Your lymphatic system runs throughout your body in much the same way as your circulatory system. It works to fight off infection, and isolate pathogens from the rest of your body. As a result, places throughout your lymphatic system, known as your lymph nodes, can become sore and inflamed as part of an immune response. It is really important for everyone to know about these immediate natural remedies for lymph nodes.
Most the time, if you notice your lymph nodes swelling it’s an indication that your immune system is working properly to fight an infection. Occasionally, if your lymphatic system is overtaxed, it can use a little help to clear out the inflammation and return to a healthy state. Fortunately, learning how to tread swollen lymph nodes in neck naturally is not at all difficult. The same goes for other lymph nodes in your body.
Conventionally, lymphadenitis, or enlargement of the lymph nodes, is treated with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication. Both of these options can have negative impacts on the rest of your system as well as unintended side effects. Antibiotics are great as a last resort for infection, but for minor lymphatic issues, it’s best to treat yourself naturally if you can to avoid killing off the beneficial bacteria in your system along with the pathogens.
#1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Cider vinegar is a natural probiotic that also has anti-bacterial that help fight infection properties. Though it may seem counter intuitive, cider vinegar works by promoting the good bacteria in your system while at the same time helping to fight the source of infection.
Holistic health practitioners prescribe apple cider vinegar as a lymphatic tonic, to help promote lymphatic drainage, and for general bodily detoxification. You can take a tablespoon or two in a glass of water or juice 2-3 times a day.
Cider vinegar is also commonly taken along with raw honey, which also has antibacterial properties and can multiply the effects of the vinegar. A common holistic remedy based on cider vinegar, known as an oxymel, combines one-part immune boosting herb, one-part cider vinegar and one-part raw honey. Taken together, this can help boost your immune system and flush the inflammation from your affected lymph nodes.
Related: Making Raw Apple Cider Vinegar at Home
#2. Cold Compress vs. Hot Compress
Ice packs and cold compresses help to reduce local inflammation and are a great option for isolated lymphatic issues. Apply a cold compress, or ice pack wrapped in a towel for 15 to 20 minutes at a time a few times per day to help reduce swelling. Similarly, elevating the affected area can also help drain the excess fluid.
Heat is also great pain reliever, and using a hot compress on painful and/or swollen lymph nodes can work wonders, and as long as you have access to hot water (doesn’t have to be a lot) and a flannel or piece of fabric, you can make your own. Simply soak the flannel in hot water (not boiling for obvious reasons), squeeze out the excess water, and hold it over the affected area for several minutes. The heat will increase blood flow, which in turn will ease the swelling and pain.
#3. Oregano 
Clinically shown to have potent antibacterial properties, oregano essential oil is a powerful natural infection fighter. For a DIY home made version in a pinch, try oregano tea made with the oregano in your spice cabinet. It’ll work better if the oregano is as fresh as possible.
You can also make an oregano infused oil to keep on hand by packing a jar full of dried oregano and then covering with a natural edible oil such as olive oil. Strain out the leaves and use the oregano oil in your cooking or take it directly by the spoonful.
Purchasing ready-made oregano essential oil and taking it internally diluted with a little bit of water is also an option.
#4. Vitamin C
An all-natural immune system booster, vitamin c helps the body help itself in times of stress, infection or systemic inflammation. You can either take prepared vitamin C capsules, or take a more holistic approach and focus on eating vitamin C rich foods such as citrus, kale and strawberries.
#5. Massage
Gently massaging lymph nodes can help stimulate the movement of lymph and reduce local inflammation. Getting the lymph flowing through individual swollen nodes can help relieve pain and promote healing. Gentle self-massage for 5-10 minutes at a time at the site of inflammation is generally effective.
For severe, whole body lymphatic issues, there is a specialized form of massage therapy, known as lymphatic drainage massage. Nurses are sometimes trained in it to treat lymphedema in patients and it’s recognized as a clinical treatment even through mainstream medical channels when other methods are not effective. Seek out a local practitioner for a professional session, or do your research and try a few lymphatic drainage massage strokes on yourself.
#6. Peppermint Oil
No home should be without a few essential oils, and in times of shortage, they are invaluable. Peppermint oil massaged onto the lymph nodes works in several ways – it’s a natural analgesic (painkiller), and is also anti-bacterial. Massaging the nodes will also increase circulation and decrease swelling, so combining the two is doubly effective. Essential oils should always be diluted in a carrier oil, and if you use castor oil (in conjunction with another vegetable-based oil as castor oil is a bit thick) you will benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties as well. This is how to make your own peppermint oil.
#7. Turmeric
If you have cayenne pepper in your kitchen, the chances are that you will also have turmeric. This golden powder contains both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, which fight against the infection which could be causing the swollen lymph nodes. Turmeric and honey can be mixed in equal parts and applied to the affected area for 10 minutes, twice daily, until symptoms subside. Alternatively, ½ tsp in a cup of warm water makes an effective solution for gargling three times a day. Turmeric powder can also be mixed with milk, along with pepper, and brought to the boil, before drinking with honey to taste.
Related: How to Make Your Own Turmeric Drops
#8. Raw Garlic
Naturally antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal, garlic helps the body fight off infection while at the same time promoting circulation. Raw garlic works best, and finely chopping or crushing the cloves helps to release the enzymes responsible that will help your body the most. There are prepared chopped garlic formulations you can buy in jars, but fresh is best because it’ll have the most potent enzymatic properties.
#9. Honey and Lemon
One of nature’s medicines, honey can be used for a plethora of conditions, but one of its best uses is for the symptoms of sore throats and swollen lymph nodes. Drinking hot tea with a tablespoon of honey is not only relaxing (tea is a relaxant), but the honey will work on reducing the swelling. It can even help with night sweats.
Alternatively, 2 tbsps. of honey along with a good squeeze of lemon juice can be added to warm water and drunk twice a day – while the honey reduces the swelling, the lemon boosts the immune system, and is also anti-bacterial. Another way of using lemons is to cut the fruit in half, sprinkle salt and pepper onto one half, and then licking it! If you don’t really fancy that, squeeze the lemon juice into warm water and gargle.
#10. Castor Oil
Castor oil contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce inflammation of the lymph glands when rubbed into the skin. Gently massage the area with a small amount of castor oil a few times per day. Avoid taking castor oil internally, as it can cause intense digestive upset.
#11. Salt Water Gargles
If the swollen affected lymph nodes are mainly in your neck and throat, gargling with salt water can help ease the inflammation. Just 1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in one cup warm water can be enough to stimulate your lymphatic system to reduce the inflammation around your neck and throat. Try gargling with a salt water solution several times per day.
#12. Herbal Teas
A number of herbal teas can stimulate your immune system and/or reduce inflammation. These include mullein, echinacea, cleavers, elderberry, calendula, and peppermint. Take a few tablespoons of fresh or dried herb, finely chopped, and cover with 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes and drink plain or with honey 3 to 4 times per day.
#13. Tea Bags
We all know that a cup of tea makes everything better, right? And that includes swollen lymph nodes. Soak a tea bag in hot water for a few minutes, and then apply to the affected area up to 3 times daily to reduce swelling and pain. The tea bags can be new or used, so no need for waste – just use the ones you have made tea with.
#14. Coconut Oil
No longer an exotic ingredient, coconut oil can be found in many kitchens and bathroom cabinets. Coconut oil is anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial, and is especially effective in relieving swollen lymph nodes in the armpit. Massage the oil over the affected area, to treat the swelling from the outside, and/or take a tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil every day to work from the inside.
When To See The Doctor For Swollen Lymph Nodes
The natural remedies we talked about are fantastic and can do wonders. They work in most cases, but we have to understand that there are conditions we cannot treat with them. For instance, it is very difficult to get rid of a viral infection causing inflamed lymph nodes. Antibiotics might be needed.
Generally, if you have inflamed lymph nodes and you experience any of the following, it is better to book a session with a general practitioner:
- Lymph nodes are getting bigger.
- Lymph nodes are still swollen after one week.
- The affected lymph nodes feel hard. When you press them they do not move.
- Night sweats are experienced in a combination with high temperature.
- There are no other signs you are suffering from an infection or illness and you just have swollen lymph glands.
- Swollen lymph glands are noticed below or above the collar bone.
When To Seek Immediate Medical Care For Swollen Lymph Nodes
- Seek immediate medical care if you have problems breathing or swallowing due to the swollen glands.
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THANKYOU SSOOO MUCH I ENJOYED THE READ! im excited to try the tea bag idea so interesting who would hav thought ??♀️?
I have been with a swollen lymphnode around my neck for 4 years. When am on any medication that has antibiotics, it reduces in size and also when I take cucumber juice it shrinks. Some doctors want to do a surgery but am wondering if the cause will have been treated. I need help. Thanks
Go to the doctor because that can be cancer 4 years is very long
cucumber juice kasy use krna h
i have lymphs nodes is almost a week but i try green seaweed in filipino store ,but i dont feel the pain, but its still there in my neck lymphs nodes ,i use a grafruit extract the linquid..I cant eat chicken and egg because theyre become worst..Only i can eat seafood…I try turmeric tea right now and hot compress everyday and ibuprofin ….
I suffer from lymph node explosions. They are huge and painful. Two years ago I went on a whole food diet, as well as using homeopathic remedies. And miraculously they went away. I can testify for most of these remedies. They work. Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, oregano, etc. Be patient. Give it time to work. If you accompany the topical solutions with a change in diet you will speed up the healing. Good luck to those who are seeking aid.
Can yu guide us what you did step by step
homeo medicine kon si use ku
which homeopathic medicine you use.
Will Redman’s clay help reduce swollen lymph node under my arm (inside my arm pit)?
What kind of recipe do you have for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I had mask on neck but extracted.
Mines are swollen on my right side of the neck but they just recently got big they were tiny lumps at first but a doctor in jail cane to see me an said Epstein Barr virus said mines was swollen from mono some type of kissing disease you get from saliva now I’m scared to kiss people never heard of anything like it in my life now I got a grapefruit size lump on the side of my neck
I’ve been experiencing swollen lymph node here in my right neck, and received pain in my right ear almost 2 weeks, and still won’t go away. I’m so scared what will happen to me. Since I read these remedies I already try the gargling of salt, and warm compress I feel better but there’s still pain everytime i swallow, and I had also sore throat. I wonder where did I get this.
Olive leaf is good remedy for Epstein Barr google amount to take
Warning: If you have swollen lymph nodes for more than two weeks, please see your doctor immediately to rule out something more serious than a bacterial infection. I just learned this information and want to pass it on.
The left side of my neck has been swollen for at least a month or two. I have absolutely no cold or infection symptoms. I’m scared to death as I have read that swollen lymph nodes can be caused by serious illnesses such as Hodgkin’s Disease, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes from other parts of the body. I had tests done last year which showed nothing so I will try these remedies and hope they symptoms go away.
I still plan to see an endocrinologist, get another ultrasound done on my neck and more blood work. I don’t mean to scare anyone but I wish I had known what to do sooner. God bless you all.
I’m writing because I have chronic Lyme disease. They mistaken it for lupus rhemetoid arthritis lymphoma and ms. . If no answers found please see a Lyme specialist. Saved my life. Good luck.
Think i have Covit19 all the symptoms including Very Painful swollen Lymph Node on left underside of Jaw bone making the who left side of my head very painful, I am a very healthy strict eater, I already take AVC up until my Pain as it is very hard to eat or drink anything to painful. I tried doing a Foot soak with ACV and Epsom salts, this helped me sleep better as the pain in my face/neck wakes me up after 5 hours, But what really worked well was the Peppermint Oil mixed in Coconut oil to make a salve and rubbed it on painful area. thanks for the Ideas.
I am also suffering from Covid and experiencing the pain in that occipital lymph node on the left side of my head
Using herbal natural remedy was what got me tested negative to HSV 2 after been diagnosed for years.I have spend so much funds on medications like acyclovir (Zovirax), Famciclovir (Famvir), and Valacyclovir (Valtrex But it was all a waste of time and my symptoms got worse To me It is very bad what Big pharma are doing, why keep making humans suffer greatly just to get profits annually for medications that doesn’t work.I’m glad that herbal remedies is gaining so much awareness and many people are getting off medications and activating their entire body system with natural herbal remedies and they are become holistically healed totally. Quickly contact Dr Felix herbal home now email him directly on or Whatsapp :+2349068063760
Traditional remedies are still very effective. Both of these methods can have unforeseen side effects and have a detrimental influence on the rest of your system. Antibiotics are only used as a last option for infections, but it’s ideal to manage minor lymphatic system issues organically if at all possible to prevent destroying the good bacteria in your system. Pathogens are pathogens.
It’s obvious people with HIV/AIDS OR some CANCER are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus for 4 years when I was introduced by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of using Dr Okosun Herbal Medicine. I took the same step to also get cured of HIV/AIDS, I made an order from DR Okosun Herbal Medicine and after taking it for 4 weeks with a test result I was confirmed HIV FREE. I have promised to keep telling the world about this. You can get in touch with Dr okosun via Call/ WhatsApp him on +234911761336 or drokosun55@gmailcom
im so happy to give this testimony about an African herbalist called Dr okosun who saved my life from herpes virus that almost took my life, Never in my life did I think herpes could be cured by herbal medicine, I thank God for giving me a second chance, so i’m using this medium to reach the life of hundreds of people currently facing such diseases all hope is not lost. How ever chronic is the sickness or disease Dr okosun will cure you permanently from it for i’m a living testimony of his miraculous work. (drokosun55@gmail .com)