Surviving in today’s world can be challenging, especially when the prices of everyday items are constantly on the rise.
However, by being prepared and knowing which items will likely increase in price, you can make intelligent decisions to protect your finances.
Below is a list of survival items likely to increase in price this year.
Take note and be prepared by seeking out sales and stocking up when possible.
Gold And Silver
Precious metals are often considered safe-haven investments during economic uncertainty and inflation.
Gold or silver may be a wise investment choice if you’re looking to protect your savings and plan for the future.
Food Staples
During economic uncertainty, food prices tend to rise due to increased production costs and transportation expenses.
Learn here how to get 295 pounds of extra food for just $5 a week and stock up on non-perishable food items as they will definitely see a price increase.
Tactical Gear
The demand for tactical gear, such as backpacks, flashlights, and first aid kits, is expected to increase as more people prepare for emergencies.
Ensure you have access to tactical gear to be prepared for any situation.
The price of fuel is always subject to fluctuations. Unfortunately, with the current economy fuel is expected to increase even more in 2023 and beyond.
Consider looking into alternative fuel sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, and electric cars to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels.
Alternative Transportation
The cost of gasoline and other fossil fuels is expected to rise, making alternative transportation methods more appealing.
Consider investing in a bicycle, electric scooter, or another alternative method of transportation to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels.
Water Filtration Systems
Clean drinking water is essential for survival, and water filtration system costs are expected to increase with the threat of water shortages.
Invest in a high-quality filtration system or stock up on bottled water to ensure access in an emergency.
Personal Protective Equipment
The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the importance of personal protective equipment, and its increased demand is expected to drive up prices.
Make an effort to stock up on masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers to ensure access to these items if needed. As we have seen, you never know when a crisis will strike.
Solar Panels
With an increasing demand for renewable energy sources, the cost of solar panels is expected to continue rising in 2023.
Investing in solar panels now can save you money on your energy bills in the future and reduce your dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
Related: How Many Solar Panels Do You Need To Power Up Your Fridge?
Alternative Energy Sources
Accompanying an ongoing rise in fuel costs, there is an increased demand for renewable energy sources. This rising demand means the cost of solar panels, wind turbines, and other alternative energy sources are expected to rise.
Investing in alternative energy sources can save you money on your energy bills in the future.
The increasing demand for electronic devices has led to a rise in the price of batteries.
Batteries are essential to any preparedness kit, so consider stocking up on rechargeable batteries to reduce your reliance on disposable ones.
As you are probably aware, the cost of healthcare is constantly on the rise. Sadly, prescription drugs are no exception and are reaching record highs.
To protect yourself against a crisis, ensure you have a sufficient supply of necessary medications. Before they become unaffordable, learn here an ingenious way to stockpile prescription medications at home.
Outdoor Equipment
More and more people are turning to outdoor activities for recreation. Due to this, the demand for outdoor equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, and backpacks is expected to increase.
Prepare by stocking up on the gear you need to survive in the wild, should the need arise.
Whether for home repairs or outdoor adventures, the cost of tools is expected to increase in 2023.
Make an effort to invest in high-quality tools that will last rather than buying cheap, disposable ones.
Firearms And Ammunition
The demand for firearms and ammunition has increased in recent years, and prices are expected to rise again in 2023. Stock up on ammunition and invest in a reliable firearm for personal protection in an emergency.
Related: How To Waterproof Your Ammo
Building Materials
The demand for building materials such as lumber, concrete, and steel is expected to increase as construction activity picks up in 2023.
Ensure you have the building materials you need by stocking up to avoid price increases.
Pet Supplies
The demand for pet supplies, particularly high-quality pet food, is expected to increase as people take better care of their animals.
To be safe and prepared, stock up on pet supplies to ensure you have what you need for your furry friends.
Clothing And Textiles
The cost of clothing and textiles is expected to rise due to increased production costs and transportation expenses.
Related: Weird Survival Items That Might Save Your Life
Invest in high-quality clothing and textiles that will last rather than buying cheaper items that wear out quickly.
The cost of technology, such as smartphones, laptops, and other electronic devices, is another product expected to increase in price due to rising production costs.
Purchase high-quality technology that will last to save money in the future.
Home Security Systems
There is no denying that crime rates are on the rise. This increase in crime means the demand for home security systems is also expected to increase.
Stay safe by investing in a reliable home security system to protect your family and property from rising crime.
In these uncertain times preparing for the future is about being proactive.
Investing in these twenty survival items can ensure you have what you need and can help protect you from the financial impact of inevitable price increases.
Shop around and stock up on these items to build your prepper kit for an emergency when you see them on sale because they are sure to increase in price as time goes on.
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So everything will go up
thanks for heads up
Inflation is here to stay. The Fed has not brought it under control and cannot without crashing the economy This catch-22 means the government will continue to use the insidious “tax” of inflation for potentially years. Today compares to the early 70’s. There is no Paul Volcker to rescue us this time.
The FED, of course, is neither American
Nor friend to America….
It is
Most Hostile occupying force.
I believe the main thing the concentrate on is that which does not require energy or the grid. With war on the horizon there’s a good chance that the grid is going to go down, so the best thing to concentrate on is food, medical supplies, ammunition and weapons. Just go ahead and assume that there’s going to be no power, no grid, and no water coming out of the tap. And if you have a power generator invest in one that is dual fuel, or gas powered. Then concentrate on getting as many propane tanks filled as possible. Switch over all light appliances to led to save energy and invest in gas powered grills if you haven’t already.
That’s natural gas powered. Sorry.
Tom, if the Grid fails for an extended duration, sooner or later we will run out of refined fuels, including liquid petroleum fuels, propane and LP gas. I have LP gas piped into my home, but as a short-term precaution, I have six 5-gallon propane bottles as “back up” but realize if the Grid goes down, I expect the LP gas to stop flowing, and will not be able to get more propane or liquid fuels. We would truly be left “on our own”.
Sounds like you are proposing being self sufficient, sounds like a good plan to me. I agree with concentrating on the essentials, then plan on having the tools/ materials to repair things when the store shelves go empty. When the price of every thing goes up it just means the dollars I put away during my working years aren’t worth a hill of beans now.
Electricity is generated by fossil fuels! The idea of having electric tool, appliances, cars etc to “save on fossil fuels” is ludicrous, shows lack of information and misdirection of the mostly ignorant public. Our small amounts of wind farms and hydroelectric are insignificant in this country. With the depletion of water levels in reservoirs, the hydroelectric will disappear altogether. When the Hoover stops producing, all those CA electric cars will stop moving. Oops…..
I thought exactly the same thing!! And besides, that electric car is going to be a stone on the road when the grid goes down anyway.
We would not have low reservoirs if the Government started a project I’ve been suggesting to them several times a year for the last 20 years. A new pipeline system: The “National Flood Water Pipeline System.” We could move flood waters to where ever we needed it. Reservoirs would all be full. The rivers out west would be full. Hydroelectric power could be at the max since they could always get more water.
Besides the water being moved from pre-flood areas, the number of JOBS created would be close to a million at full construction.
However, our government would not even consider a single trial pipeline to show it could be done.
Look at where the water from the reservoirs are going… there’s many data processing/storing centres (holding all your info ready for everything going digital (slavery)) popping up around the globe. These buildings use vast amounts of water for their cooling systems direct from the reservoirs. But global warming is used as the excuse why there’s no water and the masses believe it… just like CO2 is bad (CO2 is the building block of all life, without it everything will die).
Don’t forget they have been working on weather modification since WW1 and they were cloud seeding in Vietnam to make it rain and swamp the mud tracks.
There should never be another drought in the world, but instead of using it for good, they have weaponised the weather.
I’m sure most of you, if not everyone on here know about DARPA and HAARP.
Remember, they are wanting to enslave you, not save you.
The (worldwide) governments are not your friend.
Not all electricity is produced by fossil fuels i live in an area where electricity is 100% produced by hydro-electric
Booze. I’m not a drinker but I do stockpile booze. It has many uses and will be great for trade.
I agree with having some stuff to trade. The problem is doing it securely. Keeping people from following you home would be a critical factor.
whether for drinkin or trading, Home-brewing equipment and fixin’s, and same for wine making equipment. things like yeasts, malts, hops, sugar, etc….
Could even look into still … for distilled water and medicines
Obviously, anything that produces and reproduces…. garden seeds, nut and fruit trees, berry bushes, small livestock , etc… will be a wise investment.
Jason Hansen has an excellent youtube on why you don’t want to barter booze (or firearms or tobacco or drugs). Basically, do you really want to trade with an addict who will do anything to satisfy his/her cravings? Once they know you have it, they’ll come for you one way or the other.
I think you can do it… but NEVER go to their home or allow them to come to yours.
Drugs are a huge problem, but do NOT tell anyone what Rx drugs you are taking and don’t share them. Time will come when all these drug addicts will NOT have supplies and they will come after ANYTHING worth money, that they can trade or sell for their drugs. They will NOT care about your life, your goods or property, they will take whatever they can sell to get their fix. It is a problem that is being kept from the public, but when the SHTF, they will come out of the woodwork to take what YOU have to sell for money to get drugs.
Good people can turn bad when they are stressed or in dire straits for food or medicines for their family. Morals will go out the door in times of great need and stress. Protect what you have!
DO NOT TALK about anything you have, such as drugs, firearms, supplies, or anything else that can be taken from you when times get far tougher than they are now! KEEP SILENT about whatever you have at home that could be worth money!
Cigars and cigarettes too.
Everything is going UP (think WAY UP) in southern Yurrope, too. My friends in “them colonies yonder” (and pls don’t take this the wrong way) are not alone.
Some items are still hard to come by, if at all.
Has anyone seen the price of an All American pressure cooker on Mamazon lately??
(for example). Nuts.
I think Mrs. Paterson gives some really good ideas here.
Then again, I would not attempt to barter alcohol, cigarrettes or arms ´n ammo, either…
Bartering can and will be dangerous, IMHO.
Fully agree with you about bartering being dangerous. I’ve got things ready for bartering but then I think about society now on a whole and its not a pretty sight. We hear stories about the Great Depression and people banded together in communities to help each other out… a far cry from this selfish, untrustworthy day and age we are currently living in.
To barter successfully, you would probably need protection (overt and especially covert) to ensure it is done safely… But as many have said in previous posts, if people want it, they will take it by force in groups.
You are correct. Already we’ve seen the looters breaking into businesses and homes or gangs going into stores and stealing right in broad daylight. They KNOW that you cannot call police fast enough, so they ‘GRAB AND GO’ with anything they wish. The NO MORALS situation is not laughable, there are more and more people out there every day who don’t give a rip about you if you have something they want, because they will JUST TAKE IT! They think if they need it, it’s okay to take it, from YOU! “Right and wrong” are not within their comprehension today!
And the Pols want to take our firearms away so we cannot fight back against looters and grabbers! It is going to come down to LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF to survive! You cannot be naive about times today, you MUST look out for yourself and your family, and protect what you have!
I have been on this site for several years learning what I can. I have been prepping for a couple of years with food, water I even have a pump for my well in case of no power and have tried it out. Been stocking everything I can think of.
Tried talking to some of my children they just can’t get it in their minds such as shtf situations.
The only thing I really hate is y wife of 48 years has recently had to go on dialysis. I am completely stumped on what I can do in case we have a survival situation crisis on what to do. Without dialysis she wouldn’t have long to live and to tell the truth I don’t believe I could keep going..
Any ideas would be more than appreciated. Worried sick
You could try to save up to buy a dialysis machine for your home, but they are very expensive.
Rick, Build your faith with your savor, the Lord Jesus Christ and He will instruct, guide, lead and take care of you…put your worries aside; when you have done all that you can do, the Lord will take up the slack and take care of the rest. God bless
I think a lot will have to do with where you reside, Rick. Hospitals WILL have generators, they have to, to keep their emergency equipment running. What you will need to plan is to make certain that you can get to a place where your wife can receive dialysis. Even if you have a home dialysis machine, how will it be powered? More and more, solar panels and solar generators are being used in hospitals and private homes. But it is not yet enough to cover all human needs in critical situations. So you must plan ahead for the worst so you can be ready to cope with the lack when it comes.
I don’t know if they have dialysis machines that are solar powered for home use yet, but possibly in the future. But the time to prepare for the inevitable is now, when you are NOT stressed and under pressure, and still have a clear head. Good luck to you and your wife, I wish you the best.
M+ It’s no ones decision “to die”.. It’s His!!
If someone gave you a “gift” would you spit in their Face?
Consider….you may one day save someone else’s life…even a child’s.
You could try to save up to buy a dialysis machine for your home, but they are very expensive.
once your trained you never forget , you dont accept the social lies , networks of propaganda and the free of the left who want to control, make you stupid, into a sloth and easy to conquer
i say
stand up , prepare, stay alert , never accept the liars networks of TV , Radio , and internet liars fact checkers who trained in the colledges just do what they are trained to do , tell more lies
prepare, stand firm , dont accept lies , and call out liars , and the liars networks
I see a lot of different opinions about bartering and/or trading after a SHTF situation, and I have stocked up some with some things that might be useful for trading if needed, BUT….
Situational Awareness must always be maintained 100% at all times – no exceptions. If you fail at Situational Awareness, you fail at protecting yourself and anyone else that might be affected by your lapse.
I might consider trading with people I trust, and I mean really TRUST, such as trading food for medicinal supplies, ammo for crafted items like clothing or leather-goods, especially gloves and footwear, even offering or accepting skilled labor/professional services as a trade item, and so on, but I do expect to remain as self-reliant as I can manage.
Even those people you really “trust” can and probably will turn on you. Especially in a stressful situation like in SHTF. We are not going to be able to trust even our closest friends.
M+ Smart plan/thinking. May you live a long prosperous life!
Fr Chuck
back to the topic, skyrocketing prices!!! This is in part caused by JoeBama’s economic policies designed to destroy USA’s self-reliance from within. He started destroying the USA on the first day of his term, and has continued ever since, while also using the Justice Department as his modern “Gestapo” to intimidate and enforce his personal socialist/communist, One-World-Order agenda upon us “deplorable peasants”.