It seems like everywhere you turn, fewer and fewer people are talking about prepping. What used to be a growing movement, driven by concerns over economic instability, natural disasters, or even just the common sense of being prepared, is now dismissed and scoffed at. The irony? Those who abandon prepping are walking away from something that wasn’t always called “prepping” at all. It used to just be how people lived.
Back in the day—think of your grandparents or great-grandparents during the Great Depression—being prepared was a natural part of life. Families grew their own food, stored it for the winter, and knew how to stretch what little they had to last through tough times. Everyone had a pantry full of canned goods, a wood stove to heat their home, and enough basic supplies to get through whatever life threw at them. They didn’t call it prepping; they called it living.
So why is prepping now seen as something only “doomsday” enthusiasts or conspiracy theorists do? The truth is modern society has become far too comfortable, relying on instant access to everything from groceries to electricity. We’ve been lulled into complacency by convenience, and that’s where the real danger lies.
Complacency in the Age of Convenience
The conveniences of modern life are hard to argue against. Who doesn’t love the fact that we can order anything we want and have it delivered within days, or even hours? If you’re cold, just adjust your thermostat.
Need food? Drive down to the nearest grocery store and stock up. This ease of access has bred a reliance on things that can vanish the moment a crisis hits.
We’ve seen glimpses of how fragile our systems are. The pandemic of 2020 exposed weaknesses in supply chains that left store shelves empty, from toilet paper to meat. Natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires regularly knock out power for days, sometimes weeks, leaving entire communities in the dark. And yet, as soon as things settle back into normalcy, people forget. They assume the system will always bounce back, that help will always come, and that someone else will take care of the problem.
This over-reliance on modern conveniences is why so many people today are vulnerable. We’ve lost the skills our ancestors considered basic knowledge. Most people don’t know how to grow their own food, build a fire, or purify water without fancy gadgets. When you think about it, what we call prepping today is really just adopting the mindset that people had naturally in the past: being self-sufficient and prepared for the unknown. Most people wouldn’t last even a few hours without all these modern conveniences, let alone survive for a few days in the wild, for instance. That’s why I tell all my friends about this guide that shows you step-by-step how to make it on your own and with just a few items, wherever you end up in the wild.
The Old Way of Life
When you take a closer look, you realize that prepping isn’t something new. It’s just a return to the way things used to be. Our ancestors didn’t have the luxury of modern technology to fall back on.
They couldn’t Google how to fix a broken fence or order seeds from an online store. They had to know how to do these things for themselves because their survival depended on it.
They saved and reused everything. Old clothing became rags. Broken tools were fixed, not replaced. Families grew their own food, preserved it through canning, and kept a deep pantry stocked with essentials. They had to be resourceful because there wasn’t any other option. Look at the Amish people for example, who still live like this. If there is a disaster tomorrow, they won’t even notice. Here is a good resource if you want to apply the Amish knowledge to your day-to-day life.
Prepping today follows the same principles. It’s about being resourceful, self-reliant, and ready for whatever comes your way. Whether it’s an economic downturn, a natural disaster, or even something as simple as a power outage, the goal is to take control of your own situation rather than relying on fragile systems that will fail as soon as SHTF.
Why People Are Abandoning Prepping
So why are so many people walking away from prepping now? It comes down to two things: comfort and complacency. The more we’ve become used to the conveniences of modern life, the less inclined people are to prepare for the hard times.
We’re surrounded by so much abundance that the idea of scarcity seems laughable to most.
It’s easy to believe that nothing bad will happen. After all, we’ve gone through decades of relative peace and prosperity, especially in developed countries. Why would you need a year’s worth of food stored when there’s a grocery store just down the street? Why learn how to fix things when you can call a handyman or buy a replacement?
This mindset is what’s causing so many people to abandon prepping. They assume that the systems in place will always be there, ready to catch them when they fall. Unfortunately, history has shown us time and again that this isn’t always the case. But for our ancestors this wasn´t a way of prepping, for them this was daily life. This is how they survived difficult times, like the Great Depression. You can find here some of the recipes that them through.
The Modern Prepping Mindset: Old-School Self-Sufficiency
For those of us who continue to prep, it’s not about fear or paranoia. It’s about common sense and practicality.
Prepping is simply about going back to a mindset of self-sufficiency. It’s about taking responsibility for your own well-being instead of relying on systems that might not always be there.
Related: Great Depression Foods We Will All Be Eating Again Soon
When you grow your own food, store what you need, and learn the skills to be self-sufficient, you’re not just preparing for some far-off disaster. You’re adopting a way of life that’s sustainable, practical, and resilient. You’re reclaiming the independence that our ancestors had and recognizing that, in the end, it’s always better to be prepared than to be caught off guard.
Why Prepping Is More Important Than Ever
While prepping may not be as trendy as it was a few years ago, the need for it has never been more important. We live in a world that’s more interconnected—and therefore more vulnerable—than ever before. Supply chains can be disrupted overnight. Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe. Economic instability looms, and the risk of grid failure, cyberattacks, or other crises is always present.
But by embracing a prepper’s mindset, you’re simply choosing to be self-reliant. You’re choosing to live like your grandparents did—prepared, resourceful, and ready for anything. Prepping isn’t about hoarding or living in fear. It’s about common sense, and it’s about returning to the principles that used to be a way of life.
So, while everyone else may be abandoning prepping, now is the perfect time to double down on it. The world may change, but the wisdom of being prepared never goes out of style.
If you’re looking to transform your home into a self-sufficient fortress, this guide offers comprehensive strategies for doing just that. Not only will it show you how to stockpile food and secure your home, but it will also guide you on what to do immediately once a crisis begins to drastically cut down the chances your house will ever become a target for looters, rioters, or unwelcome government officials.
This guide is designed to help you prepare effectively for long-term emergencies without ever having to leave your home. For more details and to see how this guide can enhance your preparedness, consider exploring what it has to offer.
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I believe the recent election has caused many to take their guard down. Mine is, with a big caveat. Had the election gone the other way, there’d have been some serious amping up of all things prepper. Now, I’m ok with maintaining what we have- replacing as things are used.
We lived off the grid 6-9 months for 22 years. Always had plenty left when returning home from those trips – sailing/camping. So, we always had a pantry with non-perishibles. When Covid hit, it wasn’t a big deal to just amp it up. We were on our way home from a deep winter camping trip when it started.
We live on a barrier island in Hurricane Alley. So, I have a seriously significant pantry.
What people have forgotten is that the world is still a mess. Then, there’s the debt levels of people and governments. Trump is already working his magic and can keep us from turning our children into cannon fodder with war, but he can’t fix all the broken countries.
So- my caveat is not trust but verify. It is verify then trust.
We live in a precarious world. Won’t take much for the dominos to start falling.
Your comment is a mirror of mine!!! If the election had went the other way we were moving out of the country!!! We would NOT have had a country left if she had been able to steal the election like Biden did!!!!
TOTALLY understand your mind-set, but just out of curiosity – where would you go? I’m planning to stay, regardless of the political future (looks like we’re on a better path now), but I would not have a good suggestion to anyone wanting to leave..?
No election was stolen. Get TF over it
Biden stole nothing! I have 1 question for the trumpy bear lovers. Name 1 thing he accomplished in his 1st 4 years as president then back it up with proof. I have yet to meet 1 person who can answer the question! Don’t get me wrong I am not a fan of our 2 party system where you are given the choice of voting for the best of the worst. Trump has no integrity, honesty constantly lies! He does not care 1 iota about anyone but himself period!!!!! He is an arrogant asshole and not to mention the 1st felon elected as president!! Which makes me wonder about the lack of intelligence that is rampant in this country. I doubt if any Trump voters actually looked for the truth! They just believed any thing spouted out of his mouth!!! The man is disgusting!!!!! You wait and watch what happens and don’t say 1 word when he destroys this country. You like to give your opinion I will always give mine!
Taking the Panama Canal by force if need be? Or Greenland? Who is going to be doing the forcing? Our kids if they go along with it, which I hope they tell trump you first!
You and Lisa are at present are two blithering nutjobs.
The preppers are less vocal about their preps with AI intrusion coming onboard.
I’m not sure I buy the author’s premise that preppers are declining in numbers. I’d suggest that “prepping” has merely ceased to be a topic of discussion following the election of a more favorable government. I’ve been preparing for 25 plus years…I just don’t feel the urgency to educate others on how to, as I did over the last few years. Otherwise, it is an interesting article.
O.k. So you think your country will be more save now that all the January 6’ers have learned that they can commit violence and there will be no consequences? Trust me, it will only empower them, and all who look up to them. And DJT will have his own private military who are willing to do whatever he asks. (P.S. I am not an American. And I don’t live in the U.S.A.) And who is going to pick all the crops, and clean all the offices, and be nannies and landscapers? Good luck!
I can tell you don’t live in USA or know anything about who picks the crops etc. We live in Arizona in the winter and have seen the GUEST WORKER PROGRAM in action.. Some people use the the farm workers as a weapon to look at illegals as necessary for our farms only means to get corps picked. There have been programs for years that allow peoples from other countries to come into the US to pick crops and do other farm work. In the Yuma AZ area it is a well oiled program. The outsiders are well cared for with room and board and many send money home. I have seen this many times in the Yuma area and expect that there are the same programs being used in CA.
Do you think that offices didn’t get cleaned and crops didn’t get picked before the illegal immigrants came here? You must be from Canada or Somewhere in Europe and VERY LEFT thinking to make comments like that. As for the J’6ers, I have personally seen video showing the DC and Capital Police meet up with “3 tour busses” of violent protesters (Although you definitely wont find the video now and we all know why..) and as they got off the buses they escorted them strait to the steps of the capital building where THEY started the rioting!!! Video’s of BLM protesters actually changing clothes into MAGA clothes and hats then going on a riot spree to make it look like Conservatives were the ones doing it. NO way to prove it but there is supposedly proof out there that Nancy Pelosi orchestrated every bit of what happened!!!! All because of the hatred of DJT!!! NOW that is sad! And whats more sad is that people like you wont give the other side a chance to show you that your wrong in what you think because the Left has indoctrinated you to be that way.
You’re not from this country so you have no skin in our game. This, and you’re demonstrable ignorance about the J6 political prisoners leads me to tell you to STFU.
To AE: Since you’re not an American and don’t live here your opinion is like assholes, everyone has one and yours doesn’t count!!! Worry about your own problems and sure you have many!! From an American whose family migrated here when it was called “ the New World “ !!!!
Thank you, Jim. Nice to see someone else with a brain. Everyone saying illegals are the only ones who will do farm work is laughable. We have the same programs on the East coast. And it works great. And the workers who come to the states are treated will. People need to educate themselves better before spewing nonsense. And it’s incredibly racist to keep referring to immigrants as slave.. I mean farm labor.
I grew up in a big farm in Calif, Harris Farms, 90 percent of the work force was illegal. I loved the work but the pay was a joke and left at 18 and started working construction and in six months time got a six dollar raise but Jimmy Carter was president , then came ray gun and lost almost 50 percent of my pay for doing the same work. He got into it with the Air Traffic Controllers just like trump is doing now. Don’t be surprised if our pay takes a hit just like it did in 1982
Why does everyone think that our crops are all picked by hand? Mechanized harvesters are machines designed to harvest crops more efficiently than manual labor, and there are various modifications and attachments employed depending on the type of crop being harvested. Mechanization of Maine’s blueberry industry has reduced the number of migrant workers required from 5,000 in 2005 to 1,500 in 2015, even as production increased from 50 to 60 million pounds per year in 2005 to 90 million pounds in 2015.
Honestly, I learned to much of this on my own back in the late 70s on the ranch. We were so broke we didn’t have a pot to p*** in or a window to throw it out of. When other families were going on or taking trips, buying microwaves and video cameras, I was making home made fruit leather, deer jerkey, homemade soap to wash our clothes in, baking bread from scratch, canning and dehydrating (no, didn’t have one…used the summer sun) and patching clothes. It was a fact of life for us. When covid came, I was shocked that so many people didn’t even know how to make bread or capture wild yeast!
I agree with CAddison and Farmer. The new US administration may have caused some folks to take a step back breathe a sigh of relief. It has for me, although I am running out of TP. Time to stock up again!
Those of us who have long been prepared – even if just an extended pantry- are not likely to change our ways. I agree that the conversation is more subdued now. Many Americans are no longer as worried about the future.
Those who are not Americans really cannot understand our culture any more than we understand theirs. So,, quite frankly, what they say is meaningless to Americans.
I’m keeping my preps at current levels. A significant preparation. Because of that, I can always wait to make purchases “on sale.” BeadyEyes- today I brought home replacement TP!
Forgot one thing…I hope people will use some wisdom and use the past few years as a wake up call to learn all they can. No one can take away the things you’ve learned stored in your head.
We no longer use the term “prepping” in our family. Putting goods in storage, conservative meals, gardening, and such is our life. We are now focusing on skills and physical abilities. The term we now use is, “resilience”. We aren’t just prepping for the future. We are building a way of life that we can thrive and grow.
This has happened over night. This has taken YEARS to reach this point.
Baby steps, life lessons, and cause and effect. And it really started here on Ask a prepper.
Maybe the new trend is finally OPSEC.
Some people gamble out of pure stupidity. Others listen to the political leader and Act on the directives given.
What has come about is that Trump is back in the White House again and the would be Preppers have dropped their guard. Thinking that all is well and good now that he’s back.
No sorry! I don’t believe that all will be well and good. All Fiat Currencies are going to fail. Government is bankrupt and the Stock market is a very big Bubble. Crime and homelessness has never been worse. “The very reasons that you Prep in the first place.”
Given what happened in the recent past. No one would gamble away their future on a promise from a Politician, but that is what they are doing. Good luck with that. I would rather people stayed out of the Casino because the House Always Wins.
I guess it depends on what you feel threatened by, many people I’ve been talking to are the opposite of CAddison.
Some are 2nd or 3rd generation Americans who are worried about ICE/Narional Guard knocking their door down, others are worried about their Medicare and Social Security disappearing. Personally I’m worried about the collapse of the economy once the tariffs kick in and the costs are passed onto Americans.
Basically, I’m talking to a lot of scared people who are taking their first steps into prepping, I hope this community makes them welcome even if their opinions differ radically from yours.
Make hay while the sun shines. Stuff can happen anytime.
I agree with you. I am thinking now might be a good time to build the rainwater collection system. I need to see if there are barrels at flea markets. I could kick myself for not buying several when they were 20 bucks. They’re now 120.00 bucks. There are some other things to continue. Skills. Go for a day without using electronics or electricity. What tools do I need? What entertainment do I need? What is necessary and what is comforting? Need? Don’t need? Time to reassess and not let the guard down. One thing I have been doing is buying or finding horse shoes. Welded in a cloverleaf and nuts/bolts for legs sure make fire cooking easier.
I gave this tidbit out a while back and had several thank you replies. Now is the time to see if there are any downed pine trees. The roots are full of turpentine. I cut several pieces 4” tall about 4-5 inches across. I drilled a hole the size of a farro rod and jammed it in. I cut slivers off the knot and start a fire with it. Works like a charm.
As always, make sure your soul is prepared.
Chaplain Dan … look at fakebook (facebook) marketplace … I just bought two 50 gallon, food grade plastic barrels for $20 ea ($15 if I didn’t want faucets on them). That’s here in Arizona … but deals are to be found. I wish I had more room to place more than the 5 I have right now.
There’s enough cataclysmic events to worry about that should keep one prepping regardless of who is in office.
Maybe/ Maybe not, Its nice to chill and feel everything is all right…because Trump and his team are getting things done. So I’m taking the month of January to relax and celabrate, then get right back to all forms of prepping. Living in a Hurricane zone, there is no choice, we always prepare. We are lucky too…great Governor and a state that has emergency mgt down pat. CA fires, Maui fires, Palestine,OH chem spill and NC hurricane/floods show us that self reliance and preparation comes first.
With the price of eggs what they are now, I’m glad that I have laying hens and don’t have to rely on the grocery store. My husband and I have been talking about getting more of them and putting in a bigger garden as well.
I feel I must disagree with that ‘Everyone Is Abandoning Prepping’.
I believe many folks are still working on prepping BUT they are not broadcasting that they are preppers!!
Many of my friends have stopped letting the world know they are prepping, just like I brought up on this forum a few times. We in our select group know who we are, and will keep it that way. It may seem selfish but we don’t even inform our own relatives that feel the SHTF scenario is ludicrous.
Siblings can be the worst. Some children can be demeaning. Best keep it to yourself. Sad to say but it’s true.
I don’t agree that people are abandoning prepping. With the results of our last election, people (at least those on the right) may feel a little more at ease … less concerned with the rush … but Preppers by any other name, are still going to be prepared. Boy Scouts, and a tightfisted father, got me started, being prepared … so in some form or another I have been a prepper all my life. Income increases allowed more obvious preps, but I have always thought preparing for what could, might, will happen. People that live in areas affected by earthquakes, tornadoes, heavy snowfall … I would think that would be second nature … so perhaps they just aren’t talking about it as much. Living in Arizona, our biggest issue is heat, and a lack of water.
Now that the fat orange man-baby is in office, people have upped their game. Trumps sleeping with Vlad and Elon and they want WW3.
Go back to sleep, sweetie. If you can call the last admin/world-wide institutionalized chaos normal, I can only assume your on this site merely as a troll.
Love yoo Blake 💜🌎
I live on the farm my great-great granddad settled from Germany in 1837, and my mom grew up on during the Depression. For us, “prepping” just gave a name to the way I grew up doing things, pretty much… (Although I do have a couple bales of toilet paper in storage from the “O” administration and the “virus”, lol…)
I’m hoping (and trying to guide my middle-age kids) that the younger generations trend back to self-sufficiency – for security yes, but also for the quality of life and health. Anything that we can do to eliminate as many as possible overly-processed foods from our kids’ diets, the better off we’ll be, as well as cultivate a less wasteful mindset.
I don’t think prepping has gone away or a waste of time. My concern is that the Swamp/Democrats have clearly shown that they will stop at nothing to gain control of our country and the world. Since Trump seems to be the only politician with the guts, common sense – and energy to back that up, he has become the target to be destroyed. We have all seen them throwing everything at him for nearly a decade. They have demonstrated that their limits are not short of taking down our country if needed to win.
Therefore, there will be more Black Swan events, just don’t know what or from where. One can not just fight on the defensive and win/live. Because eventually, those on the offense will find an opening. As of a week ago, Trump and his supporters have now gone on the offense. But, will it be soon enough or deep enough?
While I’m more than relieved that our country is now on a good course to bring us back to where we used to be, and are supposed to be, I’m guessing that there is more than a 50% probability that some kind of major eruption will happen in our country during Trump’s presidency.
One more thing – We (here) are not on the extreme Right, or the far Right, or even the Right. I would call us Centrists. Because we believe and promote the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the rule of law, and the way our country was designed, and used to be. That is right down the middle, not Left or Right. It is the Democrats and the Swamp that are on the extreme Left, by wanting to Fundamentally Change America into a totally foreign kind of top-down government and culture.
So – keep your stored goods dry.
Some of us stopped prepping not because of prepping itself but because of certainly YouTube creators crying wolf or screaming we are at DEFCON ONE!!!! Do you know what that has done to my nerves over the past 5 years? I am taking a damn break and save the massive fear and anxiety when SOMETHING REALLY BAD happens and this is in no way any offense to any other prepper, keep prepping but the panic was too much.
But what is normal can change at the drop of a hat. Last night, I noticed we were low on eggs. So I went to store – no eggs, none at all. Went to different supermarket, same story.
So imagine if this went on for two weeks before returning to normal and eggs became available again. Would it shock people into prepping again ?
Republican’s can relax , But watch out for the center party…..the Democrat’s will never move towards the right but republican’s will get bored and slide center into a totally different party which splits the right by 28% and we loose to the communist……back to square 1 ……Stay MAGA …Stay together…..I’m sure their’s someone out there that can explain it better than me….but i think you know what i mean….maybe not….i just can’t spell the party I am talking about.. Libratearyons ….Sorry for my spelling….I’m sure you can get over it…..Peace
I don’t believe that prepping is not happening. I just think that most are adhering to the premise to keep their preps more personal. You know not announcing it to everyone as alot of articles on here are advising. Keep your info to yourself and you can keep your items safer. Just a thought.
I got a personal shock to find a few holes in my prepping just this past week. I live in the Southeast on the Florida-Georgia line, so cold weather preparations were not thought of as seriously. Then that polar vortex storm came into town and we had temps below freezing with wind chills even colder. It even snowed and ice formed on trees and power lines. We lost power. We got cold quickly with our total electric home. Generator was used, but that would not run our heat pump. I now have a couple of indoor emergency propane heaters on the way, along with a device to allow my central heater to work with a generator. Hopefully will never need those items, but felt silly without them last week.
As for the political stuff, J6 detainees spent more time in jail already than many people that committed serious crimes like manslaughter or rape. So just shake my head at the people that say they got pardonned without any punishment.
He did not believe that people are failing to prepare, rather they have learned to “fly under the radar.” When I was little, my grandfather needed a wrench. In the library in the living room of his oak house, built with his own hands, he had books with all that information. He traced the template using a shoe box and transferred the silhouette to the metal, with simple tools and in the shed that he used as a workshop, he built it, I treasure it to remember those times when a man could get by without so much technology and they were the ones that forged this nation.
I think the prepping will come back fast and furious once we get near the end of February.
I think the central banks including ours will collapse.
I didn’t abandon prepping I just couldn’t afford to do anything any more under the Biden administration. Just trying to paying our utilities and buy groceries was more than our paycheck!! I bet I’m not the only one!!!