After a disaster, be it natural or human-caused, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will likely be mobilized to offer aid to the survivors and assist in relocation and rebuilding efforts.
Preppers and survivalists do everything in their power to be ready for disaster to strike and to not rely on anyone but themselves for their survival.
While it is ideal to be totally self-reliant and not need the assistance of FEMA, there are a few ways that this government agency can be used to your advantage after a disaster.
FEMA has gotten a lot of flak in recent years for its responses to various disasters and emergencies, especially after Hurricane Katrina.
Yet, despite its shortcomings, FEMA may be of some use to preppers and survivalists.
Misrepresenting yourself to a government agency is illegal, and I do not suggest that you lie to FEMA. This article is meant for information purposes only. It is intended as an examination of possible methods to interact with FEMA that would be advantageous to preppers or survivalists after a disaster.
Humanitarian Aid
FEMA will be handing out food, water, and other supplies after a disaster.
Taking supplies you do not need is morally questionable at best, but taking your share of the aid that FEMA is distributing and passing it along to other families in the neighborhood is an option that may be worth considering.
⇒The 10 Most Important Survival Supplies The Government Will Be After In A Crisis
You will have to follow your moral compass on this since taking supplies you do not need could be considered stealing.
There will be many families around you who entered into the crisis without an adequate supply of food and water. You may not want to distribute your own supplies to these families, so giving FEMA supplies to them is an option.
Financial Assistance
There is no guarantee that you will be able to collect any disaster assistance. However, you should still apply for every program you can. These programs are imperfect, and the resulting settlements will probably be insufficient.
Still, leaving money on the table is never a good idea. That being said, do not lie or mislead FEMA when applying for aid. Only try to get the assistance you are entitled to and need.
Investigating what types of financial assistance are available well before any SHTF situation is worthwhile. If you choose to apply for them after a disaster, you will have the process figured out beforehand.
The people working for FEMA can be used to gather information about the scale and scope of the disaster, the government’s response, and potential future threats.
You don’t need to be trained in gathering human intelligence to obtain information from these sources.
In a lot of cases, some friendly conversation will get you a long way as you interact with the aid workers in your area.
The key is to avoid pumping them for information immediately. Instead, strike up a conversation, thank them for all their help in supporting relief efforts, then start dropping some casual questions into the conversation.
For Example:
“How widespread was this disaster?”
“How long are you guys going to be in the area?”
“Was anyone else worse off than us?”
“What has the government said?”
“Is the National Guard mobilized?”
“Is there any help from other countries?”
It is surprising how much information you can get from most people with a smile and a handshake, so after SHTF, make a point to strike up friendly conversations with FEMA workers.
Mutual Aid
If you are a prepper, you will have some skills FEMA may want to utilize after a disaster.
A couple of examples of this are that ham radio operators can provide communication support when traditional communication channels may be disrupted or overloaded.
Learn here how you can legally turn your CB car radio into a powerful transmitter capable of emitting and receiving communications from hundreds of miles away.
Naturally, you’re not going to want to help FEMA with little or no benefit to yourselves. If you decide to work with them, you can use their organization to maintain situational awareness of the disaster and utilize any resources within their organization.
You can also influence actions taken in the local area by being a trusted community member because you are assisting them in their efforts.
It is entirely possible that you could get your neighborhood prioritized by making friends with and talking to the right people. The only way you’ll encounter the decision makers in FEMA is to get inside the organization.
Getting Your Neighbors On Board With Prepping Before A Disaster Strikes
It can often seem impossible to convince your neighbors to take preparedness seriously, especially since most people who take prepping seriously come off as ‘crazy survivalists.’
Related: His Neighbor Thought He Was Building a Swimming Pool, But His Idea Was Even Better
It is a bit off-putting for the average person to have someone prepared for a large-scale disaster tell them about preparedness.
For people who are totally unprepared, even the act of getting ready for a short-term emergency is overwhelming. Therefore, it is always easier for people to put things off indefinitely rather than take the preparedness bull by the horns.
This is where FEMA can be of great help.
The FEMA website has detailed information about how to prepare for emergencies. There are many guides and web pages for a variety of individuals and organizations to use to get prepared for an emergency.
Directing your neighbors to the FEMA website is a great way to ease them into preparedness, and letting them know that the government not only wants them to be prepared, but has resources to make it easy, is going to eliminate a lot of their excuses.
Throughout the prepper and survivalist community, FEMA has definitely earned a bad reputation, and there is a significant amount of distrust in FEMA and the government as a whole.
It is easy to look upon them with suspicion, especially when searching any prepper forums will display pages of negative posts about FEMA camps and coffin liners.
The important thing is to be prepared, stay prepared, and only use FEMA for our benefit but not require the assistance they offer.
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Better to stay away from such places, like the FEMA areas. They cannot be trusted and will be taking advantage of the crises that is going on, to use to get information on where abouts and locations of places that they want to infiltrate.
They will have EYES everywhere… waiting to pick you off.
Trust is the most important thing that one can have with another person, especially when SHTF.
Better think about it, is it worth it to take advantage of some food and water, to what add to the stockpile that you should already have put up for just such as this time that is coming.
You are a prepper, aren’t you.
BUT if you are starving, then I guess you could go and get some food, our who know what… Maybe detained, held against your will…
Me never, staying GRAY as long as I can.
stay sharp
PS: GOD gave you a brain, better use it. Think first, is it really worth the risk…
I would not trust the food and water they hand out. With this evil regime in charge it’s more than likely poisoned.
Sounds like places to loot in my pov.
Just be careful, there will be very many people that will think they are doing good for the people, BUT they will cause so much HARM to so many people by going along with the Narrative. Under the delusion of the common good for humanity. They will be Deceived…
Evil wants all of the people to think they are doing good for the EARTH and helping mankind, but in reality, they are going along with the evil, not Good.
Credit score is on it’s way to you soon, coming out in 2025, good Slave means you get high score and Bad Slave gets crappy score, you get nothing… It’s for the good of the earth. Bull Shit…
CONTROL, that’s what it’s about and only that… nothing else but CONTROL of YOU…
stay sharp
Today, our CURRENT admin is actually not a friend at all to those who worked and tried and obeyed the law their entire lives, whilst they paid huge taxes to support those who refused to do the same, while healthy and able. Total govt support has become a lifestyle choice now, and no longer just bourn out of sheer necessity. With few exceptions, those people don’t prepare for so much as a snowy day let alone a major event with duration.
We see this playing out right now in Palestine OH, and remember – our Veep said to running cameras whites will be at the bottom of the list whenever govt assistance is lent. I’ve zero doubt in her mind and that of the actual acting president, Obama, that if the truth were stated more specifically, white patriots … are at the bottom of the list. And trust me when I tell you they know who is who.
Your photo taken, facial ID, satellite imagery that can read a motorcycle plate from space (or smaller), and electronic device (cell phone) intrusions and scans may and likely will all be present at any large FEMA site. I certainly would NOT conceal carry while on a FEMA site, given the tools they have to detect this (and do) and you may lose your sidearm permanently, lost in some warehouse among the poorly gathered or lost paperwork. In fact, this may be intentional under the current admin populated by acolytes of NWO Obama in every govt dept. Similarly, I would certainly not take my cell phone along.
Those with some vision, triangulated with what we know this govt has turned into and how they do it, might be advised to avoid at all costs any FEMA site. And if you need to travel far by foot, to carry water etc you may need a wagon or cart. Depending on your local variables, you may never make it home with that carts contents, and in the worst case, not make it home again at all.
Those passing through this site and took the time to read this article may already have a little put away for a rainy day. If you put any effort into that I would be hard pressed to say you should take yourself and your wagon near a mile away for what little you may gain.
Not really the subject of this article, but once a disaster does happen and you’re seen to be someone who was prepared, you more easily convince those neighbors who were not prepared to become more prepared for the next disaster that may come along.
This could offer you a chance to organize a neighborhood prepper group in the case of a more intense SHTF situation.
A friend of mine lived in Vermont when Hurricane Irene blew through. This was several years after Hurricane Katrina. Local officials tried coordinating with FEMA to help, since a lot of roadways were affected. FEMA responded in typical government fashion, had to survey all the damage to assess and then help. This takes time, of course. Local officials pointed out they didn’t have a lot of time, as first snow was six weeks out. Roads would need to be shored up well enough to get through winter.
FEMA moved at its usually speed of government. Local officials took matters into their own hands. Several covered bridges were destroyed, so getting road supplies to all area that needed them was a tricky proposition. They called upon those who had boats who would be willing to transport goods up river to inaccessible sites. People showed up with their boats, and moved the goods up river.
By first flake all raods and bridges that needed to be repaired were repaired well enough to allow traffic to move.
Local officials figured they’d settle up with FEMA later.
I don’t know ultimately how much FEMA reimbursed, but the difference between how Louisiana waited for FEMA to move vs Vermont spurred into action without waiting was startling. The Vermont story did not make front page news. But it spoke volumes to me.
There was a variable involved there, for sure. I’ve lived in NO.
Thanks for this. Like it or not, FEMA will be there. Having information like in this article is all part of our own situational awareness.
Is the bottled water they are giving out from Ohio ?
just asking …… friend johnnie gotavax was asking….
I’m with Red Ant. Never trust the government, a government big enough to give you what you need is big enough to take what you have.
who says FEMA will be giving out food? they have been instructed to help gather food to redistribute.
Read up on what Obama, our actual acting president can do to us after false flags blamed on Putin, under Martial Law. It will make your hair stand up. Think it can’t happen?
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 — allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 — allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 — allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 — allows the government to take over all food resources and farms. (THAT means come into your home after reviewing store purchases made with any card, and seeing trends as to what you bought.)
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 — allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 — allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare function
.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 — designates the registration of all persons. Postmaster General to operate a national registration.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 — allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 — allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations. (FEMA camps for patriots)
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 — allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities (To get you to the FEMA camps in part.)
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 — assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 — specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis. (Including false flag ones, of course)
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 — grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President. (This is baaaad for patriots.)
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 — allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. Financial institution in any undefined national emergency.
Yes, Vulcan, I did my research and it revealed that you didn’t. These executive orders go back to the 1960’s and 1970’s and don’t say anything like what you are claiming. The list of executive orders that you are posting was a massive email of false information that somebody put out. The current executive orders issued now will be above EO 13000, because the number them in consequtive order.
Most people do not realize this, peter. Most people used to trust our govt far more than they do today. Millions of adroit citizens of all races can’t all be wrong.
People STILL getting boosters trust this govt.
If you go near FEMA, watch your back and always be armed and carry back up. You cannot trust them and remember, they carry also.
always remember – FEMA and the FED predecessor Civil Defense was/has never been called on for a total nationwide disaster of any kind – and – when there was a couple of overlapping disasters located separately apart >>> FEMA’s response was far from being anything exceptional …
and – also keep in mind that both the US military and national guard lends itself to a major impact force for FEMA >>> if the pertaining SHTF entails an attack/war scenario – goodbye military assets …..
if you want a third remember – the country has never been more politically polarized – and if you haven’t noticed just about any possible FED oversight has been weaponized >>> if your SHTF planning includes an eventual GOV relief – you better be on one of the favorable coasts that’s politically correct for the current powerbroker …..
I think it was Reagan who said, “The worst thing that can happen is when the government knocks on your door and says we are here to help.”
Reagan was the worst
35+ year unemployed disgruntled air traffic controller grinds his axe >>>>
Hi Mou
The wording and numbers “may” have changed from when I grabbed that data, — but in the end it’s still the “same” control mechanisms. The same “appearance and function” to citizens on the receiving end of this out of control Cabal in power that about 65% of the USA now fears, not trusts – and for good reason/s. The smart 65%.
Sorry you are hopelessly unable to grasp this, but hey, you do you! I also see you’re a coward who won’t allow a reply. Tells me a lot about you, Mittens.
All I need to know, really.
Great Job Vulcon and mou
Best to expose to all
Stand up , Tell All , Speak out , Speak up
As long as we have a constituion we all need to stand together , let the world know truth, and evil in charge , why we are on the edge of destruction and why those who are in charge dont care about you , any of you
only thier monarchy and oligarchy of power , greed , money , and evil corruption
The Love of Money is the Root of EVIL