The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created in 1979 for emergency management and civil defense.
Since then, we have seen FEMA respond to countless disasters throughout the United States and a fair share of mismanagement and failures.
Unfortunately, far too many Americans rely on FEMA to be their saviors when SHTF. But when the chips are down, most of these people will find that the help promised is sorely lacking.
FEMA has been the subject of countless conspiracy theories. While some of them may hold some weight, this article is about known issues that FEMA would rather you forget.
Disaster Financial Assistance Will Certainly Be Too Little And Too Late
After a disaster, the clock is ticking to begin repairing the damage done to private homes.
Unfortunately, every hour and day that pass without starting the necessary repairs result in the problems caused by the disaster piling on and increasing exponentially.
The time to receive financial assistance is immediately after the disaster. Still, you have to apply for assistance and wait for the required FEMA approvals. When you do this, you will probably find that the money that you do end up receiving is less than what you need for repairs and far too late.
By the time you have the funds, your home will have likely rotted from water damage.
FEMA Spends Too Much Time And Money Responding To Disasters That The State Could Easily Respond To
FEMA is only supposed to respond to disasters that the States involved cannot handle on their own. But unfortunately, the reality is that FEMA has a habit of spending time, money, and resources responding to disasters where they are not needed.
Related: Find Out What Areas Would Be Targeted by FEMA When SHTF (they’ll take your supplies)
This is not only a waste of money, resources, and manpower but also can tie up personnel and equipment in areas where FEMA is not needed, making them unavailable for disaster areas that would be required.
When large-scale disasters strike, FEMA needs to deploy only to the areas where its services are desperately required, not areas where the State has the budget surplus and the manpower to manage the disaster on its own.
Financial Assistance Is Dramatically Unfair
FEMA’s own internal investigations have revealed that low-income households will receive much less financial aid than higher-income households.
This is true even when the value of the repair costs is factored into the equation.
In addition, according to information obtained by NPR, people of lower income and those living in areas with a higher population of minorities receive less assistance than the predominantly white and wealthy neighborhoods.
The problem is that when poorer neighborhoods are not allotted the funding to rebuild, the people who once called it home will likely abandon the area to rebuild their lives elsewhere.
Whereas if they had received the proper funding, they could have repaired or rebuilt their homes and continued to live in their neighborhood.
They May Not Have Enough Food And Water For You And Your Family
Hurricane Katrina was a masterclass in what not to do as a federal government when faced with a massive hurricane. FEMA had supply failures that made the aftermath of the storm so much worse for everyone caught in it.
Even though they prepositioned some supplies, it was not nearly enough for the number of people who needed them.
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There were also significant supply chain issues with supplies not finding their way to the affected areas. In some cases, the supplies are being redirected far away from the places where they are needed.
FEMA claims that they have learned from their mistakes. But can we really trust them with our food and water security?
FEMA Has Staffing Shortages Too
If there is one constant throughout 2022, it is that everyone in every industry is having difficulty finding and retaining employees. The same is true for organizations like FEMA. The problem FEMA faces is that disasters are becoming more frequent, and the personnel required must have specific skills and qualifications.
Unfortunately, many people currently looking for work do not have these qualifications and could not quickly obtain them.
Staffing shortages can result in massive problems as FEMA responds to disasters. When they do not have enough people to react appropriately, the quality and level of response will be lacking.
In addition, for people who have not taken their personal preparedness seriously, poor response by FEMA could be deadly.
FEMA Trailers Are Toxic
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA ordered the purchase of 120,000 trailers and mobile homes to provide housing.
The problem was that many people suffered nosebleeds, headaches and respiratory infections. The trailers also often had a strong chemical smell inside of them.
As it turns out, there were high formaldehyde levels in these trailers. The real issue is that the link between formaldehyde, mobile homes, and trailers is well known. Still, the government didn’t regulate it because trailers and mobile homes were considered temporary housing.
FEMA stopped testing for formaldehyde in 2006, but other groups took it upon themselves to test FEMA’s trailers. They found that formaldehyde levels in many of the trailers tested were many times higher than what is considered safe.
These days FEMA trailers are considered to be the last resort in favor of financial assistance. But with so many more natural disasters, can we be sure that the next massive storm won’t require another 120,000 trailers?
FEMA is a government entity that you only need to use if you have not taken it upon yourself to become prepared for emergencies.
In fact, the best remedy for most of FEMA’s problems is to take the steps now to be ready for natural and manmade disasters.
Your goal should be never to require any help from the government and be totally self-reliant. Then you won’t care about the six things FEMA doesn’t want you to know.
FEMA: Faild, Everyone, Miserably, Again.
short and sweet…
stay sharp
That’s the truth.
Bank of America just announced that it will no longer require initial down payments for people of color. In other words, they can know qualify for mortgage without a 20% down payment or a credit score check. That should solve the FEMA problem in redlined areas, and we’ll all have to pay for it if we do business with Bank of America. This is the same kind of thinking that brought about the 2008 financial down turn when they used home loans and mortgages as gambling chips
Can’t we call it? What it is? Racism is a term used win. One group is excluded or violated due to their skin color. Racism works both ways. Come on people wake up.
FEMA is just another example of big government and favored by the democratic party. “Let us take care of you, simply because you cannot take care of you.”
Brainwashing, that’s what this is.
All of the 3 letter Federal Government agencies have been turned into “Anti Citizen” organizations of population controle.
Same here at 28740!!!!!!!
Original title was Federal Emergency MILITARY Authority. Never intended as a replacement for the old Civil Defense organization…FEMA does “mop up” – for better …or for worse.
just sayin’….
It does far more than that & we were not told about the vast scope it would come to control, and unconstitutional at that.
I am getting mixed messages here.
Is FEMA some kind of unconstitutional ineffective shadow organization that is misusing taxpayer funds and is controlled by…who?
Or is it some dark and nefarious unconstitutionally created entity with the power given by who to have VAST CONTROL over….what?
Or is it the one and only organization created by duly elected officials to provide EMERGENCY assistance when the Mayor’s and Town Councils offices are 15 feet under water. When the Governors can’t help because tornadoes have caused power lines to go down and blizzards have caused vehicles to go out of control on highways and streets so that gridlock has prevented state vehicles from getting to a town where a train just derailed that was carrying toxic chemicals with explosive potential.
I realize though that most of you preppers don’t really want to help out your fellow Americans and well it probably is best that you just stay out of the way of those who do want to help!
That’s bullshit. Bet you can’t cite a legitimate source for that information.
MOST federal agencies are unconstitutional including FEMA, Dept of Ed, etc. There is zero mention of education or even helping people during a disaster in the Constitution. NOWHERE! The Founders understood that WE THE PEOPLE would help ourselves and each other and if other help was needed the local or state gubmint would do it. They didn’t feel the need to put it in the Constitution as they felt people would already know it. When the hurricane hit Galveston a hundred or more years ago the President refused to send help as he, rightly, felt it wasn’t the Fed gubmints job to do that. Sorry I forget the date and Presidents name. We need to stop sending so much tax money to The Swamp where they just blow it and keep it local or in our states where it belongs. Virtually every Fed Agency has an exact copy in every state and the states know far better what THEIR people need especially in emergencies. Doing away with the fed agencies will likely never happen but it’s what NEEDS to happen. It won’t happen because then the fed gubmint loses the power they crave. We need an Article 5 Constitutional Convention to change it because they will never do it themselves.
Just like about any agency in this current administration. I trust FEMA like I trust FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS, Homeland Security and all the rest of the alphabet soup. NONE!
I’d trust my luck trying to sandpaper a tiger’s butt with 60grit and wearing raw meat as underwear, more than I would trust ‘any’ alphabet agency
We’re from the government and we’re here to help.
When you here that……run.
Do you trust the USMC, USAF, DON, CG, USO, BSA, GSA, YMCA, KOC, KFC? If none of these, how about the KGB? KKK? DAR? DOC?
FEMA was created during Carter’s tenure, just like the Federal Dept. of Education! Both agencies were created by leftists to CONTROL the indoctrination and disaster relief in the US! No, I don’t trust ANY government “Alphabet Agency!” Especially while they are under the control of ANTI-AMERICAN leftist/liberal/socio/commie/nazi/fascist/demonicrats!
No… I don’t trust them either…
And, Phoenix, you try too hard to justify the unjustifiable. The Republic of America is dead, it is the U.S. Corporation that was resurrected in its stead. It is okay if YOU and your ilk want to trust and worship the U.S. Corporation, and it is okay if we Constitutional Republic-type Americans don’t. There were many in the Colonies that just adored the King of England.
The Americans sent those wanker types of people to Canada after the War of Independence.
I trust the Coast Guard because I was In the CG. The Coast Guard WILL risk their lives to save you
I’d like to have my email added to your mailing lists. Thank you!
Jim,,, scroll down, and you will see a subscribe button.
BTW, welcome to the club.
If we’d stop paying out to ILLEGALS and only to the AMERICAN CITIZEN, and to other countries trying to kill us, we’d be fine financially as well
Yes, I’m the only one at the market these days who speaker English and does not use a Snap Card. I am also the only one who doesn’t buy Hagen Daz Ice Cream because it’s way too expensive.
If you are the ONLY ONE at the market that speaker English and doesn’t use a SNAP card and doesn’t buy Hagen Daz ice cream because it is too expensive…. Then you must not be in an AMERICAN MARKET. Where do you live? Moscow?
How many armories, weapons, and ammunition does FEMA possess?
An army’s worth!
If FEMA was supposed to help with relief, then why do they need ANY arms?
Does the Red Cross need arms to help disaster folks?
1st- I’m on your side!!!
2nd- Have to point out, If you have something others need or want; you will need to protect it.
You can’t spread supplies to multiple places if the first stop is overrun by desperate, scared people.
Security is necessary.
Just be sure not to get on any white buses, planes, or trains. You’ll never come back – and you probably won’t be missed.
PB-dave, if/when a serious nationwide SHTF situation occurs, FEMA armories, like IRS armories, will be prime targets to forage.
If this is a legitimate question and you want a truthful answer, the answer is…NONE.
If this is a question that is meant to sow fear and mistrust, then the answer is….NONE, But FEMA has support from other organizations that has more than enough in the way of armories, weapons and ammunition.
FEMA is as efective as the Administration in power at the time. Which means most of the time it’ll be shit. ONly when presidents get involved and motivate people and put the resources necessary into the disaster do you see results. If you get a Crappy President you get a crappy response. That’s why it’s been a crappy organization since it’s inception.
I’ve ‘always’ viewed FEMA…the same way Nazis viewed concentration camps…just a method of control…until the ‘final solution’ can be implemented.
I think you’re on the wrong site
Sorry but that is the stupidest comment I have heard. Pay your taxes!!! Dumb. The Gov has enough money to send Billions to Ukraine, with free to them (yes they are in a war s d yes I stand with them, but BILLIONS? with no monitor on how it is to be spent?) let the Government take care of us first then help others. Quit stopping the U S from making their own gas and other natural resources. Get this flake as a president and get a strong president in. That alone would stop the war. Our flake in office is dangerous and all of us kniw that.
There is no monitor on how the money sent to Ukraine (and all other such fake programs) because most of it is diverted into all the demon rats personal offshore bank accounts. Perfect way to embezzle tax payers money. Why is there no way that these a-holes can be recalled and thrown out of office immediately when they start to become dictators in office?
The important thing here to remember is that they don’t have the money. They are borrowing money from China. They are printing it as fast as the presses can go to give it away. It’s debts in the trillions of dollars we are responsible for all while they drain our strategic reserves in oil, gas, military supplies and ammunition. They are setting us up with nothing left to defend ourselves with except 2A.
care to move to the country’ city chick? I hate being a lone wolf.Could provide your own place and not a tent too. try rimotn4 on the g for mail.
They can’t print it fast enough, now they just write a bad check. If you were to print one dollar every second it would take 33,000 years to print just $1 Trillion. Sleepy Joe spent six times that much with the stroke of a pen, and spending isn’t even an executive function.
Only American 🇺🇸 loving patriots know that. Liberal, socialist democrats don’t give a dam about how bad things get here as long as they can remain in power and by the way, let’s get those guns turned in you 2nd amendment types so liberals can get on with their agenda of destroying our cherished republic.
Like so many other Gubmint projects and humanitarian assistance debacles, most of the money given to nations, states, territories, counties, cities and small communities never sees the light of day, nor helps to rebuild anything worth while as it is squandered, embezzeled, or “donated” by the controlling politicians, and their cronies, before it ever reaches John Q. Taxpayer. The whole system is corrupted by design from it’s inception. It sounds good, like most liberal programs, But as most know, or find out later, it’s just another highly polished glittered turd. Slap a bit of lipstick on it, and tell everyone that it’s okay to pick it up by the clean end… It’s a TURD!
How about making them publicly provide an itemized list of what each penny is spent on and make it freely available online and easy to search?
Give the people the DIRECT means to hold those accountable for squandering money.
People first, then government agents LAST.
Applies to everything.
that;s how it’s supposed to be. The people have the power and it gets less and smaller as it moves up. The feds are really only supposed to have 3 very narrow areas of control. In fact the IRS and taxes aren’t needed as they print so much money without control or backing by precious metals. The IRS is only there to keep dossiers on people and to punish them for being a citizen.
?? a turd, never have found the clean end, but I did see a sweater and some glittery stuff
Who gets to define what their fair share of taxes are?
By what measure or standard?
Taxes were intended to support the government ONLY (which includes Military, Federal Prisons, highways, federal lands, Dams, Social Security, similar).
Taxes were NEVER meant to support people.
Even our founders said not to make the poor comfortable in their poverty.
Nor handouts to businesses and foreign countries.
I do not want to pay any taxes because the money is wasted.
Why should politicians live like kings while the poor people live in poverty?
I’m not one of them, though.
Some of what you say is true. FEMA is on the ground and working as soon as is safely possible. Applicants are seen very soon after they register. In some cases FEMA goes to the victims to get them registered. The monies disbursed by FEMA come in short order and as you stated not always proportional to the losses suffered.
As for food and water, it is your responsibility to prepare for a disaster with enough food and water for your family for a minimum of 72 hours and preferably for a week or more. The food and water are strategically placed to respond in as fast as they can. Being a human organization they do make mistakes.
FEMA trailers are toxic! All RV’s are toxic. The materials used to make them contain formaldehyde and some other toxic chemicals. People continue to purchase these toxic trailers day after day.
If you have a better way to handle disasters I am confident that those in charge will be willing to listen. If you don’t like the FEMA assistance then don’t request it. You can also move to another country. We are the only country with a program like FEMA.
Hey Brian you seem to know a lot about FEMA why do they have all those coffin covers stacked in large quantities at different places in the U.S. .I have read that the government wants to kill as many citizens as possible by injection or food poisoning or crime or disease , do you have any incite of future plans.
I assume they have stacks of body bags not to intentionally kill people and use… but because in a mass death event you need to be able to contain decaying dead bodies fast to stop pollution of water ways and encroachment of pests such as rats.
It’s unpleasant, but a necessary part of emergency response – you have to clean up bodies… fast.
To assume it’s a ‘plan to kill millions of people’ is a stretch.
Where have you read that the “government wants to kill all the people”? Does this really make sense to you? Or anybody else? Really doesn’t matter how “the government” would go about killing “all the people”. I just wonder what you think “the government” will do once “all the people” are killed?
The Government is killing you right now with phony vaccines. The VAERS report, run by the CDC/FDA currently shows 31,000+ dead, 53,000+ permanently disabled and the report has been verified by a Harvard study to only show a maximum of 10% of actual Adverse Reactions. That means the numbers are at a minimum of 310,000 dead, 530,000 permanently disabled. Any more questions about FEMA wanting to help kill you? Just wait another couple of years when these vaccines have completely ruined your immune system. Right now, the following medical problems are surging:
279% Spike in Miscarriages
487% Spike in Breast Cancer
269% Spike in Myocardial Infarction
468% Spike in Ovarian Dysfunction
680% Spike in Multiple Sclerosis
Think the Vaxx is safe now, Depopulation no longer can be ignored and treated as a conspiracy theory. There is your reason for the plastic coffins.
FEMA is whole lot more “insistent” than just your “request it” >>> locally had a bad tornado breakout late in the season – FEMA brought their people in that were more worried about “ethnic fairness” than actually cooperating in getting things squared up ….
Local community “requested” that they take their ethnic concerns and go elsewhere – FEMA people refused to leave and threatened FED agency involvements >>> locals finally opened the FEMA vehicle doors – thru the FEMA crap inside and forced the move it issue ….
Give the money to local churches. Or Samaritans Purse. They would do a much better job of helping people.
Bo, There is a church in North Carolina that has a 40 foot long truck set up as a portable kitchen that is capable of serving 30,000 meals a day. They also have a tanker truck just as long to carry potable water. Pretty impressive set-up.
You are a complete brainwashed ignorant pathetic being. The government doesn’t give two poops about anyone but themselves. They are killing you with jabs!!!
You forgot to mention that somewhere on the FEMA person, they’re armed. And they travel in numbers – and will attempt to disarm people. Powder dry my friends. Do what you must, don’t worry about consequences; what you or they do will never see the inside of a courtroom. These people are the enemy of freedom; they are gov’t paid domestic terrorists. They don’t operate under the constitution.
FEMA was here in MT for flooding, they were pretty useless, we ended up with a fraudulent claim in our name, we refused to file a claim, didn’t want any government strings making me a puppet, nope we pulled up our boots and paid for our own damages, still have damages to repair, but they will wait til next Spring.
Our neighbor had a FEMA assessment and they wanted to tour their entire home, when only the basement flooded, and asked how many TVs and Computers they had. That has no relevance to the flood damage, I’m sure the neighbors complied and told them.
Just like all the alphabetical agencies FEMA is a joke.
During last year’s flood in Kentucky and after Hurricane Ida, FEMA withheld aid until people got the jab. They had armed agents on hand. Thanks Jimmy Carter.
you work for the irs, boomer!! troll,
Read the new book called “The Displacements “ by Bruce Holsinger. 2022. Been 30 years since Hurricane Andrew. Just 20 miles north an the book would have been true.
As an Aussie some days I come here and read comments and just think “Wowsers” and “popcorn!”
There’s certainly some really entertaining clowns about!
Has anything happened to Left Coast Chuck? I read one of his posts where he said he was tired of the BS and would not be back, or post as often, but with some of the new posters, I kinda miss reading his viewpoints. If something has happened to him, I will miss him, and I am sure there are others on this site that will miss him even more than I.
Last I heard, his wife was pretty sick. Cancer. niio
If he is still monitoring the site, hearts and prayers from my home are with him and his family
Left Cost Chuck is indeed missed, and I too will pray for him and his wife.
gave that guy a crap load of credit during COVID >>> damn lucky he didn’t go down with it
Fema. Just look at Katrina. Fubar city. Most normies will willingly go to the camps and roll up their sleeves for monkeyebola22 shots. I’ll die on my feet as a pureblood freeb.
Can’t get you high….!
When Camille hit the national guard came in with supplies and set up huge tents and served meals and gave out supplies. During Katrina South Carolina’s national Guard protected property and secured the area because our guard was sent overseas. We didn’t have FEMA during Camille we did hav SBA and they helped a lot they even forgave loan balances after 10 year. They certainly didn’t do that for Katrina. People are still struggling with all of that.. SAD!!
Agree – FEMA can only go to help once a State Governor does the paperwork to ask the Federal Agency for help and come to the state. Multiple paths have to be answered before anything can go into action. What is sad is that multiple State Governor’s think it is easier to have Federal Government Agebcy just to take over the issue. That way State funds are not used and Fenderal Funds are provided. Example: How many times are the USA taxes going to be used to rebuild the South? I.e. FL, SC, NC, GA, MS,AR, TX and so-forth. Tornado Alley is another example. Don’t get me incorrect, these acts of Mother Nature can not be controled but climate changes are happening. I.e. West part of USA has extrem heat this year with record breaking temps. On area in Washington State has broken an all time record for how many days have been at 100 degrees or above. Last year (2021) it was 72 days but so far for 2022 it’s been 74 days. FEMA get a bad rap because of lies and inaccurate reporting. Majority of the country would welcome FEMA to help if was your house, town, county, state.
Get real and stop the BS on this subject for all those naysayers.
SO much of this is bs. How many of you have ever needed the services of FEMA? I did! In 2004 My mobile home was destroyed in hurricane Francis. Luckily I didn’t need immediate help- I was staying with friends. We we’re not allowed to return to our neighborhood for four days. The following day I registered for assistance T day after I met with a FEMA representative and was given a check for the damages to my home.They made sure I has a place to stay Three of the residents didn’t have a roof on their homes. They were treated the same as me. Within two weeks four trailers were set up with more coming. So my suggestion is if you don’t know what you’re talking about leave it be!
Watch ‘Salty Cracker’ on Sun., Wed. and Fri. at 7:30 pm Eastern. It’s a great place. YouTube, Rumble, Odysee, etc.
I have been monitoring this site for quite a while now. I have come to believe that the one thing in common that most people on this site have is a massive fear of the United States Government. What I don’t understand is why spend so much money, time, and energy to “protect” yourselves when it would be cheaper and easier to just leave America.
I have also realized that preppers come in many flavors. The individual who is homesteading a piece of land on the backside of some mountain and is feeding himself/herself by hunting, fishing and harvesting natures bounty and has several weapons ready to take out any and all who would approach him/her because the only person you can trust is you. These preppers see themselves as competent hunters(as long as the ammo lasts) gatherers(Not those mushrooms! The other mushrooms!), doctors (What you broke your leg? Just make a splint. What? It’s a compound fracture. Eat those mushrooms.)Then there are the “Communal” I SAID COMMUNAL NOT COMMUNIST! The ones who will get together and share equally their goods, skills, and energy. Oh wait that is communism.
Aid that comes little and late is better than no aid at all. For those of you that have been blessed to be able to afford homes on land sufficient in size that you can grow enough food for you and your family or you can afford to buy and maintain a “bug out” location, chances are you won’t need FEMA assistance and if you are a true preppers you won’t want to concern yourself with the needs of others.
But when disaster strikes, natural, man made, or sent by God, most Americans will be thankful for FEMA.
So, its ok for FEMA to insist you have had the destructive and ineffective dangerous vaccine that has killed tens of thousands before they will help you. NO THANKS, not being coerced into taking a death shot. Be my guest, take one ever six months until your dead because your Immune system is shot.
In regards to the COVID incident, the lab in china that was developing the biological was doing it for the USA. There are countless photos and reports showing Presidents and other high officials staging with the staff there. We even had a chemist working there with them. The USA has over 300 labs around the world developing biological and chemical weapons for us. That is why the US was freaking out of Ukraine being invaded by Russia. They didn’t want the labs contracted out by us to fall into the Russians hands.
There has been a plan put in place way back during the Carter term to reduce the population of the US by a minimum of 30% to 70% with vast areas of the country being uninhabited and left to grow back wild. This CoVID 19 incident was a purposely released bug to see how much control they could obtain and maintain over the American public through fear tactics publicized through the Leftist controlled media. The Shadow government run by the worlds billionaires are wanting to reduce the human population in the world and the plan was to start in the year 2020. Guess what got released in 2020, COVID. They banned the cheap medication that could destroy the virus and paid Big F to develope a vaccine. They have made yet billions more of off the crap they are pumping into people. But really what the experiment was about was to see how many sheep would follow their lead to basically whatever the government demanded. To ether be able to keep a job, by food in some areas, where you could go, and whatever else they demanded. They shut down the whole country, and world for that matter. Sounds like a pretty successful experiment. I personally think they were probably a little upset that they didn’t kill off as many as they wanted. This is all just another step toward what the high powers in the world want to do to transform the world into a one world economy, government, and religion that they can control. Just prior to the COVID19 outbreak We were even publically warned by the billionaire that use to own Microsolf, Gates, that he, or they expected something to happen in the near future that would, or could kill up to 30 million americans alone. Guess what. This is just the start.
The small village i moved in to had a bad flood in 2018 and FEMA came in and they condemed a lot of the building But one Bar did not want nothing to do with them.
The owner did his own clean up and got him self back in business in a week , . And some people here whish they would have never came , I will never call them
The plastic coffins , Yes I knew a bout these over 6 years ago and what you are saying is just what I was thinking at that time, To eliminate Population , Dam I spot on . A trucker seen a bunch of them in a field in GA and put it on the net , Wondering what they were and what was thr reason for them lined up in the thousand of them in that field, . It really got me think , Preparing for another Hitler, Go to this sight . He said that this shot would kill 750 million people a round the world . And the best thing they could do is fire FOCI , But for as many people that took this shot I bet its more now and I think the reason for a workers shortage , They walked of the job and refused to take this shot and I think this is the biggest reason people will not return to the work place Not just the wor in the Ukraine . And the reason the truckers in Canada were protesting , Its out right Murder ,
I fully Agree with you john , And then drive the world in to a deep depression , I my son and Ex wife took that shot working for Walmart , I truly worry a bout them.
I thank you James for posting your information on here to alert the preppers and any one reading these post, . A country boy can Survive and so will the preppers. To gather we are a force to be you do not want to mess with, I have thought this way most of my adult life, . Support the trucker and the farmer I have been both besides the cheese maker. They would not do it but if forced i think they would , Them two to gather can shut down the country, Put if they keep raising fual cost lt will put the owner operator out of business and small trucking company’s as we all ready have a trucker shortage , Pilot shortage Ship dock shortage of workers, They will not take that shot . And have you noticed , less and less people are getting married or having children , I was also a DJ and did a lot of wedding for 10 years by 2010 people getting married I noticed really started slowing down , If you can hardly take care of your self , why would you want to marry some one elases problems , , And I think the dating game is also sputtering , at this time do to the covid, 19 And maybe people are find it better to be by your selves Speaking for my self I Am .
James I can remeber back when I heard this on my truck radio in my 30s where they were limiting china couples to have only one child and now the old are taking care of the much older. and less younger work force to run there American factories there and this will also start happening here in the united states in a few years if not sooner. put yet still trying to whip out our population with this covid shot and blaming Globle warming on population of the world , I think all the ends come to gather right here,.
In your article you mentioned that FEMA respond to location/disaster were they are not needed. FEMA respond at the request of the governor of the state affected by a disaster, in addition FEMA will require justification that a substantial need exist, then the federal government will assist the state after completing Pre Disaster Assessment.
Well, that was a waste of time! They wrote a lot and said nothing..