Over the last decade or more, FEMA has become one more federal agency that everyone loves to hate. I wouldn’t say that it’s hated anywhere near as much as the IRS; but it could very well be in second place.
Sadly, the reason for this is the poor track record that FEMA has in doing what is supposed to be their main purpose; helping people and communities recover after a disaster.
As with preppers, FEMA doesn’t know what sorts of disasters they’ll be called on to deal with. Considering how wide a range of possibilities that can cover, they’ve been given an impressive “toolkit” of authority, allowing them to do things in an emergency that no other government agency can.
Apparently, all of FEMA’s authority comes from Executive Orders and not from legislation. That should be enough to give any sane person pause. But if it doesn’t, then exactly what some of those executive orders give FEMA authority to do should scare the socks off of them.
FEMA Camps
• Executive Order 10990 – FEMA can take over all modes of transportation, the highways and seaports
• Executive Order 10995 – FEMA can take over communications media
• Executive Order 10997 – FEMA can take over all electrical power, fuels and minerals
• Executive Order 10998 – FEMA camps can take over food resources and farms
• Executive Order 11003 – FEMA can take over airports and commercial aircraft
• Executive Order 11004 – FEMA camps can relocate communities
There’s a whole lot more than that; but those are some with the most far-reaching potential effect in a time of crisis.
They are also empowered to set up refuge centers and relocation camps, of which there are currently over 800.
While those are ostentatiously intended to be used as emergency shelters in a crisis, FEMA has the power to use them in many ways, including as detention centers and reeducation camps.
The thing we need to realize is, any power the government grants itself eventually is turned for evil, no matter how good the original intention. The “Law of Unintended Consequences” pretty much guarantees this, even without those in the government who have more nefarious purposes in their hearts and minds. Those people will create their own unintended consequences by manipulating the law.
Political Correctness
We are living in a time where political correctness rules the landscape. It’s even worse now, than it was during former President Obama’s tenure. Cancel culture is destroying any public figure who doesn’t agree with leftist doctrine.
While the average Joe on the street may not get cancelled, you can be sure that the woke mob, ANTIFA or some other leftist group will have their way with him, if they find out that he’s not in lockstep with their beliefs.
All it would take is for the sitting president to declare that the political polarization in our country is a national emergency and the full power of FEMA would be released.
Depending on direction out of the White House, FEMA would have the ability and authority to round up anyone and everyone who doesn’t agree with the current administration’s political ideology.
All it would take is for them to declare those people (us) as “dangerous to the peace and tranquility of society.”
While there are many who are calling all this nothing more than conspiracy theories, I fall back on my original statement that any law which is passed is eventually used for nefarious purposes.
Therefore, any explanation given by the government or someone covering for the government doesn’t eliminate the risk to ordinary citizens. Someone in the government can always turn the tables on us.
If that happens, here are a few things we could expect:
Confiscation of Our Guns
It’s a well-established fact that FEMA doesn’t allow firearms in their “refugee camps.”
Related: What the Government Can or Can’t Do Under Martial Law
We first saw this during Hurricane Katrina, where people entering into the centers that FEMA set up were stripped of their guns upon entry.
It didn’t matter to the people running the camp that those in the camps couldn’t defend themselves or that they were being attacked by others.
The Second Amendment enshrines one of our most important rights. Yet there are many in government today, who have the attitude that the Second Amendment is a government granted right, rather than a restriction on the government, preventing them from taking our right to keep and bear arms. Their viewpoint is wrong; but dangerous.
Curtailing of Freedom of Speech
One of the most likely scenarios for opening up those FEMA camps and filling them is that of “reprogramming” conservatives who don’t agree with leftist talking points. There are already those who are calling for such action and have been for several years. As time goes on, we can expect to hear more and more politicians talking like that.
But the real danger is that they’re currently laying the foundation for such action, based upon the left calling words “violence.” That’s their justification for groups like ANTIFA being so violent.
The way they explain it, those on the left who use violence are only responding to the violence of “hateful words.”
But then, to them, any words that don’t agree with their world view qualify as hateful words.
With this as a potential motive for rounding people up, you can be sure that when they do, they won’t be allowing those people who have been rounded up to have any freedom in what they say. As part of their “reeducation” their speech will be tightly controlled.
Rapes and Other Brutality in FEMA Camps
Going back to the refugee centers set up during Hurricane Harvey, we can see what the results of taking people’s guns away from there are.
With the people unable to defend themselves, they were easy pickings for the violent in society.
One of the reasons that firearms are so important for self-defense is that evil people are much more likely to use violence and even ugly brutal violence, in order to get their way.
Without firearms to defend ourselves with, we are at a serious disadvantage. Yet it is clear that there are many who don’t care about that. They would rather have us as victims, than people who can defend ourselves.
All of the “Defenses” Are Pointing In, Not Out
Regardless of what the government tries to say about FEMA camps, one of the glaring truths about them is that they are designed to keep people in, not keep people out. Just as with any other prison, all the defenses are focused inwards, rather than outwards.
Perhaps the most obvious sign of this is the razor wire that’s placed on the tops of hurricane fences. When that’s done as a security measure, the brackets holding the wire are angled outwards.
But in the case of prisons, it is angled inwards to help keep the prisoners from scaling the fence and getting out.
Of course, the government tries to say that those defenses are there to protect those who are housed in the camps; but it’s just a lie.
Yet with so many sheeple who are willing to accept what the government says, as long as they are given free stuff and otherwise left alone, it has ended up being an effective lie.
FEMA Camps: Once You’re In, You Can’t Get Out
This leads us to the next point; that is, once you’re in, you can’t get out. Those camps aren’t about a short-term solution to a disaster or they wouldn’t be configured the way they are. They are highly secure locations, designed to be used in an emergency.
Ever wondered if you’re living in one of America’s death zones? In this video, I’m going to show you the US Nuclear Target Map and you’ll find out if you’re living in a danger zone.
The thing is that once the government has control over someone, they don’t want to let go. We don’t just see this with FEMA, but with every department of the government.
So there’s no reason to think that those running the camps will have a sudden change of heart and decide that justice is best served by setting all those “dangerous” people free to spread more verbal “violence.”
There Are Plenty of Guards in FEMA Camps
I suppose someone out there could argue that the government doesn’t have enough people on the rolls who could serve as guards, should the order ever go out to use the FEMA camps. That argument is preposterous on several levels.
First, if FEMA posted jobs for guards, they would probably be overrun with applications. Depending on how picky they are, finding as many people as they need shouldn’t be a big deal.
But that’s not the only card that FEMA has up its sleeve.
A large number of government agencies have been militarizing, creating what is essentially their own police force, armed and equipped on the level of SWAT teams, not armed and equipped like the cop on the beat.
This has been happening in a number of agencies which have previously had no need for any sort of armed personnel or law enforcement officers. So, what’s the difference? It appears that these agencies want the ability to be able to force their will upon the people. That means armed personnel; people who can be called upon to serve as guards for FEMA.
One good example of the militarization of federal agencies was the case of the Bureau of Land Management’s attack on Cliven Bundy in 2014. The dispute over land use escalated when 200 armed federal agents arrived at his ranch, taking it over and killing off his cattle. The armed federal officers who descended upon his ranch represented a wide variety of government agencies.
FEMA Has Stocked Coffins
One of the things that came out a number of years ago is that FEMA had bought a billion dollars worth of “disposable” coffins.
Those who have tried to debunk that as conspiracy theory have said that those weren’t coffins, but rather the waterproof vaults that coffins are placed inside.
Okay, so what? That doesn’t stop them from being able to be used as coffins. If anything, it verifies that’s what they are.
Why does the federal government need all those burial vaults? Why stockpile them? That seems even more sinister when you consider that FEMA doesn’t really stockpile much else in the way of emergency supplies.
⇒ 10 Emergency Supplies FEMA Will Confiscate When Disaster Hits
When Superstorm Sandy hit the New Jersey coast, they didn’t even issue a Request for Quote (RFQ) until the day after the storm hit. If they are that cavalier about getting bottled water to people, why do they need a stockpile of burial vaults? It’s suspicious at the least.
No Privacy
Some of the sites maintained as FEMA camps are supposed to be able to house as many as 20,000 people. But that’s housing them in rather crowded circumstances. I’ve been in a couple of these, which are commonly used as reserve training centers. They can comfortably hold about 1,000 to 2,000 people.
What that means is that everyone will be in crowded barracks conditions, perhaps separated by sex and age and perhaps separated by family. There’s really no way of knowing. But considering the left’s take on “gender identity” today, I’m pretty sure that it won’t be anything that anyone will like.
I can’t say for sure, but this could be part of the plan in using these camps as reeducation centers. One of the more effective ways of brainwashing people is to put them under a lot of stress. Depriving people of the comfort of their family and thrusting them into crowded conditions are two clear ways of doing this.
Families Can Be Separated in FEMA Camps
As I just stated, families are very likely to be separated in these camps. The leftists in the government, as well as other organizations like the teachers’ unions, have already stated that the children belong to the government, not to their parents.
Taking those children away from their parents is a key part of indoctrinating them.
It also allows FEMA the opportunity to use the children as hostages for the “good behavior” of their parents.
Whether this means that good behavior will be required so that parents can see their children, or it means that some overt threat will be used is something that we’re going to have to wait to see. But it is clear that there are many advantages to a tyrannical government in separating families.
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We to are getting ready.
When you watch them drag your children from you. Will you fright then, will you. Or fight for them before you get dragged to one of these death camps. Get with some good and most of all “trust” worthy people. There will be SPYS AND SNITCHES. So be aware of people that will get you or your family killed or captured. Trust, all most no one. Every one will become a treat to you and your group. Even those that are already in your group or even a family member. If any one says, we are here to help, or we care for your safety.
Don’t trust them and that goes for today’s time. Also. They are liaers.
They no who you are and they no who your family are, also. You gave them all that info when you were doped in to filling out the Census in 2020. You did so good by “OBEYING” them, good little slaves.
Stop going along with this crap. Even these dumb ass leftist are going to be put in these death camps. They just don’t no it yet, but O they will. They will (stop at nothing) to destroy you and even them selfs.
Better to die standing up as a free man, then to die on my knees as a slave. That’s what they will be facing. If I am the only one, then I will fight and die as a free man.
Welcome to the new BABYLON.
Absolutely right!
ANY confrontation with the government must now be considered a no-win situation!
So, be prepared to take as many of them to hell with you as possible!!!
Liberty or Death!
When the traitors try to take Our Liberty, THEY DIE!!!
what census? heheheheh.
The problem with FEMA emergency rules are not legitimate. In a true emergency, yes, rules can be made. However, at this point, FEMA is preparing for emergencies so that concept must be based in law, not executive orders, muxh like DACA
FEMA was founded as Federal Energency MILITARY Authority.
They do not help people, except incidentally
FEMA is a military mop-up organization
Not Civil Defense.
Better to die on my feet than to live on my knees……
Well…important to be on ones knees to Almighty God during life on earth, or no telling where we will spend Eternity.
I will be on my belly in weeds in a contrived gilly suit.
I agree with you but you’re spelling is atrocious! In other words, it stinks! There’s no excuse for it!
There is no edit function to this website. Typos happen just as easily as sins of omission.
We realize that you probably intended “your”
and not
“you’re” = “you are”
many preppers are under the totally wrong understanding that the hopeless sheeple obediently reporting to the FEMA camps for a handout will be their only victims – ala Katrina SuperDome ….
there’s be forced evacuation and even active apprehension – especially at roadblocks >>> if you are bugging out – have any certain “hotspots” that will be high activity and/or security mapped out – you’re dead meat if you drive thru the stadium area that’s the new FEMA detention center – you’ll be lucky to save a change of underwear from your bug out supplies ….
if you live in the outer municipal ring – make sure to read up on FEMA’s power & authority in regard to re-housing evaced refugees – the article touches on their authority to confiscate property and establish camps >>> that can include your community and your personal home !!!!!!!
Have booby traps ready!
If they enter your home or require you to house people it is a fourth amendment violation and needs to be challenged in court. Probably won’t help in the short term though.
Challenging in court? Are you serious at that point? They are violating the bill of rights. You have the right to put them down, Stand your ground and use second amendment. Clearly based off your screen name you don’t believe in violence, Why don’t you get your head out of the new testament and take a look at the old. If fema dare tried displace me from my home, I would most certainly fight them to the fucking death. Wake the hell up. We’re the only one with the Declaration of Independence and a bill of rights and in that declaration. It says if the government dares get tyrannical it’s not only our right but our duty To rise up and defend as well as take back what the forefathers carved out for us, what they bled for. America is a statistical anomaly that should have never have existed. But somehow we managed to kick back the baddest empire on the planet at the time. What needs to happen is the supreme court needs limits term limits for all the senate and all of congress, and all need term limits. Groups like fema needs civilian oversight and the ability to be disbanded if the american people don’t like it or what’s going on with it. This includes reformation with the IRS which is not an actual arm of the federal government nor is the federal reserve. And people like you need to wake up and get with the program. Or we’re all going to be in detention camp sooner or later.
Yep, just like 1938 Nazi Germany.
Beware of long train rides, with the promise of a hot shower at “the end of the line”!
When will the Human Race ever mature past its arrogant, sadistic, greed driven infancy???
We’ve been around (in one form or another) for 3 million years , and haven’t done it yet. Don’t see it happening any time soon.
Hot shower? They’ll have no trouble filling those trains with a promise of free marijuana at “the end of the line”…
It’s coming folks.
There will be a lot of folks who will voluntarily enter the camps. Families with young children, the elderly, the infirmed, and the unprepared. The Lure of three square meals, a cot, a hot shower, toilets, clean clothes, a roof over their heads, HVAC, access to medical supplies, social/mental support, and perceived safety to name a few will be too much for them to resist. The camps will seem like heaven at first; but will quickly become a hell. Especially as overcrowding, critical shortages, unrest, and outright rebellion are managed by the increase in, or introduction of, physical, mental, chemical, or biological control mechanism(s). Dead bodies are easier to handle…
Not all the “elderly are going to give up. You may be surprised how may of us old folks say “FU try and take me.”
Exactly and we can survive better than most!❤️
EXACTLY, willingly, hopefully, perhaps eagerly ~ just like the guinea pigs volunteering to get “the shots” ~ it is stunning!
How do we protect ourselves and our family?
People love free stuff. Look how the left lines them up.
As I was driving past the line yesterday, I knew that was you standing in the front! Stop telling on yourself!
Think positive thoughts 24/7
You can’t afford a negative thought
Mental illness is the biggest enemy in the world
News from insider: ever since Trump declared STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY back in March of 2020, FEMA is in charge. Biden is president in name only, just administration. EVERYTHING you have seen regardless of what you believe, i e; darkside Colonial Pipeline cyber attack, shortages, supply boats can’t dock , etc is all orchestrated by the elites, and FEMA….all they can do, they are doing. Focus closer. And don’t believe they official story. But ask the right questions. Question everything. Pray, prep. Have faith and do what you must without panic. Always be ready to go.
AMEN to All of That, Marty!! Simple to learn pioneer skills will become essential within the first few weeks, and through the inevitable barter system, provide for your family. Prepare NOW for What is Coming. Don’t be Scared, Be Prepared… ENJOY THE SHOW! Thankful for 17!
one HUGE change came to the US in January and with Biden >>> individual states are being denied, snubbed and eventually eliminated by Biden’s FED nationwide dictatorials coming from his Globalist elite taskmasters …..
if it takes Biden’s processed & scoured Pretorian military to bring individual states into line >>> let the dromes fly and the tanks roll
And Biden isn’t aware of this information?
If he is then why hasn’t he stopped the emergency?
Why is Trump waiting so long to DO anything?
Something just doesn’t add up.
add to that the guns and ammo shortages that are going on right now…
Biden won’t do anything about any of it because it’s totally in line with Agendas 21 and 30, cooked up by the global elite to get everyone in line with their one world order program.
EVERYTHING that has been happening is toward that goal, although I don’t think Trump had anything to do with it. He MIGHT have…his presidency COULD have been a false flag operation from day 1. That would actually make sense in some ways, although if it was they didn’t count on the genuine disaffection half the country has with the Global Elitists’ programs and message.
I wonder if he went in as their cat’s paw and then turned the game around on them and took it over.
That would account for their being continually and irrationally pissed off with him and his supporters, and the obvious set up that was the debacle of 1/6/21. Now “the big lie” and “the siege of the Capitol” are being continually rammed down our throats by the MSM, months later.
It reminds me of someone who broke up with someone they still have feelings for, so they keep bringing them up all the time.
“He didn’t dump ME… I dumped HIM!!!”
crazysquirrel, Trump has to wait until all of this unfolds, dot every i and cross every T because if he doesn’t we’re screwed, we can’t afford to loose this battle because people are impatient, we gotta hold the forkin line!! he’s also waiting for more people to wake up and smell the shit, He’s not here to hold our hands, we gotta fight along side him and see this through, no matter what happens to him we have to back Trump a 100% the more Patriots fight and spread the word the more people wake up, we don’t need to get violent…..YET!! If we don’t do our part, then violence is the only way to freedom, everyone needs to do their part and fight and wake other people up, thats what Trump needs, if we rely on him to do all the work, it wont work and we all FAIL!!
It pains me to read your comment. This kind of jargon is what’s wrong with America today. Trump has caused so much discord between the American people and has folks like you determining whether a person is fit to live. I’ve been on this earth more than 80 years, went through many changes is Presidents, some I agreed with, some I didn’t but in all I conducted myself respectfully and never gave a thought to turn against my fellow Americans because of their political choice. I now draw the line when the person voted to make decisions for our Country has committed so many crimes and continues his actions to this day. He is trying very hard to take our Country to communism. He has destroyed our alliances with other Countries, he has fell in step with Putin and his communist party against our democracy. Our constitution is what has made America a Country revered for 100’s of years and his aim is to destroy it. When that happens, no one will have any rights! Over the years there has been tons of soldiers fought to keep this Country free. Many died, many came home maimed and mentally destroyed. They gave their life! Now comes this criminal who shows no respect for their service, he mocks them. He stood beside Putin on a stage in Russia and took Putin instead of stand for USA! ( treason). I don’t care if you believe what I’m saying, it’s the truth, I witnessed it. Just like the riot and desecration at the capitol some are calling a peaceful protest, it was a massacre designed by Trump. I witnessed that also. Until people start speaking and finding the truth about Trump our Country will be in chaos! I now and always have known Trump to be a cheating, egotistical, person that only cares about himself! He lies about everything, he has no ethics, he wants to control every aspect of your life, and make himself richer and the working class bow down and kiss his feet. He’s unfit to oversee a herd of goats let alone a Country!
It always seems to amaze me that everything is blamed on the left. The right is the group that tried to overthrow the last election. This was to unlawfully change an election that was ruled legal by many Republican courts, including the SCOTUS. Try to stay from the right/left BS and talk about these items that are being discussed.
I don’t agree with the Right trying to over throw the last election. They were trying to reclaim a corrupt election. However, I believe the Republicans in Washington are also striving for a One World Govt and more Govt control just as the Liberals are. The biggest difference is that there are a very few conservative Republicans left while there are no conservative Demonrats. Proof of Concept is the Bushs’ openly talked about a New World Order and the Republicans did nothing when they had the White House and both branches of Congress but instead, still let the Rats run the show.
Thanks, Jim, for a voice of reason. The pendulum swings both ways.
Not a single court allowed any of the lawyers bringing these cases to speak, show evidence or present their cases. All were dismissed instantly.
Exactly! It is the false left/ right paradigm Hegelian Dialectic. Both sides are evil and traitors.
Btw, who signed the unlawful anti #2A “red flag” gun law. That’s right Conald Trump.
Trump is a “Judas Goat” of tyranny…
Read Michael Collins Piper’s “The Judas Goats” Hannity and Fox are just the same.
Deo Vindici
So the election was not a problem??? Purusing through these comments, I see Trump was not the instigator of border control, Trump did not support the 2A, Trump had not completed some treaties with long time adversaries, Trump did not have the economy at a high, Trump did nothing worthwhile. Watch, watch, watch!!! You’ll love the future!
Bruce Christensen
I am with you.
More leftist drivel.
Pretty soon they will scream at us! Its what they do.
The party of slavery and racism and divisiveness.
You are sadly misinformed.
Pelosi and Mitch conspired 4 days earlier for all that to happen.
When it DID happen, is was 2 hours BEFORE the end of Trump’s speech.
This was all a setup.
About election:
there were 141 mil registered voters at the time and 20% did not vote as usual.
That leaves 113 mil registered voters in the kitty.
3 mil voted 3rd party (typical).
Leaves 110 mil registered voters.
Trump won 74 mil of those registered votes leaving Biden with 36 mil votes.
Mathematically impossible for Biden to have won.
Also, there are 22 million suspect fraudulent votes in cali that are going to be reviewed and ruled on.
If those votes were invalid, Biden lost, Trump gets back in office, congress is changed again.
Anything Biden and the Dems did would be null and void.
Just do the real math.
The courts ruled on nothing… they declined to take the cases based on implied and actual threats from the left socio-deep state. The current resistance to any kind of vote audit should tell you all you need to know….
Jim right off the bat, both sides are corrupt and it was both sides that had a hand in it, I saw it from the get go, both sides could give a shit less what happens to you, money is everything in the eyes of the corrupt, you and me and everyone else are lower than whale shit in their eye’s.
As we all know, the courts are just as corrupt as the politicians.
The election was rigged.
When courts said Trump had no standing, I was shocked!
He is the president running for reelection and that GIVES him standing.
Oh and Roberts is being blackmailed for his participation in Pedo-Island.
141 mil REAL registered voters. 20% didn’t vote as usual.
Leaves 113 mil.
3 mil went to 3rd party leaving 110 mil.
Trump won 74 mil or about 67% of the REAL votes.
Leaves Biden with about 33% of the remainder of the real votes.
Trump did indeed win, but Biden cheated.
About FEMA Camps.
Many large stores like Walmart will be converted into those camps. Stadiums and similar too.
Those camps will be processing centers.
Once processed, people will be relocated ‘elsewhere’.
And never heard from again.
Cities will block all exits. No one can leave.
Feds will use armed drones to enforce the lockdowns.
And boots on the ground to prevent forced escape.
Every exit you can think of, the feds already know and a lot you DIDN’T think of.
Book of Revelations states we have ONE chance to survive the impending Apocalypse.
I believe that Trump is the one who is going to give us that one chance.
It is 100% clear that Democrats want to destroy this country, and most of the people (we are overpopulated anyway).
There’s a place just a couple of miles from me that is a likely candidate for such a camp. I hadn’t considered it (beyond having the open space) until it was discussed on the news as the site for a C19 field hospital. The hospital never materialized, though the news showed the equipment trucks parked in rows. Added to the thousand reasons I want to move from here!
Your head is full of rocks! You can’t even believe your eyes. Your spouting a lot of Trump lies. What makes a person turn into a denier of the truth that is plain as the nose on your face. I feel sorry for you, I hope you one day can see truth from fiction.
Yes, because the left takes everything too far to the extreme. Give everything to everybody make everything a freakin National crisis. Let’s let 9 year olds decide to change their plumbing This transcrap has been introduced and forced down everybody’s throats. And everybody from Modern housewives to racial groups are crying and beating a freaking drum. If we’re all running around chasing each other fighting each other announcing the next isthen delete get what they want and they can pull the wool over our eyes. While we all run around and fight each other about classes and social shit. This in turn causes the right to eventually take shit Uber and use extreme and violent methods to kick back this left wing horse shit. Both sides on either Extreme are just right fucking idiots. United we stand divided, we fall…. It’s the corporations and the mega elite and rich VS the rest of us. Wake the fuck up and stop crying about every little thing. Look towards Washington and the shit at their pulling over the American people. Educate yourself And stop believing every little thing that you read or see on fox or CNN cause the media on both sides are bought and paid for. It’s absolutely terrifying the ignorance of the average American and what is being done to their rights, We’re the only country that’s gotta. And if we want to keep em, we better wake the hell up and start to act. These assholes ruining the country and Washington need to be rounded up and thrown in camps. See how they like that shit..
Spike: I agree with your comment. There isn’t a paper’s thickness difference between the leaders of both parties. There may be a maverick independent thinker here and there but the PARTY manages to beat them into obedience. When first elected the PARTY whip calls them in and gives them a figure which is their quota of money they have to raise for the PARTY if they want continued PARTY support. If they fail to meet their quota they can county on, at best, no party support. Or at worst a full on attempt by the PARTY to oust them at the primary election. So the maverick can count on opposition from his own party as well as the other party at the primary level. If he or she makes it past the primary, they can county on zero support from the PARTY in the general election.
It takes a mighty strong candidate to be able to fight opposition from both sides. It doesn’t take long before they see the light and either start following the party line or else “retire to spend more time with their family.”
We can count on the hired goons of FEMA and HSA and the FBI and all the other acronymed agencies to sit, roll over, lie down and any other commands of their masters. Unfortunately, we can also count on the upper ranks of the military to also sit, lie down and roll over on command. The folks behind Ole’ Two-Blasts have even named a “Retrainer” to get rid of MAGA thinking O-7 and above in the military. Now that is scary. No “support the constitution” b.s. allowed.” It’s “toe the line or you’re out.”
I wish I had a solution to the problem. It doesn’t do much good to vote when your choices are crappy or crappier. The place to show our anger is at the primary level but even there too many times the choices are D rated and lower.
I am reading a book right now wherein the writer espouses forming more political parties. To me that seems like taking more arsenic to cure arsenic poisoning. He seems in love with the British system. One only needs to look at England in just a little depth to see how 1984 their system has become. Orwell was a prophet ahead of his time. I believe that I would rather have the political system of Zimbabwe than the political system of Britain.
As I read through the book I keep wondering about the political system of Switzerland. I am going to have to read more about it. They certainly have factionalism with four different official languages but seem to be able to handle it well. Emphasis on seem. Until I learn more I will have to couch my comments in the “seem to” category.
Almost relocated to Switzerland for a job a few years back. They definitely do have a top to bottom Swiss/Switzerland first agenda. Interesting to see how well they have been able to navigate and maintain that first and foremost whilst surrounded by the EU. Have not had any real experience here in the big city with FEMA, but as a former military dependent, I would definitely put the Red Cross in the same bucket. Look out!
Switzerland is dominated by the knarly Octagon Group…which controls all of the Western World…
You’ve gone full MAGA. I will have to step away from your ordinarily useful posts. Preparation is not about left or right – it’s about preparedness. Leftist woke mobs? Come on man… Don’t be like that.
Gov will pull the strings of those leftist woke mobs.
Preparedness is to ensure your survival AGAINST those leftists (who incidentally are in power as we speak) and their minions (leftist woke mobs).
Who in their right mind wants leftists/woke mobs being prepared? They are the ENEMY of this country and the enemy of true Americans.
Less prepared they are the better my chances of survival become.
Say Derek
Who is you’ve… Put a name to it.
If it’s about preparedness why did you not give any survival info in your post.
Don’t be like that…you’ve
The “you’ve” is the ask a prepper site who pushed out this super right wing piece. I think the narrative could have been perfectly effective in carrying the preparedness mantra without the right wing nutzo crap on Antifa and “leftist woke mobs”. That was my point.
That’s cool, but like so many in here, they will post and bitch about another post and then not put a name to it.
Just wondering.
Me personally, don’t care for eather side.
i would love to share my recent power fuel I learned & proved how effective and one soon finds how sustaining they are! Sprouting mung (moong) beans are so nutritionally dense they have been known to grow teeth! I was having my blood analyzed to show my issues in 3 weeks raised my bodies alkalinity like 3 folks involved never see today! EVERYTHING works better and must be alkaline when we sleep to restore us for next day. minerals & calcium would then be taken from our bones to alkalize us & cannot put any excess back so sticks it in our eyes then we get cateracts or in our joints, OUCH! Buy at middle eastern stores or international! I get 4# bags & give out 2# bags so folks can overcome the POOR quality food use to do this job!
Interesting to see all of the criticisms on here of the right.
No case was allowed to go to court from the last election.The Dems are fighting tooth and nail in Maricopa county to keep the Audit from being a complete one. The DOJ is trying to step in as well. If the Dems have nothing to hide why work so hard to stop it? As an American first I want to know what is wrong. If nothing so be it. The Dems are not acting like they did nothing wrong.
The propaganda from all of the leftist media screams about new voter laws that are not as stringent as Bidens home state of Delaware. Not even close. LCC’s boy Newsome in the PDRK had to have every signature verified for a recall but not for an election? Really? And not for Maricopa county. Really?
The left is infinitely worse than the right as far as our freedoms are concerned. Madness to think otherwise.
ANTIFA and BLM have been turned loose by the left not the right for the “peaceful protests” we have seen burning cities.
The open border cannot in any way be blamed on Trump. That is Joe and the Ho all the way. Again ignorance on purpose.
For all of the Lefties, turn in your guns, share your food and make your house a utopian society like those Democrat cities you must love. LOL Good luck with that.
Biden and Trump do not even come close on the 2A. Another delusion for sure. Biden even said “No Amendment is absolute” wow. Really? Again you lefty’s need to rebuy your heads in the sand.
Noticed how so many business got shut down as non essential but not one completely useless government employee lived without a paycheck. Not one. If ever there was a non essential group they are it.
Bring on the hate. It is what the left does best!
The only limits on fundamental rights come from natural law.
With respect to the government, our personal rights ARE unlimited.
This includes the right to survival, unmolested.
There is no moral law in the world of fallen nature.
If anyone is counting on Justice & Mercy,
they would be wise to look for a Just & Merciful Source….
just sayin’….
FEMA is a favorite for the conspiracy theory addicts, but all I’ve ever seen out of FEMA and all the other alphabet agencies is incompetence. I’m sure the tens of thousands of Katrina refugees FEMA put up in motel rooms in Texas suffered incredibly. I have a hard time picturing a SHTF scenario that leaves enough intact infrastructure for the Guvmint to bother setting up camps. The real threat is when They want to control a particular population, like the Nisei in WW2. When it’s time to control hundreds of thousands the Gov always brings in the Military. It has come out in Congressional hearings that Reagan’s Military began contingency planning to round up people opposed to the Central American invasion his people (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc) hoped to initiate. LBJ’s military was prepared to do the same to Vietnam War protestors, if the order ever came. No doubt W, Obama, and Trump were ready, and Uncle J surely is what with Sec Blinken’s obvious arousal at the idea of war with Iran and/or Russia. Not that the Military is particularly competent, especially being all bloated and festering with a malignant infestation of butt kissing Generals, but the Military has the money and the manpower. Shoot, the Feds can’t even house all the poor migrant children showing up on our doorstep. And not to open up a whole other can of worms, what’s with all these Central American ‘refugees’? The Arab and African refugees that regularly flood Europe look properly starved and terrified, all the Central American refugees we’re getting don’t look anything but fat and entitled. Hell, sounds like they’re Americans already, let ’em in!
When the polar split/shift happens, most of this will be moot.
It will be everyone trying to take care of themselves and their families.
Bad thing is that 99% of the folks out there don’t know squat about what to do to prepare and survive. They will mostly die off or be criminals out to do you harm and take your stuff.
Prepping required some though and planning for where you live, your RESOURCES at hand, and what you anticipate will happen.
Most will agree that when SHTF, there will be food, ammo, and fuel shortages – those are a given.
Question is how to prep for those issues.
Many people cannot afford to prep, especially since Covid caused a lot of problem.
One needs to figure out how many people they have to feed – one grown man needs about 2K calories a day, woman about 1500 unless preggo then a LOT more.
Teens and kids gobble up large amounts of food because they are growing.
So a typical family of say 5 (2 adults, 3 kids) would need about 10K calories a day.
Figure what foods have the nutrition each needs AND the calories.
It is a massive amount of food every DAY.
Water – about 1 gal of clean water per person per day or 10 gal a day for basics (no baths or showers).
That too is a LOT of water.
None of this figures in anything medical, feminine hygiene, sanitation needs, etc.
Best to have enough extra for an additional 2-4 people if you have the space and can afford it.
Calculate all that for a year (so you have time to grow food and other things).
It takes the combines calories in an elephant to feed all those people for a year (exaggeration).
People need to figure in new shoes and clothes too.
People will need tools and weapons.
For that many people it could take a football field of storage to hold everything.
Remember, everyone ELSE is after the same things as you are and will KILL to get it for their families.
The world’s reserve food supply is barely 3 days worth of food.
Forget about hunting and fishing. All those will be extinct in a few months.
And probably no refrigeration to preserve food.
People need space for food storage and knowledge on how to properly process food for storage.
If you are a prepper, most likely the government knows about you and about where you are and what you have.
When FEMA and the like come busing in your door at 3am to ‘confiscate’ your resources to ‘share’ with others, they are effectively stealing from you and giving it to the lazy folks who refused to even try.
You can bet your life that the politicians and government bandits will get theirs while YOU go without (the sharing part – leftover scraps will be tossed to the dogs – aka you and I)
Democrat policies on immigration is going to exacerbate this quickly.
And their plantation slaves (aka welfare bums) that churn out huge families aren’t going to be a benefit (unless you are a cannibal).
Lite or dark meat, so to speak.
Fema camps are designed for processing people, not supporting all those people ad infinitum.
Take note of the physical locations of those camps.
Near rail lines? Major highways and interstates?
When SHTF, every major city will be locked down. No one allowed out and probably no one allowed in.
They may resort to torching entire blocks to drive out people. Easier than searching door to door.
An interesting movie is Red Dawn (the first one).
Pay attention to the parts about them needing food.
We learned a lot from the disasters we have faced, but unfortunately on the flip-side, the One World Government group learned a LOT more. I believe that the main thing that they learned was. 5 billion people are impossible to CONTROL. But 500 thousand are quite controllable. Hence the virus (for immediate results) & the (” rDNA changing “) vaccines, for long term results. As in creating a (selective infertile) population. The cure will in the long run, devastate the populations far more (and more effectively) than the virus is doing.
This is just my opinion based on what I have seen & read. I still feel that the virus was, a bio-weapon that accidentally-on-purpose, GOT OUT. Population control at its most basic.
Before going into panic mode about FEMA camps. Check them out.
two of the ones “listed” on maps in Alaska are totally phony. One is shown to the east of Anchorage. It is Chugach state park.
There are less than a half dozen roads into the mountains and most are well traveled. Plus the entire western side can be viewed from the city. Not to many structures in the park at all. One other large “camp” is on the south slope of the Alaska range. There is on road in. Also well traveled by locals.
So considering this IF They wished to round up Alaskans they first will need to put up buildings. Which will not go unnoticed. Having very little in the way of large capacity centers this will be a must.
My point if you see a “FEMA” camp shown on a map or listed near you check it out.. It may be parks or other things. And believe me back home (I am from Alaska) they will not be able to find folks who don’t wish tobe found.
sorry to tell you – FEMA and the FEDs aren’t concerned with Alaska – all they are going to do is sit back and ignore the calls for assistance – your state is wrote off along with Hawaii and most of the protectives >>> the Midwest will be fighting to stay alive with the Coastals holding DC ….
I agree, Drive out there and put eyeballs on it. Check for No Trespassing signs, or security measures of any type. Take pictures and post them to your friends and family. Return often, and make note of any changes that may have occurred. Document, Document, Document!
Many good things to keep in mind. We learn to not trust anyone! That should also include all the well intentioned church people. There are so many libs in religion who would throw you under the bus ’cause you’re too aggressive or own firearms. They will give you up to solidify their own :security”. Take care of your own first, and those of true agreement will become evident.
Jesus said if you have no assault weapon (aka a Sword was the assault weapon of the day), sell your cloak and buy one.
Jesus knew it was a war.
Evade the ones they send for you … and “correct” the ones that sent them.
I used to think that this site was about the greater good of humanity and being prepared for my family and community. Now y’all are just scaring me with politics and opinions that won’t mean squat when TSHTF. No need to respond – I’m tapping out. Claude, I thought you were better than letting this become about politics. #1 rule to survival?
Stay positive. Don’t need the negative BS.
Unfortunately politics has a great impact on all of this.
Good luck in your decisions.
I don’t care for the left/right issues and what is wrong with FEMA. I would much rather hear how to make FEMA better in light of the concerns expressed, unless you think we don’t need FEMA. It is so easy to criticize any organization but far tougher to offer real solutions.
Want to make FEMA better? Then abolish it totally.
Let each state handle their own issues at their OWN expense.
Until then, the left side of things plans on abusing FEMA (Katrina comes to mind).
I for one do not like paying for Hurricane relief when I am far from the coast. Nor fires in Cali.
Are you on the left side of things perhaps?
I must respectfully disagree with your assessment.
Disaster relief is one of the few things that SHOULD be centralized, simply because if it isn’t, states that bear the brunt of a natural disaster will be beggared by the expense incurred by repairing or replacing infrastructure, as well as the toll on human lives as overtaxed or possibly destroyed food stores, medical aid, emergency shelter, etc. cannot cope.
Natural disasters, with the possible exception of a tornado, are seldom confined within the borders of a single state. Wind damage and flooding can occur many miles away from landfall of a hurricane or severe weather outbreak. Blizzards are usually multi state events, as are earthquakes and wildfires.
Damage to the power grid, natural gas or oil pipelines, and water reservoirs can cause issues in multiple states.
As to how to improve FEMA’s service, greater accountability and not using appointment to lead the department as a political reward job are two ways to improve it.
Too often these appointments are “tit” jobs…the type of “no-show” position that politicians use to reward dimwitted buddies or give to someone’s no good kid as a form of payola….Burisma and Hunter Biden come to mind as an excellent example. “Heckuva Job Brownie” is another.
But leaving states and the people who are unfortunate enough to suffer through a life threatening disaster and the aftermath to just swing in the wind because “it’s not YOUR problem” is not going to solve the problem.
As for myself, I would prefer to err on the side of compassion towards my fellow Americans and human beings, wherever the need might be.
I agree. The working people of the states pay federal income tax. Some of it should come back to the them to offset the costs of natural disasters.
FEMA is not a social service organization.
It is Deep State Military. Period.
Why should I pay for disasters in other states that I get no direct benefit from?
Cali has fires, we don’t. Why should I pay for their mismanagement?
Hurricanes – those coastal states already KNOW those cause massive destruction and yet deliberately build in bad places. Why should I pay for their incompetence?
Very very FEW things if any should be centralized.
Put the burden of taking care of their own businesses and people back on them and not everyone else.
Taking my money and giving it to others who clearly do not deserve a penny is outright legalized theft.
Coastal states deliberately put the financial responsibility on everyone else just to line their own pockets (greed).
No thanks.
I want to keep my money.
Compulsory charity is not charity – it is theft.
Crazy Squirrel and Miss Kitty
I have to agree with both of you here.
Coming from a coastal state, I always said why should we pay for flooding in the Midwest when the Mississippi and Missouri rivers flood. Those “stupid people” built ad rebuilt their homes in flood planes. To top it off they dont want damns to control it.
I see paying for it once and then pretty much never again. A huge issue like the flooding in New Orleans, if a system is built to control it and said system is not maintained, why do it again. Seems stupid.
Out west so many of our fires have been caused by mismanagement of forest lands and “stupid people” building in the middle of the woods. Again, let’s fix it once and then never again. If people are too stupid to cut a fire break around their own house why should I pay for it? I know in the PDRK they have some rules against saving your house which is also a case of why should I pay twice?
The one case where I take exception to are earth quakes. No way to predict when and where. The damage can be, potentially, extremely wide spread plus the secondary effects like a tsunami. Mountains erupting etc. And then again something like a Carrington event. What do we do then? I see both side where people need to take a LOT more responsibility for their choices but in the event of a true catastrophe we need something bigger.
Live next to a river take responsibility for yourself. Live in the woods, yep you own it. Live in a city below sea level on the coast, not very bright.
For the record, I live in the woods surrounded on 3 sides by 2.5M acres of natl forest. I about that of which I speak. When the trees fall and jump they will be way shy of my structures. Grass is kept down and green in our defensive zone. Tractor is fueled and ready to cut a fire break, at least for the parts not done. Have gas masks with smoke filters. Wife and I call it being responsible. I know I will get the negative responses and I am good with that. Be responsible for your own choices but her ready to assist others as needed.
Allowing people to rebuild on ocean front property that gets destroyed every five years IS stupid…that I agree with. And if building is permitted, it should be with the understanding that home and business owners will be allowed ONE payoff if the property has not been subject to storm damage for a reasonable time period, say twenty years. After that, rebuild at your own risk.
But we have little say in how our tax monies are used in any respect. I don’t drive. Yet my tax dollars are used for road repair. I didn’t vote for most of the incompetent bozoes that run this s#!+storm of a country that the US has become, but my taxes pay these greedy bastards so they can sell their votes to the highest bidder and get even richer.
Disaster relief is one of the few things that do benefit everyone, though. It all goes back to the concept of mutual aid, like when a fire department calls in help from surrounding communities with a massive fire.
If there was a raging wildfire outside your door that you couldn’t get under control, would you turn down help from a squad of firefighters from a neighboring state? Of course not…that would be stupid.
So why begrudge lending that same kind of help to others? That’s just being cheap and selfish. You’re paying it forward, if not for yourself to collect on then for your kids.
Everyone is going to go through some sort of disaster at some point, and will need help to recover.
No more property payoffs. They chose to buy and build there.
Property taxes are paid to the local governments. Let THEM pay for damages and NOT via any insurance company (which would raise everyone else’s rates).
Consco I absolutely agree. I am a midwesterner and have always said WE can fix it once. If a home owner rebuilds in the same known flood area they are on their own. As you said there are exceptions such as earthquakes and tornados. Its a little tough to predict where a tornado will touch down. On the other hand losing everything to a wildfire can be avoided just as flooding. Hurricanes can be anticipated and tracked and people sure don’t have to build or continually rebuild where THEY KNOW eventually they will be hit.
Thumbs up! Completely!
Miss Kitty
Prime example that you used in fire fighting. 3 years ago 3 towns, Tonasket, Omsk, Okanogan in WA were virtually evacuated along with surrounding area’s. The GOVT TURNED DOWN help from locals who have equipment. Spending most of my adult life in construction I will tell you that 10,000 hot shots cant dig as much fire line in 2 weeks as a guy with a D9 can in 8 hours. The Forest service claims that it is “risky” for people. Indeed 1 person did perish. I also get that a D9 cat cannot reach every place humans can.
So when help is freely available and turned down, I dont want my tax dollars spent on the boondoggle FEMA has become either. Especially with, as you so eloquently put it, it is a “tit” position. During Katrina the Coast Guard General had to take over and it was just a mess.
If they were fuse help from all of us trying to take responsibility for our own lives I say we should cut the budget for them in a very painful way.
While earthquakes are hard to predict, State’s already KNOW this and so does the people living there.
I call that acceptable risk. But making others pay for their acceptable risk is what I am against.
Same with Tornadoes and tornado alley.
Those people can buy their own insurance if desired and not use taxpayers are their insurance company.
In Tornado places, just build houses like the space ship on Lost In Space – winds will travel right over them and little to no damage.
I have mixed feeling about Dams.
They can be a two edged sword.
They retain water for dry times and can reduce flooding if managed properly.
With water being a precious resource that is dwindling in many places, seems sensible to have a few Dams to store water for the lean times.
About the 2.5 mil acres of trees and what was done to reduce the risk – that is very sensible and prudent.
I agree to pay for things ONCE (road upkeep notwithstanding). I prefer not to pay at all unless there is some tangible direct benefit to me.
We are getting off topic now.
FAult lines are more -prevalent out west where we have the mountain ranges but the Midwest has the Madrid fault which is VERY large. Earthquakes can happen in Appalachia as well. The entire country can be prone to them.
You can say anything you like, and yes the western US is more prone but should we abandon 1/3 of our land mass for what is normally a once in 3 or 4 generation event?
Totally agree with personal responsibility as you see in my post. I do not hide from it at all nor will I ever.
Say what you will about dams, in the NW we have almost zero flooding and we run on renewable energy about 95% of the time. The folks on the MO and the MS could learn from that.
disastrous weather is not at all difficult to predict by the people who cause it
About roads – We all benefit from Federal roads, highways, and interstates.
Many people benefit from State roads and highways.
No road repair, no food delivery, fuel, medicine, etc.
Feds should NOT be paying for State infrastructure.
Feds should NOT be paying for high speed trains to nowhere or trains that only go inside a single state.
Agree with fed paying for local infrastructure. Too often the states mismanage federal monies for “bridges to nowhere” and similar pet projects benefitting campaign supporters.
I am one of those typical 3rd party votes. In Montana I was registered as a Constitutionalist. Now I believe that people should make rational decisions when procuring a home and be help responsible for those decisions. But I also know there are times and events that cause people to depend on the generosity of others. The question then comes into play were should that help come from? I challenge anyone of you to find in our US Constitution were it gives the federal government the authority to preform societal relief. Know I can give you four clauses in the Constitution that prohibits such action. There is a book out there called Our Constitution Made Easy, it has a white cover and a soldier kneeling by a tombstone, that goes into detail of the separation of authority between the State and federal government. FEMA is actually an illegal entity, as are many other federal agencies, according to the Constitution. So if FEMA was abolished what would happen? States would have to step up and make better preparations for both foreseeable and non-foreseeable events. Make better zoning laws, and stricter building codes for areas with high risks, set aside funds for a rainy day, and set up a standby agency with the expertise to handle the disaster. However, this could only happen if the states would reclaim Constitutional authority. But like so many people the lure of free money has pacified them. The greatest method for this nation to get back on track would for the people to educate themselves on the true purpose of the Constitution and force our politicians to abide. The best source for this education would be the Federalist Papers by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. They’re a difficult read but they are explicate in the functionality of the Constitution.
Look into how to withdraw consent to be governed.
Rebel writer
All good points!!!
I have read the Federalist papers. Slow reading but interesting nonetheless. Our forefathers really did want a SMALL government that was hamstrung for sure!
As Benjamin Franklin warned us:
“If (and only if) you can keep it….”
I’ve been doing a little research into FEMA since this article was posted.
FEMA has only been in place since Jimmy Carter created it in 1979. It became part of Homeland (in)Security in 2003.
Originally, it was just supposed to be an agency for coordinating disaster relief, not for providing the relief itself.
This explains a lot.
I agree that the states need to step up and take care of their own disaster preparedness. This will give them an incentive to actually do something about ongoing issues, rather than allowing them snowball to the point where outside intervention is a necessity because the problem has become too large to handle on a local level. If federal funds were removed from play, they’d have to better manage situations like the California wildfires or New Orleans’ ninth ward.
Federal Government’s powers were supposed to be very limited.
And yet we have HOW many Federal Laws??
Even State’s Rights were supposed to be severely limited.
Look at the sheer number of State Laws too.
We have so many laws nation wide (Fed, State, Local) that there is no sum total number of them.
FEMA just complicates things too.
Feds, States, and local were never meant to ‘make us safe’ as that is an impossibility to achieve.
Besides, just where did I give informed CONSENT to be bound by ANY of that and be able to instantly revoke said consent? Subterfuge is an act of fraud.
Where did anybody?
If you do not have to give consent or consent was fraudulent or you cannot instantly revoke consent, then we live in a dictatorship.
FEMA sure does know how to dictate too.
It is what they were created to do: martial law
Like Harvey or California’s 1994 Northridge earthquake, or the deep freeze in Texas 2 months ago, or 9/11, or a pandemic….you just never know where and when disaster will strike. No one can predict when a hurricaine, tsunami, drought, terrorist, wildfire, flooded river, volcano, tornado, blizzard, power grid failure or a freaking meteorite will demolish an area. Just saying. ? I only have one life, I live where I work, and I only have so many resources. So even though my head understands all of what you are saying, my will to live makes me want some outside help if I am desperately trying to save my one life. I think most people feel the same way. I want a government that works for the people, but all power is good or bad, there is no neutral. So be it. Enjoy the life you have. Love your neighbors, family, friends. Eat good food, stop and smell the roses. Live.
Katrina Hurricane – Aug. 2005 – during President George W. Bush term in office, right?
Yep. “Heckuva job, Brownie” became a catchphrase for anything that became totally FUBAR, especially after the government got involved in it.
This is actual proof that I am from the government and I am here to help does not work. Your assumption is you try to attach Bush to this political hack like he would be different than Biden’s pick. Yet another political hack. OMG look at China Joe’s BATFE nominee, David Chipman. Just wow.
Point is whether it is Obiden or Trump it is still a political hack!!
I liked Dubya, but his appointments were usually lousy, being for the most part political favors.
As a president, he was a likable lightweight who had more than his fair share of horrible disasters to try to cope with.
Biden is even worse…like a creepier version of Jimmy Carter, lacking the latter’s basic decency.
We’re soooo screwed if there’s a major disaster, on top of the plandemic, that is.
I did not read all the responses, but scanning thru them, I did not see where it was said who made these exec. orders. I for one would like to know which party is using FEMA worst.
Bush started the ball rolling after 9/11, I believe. But Obama built on it and still is, I suspect. Most Conservatives, and a healthy number of Liberals, too, believe Obama is calling the shots in the current administration.
Obama’s turd term in office, using a puppet he despised before as a VP.
Biden’s administration are Obama’s retreads, incompetent and destructive.
The great divider and chief of Marxism at best.
Both party’s have been playing us for decades. Why should we have EO’s?
All it takes is one bad apple to close down oil energy and open the southern Border.
We are beyond the point to have at least a third party.
We also don’t want to be flooded with too many party’s. Too many cooks spoil the soup.
Look at other foreign countries that have more parties than needed. It’s a mess at best.
as controlled by The City of London
Back on the topic of FEMA… You know there is a problem with there is barbed wire on the INSIDE of the fences, to keep people in. Just sayin’.
Same concept as a prison or a foreign govt.’s border wall is setup. “Let’s go Brandon.”
You have to ask yourself, why is it that the school shooter in the recent horrific Texas incident had thousands of rounds of ammunition, yet legal gun owners find it difficult to buy a small quantity for their personal use !!! Is this a story made up by the BATF (since they’d never show the actual ammunition to the public – you must take their word) or is the shooter just a loner who’s been brainwashed by a government agency, talked into going out in a “hail” of glory? If enough of these shootings occur, and they’re becoming more and more frequent, eventually the Sheeple will demand that all guns be made illegal…like England.
Has it ever made you wonder why these shootings never take place in a crowded supermarket, or God forbid, a “mega” church? Children, however, our are most precious resource. Tears fill the eyes of even the most diehard gun owner and Second Amendment advocate when these shootings occur. Could it be planned this way though to obtain a stronger public reaction? I’m a mother and a CCW for that very reason. But I believe America will be destroyed from within. ?
Sharon, I think most knowledgeable and aware people feel reasonably certain that these shooting are orchestrate or at the very least allowed to happen. The timing is always a little to coincidental and it appears like the leftists are prepared in advance for their response. I think we’ve all seen that the left will do anything to disrupt and destroy.
Since the sleeping lizard’s been in office. We have had many mass shootings. Coincidence? Is there really a connection to them? Will the Marxist educated public BOHICA?
We know sleepy Joe hates the 2nd Amendment through and through.
What better way to push forward disarming the populace.
Many 20th Century countries, confiscated private arms before doing genocide on their own citizens. Check the historical facts and stories of survivors to these tyrants. You decide.
Every supermarket in my area (and there’s a LOT) has an armed guard, almost always LE. I’ve not been to a megachurch, but I bet they have some type of organized security. I hear often from people who are either on their church security team, or helped set it up. The churches in my area-I would not trust them to have any security of this sort, I’ll say that much. Doesn’t fit their political notions.
Sharon…did you forget the Christmas slaughter????
Negative Nancy or Karen evil thoughts of the future.
Do we really believe the FEMA camps are going to house all the dissident opposition? Those will be starvation work camps for the survivors to do hours upon hours of slave tasks to the elite. Just like past historic references we can find from centuries ago.
“They” had slave camps even back when Jesus walked the earth. No different.
Except this time the UN, world govt. agencies have stock piled millions of ammo to take out the pockets left of resistance. The question which side will win?
There have been plenty of military exercises on American soil such as Jade Helm.
The question is will the American armed troops side with “We the People” or not?
Will the UN storm troopers be bused in or flown into our cities?
We have seen lately how the globalist, have left Afghan withdrawal in shambles. Leaving Americans and allies behind the wire. The Ukrainian War shows the reluctance to slow walk help to the civilians fighting. Putin hires mercenaries for the dirty jobs.
We can see protecting other countries borders but America’s Open Southern Border.
What about the law breakers coming across the border? Are these really the citizens we want to carry on American Values?
The current Demoncrat Party is not your Grandpa’s party anymore. They still have tendencies of the past like the KKK.
Did you know the NRA back then, helped the Blacks then, transition slaves to free men? They help with guns to defend. The current White plantation sympathizer in office. At a funeral praised a KKK member from congress. But people aren’t taught history anymore.
So know that the FEMA camps are just for show; it’s food shortage, famine. And a lead bullet in the chest will be the end. What happens in the next two elections is up to the voters. Will the Demoncrats cheat again?
People spent too much time on twatter looking at the mean twits. “Oh Let’s go Brandon,” was a better choice, sure it was. Got cheap gas? HA, HA, HA!
So, we think were going to be housed in a FEMA camp? How many bullets does it take to subdue the population?
In California, the ‘Delta Smelt’ is not endangered fish, started by environmentalist nutjobs. Many farmers there lost their farms to the jerks in charge. The irrigation water to farmlands diverted to the ocean. Political BS, they also drain the reservoirs of precious water needed to families. Water has a very interesting history in California. The movie China Town had some fairly historical facts mixed into the story.
Yes these Marxist politicians don’t give a rat’s butt about the citizens. Do your own research if the facts have not been erased. And decide for yourself and vote.
bob, I understand the context and agree. we are at a real-world crossroads of decision making that will have tremendous ramifications for the entire world from this time forward.
and for clarifications, I am a Federal Employee, DoD “boots on the ground” type, not in management, and would not trust FEMA one damn bit, nor the corrupted FBI. By the way, has anyone seen or heard about Roy Epps? You know, the FBI plant instigating the MAGA / America First supporters to enter the Capitol on 06 JAN 2021, and then the Capitol “police” moved barricades aside and opened doors and told supporters they could enter? Why has nothing productive been done by our elected “officials” to abolish the illegal “Pelosi Prison” used to incarcerate the DNC’s political prisoners that have been denied judicial due process and humane treatment in absolutely blatant violation of their Constitutional and Civil Rights?
Much of what you say is so
However FEMA CAMPS are not for show…
They are for systematic destruction of human life
As my stepmother, a woman forced into the Jungen, then SS, would say, they sieg heil with the best of them. A communist sympathizer, FDR liked hitler (elitist communist) and began to implement nazism into the US. He looked at what the Weimar republic Party of Germany did to get hitler seated. The great depression was in recovery, but WRP would raise taxes and print a lot of money to stop Germany from rising out of the ashes of WWI. Germans were dying of starvation, drug addiction, alcoholism. There were cases of cannibalism that barely made it into the papers. Every step was foreseen and implemented to force more people into socialism. And today, that’s what we see, nazism in the open and playing with your life.
FDR liked Mao and Stalin much much more than Hitler
So much that
FDR arranged the deadly blockade of Japan that resulted in their needing to attack US ships to break the blockade.
FDR. Personally, turned an ally – Japan- into an enemy
because he preferred Chinese Communism to Japan’s Empire.
Very good article dz. Worth the time.
The exec. orders you listed are from 1962, John Kennedy. What I read did not cause me concern. I also understood that exec. orders ended when the president changed, unless congress made it law. If I am wrong, please explain it to me.
They underestimate all the ex-military,and folks who support our life,liberty,and persuit of happiness…Can they ”trump” the constitution? Nope. If the government ,says it has nullified,and voided the constitution,and all rights…Then THAT particular ”government” is NULL AND VOID….And they will ”reap the whirlwind”….Any traitors will be dealt with….And as for BLUE HELMETS,on american soil??? Ha ha ha …..! Make good targets I took an OATH,in the United States Army,to defend our nation,and freedoms,from TYRANNY….To the death. So be it. There are many more like me….
With all that is going on in the Ukraine.
Even Putin at one time said,
America , Never give up your guns
As for all those plastic coffins ,
I knew a bout all this back 7 years a go they
were making them.
FEMA had something big in mined then.
At first I thought it might be for a nuclear war fall out,
But I do not think that now.
The thing that saddens me here is the fact that, if you don’t own a house or any land, like a lot of us, its going to make it very difficult to go off the grid or hide in a bunker buried out there some where? I for one, am very AWAKE and have been prepping for years! My question is this?? How on earth is a person supposed to be able to avoid FEMA if you live in an apartment and have NO Where to Go? I have read all of your comments and advise about what to do and what Not to do, but I have children and am also a veterans widow! My husband was military and when they start Martial Law, you can forget it! Make no mistake about it, Even though Biden is President he is truly Just SLEEPY JOE! Best believe that Trump is behind the scenes making BOSS MOVES!!! I am tired of trying to wake up Americans. Especially when majority of the things that are happening are taking place right before our very eyes! People are truly blinded to the tunnels and Bunkers that surround us. people are oblivious to the fact that when and whenever they decide to make their move on society, they are not going to use Americans to kill, capture, and detain us. They are going to use the Chinese the Russians, etc. But that’s not all, Yes the idiots who filled out the census will be the first ones captured and killed. As for the rest of us, what are we supposed to do? All of you preppers are on this site, and your talking a bunch of nonsense if you ask me? I’m assuming that you are wealthy, or Financially secure to the point where this is simple for you? But for the average hard working single mom widow who is low income and doesn’t own any property, Cant live off the grid because I have no place to set up post? We are going to be at Civil War with each other in the United States, and you talk about trust? Who do you trust? Who can you trust? Who do you connect with that’s Awoke and on your same level with this mess, in order for you and your kids to survive? And trust me , I’ve been prepping for over 10 years. And all I see and read are these bits and pieces of advice which does someone like me NO Good!! Can someone please tell me how to connect with the rest of the preppers who own land and I can offer my services to reside on your compound. We can protect each other. I am a trained marksman sniper, also a Teacher and educator, I am NERT Certified and a Traditional Western Herbalist. I have many skills to offer anyone. My problem is .. I’m not rich, nor do I own any Land. So can some one point me in the right direction here? Because like some have said, Faith over Fear! Fear can drive you mad and have you making bad decisions. I am not going to lie here! I am scared sometimes, especially since my husband passed away in 2013. But I stay ready so I don’t have to get ready!! From my stand point, that’s all I can do? Any answers or Help out there?
Obama is controlling Biden. Not Trump.
Obama’s 3rd term….didn’t you know????
Federal Emergency MILITARY Authority = original name.
NOT Civil Defense….. not civil at all….
IN 2005, I had a temp assignment with them after Hurricane Katrina
All government employees should be unarmed with very few exceptions. Only the military with military equipment. The paranoia fences around government buildings need to be removed except only prisons.
I want the government unarmed in the face of WE THE PEOPLE becoming fed up with the government’s authoritarian attitude.
The Constitution delineates the actions needed when both the law and the Constitution are ignored or construed to mean other than what was intended. When public servants run amuck and begin depriving citizens of their rights, the Constitution directs WE THE PEOPLE to take our power away from the government and correct the problems.
surycurmudgwen, What you wrote is EXCTLY why we have a First and Second Amendments. So we the people can have a way to defend ourselves against the TOTALITARIAN government we now face. No doubt Biden worships a person like Adolph Hitler.
Nothing I’ve seen but one report about FEMA and it’s concentration camps is that they’ve purchased God only knows how much poison gas from foreign countries. According to the report I saw, it’s exactly like the stuff Hitler used in his concentration camps during WW2. Thanks to a bunch of damn fools who blindly voted for people like Obama and Biden, we’re now facing a totalitarian government that plans to totally rule our lives – and deaths. Speaking for myself, I’m now 98, and well qualified with all types of firearm. They come for me they’ll probably take me out but you can all rest assured a couple of FEMA people will go with me. The difference being, I’ll end up with my late wife and FEMA people will end up in hell. I don’t look for trouble, but if it comes my way I try to handle it. They leave me alone and I’ll leave them alone. It’s just that simple.
surycurmudgwen, What you wrote is EXCTLY why we have a First and Second Amendments. So we the people can have a way to defend ourselves against the TOTALITARIAN government we now face. No doubt Biden worships a person like Adolph Hitler.
I ordered survival books and read about how to live off the grid, but now I see this is about politics and alot of assumptions about what will happen if, and, worst case scenarios. Can you say ‘TRUMPED UP?’ Unsubscribing.
I sometimes question the recycling of article, but this being an election cycle may be a good time for this one. America must reverse the government lunacy we currently have. Need to strengthen our state governments, need to clean house in Washington, and work to secure oversight of the way too many agencies and cut out the unneeded. FEMA is an example of an agency with no keeper, yeah Trader Joe is their boss but does he have a clue what they’re doing…. then who does? What “handler” has the reins? The word is slowly getting out that things are bad, Dems that want to work and can’t, Sanctuary Cities going broke, Welfare folk being cheated of THEIR freebies by illegals, Trillions being redistributed thru Ukraine, etc….The word needs to be pushed out by everyone with half a brain to all that will listen, Don’t vote for a party vote for what’s right for America…. There is good candidates in all parties, and they need to break away from Party platforms that are bad. ….. I’m off the soap box, now. Now back to FEMA, have known people in the DoD, NG, various State Law orgs, and federal orgs that had deeper dealings with fema, and they would only talk under their breath and never on record, the one common theme was that “they are a scary group”.
Wow. Clicked on an article to read about FEMA camp scenarios and ended up with a tirade about what you feel is woke mob leftist bullshit. Instant unsubscribe and I regret buying your book. Hundreds of other authors were able to prep me for disasters without ever pulling politics, insults, or misinformation into it. You are contributing to a divide in society under the guise of a service that has NOTHING to do with political ideologies. A fascist state is growing in front of your very eyes and all you can think is “woke this” and “woke that.” I wish you the best in an emergency as you ostracize and disassociate neighbors that might have welcomed you with open arms or bartered with you or offered you charity. That is what “woke” boils down to after all: compassion for others.