The firearm world is pretty diverse in terms of calibers and choices. When we narrow it down to rifle rounds, the world really revolves around just a few calibers. Of course, there are also tons and tons of excess calibers out there, some so vague they don’t even sound like actual calibers.
Two of the rounds the rifle world revolves around: .223 Remington and .308 Winchester
Both rounds are insanely popular in the United States and they both even have military variants. The round is available in a wide variety of rifles, including the most popular platform, the Modern Sporting Rifle. Modern Sporting Rifles being semi-automatic, magazine fed rifles that often modular in nature.
.223 Remington
Is an extremely popular cartridge with different loads produced by a wide variety of manufacturers. It’s often used for police and self-defense use. It’s also popular for varmint, predator and medium game hunting. When it comes to the .223 the rifle of choice is most commonly the AR 15. The United States Military uses two different military versions of the rifle, known as the M4 and M16. The AR 15 is America’s most popular rifle.
.308 Winchester
Is a popular caliber for a variety of purposes. In the United States, it is a very common hunting cartridge. It excels for most medium and some larger game. Picking the most common rifle in 308 would be quite difficult. To make this a fair comparison, we are going to use the AR 10. The AR 10 is the older brother of the AR 15. It’s a semi-auto rifle with identical controls and modularity of the AR 15. The AR 10 is a full power rifle that pulls no punches. Variants of the AR 10 are used as a sniper and designated marksmen rifles.
Related: The AK-47 vs AR-15: Which Rifle is Better When SHTF?
Ballistic Performance
The .223 and .308 are two very different rounds that offer significant advantages in different fields:
- .223 Rem is an intermediate powered round
- .308 Win is a full powered rifle round
Both rounds have a wide variety of different loads and each load has different ballistic performance. So, for this portion, we are going to look at some similar and common 308 Win and 223 Rem loadings.
Nothing in the world is free, that includes the power the 308 Winchester generates. While it strikes a target hard and fast you better hit it with your first shot. The .308 Winchester has a lot more recoil than the .223 which has a much lighter and more pleasant recoil sensation. In an AR 10, it’s not what I would call painful, but fast and accurate is not an accurate descriptor. The recoil to the shoulder and the muzzle rise makes a big difference.
Related: How And Where To Store Ammo
The .308 Winchester’s full sized nature also makes it more advantageous for long range shooting. The .308 Winchester can be used out to 1,000 yards with a skilled shooter. The .308 is often the choice of sniper rifles. The .308 is a stable round out to that 1,000 yards and still has the power at that range to hit hard.
The .223 Remington isn’t as capable as the .308 Win at long range, but still, holds its own. The .223 is effective out to 500 yards. This range matches most shooter’s skill levels. Shooting a moving target past even 300 yards is quite difficult to do, so 500 yards is excellent for most shooting needs.
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The ergonomics of both the ammunition and the rifles that chamber them are quite different. The lighter and smaller .223 Rem gives shooters the ability to carry a lot more ammunition. The weight of the round is nearly half of the .308 Win. The standard magazine capacity of a .223 mag is thirty rounds with an AR 15. It is much easier to carry multiple magazines on a plate carrier.
The heavier weight and large size restrict the shooter to heavy, thick and wide magazines. This makes it difficult to carry additional ammunition on a vest or belt. This leads to .308 Shooters carrying less ammo overall for more weight than a .223 loadout.
Rifle ergonomics are also much different. The AR 15 tends to be the lighter and easier to handle a rifle. It’s shorter and can use an overall shorter barrel. The AR 10 is a heavier rifle that suffers from serious performance issues when you shorten the barrel.
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The .223 Remington is the cheaper round and has the most variety in terms of manufacturers and loads. You do pay for the larger size and increased power of the .308 Win round. In terms of rifles, there is also a pretty big difference in price and selection.
There are overall way more manufacturers of AR 15s than AR 10s. The rifle tends to be more popular because it’s cheaper, ammo is cheaper, and it’s easier to handle. AR 10s aren’t so widely made and you have fewer options overall. AR 10s are also on average more expensive.
Which One Is Better?
Which choice is better is a tough one to make. Because every situation is different, it truly is situational dependent. If you live in an area with an expansive and open area the .308 may be a better choice for a survival rifle. Also in situations where you may face larger game and need a dual purpose defensive use and hunting rifle.
The .223 Rem is the more popular option due to price, recoil, and ease of use. The .223 is often better suited for the average individual. It’s low recoil, accessibility, and price makes it an excellent option for a general purpose survival rifle.
Related: DIY Gun Solvent
In general, the choice is yours, and as a shooter and survivalist, you’ll need to decide what works for you and your situation. Power and range, or speed and accessibility?
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Both are good rounds and both have specific attributes. Like most things there’s some give and take to each individuals needs and desires. For deer hunting here in Va the .223 isn’t a legal round, has to be a .24 caliber or larger but in a SHTF event I don’t guess that would matter.
The dichotomy between the two is the reason why some shooters are electing to carry an upper in .300 Blackout or 6.5 Creedmore. They nicely fill the gap between .223 and .308. However, once again, there is no perfect solution. .300 Blackout and 6.5 Creedmore are civilian rounds and are not available in that many loads or in stores. If you go into Uncle Mikey’s Bait and Ammo in Whitefish, Montana, chances are he will have .223 and .308 but not one round of the other two. Life is like that. There are no perfect answers. As another poster pointed out in response to the ammo question, it depends upon where you are. Where he lives the foliage is lush and he can rarely see more than 100 yards. He feels in those circumstances the .223 would be used more. OTOH if you live in Greybull, Wyoming, the .308 would be required as there are lots of wide open spaces and it would be real sucky if your target were hammering you with a .308 from 500 yards and you were waiting for him to close to 300 because you have a 16 inch .224. If you have unlimited funds and space, buy them both.
If you live in Kally forniya you had better stock up on ammo pronto. Coming soon to a gun shop near you, limits on how much ammo you can buy and ammo purchasing licenses. Also the state preemption on firearms and ammunition laws is going out. Cities will be able to pass their own laws regarding guns and ammo. California is marching in the opposite direction of almost every other state in the union. Most other states are eliminating local option laws. With regard to firearms and ammunition, California is expanding local option. U-Haul still has more trucks and trailers leaving Kallyforniya than are coming back in.
Sorry buddy. Everyone in our community wants to hate on commifornia. Truth be told it’s a gorgeous state that’s just been crapped on by the libtards. Shame….
You’re right. It certainly isn’t the state I decided to stay in when I got discharged here almost 60 years ago. If you worked as a shipyard worker at HUnter’s Point Naval Shipyard or a stevedore on the docks you could actually afford to buy a home in San Francisco. Today? HA! First of all, most of the blue collar jobs have left the state, either driven out by the environazis or because the legislative atmosphere for factory work has driven it offshore to either Mexico or Asia. Wages aren’t the only thing affecting whether jobs stay or leave. Well this is a pepper’s forum, so I will drop this political rant. It’s too close to bed time. If I don’t I’ll be too p.o.’d to sleep.
I think you’re correct
I love California it’s the damned DEMOCRAPS!
If you can shoot 1.5″ groups at 1,000 yards, have you ever competed at Camp Perry?
He meant 1 1/2 yard groups out of a rifle vise at 1000 yards.. I would think you would be able to read between the lines by nowTSgt B
Just as well they didn’t ban Caps Lock keys or you’d be well screwed.
A 1 MOA rifle at 100 yds prints about a 1″ (one inch) group. So, at 1,000 yds if you print a 10″ (that’s TEN INCH) group you would still be 1 MOA. So, your 1.5″ at 1,000 yards equates to a 0.15 MOA rifle….. Sorry…don’t believe it unless you’re Mike Wilson IBS Hawks Ridge who has a near world record 1.068″ 1,000 yd shot grouping. If you’re him, I apologize……
springfield m 1 fear no evil
Just don’t try to get too far of a shot with the blackout. It is a CQ round.
Well I really like your solution of the 300 BO, I have an AR 15 in .223 and one built in 300 BO. The 300 BO uses the same brass as the 223, but cut down about a half inch and necked to accommodate a .308 bullet. I reload, so I bought 1000 once fired .223 cases and have cut down a couple of hundred of them to supplement my store bought ammo, plus I have a lot of 150 grain bullets, powder, and primers. I can reload 308, 223, and 300 BO and well as 38 spl and 357. The 300 BO uses the same magazines as the .223, same BCG, only difference in the 2 rifles is the barrels. Can’t hunt with .223 in WA, but I solved that problem with the 300 BO: basically same rifle, same accessories, different calibers.
You’re right of course. personally where I’m at Isupport the 223, but honestly in fairly close quarters hunting, deer and Hogs under a hundred yards I rely on my 30-30 lever action
Which one should you stockpile? Both. Or whichever one you have a rifle for, if you only have one rifle. I have both, so I stock heavily on both calibers, as well as .300 WinMag for large game and loner range needs.
As a Vietnam vet I have a distaste for the AR platform, but the caliber is lacking too. In a police gunfight in City Park in New Orleans that had to go to 40 S&W it penetrate a pickup cab as the sort bbl AR’ did not work. I will continue to rely on my M1A and lots of loaded magazines. I learned this the day after a firefight in Nam and never touched another M-16. The M1A and a 12 ga pump are functional!
The 5.56 round makes its living on being a high velocity high pressure round. Stoner designed it for a 20″ barrel. Its a devastating round with the right ballistics and ammo. It loses its potential to penetrate in barrels under 14.5″ the platform has come a long way since Nam. Google palmetto state armory torture test. Thank you for your service.
5.56 green tip ammo is light armor piercing and will penetrate 1/2″ mild steel so they’re using the wrong ammo…….
That tells me the cops had the wrong ammunition for the AR. The green tip 5.56 will penetrate 1/2″ mild steel.
The .308 can be loaded with many kinds of powder and bullets which can beat the speed and energy you listed without much effort at all.
There are also many platforms out there for .308’s (7.62mm) and 223’s (5.56mm) that can outperform the AR platform. Bottom line is that each caliber is useful and there are tons of gun choices for each. Perhaps the strongest advantage for using these calibers is the easy availability of ammunition.
If you are loading for a semi-automatic .308, unless you have an adjustable gas cylinder plug that will allow you to fire different weights at different velocities, you are limited to the load the M14 was designed for 147 gr. bullet at 2750 fps or thereabouts. You can vary it somewhat but as I pointed out in another post, without an adjustable gas cylinder plug you are limited in how much you can vary your loads. A military semi-automatic is designed to fire a specific load at a specific muzzle velocity with little wiggle room. It’s not like loading up your Dad’s old 1917 Enfield with a 220 gr at 2800 fps and if you are man enough, the gun is strong enough. If the things aren’t in the range of bullet weight/velocity that the gun was designed to handle, you are going to get failure to eject; failure to feed, accelerated parts wear and possible parts breakage. If you are engaged in a sniper duel, the number of rounds you put downrange isn’t going to determine the outcome. A bolt action will do just as well. If you are shooting at 300 yards, the .223 will impress your target sufficiently if you hit it which is the key no matter what weapon you’re using. A hit with a .22LR beats a miss with a .50 BMG every time.
I bought an M1A NM Springfield about 20 years ago. I handload for it using IMR 4195 and IMR 4064, shooting Berger 168 grain VLD HPBT bullets. It will shoot 1 hole groups at 100 yards consistently, and does very well at longer ranges, too. I have never had to adjust the gas system on it since the first time I shot it, and it is still in excellent shape.
Why would you get a 223 AR when you could get a 556 AR that would take either round?
Ding ding ding ding. And we have a winner. Desert Daddy! Mossberg MVP patrol in .308 in the truck or strapped to my pack, Spike’s st15 LE at the ready. If that don’t do it it wasn’t gonna happen anyway.
Well, thankyaverymuch! For the 7.62×51 (aka .308), let’s not overlook the good ol’ Springield M1A, or for those who like the AR10-like pattern, the PTR battle rifle (a “replica” of the H&K 91). Both good rifles, a bit different from one another, but will spit out lead as fast as you can pull the trigger. I favor the M1A, as do others here.
There are no best between the two—they are different “tools” for different jobs. The choice depends in the guy pulling the trigger and the job to be done!!!
The all out best gun to have is the one you can handle proficiently and train with often. Anyone can pick up a gun and try to hit paper, but can they hit moving targets; can they shoot accurately in the wind, can they hit targets that shoot back, and do they know the limitations of said gun & ammo????
Also bear in mind that most confrontations will occur at close range, that you may want your chosen platform to be sound and/or flash suppressed, and that you can carry more small caliber ammo than large caliber ammo.
If I could only have one, tactically, a .308. It’ll do anything the 5.56 will do and more. A muzzle brake does wonders for recoil. However, I suspect most of us here have both in our gun safes. I have a 5.56 for the Mrs and in a SHTF situation her job is fire suppression. I have a .308/7.62 and my job is targeted fire/fire suppression beyond 500 yards.
I personally don’t “stockpile ammo” I reload so I have a variety of powders and bullets on hand to make whatever ammo I need. For monthly exercise I use light loads with budget bullets. For EDC I have a couple of mags of medium load hollow points. Once a year I load and shoot a box of .357 Sig with 9.3 gr. of Hodgdon Longshot to remind me what recoil is like.
Your first table shows errors about both calibers: it is not “pressure”, it is MUZZLE ENERGY. Also, a .308/7.62×51 shooting a 150 grain Nosler bullet will have a muzzle velocity of around 2,700 to 2,800 feet per second, not 2,280.
That said, as a retired military Small Arms Expert, former cop, certified firearms instructor, and 40+ year reloader/handloader and bullet caster,if I had to choose ONE, I’d go with the .308/7.62. In the AR-10 configuration, as it is gas operated, recoil/muzzle rise would be minimized, and I’d have a standard A-2 (non-adjustable) buttstock, rail, and flip-up backup iron sights. It would be better, in my opinion, to have more power, ever up close, than not enough. Of course, good optics would be mandatory.
The AR-10;s ARE NOT built to Military standards like the AR-15s.
Armalite controls the name AR-10 and there are makers of them including PSA.
NOT all parts including magazines will play well together.
Also TSgt B I highly agree on the full length stock for the .308/7.62 x51 NATO as it definitely lessens the felt recoil./
Also once have or built your version of the AR-10… one can consider numerous of calibers such as the .350 Legend or the 6.5 Creedmore or other such calibers the bullet is too long to fit on the AR-15 Platform.
Were you LE or Security or Security Forces?
Why would any prepper go with an under-powered round? I have an AR in .223, and an M1A Spgfld in .308, which is my main battle rifle. Sniping = .308, rushing an attacker = .308, big game = .308. The .223 is ok for use as a backup, but to reliably take down an enemy, I wouldn’t rely on it.
Your answer assumes the human body is indestructible. Hit any man under SHTF conditions (limited food, limited medical available, etc) and even a .223 hit to the arm or anywhere results in out of action at a minimum if not soon dead, but retreat at a minimum will occur. The 5.56 with green tip ammo will go through 1/4 inch welded plate so hit a man with virtually any .233 or 5.56 ammo and the fight is all but over. Most engagements are under 200 yards and at these ranges energy is 600 to over 1,000 ft lb energy. Modern man is far less tough when struck by a 5.56/223 round than you think he is.
I choose the 5.56: 1) 5.56 has lighter ammo and gun, 2) 5.56 ammo is cheaper, 3) 5.56, 69 grain green tip ammo will punch through 1/2″ thick mild steel and while .308 is more powerful, most won’t need it, 4) hit anybody anywhere in a SHTF situation with either a .308 or 5.56 and they’re basically out of action or will bleed to death, 5) 5.56 has far less recoil so you get better follow-up shots and 6) higher rate of fire with a 5.56
lol I have no idea what most of you men are talking about! Good for you though, sharing. These are all foreign words to me. I have my loaded,,,,,,
Well, as another older prepper I guess “old school” has no place in this discussion. It’s just that I made my choices of ammo and rifles long ago … .30-06. And I’m not switching out guns or trading out my stockpile of ammo at this point. I’m pretty sure I’ll get by with what I have, though.
I have had and still have a Remington 700 bolt action 308 with a great 3 X12 power 50mm Nikon scope on it. I also have a 223 Savage 24 inch barrel rifle with a 3X9 Nikon scope that I reload rounds with Hornady powder and 55 G boat tail bullets. This round at muzzle goes 3,225 fps and is stable enough to hit 4 inch circles at 500 yards plus the slight winds here in Carson City don’t effect as much but only dents a 1/4 inch steel plate. Now my 308 165 g boat tail with Hornady powder goes out to 750 yards with a 5 inch circle at times plus it will still go through a 1/4 inch steel plate.
I’m a vietnam era veteran, And was trained on the M-16 .I could do head shots out to 300 meters all day , but I wasn’t being shot at either . I like the AR-15 platform but basically it’s just a souped up .22 that has a tendency to key hole when it hits , I would rather carry the extra weight of the AR-10 and ammo and know that what I’m shooting at will go down with the first shot and I can go to the next tango with little worry the first tango to still be in the fight even only being wounded . A 7.62packs a good punch ,and can be used for any big game hunting in the USA , but that’s just my opinion ,and you know what they say about opinions .
Keyhole means tumble which means more damage.
Why not just stock up on ALL calibers that are common use including hand gun ammo?
What you don’t use can be bartered for other things you need.
The question isn’t which is the best round, but which will be more plentiful in a SHTF situation.
The military and police use the .223, which is also used by a large part of the population.
With that in mind, the .223 will be easier to obtain the other calibers, as will the 9mm.
All of the misguided, under informed persons who like the puny projo gopher killer should gain some more accurate information on which to base their opinions and decisions concerning rifle ammo. Two excellent reference items.
Major General Bob Scales Senate Testimony:
and Major Anthony Milavic The Last Big Lie of Viet-Nam
Both explain and expose the atrocity of sending our soldiers into battle with that rifle, that seduces the uninformed by somehow being thought of as sexy, but does not do the deed in battle. Ask any hunter of dangerous game if he would use .223 or 5.56mm ammo with a 55 or 65 grain bullet against *dangerous game* and he would say Hell No. So why use it to hunt the most dangerous game on the planet, a thinking, trained, armed human who wants to kill you? With the .30-06 of World War One, Two and Korea, or the 7.62mm .308 that was effective early in Viet-Nam, when an enemy is shot, they stay shot. Not so with the puny projo.
Any who wish to disagree with Major Milavic or General Scales please state your qualifications and experience, then disprove what they have written.
Also, if recoil is a problem, add a slip on recoil pad, from LimbSaver or Kick Eez.
I am retired Army, Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, spent 49 months in Viet-Nam combat as Advisor to Viet Rangers, then platoon leader, and company commander with 101st and 173rd Airborne between 1964 and 1969. I have studied Infantry rifles for over fifty years, 25 years active service. Live in Montana and hunt with .30-06 only.
5.56 green tip penetrates 1/4 in steel plate. Hit any man with this and he is at a minimum in either retreat, severely bleeding and seeking non existent medical care, or dead. My 5.56/223 is lightweight, easy to carry, has high capacity, has virtually no recoil, ammo is cheap, it’s highly accurate out to several hundred yards.and is a deadly weapon. I also own a .308 bolt action and yes it’s more powerful but the 5.56/223 has so much going for it in such a compact lightweight package as to make it the go to weapon in a SHTF scenario.
I’d just like to add a personal experience.. My buddies and I were on a stroll through the beautiful Korengal Valley back in ‘04 and took fire from the side of a hill off to our left. It was over fairly quick, didn’t rank very high in terms of firefights that go-round, so when it was over we were able to locate the nice fellas who were shooting at us. From one of the guys we recovered a standard M4, still had our optics on it, as well as a few rounds of green tip still in the mag. Obviously this had been taken from one of our guys at some point. Anyway during the fight, I was lucky enough to catch a round in the back of my knee, at a funny angle, which exited on my inner leg just below my kneecap. It bled for a few minutes and hurt like hell for a couple weeks, but otherwise I was ok. I even managed to walk for another 2 hours or so when it was time to go. There’s zero doubt that I was shot by that M4 with the green tips, and not the AK’s or the Mosin that the other 3 dickheads we recovered were carrying. Now I know in SHTF everyone’s going to be hitting center mass every time and taking badguys out with tactical tomahawks and shit, but once in a while you might get a fly in your eye and pull a shot, hit someone in the leg, and he might just limp away after unslinging your rifle off of your dead body. Anyway, just a little of my experience. I’ve also seen exactly what those green tips can do to a man with proper shot placement. And before I leave I’ll make sure everyone here dismisses my opinion fully haha… my main SHTF rifle is a Chinese MAK90 with a 1-6x24mm on top.
You are talking war hardened people vs post-SHTF dickheads and your average looters come from these latter groups and are the ones you are most likely to encounter.
In true SHTF there’s little to no medical care nearby. I know of very few people who, when hit by any sizeable projectile, will not at a minimum either: 1) die on site or 2) immediately retreat to either seek help or die later in some rat hole.
Also, what no one is saying in these blogs is that the REAL answer to this question (of best SHTF rifle) is to bring BOTH guns with you! I have a .308 bolt action with 26″ barrel and scope that weighs about 12 pounds and a Colt AR-15 with scope that weighs about 8 lbs. I can carry both all day yet what I hear on these blogs is the .308 alone is too much weight. Anyone who thinks a .308 alone is too heavy is not a “hardened” individual and is also the first to retreat or die on site when hit with a 5.56/223 which, I can guarantee you, is something they have never experienced before.
What nighthawk said.
and love the one your with…. learn to shoot it well.
My personal preference is the 308. It hits harder and with the newer weapons can pack almost as many rounds as the 223. Even the military has realized the knockdown of the .30 cal. far exceeds that of the .223. I will deal with the recoil as bullet placement makes all of the difference. I have both but when it comes to self defense I will take the heavy hitter each time. My .45 is still my preferred home defense. History has proven it’s worth.
I own firearms that use the 5.56 or 7.62, I’ll use one or the other depending on what situation presents itself. As a Vietnam era Marine I was trained to use the M14 and the M16A1 and am very much aware of the pros and cons of both platforms.
There is a difference between the .223 Remington and 5.56 NATO. 5.56 NATO has Higher Chamber Pressure.
I have interchanged both over the years and not had any problems…
BUT the difference needs too be noted…that there is a chance using 5.56 NATO in a .223 Remington may cause a serous catastrophic “incident” and result in Death or serious bodily injury.
It is quite safe to use .223 Remington in a 5.56 NATO firearm.
Lighter bullets such as in the .223 Remington can and will be deflected by passing through leaves or small branches.
When hunting in heavy brush one needs a big heavy bullet such as 150 grain JSP 30.30 Winchester or .308 Winchester or other heavy calibers and bullets.
Something people are not aware of is the rifling in the AR-15 rifles……and DEPENDING ON THE RIFLING TWIST will decide which 5.56 NATO round to use or else your accuracy you should have, is not going to be there and you will be making a lot of noise but not hitting much of your targets.
1 in 9 Rate of Twist is suppose to give the best over all accuracy and stabilize the .55 Grain FMJBT to the heavier bullets which current issue Green Tip are 62 or 63 Grain FMJ/BT bullets.
As for the .300 Blackout… it has limited range…..what 300 Yards or so?
The 6.5 Creedmore shoots Farther Flatter Faster and HITS HARDER than the 7.62 x 51 NATO/ .308 Winchester at Long Range.
One can build a regular AR-10 or AR-15 in multi calibers. There are Uppers of many different calibers out there available.
One needs an AR-10 Lower to use an Upper in 6.5 Creedmore.
No one mentioned the FN/FAL 7.62 NATO Rifle. The British referred to it as an SLR It served many many years before being phased out.
The Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle in .308 Winchester is an Excellent Bolt Action….like the Mossberg MVP Ruger also makes the Ruger All American Rifle .308 Winchester//7.62 NATO