Part of the advice in these two videos is clearly questionable, but there are also some good points. Technically, in 25 minutes you can learn a lot of stuff just by watching the videos. Enjoy!
How to start a fire with your lighter when it runs out of gas (0:00)
- Use an aluminum foil as a dry platform to start the fire in wet weather (0:10)
- How to lower the light of your flashlight to operate in stealth mode (0:24)
- How to find north and south using your watch and the sun (0:32)
- How to easily find The North Star (0:52)
- Having a guitar case as a B.O.B. (1:20)
- Homemade ballistic protection – stops a 22 long rifle bullet (I wouldn’t count on this though) (1:36)
- Purify water with bleach (ratio in the video) (1:57)
- Use toothpaste to treat insect bites or stings; (2:03)
- If you put tent pegs laid across 2 logs you have a shift grill; (2:13)
- Make your own fishing kit using a can, a thorn and some string; (2:16)
- In wet conditions you can easily acquire tinder by shaving off strips of the inner bark of twigs and logs; (2:20)
- Placing large rocks around a camp fire will keep your warmer because they will absorb heat even though the fire dies; (2:27)
- Add charcoal to the water while boiling in order to remove the unpleasant smell; (2:39)
- The inner strands of a paracord helps you tie your equipment or make a shelter without using the whole paracord. (2:52)
- Duct tape a thermal blanket to the inside of your shelter to stay warm; (3:00)
- Put a glowstick in your B.O.B. in case you’ll want to attract attention. (3:10)
- If you carry a rain coat you can use it as a make shift shelter, you can also create a solar still to gather and purify sea water or you can use it to collect rain water; (3:23)
- Put some water purification tablets in your pack; (3:47)
- Use barbwire to make a fishing hook with paracord. (3:56)
- Don’t throw away animal entrails; use them as bait for fishing, traps and snares; (4:20)
- How to remove the stinging sensation after you accidentally touch a stinging nettle; (4:36)
- Don’t waste time on chopping logs, a swift kick is perfect; (4:50)
- Don’t forget your first aid kit and copies of important documents (birth certificate, medical records etc.); (5:02)
- Pack a small amount of money; (5:19)
- Make yourself a platform out of leaves and weeds to create yourself a soft raised bed (5:27)
- When you pack your bag, put the light equipment at the bottom and the heavy things on top; (5:57)
- Avoid sweating in cold weather; (6:10)
- Carry a pack of cigarettes even though you are not a smoker; (6:33)
- Keep insects away with smoke; (6:42)
- Don’t forget to pack some pairs of socks; (6:59)
- If you get a blister, take a duct tape and place it directly over the area; (7:10)
- Carry chewing gum with you, it has a mild laxative effect; (7:41)
- Don’t drink too much water on an empty stomach; (7:51)
- Know how to signal S.O.S.; (8:18)
- Don’t set up camp near water; (8:43)
- The internationally recognized distress signal: raise both arms up into Y position and back down erratically; (9:00)
- 4 reasons to stop smoking during a survival situation; (9:49)
- Don’t drink water just because you see an animal doing it (10:18)
- If you come across coconuts, drink the milk only from green coconuts (10:28)
- Another reason to carry aluminum foil in your B.O.B.; (10:43)
Cramp Balls can be very useful when you need to start a fire; (0:00)
- How to make an easy signal torch; (0:45)
- Start a fire using bark; (0:59)
- Start a fire using a pencil sharper; (1:24)
- Start a fire using dandelion; (1:33)
- Start a fire using feathers; (1:43)
- Start a fire using pine resin; (1:50)
- If you melt some pine resin, you will get a glue which can be used in different situations; (1:56)
- How to make a signal fire; (2:35)
- Don’t just insulate your shelter, insulate yourself; (2:46)
- Use your plastic sandwich bag and a water purification tablet to purify water; (2:54)
- Gather water from moss; (3:05)
- Gather dew water using your clothes; (3:18)
- Waterproofing your gear; (3:29)
- Make a water filter using charcoal, sand and grass; (3:44)
- You can use your aluminum foil to make a bowl to boil the water; (4:12)
- Used shotgun shells can be melted down and reshaped in order to build different tools; (4:26)
- Start a fire using pine cones; (4:43)
- Place an aluminum foil next to the fire to use as much of the heat as possible; (4:56)
- Reflecting the heat of the fire with natural materials; (5:12)
- Make a giant mirror using aluminum foil; (5:25)
- Put in your BOB a simple signal device; (5:38)
- Don’t rely on signal mirrors because they depend on the sunlight and can’t reflect sunlight in a northern direction, you will need two mirrors to do that; (5:54)
- If you are in the northern hemisphere, and the sun is in the highest point of the sky, then that’s south; (6:15)
- Use raw apples to heal a wound or ulceration; (6:27)
- The pine resin can also be used as an antiseptic liquid; (6:38)
- Use acorns, oak bark or blackberry as a remedy for diarrhea; (7:12)
- Use rose hips or dandelion for constipation problems; (7:45)
- Avoid being snow blinded using charcoal or bark; (8:03)
- Melt the snow before drinking it; (8:51)
- How to use dock leaves as a natural antihistamine; (9:01)
- Use willow tree inner-bark as aspirin; (9:19)
- Use cattails to start a fire; (9:41)
- Make a toothpaste using charcoal; (9:55)
- If the food is almost over, then the best thing you can do is to wait until night to eat because your body will burn a lot of calories during the night to keep you warm; (10:06)
- Use alcohol as an antiseptic; (10:17)
- If you are dehydrated, drinking your own urine is not the answer, it will dehydrate you even more; (10:30)
- Use paracord to make a glue; (10:47)
- Tampons can be used to stop bleeding or to start a fire; (11:01)
- How to harden your wooden tools; (11:15)
- Placing duct tape on the edge of a hot water container will prevent burning your lips; (11:24)
- Use aluminum foil to boil water faster; (11:32)
- Make a pillow using trash bags and leaves; (11:52)
- A scarf can help you do a lot of things; (12:12)
- A duct tape is very useful; (12:23)
- A reflecting emergency blanket can be used to cool down or to heat yourself; (12:34)
- Insulate your shelter with natural materials, such as pine branches; (12:51)
- Bark from a dead tree will help you build up your waterproof roof; (13:00)
- Use strings (guitar strings here) to catch animals; (13:29)
- Rat traps can be very useful; (13:32)
- A red sky can be a sign that a storm is close; (13:43)
- Pack up some toilet paper; (13:57)
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watching your videos is interesting, BUT, I would rather read the article. A book on these subjects would be the better way to get this information.
I too would like a pdf? version of all these survival tips.
got news for you. tampons will NOT stop bleeding, but will wick the blood from the wound until it can hold no more. to stop bleeding, use compression. they will, however, help start fires. also, red sky at night, sailor’s delight (fair sailing); red sky at morn, sailor’s be warn(ed) (storm brewing).
seems like every one is the expert. i like most all of your ideas, but someone always thinks they have the best mouse trap. by the way, in most tampons there is a small thing called cotton, maybe the person making the comment should try cutting it open before lighting the match,du. keep up the very good info and have a good B.O.B
This is a blog for posting articles. Not videos. I don’t ‘do’ videos as they are often too difficult to hear, too fast paced (I can’t write down information i want to save) and just too painful sitting at my computer for long periods at a time! Please, back to the POSTS