’re most famous for – the public perception of...
Food is a key part of prepping. Without a stockpile of food to keep you going through at least the...
What worries you most about the idea of society collapsing? A post-SHTF world will hold many dangers, but for many...
For many preppers, livestock forms a key part of their long-term survival plans. Shelves of canned food and a stash...
Without water you’re not going to survive. It’s so important that, as a prepper, if you haven’t ensured an adequate...
When you put your money in the bank, you assume it’s going to be safe. Everything about the average bank...
The US is one of the world’s largest food producers. Thanks to the size of the country and the wide...
Living off grid has a lot going for it. You’re more independent when you’re not relying on outside suppliers for...
Preppers are ingenious people, and we can provide a lot of things for ourselves. Food? We can grow, hunt or...
It doesn’t matter how well prepared you are unless you can defend yourself and your possessions. That’s particularly true at...
If you’re preparing to survive the worst the world can throw at you, it’s almost certain guns play a role...
It’s been a bumpy couple of years for the US economy. In 2020 we had the pandemic and all the...
According to an old saying, “the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.” The meaning is simple – don’t be...
If the SHTF and society collapses, most of the services you’re used to having around will disappear. You’ll be on...
It’s a sad fact that, anytime you leave your home, there’s a chance someone will pay an unwanted visit while...
As we’ve seen over and over again the last few years, when a crisis hits crime follows close behind it....
One thing all good preppers do is keep an eye on the world situation. Being prepared for anything that happens...
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