Do Seeds Really Expire?
We’ve all heard the news stories about seeds found in ancient tombs that germinated when planted; yet the seeds you...
We’ve all heard the news stories about seeds found in ancient tombs that germinated when planted; yet the seeds you...
Perennial plants either live through the winter and produce again the next year, or they can die each winter and...
A good many of you probably took one look at my title and said “What?’ You’re probably sure you read...
There are many reasons why certain plants should not be planted together. Sometimes it is a matter of height. For...
These are the top five herbs that I recommend for joint pain. There are many others that work equally well....
Cracked heels are not only unsightly, but they can also be embarrassing and uncomfortable...even painful at times. Walking around with...
There are many reasons to check for gold on your property. If you live in a gold mining area you...
It seemed like no matter what I went to the doctor for as a child, I received an antibiotic. This...
Granny was a farmer. She and Papa had a small farm and grew most of their food. They purchased flour,...
Keeping your feet warm is important to long-term foot health. As we get older, my husband and I have noticed...
My grandparents had a farm in Georgia, where they raised nearly everything they needed. I remember my grandmother telling me...
We started adding significantly to our food stores a few years ago, and now cans from our first large purchase...
I have problems with inflammation, so I am always looking to eat anti-inflammatory superfoods. In recent years, the Goji berry...
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a very common plant in the United States and it is very persistent. Poison ivy...
If a SHTF event hit tomorrow, how long would your family’s food last? The truth is that most of us...
My grandmother rendered lard for her family once a year when the hogs were butchered. She used that lard for...
I have some long-term food supplies put away, but I wanted to put together a 30-plus day supply for my...
Modern antibiotics are lifesavers. Without them, a simple cold can quickly turn into a deadly pneumonia, an infection in a...
The edible and healing Queen Anne’s Lace is a member of the same family as the poisonous Hemlock and the...
I hate to think how much food I have wasted because of mold. My mother taught me well: “When in...
According to recent studies, Insomnia affects over one-third of adults. Sleep aids are big business, but many of them cause...
Oils and fats have different storage times depending on the type of oil and storage conditions. Under normal storage conditions,...
My grandparents were mostly self-sufficient on a small two-acre farm. They had a milk cow, raised a beef cow each...
Are you familiar with the many uses of Bentonite clay? This natural mineral clay has the ability to clean out...
If you are a procrastinator, now is the time. You need to scramble to find plenty of firewood to get...
Building a food pantry with enough of the right foods can be an overwhelming undertaking. Knowing what to stock requires...
Used throughout history for its amazing healing powers, black seed was reportedly found in King Tut’s tomb. This spice has...
What do you do in an emergency situation when no doctor is available? Unfortunately, we sometimes find ourselves in these...
By Diane Watkins Prepping is difficult when you have very little extra money, and I’ve been living that reality for...
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a natural product composed of the fossils of tiny algae-like organisms called diatoms. It is a...
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