When martial law is declared, the military essentially takes the place of civilian law enforcement. This extreme measure is like using a broad sword to cut into a problem instead of a scalpel.
Martial law is sometimes brutal, due process is expedited and rules are typically very rigid. This is compounded by the problem that the average soldier typically doesn’t receive a lot of training in things like handling mobs or negotiating peaceful terms with a criminal.
This means you need to take the declaration of martial law very seriously. Chances are if a military agent thinks you did something wrong, you aren’t going to get a typical day in court.
Generally, martial law is only declared in extreme moments when civilian law enforcement simply isn’t up to the task. This includes things like natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes that devastate a large region.
These are times when you can see the declaration of martial law coming. They might even make sense. Yet there are other times when the government might be preparing to declare martial law, without being so transparent with the public.
In the shadows of everyday life, subtle signals hint at a looming threat to our freedoms. From the rapid deployment of military forces to sudden curbs on civil liberties and growing government overreach, there are hidden signs that martial law may be on the horizon. These developments demand our attention, urging us to be informed and prepared for the possibility of a drastic shift in societal order.
When uncertainty looms, being ready isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. For those seeking comprehensive, practical guidance on how to navigate such turbulent times, the Wilderness Survival Guide offers a wealth of time-tested strategies and insights. This essential resource is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to secure your future, no matter what challenges may come.
In a time like this, when uncertainty is the only certainty, you don’t want to be caught out or unprepared. So, it helps to watch out for the following signs that the government is about to declare martial law.
Increased Law Enforcement and Military Presence
A noticeable increase in local law enforcement and military personnel on the streets is an early sign that the government might be preparing to declare martial law. It might make sense in areas prone to protests, demonstrations, or unrest. Especially if there’s a contentious election, racial incident, or major sporting event going on.
This is usually as much about de-escalating existing tensions as it is about getting military and law enforcement personnel strategically in place. Having LEOs and military personnel at the ready makes it easier for the government to impose and enforce curfews, manage crowds, or establish control over densely packed urban areas.
Restricted Use of Communication
One of the less-obvious signs that martial law is about to be declared is the government restricting communication such as cellular service and internet access. It’s easy to mistake this as a cell tower being down or a problem with your providers’ network. When really it’s the government throttling network performance.
In an extreme case, widespread censorship in media could also be an early signal of an impending clampdown. This could even come in the form of restricted access to social media, websites, and news outlets, and the government might announce regulations limiting information flow.
Related: The First Thing You Should Do After Martial Law Is Declared
Sometimes the communication restriction is the government’s attempt at preventing the spread of dissenting opinions or what they consider to be misinformation. In the case of throttling network performance, it could be that the government is ensuring they have the signal strength and bandwidth needed to make a widespread declaration.
Limitations on Public Gatherings & Establishing Curfews
The government setting limitations on public gatherings and establishing curfews for public safety is often a precursor to declaring martial law. In the case of recurring riots and civil unrest, the government might establish a curfew on nights two or three after an incident to help restrict the problem from escalating again.
Curfews and shelter-in-place orders also keep the streets clear of people, traffic, and pedestrians. This makes it easier for the government to get personnel, barriers, and equipment in place for when they need to declare martial law later.
Abbreviated Judicial Processes
The temporary suspension of certain civil liberties, such as habeas corpus, or implementation of military tribunals to replace civilian courts is a blatant sign that martial law is about to be declared.
Once martial law is in place, standard judicial processes can be paused to allow for faster decision-making and punishment for perceived dissidents or lawbreakers. The suspension of regular judicial processes can signal a shift to more authoritarian control.
Stockpiling Emergency Supplies & Restricting Resources
If you see local and government agencies stockpiling medical supplies, food, water, and critical emergency equipment, it’s a strong sign that martial law is about to be declared. This could include suddenly closing certain supply depots, distribution centers, or warehouse facilities.
Related: FEMA Will Never Take Your Stockpile If You Hide It Here
Resource control is an essential component of managing the population effectively. Especially during an extended crisis where resources start to dwindle over time. Being able to control critical resources on the ground like this ensures they have what they need to deal with the crisis.
It also gives the government the ability to offer resources as a way of controlling the population. Those who comply with martial law receive a rationed amount of the stockpiled resources.
A State of Emergency Is Declared
Usually, when the government declares a state of emergency, it’s a precursor to martial law. This declaration might grant the government or military temporary control over certain civilian operations, often citing reasons like national security or public safety.
The state of emergency usually comes with a curfew order. If the population obeys the curfew within the government’s tolerance level, martial law can be avoided.
By declaring a state of emergency, the government can start moving to take swift actions that bypass standard legislative processes. This ultimately makes it easier for them to shift to military or martial control if the civilian authority cannot cope with the crisis at hand.
Increased Surveillance
The increased presence of drones and other forms of surveillance technology can also be a sign that martial law might be declared soon. This could also include blacked-out government vehicles being parked in key locations where suspicious behavior occurred in the past.
This could be increased placement of remote cameras linked together using wi-fi. These cameras can even be analyzed using facial recognition software. It could also be the increased presence of aerial drones flying over the area in a greater volume than you’d expect if it was just local hobbyists.
Final Thoughts
Many of these signs point to an increased risk of the government preparing to declare martial law. They’re usually in response to heightened security threats, an impending natural disaster or the increased risk of social unrest.
Sometimes, the underlying reason the government is preparing to declare martial law is less transparent. In the case of a threat of domestic or international terrorism, the government might be preparing to declare martial law while actively trying to prevent an incident—all without letting the terrorists know that they’re on to them.
And the experience will NOT be pleasant for you. You have to be prepared. A resource like the Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide will help you. Learn things like:
- The ONLY Foods You Need To Stockpile
- The Water You need In A Crisis And How To Preserve It
- How To Looter-Proof Your Property
- How To Still Have Power When The Grid Goes Down
- The Post-SHTF Communication Blueprint
- Survival Items You Need But Never Heard About
This bug-in guide is a safety net for dark times. And few things are darker than martial law, when those who are supposed to help you might be your most dangerous enemies. For only $37, this guide is a steal!
So, if you see potential signs that martial law might be declared soon, the wise move is to return and get home. It’s always best to out of the way and in the safest place possible to avoid being swept up in the broad sword control imposed when martial law is declared.
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The time to prepare is ripe! Wonder if putting out $37 makes you or I better off?
I got one when they first came out.. Have not read through it yet, key word “yet”, I did glance thru it, and added it to my reference library… I DO NOT pay for digital anything, you put it in print, I’ll probably purchase it… EMP’s, to me, make digital stuff nonexistence, unusable… Anything printed will last years… so, Yes I do have a copy of the Bug In Guide, as I reside in my BOL, I can always use fresh ideas… Live long and prosper…
i guess the $37.00 is worth it if you need ideas about bugging in. theres alot of new preppers that need ideas and get the brain to thinking. i’m sure there is tips i could use and get my brain to thinking. we all better get to planning on a martial law condition whether its from natural disaster or man made( which i think is closer to reality). everyone stay safe and keep your powder dry.
Howdy from the swamp,
I was reminded early this morning and until 1300 cst about water. A hydrant down the road broke off and it had to be repaired. That took 7 hours. That took 5 gallons of my water stash for sink baths and filling the commode tank. I went to Academy and bought two more 5 gallon potable water containers. I got these because I see shrimpers and water workers have these. I had two but now have four. During hurricanes water outage is rare. My house may be gone but the toilet flushes and fills. This time it was off. Nothing. Ouch. I will use the other one and refill all four with distilled water to be ready for hurricane season. All these suggestions are great. Even the lefties on here give a point from that perspective and gives you a sense of what nearly half the country thinks like. Sad but still.. Did anyone see the pick your fighter video of the loony left Representatives? If not, it’s near depressing. Read these comments and then look at your own situation and after you evaluate, go turn off your water and see how the other/others react. You will see the biggest immediate and long lasting problem is fresh water. How do you get it? Where do you get it? How do you clean it? Is it illegal to catch rainwater in your State? If you are bugging in or out you will need clean water.
If you have been canning or storing cans you might want to check the dates and use them and replace. I was happy to see the chili, stew and sloppy joe I made and canned was good from late 2020 and into 2021.
Check into your no water situation and see what you need.
The ones trying to be prepared should say: REMEMBER NORTH CAROLINA.
The government is not to be depended on. If they do help? Great. Don’t expect it.
In all things make certain your soul is prepared.
after Katrina we had no water for a week until the NG brought in some generators to run the pumps. i got our water from the water heater. i now have a deep well with well buckets for backup. ya gotta have water if nothing else. and think of the barter value of it in a SHTF event. thirst is a very real motivator and will be the end of very many ( from lack of, or drinking unsafe water) who cannot get sustainable clean water in a very few days (4 days at best ) after an event, i fear.
good luck brother Dan.
Much obliged. We had Harvey. My little slice of the swamp has the record. 64 inches of rain in 5 days. It was and still is indescribable. Katrina was awful. As if I needed reminding to be ready. My wife wasn’t thrilled at all with being prepared until Harvey. Day 2 I took her around and showed her everything I had. If the sewers backed up I had a toilet in the garage. Plumbers plugs to block off the rising water and we were good for the week and a half of going absolutely nowhere. However, we never lost water or gas. I am late to the preparation on water but have improved greatly. I do have a plan and ability to clean and have water unless it’s like The Walking Dead type scenario.
We have some water storage in the 5-gallon bottles, but not nearly enough. I used to think, “The river is just 0.7 mile away. I can get water from there.” Now, over 5 months after Helene, our river is still heavily contaminated. I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of that water. We’re working on better rain catchment and more 5-gallon water bottles.
Government is the enemie not matter what they say. Police & military are not your friends either.Look at all the atrocities both have committed against our own people & look at history about the issue.Corporations are not friends either.
Remember, it’s a big club and you ain’t in it.Lie low and don’t admit to what your supplies are and where they are located.If you can establish a community for the common good in your own neck of the woods like the Amish do, the better off you will be for most people.
Establish places to hide children away from all levels of government, remember rex-84 drills where children were taken out of school without parents being notified in order to trap the parents too.These all occurred in conservative states at the time, and liberalizing these states has been going on ever since then.Realize it for what it is a pedo nwo gov takeover. Dont think trump or any politician will save us they wont he and them will only make things worse.Stay alert,stay alive,stay prepared.The price of freedom is eternal vigelence. Remember what the people who founded this country said would keep it free & it was not the military or police or government but a militia bound by honor & freedon.
also stay remote and off grid if possible.
Oh man I forgot all about REX-84b.
And with trump in office, this country has turned into a 3rd world shithole.
Nobody wants to hear your babble, go away pest.
Agreed Lisa. Everything is getting expensive and dangerous. Fuck trump. Better off with nobody at this rate
No comments or rebuttals needed.
Babble away Blake !! And RESIST !! xox💜🌎💪🏾💪🏾
We have some water storage in the 5-gallon bottles, but not nearly enough. I used to think, “The river is just 0.7 mile away. I can get water from there.” Now, over 5 months after Helene, our river is still heavily contaminated. I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of that water. We’re working on better rain catchment and more 5-gallon water bottles.
Depending on what kind of contamination it is, you should be able to dig a small well about three to four feet away from the water’s edge and let it fill up using the ground as a filter.
I’d still maybe boil it and run it through a ceramic filter to to be extra careful.
when all is well and has a good optics appereance or looks good on the outside , then beware
the left doesnt come out of the dark , evil with out a siething fight , evil when given a time , does not go down easy
There is a way that seems right and the way is Death, Doom , Destruction
This the heart of mankind with out accoutability or trust and belief in GOD
Man will do what ever please HIM or Her self
Feels good, seems good, apeals to self , this is the evil intent
so many evil examples around the world
mankind did it there selfish way
God say s Forgiveness, Love , Repentance , Pay for your deeds or goods
Work with your hands , all the day s of life
Doooooo Goooood to your neighbors
Forgive one another
and Pray for one another
After reading through the existing comments, all in all, moving out of a large metromess, and into a very rural environment, over two yrs ago was the best decision I ever made… I’m semi satisfied with my present situation… I have a well and a spring on my property, so water isn’t quite an issue… I also developed methods of getting the water without power… good old fashion pitcher pumps work great…. In the event of marshal law being declared I’m hoping that I’m rural enough to be left alone… lol… hopefully… Thankfully the area I chose to move back to, North of Chaplain Dan, has water sources available and plenty of timber… Live long and prosper, and since birth, have had “Remember the Alamo”, instilled in my life, duh, as well as “Gig Aggies” and 3/2/1836….LOL
Get some replacement parts for that pitcher pump while you can and for the other stuff too.
We need to understand that Lisa Blake and all those of
her ilk are truly mentally ill and are not capable of rational
She and her comrades hate just for the sake of hating.
They live in a dark place and any attempt to help them
would fail.Sadly they are our enemies and should be
dealt with as such.
Lisa has a spilt personality, she’ll post comments that lean to the right and then repost leaning to the left.
I’d have to say if you’re already seeing those signs, you’re already under martial law.
Get out of the area if you can.