FEMA knows something you don’t… and it could cost you everything.
72 hours of food, a flashlight, and a whistle. Do they really expect us to believe that’s enough?
Three days won’t save you – it’ll just delay the inevitable.
That’s because FEMA has never operated to help in disasters – it has always operated under a single agenda: control.
The truth is, there are certain survival items they’d rather you never get your hands on because those items would make you too independent, too difficult to manipulate when the next manufactured crisis rolls in.
But there’s still time to beat them at their own game—if you know what to stock up on before it’s too late. That’s why I put this list together for you.
Here are the 15 critical items they don’t want you to own:
1. Water Filtration Systems
If you can’t find your own water source and filter your own water, you’ll have no choice but to rely on them for hydration—rationed, controlled, and limited at their discretion. A bio-filter system made from sand, charcoal and gravel; a Berkey-style water filter made from buckets; a solar water distillation system or a Chlorine or Iodine Purification System are all fast and efficient solutions that can save your life if other methods fail.
>> How to filter water with a sandwich bag!
2. Medical Supplies
When the healthcare system collapses, FEMA wants you helpless. A well-stocked first aid kit gives you independence from hospitals and government-run medical camps.
Having your own pharmacy at home is another thing that scares them. And that’s because they know they can’t patent what comes from nature. Herbal remedies replacing meds in people’s homes would bankrupt them, and that’s why they keep trying to keep remedies away from you … Imagine knowing how to make the poultice World War II doctors used to close up soldiers’ wounds, the Native American energy drink that could get rid of chronic pain in a matter of hours or how the Amish make their own Amoxicillin – these are just three of the 250 forbidden remedies they don’t want you to know about.
3. Gold & Silver
Cash becomes worthless in a major crisis. Precious metals, on the other hand, retain value. But FEMA and the banks don’t want you bartering with gold—they want you dependent on their controlled currency system.
4. Firearms & Ammunition
An armed American is a free American. They want you disarmed, compliant, and at the mercy of “authorities” when things go south.
Whether it’s for personal defense, deterring looters, or protecting your hard-earned supplies, having a firearm gives you the power to stay independent, safe, and self-sufficient.
5. Long-Term Food Storage
The agency tells you to have three days of food. Three days! After that, you’re expected to line up like cattle for their government handouts. But real preppers know that freeze-dried meals and bulk food storage are the keys to true independence.
Knowing how to make hamburger meat that lasts for 25 years, how to keep eggs fresh indefinitely, or how to can the Poor Man’s Steak the Amish way while the others fight for scraps is unfortunately not something FEMA wants you to know.
This former Amish reveals all these secrets, along with how to store years’ worth of food without electricity, and what the Amish would never store in their pantry, but most Americans do – Watch this video here – before they take it down.

6. CB & Ham Radios
When internet and cell towers fall, there’ll be no communication. That’s why they downplay the importance of HAM radios and try to restrict access to off-grid communication networks. But this detailed piece that shows you exactly how you can do it.
7. Gas Masks & Protective Gear
Gas masks and hazmat suits give you the upper hand against airborne threats, but they’d prefer you to stay exposed and in need of rescue. You can easily get these for cheap from surplus stores or online classifieds.
8. Seed Vaults
FEMA would rather see you starve than become self-sufficient with heirloom, non-GMO, homegrown seeds that can provide endless harvests.
Stocking up on high-yield, nutrient-dense, and fast-growing seeds is crucial. Some of these are:
- Corn – Gets you the carbs you need and can be dried for long-term storage.
- Potatoes – High in calories and easy to grow.
- Winter Squash & Pumpkins – Long shelf life and packed with nutrients.
- Beans (Kidney, Black, Pinto, etc.) – Protein-rich and easy to store.
- Wheat or Amaranth – Great for grinding into flour for bread.
- Radishes – Ready in as little as 20 days.
- Lettuce & Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Chard) – Nutrient-dense and you can harvest them forever.
- Turnips & Beets – Grow quickly and both roots and greens are edible.
- Zucchini & Summer Squash – Fast-growing, perfect for fast food supply.
- Carrots – Can be stored for months after harvesting.
- Asparagus – Produces for decades once established.
- Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes) – Hardy and calorie-dense.
- Fruit Trees (Apple, Pear, Plum) – Long-term food source.
- Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries) – High in antioxidants and store well.
Make sure you stock up on both food and medicinal seeds. This way, when everyone pays for antibiotics in gold, you’ll have them growing in your backyard. This crisis-proof seed pack contains one plant for every part of your body – you’ll find a painkiller, an anti-inflammatory, an anti-parasitic, and even some plants that can help people with diabetes and autoimmune disorders.
9. Night Vision Gear
When things get dark—literally—FEMA wants you blind and vulnerable. Night vision gear means you can navigate safely while others stumble around in desperation.
It helps you to move unseen, assess threats like looters or thieves, and protect yourself without giving away your position. Night vision isn’t just a luxury—it’s a survival necessity.
10. Bug-Out Vehicles
A fully equipped off-road vehicle lets you escape their control zones and operate independently. That’s a nightmare for FEMA, which wants people stuck in FEMA camps, not outsmarting the system.
You can start by protecting your engine with a grille guard, add a window security film and reinforce your tires with run-flat inserts of heavy-duty all-terrain models. You can also install a roof rack or cargo box for extra storage. Then, equip it with a lift kit, skid plates and a winch for tough conditions. Another thing you can try are solar panels or an auxiliary battery for power.
This is the only way you can escape danger fast and safely.
11. Body Armor
They don’t want you protected. Period. Body armor ensures you can defend yourself in a collapse scenario, and that terrifies them.
You can make your own body armor using layers of ceramic plates, steel, or high-density polyethylene – which you will insert into a tactical vest. Steel plates (AR500 or AR550) can also offer strong protection but are pretty heavy. Ceramic plates (like the ones they use in military armor) can be made by stacking and securing some ceramic tiles inside a durable carrier. You can also layer some Kevlar fabric inside jackets or backpacks, as they are bullet and stab resistant. If you can’t make your own, just head out to the nearest military surplus store or a tactical gear shop.
12. Solar Generators
The power grid is fragile, and they know it. When it goes down, they want you in the dark and at their mercy. Don’t risk your life by relying on a gas-powered generator that can run out of fuel or degrade over time.
Solar generators are silent, maintenance-free, and can provide you with long-lasting power. When everything else shuts down, you can run essential appliances, charge devices, and stay connected—without begging for government aid.
=> You Won’t Survive A Blackout Without This
13. Alternative Energy Sources
Solar power is great because you get unlimited energy from the sun, it’s completely silent, and requires little maintenance. Then, you have hydroelectric power, which is another great alternative that provides constant energy as long as you have flowing water.
Whether it’s wood gasifiers, wind turbines, or micro-hydro setups, FEMA hates the idea of you producing your own power.
14. Bartering Supplies
In a world without money, trade is power. You need to start stockpiling on barter items like alcohol, tobacco, and ammunition… This will make you a force to be reckoned with. FEMA wants you begging for their rationed resources, not thriving outside their system.
To me, number 15 is ultimate weapon. Knowledge is the one thing that once you have, they will never be able to take away from you.
And with this, the only place where you have a standing chance to survive and even thrive is your own home. With the information you can find in a book like the Navy Seal’s Bug-In Guide, you have all the information you need to never run out of food, water, electricity, or medicine.
It covers things like:
✅ How to make your house invisible to looters;
✅ 39 of the cheapest and most nutritious foods you should stockpile right away;
✅ How to easily stockpile and filter water for 365 days;
✅ The best $1 cans from Walmart and Costco;
✅ How to hide precious valuables in plain sight;
✅ What substance to add to fuel to preserve it for years;
✅ Why you should keep a silver coin in your freezer;
✅What to do immediately after Martial Law is declared;
✅ And how to legally outfox FEMA if they show up to confiscate all these 15 supplies I mentioned in this article.
And this is just a glimpse of the life-saving knowledge you’ll find on these pages.
I left the link where I got my own from below – but I don’t know if there are any more copies available. Last I heard, they were trying to take this book down from the Internet because they don’t want this kind of knowledge to be readily available to the public.
Click on this link to check if there’s still a copy available for you
This is My Final Warning: Don’t Be a Victim
President Trump has made it clear that he wants to dismantle FEMA, and this may just be one of the many victories for personal freedom we’ve been waiting all along.
FEMA has always been a bloated, bureaucratic mess – just another tool for control rather than actual help.
But here’s one hard pill to swallow: even if FEMA gets the boot, the threats that make it dangerous won’t disappear.
They might become worse.
The thing is – no one is coming to save you – not FEMA, not the National Guard…
And when the next disaster hits, you’ll be on your own.
So stock up, stay vigilant, and never rely on others for survival!
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The Only Food That Grows Almost Faster Than You Can Eat It (Video)
Items People Would Kill for in a Crisis
In an extended grid down scenario gold and silver are NOT the priority. And you’d be very foolish to barter with gold. You end up overpaying for everything. Better to have real barter items on hand like coffee, sugar, chocolate, booze, etc. The correct way to use gold and silver in a major crisis is to barter with silver and use gold to preserve your wealth.
I can’t say this often enough. DO NOT USE AMMO TO BARTER WITH!! At some point it WILL be used against you. The longer term is a SHTF crisis the more likely it will be used by someone you traded it to against you because they will be willing to come back and TAKE what they want from you. If you have ammo they probably know you are more prepared than others, including them, with food etc. So please DO NOT TRADE AMMO FOR OTHER ITEMS!!!
Good article…as far as what is priority- clean drinkable water is always #1 for me because you can have the other items but you need water first, then food, shelter, weapons, in any order you prefer. Get a small and large portable water filter/purifier systems for on the move and at your camp. Talk about a good bartering item..
Anything is possible I suppose.However it’s hard to
imagine that FEMA or any other government agency
has the manpower or the where with all to do a house
to house search to confiscate banned items.
If it came to this even the most liberal,woke,Democrat
would rebel.
Walking on hot brass might burn their feet.
FEMA doesn’t care if you have those things, they are more concerned about helping those people who really need it. They don’t care what a bunch of mouth breathing hoarders have. Your tax dollars already paid for the FEMA supplies to help others.
Stop the fearmongering.
Maybe you can go help Nebraska, those mouth breathing racists are in the “Find Out” stage. They chose racism over their own livelihood, what losers. Hahahahahaha
Pablum eater for sure.
Ask North Carolina or people with Trump signs in Florida how much they helped. You maybe right if the people are in remote locations, but? I sure calling names will help, so I won’t do that. I just hope and pray that you don’t need help at some time.
Texas says remember the Alamo.
The new rally yell is remember North Carolina.
deathocrats did that. Willingly and cruelly did that.
There was no number 15?
Read again. The article said #15 is Knowledge !
Great and informative article, thank you
I second recommending the Apothecary and that Bug In book. Written by real people with real knowledge. Forget the internet, these books are really where it’s at
some people just don’t realize how dangerous it is to rely on hospitals and pharmacies right now. i might just get that medicine book, i’m done putting that synthetic shit in my body. i’ve been taking some tinctures that have really helped with my arthritis pain
It took me 3 years but I weaned myself off all medication and actually feel better. My trust factor in food and pharma, FEMA is near non existent. Articles and comments like these are great to look at yourself. Take this article and fan it out. think six months without none of the above and everything around you has been scavenged. People have already eaten cats. You stumble across me and all you have to barter is gold.. I have something. Will you give me that gold coin for 10 wet wipes? A ziplock of beans? If you can’t imagine this scenario, then you aren’t in the right mindset. Take care of today for sure but prepare for the future. When I talked with my grandparents on both sides who grew up in the Midwest and Texas during the depression, this was an actual time not a scenario. My grandmother watched as her dad gave older sons to farmers in a trade for food. Anybody thinks this didn’t happen doesn’t know about the orphan trains. When things get tough people get tough or die. To me, gold, silver, and coins are only good for melting down for bullet molds. Living on the Gulf of America has shown me solar generators can be useless for a week or longer. It stays cloudy and rainy for days sometimes after a hurricane. The freeze of 21? The sun didn’t show for 11 days. Get real with your plans. Think the worst and that’s your starting place. Fear mongering? Yes. If that’s what it takes.
This article appears to have been written as a book ad, but that’s okay.
For background: I worked at FEMA HQ for 4 years and my wife worked there for 16 years. I received FEMA’s rare and highest award twice for my 9/11/01 response. I’m also a US Army retired decorated combat veteran.
Unless you have a large commercial warehouse containing disaster relief supplies, you are probably safe from FEMA stealing your supplies.
However, today’s FEMA is much different than when we worked there. Today’s FEMA loves to control its own employees and had plans to immediately fire anyone who refused to get the experimental shot. This is why we both quit our federal jobs. Maybe the new administration will change the culture there, but that is difficult to do.
Be wary of any federal prepping advice. After spending over two decades as a federal agency emergency manager who often worked 12-hour days w/o overtime pay, I found very few colleagues among over 200 federal agencies in DC, let alone other federal employees, had more than a few days of supplies for emergencies.
After 9/11/01, FEMA HQ doubled in size from 924 to over 2,000 employees (I briefly ran the HQ alert roster, that’s how I know). If I learned anything at all from my 28 years of civilian federal service, it’s the paradox that you can do more with less people. You could cut the number of federal agencies in half, consolidate the overlapping missions, and then do a much better job for the American taxpayers. There is also a problem with secret societies, but that’s just another issue.
If you are out in the Boondocks like us (we recently moved), I recommend getting Starlink Internet, solar panels with battery backup, a water well and/or water storage and a water distiller and filters, a wood stove and few cords of wood, a food and herb garden, long-term stored food supplies (canned, freeze dried, etc.), bartering supplies for your neighbors, friendship with a local farmer for eggs and vegetables, firearms and ammo, medical supplies & protective gear, a home OPSEC & security plan & security devices, and finally, getting involved with a local amateur radio club to support your emergency radio communications plan (there’s a learning curve involved).
I hope this post helps someone. Sorry for the federal bashing, but that’s our experience.
Fear porn for those who love fictional SHTF stories, citing no sources outlining FEMA’s alleged malicious intent or desire for you to have or not have certain items.
“absolute load of steaming crap”, per my educated and honest friend who is employed in a regional capacity with FEMA.
That being said, pursue the self-sufficient lifestyle as much as you can, as often as you can. Cultivate your gear and skillsets to make water potable, treat injury/heal disease, barter, store/prepare food, defensive/offensive capabilities, communicate, garden, protect yourself against nonspecific hazards, see in the dark, travel, and generate/use electrical power.
Do these things because it is right to do them. Be independent, not dependent.