Preppers have long been concerned about amassing resources that would be taken by FEMA in an emergency. Maybe you have seen something like this in your mind’s eye, too.
A line of armored vehicles on your street with armed men going door to door with FEMA on their shirts and taking the buckets and cans of food that you had stored for just this moment.
They walk in and out of your home, container after container and leave you hollowed out to face the disaster like the unprepared.
It’s a real concern for preppers but how concerned should you be?
Does FEMA Have The Power To Confiscate?
There is a list of Executive Orders that have been signed into law over decades in this nation. FEMA has been granted swathes of executive power in the event of an emergency.
EO 12148 – Carter
SEC 2-104 The Director [of Federal Emergency Management] shall represent the President in working with State and local governments and private sector to stimulate vigorous participation in civil emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery programs.
EO 10998 – Kennedy
SEC. 2. Definitions. As used in this order:
(a) “Food resources” means all commodities and products, simple, mixed, or compound, or complements to such commodities or products, which are capable of being eaten or drunk, by either human beings or animals’ irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption.
For the purposes of this order the term “food resources” shall also include all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal fats and oils, cotton, tobacco, wool, mohair, hemp, flax fiber, and naval stores, but shall not include any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.
(b) “Farm equipment” means machinery, equipment and repair parts manufactured primarily for use on farms in connection with the production or preparation for market or use of “food resources.”
(c) “Fertilizer” means any product or combination of products for plant nutrition in form for distribution to the users thereof.
(d) “Food resource facilities” means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm) and other facilities for the production, processing, distribution and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer.
EO 10995 FEMA can take all Comms and Media.
EO 10997 FEMA can take fuel and power of all kinds.
Bottled Water
Water always has value in a disaster scenario. I hope you store some ready to drink water in your home and also catch some water from the sky.
Having water filters and knowing where to get more water i.e., bodies of clean water is necessary.
⇒ Click Here For The Awesome DIY Device That Turns Air Into Fresh Water
In a disaster lots of water sources are contaminated. The water you have in your home might be all you have access to. If FEMA comes knocking you should have some to give, and some hidden or your family is going to be standing in line for a bottle of water from the case you already purchased.
As you read above, FEMA has the power and the intention to not just take your food but to take over the farms, too!
Of course, they will decide how this food is distributed once they have amassed it all.
Can you imagine seeing all the food taken from your home in an emergency? Years of prepping just walked out the door by people who couldn’t care less about you and your family.
This is why it is so important for you to maximize the use of multiple and hidden storage locations.
If we truly want to help, then we need to be able to hand over our “food storage” and have FEMA roll away with some resources before bringing our real stockpile together from these multiple and hidden locations.
FEMA will take the necessary steps to procure medical equipment and medicines if they believe you have the types they are looking for.
Your medical stockpiles would be at risk, and it is well within FEMA’s scope of powers to take from you what they deem necessary.
⇒ An Ingenious Way To Stockpile Prescription Medications At Home
In fact, medical is even worse than food because if FEMA deems you healthy then you don’t need any of those medical preps you have been storing. They can take it all!
They gotta leave you some food to sustain yourself but with medical it could be different.
We do not have a lot of precedent for this, but a couple times is enough. We saw weapons confiscation in places like New Orleans and in Boston after the marathon bombing.
Nothing stands in the way of FEMA confiscating your preps like a 12 gauge shotgun.
I think FEMA would take as many weapons from American citizens as they could. They would throw the 2nd Amendment out the window in the face of an emergency. In fact, they would have to or else there would be a different kind of emergency to deal with.
Your generator is probably loud, right? Well, FEMA can hear it, too.
EO10997 gives federal power to FEMA so they can confiscate all kinds of fuel and power necessary to complete their mission. This could include your loud generator that they hear from a mile away.
FEMA is setting up camps during these disasters and some of those camps might require power, your power.
The fuel you bring into a disaster area is the all the fuel you have while you are in that disaster area.
When it runs out you have to either leave the area or go find more.
Your fuel stockpile would surely pique the interest of FEMA.
They would have every right to take that fuel stockpile from you to power their vehicles and their efforts
Radios & Comms
We have already established that FEMA has the law on its side if it wants to confiscate comms. That big antenna on your truck is going to be a dead giveaway.
The larger the disaster the more resources FEMA is going to want or “need” to manage the situation.
They would love a few good Baofeng radios or a powerful HAM system to add to their comms operation.
Where and how do you store your HAM radios?
Is it time to find a more convert means of using them and keeping them secret and safe?
Absence Of Civil Defense
Civil Defense in America was a brilliantly devised preparedness plan that was built by the people and for the people! What could be better?
Well, after the cold war American Civil Defense fell into obscurity and we started drifting on this crazy mindset of perpetual security and prosperity behind our massive military.
The Civil Defense filled a hole that is now occupied by prepping, panic, and accusatory division in our nation. Without Civil Defense we had to create agencies like FEMA and DHS to keep us “safe” from the boogeymen and the natural disasters.
It would be something very special to see the nation unite behind a new Civil Defense program that is built to prepare Americans for the threats of this modern age, which far outweigh 1960! Total nuclear annihilation is just a side dish in today’s menu of potential apocalyptic scenarios.
FEMA’s power is born out of the absence of our responsibility as American citizens. We would rather watch the ball game then spend our time and money preparing for the next disaster. That is the boat that we are in right now as a nation.
From my experience and the experience of other preppers who have worked with FEMA, they are not very effective. They could never be as effective as prepared communities and surrounding communities that would answer the call in a disaster.
Maybe that’s a fantasy of mine but either way, you better make sure FEMA doesn’t know about all your preps and you may consider alternative locations and unique storage methods.
Don’t panic. FEMA is a government agency and is understaffed and undertrained to implement effective initial discomfort. Under nationwide SHTF conditions most of the military will be busy elsewhere. Try National Guardsmen who will bypass their own homes. Insufficient trucking and warehousing to take more than local targets. Hey, FEMA, take all you can find.
Yeah but govt agencies are only slow and inefficient when they owe you something. When you owe them they move like lightning!
Not only do they move like lightning – but also like award winning bounty hunters.
They will relentlessly search out – and follow – wherever you are, or go.?
What I always wonder when this news comes up is…why would they CARE to take your stuff & give it to others? If they were taking it for themselves I could understand, but why do they care that you have it & the next guy doesn’t??
It’s all about amassing power to keep us all under the thumb of the government.
Our current administration took most of the baby formula & stored it for illegals crossing the border! If they’ll starve baby US citizens, they won’t hesitate to starve the rest of us. Remember Stalin & Mao, who starved 10s of millions of their own people!!
They can’t stand it when people are self sufficient and do not have to depend on the government. It’s a way to ‘control’ people.
Chances are highly likely that FEMA will consist of non American’s which makes it easier for them to confiscate all your belongings. Look at the ‘riot police’ in Ottawa Canada, they weren’t even Canadian they were ‘Rent-a-Soldiers’ from the U.N.
Power and control. Stalin, Mao and others did exactly that. Stole food “Down to the very last crumb”, they bragged, from the country folk to placate those that lived in the cities and maintain power and control.
I don’t think they do care- and I’m sure that the predators on top who have the means will obtain and hoard as much as they possibly can. But some degree of care will have to be taken to maintain the illusion of acting for the greater good until any significant threat of action by the people has been neutralized. But I pray that WE will care for one another as best we can. If we can’t manage to come together in solidarity and exercise our will via strength in numbers, we don’t stand a chance.
Because a starving people are much easier to control. They don’t take your food in order to use it to feed anyone,they take it to keep you in line.
If u lost all ur food. Would go and do what u have too so u can eat every day?
In a SHTF scenario, fuel will be almost nonexistent.
Seems FEMA will not have the wide range people think they will have.
Unlikely they will go door to door stealing. Most likely they will first go after warehouses and food distribution centers.
You will consume most of not all your meager prepping supplies before those others are exhausted.
Most PROBABLE think the government will do is declare marshal law, suspend everyone’s rights, and steal everything they can get their hands on, especially guns and ammo FIRST.
Happened after Katrina….
I suspect that people will resort to sniping and outright rebellion if Fema comes to steal their stuff.
Best to make you own small groups to band together to watch each other’s backs (hint).
UN soldiers have those nice pretty blue helmets (hint).
Is marshal law anything like martial law?
I declare marital law.
Evidently you were not around during Katrina times? Give up your stuff or die.
like the National guard can do anything…. (i am sure a platoon of 18 yearolds with m16a2 rifles and no ammo is “scary”
Scared 18 year olds will kill you faster than the older ones. The damned Video games have made an think that you can do whatever you want and then hit restart. They don’t seem to understand that in the real world, there are NO restart buttons! What’s done is done! SAD BUT TRUE!
I am old enough to remember Kent State University.
Actually National Guard is allowed to have ammo. It’s active duty that cannot. And they have M4s
National Guard also has tanks!!!
FEMA cannot take from CITIZENS, only from “subjects!” Executive orders are NOT binding on CITIZENS, only on subjects, and are not enforceable because they are NOT LAWS passed by Congress! FEMA will only get what I decide to share with them…which will NOT be any food/water!
Lonnie: and you think that their “rights to do something to us legally” will protect you…?
Maybe you should look at the laws that were passed min 1950, It can be done.
This article is about a local Katrina style SHTF, with no problems in Washington D.C.
When a REAL SHTF that impacts the whole country (which will then obviously include the whole world), FEMA workers will be like the rest of us, at home defending their families. The military will probably be the only entity operating, and only near their bases.
Most believe they can survive anything, no matter what happens…a minor crisis is a no-brainer.
But a long-term world-wide SHTF??? Very few will last over a year.
The evil Axis knows the the USA is the only obstacle. A surprise attack is the only way to take America down.
An EMP launched from a fake tanker ship (maybe by Hamas hired by Iran/Russia) could happen any day.
But more likely a civil war when the Trillions of Dollars of US debt takes down the economy like never before. Very few will make it all the way to the other side.
There will be waves of survivors from the big cities: innocent survivors first, then small groups of criminal survivors, and lastly the cut-throat gangs led by former members of special ops like Rangers, Delta, and Seals, yes there are some highly skilled bad ones along with all the good ones.
But they will all die. There are many millions of highly skilled snipers (deer hunters) waiting and watching, along with millions of retired military that know guerilla warfare and defensive tactics.
If you don’t sign up with a town of 5,000 or so…
Your best tactics are:
-Conflict avoidance…hide;
-A hi-tech million dollar bunker hidden far away from the big cities;
-Lots of Luck for many years (your skills will create your own luck);
-Last but not least…get right with God.
And then…Hurricane Helene comes along…
Look what they did in Maui. They had to be shot and killed or they were shooting the natives who refused to leave or give up stuff. FEMA was ransacking houses which survived. FEMA was in town three days before the attack..gee, I wonder what they knew. Just a bunch of gangsters, deadly men. It doesn’t take many nasty men to take over a town.
This is a lie! I’m from Maui. NEVER HAPPENED! Stop spreading lies Sally!!!! It only hurts us who lost loved ones in the fire more with your vile filth.
No they won’t. Also, the Red Cross is just as bad. They have the authority to take anything they want. I’ve seen them take over a church’s donated food and water to “distribute”.
‘off the street’ homeless/incompetent people
will be paid-uniformed-used first to take from households. they will be an early warning to those households that will object to being emptied.
It is a crying shame that the feds can take all of what you worked for to feed and protect your family to “re-distribute” to people who didn’t have the foresight or, more accurately so, gumption to do for themselves.
It may not all be redistributed, actually.
The powers that be have been hoarding food, fuel and ammunition FOR THEMSELVES for quite a while, already…
Oh it will be redistributed alright just not to the masses. The elitists will warehouse what they want and toss the scraps according to political affiliation.
I also believe that it will not all be redistributed. You have got to realize that it’s all about control. Just like that pesky flu they called a pandemic, its about control. They don’t even care about your children or the aged,the sick .They care about their control and how much of it they have. They don’t care about you ,they only care about themselves. They will take your stuff ,my stuff and give it to their buddies. Either that or keep it to make their buddies believe they are prepared. We are the fools to let it happen. We need to take back our control. The. People won’t though because they are so use to being lead around by their nose that they don’t know what else to do.
When the Government authorized non-law enforcement agencies to purchase and store lethal ammunition for a Just in case situation, leaves me to wonder why they did not store food items instead. I remember the Civil Defense crackers that tasted like cardboard. The best stuff they stored were Navy emergency Sea Rations. The Malted Milk tablets with vitamins and minerals a person needed each day were perfect.
Reminds me of the Ant vs the Grasshopper storey
Sorry for the Fat-fingers :/
What do you think taxation, welfare, and obamacare crap is all about?
They can only take what you let them! FEMA has NO policing authority and the Executive Orders cannot be enforced against citizens, only on subjects, of which I will NEVER be one!
Read the laws from 1951, they have the right.
Remember the news stories on Fox about young adult male illegal immigrants being flown and bussed all over the country for the last two or three years? No clue as to where they were going or why? They will be who goes house to house confiscating weapons and ammo and food and anything the government considers to be something that you will use to be less dependent on them. They won’t have to worry about them refusing to violate the Constitution they took an oath to protect and defend. Those illegals won’t care about killing us when we fight back. All they know is the people who trained them are the ones who let them into the country, and have been feeding them and providing everything they need to live and training them to invade our homes, take what they want, confiscate everything else, then put us in a camp. They will be like the crew that comes to do your yard work. One of them speaks English, and tells the rest of them what to do in Spanish, but they will be armed.
You are so correct. Illinois passed a law to allow “them” to become law enforcement officers if they received a valid work permit. That’s very troubling.
I’m just glad that I’m not long for this world.
Too old to run, too mean to give up. This is MY land, MY country and MY supplies. They can have them AFTER I’m dead. If anyone comes after that which is mine, that I have worked and paid for before I’m gone. Then I won’t be alone when I go.
I have held a baby in my arms, felt the wind at my back and the sun on my face as it came up over the mountains. When death finds me. Know that I have lived.
This sounds like my walking buddy whose outlook on life is, “I don’t give a S…” and that includes SHTF. Hey, we’re old too.
Almighty God is also holy and just.
I do not feel so secure about bring 70 when He controls Time & Eternity.
No one will suffer more than He requires for achieving Sanctity – and no one will suffer less.
I do not speak of those who will be eternally condemned…I only witness to what the True Faith has always taught about how Holy God
“polishes HIS silver.”
Absolutely Wendell. You pick on the old guys, you’ve picked on the wrong guys.
I’m a 74 year old widow. I feel the exact same way.I won’t run but I will stand my ground and fight . Nothing to lose. Come get my stuff only when you peel the body armor off my body and take the gun from my cold dead hand.
I don’t get why American patriots are going to just give the country over to elitist commie thugs. While serving in the Navy we were so concerned about what the commies were doing…. joke’s on us. They were planting themselves right inside our government under our noses. My prayers for the children of our country . I’m ready to go home.
They planted themselves in the school houses and democrat party. There are plenty of them in republican party too…look at that ass we have in Texas for a senator…by the name of cornyn. Or that traitorous witch named cheney.
I, too, will go out fighting. Have said it many times to many people, “I may die on my doorstep, but I will die on my terms, not on someone elses.”
Jackie the people have been giving it over for decades. They voted the lesser of 2 evils ignoring the fact that we still got stuck with evil and if we did it long enough evil would get control. They did it under our noses WITH the peoples consent. Now evil has control and some people act surprised. There have been people that tried to tell the populace what was going on and the populace listened to the corrupt media that called them conspiracy theorists. People need to admit they caused this. Oswald did not kill JFK. Sirhan did not kill RFK. They were in the way. Here is a bit of history they dont teach. Our leaders have consented to this without the permission of the people. “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
~ James Paul Warburg
(1896-1969) son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James’ brother Max, banker to the German government, Chairman of the CFR
February 17, 1950, appearance before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Hit the thumbs down by mistake trying to see what idiot would not agree
That would be some of us idiots with “fat-fingers” accidentally scrolling too fast on a cell phone ?
God bless and keep you Wendell ?
Agree 100%…..over my dead body…enough is enough…I may not be able to keep it, but they will know they took it….God is still in control. I pray that HE will help me make the right decisions.
Not without throwing a little lead their way!!!
They love breaking down your door in the middle of then night after first tossing in a stun grenade or gassing you out.
Police raids are just like that too.
They ATTACK when you sleep…
I can stay awake too.
you can stay awake and wait till they destroy your house…. lovely planning
Exactly why you should have alarm devices that go off when the power is cut. And, they will cut it before they come through the doors. They have night vision and figure that you won’t.
Then it would be good, at that time, to reverse your day/night times: sleep during the day, awake at night.
because, twltWayne on denson, you can’t stay awake forever!
Part of the problem seems to be that preppers and survivalists are less likely to network and share strategies which isolates us from forming community and Civil Defense strategies. We need more networking and resources like this blog to stand strong against confiscation scenarios.
I won’t go through the trust lecture again except to say this. One of the biggest problems with forming groups or networking is infiltration by bad guys and who you can trust.
Think about it. the elites and powermongers follow these sites to. even if they don’t comment, they are still watching what all is going on and seeing the types of planning ideas being discussed. It is common military strategy, to learn all you can about your enemy’s thoughts, ideas and mindset, before EVER making a move. That way you know what they are going to do, before they do it.
So what would be your suggestion to a senior living in city apartment around neighborhood of “don’t care” and “don’t believe it will happen” people? Been stockpiling for few years now. Know how to train “attack on demand” GSD yet due to renting restrictions, cannot have any dog. Would love to move, but no finances to buy land/dwelling. I know how to grow plants, but no place to do so, yet still stocking up on organic heirloom seeds among other essentials. Know how to can and have the equipment, but no proper stove to do so. Know how to make tictures from plants. Main problem is no transportation or weapons. Main assests: hard worker, lots to contribute. Any suggestions from you or anyone else reading this post?
I could use someone like you. I have a room I can refit and a little dirt around a house. I have plans.
Mr. Walton:
Being a cynical, but prudent, man I research every claim I hear, from anyone espousing views I can’t verify.
Can you tell me where I can verify your claims? Where does it show tgat FEMA has the rights or even the means to do the things you claim?
Go to FEMA website-it’s all there……
Where exactly on the FEMA site does it say those things? I’m not believing during SHTF that gov workers will come around and take all your stuff while you are starving, no electricity, no water, etc. ! They have the power and authority but many government workers and others with evil in their minds during the bad times know they’ll have a difficult time taking stuff from people. Not everyone is a believer and supporter of FEMA or other gangs.
When SHTF, your rights will be what the government says they are or what you can project, enforce and defend . COVID-19 was a test run to help adjust their response to your response. They know we will no longer comply.
FEMA will have to use the military or UN to handle confiscation.
Unfortunately, I still see numbers of people complying … the masses will do what they’re told. As for FEMA, I can’t envision them going door to door in the countryside to seize a few cans of corn. And my Sherrif won’t let them anyway.
All these physically fit young men coming over the border care nothing for you and yours and will take whatever you have working with government or on their own
FEMA does not have to go door to door folks. FEMA will have local gov and local “brown shirts” do the dirty work. As far as going door to door, it is unnecessary because they already know who has what. You think everyone on this site is not on a list, just like everyone that buys survival food, ammo, guns, everyone that signs on to a militia site.
what military’s ? … the Current woke two moms army lol get real
You can easily find these executive orders online. The US is on the chopping block, and this plan is not at all new.
From what I see, It does not. EO10995 is an executive order under Kennedy for the reassignment of some radio frequencies if required by an assigned director of emergency planning. 10997, also enacted by Kennedy, May be construed with a strict reading of procuring through any means, however, it deals more with planning. 10998, does have some gray language, but when read as a whole it is a plan to stockpile and protect food processing. EO 12148 is where carter transferred the authority given under these executive orders to the director of FEMA. I would imagine, local sheriffs or police trying to exert their authority would be the ones to worry about in a shtf situation where food and fuel were limited, of course they would be doing this contrary to the law they are supposed to enforce. The fourth amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizure of property. It is unreasonable for someone to be able to take from one to provide for others or themselves, if not then we have already lost our republic to communism. 73s my friend
when the shtf, you will HAVE no rights, they will take what they can, if you resist they will shoot you and take anyway, so best to hide what you can, leave some for them to find, and go with the flow….you wont win….its sad that it has come to this point in our lives, hope things can change before it does, but doesnt look promising… you I’ve seen many sunrises/sunsets, planned etc, but cant run and hide, nor start a homestead in the mtns and support myself anymore. what I have is what I’ve worked for all my life, gotten honestly, helped where I could (still do), and prayed a lot…..I’ll be ready regardless because if they succeed, I dont want to be part of this country any longer…..
Most cities have too many houses to go door to door without first eliminating the populace (executions/relocations).
Never underestimate what a government can and will do, especially when their power is threatened.
I do think (IMHO) that you must refer to and research the powers of the UN when they remove the police, remove or spread too thin (by design) The Guard and these people will only have hate on their minds, total submission on their minds, GET IT ALL on their minds. When that happens there will be much bullet made death on both sides and this is what they want btw. Death by any means.
I do think (IMHO) the FEMA -and- THE UN have been taken over by the White Hats, but what do I know? NOTHING!
It will be an executive order from the person who’s in charge. My wife worked for the local town and she had to take classes on these things. It’s true not saying fair but true unfortunately. This all because we trusted big brother government. Like putting a frog in water and turning up the heat. Very subtle but deadly.
After Katrina, FEMA and Law Enforcement went door to door confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens. Legal? No. Was it done? Yes.
And, if the law-abiding citizens went through the trouble of reclaiming their firearms, they were handed rust-covered facsimiles that had been destroyed by planned neglect in barrels of water.
@Glenn Turner
You have not read the many Executive Orders?
– begun by Nixon, expanded by Clinton, tweaked by Obama…and not reversed by Trump…
Ask a Pepper listed a few of them – worth researching+
They can and they will. Go ahead and argue what gives them the right…when you’ve got a bunch of them, armed, at your door and ‘telling’ you what they are going to do.d
Follow the news. It was big news when Obama signed the re-affirm paperwork towards the end of his second term.
Google- “Executive Orders pertaining to national/state emergencies.” “Executive orders of different Presidents pertaining to emergency powers. LOOK for it on your own, that way you will be more likely to believe. I could take MY time and find you all kinds of links, but if you were so inclined you could still be a nay sayer.
I Love this. Me too !
??? not even a depression or WW3 would any American lay down and give away their stuff. It would be bloodshed.
They want a revolt. They’re trying to push us into revolting with every action they’re taking so the “President” can enact Martial Law in which they would have complete control over food, fuel, firearms, all forms of transportation- and more. It would also suspend any elections until he deems that the country’s safety has been restored- which will be never. The democrats/nazis would remain in control of our nation.
Glad to see that someone else sees what I’ve been seeing for quite a few years now. People are saying that the House and Senate will be overturned in November. That is a very real possibility. BUT ONLY if the elections are ALLOWED TO TAKE PLACE. The present administration IS pushing for civil-unrest, in order to declare Martial Law and suspend elections. It’s like a game of chess people. Move you’re pieces in such a way as to FORCE your opponent to do what you want them to do. CHECKMATE.
Its not as if all preppers are living together in one barracks..
When an army contingent comes upon one farm, the bloodshed will be one-sided
Additionally, after poisoning everyone with toxic air, water & food….and using advanced technology to destroy lives (e.g. Texas chemical “snow”….
and California “wild” fires that burned homes &cars but left trees untouched)…well….
lol your joking…. bet you wore a mask then
I responded to Katrina and can tell you there was NO MANDATORY weapons confiscation. That was rumor and misinformation. Weapons unattended were collected and cataloged where they were collected, and voluntary collection was available for those citizens that felt they had no safe storage options. Some of these other “confiscation” comments in this article are also not telling the entire story. I have seen more and more incorrect articles here. The last one about “hoarding” items was not only old info but should have had a legal disclaimer. Be careful when getting information from sources such as this.
The little old lady tackled in her kitchen by a big bad cop??
The guys on they’re own boat transporting they’re property from they’re flooded camp to a safe place stopped by national guard and relieved of they’re guns? Just two examples.. and there were dozens of other stories of firearm Confiscation against the people’s will.
Crusher aka MOLE, you are the one providing misinformation. Some of us were there. Stop eating mushrooms, your words sound more delusional than factual.
Funny, I knew a family trying to get out of Slidell who were stopped and had 2 deer rifles and 2 shotguns confiscated!
CrusherFL: While I might tend to agree with you, we here are preppers and it is our belief that being prepared for whatever could/will come is better than not.
So….. if there is the slightest possibility that our preps and methods of securing ourselves and property will be taken from us, we will protect them. We should be aware that it COULD happen, just like an EMF, or Hurricane, or earthquake, or nuclear detonation, and be PREPARED for it.
Doesn’t really matter that it did or didn’t happen in Katrina, just that it is possible it could happen elsewhere in the future.
We have all seen the looting, vandalism, arson and civil unrest that happens when people don’t like a “governmental decision” or “police altercation”. What will happen in a real National emergency when the Government is looting personal properties? The only to protect ourselves is being in a prepping community.
How does one go about finding a prepping community? My neighborhood does not believe in prepping let alone that anything is happening.
Find another neighborhood! Depends on where you live or want to live!
Sorry, forgot the reference: This law amended 42 U.S.C 5207 Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to add the following provision: SEC. 706. FIREARMS POLICIES.
Living 45 miles from NYC I’m more concerned with the 9 million people who live within Manhattan and the five borough’s ….. Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens & NYC are designated As a sanctuary city….. most of the residents are illegal aliens….. where will all the illegals go to get food……I’m more worried about what they will do then what FEMA will do…….. FEMA MIGHT TRY BUT I DOUBT THEY WILL BE ABLE TO OVERCOME 9,000,000 crazed people searching for food…..
Ants leaving the colony.
First off, all the Middle Eastern folks that have been moved in are turning every scrap of grass into the Garden of Eden here in NYC. Front yard, back yard all turned into orchards and vegetable gardens. Skyscrapers now have commercial roof gardens supplying top chefs and local farmers markets. Apartments – The Hanging Gardens of Babylon! If your living in the suburbs, your living on former farmlands and orchards/ Long Island use to be famous for its potatoes, cabbage, ducks, and truck farms producing tons of fresh fruits and vegetables. Grow some.
If your living in New Jersey, that’s the Garden State and once the home of the famous Borden”s Dairy. Not much left except tract houses and North South highways, and a lot of pollution. Make sure you are not living on a plume of an EPA Super Fund site. If your living in the Hudson Valley, Congratulations! Your the new “Hamptons” So enjoy the crowd, get to know the folks, and make the most of it!
the fifth NYC borough is Richmond County (Staten Island) along with the first 4 you mentioned they make up “NYC”.
and you are so right regarding 9 million ‘crazy and hungry people’. GET OUT OF THE AREA NOW, WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!
Absolutely! That will finally free up space to recapture regenerate our lost farmland, and help us conserve our natural resources, lowering pollution at the same time!
Yeah I think that you are right to be worried about that! I’m so glad that I am away from any city of size. But we do have chemical companys that would kill everything downwind of them, plus fort Campbell is only 30 minutes away from us. I figure that will be on the hot list of places to take out? I hope not but it still looks bad!
FEMA, take from me? Better bring friends, a lot of friends. Good luck with that. Signed: already peed off American ??
I’m astonished at some of these comments on here about whether or not the government has the authority to do these things or not, or the rights of the constitution and such. Please tell me that you are not still deluded to the point of believing you actually have rights and freedoms! The only reason we’re not under martial law yet is because there’s no need to be. The government lets us have these beliefs that we’re safe and protected because of and from them. At any given time, an officer or agent of the government can take your property under imminent domain. And if you resist, they can take you too. The only true FREEDOM you have is the freedom to learn. And what we do with that is the difference between a survivor and a victim. Even if “they” came and took everything from me and mine, we would still survive because we have knowledge and skills. I won’t ever starve, nor will I be left out in the cold. But, the government has become too much. They’ve become a tyranny to the point that we even have to have these groups and blogs. If the government truly was of the people and for the people, none of this would be needed. Wake up and see the truth. You live, then you die. Everything in between is up to you. And for me, I’m going to learn and do for myself everything that I can, so that when the day comes that the SHTF, I’ll be able to survive and thrive.
that did happen . I seen the video when fema or cops or combo there of, wrestled a 32 purse pistol from a 80 year old woman beat her up in the process and left her defenseless against looters.
i read and looked up some of the fema rights during martail law .
they have been sneaking in these changes for years a little at a time .
every one is on their own…
careful Johnny you don’t want to upset the thin blue line crowd here…. They believe cops are good and only a few are just bad…. so
Johnny, not everyone is on their own..
Some of us believe in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. (no, those are NOT cuss words!)
We believe that God is in control, not anyone else, and that He will take care of us. That doesn’t mean we don’t also prepare for the worst, but we know we are NOT alone.
Amen ??
No, FEMA does not take personal property. Stop spreading misinformation.
Since when does taking personal firearms, food and supplies from people’s homes become something besides personal property? Now who is spreading misinformation?????
The sun came up yesterday. It also came up today. And, in all likelihood, it will come up tomorrow.
FEMA has taken personal property from people as they enter the camps. They are still taking personal property in the form of taxes paid. And in all likelihood, they will take whatever the hell they want to in the future.
What do you consider personal property? Clothing? Firearms? Food? Gas? If I have paid for something for me to use, or to hold for emergency situations, that is MY personal property. It is NOT to be taken for distribution to others, or for the continued operation of the government agencies!
maybe you should pick out your FEMA camp now. First come first served. OR maybe you are FEMA. Naivety and stupidity are closely related in matters such as this.
That’s like making the statement that the FBI and DOJ are apolitical.
Wonder how many con men will try posing as FEMA agents to confiscate supplies from the elderly and such?
Now that’s a good point Binky. Lots and lots of people will readily give up whatever they have to stay safe.
For your on conclusions! Go to youtube channel God,Guns & Family and watch about different governmental agencies arming like the military. The IRS just spent $75 million in ammo! Agriculture agency M4 rifles and other agencies are being armed with M4 full auto assault weapons and P 90 submachine guns and millions of rounds of ammo!
Why? They are not tactical or military organizations. Something bad is coming “dont know what, but it’s not good for the people”
Form your on option, just view and decide very concerning to me!
I was law enforcement for 32 years and this is shocking to me. There are more agencies than I just listed cant remember them all but something is very wrong!
The government is watching and know what’s going on. They know we the people are fed up and a revolt is around the corner. I keep reading posts from people calling for a 1776 revolution. Pretty scary for this old lady.
Well when they burn your farm to the ground … Why wait for the local police to keep them safe…
Anything and everything is on the table now. All we have are judges, courts, local sheriffs and ourselves to try and stop the Agenda. Living in fear isn’t an option. Remain focused on what is IN your control. Prepare mindfully. Support local. Be involved in poll watching, sch board meetings. Your legislature who writes the laws. It all matters.
We are MANY. God willing, we will prevail in salvaging this Land we Love.
It’s all about total control not the peoples’ survival, remember they are starting to genocide us all except the chosen few.
But it is correct a well-trained voluntary civil defense corp would get things done for the people, but that’s not what they want. If you live on a farm or have land of some sizes, bury it all, just make sure you pack it correctly, so the animals don’t get it first, human and otherwise. Keep a few guns buried as well if they threaten you if you don’t surrender them you will be killed anyway so better to risk it.
Don’t trust your neighbors either, they will be the first to try to save themselves at your expense.
Don’t forget it will not be just the US government but the UN and other foreign invaders in a real SHTF situation.
Heh. FEMA.. Yeah.. I live on the Texas Gulf Coast. Every time we have a major hurricane come through here, everyone makes as outlandish of a FEMA claim as they can dream up. The “inspectors” that FEMA sends to verify such claims are typical government (often temp agency) employees who don’t give a damn. At the end of the day, some computer algorythm decides what percentage of a FEMA claim actually gets paid with your tax dollars, and some equally unaccountable government employee signs off on it… So, you might as well get yours.. Everyone else is, and you are paying for it..
Unfortunately, that is exactly what is wrong with this country. Just because everyone else is doing it, does NOT justify it. Premise was taught to me by my mother, asking me, “if your friends stuck their heads in an oven, would you”?
If more people lived by moral and spiritual truths, there would be no problem of people exploiting the system for personal gain. Ahhh, but I believe one of the Founding Fathers had something to say about that…”Once the people realize they can vote themselves benefits, they will.” This form of government was designed for a just and moral people…
We have a very little remnant today who are moral and just.
I believe all that i have read here most people believe things are going get better however the BIBLE says otherwise read the 24 chapter of matthew and see what JESUS says will be happening in the last days things are as bad as you all are saying but weather you are a christian or not you cant deny this chapter is like reading the news today satin has taken control of all goverments around the world america has become so ungodly and imoral GOD has removed his blessing on this nation the bible tells us what is next and it is not good get as close to JESUS as you can that is our only hope GOD BLESS YOU ALL
With the reversal of Roe v Wade I believe God now has his hand back on our country. For 50 years he took his hand off and everything was going to pot. Now that we are not systematically killing the unborn we are back in his favor
All it did it was let the States choose…. (nothing else changed)
and no we are far from on track with anything Elohim would like us to be on.
Very well said and might I add, very well true! We can’t stop the ultimate before our Messiah returns. However, we do have the time to prepare to survive as long as possible so we can continue to share the gospel and plant the seeds. Yah says He doesn’t want any to perish but that the wicked will always be among us. We don’t know who HE wants saved, so we must survive to continue to win souls for Him. Thank you for your post. 🙂
FEMA is a favorite bugaboo for the conspiracy minded prepper, but the agency is too small to respond effectively to even one hurricane disaster. Same day response is provided by private aid organizations that are free to deploy without bureaucratic hassles. Major on ground assistance is then provided by State Guard and National Guard units. The major part of FEMA’s 30,000 strong workforce is made up of desk jockeys whose main concern is to process disaster relief applications and try (and usually fail) to provide short term housing for victims. Also complicating FEMA’s ability to act is that they cannot operate in a state w/o the Governor’s invitation.
Thinking about the Army and National guard as the only outfits big enough to carry out national policy in a widespread SHTF. Wonder what plans have been made? Given that military and Guard bases are concentrated in only a few parts of the country it’s going to be hard to deploy nationally. The Texas National Guard consists of the 36th ID and some armored brigades, stationed at Ft.Hood with the 3rd Armored and 1st ID along with security, chemical, air defense, and medical brigades. Wonder how good or bad that will be for post disaster Texans?
Having a prepper community would be great but appears unrealistic to us. We feel isolated. It is not wise to put an ad in the newspaper looking for fellow preppers. Only one family member is also a prepper, but she and her husband live a 6 hour drive from us. It is a great relief when we can get together and discuss prepping, the Great Reset, sources, etc. Other family ignore our warnings.
We have very good helpful neighbours but we know that they aren”t on the same page as we are. They are all “vaccinated” and so are their children. NOT on the same page. So when the SHTF we don’t trust their reactions.
We live in Canada so there are probably less preppers here, especially when it comes to firearms. There are preppers around but how do you meet them? Many podcasters we listen to say form a community but how? We don’t want everyone to know that we are preppers because we are protecting ourselves in case things do get really bad. We will help but we won’t be taken advantage of.
Are any of you also feeling isolated?
TOO TRUE!! I was taught the same way. If your friend jumps off a cliff are you going to also? And I still love that way. I also wonder about the political aspect of this? I’m wondering if political affiliation will get you in a different way?
Yes. Your posts reflect what I am going through. We can’t advertise and even on here there are some who will be quick to sell us down the river when the time comes. So hard to know who to trust. Still there is safety in numbers and if there were some way for people to come together to help each other. Some might have skills to help in one way, and others have different skills. So all could lend a hand to make the “group” or community stronger. The “lone wolf” doesn’t stand a chance over time. He/she will eventually go stir-crazy without human interaction. Our genetic make-up wasn’t created to live without others in our life. Your post is well said. 🙂
T-Elle: Probably most of us feel that way. I’m a 69 year old woman living alone unless you count my cat. LOL!
I believe that after *it* hits we will be able to see who are with us as preppers and be able to ‘band together’ at that time. We just need to keep aware, and look for them and make the first move toward trust.
Not an easy task, but really, none of this is going to be easy.
Recent changes in the US FCC now demand a valid government photo ID to buy, sell, activate, change plans, upgrade, etc all cell phones, hotspots, and internet devices.
This is a prelude to the chinese social scoring system as well as monitor what you do and buy.
You will no longer be allowed to be anonymous.
You will be tracked not only by providers but the government as well.
FEMA can use the information to track you down just to see what you have and STEAL IT.
This takes effect July 20th, 2022.
I have confirmed this through my provider just today.
Enjoy it while you got it folks.
We are going to be in DEEP DOO-DOO very soon.
Right out of the bible. You can’t buy or sell without the mark. Pick up your bible and read revelations. It’s like reading the newspaper!
Let’s not forget how “Biden Bucks” can now track all purchases . . .
If a government agency under any “guise” like FEMA tries to confiscate people’s property on a large scale, I expect it will trigger a lot of bloodshed, and FEMA will be decimated fast, along with any others, including local LE, even National Guard units, who try to “confiscate” from those who planned ahead and are willing to defend themselves and their hard-earned property.
UN soldiers? Don’t worry about them, they are easy targets and will likely be more concerned how they can hide any UN affiliation and blend in with the local population, but don’t trust them if encountered. The hard part is getting your mental attitude prepared to kill if and when needed. No mercy to tyranny.
The more that we use the term, “weapon,” the more we sound as though we represent the ‘b’iden administration. Please stop doing it.
In just the last week, I’ve lost count as to how many times I’ve heard that bumbling, idiot use the (fake) term, “Assault-Weapon.”
There is no-such-thing as an “Assault-Weapon!” It doesn’t exist! The word, “Assault” is a verb that means: “a violent physical or verbal attack” (Miriam-Webster).
The ONLY “weapon” that has ‘ever existed’ lies between the approximate half-foot between our ears, and there is nothing more dangerous.
EVERYTHING ELSE is nothing but an ancillary ‘tool’ to be used as it was designed. And yet, the paper stapler on your desk can be used to access the “approximate half-foot between” an assailant’s ears.
The “controllers” and all of their puppets in DC and throughout the deep blue sea want nothing more than to strip your first and second amendment rights, and then to destroy the entire playbook.
Firearms, knives, parts of our bodies, a glass, an ashtray, a hot cup-of-coffee and everything else within arms-reach is a “TOOL.”
Please stop using ‘their’ language against us!
Stock-up on tools and be sure to train.
Some very good points here, interesting speculation, thought provoking ideas. The discussion is great but always keep in mind that there is a hell of a lot that goes on about which we don’t have a clue nor can we even imagine. A lot is based on speculation or wild ass guess and the government is great a misdirection.
I will choose peace, until there is no longer any possibility to choose it. I’m not a trained warrior. Just an old man doing what I can to keep my family safe. It might be best just not to have anything they would want. I have plenty and have planned. This thread has helped me realize I’m going to have to diversify my storage locations.
Taking the life of another is just not in my wheelhouse.
I am a trained and will kill anyone who attempts to harm my wife (45 years together) or my daughter. The world is a wicked place with many very bad people who will do you harm for almost no reason. I am not looking for trouble, but will respond accordingly.
My wheelhouse is to care for and protect what God has given me. They count on me and I have no plans to let them down or fail them.
I don’t want to ever have to take a life! But if you need with my family all bets are OFF!
It is VERY MUCH in **MY** wheelhouse!
I wonder if our prayers have been answered? Seventy plus
comments and not a pep from Raven or DeMarco.Hmmmm!
Strange but nice.
If a disaster situation is so bad that FEMA is actually confiscating food and fuel then it’s time to take drastic actions. Have 90% of your preps hidden in some place that is extremely hard to find. Bury them if you have to as soon as you hear of confiscation taking place. Have 10% of what appears to be preps easily accessible. The key is that this 10% of preps are poisoned. The people that get them were doomed anyway because they did not prepare. FEMA will be accused of killing citizen survivors (mostly leftists) and will not be further trusted. They may even be attacked by the left for poisoning them and giving them medicine that is toxic or fake. Open cans of food with a rim cutter can opener. Refill used cans of food with sand and glue lid back on. Fill bottles of cooking oil with motor oil. Food cooked in it will cause the muscles of people that eat it to seize up and they will suffocate. Fill vinegar bottles (glass only) with dilute sulfuric acid. Can poisonous plants and label them as something edible. Can regular foods and mix in tiny shards of broken glass. Swap medicines into bottles with different labels. Lubricants and oil can be contaminated with Emory to destroy engines. Gasoline can be contaminated with rice or flour to clog up fuel filters. Remember this is war and the enemy is the government and leftists.
Once again politics! We are all Americans right? I’m not here to argue, but what if someone in your family ends up in a F. Camp? You don’t mind poisoning them? Everyone who is gonna be in a camp ain’t gonna be there of there own free will. You don’t have to respond to my post, like I said before I’m not here to argue! Just trying to get ahold of as much info as possible. Have a great day!
I *like* that idea of secretly contaminating that which they can find and steal. I think that’s a GREAT IDEA! I’m already ON IT!!
For 20years we couldn’t secure a country the size of California with more personnel and military might than all others. FEMA responses over the years haven’t been exactly stellar. I’d worry more about local bandits.
If you have livestock, they’ll confiscate them, as well. Pet food, that’s gone. Have a garden? Eatable ornamentals hide in the open. FENA is not an ag-oriented group. If it’s not sold in the grocery, they’re not likely to know it is food. Hawthorns and eatable crabapples, nut trees, moringa, mesquite, prickly pear cactus (every state in the lower 48 has a native), blue acorns or Englemans if you can (no tannin in the nuts), or a white oak. tepary beans, amaranth (wild and domesticated), lambsquarters for leaves and grain. look up what’s local eatable and raise that. niio
Any and all persons coming for my preps are regarded the same: as criminals. I scope the number at 25 dead FEMA people before they give up and go away. It’s my job to deliver the 25. Beyond that is out of scope.
If you really want to know how far the Government will go, just research Rudy Ridge, Waco, the Bonus Army of 1932 for a start.
in SHTF, its game on. its not time to wait and see what happens or let thugs take your stuff. its time to resist….
Perhaps one could poison the food water and medical supplies?
That way when the politicians and FEMA workers consume what they steal, you can exact a bit of satisfaction knowing that you did your part in trying to slow or stop them.
Or just burn down your own home so they don’t get ANYTHING?
About guns – shoot first, ask questions later.
If you don’t, you will die anyway.
If they kill you, the result is the same.
Best to die on one’s feet I would think.
FEMA is not interested in your small stock of supplies, at least not initially.
Only when people are really starving will they resort to reward posters and searches for YOUR supplies.
Once again politics! We are all Americans right? I’m not here to argue, but what if someone in your family ends up in a F. Camp? You don’t mind poisoning them? Everyone who is gonna be in a camp ain’t gonna be there of there own free will. You don’t have to respond to my post, like I said before I’m not here to argue! Just trying to get ahold of as much info as possible. Have a great day!
If one of my family was stuck in a FEMA camp I’d at least try and get them out.
Those camps aren’t that secure and it shouldn’t be too hard to make a rescue.
It will get very noisy the day fema or any other treasonous alphabet agency comes to our place to confiscate ANYFNTHING!! My advice to them is have your affairs in order!!
In the end, they will lay their freedoms at our feet, and say to us, “Make us your slaves but feed us.” ~The Brothers Karamazov by Fydor Dostoevsky~
Let FEMA eat lead.
Thieves is what they are.
Murder is a sin, but to defend one’s self or family by killing is not sin. All throughout the Bible, Yah has sent us into battle with His help to destroy the enemy. Personally, I pray I won’t ever have to end the life of another person. If my life be taken, so be it for my Messiah’s sake. However, I will defend and end another’s life to save my family and friends. As the Bible states, what greater love has the one who gives his life for another. Praying you will never be faced with a situation of that kind.
I have Served in the Military and have been Private Security for 32 years, the Mess I observed in Bosnia is now happening in my own Country, in only two years Biden has Brought our Country to shambles. Hurricane Katrina four of five of my Team in Dallas Texas went there to help! they weren’t paid, and they all have horrific stories to tell, and this was an” Americal Problem”!! OK boys and Girlz prepping 101 “OPSEC” If they are not you!!! they have NO NEED TO KNOW!!! If you Legally purchased the Item, it is personal property not subject to confiscation “F@#K You”
Don’t Tread on Me!!! and the times will tell how this goes
Whether there are specific “laws” about confiscation is beside the point. I too saw the Katrina confiscations and heard the stories of the gents in the boat, and cars leaving the flooded area that had 5 or 6 armed enforcement personnel aiming long guns at the vehicle occupants.
I read the FEMA emergency powers documentation, it appears to grant them all manner of unpatriotic powers.
There are plenty of laws that gov’t organizations ignore right now. They will take whatever the F-*&%$-K they choose, and there isn’t a lot we can do about it. Should I answer the door with a firearm every time the bell rings? Will they even ring it or knock? I see on the news where they use “no knock warrants” to gain entry.
If it’s me against 12 on my porch, do I fight? Or live to fight another day?
As to banding together, I suspect that among the first things that will happen will be most methods of communicating will be disabled, so maybe only 2 way radios, ham, and such will work, IF THAT! Preppers working completely alone won’t be able to reach out to others, so the so called “grapevine” of information traveling might wither away. If you don’t hear gunfire nearby, you might not even know confiscation teams are in your neighborhood.
Paul Revere riding in an SUV? with a P.A. loudspeaker? Cool idea, but will it happen?
I could go on and on, since reading all the comments here just scares me more, as I can’t possibly do all the things suggested here, even tho many are great ideas, and YET, so many of them are actually contradicting each other. And yet they are STILL good ideas depending on the circumstances. I HAVE done some of these ideas and plans, but can’t logistically do them all, even the ones I like best if they get in the way of living the other parts of my life. I MUST still pay bills and visit in-laws and mow my lawn, I cannot bury things and continually dig up usable perishables, nor can I spend enough to leave these assets inaccessible.
I’ll continue with what I can, but am not encouraged or optimistic, as I am too old to begin homesteading, have too many health needs to live far from decent medical care, and have a significant other who is old enough to have stood in line during the days of odd even gas lines after working a full 9 hour day(for those who can count back that far you know who you are and how old WE are).
I’ll keep reading, and keep hoping this all gets stalled off till my current foods have ALL gone past their expiration dates(yup, I have some of the longer lasting ones, chuckle), because it may be that the next generation will deal with this instead of us. Then my kids can deal with my stuff if they are up to it.
Be Prepared!!! Every home should have a 12-gauge shotgun, a small caliber rifle with a scope and maybe a pistol that uses the same round as their rifle, usually a ,22 LR. Learn to use your rifle enough to light stick matches at 100 feet. One round, accurately placed in an eye will stop that piece of the threat.
To prevent disease, bury your attackers soonest. Plant a tree or bush over their grave. The best bushes for home defense are Holly, Even, really bad guys will not climb into or over Holly. In a normal home, your walls are about 3′ of empty space. Storing 25-year shelf-life items inside your walls will keep FEMA and bad guys from even looking there. Safes that you can put into that empty space for your shotgun should be on the way to your front door and not at your front door.
If you are knocked to the ground in your home, have self-defense items where your arms would normally fall near cabinets or furniture. Most bad guys do not think you are a threat if you are on your back.
If you have a headboard for your bed with openings that are easy to put your hands in, a double-edged short blade knife is a good tool. Cutting the forehead skin bleeds so much that a bad guy cannot see. You did not kill them yet, but you have gained time to react. If an attack is possibly your last stand, that double blade moving back & forth will create enough blood loss that the attacker will pass out. Gerber makes a super sharp 3″ dagger that will do the job. How much time you take calling for help is up to you. A new rug is cheaper than your own funeral.
I have a motto: “Don’t let the bastards get away with anything!” You need to look at your home and imagine how you can store things long-term. In a disaster, ammo, gold, & silver, will be used for food & fuel. You can hide those things inside your walls. A false wall in your basement is the best spot for storage with water proof bags. A flooded basement prevents access.
“FEMA’s power is born out of the absence of our responsibility as American citizens”…
No, FEMA’s power is from our own government that believes that only elected officials should be in charge of our lives. Period.
I do believe that at least 75% of Americans are so apathetic about government and having our own choice to determine what happens to us, (look at how many of us gave away and even demanded that we give away our rights after 9 11) but it is not the reason that FEMA has escalated into an SS agency like all the other gbmt agencies. It is because gbmt wants to control every aspect of our lives.
They have systematically removed our ability and desire to help ourselves by all of the social programs that many now count on rather than help themselves to become contributing members of society. Now all they want is that check from the state or feds…not thinking about what they could provide for themselves if they got off their butts and quit watching TV or playing that computer game.
So now, after decades of social programs that they provided, they are now beginning to demand that we “pay” for it by telling us what we can and can’t do with what they have given us. Or taking it away from us.
We do have ourselves to blame for our laziness and apathy and giving our rights away, but it is the power in this Country that is giving entities like FEMA the authority to take from us that which we have worked for and should have the rights to keep, no matter what.
There are still some states that do abortions up to full term. Utter Wickedness!!!
Remember to stand your ground , together , and speak out , up , together
Wish the morons in charge had a conscience
But they dont
and as usuall the needy will be thier force and not very intelligent
So Use Your common Sense
Think before you react , Stop , Think, Take Time to make great decisions
When it all Goes Down , you will be in a time of darkness
With all the confused wondering the streets, back woods and elsewhere
There will be no restraint , YOU will have to make that choice or be killed by them the invaders
Stand with your fellow Groups, neighbors, familys , Friends you can trust
STICK Together
or you will fail and be taken out
If you DISCRETELY purchase your stuff ; How will BIG BROTHER find out about it? Has anyone considered being a gray man prepper?
1) If you own a BUG OUT vehicle; Do not let anyone know that it’s a bug out vehicle( No visible gun racks; off road tires or a front end winch). If possible; do not park it at your home.
2) Do not tell anyone that you own firearms. Or openly display them in your home.
3) If you believe that the Fed. Govt. or the U.N. will come after you; DO NOT tell anyone that you think that way.
Seems that now the Boogy men we need to be protected from ARE FEMA, DHS and Gov’t Agencies.
Too dampen the sound of your generator by, collect your egg cartons and build a box around you generator and sit your generator on top of some foam. Reduces the sound by at least 90%.
If you do not BLATANTLY show off that you’re a prepper; how will anyone learn about it?
1) DISCRETELY purchase your emergency food.
2) If you own guns; Do Not tell anyone about it. Do Not openly display them in your house or car.
3) if you own a bug out vehicle; Do NOT make it look like one( No all terrain tires; visible gunracks, a lift kit , or a front bumper winch.
You know, it’s fun to get on a site like this and talk big. But how big and tough are you really going to feel if a gang of thugs, government or otherwise, shows up at your door after the world goes to hell. With 10 or 20 guns pointed at you, and your family, are you really going to die for a few cans of beans?
Talking tough like that isn’t really helpful. We preppers need to be smarter than that. The truth is that whatever they can see, whatever you don’t hide, will become theirs, whether it has some of your blood on it or not.
No, the solution is to start now, and prepare for the day they show up. Have a few items they can take. They won’t believe it if you say you have absolutely nothing. So have a few things out in plain sight, while the bulk of your storage items are hidden away. And don’t have boxes of ammo lying around in plain sight while you are telling FEMA thugs that you don’t have any guns.
The best place to hide your stash would be outside of your home (in case they burn it down). But, otherwise at least create a hiding place somewhere. Why not make that nice big walk-in closet one foot shorter with a false wall. Or dig a hole somewhere on your property. Anything that will hide your things. If you live in the suburbs (and as a prepper, what the hell are you doing living in the suburbs?) make up some story for the neighbors about digging a garden, or preparing to put in a stone barbecue. Whatever.
You won’t necessarily have to stock your hidey hole right away. You can live normally while waiting for the SHTF. If you have prepared a place in advance, it might only take 2 or 3 hours to haul all your preps out to it. FEMA likely won’t be there on day one. Even the neighbors won’t get hungry until about day 2 or 3, so you have time. But, if there is an EMP, once the lights go out, that’s your signal to either get busy, or bug out, or whatever you and your family have planned. You do have a family plan…..right?
Also, spread some trash in front of your house. An old mattress is great. Anything that makes looters think your house has already been ransacked, so they move on.
To keep yourself and your family safe, you need to think like a thug. If FEMA, or the local gang come knocking, what are they thinking, looking for, willing to fight over?
Any organized citizen resistance is going to take time. We need you to stay alive during the worst, at the beginning, so you can help us take back our country later.
Be smart. Stay safe…..
What an absurd notion. Have you calculated the government costs to send agents armed to your door looking for supplies? Are they going to go into gang controlled neighborhoods too…that might be a fools errand to say the least. They won’t want your home canned good for safety concerns… How will they know who is a good target?
A Key point that I may have overlooked in the previously posted comments is this. When the SHTF and FEMA and other alphabet agencies are actively confiscating your stockpiled provisions. there is another factor to consider. “Opportunity”. Thieves, gangs and neighboring opportunists will realize that there is a chance to acquire supplies by impersonating the local and federal officials that would come knocking at your door to confiscate your hard-earned bounty. They will appear with fake credentials knowing that 90% of the population will comply without resistance. Did you ever wonder why “ALL” of these agencies have started posting recommended lists of emergency foods, water, fuels, and equipment that you should have stockpiled for all emergencies? By doing this they don’t need to amass large quantities of supplies and warehouse them, when they can merely come to your door and confiscate everything that they need at no cost. Remember “Katrina”? When FEMA arrived to provide aid, they were not prepared and unable to provide enough supplies to take care of those that were brought to the shelters. They were also unable to provide the security needed for the public’s safety. They also had various law enforcement agencies going door to door confiscating “Stealing” firearms on the false premise that they would be able to curb civil unrest. It didn’t work. Some resisted and were arrested. They sought only to protect themselves in their effort to confiscate your stockpiled goods. So much for government protection and assistance. You and your circle of trusted friends and preppers are the only help and protection you are going get. Have a sacrificial food and weapons stash that can be taken when your home gets ransacked and if possible, have several secure, alternative stashes that won’t be compromised. A difficult task if you are in the city, much more feasible if you’re in the country or a suburban area. To be safe, trust no one and suspect everyone. When SHTF and the people that never bothered to prepare for sustained events and they are hungry, even your closest neighbors and friends will soon become your enemies. Be safe, be positive, know your limits and abilities. Keep on propping and remember “Two is one, and one is none”. When SHTF redundancy in your stockpiled stores is your saving grace.
Madam prayer warrior, living in an apartment in the city has many disadvantages, but I am surprised that an American does not have initiative, the roof of her building is an excellent place to make a garden, the excuse for a garden is so that she can plant vegetables and herbs in containers, even fruit trees, I know you may not be able to carry a bag with garden soil on your own, I suggest you ask your concierge for help, don’t be scared that he is Latin, you may be in for a surprise! Maybe you’ll bring her traditional tomato and pumpkin seeds, because they remind her of her grandmother who had a garden, something common among Latin women of rural origin.
Reading this after hurricane Helene. I’ve always known FEMA was a joke, but damn! This hits home!
This is another US or THEM situation, and We will always Chose US, No Questions Asked!
Has anyone considered trump idea about being “DICTATOR FOR A DAY”? What will you all do if he decides to continue doing it for a FEW YEARS?
He has said that he wants to start a trade tariff war with at least two countries( Mexico and China). The companies zapped by them will raise their prices to protect themselves. That will increase the national inflation rate. It will also cause a national economic recession.
I’d like to see trump balance the national budget. plus have money left over. Do any of you remember who did it the last time? His name was BILL CLINTON!!! Hardly anyone remember that he did it. The only thing most people remember about him is that he received oral sex from a FEMALE intern.